HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-6-3, Page 71 Y B. IL ARROW,
more than eight is the be. A. volley it, Bet coffee should be fernished or
hall or besket should 'he headed on sale at one of the booths.
to the front MAll in each relay, The] When ready for the progregi, 4:ose
men epread their feet npart, making' the Illifiway, EftliSt tilii li10010 and 4e -
an With their lege. When the moud that everyone get situated pleas-
eignal le given, the holm: of the bell' wetly 1:eel-Abe improvtsed stage -a
- • - - •
'I e
Sunday ..Scifool. Le. son,
i,oreee (404 cloAe -,EeterPt iletxtekielin Vision Acts 10; 1 to 11; 18 Golden
..Text—Of truth I perceive that God is no respector
persona—Acts 10; 34.
ti it u newt p see. it anon a I It ika ' e . E ' 'cl Z. ' CI itt n P„iit' Vi 41* .aa reltaitr, Tinstaa.17 ltlirtee4"144(leee:I.
, hand, rtueit clubs, Women's Instl- blanketh back of the likl to stop In!, it between his keels. an hiva figne a:
tuthil, klundaY Schoole and nemereus, balls. Real money for community fill kangaroo nround a Perscin or POrsOn
ether greups are seen on the Olives terndese can he painlessly extracted eetteseehee by the Lender as
I ''',
of nur lake., the banks of our streams, ivies those engaged have fun and get. le the bee eepa from betw„n Id
e nd in our shady groves, eetleg to-, an understandies of the forcee of cle- es lie met pick it „ p and be8bibj
w ither, pluying genies and having al! telitiodebiatercki.erTtolirewers should be told by hopir, where be knt eiti. vbea th
good time .generfilly, pick out Os worst enemy; "litingaroo" hes hopped up to the rek
And the most successful picnics will of their tionintunity to throw at. Some, of ins «nee he may tnke the bell i
be those NyhSa ilAY0 considerable varel, communities; give three throws for A, his hands And run from the "peg'
iety, Th ete may be splendid speeches, nickel and lollypops for the first lik, back to the front of his relay line,
announced, bat most If us are more' chocolate bar for two and ice Proem where he takes his place AS the frontj
attracted by the chicken pie, and our, for three straight 1 man, passing the hall' back through
young folks are not at all so much: Milkman's' Special, a tossing game. the "ay" to the Mail who is 'then •
interebtod in viiiiiing Ali in taking Lisa milk ORES and egure out your the leer man, end 80 on until the int'
part in games and sports. ; distance and terms. 1 has run
Our young dynamo 'the Canadian; Balloon Throw. Tie balltaMS 001 The thariet raee is a sere excite -
boy, win instently app‘ly one acid test, strings and suspend from a horizontal i ment fomenter. Have several small
to the picitie we older Colks.plan, "ls line with blankets as backstens• mud boats made in advance, These
there lete of activity, piceny of YAP.; Establjsh distance and reasonable, may be merely R 2 -foot seetien of a
lety and nomething new?" If not, he odd 110 -inch board with (M 8 -feet piece of
will be enthusiastic mile tit dinner The Dodger. Have hoys poke heads, wire ettached as a tongue, On the
time and the next day will posk this. through a piece of canvas, allowing end of the wire, AS a neck yolte, use,
significarit critleism, "Yes, thee had throwers' to try to hit them with holl any pole four or eve feet long, As
the same darned old things they've, low rubber bells. A eurefire !un-, you readily see, the driver rides o
always hail. And, gee whop, they' getter and money-maker. the little mud boat arid drives his team
give me a little stingy ice cream cone l Ducking Stool. Your bendy man of four "horses."
for runetn' my head off to win that can ex a ducking stool with poultry Line up your horses and riders in
race!" / netting eit* front of the stool and a pairs, having the horse and•ehe rider
Anne:sr aim hey or girl, honestly, trigger target extending through the, 'in mch pair of about the same weight.
answering the question as to what, netting where it can be hit by good Get them on the line. At the word
they want, win say, "To have a good, throwers, causing the fellow on the! "Mount," the rider mounts his steed
time." So it is importoot to make the' etool to fall into the water. To make, and at the word "Go," races across a
picnic a joy ,and eat:sfaction to all, the ducking a fair one to the victinelgiven line, where the rider dismounts
ages, but most of all, to the boy and; dig a, hole, put canvas over and in lel and becomes a horse, the horse riding
girl. land pour in the water. High prices back to the starting point, where the
To thus satisfy all ages, the piceici will be paid for the privilege of try- I winners are determined.
needs to provide feetures that are. ing to duck various popular citizens. The women then do the biggest piece
classed as entertaining by little boysi The midway conunittee can handily of entertaining of the day. 'Where
and glees, 'teen-agern, the courting, finance the hiring of a band, rent of tables and theirs are available use
ages, the young married coueles, pa; tents or expenses of the speaker if them because the crowd can be
and me, and grandpa and grandma, i the picnic is tvell attended. The size brought closer together that way, but
The gathering of old friends who can, of the midway should, of course, de- chicken pie is good anyway ORO takes
gossip about the past is itself a most' pend on the anticipated attendance,
satisfying entertainment to the lat-' but some of its features are valuable
ettegteete.teethe pregranf, which will
wrAtigt fair licitly. 7 '
6 SORRA, instrumental numbers, a his -
"y I it , pa lit de-
picting the peat, the present, er the
14 futere :of the vonnnunity, Ansi 25-
e minute address on SOMA SOWOOt of
r; vital inMrest are all possibilities for
O' this peeled:
Then follows. the ball game with all
the entertainmeut that goes with it
,All in all, the picnic can be a fount
a inspiration. It, sends people home
hAPPier and more hopefal. In fact,
the picnic ministers to ell one's needs
educational, physical and
Cover the Flatirons.
Only about 'half the quanetty of fuel
will be required to do an ironing if
the irons ere kept covered while heat-
ing. An oild bread pan large enough
to cover three Mune makes a good
cover if a handle is put on. To put
on, a handle, punch a hole in the eetre
a the pan, put a small bolt of the
proper length through' a spool, place
two asbestos washers between the
spool and the bread pan to shield the
spool from intone heat, insert the
bolt and screw en the nut.
. One crop of buckwheat will kill
wirewornis for all time. -J. B.
tot of t le commun. t.7 a gee
ter, but to the younger element, who even for smaller picnics.
are looking forward, net backward, i . Games rine contests are usually run
the bell game, the stunts, the swings, I off just before dinner in order not to
the ball throw and the zehletic events, conflict with the afternoon speaking
ere prime raceseities. I program and the ball game and also
The key to success hi in getting the, because the average yotingster is so
right people to come out to a meeting, full after dinner that centests are both
to lay the plans, granting of course -painful and dangerous,
that the plans are laid far enough in i In addition to the regular races
advance to give busy people a chance which are always good, it is well to
to do what they are assigned. I include several novelties which will e
Increasing activity is seen along th
DON'T SKIMP THE COMMITTEE , provoke laughter for a picnic -without Imes of immigration work. For the
' i lots of laughter would be a flat failure. rnest part, the recommendatiens of
The boys and girls should be repre-i * • TRY THESE FOR retueee. , the Provincial Committee as presented
sented. They will not only appreciate, ... , at last year's conventions are being
e saltine and chicken -calling
the recognition but will take manyn leen: - - e .. followed.
burdens off the older. committeemen i een'''s''' are hear4 always surenre The needs of orphan and dependent
and do the job better. If the com-I entertainers, Send your judges down children have enlisted the active sym
mittee is to plat a large picnic, say the reed or across the fields as far pathy of the Institutes throughout On-
e township affair, there should be as one's, voice is likely to carry well. -
tario, almost every district reporting
Zoom ten to twenty-five 'members; tbel Call Your contestants op to the "call- assistance given by the Branches in
larger the number the better if they ing line," To add to the merriment , die shape of money, food or clothing
are good workers. provide a slop bucket or corn basket to the Children's Shelters.
If it is decided to heve certain self- to the men and a bucket of shelled The adoption of children by indi-
entertaining features for the early' corn to the wometii by way of inspire- velual members also continues, and a
arrivals, a midway, refreshment tnten* The idea is merely to see who •
. . , fnendly interest is displayed in the
When washing last weelc, the belt
on the machire broke, so I finished
with an old auto inner tube, It worked
BECOOlitTrOets, 1548.
Ierrnootrovere-We have seen that
Peter in his work for God was led by
teeperience rather than by the poases-
eion et: a far-reaching principle. Ile
did not see at the beginning that the
salvation of Christ was intended, not
iznerely for the Jews, but for the wider
world. A great dividing -wall existed
, in his thought between the Jew and
the Gentile. Yet, step by step, by
vision and obedience and further di.
vine discovery, he was led forward
until be grasped the great principle
of Christ for the womd.
In the present lesson, Peter explains
to the Church at Jerusalem one great
experience Of WS 'kind. It WU:0TM
the eourse whieh he was led to take
in the case of Goenelius, the devout
officer of the Roman garrlsoo at Cse-
Learea. Peter was led to deceive Cor-
Inelius and his entire household into
the Church by baptism. His action in
this matter was criticized by conserva-
tive Christians at Jerusalem, who did
not know the circumstances under
which he acted, and Peter describes
for their benefit the whole history of
the case beginning with the vision at
Soppa and coming down to the descent
of the Spirit On the assembled house-
hold at Cmsarea,
proceedings were thrice repeated, a
very great impressiou WAR let on
Peter's mind. What did it all signify?
Did it mean that Peter was no longer
to draw Hee betvreen the JOW1611
people and these other races end ton-
gues which bebeld before him in
Jowl? Tbe explanation is met forth-
Vs. 11, 3.?„ At that moment three
men from Ctosarea present themselves
st the etreeeeloor. They are a depu.
talon from. Cornelius, the Gentile
contain= at Cmsarea, who, in res.
poem to a vision, is desirous of see -
mg Peter. Peter at once reeegnizes
the point of hie awn vision. "The
Spirit bade me go with them, making
no distinction," and Peter sets out for
Cassarea accompanied by six brethren.
Vs. 18, 14, At Csesareit Cornelius re-
lates how he was moved by a visioe
The buzzing bee has always Peen
set up as an exempla Of industry, (et ;
en luspiration, by poets nil men of •
tallirE3 to our growing youth, But, '
somehow, we always el wed that ;
t iere WOO A sting in the matter pm -
where, and now we are stung.
Cold and celcuiating acientists have
pelted their inquisitive probosidee into
the flowers of inspiration, and now
tell us that this insect of indestry is
a bummer instead of a busybody,
These scientists helm checked the
bees as they go in and out of the hive
and find that they spend more time in
the hive than out hunting honeY.
Sometimes when they are out they
spend nearly two hours getting 25.3
milligrams of honey, not enough to
sweeten one mere swellow of coffee.
Must be these bees have the human
failing of sleeping in the shade of the
bush when they ought to be working.
These busy bees melte only thirty -
to send for Peter because, he said, it two trips in A IHOtIlile. This Is Very
was impressed 'tipon his mind that disappointing information, for we al -
Peter had a message tem God which ways thought they made about diet
would just fit his need of selvation.
11. rocimusticE EvEyruAns IN NEW reenhylghin awdeays.ihepNlyo wwouldleirevheotneeyeeist
nscominneers, 15-18. our efficiency experts nfter these bees
V. 13. Now follows the discovery to get them on a better production
which convinces Peter that God meant basis.
to bring the Gentiles into the Chris-
tian fold. As he was preaching in tput, one thing the scientists probs
ably have not found yet, and that is
Cornelius' house, the 1Toly Spirit fell
upon the comPany, reminding Peter what those bees did while they are
of Pentecost. The "signs" were prob- in the hive. They may ne sleeping on
pabreplyhetehye. same-ecstetie speech and couches of ease, but more likely, thet,
were converting the raw meterial they
V 16 And at that moment there
came int° Pet6r's mind the great: duct and then packing it for market.
5-14. • • had gathered into a marketable pro -
V 5 The vision which pre ared rd f J b t hi di i I be
P WO 0 esus a ou s se p es -
Sometimee such things take more
so well I think I shall use them entire- for the mission to Cresarea, came to ing baptized, no longer with water
time than just going out and getting
'Peter while he was staying at Joppan like John's converts, but with the Holy
ly en wasbmgenachine, separator, etc,
Al1 that is necessary is to cut the valve JopPa was a seaport city, and rts Spirit e goods. t east, we optimists and
stem out, -Id. streets would contain, besides Jews, al V. 17. So Peter argued -and rig.ht- bee enthuelasts can still feel that the
miscellaneous aggregate of seamen ly-that since God had, by bestowing bee is an example of dilligence, for
and traders from all the heathen the Spirit, showed that he recognized buzzing around we often notice is not
HOME and
How the Institutes Are Helping Newcomers to Ontario
lands -around the Mediterranean. It no difference between these foreigners the most important factor M the honey
may have been that Peter was refleet-'
ing on this medley of peoples and
tongues, and that, titese reflections in
turn had something to do with les
vision. Visions generally concern the;
things which are uppermost in our
minds. However that may be, Peter
was praying anthe time; and, falling
into a deep reverie or trance, in which;
his immediate surroundings were for.'
Dies. The Junior Institute layettes 1, ggio•ettaetna, hheeet sheawinewhalett dsomwrzitie fdrelmikethl&
and other gifts have been it wonderful, sky by four corners, right to the place,
help. Quilts and other bedding are' where be was.
Still needed and may be sent direct! V. 6. Peter's astonished eyes &cove!
to Miss Orton, Home Branch of S.S.B., er within the mysterieus sheet a rnot-
distribution. Nantes of those in need I and
fee'ley conection of quadrupeds, domestic
82 Adelaide St. East, Toronto,
with the description of the family, will.
e which he immediately recognizes to
will, 'also reptiles and birds,
be sent to any Inetitute willing to send be forbidden for food purposes by the
, Jewish law. The animals are those
reading matter to individual settlers.' which the Old Testament proneunces
In some cases this is a very real need," to be unclean.
"The Institutes have been very Vs. 7, 8. So when the voice corneal
helpful in my work," said a police "Else, Peter, kill and emit," Peter pro-,
woman and inamignition officer at the tests, saying in effect that SS loyal,
Sault in a Northern Convention, '
Jew faithful to the lgtv, he has never
pec y n oll •
"es lett i thef transgressed the foo regulations, or
ow -up an Intl -
t in the judges' estimation, of tho nien health and education of children from fare work.
booths, track and field events, stunts,i
parade with floats, picnic dinner, spe-i can call the hogs the loudest, and who various institutione. The members, too, continue to show
dal music, special program with a! m, the women can call the chickens the
The convenor for Eesterre Ontario tangible evidence that they are not
the loudest The eariety of calls gives
well-known speaker, and a big ball! the crowd plenty of laughter. writes: "We have only one war bride
game, a chairman must be appoint-
ed for each event and counsel given
on how to put each across.
Then there must be a publicity tom- the vromen
In our community and, she be-ir just
A toy pig or smoked ham makes
joined our Institute. We are co -oper-
a good prime for the men, and a "nest
sting with the Dept. of Immigration
egg" bank account a good one for
and Colonization in securing homes for
about 30 boys, most of whom are mak-
ing good. A number are in the homes
of Institute members. Wethave been
trying to get some girls, but so far
Have a boy and girl join hands.
mittee, an invitation and reception
• committee, the latter being especially
Important if it is to be a "home-
coming" picnie.
The success of the picnic Is largely without results. I would suggest that
Blindfold them carefully. Give each
dependent upon how they discharge ef dee, e bendie et e wheelbarrow'each memb,er do what she can to make
their responsibility. There is nothing --- - - - - our newcomers undeinstand our Gan -
as *t f f ft , feet • more
automatic about, conducting a success. adian life arid methods of working. 14
I distant Tell them to turn around
ful picnic. It requires some thought ', we sach do what is nearest us, 'the
once ana•theri try to hit the peg. Cau-
. work will be accomplished. •
'' tion the onlookers not to give away to
The publicity committee should put ream the chairrean of the Sault Ste.
them whether they are going in the
preliminary (announcements in the pa- Marie convention committee comes the
right direction, When they
°IV as practical suggestion: "Begin by Cali-
pers which reach the township and close as they think they can get, they
feliew lip with sPealii details from, ar,e to stop. Distance from peg to adianizing the hired- man."
time to time and then in the ten days; the nearest portion of wheelbarrow is Much quiet help which, for obvious
beim° the picnic have the programeitetn, meet, fen mimes, foe few reasons, cannot be repelled in detail',
The wheelbarrow matrimonial test
is best for the lovelorn, but a fun pro-
voker as a telltale on the older couples.
PP' er •couples 'hold the handles -of a Wheel- is being given to needy new Canadians
Sonte conununities also distributo. bariew level and consequently travel by individual Branches. In one case
dodgers and put up posters at cross- in n &de. in Centra Ontario, the Inetitutes co -
roads. Here is where the young Imo-, operate with the municipal authorities
Wheelbarrow polo is another good
ple function. They enjoy making one. in tiding over a deserted mother and
posters, with illustrations cut from • Have themontestants in sets of, pairs her four children until the deserting
inagazince to melte them attreetive. ' 4. at either end Of the' fieldrii mail in the husband can be declared officially
If tho event ts to be a "home- wheelbarrotv and a men pushing. The dead, and she becomes eligible for the
miming," 0 committee oe long-time men in the tvheelbarrow have croquet Mother's Pension.
residents will have to do the work of mallets. The eroquet ball is placed It another, a nurse was secured for
listing former residents and 'sendieg halfway between the lines, The ob- a mother who, without this prompt
them invitations. a ' ject is to knock the ball into a basket assistatice, would have in nit likeli-
A committee on grounds is' some- at the end of .the field the contestarit hoed lost her life. m *
The Western Ontario eonvenor
writes that they co-operate with the
Chatham Rotary Club fo have a little
eery for various features is best pro- keep a record of the goals made by girl, whose limbs 'were defoemed be-
vided by the chairman in charge so each side, the ball being placed in the cause of malnutrition during the war,
that he cannot sidestep the respoest- centre of the field aftes each goal. sent down to the Sick Children's Hos-
bility of his feature being a suecess.' A rolling -pin throw or Maggie coa- pital in Toronto for treatment. This
In order that it may seem more real, test might be tried. , .. s promises completely satisfactory res
let us assume the preparationa from, Have a dummy made of it sack of finite.
the story oe the day and note that sawdust with a man'afaM painted on The Central Ontario torivenor re -
these arebut it few of the maim inter-' it Let the women throw meat° mash- Porto that a number of Mennonite
eating things communities have none ers or rolling plea at it ' e families are coming in 'end adds: "I
and mei do to mike an enjoyable' As the -Prim, cal the husband oe think the , Women's Inatitutes can.
occasion. •sweetheart of the successful sharp- reach these Immigrants much better
As the early crowd errives the bit- shooter and present hint with an army then any other organization, since
bies find a sand -box, the lit'tie Ririe helmet. . many, of them settle lo tura] parts."
find swings and teeter-totters and per- The ceutiliede rade Is a tarietioe of Prom the Provinciul Supervisor of
haps a slide. The school kids find a the usual rates. . the ,Home Brafteli of the Soldier Set -
Playground ball and bat and the men Line up the ber in relays of four, tleinent Boiled comes very wann testi.
times necesear,v, in order to have the is facing'. There should be at least
picnic grounds and the baseball dim two wheelbarrows on each side. Set
mond in readiness. Equipment notes- a time limit at say, five =Mutes and
sets of horseshoes. A volley bell and five or six, Eat; group straddles a moony, for although most oe Ottario's
pole. The side-wall tides of a tent
or cane fishing. poles are particularly
good, Bach boy a -straddle a pole
gripilt in frent of' him with ono hand
and back of him with the cams Of
course, it is necessary for the legs On
one eitle of the mole to move in unison
or hopeless confesiort testae:4' Mid the
centipede goes sprawling on the
ground. The centipede tent develops
the best lockstep wins.
A. kangaroo reley is a splendid
a te A Swat at (name of commute. "false -dignity kilim."' for the men con-
Enenly) 13a11 -Throw, 14Iake a testants, .
' of 'nigger babies" arta Make thmnItt- Ilia men up in relays of any
difference, Ignorance, Paint Mart, given number-uot less than four nor
net are sure to he used if provided.
Along your midway you may have
the follotving:
Refreshment booths can generally
make enough to pay for the band,
Speakers' expenses and other items.
Ice ardent, watennelons, peanuts,
candy, popcorn,' sandwiches, all may
be sold.
Inovelty booth with ballerina Articles
which are typical of the county al-
ways interest, and if cheap, soli well.
1,400 Soldier Settlers have by now got
on their feet, in many ciao tho wives
being themselves active members of
an Inatitute, there yeteremain a few
families straits. The supervisor
says: "Wo wieh to express our great
uppeociatien, of the assistance coming
from the girls and women of the East
Sinicoo Institutes, Orillialitranolt sent
O much needed housekeeper to care for
three yoang children arliile the mother
could be given the rhonth's care in
the hospital neceseate to Save her life.
I/410MA* tent u much needed gift of
elething and money te buy wol for
those who could ltnit for their filtt.
forgetting eur disabled soldiers in
their various institutions.
It would be impossible to tell of all
the large -hearted and truly patiretic
work being done along immigration
lines, but these few examples will suf-
fice to show the trend of Branch
activity during the year.
The Ontario Hostel Committee re-
ceives the young women coming in for
domestic service under government di-
rection. Almost none of these go to,
-or if they do, stay in the country. It
might be worth while for the Insti-
tutes o make a study of the causes
of this the coming year and present
to the chairman' a schedule of what
wages the Average country housekeep-
er who desired help would be 'able to
pay. In discussing this matter with
O member ot the British delegation,
which under,IVIthe Margaret Bondlield,
M.P., visited Canada on an investigat-
ing tour of conditions, the suggestion
was bteught forward for considera-
tion by the Institutes, that little girls,
young etnough for adoption, be soled -
ed in Britain end sent to approved
country homes here. Your committee
would commend this to your thought-
ful attention, and discuesion,
A communication from. the office of
the Deputy Mihister of Immigration
and •Colonization states that up to
August 81st, 1924, 42,623 persons des-
tined for Ontario were admitted, 39,-
011 vie ocean ports, 8,612 from the
United States; also that under the
Land Settlement Branch, 3,000 British
agricultural families were expected ie
the spring of 1925. Under this paan
the 'services of the Land Settlement
Branch wit] be available at all times
to assist the newcomers to success, but
it is quite possible that the local Wo.
men s, Institute would temperate with
the District Office of the Land Set-
tlement Iltraneh in a valuable way in
the direction of welfate work, Mice
the neweomers are established.
in tbe opinion oe thoughtful people,
the most vatuable immigrants and
those 'requiring the greatest amount
of attention and help, are still the ones
erho ceme to ()aim° vie the Ceeedien
'cradle, Coesequently, ty far the chief
ceincen of the members, judging from
breach, distriet, ited conveution re-
-.ports, is to Seellhe the best msuits in
Mut liteeding, clothing, housing ,an.
attention of Canada's native born in
their own homes and commedities, We
at% glad to be eble to report, there -
lore, steady advancement in the
ecienco of home -making, provision for
Maind recreation, and cligier and more
infelligent oo-eperation with , the
Schoole and health authorities and the
raising of the ,genorot standard of
health and morals Of our people.
eaten anything "common or unclean,",
that is, anything with a ban upon it,1
. , . g •
from the sky: "Whet God has cleans.;
ed, thou must not call common." This
was very startling, for it seemed tol
imply that God had abrogated the,
laws dividing the clean from the un-
clean, and by eonsequence the Sew
front the Gentile. And as the whole
Exterminating Ants.
Ahts are a pest and otee they get
in the garden and house it is difficult
to get rid of them.
Ants always invade the pantry and
kitchen. Attraction in the way of
food and food preparation exists for
them. 1
Ants dislike moisture, and the fre-
quent and liberal use of soapy water '
upon woodwork, window sills, door
frames, mid so forth, svill do much to
keep the pest at bay,
When 'ants have established them-
selves, however, strong measures must
be taken against therm
One that is effective is the use of
keresene. This is, in many ways, ob-
jectionable inside the house, especially
where there is food to bmome tainted;
the penetrating odor of this kerosene
is not a pleasant thing to have around
the pantry. Still it is a killer and a
certain banisher where ants STA con-
Turpentine is another good thing to
put on pantry shelves, for no insect
ean live through it. Frequent appli-
cations by means of a paint brush
upon any part of the house that is
attaeked by ants will prove efficacious
in keeping them away.
Close up all cracks in floors if your
house be old, for in jest such dry
spots they breed, and the most im-
portant point to be mated is that the
ant seeks something in it state of ery
rot to build its neet, So kill the eggs
by cleaning out each pieces.
Mending for Boys.
When it is neemeary to put a patch
on the knees of overalls, coveralis or
underwear, try doing it this way:
Cut the garment from the hoe to a
pIace a few inches abeam where the
patch is needed. Make the cut about
one-half an inch from the inside seam
The • garment may then be laid flat and
the pateh sewed in pli100 with the ma-
chine. The leg is then seamed up.
And a dread Mak is quickly and mmHg
Patches That Match.
When making kitehen aprons make
the string, longer and wider than i$
necessary, then, Nelsen it paten is need-
ed cut ot a piece ef the apron string
for this purpose, This is better then
using a no* ,piette, as 010 string hes
faded Witli the apron,
and Jews, neither ought he, as a gathering bueinees.
Christian man, to refute baptism to And so it is in life, The noticeable
them, To refuse would be to oppose
things are usually of the least cense-
the clear will of God.
V. 18. It shows the Christian quenee. It is the quiet thinking, plan-
dom of the church. at Jerusalem that, ning, and the final touches which are
after hearing Peter's statement, they the fundamentale of success in life.
made no further objection. On the More thoughts to each action will
contrary., they gave prals,e to God, make the action mom resultful. This
recognizing the principle that God, by vsill be found true in our daily round
his own act, had included Gentiles as
well se Jews in the offer of eternal lug
life to all who repented. of activities an_d 111 000 common Farm -
The whole incident supplies a clear
Spare the Axe.
case of the gre.at apostle and the
Chureh, being taught by experience Sick or ailing chickens should be
that God had a wider purpese and killed -whenever found, but it is a
destiny for the Christian religion than mistake to do this killing in such it
they with their loyal and faithful, but, essay that blood is spilled where other
nevertheless, narrow and timid, sea' chickenis can get to it.
servatism towards the past were will- There are some diseases that are
ing to allow. The people of the Church .. , ,
of Christ need faith and conetant easily spies °
d thr u h the spilling of
blood from infected birds. The easiest
readiness for new tasks, as well as.
tenacious attachment to past tradi- way to avoid this is to kill the fowls
tions and customs. We see very dear- by what is known as dislocation rather
ly here how God seeks to lift us up than by beheading.
above the distinctions of class and To kill a bird in this mariner, grasp
race into a new appreciation of hu- the shanks firmly in one hand, hold -
inanity, win now only a truly great..
ing the bird head down. Grasp the
bead with the other hand, the thumb
obey the promptings of the S irit are
s r re g
capable of lea,ding us onwarL to the extending across the back of the neck
goal. Not tradition, but the Spirit, lust behind the head; and the palm of
must be our guide. However good the the hand passing under the beak and
past may be, "faith, hope, charity" are the throat. The position of the hand
the principles which must direct and should be suth that the thumb m TO -
advance our actions. . tward to body of the bird while the
- [little finger is at or beyond the tip
The Cream Separator. of the beak.
Many times we have a poor quality A straight pull is then exerted while
ef separated cream end milk, or it bending the bird's head back over the
sours quickly, and we wonder whet thumb et an angle of about 90 de -
Il in
to a cream separator improperly cared (made quickly the bird is 11 lIciellPeild
the MUSA is. It may often be traced grees with e neck.
for. stantly 'because the head is separated
It should always be carefully washfrom tbe neck 181 such a miumner that
ed, but in warm weather this is emit both the spinal cord and the large
cially necessary. As sooe as the sep- blood vessels of the neck are severed.
In order to accomplish complete
bleeding the head should be separated
Zoom the bone ef the neck by about
two inches. This forms a pocket in
which the blood will coiled. All sick
or diseased birds should be burned
after killing.
Produce Infertile Eggs.
arator •stops running, it should be
taken apart ansi washed at once. The
milk is still warm and easily rinses
off, whereas if we wait too long it
sets, making it harder te clean. •
Wash in cool -water first to rinse off
the milk; hot tinder will set it. Then
it should be washed in hot water con-
taining washing powder or soda. Fin-
a possible it should be placed in the New that the breeding season is
Pin -
ally it should be scalded and dried.
sun, as that is the best way to kill over it is well to make definite plane
any germs which might remain. Treat
milk pails and cans the same way.
A good way to keep the strainer
which will insure the production of In-
fertile eggs throughout the summer
and fall. The reason why this is im-
portant is that during warm weather
clean is to rub cearse salt through it a fertile, egg is at best an uncertain
once a week. This will remove any quantity in so far as its ability to keep
pascreen. laying and eon -
longer the time
rticles which have kdged in the da concerned' The
Each disk should be washed separ- elapsing between egg
sumption the greater is the difference
ately at least twice a week, and if in quality likely to be as between fer-
treated as stated they will not be hard tile and infertile eggs. In general,
to keep clean.
--e *
Better Buttonholes.
Buttonhoks that break and stretch
out of shape in underwear and shirts development will start in a 'fertile egg
if that egg is held at any temperature
above 68 degrees Fahrenheit. At low
temperatures this dee &semen t will
naturally be very slew, but it will
any factor .(vhich tends to decrease
the quality of an egg after layieg will
be more serious' in its effect on the
fertile than on the infcrtile egg.
It should be remembered that germ
are semi mended to etay if you work
around them -not too closely -first
taking a stitch from end to end, then
working over that lomg stitch on each
tide. With boys' shirtwaists and nevertheless lie suffieient to bring the
underwear it is an especial eenifort, embryo to the point where decompo-
saves endless mending, it der th„igtk;:tYintfiut sot in
thus rim -
salon is
Done when the garment is new,
When sewing buttons op the gar- A.s soon :le the last lot of hatching
eggs has been collected, all breeding
males that are not to be 'kept for' use
next year should be sold. The bettet
birds that are to be kept over should
be confined by themselves in a place
nig it attached from button to button.
iIifinteltheatistalitteatital000lsetnest Yietuiswaitill lifirithrloi.1 which will allow them some opportun-
ity to range outdoors. but which will
to be sowed on again, for the extra APT:8'71A any possibility of their get -
thread holds it. with time hens until tho next
breeding season.
ment, before laying it aside after you
sew the buttons on in the usual way,
just go back ence through each but-
ton, hot cutting the timed but loam
Birds eat red eureer, before they 1 This is the time of the year when
do white ones. Why not remember this you should examine the Perk barrel
when planting, if birds take you,. and see that every bit of pork is covet-
frlith? goTolsieebeeernrileee.lields for red and ed with brine. If not severed it Wilt
spoil very quickly.