The Brussels Post, 1925-6-3, Page 5RUMNESS CARDS HE industrial Mortaage'a.nd I Savings Oornipany, of $arnla Ontario, are prepared to ndvanee money en Mortgages 00 good lands. Parties deelring money 00 fano rnortguges will plemie apply to James (Jewell, 88aforth, Ont., who `w6l fur. 'deb rates and other partloulars,. Tho Industrial Mortgage and aavingo Company 1Lz im 41. kizarwer AGENT FOR lire, Automobile and Wind ins, COMPANIES I For Brussel,' and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES M'FADZgAN agent Huulok Mutual fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Baby Ckicks N the Oaolidien egg roving mutestI a5 OLtawlt in 10$3.24, and the Uanadian and Ontario 00nteste 1024.26, inclusively, our pens of S, 0. White Leghorns as winter egg pro. dueler were in firatplace. When buy. Mg yeller baby 0hi011e why nut buy Uanadiwt Woke with ysura of good eeputation Back of them when they can be eeoueed at praeleoully same 5105505 tibiae levee inferior stock, Leghnr'n chicks 12 cents each. Rocks 15 ate mete June delivery. In older to get them early in June, .it t eteenly for you to place your order without delay. W alter Rose Phone dB Box 1 ,- Tnrnberry Street Brussels BRUSSELS • ONTARIO JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED 6171IL.PE 0107$1116 D. M. Scone Luis si zi gCs'QT'1 A'.it`rdi PRICES MODERATE For references consult any person whose sales I have %Ablated at, Phone 'Mx or 05 T. F. M' RAE M. B,. M. C. P.. d[ S. O. M. 0, H., Village of Btusseh. Physician, Burgeon, Aeooncheur Office at residence, opposite Melo ills Church, William street. .41MP4141.01WAM42VAVIAZVA4fiVSP4.a.,..4 It rays to Attend the Best y ELLIOTT ri iCor., Yoage and Alexander Sts, Toronto 0 r�. Ke Every graduate of the last fir- ,� teen moothv has secured rut ee - Ci ployment. Open all year. Bo.1g e ter now. Catalogue free. B W. ,l. ELLIOTT. ARINOIPAL ;9 C470:111 AVAIWAVATMAYAZIIWIMIZ. "r4 2 212h.'41120 Wood WANTED Highestmarket prices paid. See me or Phone No. 2x, Brus- Bele, and I will call and get your Wool. M. Yollicl; Stop. p Look! Listen Ye who have BATTERY trouble -don't throw away your' old battery — use R E V I V O-- the New Battery Electrolyte. Makes your 01d Battery work like new. For Quarter the cost. Earl -Anderson Distributor for Huron County. Brussels. P. 0., Phone 454 WHEAT WANTED We are in need of 1Vheat for Milling. Give lea a call al our expense if you have tiny to sell. No u•oublo to quote prices. All kinds of Flouir and Feed For Bela - T. G. Hemphill, WROXETER Flour Mi11 21 PHONES.j Split Pea Mill 20 Night call 60 School Fair Dates in Huron County. St. Helens Septa '9 Wroxeter 10 Bluevalo 11 Ethel , 12 Walton Fordwich .. , 10 Belgrave 16 Ashfield 7.7 Colborne 18 Zurich 21 Varna 22 Goderich 28 Blyth 24 Grand Bend 25 Dashwood . 26 Crediton . 80 Winchelsea ...............005. 1 Hensel' ............. 5G Dublin ,Clinton I .................. led4 o aJ e000 Pius SOON will come the school examina- tions, the pleashig feature of which is that they come immediately before the summer holidays. - Exreneervo plana are, being made for Lhe celebration of the fiftieth an- niversary of the incorporation of Bay- field as a village,. Wednesday, July 8, hi the date set for the celebration. THE Agicultural Estimates paused In the House of Commons last Friday include $376,000.for administration of the 'Timm. Peet Act, which includes the fight against the cont honer. " A Regina than is Raid to have per- fected a device which will prevent "listening In" on rural lir patty. lines. What a lot of fun some people will Mies if Ibis invention comes into gen- eral use, TxE farmers of Huron and adjoin- ing uouuties who are'auxioae^5o ',see advantage or the goud'turtrkets for cattle iu Great Britain, are prevented from deizig so by the scarcity of apace on trans-Atlantic boats.- These ships are controlled from New York and preference is given to Amerioan porta. Canned' Goods: It has been de- cided at Ottawa that all named, stud bottled goods must, in future, hare the weight and quality Stated pla;nly on the htbels. The practice of welling canned and bottled goods by number, it was stated, has tempted a few can- ners so let u housewife assume that a "No. 4" jar of jam contained four pounds whereas perhaps coutaiued only three and a half. Can Get Rid of Weed:—"Cuuch" or •'quack" graze is the must trouble- some garden weed. 1f Lhe land is badly infested with it, give it, a thoroughcultivation before planting, then planta quick, strong. growing crop, such as the bean, potato, cab- bage or caulifInver and keep Sha soli frequently cultivated and the rows hoed so as not to let the grass grow. One season of this treatment will al- most completely rid the soil of this weed. Was Still Assessable—An 'unusual case was dealt with receutly by the Whitby Court of Revision, when to 'citizen asked l0• have the assessment retjueed on hie house because it was condemned by health authorities es unfit for habitation. The court took the stand that if a ratepayer did not keep his property in repair, with the result that, it deceeased in value and could u0t. be made revenue-producing, it was 1105 the fault•of the td'unicipal. ity, which must establish a basis nf assessment fair and equitable to all. To Kill the Dandelions.— Weeds, paeleeulurly dandehuue, nee very troublesome in a lawn. They may be spudded early in the season by cutting the roots as. deeply es poesibia, at least two inches deep, The removal of hugedandelions leaves `a. hare spot and Lhese patches shouldld have a little soil added to them end i should be re -seeded. A few drops of kerosene or gasoline dropped into the heal tofto dandelion wtlldeel;roy it, but care mace be exercised nut to get the materiel on the grass tr it too will be setiooely injured. Of euurse, aL present many are hand-picking thew for family use—fur medicine only. As Listowel Saw It.—Tire Stand- ard of last week makes the follow- ing reference to the recent football match in Brussels with the Listowel team: -The Listowel senior football team got away to 'a good start on ]Monday evening last when they won the opening game in. group 5, W. F, A. series, defeating' Brussels on their grounds by a score of 1-0. A fair crowd of spectators accompanied the locals to Brussels, and conside>.ing it was the first game of the season they saw 'a good exhibition of soccer. Owing to the non -arrival of Cecil Cavell's registration papers he wile Unable tooplayland the line=up had to be changed at the last minute which was a handicap to -the locals" List- owel pressed the play from the start and shortly after play commenced Robbie drove a east shot at the Brus-• sels goal which was a couple of inches wide. In quick seccess1on he shut two more front a considerable dis- tance which glanced off the goal posts. Listowel continued to press the play and about the centre of the period Archie Clements scored from 'a beautiful shot which gave the goal -keeper no chance. Listow- el had much the better of the play during the first half. Shortly after the second half commenced John Peppier who'was playing a magnif- icent game at right half for Listowel injured his knee and had to retire from the game. Playing one mar - short Listowel eontintied the game but Brussels pressed the play and during the greater pact of the second period Listowel was, kept on the de- fensive. However, Brussels were not to score, and the game end- ed 1--0 in fever of Listowel. Beus- sole has a strong team, particular- ly in their defense, and ie a team to be reckoned' with in the group. The locals played good ball, but if the et time ever comes when they will realize that the Arles of the.gamo pperintt combination -'their play w111 be 7fper cont. mazeof o%tl ve. Jpsy now the kiddies are 'counting the days which Metre elapse before the long vacation begins, WITu the Inugtheoieg ditye it 10 now puesible for amateur' gardeners eo complete their daily gardening activi- tiee before let eakfaet,, Tan mom States governline taken stege to collect'ttot wily the war debts owed it by lflurppe, hut the re• eonetluetimu loanienladeafter the ar, naiades. Hann your news items in to the loc. al paper, Don't stick around and say 'Why didtr't you get Shia or that news item?' This is your paper—make ie Inhale with news. Ae' Capetown the Prince of Wales kissed s entail girl, who was wearing her daddy's war medals. Now. the bigger girls will be wearing medals, too. Fon SALO•-5 young. fresh, milking Durham Cow and calf. Apply to .1 T. MOINTOea, 484f Phone 568 Lot 21, Oon, 12, prey. WRITS bull calf strayed from Lot 12, don. 18, Grey, about Mat 8111. Any information will be thankfully received. BAXTER leTsV a550N, 48-11 Phone 4226, Fon BA.LB.—Two•horee spring wagon with boa, also a three'burner owl oil Stove, com- plete with oven, good se new. Taos GRANT. 4841 Wroxeter Phone R.55.2, Wroxeter, OQox stove in good repnlr, for sale cheap, else E farm wagon and a Polled Angus cow; 8 - year old. due to freshen in MDY. ED. comas, Jo, Phone B57 Laws Mowsee sharpened and repaired and put la good Working order at eeoaox EDWARD'S shop, Mill Street. DOOR eggs for Bale. Apply 4018, BARRRD nom Baby chicks for sale, also Hatching eggs of Heavy Laying strain. Pbonel28 BAitver Began. Baan -to -lay Barred Rook Eggs for batabing, at 10 eta more than market price but not less than Ole per dozen. Also maple. syrup. Phone 2410" WM. MDNAre, 48.51 Con. 10, l4rey. B. 0. White rtgerttee18o per dozen above Leghorn price hatching, than26a. Atex, Fermis, R.R. No, B, Brussels. Phone 2016. 42.51 Enlarging Cold Storage Plant.— Robt. Thomson has pipes and other material here to increase his cold storage plant at the Produce Entpor- We Agree.—The Brantford Expos. itor last Tuesday had the 'following editorial note, and we agree with it: —The kind of "Queen's weather" we rut on the 24th was a libel on the memory of good Queen Vic. Planning Short Course for 'Ford- wich.—The Dept. of Agriculture are are planning to hold a 3 month's short course at Fordwich,this coming winter. This is the same course that was held i Brussels russets lastter in and w which was so successfuh Wingham I. O..O. F. Won.—In the soft ball game last Thursday evening in the Oddfellow's League, Wingeam won from Brussels on Victoria Park 19-17. The home team is "green" lit the game but a few practises will soon make them all step some. Will You Help.—The Post would like additional correspondents in the surrounding townships and those vil- lages and hamlets that are not having their light shine in the Post every week. Paper and envelopes will be supplied. ,Who will volunteer? Presentation. — "We Want You Class" orf the Methodist Sunday School met at the home of Miss Ina Cunningham on Thursday evet'ing and presented Miss Mary Clarke with a jardinere. Music and games were also on the program, followed by a tasty lunch. Royal Bank and Union Amalga- mate.—The Royal Bank and the Un- ion Bank have amalgamated, the ur.- Ion making one of the strongest in- stitutions in the country. This leaves but ten Canadian chartered banks there being five amalgamations in the past three years and thirty-two since Confederation. Lost at Monkton.—Brussels Foot Bali team went on a long journey d trimmed. When ,n last Thursday to get tr e Referee Clarke of Stratford, lined up the roams theonly change on either sides was Ballantyne taking Cameron.; place on the forward line. Rafe started to fall shortly after the play commenced and fell all through the game. Brussels' defence played a whale of -a game and kept tha play with Monkton's half nearly all the first period. With one minute to play Monkton uncorked a piece of roni- bination and went right into Brussels goal, Merryfield scormg. In the sec- ond period Brussels was pushed back into the goal considerable but the de- fence held off the invading forward line. The. Brussels forwards could not get going and lost several good opportunities to score: Office Re -opened Miss Maude Bryans Wishes to apinnnee that she line Opened, an ninon at bel' home tine Moak Were. of the 'Bank of Nova Scotia, and Is iirepnred to attend to all kinde of Optical work. Satisfact on AssurCd WITH house.eleaning 0115 of the way, the mistreat, of the home next time to preparing for etarting house- keeping down by the lakeside, "'Towrs Council islet on Monday night and before adjourning afte1r1 o'clock, purchased nn Interriatidual- Bickle fire equipment, cotnpoeed of chemical tank, hose, hook and ladder compartmentaud pumper, at a met, of about 83,000 cash and most of the present equipment in trade."—Petra- lia Adversieer. FoBosrr the slander you have heard ; Forget the hasty, unkind word ; Forget the quarrel and the cause ; Forget the whole affair because Forgetting is the only way ; Forget the trial you have had Forget the weather if it's bad ; Forget the knocker—has a freak ; Forget him seven days a week Forget to even get the blues ;. But don't forget to pay your dues— To the Brussels Pour Watch Your Markers. --Traffic of- ficers, especially in the cities and on crowded highways; are checking closely on misplaced markers, with a result that scarcely a day passes with- out a number of .motorists being brought into police court and fined $5. for having their markers obstructed. Ownere of motor care who wish to .avoid a finer are advised, to see that their markers are placed high pre- ferably on a strip between the head- lights. or on the freer of the bumper. Rear plates are often obstructed too, and officials advise motorists to see that they are properly illuminated in accordance with the regulations and that they are not obstructed by bump. eye or spare tires No Evading Regulation.— Because there have Dean somewhat wide- spread attempts t0 evade the excise stamp regulations, locally as well as generally, the "following regulation has been promulgated by the Acting Minister of Customs and Excise, under the Special. War Tax Revenue Act. Credits on statements of Ac- counts, when for amounts of $10 or aver, are eabjeet to the stamp tax on receipt, except when such credite ale covered by sepal ate receipts, to tvbich the required excise tax stamps have been affixed. In such cases the statue is to bear the uotation," Stamp tax paid," initialed by the maker. This regulation is in effect on and after May I, 1925. Must Give Contents Weight.—Am- eudmeliks to the Canned Funds Act to compel the weight arid quality of can- ned goods to he plainly stated on the label passed the Agricultural Com- mittee of the House of Commons Tuesday of last week. The practice of selling canned and bottled goods by a number, it was stated, has tempted a lew canners to let a housewife as- sume that a "number four" jar of jinn contained forte pounds, whereas it per- haps contained only three and a half. Hereafter all packages must state ex- act weight and such declaration of quality as would insure 0 standard content of "drained solids" It was stated ,t at the new law would also prevent the dumping front the United States of cans cmitainit,g a "thin li- quid, a few skiers and a few seeds—and labelled •tomatoes'." Improving Your Surroundings — Fellow lits' c citizens, go out and look about your pretniees. Ones 111 fent o the shad the other buildings look as though they needed entire repartilig, some paint to Minh ten and preserve them 2 Would your surroundings be made more attractive, mm a cheerful by the planting of a shi uh, a tree, a bed;of Hoven? Doee your lawn need attention2 Doee your home need painting 2 Bi minis has earned the refutation of being an atti active town. Will vin help make it more attractive ? If every citizen would do a little in that direc- tion how much more attractive our town would look. All ittequiree is 0 little thnughtfnlnese, a little energy and tile expenditure of a couple of ri Wedding Qnvitations for tike June grid WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS, ETC. We have eve-ry facility for doing the above class of printing in the finest styte of the arta All work strictly first-class. All orders promptly executed and at a reasonable price. TIe rtiSS eoSt rr dollars. In Net n dollar paid for 7tlesnbeiShip in the Hortiettliural r bring Society will bre g aullloirnk shrubs and plants tolotake yew. atter windings en meek wore attractive that you will be more than t'opaid, Try it, RTHEL Grey Council met in Ethel on Mott. day. bolsi wee Wel: represented at Bros. eels onT'ueeday night to sea the Ethel- Bruesels tenoe Ball match, Et hal Pteshyteriuu Church voted against Ohm cis 01110n by a Majority of 31, The vole was 17 for and 48. a ainit, Last week's Milverton Sun tnade the following coruwetlt on the repeat fool ball match in that.; town :--The Mil- vertou And Ethel intertnediatee or Group No. 6, of the 1tV, F, A., met nn local grdunds on Tuesday evening in Miiverton for the echedtded game of the season, The match wee an filter. eating one for spectators, and some pretty wot'k was done on both sides. The local team, however; Proved sup- erior. defeating the visitors by a more of 1 : 0, Frank Kelly, Listowel, refee. eed iii his usual effoient. manner. • MOLESWORTH The Tuxie Hoye fire organizing a baseball team, Thomas McDonald suffered a very painful injury when he had both bones of hie left leg broken above the ankle. He was leading a colt to pasture, wheh the Animal reared, striking hila on the leg. Medical aid was summoned and Mr. McDonald is progressing very favorably. A track and field Meet was held an May 23 under the auspices of She Tun- er Square at Mniesworth. The re- sults were as follows : Senior -100 Yard Daeh=1, G. Mitchell2, J. Brown ; 3, B, Spence •,4. A. McDon- ald. 2211 Yard Dash -1, J. Brown ; 2, B. Spence. Target Shooting -1, J. Brown ; 2, B. Spence ; A. McDonald ; 4, G. Mitchell. Sicking Football For Dietance-1, J. Brown ; 2, G. rhell ; 3, A, McDonald. Junior -100 Yarde-1, J. Cumming ; 2, G. Martin 3, T. Oulnrniug ; 4, d. Brown. 220 Yards -1, M. Brown ; 2, G. Martin ; 3, T. Cumming ; 4, J .Ouniiinghaun. Senior Champion—J. Brown. Junior Ohawpion—G. Martin, ATWOOD The very heavy frosts so fri quently seen, are a great detriment to the growth of vegetation and very hard. fare Por bed and blossom, George Greensides has moved into the building he recently purchased on the wett a side of Main st. Before (flee- ing his baking business he intends in- stalling a new oven. The Thema Cheese and Butter Comp- any shipped their first half of May make consisting of 300 beeps to the Liget soli Packing Company on Tues- day. Price 17 1-8 The enmrnittee in charge of the Elmo tdernnrial ate at present having the ground surrounding it dug rind worked up preparatory to having it seeded down and otherwise beautified. Mies Minnie Campbell, whn unfort- unately, got her leg broken above the knee, by being struck by an auto one evening last week, is doing as well as can be expected u, der the circum- etauce8, she being over '70 years old. BLYTH IJ,eeve•Dodde is attending 00. Conn. ell at Goderich title week. The new poet office, which is being erected by Postmaster T4teker, will sone have the brickwork finished and will be quite: a credit to the village. James McMurchie, A. B, Kean, John Hefferan, R. B. McGowan, Thotuae Keswick and F. Rogerson at- tended the Liberal convention in Winghain on Tuesday. Week of taking down the grand- stand at the Agricultural Grounds was completed. Itis the intention of the Society to erect a number of clos- ed -in stalls for horses for the armeen- nce f exhibitors at the fair. re n 1 s Vt The frosts of the last week have not d nets muchdanag e 08 s at Hist e - peotett, hot the cold weather is retard- ing Ihe growth a gond deal and unless warm rains come anon the ci nos will be ver short, and the fruit clop, Which prntnieed to be large, will alen be badly injured. There hasbeen genetically no rain for the past two etica BELGRAVE The Free Press, London, on Friday last gave the following paragraph, along with photo of a former pastor of Belgr av e Methodist Church :—Quite a few years ago, just how many is not disclosed, R. Henry Pttrnaby, 16 -year- old youth, was apprenticed to the printing and publishing business at Oastleford; England. From this hum- ble start he eventually became editor and publisher of a paper, and kilned the Metlindiet ministry, where he now serves, at Mount Brydges. But al- though he has served a number of years in the latter work, Rev. R. Ii. Parnaby, Ph, D , as be is now known, still finds time to engage in his form- er profession, iu fact he father enjoys. writing, and that is one of the reasons why at trite recent Lnndon Methodist Conference lie was appointed fon the third consecutive time to the position of correspondent for the new United Church publics. tion, The Outlook. A more genial chap would be hard to find, Through. out conference seseione he is always a friend of the newspepe•lmen and knows practically eveev minister in conference, He le a finent speaker and is well liked by his congregation, and has always been welcome to re- turn to any district in which he has served. In spite of this be bad little or no idea of ,joining the ministry, when, at the age of 16 yenta, he was apprenticed to the printing trade in England. "I always had a longing for the smell of printer's ink," he declar- ed in an interview. After some titre at this work, however, he said he. eventually became a local preacher, Heally journeying westward and eu• tering the ministry at Newfoundland. Later he went to Saskatchewan. and while there he Became editne ami pub. Beller of The Wadena Herald. He de. voted most of his tune t0 the publish- �I ttip C IN � rilMl Ott the water Inialtes dishwashing WO tMlie work. for the bands Z um CHARM Wedding Gifts For the Bride -+g lllllltlllllilllinisi T4 {{(rr 11111(1111111011111{1 NEW CHINA IF you have a Gift to choose for a Bride visit our Gift Shop. New Goods Just .n NEW SILVERWARE Call and see these New Lin No trouble to show goods. J. R. ' YY ElV DT NEW OUT GLASS es. JEWELER WROXETER ing of this little- paper and on Sab- baths he preached the Gospel. He re- mained at this work for a tiember of Years, after which he went to the Methodist Book Reran in Toronto, and during his work there he was de. Glared by Dr. S. W. Father to have rendered invaluable assistance in the publishing of The Guardian, Two years ago be was appointed corree- pondent of this publication and since then he has devoted hie spare time to writing for it and other publications. Re has also recently been appointed, as above stated, correspondent for The Outlook, the publication of All three churches. "I like the work just as much as I do my preaching," he de- clared, "and I try to put the sante en- ergy into both." Mr. Parnaby re- mains at Mount Beydgee indefinitely, having been stationed a year ago. LiSTOWEL Postmaster and Mrs. John Scott are leaving on a month's trip to Chicago, 'Denver, Col., and Murray, Utah. A floor is being laid in a portion of the skating rink, and dances will be held twice a week during the coming season. Rev. (Capt.) E. W. Edwards, M. A., B. D., M. C., who has been pastor at Listowel Methodist Church, becomes the new pastor of Robinson Memorial Church, London, 0D June 28th. Oapt, Edwards went overseas with the 91st Battalion from St. Thomas. He en- listed we a private and won his capt- aincy and the Military Orme for his service and gallantry while in the army, A special meeting of the officers and members of the Congregational Church convened on Wednesday of this week for the purpose of 'taking a definite vote on Church Union. As the congregation was about evenly of the Best Articles Made Sherwin-Williams vhe Paints and Varnishes s vr--- 1900 Cataract Washer Westinghouse Electric flanges Cement Lime Pariston Wilton & Gillespie divided on the question and as the local cause was not a strong one, it was unanimously agreed to close the cbureh. Those in favor of Union will join with the United Church in town. Emi9 ire p WaH Paper SEMI -TRIMMED SAVES TIME QUALITY SER1i10E SATISFACTION Overlook Quality and Buy Disappointment Buy "Empire" Papers Yo; Buy Satisfaction ,-Oomplete selection here. Prices guaranteed the same as at ".Empire" Stores, lbrontn, Montreal and Winnipeg. Weare now ready to give quotations on Auto and Buggy Painting, Are you going to Paint your House this year ? Let ns figure on it. P 2r a WALTER WILLIAMSON Cream Wanted We pay Highest Cash Price for Cream. 1 cent per ib. Butter Fat extra paid for all Cream delivered at our Creamery. Satisfaction Guaranteed Brussels Creamery Co. Phone 22 Limited