HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-6-3, Page 3FILBERT GROWINC.I.N , iF BRITISH COLUMBIA The orienting of filberts• in British' Oolunibia pt'omiaes to become a'tittle industry e( acme importance in the future, fuel its opportunity is ably set forth by David Gellatly, who hos. been one of the pionooro of nut growing in the Pacific coasteprovinoe and is one of the moat ardent promoters of the - cult there, The experimental stage in this brat -tele orf 1loettcultr a has been. posed, end !t has beep definitely Proven that the filbert can be seeceo.5 fully grown in British; Columbia, as bearing trees in many diotrtets attest, Filberts and hazels are one oe the hardiest of nut bearing trees, ae It Can be readily seethat their culture on a eernmerciaa scale would be a.'vainabla asset to British Columbia and a re•. source well worth developing. The clop is not a porlehab1e one, and the problem of =rioting is therefore more easily solved than is' the ease with a, perishable crop, It is painted gut that the Peclfio. North-Weet isoneof the few localities on the continent where filberts thrive sufficiently well to make their growing worth while from a commercial stand- point. A profitable market is await- ,.ing an adequate production here. In the last fiscal year the Province of British Columbia alone imported 82,- 000 pounds of filberts for dlsttibution in Western Canada. Large quantities oleo reached the prairie markets from the'east, the Dominion importing alto- gether 1,514,008 pounds worth $34,371 from the United $ingdom, United States, Italy, Spain •and other coup- tries. In the opinion of the most re- liably experts the quality of the home- grown filbert compares mast favor- ably with the imported product, and there need not be the slightest appre- hension on thls score Trees Yield 20 to 60 Years, Plantings of -filberts can be expected to return profitable yields in from, six to eight years of planting, though a few nuts will generally be found in the second and third years, gradually increasing until they reach maturity, though it Is not certain at just wbat age they reach the maximum produc- tion per acre. In Washington and Ore- gon theyhave continuedto"increase in' production for twenty years, *Millet in Southern Ontarlo two plantings of filberts of forty and sixty years of age are still yielding good crops. The seedlings are quite'resistent to cold, withstanding temperatures of twenty- five degrees below zero. Mr. Gellatly and a few other en- thuelasts in the province wlio have been. experimenting for years., have collected a vast amount of valuable data on filbert growing in British Columbia— location, soil requirements, climatic conditions, time of planting, system of planting, varieties, etc,— too lengthy to print here but readily available to those desirous of entering upon this promising phase .of horticul- ture In the Pacific coast province. In addition, the results of practical work Accomplished in this direction by the Government experimental station on Vancouver Island, of which too little advantage has been taken, are there for the "aid of the newcomer to the in- dustry. Sooner or later, greater advantage will be taken of the great amount of data available on . nut culture on the "'Canadian Pacific coast and the grow- ing of a variety of nuts will be enter- ed upon on an extensive scale. There Is little doubt but that ultimately Bri- tish Columbia will be the nut -product ing province of Canada, providing for Canadian domestic need and possibly engaging in an export trade. Notions From New Novels.' When wit men recogutze that 'See- man, in all that apertains to their own i Interests. and the interests of those I they love, are ten times as clever as man, thanks to the blessed doctrine of compensation? They have to bear children, they have to bear and for- bear much that is unbearable to the male, but Intuition never fabs them in the hour of need.---"Watling's for Worth," by H. A. Vachelh Work to my idea Is not enough for j any ratan or woman; one needs love; as well, Work and love are the (till complement of contentment. The one, helps the other to make a perfect; whole,—"The Spice of .Life,' by Olive Gregory. Few women can for long periods keep from trying to improve their men, i and to improve means to change a per.' you from what he Is, wltatovei' that, may be, lute something else.—"Mar- tin Arrowsmith;" by Sinclair Lewis, Laughter --one of the most precious of Goo's gifts; the very salt, the very light, tbe- very fresh air of lite; the divine disinfectant, the heavenly purge. ---"Dove," by the Author of lillizabeth and Her German Garden." People are invariably more ready 60 take atoelc of our afflictions than they are to rejoice Willi 118 when we re- joieu."--"T11eCarillon of Scraps, by Mort Kllcltmann, Obeyed Orders, "Prisoner, did you Steal that rug?" "No, yer honor. A lady gave it to me and told me to beat It, and T did," The Land of Emeralds. Columbia prnducoe more emeralds than any other cotwtt'y in the World. The Mother etmtds alone, unique, momentous, -and her eharacter is re- flected in men and natlone, ometime! Why -not this time' Why D TEAt'is go�diei' a The ORANGE' PEKOE is extra good. Try it III io flT lltillll NUN h e int Ta Washing water is hard and requires a lot of soap to make a lather—"Snowflake" added to any water, immediately turns it into soft water. Use "Snowflake" on wash days and you will not need quarter the usual quantity of soap. "Snowflake"' will sweeten the clothes—make them soft and clean and save llou much labor. e' 3 places for Snowflake Kitchen, Bathroom, I,euesdiry ate. r, fternoves Grease At a1l grocers lac large package Surnames and Their origin MacDERMOT Variations—MacDcrmid, Mac Dermott, MacDfarmld, Darby, Racial Origin—Gaelic. Source—A given name. Family names of this group are com- mon in both Ireland and Scotland, com- ing 0,3 they do from the same given name. But the evidence 15 that they originated in both countries independ- ently. Phe given name is a very ancient one, and Is found spelled variously "Diarmid(" "Donnie" and "Diarmeidb." It Is one that is found all through the -history of Ireland, long before It was taken from that country to the land - destined to be known in the future as Scotland by the Irish clans known as the Dalriadic Scots. Bet probably the most noteworthy "Dittrmid," at tenet the one who had the greatest influence in the history of See That This Label is on Your Fox Wire, "Prince Edward" Brand English Fox Wire—recognized by the above label on every roll—has given more than fourteen years of perfect service on pioneer ranches and- is being used for most of the new ranches. "There's a reason." Write or wire for free sample and prices. HOLMAN'S umerside P. Er Island Ontario Sales Agent W. H. C. RUTHVEN ALLISTON ONT. f gireSnxtens finally went down before .,tth< swords of \Cllliam the C'.nq;teror :arLl itis' Nornntnd''i'4iithh Army, in the tla i liefoio faintly names had been thought of by any Hellen Mbar than the Romans, these Anglo -Hexons 118- iigltted in ,A4(bn[tmee, apparently, Simon, :or Stiueun, was a popular name in England then,.and [bey shortened it. to Sini, They wire elm/ fond of deterred ve endlnee, of ivblah "kill" wag ane (ft. curreaponils in the Ger- man er•m t "ellen" of to -clay). lienee the ukl parchment often contain the name Shuichi, meaning "little Sint," nr Sytu- kyn. Litter the Normans used the Idlnttmlttee ending et," and Hymonets began 1n appedi' ou the i'eni,md . Thou, its the population grew, slung about the twelfth and thirteenth Cen- turies, the method of identifying dif• cermet num of the sante same by (ell. Jag whose Dons they were grew to the point where the description etteh as Sine's son" became permanent hu the family end wasshortened to Stinson. Slam fa this name with the Anal "on" dropped. Century Old Bamboo Organ Still is in Use. One of the most remarkable organs in the world, says a writer in the Wide World Magazine, le• the bamboo organ In the Roman Catholic church of Los Pines, a little town about live miles from Manila, 1a, In the Phtlt ppfne islands. This organ was built about 1818 by an old Spaush priest, who must have been an,extremely patient, and devoted worker, as ire used more than 900 lengths of bamboo in the organ, every one of which was buried in the sand for at least two years In order to season it. Although the bamboo is a very soft wood, the old priest did his work so Well that the organ is still in food condition after a century of use, and is used every week in his services by the Belgian priest in charge, Father Victor Deciereq. - Every part of the Instrument is made of bamboo and some very ingeni- bus devices were included by its build- er. While making theorgan, the priest built a tiny model, a perfect copy of the big instrument. This he sent to the Queen of Spain, who, in appreciation of the present, sent it number of valuable gifts to the church. Some of them stiff 'remote, and are al- most as much treasured as tate organ Itself, Ireland, was one whol lived later, at the time of the first Anglo-Norman in- vasions• He was a king of Leinster, a romantic figure, though a traitor to his Celtic blood, who invited the aid of Earl Strongbow and the English in at- tacks on neighboring Irish kingdoms. hr Scotland tale family name of Mac- Dermid is borne chiefly by members of one of the septs of the Clan Camp- bell of Argyle, who derive It from a chieftain of that name, celebrated as "the slayer o the wild boar," who was the progenitor of the house of, Argyle. The given name, Intheeancient Gae- lic tongue, meant "free -man." SIMS Variations — Simms, Simpson, Sim- mons, Simonds, ,Symonds, Sim- monds, Symondson. Racial Orlg in—Anglo-Saxon, Source—A biblical given name. Strangely enough, the connection between the family name Sims and the biblical name .of Sime -1. Is one which does mot .occur to most people. Yet to -day it not unusual for a man whose chrlstian name is Simon to be called "Sino". by his friends. Back in the days before the old An - 1 patii' '" SII lj IMON SAWS aria MACHINE Knives, la They stay sharp longer. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED ( Ililarmo DDNoao oT. M9.. TORONTO „ VANeesees sonTerA sr.,oHN,N.e. Ii c Opportunities in the Veterinary Profession If you desire a profession you should consider what the field of Veterinary Science has to offer, Graduates have apleudid opportunities for a successful career. The live stock industry is the corner -stone of agricultural development and the veterinary profession is its greatest safeguard. Session Begins October 1, 1925 Write for bulletln and calendar to C. D. Mq,,Glivray, D,V,Sc., Principal Ontario Veterinary CoCollege i Guelph Ontario Affiliated with University of. Toronto. Under the Ontario Department 'of Agriculture, HON, JOHN S. • MARTIN, Minister WHEN BABY IS ILL When the baby is III; when he cries a great deal and no amount of atten- tion or petting makes him happy, Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten ,the stomach and thus drive out constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple' fevers and make teething easy. They are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates and narcotics and can be given to even the new-born babe with perfect safety and always with beneficial results, The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers er by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont, Is Mars Inhabited? Mars is rapidly moving away from the earth and appears no larger than' a star of medium size. Even the most powerful telescopes fail as neat -1 tempts are made to study the libelee; writes Dr, Thomas Moreux In "Le Petit Journal" (Paris). This, therefore, is the proper time to make known the itnowledge acquired during the recent observations made; upon Mars. I hear my readers im-; mediately -put the eternal question: "Yes or no, is Mars inhabited?" Mars is Surrounded by a layer of air where the spectroscope discovered the presence of oxygen and hydrogen. Snow accumulates at the poles of Mars just as on earth; We -can got an idea even of the density of the atmosphere! on Mars. The estnnatee which I took up this year, unfortunately give rather; Rev resifts. The air seems much thln- ner on the surface of Mars than on our; earth. In fact, it is as thin as it is GOOD NS FOR RHEUMATIC P O iE Ansod in tee Away willthought. T omotTow grave of yestSier- . Cape Diem. Now Known; That This Trouble Must he treated Through the !aloud. Alis uses! 0 rheumatic sufferer can There le but NOW and many-(as,biened /Ditty, "A moral," quotli he, "!n the windy spume Of yearly -springing corns Ami cock -crow by lire barn gate In the hope for in rubbing something on the Salvation !11 ti.ne's over -Changing tender, trolling joint is t[ little relief, plume, No lotlen et liniment ever did er 0ver In spring -tide and in neap -tide end the Can do more than this, The rheum*. spray Ile poison is footed in the 121004, To Recurrent on the thorn:,' get rid of it put must treat it through' the blood. Any dotter will tell you that this le true. If you want some- thing that will go right to the root of the trouble le the blood, tape Dr. Wit- liams' Pink Pills, The whole mission at this medicine is to purify and en- rich the blood, and when they do this all blood troubles, including rheuma- tism, disappear. Among those who have proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Is Mrs. Annie says: tVooichester, Alta., wbo "I was a sufferer from rheumatism for six years, and .during most of that time my life was one of misery, I tried several doctors, and many reme- dies reeotpmended, but never got more than temporary relief. The trouble s and seems toffec mywholes tem da t 3 I was badly rundown and suffered from headaches as well. Finally I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and through these I found complete relief and to -day I feel like a new per- son. I can therefore strongly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any- one suffering as I did from this trou- ble." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail, at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Holy Days. ,., Take empire of the Moment, In the • pals, Impalpable, unreal reality That men call life The past and coming,' what„' do they avail? • If I but look I see The silent -footed- slayer and his knife Symbol of lnstantaneotis iaumortality. Sing saclamentalwaters an the shore; Sing sweetly solemn sears on heaven's floor Sing reunite, silly stream, sing Now Or Now is o'er. I can make Lilies blossom in the snow And strew the sky with silver stars at noon. Aye, if the day be bright I wheel the g moon About my little kitchen to and fro Because I will it so. But the steel walls that hedge the Moment round Not all the trumps that all the Joshuaa blow Nor philosophic flutes shall sing them to the ground- -Hugh Orange. An Artful Architect. One of the most remarkable cases of an architectural joke may be seen by `any visitor to Windsor, England. High - Every one may not know that each er up the hill so well known by visit - day of the week is observed' as a holy ors to the Castle stands the Town Hall, day by some nations. The story of the which has often been ascribed to Sir nations and their respective Sabbatbs'C:brietopher Wren, the architect of St. is prettily put into rhyme in these Paul's Cathedral But Wren only fle- Enroll Now for Sunnnor Course in the largsatMid most up-to-date Scheel he Canada, i4Nig8NQ PARLORSENERYS ANDHAIRDtACAP$E(MY Toronto, Ont. 718 Yenpe,231 Yen0e, 617 Danforth Avp •t Tile new radio -built ACQTJSTI• CON ie a marvel of lightness, coin• fort, ineonspicuouei'less. A Joy to wear and use. We are so grave it wjll delight you, regardless of what ether device you are naw using, that its Invite you to try It 10 days without a penny 00 reek. No red tape to go through. No depoalt or payment of any kind, Just send your name, address' and free trial request, to, or call on. J A. Anderson 84 Co. 357 St, Catherine St. WeetLe Montreal, Que. No Deposit. No Expense, e Ancient Account. A butcher's bill more than four thou. sand years old was found inthe ruins of Ur of the Chateau.. It is itt the form of a small block 'or tablet of baked clay, on one face of which the account, for three lambs delivered to the temple, is mit, Whether it has yet been paid has not been determined;. but if modern bills were rendered in the same form, some men could pave their driveways and floor their garages with incised tiles, Upp;NEYou Cannot RV New d=yes lint you can Promote e °L IR tleelibytsndilion °LIR Use Murine Eye Remedy Night and Morning." Scop your Eyes Clean, Clear and Mealtf,T ekes sc lWee ri2toezfsodrs Fres Ees! COae g1or4k QUIZ" lines: iehed it, for it was designed and more ( Christians worship God on Sundays, than halt ,built by another architect; Grecian zealots hallow Monday; who died before his work was sworn -I Tuesday Persians spend in prayer, pushed; Assyrians Wednesday revere; The Mayor and Corporation of that Egyptians Thursday; Friday Tiirks; time were not Whaled that the hall On Saturday no Hebrew works. was safe, far it it; built over the open Corn Exchange, through which pedes- trians pass daily. At first it was sup• Pedes - ported only by great beams, and they requested Wren to erect four pillars in the Corn Exchange below to give the beams on which the upper struc- ture rests additional support. It was- in vain that the gl'eat archi- tect assured them that these pilaw were not necessary, so the four pillars to all appearance, added their quota to the security of the hall above. Now It has been discovered that Sir Chris- topher left a space of an inch at the top of each, so that the four pillars have never given the Town Hall the least support. The space between the other and telling was bidden by a thin 2nd Fish ---"Someone is lying about crust of cement, and now that this has ybuf„ fallen out the spaces are clearly re- vealed. Discoverer of Antarctic, ----ti''— Further evidence that the Antarctic For Sore Throat Use Minaret's Liniment- continent was discovered In 1520 by That Proofreader Again! Fishermen's Lies, 1st Fish ---"My gills burn:" Bransfield has been published, thus proving that Sir J. C. Ross. who sighted South Victoria Land in 1841, was not. first in the region. ---0.-- Minard's Liniment for Colds. Canal Century Old. The present year marks the 100th anniversary of the completion and opening of the great Erie canal, s French holders of the bonds of the Suez Canal Co. are disappointed at having to accept the interest on those bonds in paper francs instead of gold. But they are not in such hard luck as Music gives us a new life, and to those Germans who invested in the be without that life is the same as to. Berlin to Bagdad railway. be blind. Music is a language of the l soul, but it defies interpretation,—Max. No other authority in Church or Muller. State can take the place or do the work of the Mother. "What do you mean by implying that I have dishonestly covered myself with the peoples money?" demanded the city treasurer. as he rushed into the office of the local Paper. "What's the trouble?" casually quer- ied the city editor. "Isere it is," indignantly continued the pulite, official, pointing to a news items, The Iter) began: "William Binns, who is encrusted with the public funds, , , " sixteen kilometers above our earth WE- WANT CHURNING surface. At that altlitude the oxygen is very lightly distributed and the l average temperature is never niche that 50 degrees below zero. Yet Mars may have a temperature of some 30 degrees above zero during the hottLt summer. This temperature re- 1\'e supply cans and pay express sults froth varioiu: causes, the chief of charges. Wo pay dally by express whish is .the water vapor whichsntur- money orders, whish can be cashed etas the ah of Mars, on account of the anywhere without any charge. feeble atmosp1henic density, Ali the To obtain the top price, Cream 'Water which eyists on Mars Is trans- must be free from bad flavors and formed into vapor during the summer contain not less than 30 per cant and In snow during winter. Bolter Fat M The big blots of dark color on Mars Fare therefore not oceans, The long Bowes Company Limited, lines of the saute color are therefore 'Toronto not canals. The former can only be lowla'ind plains, and the latter long, icor references—Head Office, Toronto, more or less furrowed valleys. Bank of Montreal. or your local banker. Recent observation sheaved that both Established for over thirty years, had a different ebloring according to the season; a greenish blue dominated !luring spring, became yellow at sum- mer time, and Rnaily had the shadeet autumn leaves. We cannot doubt that Marg has a cycle of plant life quite as we hove oil earth. LLfe, therefore, exists on Mars; Plants lake the oxygen of the air and use it a8 food. But even if plants do exist on Mars, nothing enables us to olatlm that animate or even human, be. legs tnhttbit the planet. In ease people lived on Mars It must halo been a long time ago, and that race mast have per. !shed under' the hard conditions of life whirls now exist on Mars; Ideal Sppringq Vacations Only 2 Dny.ffrom Newyork¢ Go in May and June when Bermuda is ablaze with Flowers—pertoct days for root or play, Pala Hsi, i'win'Seresv Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and ['FORT ST. GEORGE" For Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 4 Whitehall Street • New York City or Any Lose, morsel Agent Say "Bayer" - Insist! For Colds Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Pain Accept only a 5 Y, " y_ Ba er acka e g which contains proven directions Bandy' "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists Aspirin is Ole trade mark (registered to Canada) of Barer Manufacture of Mono. Osethtaeldostor of eaucylitacte. Strong derVe.. Pure orgauic phosphate, known se most, drugglsta as Bitro,Pllosphate, Le wlittt nerve -exhausted, tiredout poopl.n must have to regain nerve force and MINARD'S Relieved His Rheumatism Here Is one of many letters testify - lug to the relief Minard's gives in rases of rheumatism: "I have E been relieved of rheumatism by .,cur liniment. I thought I would never be free from this malady end i trie:t emus remedies, but Minaret's wac the ci:ly one which gave me relief." ALP1iONSE tt1CHARD, St. Sal:cue:, P. Q, Minard's is also splendid for stiff- ness of the joints, sprains, bruises, etc, MINARD'S LINIMENT RFD PMP[.ES TC1ED BAtII.Y Neck and -Chest Broken Out, Cuticura Healed, "My daughter's neck and chest were very badly broken opt with red pimples that festered and itched badly. She scratched the affected parts and caused the trouble to spread. At night she could not sleep and the breaking out caused disfigurement. ' I tried everything I could think' of but nothing helped her. I read en advertisement for Cuticura Soap. and Ointment and sent for afrce' sample. I purchased more, and af- ter usingone cake of Cuticura Soap and one .boa of Cuticura Ointment she was healed," (Signed) tars. R. B. Cross, 81 Seneca Parkway, Rochester, N, Y. Use Cuticura to clear your akin. Sample Saab Tree by MO, Address Canadian Y-ee� Ointment D5 one 60c.''lu cum 26crlee, 6o;p Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c, PAINS ACROSS THE BACK Relieved by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound 14litcheil, Ontario.— "I have taken your medicine for a number of years. I do not take it steady all the time but I am never without it. I always time, it in the house. I took it first for pains in the abdomen and bearing -down pains, headaches and pains across the back. 1 have my home to loop after and many a day I could not get up at all. 1 saw the advertisement in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Cam - pound, and Mrs. John Miller told me about it, too. Every time I take it, it makes me feel better and I always rev. =mend it to my friends, I ata willing to answer letters from women asking about this medicine and you may 1110 this letter as a testimonial. "—Mrs. F. J. WASSMANN, Mitchell, Ontario. The merit of Lydia E. Pinl:llan.'n Vegetable Compound is told by women to each other. Many women know by experience what this medicine will do and they are anxious for others to know_ Such testimony should cause any woman suffering from the troubles se common to her sex to give this well- known medicine a fair trial. 110 you know that in arecent canvass among women users of the Vegetable Compound over 220,000 replies were re- ceived. To the question, "Have you re- ceived benefit bytaking this medicine?" 98...nee cent. replied "Yes." This means that 98 out of every 199 women are, in better health because they have given this medicine a fair anergy. That why it'e gtlarattecd, trial, O Price $1 per 'phge. Arrow Chemical Co„ 25 Front St. East,'l'orentn, one, 'ISSUE i'4o, 22—'25.