HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-5-27, Page 8['The , Store Surnrner Toilet Needs SHAMPOOS BRILLIANTINE COMBS FOR BOBBED HAIR TALCUM POWDER FACE POWDER POWDER COMPACTS FACE CREAMS TOILET WATERS SOAPS gBATH SALTS PERSPIRATION DEODORANTS DEPILATORIES HAIR NETS POWDER PLiFFS SPONGES WASH CLOTHS, &c. A Satisfactory Corn Remedy Rexall Corn Solvent - 35c bots. For the Painless Removal of Corns, Callouses, &c. Other Corn Preparations of merit which we stock are :-- Blue Jay Corn Plasters 35c pkgs. Blue Jay Corn Cure Liquid 35c bots. Putman's Corn Cure 25c. Magic Corn Salve 15c To Keep Young Chicks Grow- ing and Healthy There is nothing Better than Hess' Poultry Panacea - 35c, Hess' Instant Louse Killer - Hess' Roup Remedy - 25c Hess' White Diarrhea Tablets 85c & $1.75 pkgs 35c and 75c pkgs 25C F. R. SMITH Druggist and Stationer 'irxal Vet% ,teens MONDAY was a quiet day in town. THE flower beds at the Library are lovely., SOME fences are improved by paint, but few faces. THERE are five Sundays in May. The month ends with Sunday. "In the Spring a fello,v's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of fish." ETHEL Football team here on Tuesday night next, June 2nd. DANDELIoN wine manufacturers are cleaning their utensils ready for use at a moment's notice. Water for Stock Yards: -George Bir( is drilling a well at the O. N. 11. stock yards, and a supply of water will be available for stock being shit -- ped out or in. Moved.- Last week Walter and Mts. Williamson moved into their new residence on Turn her ry street, Soul h, formerly occupied by the late t1]re. James Ferguson. Were at Clinton. -Messrs. Peter Scott, Wm. (zillespie, D. Al. Scott and J. L Kerr attended ed an Executive meeting of the Lib- erals of the Huron Riding, to make arrangements for the coming convention at \inghutn and Hensall. Anneuneontenk Nrs. Alex Strad).- an, with Mrs. J, C. Scat, Will receive on Wednesday, June 8rd, from 8 to G o'oloekr at the former's home. Card of Tit nke,.-..Tl1e endersiguot# wish to thank the old friends in tows for the kindness and sympathy spawn them in the lase of their sister, Mar. the A. Smith... Mrs, L. Stark and Eli Smith, W. C. T. ,U. -An Executive meet- ing of the Woman's Christian Temp- erance Union of Huron County, was held at Goderich on. May 21st to ar- range program for County Conven- tion which will be held in that town on July 9th. Plans were made to have a gold medal contest in singing and elocution, also an essay contest and prizes will be given for Temp- erance posters. Fon SAL8,-1499 feet of ohoioe Maple ,loot• inb, Apply - to,o9 J. S. Pvt8, 49.1. Phone 4199. Due 19T or JONa,--Rent for boxes at the Post Office is due let of Juno. P08TMA9T0RSOOTT. 10 YORK pigs, 8 weeks old, for'sale, 49.1 Phone 1828 W.12 AEIoLorom, PTNN end board on May 12th, taken from Ethel etetioo. Finder phone 8.915 49-1 ROY OUNNLNGtUM NOTxoa.-A11 accounts not paid before Juno let, will be handed in for collection, Accounts may be settled with Thos. Walker at the store. Geo, R, WoLLErr. 49.1 FOR $ALn -1 bedroom enfte. 1 kitchen cab. ,net, 1 sI' 1hes rest, lamps. Can be saeo at the hone any time, 49.1 Goo. R. W ELLER. Fort S4Le.-A Doherty Orlon range for elth- rr wood or coal, also a Quebec hooter used only one winter, oleo 8•burner Florence cool oil stovewith even. All In good shape. Apply to 49.1' REP J. P. MoLEoo, Fom+o.-A Door key... Apply at Poem Attended Presbyterial Meeting. - The following members of the W. M. S. of Melville church, motored to Lucknow to attend the Presbytciial: Mrs. Alex Strachan, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Gillespie, Miss Men- zies, Miss Lamont, Mrs. W. S. Scott, Miss Jardine, Mrs. J. Duncan, Mrs, Wm. Armstrong, Mrs. Chas. Davis, Mrs. Alex Yuill, Mrs. Geo. McFar- lane, M{es. Alex Brewer. Brussels is to be honored with first Presbyter- ial of the continuing Presbyterian church in this district. Buried at Brussels. -The body of the late Martha A. Smith was brought to Brussels on the noon train last Thursday and conveyed to the family plot in ,-Brussels Cemetery. Rev. C. F. Clarke conducted the service and the pallbearers were: Geo. Manning, G. C. Manners, W. J. McCracken and J. Killough, of Dungannon, a cousin of the deceased. The body was ac- companied by Mrs. Stark and Eli Smith, sister and brother, who were with the deceased when she died. The late Miss Smith was a native of Grey Township and some 8 or 9 years ago came to Brussels to reside with her mother and when the latter died three years ago, Miss Smith went to Toronto to reside with her sister, Mrs. Stark. On the 9th sIfe went to Wel- lesley Hospital for an operation and for a week seemed to be doing well but death occurred on Monday, -May 18th. For years Miss Smith assssted in the Orchestra in the Methodist Sunday School and also played in an orchestra in Toronto until her health became so frail. Besides Mrs. Stark she is survived by another sister, Mrs. Roberts, in Edmonton, who was un- able to be present. P flit It it 4 ll i! !!•fundamental it 4stinct !t # ,ll 1 * It it A dht li 4 i2 it it !! It It Q It jc # # JL gJG .- rQP `�"r0lr "4' r�rw� '1TOM :'t ` a `0 - '7. Against that Day 1IE fabled years of ancient T Egypt's fulness and famine-- the strikinaessons found in other , historic facts and natural life pro- cesses establish saving among the BANKING FIZ+TYFollow Ypiiim laws upon which Nature makes her sure indictments. your natural personal in% to "lay by in store" by adding regular installments to a savings ac- count in the Standard Bank. • 7"1 -TE STANDARD . BANK OF CANADA t• BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Snnpis, Manager l Milverton won from Ethel in Mil- verton on Tuesday evening by a score of 1 to 0.., OWING to the pressure of advertis- ing on our columns this week a numb- er of correspondence budgets and ac- counts of local happeninge c-countseflocalhappeninge have been crowded over until next week. Ethel here on Tuesday -The Ethel Football Club will be here on Tuesday night to piny a league match. The Brussels team has to win this game to stay in the running arid a rear game will be played. Come out and cheer, the boys, 1 Moved to Picton:-A. Battenburg, of the Standard Batik stuff, left last week for Picton, where he bolds a position in the Bank in that town. Picton is a town of 3,356 ou the Bay of Quinte. „Improvements: -The frame house on Flora street, now occupied by. WilfrrdandsMr•s. Cameron, has been painted. -J. T. Ross has had the woodwork of his house•brightened up. -George Birt has had hie house touched up by the painter's brush. - John Duncan has been re•paintiog his house. President Is an Old Huron Boy: - Rev. A E M. Thomson, Ph. A. B. D., of London, was the unanimous ehoic- for President of the Londona'Methode 1st Conference at its 42nd session which was held in London last week. Mr. Thomson's parents resided in Wingbam and later in Goderich. As a student he attended the C intoe Collegiate Institute. Plain People: -A Play in four Acts will be presented by the Young Peo- ple of Fordwich in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday evening of this week, under the auspices of the L. 0. L. No. T74, Brussels. There will he Orchestra music between acts, also solos, Recitations etc. This play has received full houses wherever they have gone. A, dance will be held after the pray. See advt. on another column. , Invited to Goderich:-The Brussels Te>lnis Club .have been invited_ to at- tend the' opening of the new tennis courts at .Goderich next Wednesday afternoon. It is likely that some will attend, REV. MR. CLARKE GOES TO GODERICH. Rev. C. F. Clarke, Pastor of the Brussels Methodist Church, will go to North St. Church Goderich, and has been elected Chairman of that District. Rev. Mr. Barker, Kincardine, will come to Brussels. Dr. Hazen, who is moved to .Wing- ham, was elected Chairman of the Wingham District. I. 0. 0. F. Soft Ball Croup Following is the Schedule drawn up at the District Meeting of the I. O. 'O. F. No. 9, at Wingham last week. Teams will be from Blyth, Wing - ham, Teeswater and Brussels. The Wroxeter Lodge felt that they did not have enough young memberst1to have players for the team. Following is the schedule for the season:- May eason:=May 28-Wingham at Brussels June 4 -Blyth at Brussels June 11 -Brussels at Wingham June 16-Brussels.at Blyth June 23 -Brussels at Teeswat.er July 7-Wingham at Blyth July 9 -Blyth at Wingham July 9-Teeswater, at Brussels July 14-Wingham at Teeswater July 21-Teeswater at Blyth July 28 -Blyth at Teeswater July 30-Teeswater at Wingham IN MEMORIAM J.&MEB -rn loving memory of our deAr Otter, A lice ht. James, who departed from this life May 21, 1921.9 STOVERS and BROTH ERR. 'ox's Dig Store The _-e1 More WEEKLY STORE NEWS Geraniums for Bedding V'jE have placed. our ordet'for our usual V V supply of Cif raniums-the old reli- able Red one and also a very pretty shade of Pink, These will be ready for distribu- tion as soon as weather conditions permit, Wh will be very pleased to book your order for any number desired. 25c each $2.75 per dozen Syrayid e Garden,, Spray This is a combined Insecti- cide and Fungicide Plant Tonic for the Gardens and Orchards composed of Ar- senate of Lime and Bordeaux Mixture. Full directions for use on each package. Dry Arsenate of Lead. This may be used either as a spray or fc r dusting on. Useful for- Fruits, Garden Vegetables, Berry Bushes and Shrubs. Full directions ou each. pack- age. For Rose Bushes For most species of Aphids, Leaf Hoppers, &c., we have - Sulpho-Tobacco Soap also "Black Leaf No. 40" (Nicotine Sulphate) to be used in the form of spray, also Paris Green and Hellebore for. the Green Worm. FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C, N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER STTLE8.-I,, London. Ont., on W rdnesdny, May 20111, Annie Wilton, widow of the late Joseph Stilus, in her 72nd year. WINrnELn.-In Asatnlbole, Sask., on Wednes- day, May I0th, Caroline M (Carrie Berry, formerly of Walton) beloved wife of Ooa, E Winfield, in her 40th year, Tenders Wanted • MARRIED SttirwAN•WTLLIO,-At Melville -Church Manse, on $ntnrdny, tiny 28rd. by Rev. J. P. MnLeod, Mies Vslleria M., daughter of Mrs. Ida Willis, to Herbert H. Sullivan, all of Brussels. Cattle Strayed Three heed of young cattle strayed from Lot 11, Con. l3. Grey. Any information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received, • M, L. CARDIFF, Phone 4210. Tenders wanted for the construction of the Stever Strayed Hanna Drain Extension In the Township of Strayed on the preIDlsos of the undersigned, Grey, Tenders received up to and Including 9th Con, of Grey, en or about May riot. a Mey 89911, 1921. Plans may be sey,n At the year old red steer. Owner le rtquosted, to clerk's office. No tender necessarily accepted. Prove property, pay eappensea and take him J. H. FEAR, Clerk, away. 2116$, IL WILSON, Phone 285. WHOLESALE CLEARAN C E Our Stock consists of Good Quality up-to-date Merchandise of - an Over -stocked Wholesale House, and we are giving you the opportunity of buying, at these Excellent Prices. All fresh Mt rchandise and Season's New Styles. Come early and get your choice of the. selection. This is Certainly an opportunity to Save Money an .344•+ 144+•2414,''3 4 I+d»i40+0:+3 344+leest;•; 'rF3••reietsesesessS„S+3 »west:,' S••*.:Srt»;»t•; r:::t� tef s.t, Seesss:»:«we3»r w'.»:•d.:.g»Ad„2 .+1 Men's Straw Hats ALL STYLES Farm Rats 5e up Sailor Fiats 1 00 to 2 25 Felt Hats 160 to 3 50 Men's Caps Splendid quality .. 50c up Men's Hose 6 pairs for 1 00 3 pairs foe... 1.00 and up Men's Summer Uoder'r In two-piece and Combin- ations 66e up Men's Sweaters Pullovers and Coat Style All Prices Men's Overalls $1.60 to $2.00 Men's work Shirts '0c to $1.50 Men's Dress Pants $200 up Men's Cotton and Leather Gloves All Prices Men's Dress Shirts $1 24 to $2 35 Men's Ties 29c to 09c Belts 19c Pyjamas $200 Handkerchiefs 10c - 15e and up Special Ladies' House Stockings In Black, Brown and White 5 for $1.00 Ladies' Vests and Bloomers 39c Ladies' Straw Garden Hats 20C Sport Hats Ladies' 'Undergarments A few Ladies' Sweaters Children's Sweaters $2 0o up 1 nfants' Wool Suits Seasonable Goods r± .444. 4.4..44.3 t i j I«t•4'•t1rb++++t d„t•34+gat:•; ;«;ax•`»S.r g. 4-4 «i ,S 4444 ;• i»: •T S«444 : F•b S s ty„9•,••1••f»S•3• 4.444..+3„ 44+.+44,+4.44.3•++:• s Special Ladies' Silk ,Hose Shades consist of Black 13town, White, Grey, Nutan, Shell, Airedale Stone, Cinnamon and Nude 3 prst for $1,25 and up .... 321•., 4+3t..oi.t aH;» »: •:«I«; 4+1»I r+4' ;44+#4. ,t.ttt4.1•:v"rt 3 ' w"»i• r1»t s+fi•tt••at••1«S.tt+lt*t:.4;_4t _4t. +s&444,4»4••'a`• t+ » .� w+ » • .„ t t ., +l'* . _ : ' _ _k A?�4•�h•t+33'•F4•+St3»'r_E�3!3C2«A4.3tt is+t•Ms✓. i3«;.r!t•?•s•.»,.a3:_3»tt�r•S'._.rrrs._s3!tt�1:3:3!3!;«,.'•+k.214:3:k4•s�1!•.•A!ft3�3•Its:1»A+F•,'+4�••1«2•tr3.4:1 .Boys' and Girls' Straw and Outing Hats 15C to $2,50 Boys' Shirts' Boys' Sweaters Boys' Jerseys In Cotton and Wool 40c to $ 1.35. Boys' Underwear Special Play and Bloomer Suits for - Boys and Girls Ages 2-6 Colors : Navy, Brown and Saxe 89c Boys' Corduroy Suits 2.00 and 2.25 Children's Hose In full and length 20e up Children's Rompers In Gingham Materials 1.25 Small Girls' Wool and Cotton ,. Dressess' $2.25 Ladies' Wool Hug - me - tight Sweaters • 98c Boys' Suspenders 25c Men's Suspenders 39c MERCANTILE SALES COMPANY STRETTON BLOCK - BRUSSELS • ,E: