HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-5-20, Page 8All Out -doors
Invites Your Kodak
Films Developed and Printed.
Prompt Service,
"ft anted
These Day,.
Ready prepared mixture for
splaying fruit trees, ate.
45c pkge
Carbon Bisulphide
This preparation will rid
your Beide of the destructive
ground hog. Carbon Bisul-
phide 60o tins -also in bulk,
Shines anci Dyes Shoes in
otc0 riper allot). 40c bots.
Sodium Fluoride
Kills lice nu fowls.
60c pkgs.
'At $1.98
. Room Lots of
Wall Paper
We bairn a number of bun -
dies of Wall Paper contain-
ing 10 rolls of side wall and
about 18 yards of matching
border -enough to do rooms
up to 12 x 14 fret in size, and
the patterns are quite at-
tractive. These are bargains
and if yon have roosts for
which you can use them
money can he caved.
Druggist and Stationer
On Pages 4 and 5. -This week you
will find locals and personals. along
with other interest' items of news on
pages 4 and 5 of this issue. Be sure
and read' them.
Mitchell Field Day.- For over 60
years celebrations .have been herd in
Mitchell on the 24th of May, or the
day following, when the 24th falls on
Sunday like this year. Only a fe,v
times in all these years have the sports
had to be cancelled on account of bad
weather. Arrangements have been l
completed for a big day of sports on
Victoria Day and the seating capacity
for the grandstand Is two thousand.
Twenty race horses are owned in M°t-
chell and a regular matinee •can ba wit -
I nessed at the track almost every day.
' See advt, in this issue.
Good Roads Committee Here. -The
, County of Huron Good Roads Corny
mittee, composed of Warden R obert-
son, McQuaid, Neeb and McEwen along
with Co. Engineer, Patterson, paid
Brussels a visit on Tuesday of this
Former Brussels Lady Deceased. -
Mrs Win. 1V,ak recetv,yi ,succi or the
death of hes sister-in-law, hits. J.
Robb, of Maidstone. Sask.l+who died
from a pati alvtie stroke. Deceased
was for minty Lucy Webster and the
family lived lit Brussels sometime be-
fore moving to North 'Dakota. Fuller
particulars will be given next week.
Attended Presbyterial Meeting., +-«.
Those from Melville ,church, iiihcr at,
tended the Presbyterial meeting at
Lufknow on Tuesday Were: -w -Mrs Jas.,
Fax, Mrs 8, J. Mei.auohiitt,
R. Smith, Mrs. P. Strachan, Mrs. Robt,
Strachan Mrs, A. M ulre and Mrt..
J. P. MCL,eod:.
Fell Down Cellar. ---One day last
week, Mrs, Dougatd McDonald had the
misfortune to fall down the Can stairs
at her Dome, Ternberry street, Lauth,
and receive a bad shaking up. One
of her fingers was dislocated in the fall,'
together with several cuts and bruises.
We hope she twill soon be araatnd A5
Picture Show Re•opened.-The Fain-
fly Theatre rt. melted on Vridey ev-
ening of lash week under the manage.
went of Rolm. `.1'hueu, The neer
theatre has been well fitted and ev.
ei'ything olein end nice, The ratan.
ager expects, with good patronage,
to give Bruesels Bowe pictures worth
District 1. O. O. F, Meeting. -The
annual district ulleeting of the 1. 0. ^O,
F. will be held at Winghami on Thurs-
day of this w;lek, Western Star Lodge,
Brussels, will be represented by Messrs.
Samuel Wilton, Malcolm Black and W
J. McCracken, 1t is reported that the
coining D. D. G. M. will be from Brus-
sels Lodge.
Died 'n Toronto. -.Word was reedit-
ed in Brusssels on Tuesday of the deatn
of Miss Martha Agnes Smith, daughter
of the late Marsden and Mrs. Smith,
of the 8th Con., Grey, and who for
mane years lived in Brussels while her
mother was alive. The 'late Miss Smith
died in„Wellesley Hpspital, Toronto,
on Monday. The (body is being
brought to Brussels for burial, and ;toe
funeral will be on Thursday to Brus-
sels cemetery. More nar+ticuars will
he given next week.
Brother Passes Away. -The t;oliing-
wood Bulletin, in its Nottawa news,
published the following in regards to
the brother of Dr. 3, White, of town :
-The village was cast in the depth
of sorrow on Sunday morning when
the newe reached here from Dr.
John White, of Brussels, who motor-
ed from his home, of the death of his
brother, Thiourea White. The cad
event occurred at Caspar, Wyoming,
on Sunday evening. The first intima-
tion of his illness was received by his
brother, Dr. John White through a
message from the attending physician,
on Satutduy morning. Tide stated
that he was seriously ill and wee fol-
lowed a few hours later announcing
his death. His sister, Miss Kate
White, who is a teacher in the Col-
legiate Institute at Fort William, left
immediately for Caspar upon receipt
of a message from bee brother, Dt'.
John, but unfortunately did not
reach the bedside of Thomas before he
passed away, It is expected that the
remains will be brought here. but at
the time of going to press it bad not
been learned. Mr. White, who is the
oideat eon rf our villagers, T. F. and , be Glad"; Pageant, "What the French
Mrs. White, has been in Caspar for d,) did for Canada" by the older boys and
number of years, of late engaged in girls of the Band; Piano Selection,
the t'11 and mining business. He hie Walter Haist; Recitation, Mona Damn -
not been here for about five yenre, his I tan;' Solo, George Jeater; Recitation,
last visit to the old home being to ae. Jean Caldwell; Vocal Duet, Wilma Gal.
company the remains of his wife, ' braith and Dorothy JtkcVettie. A
who was buried in the West Church vote, of thanks to those who pre -
cemetery. Be has been very eneeees. l pared the entertainment was moved
ful in the West ur,d was deservedly ; by Mrs. Robert Thompson and second.
popular amongst a very wide circle of ed by Miss Taylor, 4o which Miss Jar -
friends. His physician was n partici]. , dine replied. The meeting closed with
lar friend who has wired his very deep "God Save the King" after w'hich can-
regrete at being unable to bring him dies were passed around by the boys
through the illness which terminated and .girls. The membership of the
his death. Band is at present 57.
f l
--_.--- '--Ott
FQo BAyy
LI3t a, °,
"mr ag
�ft s>t e0
Jack is. Twenty-one
To -day
JACK is twenty-one to day. But he
has snore than. a. rpau'8 yobs tO hies
credit. He has one thonsiud dollar's
in the bank,
It tide grown with 4 practical mother's
' love from the initial deposit of one dollar
f l
Y ^
onll the flr'et Birthday twenty yeare ago,
Youth and age alike bear' witness to
value of steadily betiding a Savings
. Bank A00Onnt, XOur, (hila as a deposit-
•or, will-,ttain a higher etanding in the
community, family, or, most important,
intbis own, estimation. Open seeing('
ac(toudt for the child,
OF CANADA a •1.1
BRUSSELS BRANCH -O. H. Sarnia, Manager
New Junior in Standard Bank. -Ar-
chie Ballanty,ne started fn as Junior of
the Standard Bank on Monday morn-
ing of this week.
Illustrated Address. -All Odd'faIIJws
are asked to attend Lodge on Thursday
evening of this week, when Bro. Rev.
Harold White, B,A., B.D., of Ethel, will
give an address on the first Degree,
illustralted with lantern views. This
should be very interesting to all mem-
bers of the 3 -links.
Little Stars Mission Band. -Tile Lit-
tle Stars Mission Band of Melville Pres-
byterian Church, which recently after
disbanding, re -organized under the
same officers as a band' of the continu-
ing Presbyterian Church, held the
Mothers' meeting on Tuesday, May
12th. The meeting was presided over
by Mrs. John E. Smith and the Coltuw-
ing program 'was enjoyed by the targe
number present:- Welcome spee,:h,
Anna Ennis; Chorus .by the Band; Reci-
tation, Evelyn Dennison; Recitation,
Dorothy Ament; Solo, Miss Wilma Gal-
braith; Recitation, Edith Ennis; Red.
taction, Isabelle and Edith McTavish;
Duet, Margaret Scott and Jack! McVet-
tie; Recitation, Ella Farrow; Solo, Frank
Scott; Recitation, Dorothy Armstrong;
Recitation, Jessie Little; Solo, Doris
Pawson; Recitation, Katharine Walker;
Girls' Chorus, The Swing Song; Reci-
tation, Evelyn Riley; iRecitatlon, Fred
Burchill; A See -saw Song by 7 boys;
Recitation, Russell Farrow; Recitatian,
Doris Jeater; Girls' Chorus, "Smile and
IMoving-Ed.'and Mrs. Lowry an
family have moved into the rooms ore
the Standard "Bank for the ,prese,rt.
Dance. -There was a dance held a
the Family Theatre on Monday even
fug after the football match. An en-
joyable evening was spent.
Dental Office Closed. -Owing to Dr.
Hamilton attending the DentaI'Conven.
tion in Toronto next week, his office
will be closed until Friday, May 24th.
Relief to Cape Breton. -Two large
bales of food and ciothin,g were con-
tributed last week by the members of
Melville Presbyterian church through
the W. M, -S. and forwarded to Glace
Bay, Cape'' reton... „The gifts were
generous in response do the appeal.
Listowel Wins. The first game of
the foot ball series opened in Victor;a
Park, Brussels, on Monday evmirtg
when the Listowel teen, .came b act
Into the old district, and won the gams
1 .to 0. The game was delayed for A
time as the home players d)d not show
up. The visitors proved the best kick•
ers, placing the hall nicely most of the
time, and by a well directed shot after
is minutes of ,pixy, Clements scores
on a long shot. No other score was
made during the game but there ware
several close ones .for the goalies to
handle. In the last period, Bru.siels
started to work in a tittle 'combination
and made fit very interestingg-for the
visitors. One of the Peppler boys
was injured in the last period, ,and l:ad
to retire. N. Govenlock, Wi ithrop,
was referee, but his decisions displeas-
ed the Brussels crowd, too many fav-
orl were extended to the visitors, some
say, for favors given to Kinburn o'y
Kelly Last year. Some, of his mistakes
were wide open. The following was
the line-up
Brussels Listowel
Hatt enol Edwards
Jnoheon (biota) .Johnston
Mitchell Grant
Henderson (3 baoke) M. Popnl er/
McDonald Bantord
Bowman J. Peppier
BalienOyne (right wing) Moore
Jones Clements
W, Kerr Contra %ally
Ri.$err (lett wing) Robbie
Cameron Davidson
Fox's Drug Store
The.� r'? t r Store
Geraniums for Bedding
TATE have placed our order for our usual
supply of Geraniums -the old. reli-
able Red otieand also a very pretty shade
of Pink. These will be ready for distribu-
. tion as soon as weather, conditions permit.
.We will be very pleased to book your order
for any number desired.
25c each $2.75 per dozen
'This is a combined Insecti-
cide, and Fungicide Plant
Tonic for the Gardens and
Orchards composed of 111r -
sett ate of Lime and Bordeaux
Mixture. Full directst ns for
use on each package.
Arsenate of
This may be used either as a
spray or fir dueting on.
Useful for Ferrite, Garden
Vegetables, Berry Bushes
and Shrubs, rrt
Full directions orl.each pacp-
For Rose Bushes
For most species of Aphids, Leaf Hoppers, &c., we have
Sulpho-Tobacco Soap also "Black Leaf No. 40" (Nicotine
Sulphate) to be used in the form of spray, also Paris
Green and Hellebore for the Greenihrorm.
"Careful Prescription Dispensers" '
-,. +�
Mrs. Harold Kerney and Master Ross • wouexaeelraeapoaiHonto AO 5ousework
left town last week for Gait on a visit in private family. Apply rt rue poem
to Lloyd B. and Mrs. Hewe, no: for Woaro buys yt,00010 otetiiey Bond, ane
Acton as stated in last week's "Post." 1081. Apple at, UB PORT.
('Non sate -1 young, fresh. milking Durham
cow and calf.Appply to J. T. Clan-roam48-tt Phone 258 Lot 21, Con. 12, Groy,
Roovan-In Grey Township. on Tuesday,
61n77 10th, 1025, Will H. Hoover; eldest son
of R..1, and Ere. Hoover, in hi. 82nd year.
MA nen Ane.: In Morris Township, on May
17th, 1825. Thomas 8. Marshall, aged 84
years, 10 mon the and 2 days.
Rnerout.-In Whtteohnrch, on Friday, May
8th, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Geo.
Garton, Ches. Rintoul In his 17th year.
rrrme -Lr Toronto Wohesley Hospital, on
Monday, May 18th, Martha Agnes smith,
daughter of the late Marsden and MM.
WHITE bull colt strayed from Lot 12, f7on. ]8,
Grey,about,ay 811, Any information Will
be thankfully . May received. BIXTra sreveCaoN,
48.11 Phone 4228,
Non sate. Two -horse spring wagon with
box, also a three•burner nal oil stove, com-
plete with oven. good as new. Tnoe. GLINT,
484f Wroxeter Phone R. 11.2, Wrozeter.
Cattle • Strayed
Three head of young cattle strayed from rot
11. Con, 18, Grey. Any information leadlne to
their recovery will be thankfully received
5t, L. CARDIIFF, Phone 418.
8ow for sola, will farrow about 1st work in
Juno. A. P8o0To++t,
48-1 Phone 8815.
A Tremendous Clearance of Ladies',
Men's, Boys' and Girls' Goods at
Bargain Prices
Splendid Opportunity_
state.»1.414 -"F3»5 41 * 4F0 4414Ftle:41, 4,1,, -41-e •3»tteRirA3e I»S ;»t» -7441+t» ».
For Ladies
Assorted Shades
Ladies' Garden Hats 20c
Ladies' Silk and Silk Lisle Hose
All shades, consisting of Black, White, Nude,
Beige, Sunburn, Came] and Filbert
3 pairs for $1.25
A fine assortment of better grades in the desired shades
At 69c and up
eC° Fine Cotton House -stockings in nil
1 Black, Brown and Whiter 5 pairs IA* f
>;+-44.grt;3;g4. A k' 17ea:i+:1werns!..;.444. +3.yi laiet!d<'F444401:'•t A: +i»b'nog . 40,
to Save Money
For Men
Men's Felt Hats, all styles $1.50 to $3.50
Men's Straw Sailors 1.00 to 2.25
Men's Caps .50 to 1.50
Men's Chip Hats .50 up
Men's Farm Hats .05 to .20
Fine Cotton Hose, Special 6 prs: for 1.00
Silk Lisle Hose, all shades 3 prs. for 1.00
Overalls 1.50 up
Hose in Silk, Silk and Woolw.
All Prices
Men's Underwear in Balbrig-
gan, Merino, Cotton Ribbed
Single Garments 55c up
Work Shirts .75 .90 1.00
'1.25 1.50
Dress Shirts 1.24 up
Cotton and Leather Gloves
15c to 1.39
Sweaters in Pullover and Coat
styles . All Prices
`Jiek�:,..4144+4.4.++Mid4;44$444 4Ml'M.":'.1414.144,,4141+`-4-+'a W.14144-ri'.:!+- 1344,1414.4-. 1e
For Boys and -Girls
A large assortment of Girls' and Misses' Straw Hats
20c- and pp
Girls' and Boys' Play and Bloomer Suits, ages 89e
2 tO 6'. Navy,` Brown, Sable, Extra value VD
BOYS' JERSEYS 40c to $1.25
,,Straw and other models 1 Oc and up
01»s.F3421itit- - - -•- - _ - - _ . _ _ __ • - - - . .. _ .d».wt«1»k!t4.4tl!,1!d!'k'tr_1w'r1�k?��
Make out your list of Family wants and take
advantage ,of these Money -saving