HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-5-20, Page 1VOL„ 5NO. 48
;$.0Q jher anal nt in advance
'5NT4R14, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, x925
/ Farmers
-find the service offered by The
Bank of Nova Scotia very con.,
venient The cashing of cheese,
milk and produce cheques, ,loans
for farm purposes, a satisfactory"
depository for savings, are only
a few of the many features avail-
able to farmers at all branches of
the Bank.
The experience of 92 years in
dealing with farmers is at your
service at any branch of
Bank -.
k of Nova Scotia
Iratd.up Cnpl,,tal s 10.000,aoo F. M. VUL LM OT,
Total Melees' - 210,000,000 10,500.000 M
Reserve anager Brussels
New Advertisements
For sale—Thos. Grant
Heir goodo-Pembers
Celebration at Mltrhell.
Bow for axle—A. Pro ter
Liberal Relay et Wh,ghem
For sale—Ethel Parsonage.
Position wanted—Toe Peer
Rooms to let—W. F. Stratton
Cottle strayyed—M. i. Cardiff
Bonded tenders—S, E. O'Brien
Calf,trayod—Baxter Stevonnon •
Northway Garments—King Bron,
Victory Bonds wanted—Ton Pose
Dloconnt for Cash—V.0 bu'cloy •
Bargain prices—Mercantile ;Sales Co.-
Rome Aoreo—Bluevelo Meth. church
Orange Servioo—Ethel Meth. ohmreh
pi5trirl setas
Rev. Mr. Shannon attended the
Presbytery at Lucknow on Tuesday.
"The Value of Play Life", will be
the subject of Rev. Mr._,Shannon
next Sunday mottling.
A base ball teem is being oranized
and soother meeting will be field on
Wedueeday evening to complete
On Tuesday Mrs, McDonald, Mrs.
eiclutosh, Mrs. Campbell raid Mrs.
Keys attended the Tresbytetiatl meet-
' et -
in l, • at Leckie.)tv - -
Weare soul to report that Jacob
Song is confined to Ilia bed and under
the doctor's care, euffeiine frotl a
serious attack of heart trouble, We
hope for a speedy change.
Our coin:nullity is in need of a park
for the boys and girls to play in. We
understand there "are, a few hundred.
dollars in the Red -dross Treasury, and
why not ase it in purchasing a field
for the coming generation 7 Clean
.porta are healthy and helpful,
Voling on Chudeh Union will be held
in Knox Church, Cranbrook, Wed ,
May 20, 7-9 p.m.; Sat, May 23, 2-4
time; Mon„ May 25, 10-12 a.m.; Wed„
May 27, 7-9 ip.'m.; Sat„ May 30, 7,9
min,; Mon., June 1, 7-8p.m,
East Wawaoosi Court of Revision
on the Assessment Roll will be held
in the Foresters' Hall on" Wednesday,
May 27th, at 1 o'clock.
sBALED TENDERS addressed to the under-
signed, and endorsed "'lender for Repairs
to flare, Kincardine, Ont.," will bereceived
until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Tnee•
day, 31111e 5.1925. for rapalra to piers et Him•
oardhie, Bruce County, Ont.
Plans and forms of coutrnot can be seen and
specification end forme of tender obtained et
this Department, at the -aloes of the District
Engineers Custom Rouse, London, Ont., Eq-
uity Building, Toronto, Ont , and at the Poet
Unica, Kincardine, Ont.
lenders will not be considered unless made
on printed forma anpplied by the Department
end h, a000rdenoe with conditions contained
Each tender must be accompanied by an no-,.
eepted cheque on a chartered bank. payable.
to the order of the Minister of Public Works,
e uel to 10 r
a f the
on amount of e
qp e ten-
of tde n the Donatio a of a Railway
C, -
donds of the Cannillnn National Railway Com-
pany will also beaccepted SA aeoarlty, or
bonds and -a cheque 1f required to make up an
odd amount.
Not,—Blue prints can be obtained at thin
Department by depositing an accepted cheque
.for thesun, of 510. payable to the order of the
Minister of' Public Warks, .which will be re.
turned if the intending biddersnbinit a regn-
By order,
422 S E.O'BRIEN;
Deuertment of Publlo Works,
Ottawa, May 15, 1925.
King. Bros.
Clearance of Spring
Ready -to -Wear
`� Garments
English Walking Coats
Smart Tweed Suits
Ensemble Suits
Utility Coats
Dress Coats
All are Reduced - . p.:.' . c.
Your opportunity to procure the Season's ,
best Coats or Suits at a Big -Saving.
King g Br ns. Wingham
W, e, Geddes, Proprietor of the I.
Liberal �� ly
Ernest'Geddes ie Improving ;from her recent operation at Wing.
ham Hospital, •
A big crowd. welcomed tile play,
'Home Acres", given by the young
people of Browntrrwn in the Foteat-
ere` Hall, of Tuesday evening of last
week. The play was- well presented.
The L. O. L. are to be,congratulated
upon bringing the playto the village.
The Sacred CaeUttn presented in
Victoria Hail, hast Friday night by
tihe Ethel Methodist• church choir,
was much enjoyed by the large crowd.
iu attendance, It was certainly the
treat of the season and all took their
parts well.
Stuart McKercher, Saskatoon, Is
•spending a week et his home here,
T. G. and Mre. Hemphill and J. N,
and 'Mrs. Allan were recent visitors at
D. M. MeTavish and family, Brus-
sels, called on old friel.de iu•the vie
lage Thursday afternoon. `
Rev. Dr. Harkness, of Ripley, for•
needy of Wroxeter, has accepted a
call to Summeretown, Out.
Geo. Sproal, Detroit, is enjoying a
week's vacation at the home of hie
parents, Chas. and Mrs. Special.
Rev, Dr. and Mrs. A. L Brown and
D. L. Weir left on - Tuesday to attend.
the Conference which is being held in
London this week.
Mrs, Birchall, Toronto, a former
principal in the Continuation School.
le a visitor at the house of Dr, and
Mre. A. McLeod..
The funeral of the infant daughter
of Gavin and Mre. Muir, whose death
took place on Sunday, was held on
Monday afternoon, interment being
made in Wroxeter cemetery, Rev.
Dr. Brown officiated.
The engagement is announced of
Maty G., daughter of the late Robert
Earls and Mre. Agnes Earle, Wroxet-
er, Ont., to Wilfred C. Hing, son of
Ernest and Mrs. King, Gerrie, Ont,
The wedding totake place June 3rd,
Mre. Harry Waller has received
from her old home. Deal, England, a
photo of -which she is justly proud..
The photo shows her father, Cock.
swain William F. Admire, of the Life
Bost "Charles Dibbin" standing be•
tween the Mayor of the town and the
Italian Ambassador. The photo was
taken on the occasion of the presenta-
tion to Mr. Adams of a medal and
diploma by the Italian Ambassador in
Pember'-s -Hair Goods
For ladies and Gents
Queen s Hotel, Brussels
Tuesday. June 2nd
Sole makers of Dorenwend'a
Sanitary Patent Toupees and'
Wigs New styles including the
new flea 1
h color g p siert roof part-
ing, p
fn .
Sir. will Knight g 1 demonstrate,,
and give free advice on all scalp
Telt phone Hotel for appoint-
The W. T. Pember Stores Ltd.
129 Yonge St, Toronto
h'I'i•d••1'•1-F+-'•h'i' d"F•i"t'•F 3'4.4.4
Special Orange Parade and
-Service at
Next Sunday at 7 p. M.
(Parade at s0)
Subject r Gideon
Theme lllnstretod wfth Bible elides as.
Meted by Roo'0 Orohootra, -
Mr, Addy will sing, °The Holy City". no.
contemned by 12 soden. .
'Phis is Mr. White's final fantern nitric()
and everything Is being done 00 ia005 It
inspirational and ouooesseftil,
Be en hand 10 hdnntee hetore time if
good meat le desired.
+.1.44144.444.14+++4.414+++++ '
The anodal meeting of the North Hut,
on Liberal Associations (Fedeeel and.
Provhicial).wili be held in the;
Town Hall, -
Tuesday, May 26
at 180 p.ro,
- Leader of the Liberal Party in.
the Legislature ;
Preeiilent of the Ontario Wom-
en's Liberal Associatfnrh ;
and others will be pteeenttoad-
dress the meeting:
All interested in the none of.geod Geyer.
wont in Ontario and the Dominion Ara invited.
to 6e Ode 1 t. A speolal invitation is extend.
Morgan Dalton, Pres. W. H. Robertson, Pres.
A. Porterfield, tree, Jas. MoMurohle See
. North Huron Liberal North Huron 'Liberal
Asso. lProvinclal) baso, (Federal)
recognition of his having saVed 42
lives in 1918off an Italian steamer
which was sunk bye German submar•
ine. -
Rev. W. E. Milson, ex.President
of the Londou Conference, was a vis-
itor in the village on Saturday.
J. W. Gamble, North of the village;
whose residence was recently destroy-
ed by fire, is rushing preparations for
rebuilding. On Monday he received
a car load of Milton pressed brick,
and he expects to have the masons
start work right away.
Harvey Bryaus had the mieforhne
to have his foot jammed on Tuesday
moving, around with a limp.
Passed Away.—On Sunday evening,
Thomas S, Marshall, a well known resi••
dent of ithe 9th Con., ,passed away after
a short Illness' of only four weeks.
While working .in the barn, 'Mr. Mar-
shall had a blood vessel burst above
the eyes, and the doctor thought at one
time he would recover, but paralysis
set In and the' deceased" passed out
quietly Sunday evening. The late Mr.
Marshall was born in Hallett Twp. of
the 13th Con„ In 1861 and was a son
of the late James Marshall. 34 years
ago he was married in Blyth to h'.: now
bereft partner, Bessie Skelton, and they
lived in that village for 13 years. 31
years ago they took lot 27, 9th Con.,
end have resided there ever since. Sc-
, sides his widow, deceased is survived
by one son, John, of ithe 13th Con.,
McKillop, and •two daughters, Mrs. Will
Morett, near Blyth, and Miss Jenn eat
home; and three sisters living in Mieh-
igan. He was a member of Walton
Methodist •church. Funeral will be held
on Wednesday afternoon at 2. o'clock,
and'-gervtce will be held at the home at
1.30 psti., conducted by Rev. Mr, Rob-
inson,Walton pastor atMethodist
W on
church. Interment will 11 be mads in
Union Cemetery, Blyth. "The sorton-
Ing ones have the sympathy of the
Graham and Mrs. Bell and Jack, of
Elmo, spent Sunday with John, add
errs, Wilson.
• , See Ethel news for report of year's
work in connection with Ethel Meth-
odist Circuit and special service on
Sunday next.
Justice and Mrs, Leke and Misses
Dorothy and Ettie, of Hamilton,
were week=end visitors with J. and
Mre, Lake, 10th Oone
r u 1, r
Mr. M .Do ttl a s.0 ant of
u en's Universi TCin 9tm Ivat
Queen's ty, g h. s
here over the week•emd to"' see hie
school chum. Will Hoover, who is so
HI at present.
'The Ladies' Aid' nr Roe's : church,
purpose holding a Garden Party nn
the evening of Thursday, ,June 11th,
on the chinch grouude. Further an-
nouncement later,
Jahn and Mrs, \Viison and children,
Arthur and Mrs.'Nicliolle and daught-
er, of Biota, Oscar laid Mrs,' Ilitehn
and son,,of Conestoga spent, mother's s
Day with their parents, Lents and
Russel Grant, who is attending
Listowel High School, rind sen of Jim.
and Mrs. Grant, 101,11 Con., ie playing
buck for the Listowel Foot 13a11 Club
and plays his position well. He play-
layeta in Brussels tin Monday evening.
Tuesday morning of this week, Will.
J. Hoover, eldest son of le. J, and We.
Hoover, 9 lr Co,,., passed away after
an illness Meting the past three weeke.
Deceased hail returned tomo from
Queens Univ etsitv,,itfter au attack of
tee m0)111', and was eericken with
t,0phoid fever. A week agn,Ile wits in
a very entice condition, but oil Mon-
day seemed Lo be over the worst, but
a sudden change acontred and death
took place, Deceased was limn on
elle old homestead in llast Wawanoeh
in 1893, and when 4 yeas unwed with
the family to Grey 'Township. The
deceased watt,, a clever youth in his
school work anti he was soon teaching
et Hiker's Scheel House, Morris. and
Union Seined (Wbitfleld's,) Cltey, end
a echool iu Blum., Afterwards he at-
tended O. A. Q mot Guelph and receiv
ed his diplmuth For two years he was
on the teaching etnte of the A rieal-
tthral College at Welchemggg
The host' three care he has been Alberta, t•
1 y
tendie Queens University, Kingston,
wheee1' had passed alt examinations 1 ill be present, anti fife and dnran
etocesefully, Besitioshis parents, hu
• Cash
. r
-=•FTER?une 1st all cash.-
4Mgrders for $1.00 or
more will be discounted at
the rate of '5 percent. All
orders taken or delivered
and paid for within a week '
will count as cash.
Kindly hav-g all back bills
paid and be able to take ad-
vantage of this saving as it
means $1.00's worth- of
goods for 95c.
V. C. Huntley
Grocer • Brussels
is survived by two sisters, (Mae. U,
McCallum, Mullett Twp' .and buss
Beth at. borne) and two brothers, (J.
Harvey, of Mount' Forest, and. Norm-
an, at Mune') The envie(' will be
held on Thursday afternoon from the
home of his parents,. at 2.30 p. m. and
service will be held et the home at.
2 o'clock, Interment will be made in
Brussels cemetery, Deceased bad a
wide circle os warm friends who will
hold hard in kindly memory.' Funer-
al is under Masonic auspices. '
The road. between Leadbury and
Winthrop, is being repaired. .
Cutnnlinge Garage hoe had a new
visible gasoline pump installed.
Rev. E F Chandler attended Pree-
bytery nt Lucknnw nn Tuesday.
Mrs: Peter Lindsay, of Klnburn,
spent Sunday with W. J. and Mrs.
Woods. .
Jen. McDonald is cleaning up bis
millyard this week and Alex. Mitchell
is the handy man with the saw,
Mre. Cater attended the meeting of
Presbyterial atLucknow oil Tuesday
and delivered the closing address at
the meeting.
Lorne Holly had his collar bone
broken when he teas thro'vn fermi a
truck. He will have enforced boli -
dace for some timer •
The Ladies' Aid of Duff's church,
Walton, will hold their entrant Gard•
en Party on the evening of July Sid,
on Wm. Wonde' farm' Further
notice will be given later butkeep the
date in mind. ,
The May meeting of the W. M. S.
Was held on Wednesday last at the
home of Mrs. Robert Hueston- The
President, Mrs. Oster, occupied the
chair: 31 ladies were present. After
devotional exercises ' Mrs. W. David-
son Miss!Margaret a t Knox and Mrs. J.
Ritchie gave interesting papers on Jap-
an and Formosa, which 'was Followed
by current events in Japan by Mrs. J.
McDonald and Miss Turnbull. The W.
M. S. were asked to take the Young
People's Guild on the evening of May
"31st. Roll kali was responded to by
naming a missionary in Japan or For-
mosa. Lunch was served at the close
of the meeting. The next meeting will
be held at t'he home of Mrs. - Hugh
Campbell in June.
NEARLY new Ford Coope, for sale, with
norms° end accessories Owner having
country. Apply parsonage Ethel.
Dr. Wardlaw entertained a d'
n d [rico
from New York recently.
Rev, Moores, Belgrave, fill -d the
Methodistpulpit very acceptably Sun
day last.
Thos. Dougherty left on Wednesday
to attend the London Gonfererce as.
Ethel's representative.
Severe frost Sunday night sotriewltat
injured the garden stuff. The ''early
birds" caught it this time.
Quite ,.t number went with the Foot
Ball to Im t Monkton on Tuesdayeven-
ing. Gagne ended a tie, 2-2. •
Lucknow Sentlnel.—C. and Mrs.
Paynard of Ethel, spent the week -end
with their son, Max Raynard of Pei d-'
mount, who Is still confined to ids bed.
Brussels will content for victory
over our boys on the park here on Fri-
day evening this week at 6.30, Cone
out and watch Ethel, who has a snore
team, Will from their old rivals. A
large crowd is looked for:
Next Sabbath is known as Confer-
ence Sunday, Usually there is no ser-
vice, but this week plans are beim;
matte on a large scale, It will be en
Orange Service, and 'the Orangmen will
parade from their Hall at 6.30 and ire
rive at the Methodist church at seven
o'clock, where seats' will be reserved.
Mr, White will preach the Orate ••er•
mon and hwill illustrate hisgthee%
with Bible slides. Another itnportaie
feature of ,the evening will be selections
given by the Roes' Ordhestra, and two
themes of anisic will increase the ef-
fectiveness of the lantern slides. "The
Holy City ' will be shown for the lest,
time and Mr. Addy Will sing the see
ectiott accompanied by 12 slides. This
will be the sinal lantern service in Mr.
White's minislry, arid it ;Is suggested
that people be on hand fifteen min-
utes before seven le order That a good
seat may be secured, Deputations of
Orange Lodge front LlttoWal and Brus-
W. . KERR, Pro f rielor
"Home Acres
A Drama in Throe Acts
Will be=resented by the Young Peo•
plc of Browntown in he
Thursday Ev'g, May list
Under auspices of BlueVale Metho-
dist Church
Oa 't
Ann Riekutt, "The Village •Drosemakar" -
Etta Agar.
Jane Whitman," A dear old Rout" Clara Agar
David Holdall, 'A Man in a Million"
Melville Dennis
Rose Whitman, "A Country Flower"
Ethel blathers
Lib, "a ease of Dynamite" - Verne Dennie
Enoch,' the Choir Boy" Harold Thomas
John Whitman, "A College Graduate"
Charles Johnston.
Wilfred Clay, "A New York Swell"
Walter Sollars
Helen Dalton, "New York Reality"
Ethel Wardell
Jim Ferguson, "A Crook"' Charles Boman
Ant I'—The'sitting room at "Homo Acres" on
an afternoon in July.
Act II—The new home in the pity the follow.
Ing Deoember,
AVM—Beak home the first of March.
Orchestra in Attendance
Adults 38c - Children 20p
Ethel was well represented at Br as -
Sets on Monday night to see the foot
ball .game between Listowel and Brus-
sels. Listowel won by 1-0.
The Football match on Friday
night between Ethel and - Brussels
will eornmence at 8.80 inseead of 8 as
on the hill..
It 15 leported that Rev. Mr. O'Kell,
who was a former pastor of the Meth,
iodise chinch at Ethel, is retiring
from the ministry in he London
At the recent finanrialGistrict Meet
ing, the Ethel Circuit was able to pre-
sent a fine report. Connexional Funds
were $S more than asked fort and the
Missionary objective was overstepped
by $30.00. Rev. Mr. Clarke, the Chair-
man of the Dietriot, said "That's a fine
report." This has been achieved by
the loyalty of the people. -
Ethel choir presented their Cantata
at Jamestown last Friday evening.
Readings by H. White and Lyle Ames
and selections by the Roe's Orchestra
varied the program very acceptably.
Mr, 'Currie, Mr. and Mrs. White also
gave two musical members. The orch-
estra are to be congratulated an the
fine music theyprodece. Rev. Mr.
McLeod was chairman.
L. H. and Mao. Busman are spend-
ing a few days with relatives in Leam-
Joe. Uuderwood received a carload
of cattle from Prihce Albert, Sask.,
and are on the grass now.
Heine. leathers is attending the
Methodist Conference in London this
week, as delegate for Bruesels.
The Court of Revision for the tcwn-
shtp of Turnberay, will be held in the
Forester's er's Hall,Bluevule. ou Thurs-
day, May 281.h„ at 8 o'clock fur the
purpose of heuriug cowpluiute again -
et the aseeseweut.
Thos, and Mrs. Forster, Wallace
heirounUestcdau daughter uazelA -
Ag -
nee, to Witham Guidon 'Yeo, son of
>Villiaw Yeo, Tuinberry, the mar-
tfage to take place early iu June.
The annual sneering of the Women's
Institute was !held on Thursday, May
14, at the home of Mrs. John Mundell
and was well attended. The Secretary -
treasurer gave a good report of the
work done' during the year and the
amount e
u of money apeaded. In a few
ch sen words the .President thank-
edhe e
t members for theilli sup-
w wg s p
port rendered during the year by help-
ing to make the :meetings interesting
and instructive. Mrs. Coombs sang
a solo "Mother McCree" and Miss Mar-
garet Garniss gave an instrumental sel-
ection, after which was the election of
officers with the following result:—
President, Mrs. Jos. Bromcenridge; Vice
Pres., Mrs. A. Coombs; Secy-treas.,
Mrs, R. F, Garniss; •District Director,
Mrs, Coombs; Branch nrJt directors Mr
R. Shaw, Mrs. 'Chas. Elliott, Miss Olive
Scott; Program Committee, Mrs. Ait-
kee, Mrs. C. ;H. !Garniss, Mrs. J. W.
Leggatt; Pianists, ;Miss Margaret Garn-
iss, Mrs. Ed, Johnston; Auditor;, Mrs,
R. Shaw, Mrs, A. Aitken.
Annual Meeting Held
of Wingham District
The annual !meeting of Wingham
District of 'the Methodist church, con-
vened in Brussels on Tuesday and
Wednesday last, with Rev. C. F. Clarke,
Ph, B" in the chair. On Tuesday the
mihisterial session was held, with ev-
ery minister present.
Carmen E. -Armstrong, son f Rev.
G c
E. F. Armstrong, B.A., B.D., of Wad.ace-
burg, who has freaotted successfully
for the past year at Tiverton, Was re-
colntnended to be received as a pro-
bationer, Rev, F, J. ,Oaten„ M.A., Ph.
D., Was recommended to be received
in the superannuated- relation. The
Doctor is Sec -treasures of the Ontario
Prohibition Union and was 40 years
in Ministry of Methodist! church. The
distriot accepted the resignation of Rev.
Harold White, B.A., B;D., of Ethel, who
has accepted a 'call to 'a church In
Stowe, Vermont,
Rev, 1. A. P.licKelvey was elected to
the Stationing Commlt'tee of the'com-
ing conference.
Re -opened
Miss Maude Bryans
'Wishes Ito announce that, ghe
• has opened an office at her home
one block West of the Bank of
Nava Scotia, and is prepared to
Wend to all kinds of Optical
Satisfact'on Assured -
On Tuesday evening a public" meet-
ing was addressed by Bev. C. E, Gregg,
B,D„ of Wingham, on r1 devotional
theme., Music was supplied by, the
Brussels choir.
At !the general session on Wednes-
day, It was shown that ,notw'i!thsteeld-
ing a decrease in (membership' in the
district of 44, the ,Misslonary con-r'be.,
kions had increased $591, the Edteca-
tlonal 52, Religious Eduicatlon $i0 and
the W. M. S. -$87.
The total membership of the dis-
trict is 4169 and 'the financial receipts
for the year were $72,162. The value,
of church property of the District is
Rev. C. W. 'Cosens, M.A., B.D.,
brought In .a splendid report of the r'
Young People's work, showing that.
the Young People's societies 'and Sun-
day schools were flourishing all .aver
the district.
A pleasant forecast of union was
peesented by representatives of Wing -
ham and KIncardine congregatoins, who
told of the splendid and happy results
of the consummation of union in 'those
Touching reference was made to the
absence of W. H. Kerr, a familiar
figure for many years in Wingham
District Meetings, and it was resolved
to send a letter of sympathy to Mrs,
W. H. Kerr from the district.
At the close of the last session, on
motion of Rev. O. E. Cragg and Rev.
0. W. Cosens, the district expressed
its sincere appreciation to Rev. C. F.
Clarke, the chairman, for his interest
in and efforts spent on behalf of Llie
The morning' Service in the Brus-
sels eletlhodiet Church will be with-
drawn on Sunday. -
Rev. Mr. Shannon, Oranbrook, will
occupy the pulpit ou Sunday Evening
iu Lie Methodist ()hutch,
A special aneeting of the Union•.Jad-
ies of the W. M. S. ,of Melville church,
was held in the choir room on Wednes-
day, May 13th, to appoint officers to
fill vacancies. Several other Items of
business (were considered and Miss
Jessie Strachan was appointed a del-
egate to the Presbyterial which met
in Lucknow on May 19th. Mrs. Mc-
Lauchein gave a splendid eeport of .tate
Convention held in London. This son
iety goes into the United Church after
June loth.
IPersonal Paragraphs-
S. Carter was a visitor iu Tornuto -
this week.
Fred Porterfield, Mitchell, Wee in
town on d,
liveayr bus returned from
an extended Piait in Toronto.
Miss Thompson, of Toronto, is the
guest of Mise Mildred Maunders,
Prov, Engineer Irwin, of the Good
Roads System, was in town on Mon-
Mies Gladys Ross, Toronto, ie visit-
ing with her grandfather, David
Ross, 00.
Harvey Ross, of Kincardine, is a
visitor with hie grandfather, David
Rose or.
Mrs, V. L. Sanderson, of Wingham,
was the guest last week of her moth-
er, Mrs. Willis. -
aoy Brothels, Stratford, was in
town on Saturday looking up business
for the Essex car.
Rev. C. F. Clarke was in London
lust week attending a Union Church.
Committee meeting,
Miss Mildred blounders, who is at-
tending the College of Art at Toronto,
is home
o,*a thee weeks' holiday.
o iday,
Mise Mary Heleu„Kerr returned on
Sunday from her visit at Totonte
with her grandfather, George Brown-
Stanley Hall, who is attending Un-
iversity at Toronto, is spending a few
days with his parents, Wm. and Mrs.
Hall, Mill street, -
Archie, the little son of Mrs. D.
Holmes, underwent an operation for
the retrieval of adenoids and tonsils
and is getting along nicely.
Mies Lillian Watson, of the Toronto
Telephone staff, has just returned to
her position after spending a couple of
of weeks at the hone of heir mother,
Mae. John Watson, Thomas street.
Charles and, Will Zilliax, Listowel,
two old - Brussels boyo aceomp-
aitied the Lie towel team to town on
Monday evening, Both boys were •
rot mer fnotballers but have retired to
the oetilonkere' bench,
Mrs, W. F. Stewart has gone to
Woodstock to visit h relative, From
there she goes to London to visit
Mrs. Milligan and expects to attend
some sessions of the Methodist con-
t'et•snce in Centennial church,
Miss Evans, of Wiartoh, arrived in
Brussels lest Saturday and le renew-
ing old friendships on Church street,
It is four goats since elle was in Brute
Mrs. R. It'. Dotvnirig and W. H,
Cardiff motored to Chatham last
week and vielted J. T. Weed atld