HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-5-13, Page 5aurns.+Isg • fit RJ$
HMt Intlttstrlal Mortgage awl
R. Savings Company, of Sarnia
Ontario, are prepared to Ovalle° mossy on
Mortgagee oa.0004 latae. ' 1'0111e. doetripk
MOWN, op earn mortgagee will please arm's' to
James Cowuu Henror•th Ont„ who will tut.
Well nom awl outer paettoulare.
The Ingt+etrial Mortl.'uget
and $savings ogmpany..
r &..+Fundi' e , kit uit011er
Fire, 'Automobile and Wind las,
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 61.7
• agent Had Mutual fire Insurance Company
Hartford Wtndetorm and 'Tornado Insurance
Phone to
Boz 1 Turnborry Street; laments
.$10/31.408.11M V.S",f21J . F9' ''S`I fd J1PJE„S#'
Por references consult any person whose gales
I have offioiatod•at, Phone 72* or eye
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night cella, peke oppoiIto
'"'- or Mill, &the!,
T. T. M' RAE -
M. B., M- O. P., d S, O.
21. O. tl., Oman of Btuasela
` Physloian, Surgeon, Accouohow
Office at residence, opposite Moly i11e Church,
W1thbam street.
Ir. M. afIJI°Vld'.tTni
Winter Term from Jan6, 5th �
Commercial lite offers greater *poor•
yq tunities than does any other calling.
.t2 Central graduates g do ea oee t:e -good posh• pts,
Liana. We receive vi 02nd n for train, `�
edhei than tu, have student, undul
ate. write the college at ones and get
ito hecatalogue,
ma flit e
t r er st you.
aY 5,4
,,l,V4vm (4,Nv VoYersr,�;rtW
1 r
It Pays to Attend the Best
o Cor.
.� Yan3a and Alexander ntl r Sts+ Taropta
r vt Every graduate of the last fir -
yl seen rnnntly, has ernured ern-
�� pinyment. Open all year. En /10e' ter now. Cntl ingue free. t
Oubs11 ,tq yelyozi&Wg aaleavigiork eA9k4
W 01
Highest market prices
See me or Phone No. 2x, 131119-
seia, and I will. call and get
your Wool.
NI rollick.
Does Your
*� Pe.o
Qualify ?'
it's a ' Waterman's
Any Fountain Pen's nee.
fulness depends upon three
Thei ,Nib
The Intl Supply Tho Flow
The tub tatuag (Mermen --the
ink anpply must be generous—
the now meet. be steady and
continuous, There le a 'Vater- '
roan's 111,11 tn tot possible
etyle of hand wvideg
Prieee $2 50 and up ,
Selection and Service at
our Shop •
Also W,aterman's Ink
Small bottle or bulk.
J. R. Wendt
Jeweler Wroxeter
We are in need of Wheat for
Milling, Sive ua a pati at our
Pewee(' if you have any to sell,
No trouble 1n toot prices,
All kiodo of
Flour and Feed
For Bale
T.' G. Hemphill,
Ftnur Mill 21
BtuONES ' Split Pea Mill 29
Night call 50
t (lad duo Ittmo
Onto* produotipu in Canada during
tbe last year is estimated to lee 1,095,000
be hers, as compared with a total crop
of'749 oto bushels 10 1923
Will Attend Grand Lodge.—,Western
Star Lougn wsiI be represented at the
I. 0..0, F, Grand `Lodge, which will
meet lit Hamilton this year. by Bros. W.
). McCracken and Harry Champion.
Four `hundred years ago Tyndall's
Bible Was first printed. What tbht
....leans should be fully appreciated 'by
wewho have it in oar homes. A speci-
al effort to mai. the .4)011 anniversary
is being put forth by the cbuech.
Ie is announced at Queen's Univers
ity that the combined 700180 of Arts
and Medicine will henceforth not be
bgntinued at the' University, Students
who started this course will be permit.
ted to continue, but no uetiv students
may register.
Saturn Worth Seeing. -_..Saturn, the
ringed giant. world, became the new ev•
ening star in the sky last Suuday night
When it was at its closest approach to
earth for 1925. The planet'sdistance
from this world is 82r,240,000 miles,
but Saturn is abig world, 73.ono miles
10 diameter, and so it shoos, in first
maguitude, in spite of its relnote0ess.
Saturn, with its series of rings, is ours
of the most spectacular objects in the
sky., The rings cannot be seen with the
naked eye,.but a glass whose 'power is
30 or more will reveal them,
Fill» ng Regulation,— The Ontario
Game & Fisueries Laws prohibit the
flshingfor, catching, or killing of speck-
led trout, brows trout from the asth
September to tile 30111 April, both days'
inclusive, and no person shall take a
number than in
the aggregate
shall weigh so pounds, and no greater
number than •ho though their weight
does not reach ten pounds No trout
less than seventeen Inches in length
shall be ken•. Not more, than twelve
..pickerel can be legally taken in any, one
day, The au horities purpose eetorcin1
the laws this year and eager anglers are
advised to beware
What the Country Needs.—,Here's
the way a coutemperery sizes up the need
sltaatioa :—"What this country needs is
a new birth t of freedom, bute old
fashioned $z lower berth. What this pounds,
needs isu't liberty, but less 9
people who fake liberties with our liber -rt
ty. What this country needs isn'f to
get more taxes from the people, but for P
the peop'e to get .more from the taxes.
What this country needs is toot more
utiles of territory but more miles to the P
gallon. What this country needs is t
more paint on the old places and less
paint on the young face. • -What this W
country needs isn't a lower rate of inter.
est on money but a higher. interest is
A Sotsh dOatnr gays oatmeal per,. 1
ridge causes rickets.. Nerd thing, sotn:e-
bpdy will say that bagpipes cause ciutl-
flower .ears, ' ' , -
The old�'time warning, "ne'er cast
Jt ut diurtggAley'the ie war'm spell adi April,
bat in the dight of weather we ere now
receiving 11 has every appearance of
+good obrnmon-sense, ,t ,
School Report4.-•••-Vine rare aiweys
pleased to reeeive' school reports from
teachers. These tptrbltshed iencourege
the worthy iPup�lls. 'Place, the report
lu en unsealed envelope ..narked "m;gnu-
serip�t" and a ope*cent 4itemjp •will car-
ry It. .
of Toronto reports (tat the of
since 1ril 882,vas withh24$ he ours ant d 24n e
utes 'of sunshine. The 'proverbial
"April Showers+", failed to appear, and
In consequence we ,m'ay expect May 10
be drenched in rain.
Must Pay for Parcale.—The atten-
Hon of postmasters has been directed
to the large number of C, 0. D. par -
the that
hasrfollewed through
legal practice of allowing persons to
whom goods 'have been sent to open
the 'parcels for examination before
paying the charges. lnetructions have
been again issued 'that where parcels
are sent
JG. 0, Dthrough
the charges must e pai.be oral the
package, Is opened,
A Good Idea. --The Boast] of Edu-
cation of Whitby and the High School
Literary Society have unilted in es-
tablishing en annual 'scholarsh'ip f
$25 cash. This will be awarded each
year to the middle or upper schobi
student who obtains the ;highest age
gregade %standing on any five' papers
provided, by the Department of Edu-
cation for the annual 'midsummer ex-
aminations In either of these dour -
merits of the school. The idea appears
to be worthy of eneuladion and is piss-
ed on to The School Board for consider-
Road Sign of 0, M. L. N'ow Over
70,000 Mark.—It is reported by the
Ontario Motor League that requisitions
for road signs from the affiliated. clubs
are far ahead of Oast year, when the
organization erected some 15,000
bringing ,the dotal up 'to the 70,000
mark. No less than 1,000 signs have
been already requistioned this year by
the Georgian Bay District alone, The
0. M. L. has erected morel road signs
than any other 'motoring organization
in existence, exceeding by 10,000 the
record of 'the Automobile Club of
Southern 'California, the largest as-
sociation of its kind in the Unified
Rate Raised to U. S.—Canadian Post -
office officiais have beep Infoftpect by
the United Stites postal department
thatfit will be necessary from May 1
to raise the rate on parcel post between
Canada and United States to 14 cents
a pound, it having been rpreviousiy .12
cents a pound. " This rate applies to
parcels mailed in Clnade addressed for
delivery in the United States, end when
emailed in. that country addressed for
delivery in 'Canada. The rates given
for the United States in the Postal
Guide are changed to the following:
One pound, 14cents; 2 pounds, 28c.;
3 pounds, 42c.; 4 pounds, 56c.; -5
?Oct 6 pounds, 84c; 7'pounds,
Sc; 8 pounds, $1.12; 9 pounds, $1.-
1:6; 10 pounds, $1.40; i1 pounds,
1.54. The maximum charge on any
arcej shall mot exceed Lc an ounce.
C-onsulted as to Oa effect the change
wouuld have on the Brussels parcel
ost tervice, the local audhoritles
bought the additional 2c a pound
would have very little influence .one
ay or another, for the amount of bus --
nese done between Brussels and the
States by parcel ,post was quite small
Police P li
o Court.—With 34casest.
wit h inthe month of April, a
p .
ncrease is shown in Huron county voi-
ce icourt over. April 1924, when 23
aces were. tried. Theis April, however,
my $136 in fines was collected, as
galnst $480 a year ago. Of- the 34
ases, 10 were under the 0. T. A.,
here: were two dismissals, 1ledjourn-
vent?;, and 21 sentences, six of which
ere suspended, One term of four
ionths in jail was the largest jail sen-
pace. During the last two days,-rw?
nes 'of $200 were imposed, one on
amuel Scott, of Kincardine, the other
n a Goderich,man for having liquor
-her than in a private dwelling.
To Be Nu
mberod.-•At is slated that
nare under plans
d rway
tothe D. d
Department r ei
of highways g ys 'whereby every road le
Ontario, even to the .back township 1
highways and byways will be number- c
ed and marked with signs. This will o
mean that there will be absolutely no a
difkioulty for tourists to find 'their way c
through the country. It is to be under. 1
stood that the signs are to be made I
bythe Government rnmen�t '•
at (costrice andw
given to the various municipalities to n
piece' up, The Government will also t
erect signs near ell dtingergus cross fn
hags and sharp curves alt$ hake over S
to some extent the splendid work done 0
for the past ten years by ebb Ondarie ' c
Motor 'League,
Keep to Left.—"Keep to the left"
is the advice given by all motor clubs
to pedestrians on highways outside
of limits where the sidewalk pavement
ends. Jn the kntereets of safety nt
pedestrians and motorists Alike, the
advice is issged as experience has
shown thee persons walking on the left
side of the road can see the approach-
ing oar and the motorist has a better
chance ho pick out the 'pedestrian at
ntghit. It is expedted the On•terjo De-
parrtatleut of highways will shortly co
operate by erecting road signs bearing
the inscription "Pedestrians, keep to
the left." Such sign's wilt brobably
be 'placed 'on -ail highways 'for a short
distance from •ttlunicipallity limits, 'i•he
signs would differ from the usual 0.
M. L. sign kit order that they will not
diffuse the' nlotor driver.
Asking for Reforms.— Raipal mail
cottractors presented'ellelr ease 20 the
Dominioslo Government last week, and
sought l
g the knowing w g reforms: Aboil-,
ou of the I con era
ct and tt system s 1 e
ntroduakfon 1n its place of a salary -
paid i system, where lthe members of
the association. will be »•laced on 1 Per-
manent' salary basis of engagement at
the rate of $70 per mile per 'year for
the rural anti contrackors, and an inn
crease equal to three times ,the present
Income for the dm/rectors operating
between the post offices and the rail-
way stations, and (where they will be
Able to continue permanently in their
work if they so desire,,, Baine Niro
active to 1917. Ten statutory holi-
days, with full salary' ,paement, lite
same as ere now enjoyed' by all other
brancihes of the P,petal Service, 'Ghat
alt rural- snail boxes be moved to the
right side of the roadway, to fifi..event
any- furthtte loss of life or set4otis tte-
cfdeitts, as •many have 'happened :n re-
pent years of serious nature.
Clover Honey 15c
'Fall.Honey - lOc
Lloyd Hupfer
Phone 610-5 Wroxeter
Custom. Hatching
Phicics " Mal' Delivery Jliu
Jane Delivery 15e
Custom Hatching
$5,00 per 100 Eggs
Any Breed orQuantily.
Now booking pedis for Melts
or space;
John T. Duncan
phone, 7x Box 20 Bi•useete
(Discussion 1s going on: "Is fishing
cruel?" Ihtdoubtediy. The big cope
which get away are terribly cruel,
Notice' to West Huron Teachers.--.
A teachers' trip to Northern Ontario
is being arranged to leave Toronto,
August 24111 and return August 30111,
The route of former .years. will be fol-
/owed And ;the, fare will be,••as in pre-
vious years, half
ar price
(about $55,00.) Two delegates from
each lnspectorate—a lady and a gentle•
man are to be selected. Those Wish-
ing to go will kindly send their names
to the undersigned, on 'or 'before Fri-
day, May 22nd, so that the executive
committee may make the selection and
forward the names to headquarters.
The 'patties selected will be notified In
time to communicate with the secre-
tary for instructions. G. S, Howard,
Sec'y W. H. T. A., Exeter, May 4, 1925,
The %ptr,xeter Bnwling'..Club was
re -organized with the. following rife -
ere : Hou, Pres.—R, Blacks Rees.—
T. Be Hemphill ; See. Treua. Thne.
Henry • Finance Committee—fn. J.
Town, J. It Allan and John Hen-
ueberg • GIeen' Couimittee.W. L'+
Van Vetster, Time. Ritchie and Reeve
Henneberg• Reuben Sontmen was en-
gaged as caretaker for the Summer,..,
The annual rueeting of the Salem
and Wroxeter Methodist churches of
the Wroxeter ch•celi."was held kat
Monday evening. The meeting was
well attended. Reports were received
from the various departments in the!
ebureb, all showing a prosperous
condition. At the conclusion of the
business a most enjnyable, armlet time
was spent, after which lunch was
served by the Wroxeter brdies, 'We.
Dr. Brown, pastor for the last two
years, has been invitede o amain au -
other year. -
Lloyd Valiance has been appointed
Postmaster here.
Miss Marjorie Ratcliffe has resigned
as organist of the Presbyterian church,
owing to i11 health. -
Elma Council voted $100 to Lis-
towel hospital and $100 towards the
y machine.
Rev. Hislop Dickson, of Cypress
River, Mao.. returned to his home, after
spending he week e
at the • ho
of his mother, Mrs. Thomas ,Dickson.
Rev. Mr. Dickson was. In Toronto the
latter part of last week, attending a.
Sunday School convention.
Mrs. William Edgar, of this place,
underwent art Operation to Stratford
Hospital sp 1 [asE week. Her many friends
,are glad to hear that sheis:making a
good recovery.
Harry. Aiken is carrying his arm In
a sling as the result of a rather pecul-
iar ar a, i
cc dent, He
and a •comrade were
1n Ing rc.
th nbaseball ei h i
to strike his wrist,
fracturing it rather severely.
The Horticultural Society' is staging
a sort of perpetual flower show, Each
week they place in Mr. Sansom's store
window some specimen of wild, garden
or house flower with a short history
attached, also the name of the grower,
or, if awild flowsr, the
Place w
it wee,found. f nd This is found to stimu-
late interest and Is leading; up to a
tulip show to be held some time In
The death occurred 'at Gravenhurst
last Wednesday of Reginald Edward
Walker Hagarby, B.A.Se., eldest and
only surviving 500 of Primeval and Mrs
E, W. Hagerty, of :Harbord. Collegiate.
Mr, Hagerty, who was born its Seaforth,
was a gradate of the Untversity.•+ol
Torolnto and was one of the founders
of the Theta Zetla 'Ch'a'pter ofj Beta
'theta Pi Fraternity. , JFotilowiug his
graduation he joined •a ,pdrtyl of en-
gineers sent dot by Guggenhotan'3, of
New York, to the Yukon. On itis re-
turn he became assoceited with the
Trussed Steel Concrete Company, and
later became 8 consulting. engineer ;n
Toronto. In this capacity be was re-
tained in 'connecttoti, with the erection
of the King Edward diokel -there, the
Mount Rteyel Hotel, Montreal, the Medi-
al ,Building et Western University,
Empire Wall Paper
Overlook Quality and Buy Disappointment
Buy !Empire" Papers Yo",'Buy Satisfaction
Oorbpteteselectionbare. Priees guaranteed 1hesense rya at
. "umpire" Sterne, 'Putman, Montreal and Winnipeg.
We are now ready, 16 give quotations on Ante and Buggy
Painting. .Are You going to Paint your Hoare ,ibis year ?
Letus figure on it.
London, and the Sar#tla, and St. Cjiih-
arines eolieglates, He was a Member
a the Bugin,eering Club and had :a wide
direle of ,friends alrroughout Western
Ganado and In Toronto, lie is cur -
1 vived by Itis parents and his widow,
i assprllher
emarriage prior to
Nelson, 13.
Fresh gravel le being put oil the
hf i,tlt Luny,
The remove are tinleliing up their
Spring work,
Mother's Day was observed in 'ay.
an Olturch on Sentiaykat.
Blyth Telepbune Syetem bite now
over 600 phones iu operation,
Nothanlei Johnston left for Sault
Ste, Marie where he will spend the
summer moltlie. Nits, Johnston will
le the n
t about, tat sissy 213
Provincial Consu'hle pollee', or
ttlnderieki, paid ati "fltuial viaithere on
7 uPeday night in 11tH interests of the
0. T. A, When he started for home
lit 1 90 a, m , he round that some fain
ce'eitnte bird 0111 the fnta tires on hie
unto, also the spate one behind,
When be found nut chat bud been
done, he woke up the garage matt and
got fixed up so that he was able to
leavefor lame.
A uietweddirig Was.,snlptnniz=•d at
the Manse, Oliliton, em Wednesday,
when itliss Violet, daughter of Sante.
el tend Mre. Castle, became the bride
of Flame, VWaymnutli, of Blylh. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr,
Hogg. Mr. and Mt•s .Weymouth will
make their florae on the farm owned
by the late Hayry Taman: • ,•
The funeral of Miss 'Harriet Wilson,
eldest daughter of Col. Alexiander and
the late Mrs. Wilson, who died in Los
Angeles, Cat, on April 27, took place
on Tuesday from the residence other
aunt, Mrs, Andrew Young, East Goder-
ich street, to the Maitlandbank Cem-
etery, Tite service was conducted by
Rev, Dr. Larkin. Miss Wilson gradu-
sled as a nurse from kite Presbyterian
Hospital, New York, and soon after-
ward went overseas, where she spent
several years in 'England and France as
a war nurse. For many years she had
suffered from asthma, w'hichewas the
cause eventually of her death. On ac-
count of her health, Miss Wilson had
spent the greater part of the time in
the Western States and iCallfornira, and
et her death was head of the co-ordtna-
Eion department on 'the staff of the Los
Angeles Metabolic Clinic, Inc. Besides
her father she is survived by two set-
ters, Mrs. Pares Ansel, of Montreal,
and Mrs. Bradford Helntzmlan, of Tore
onto; also one brother, 'R. A. Wilson,
ofet NYork.
(Too late for last week)
A new chopper is being installed in
the'tnill by Dunbar Bebe, who pier
posegiviug tete beat of service to the
A. lien' y, wife and family. who
have been making their Moue wit li 1.
M. Heur'y here, have moved to the
Meese, near tete the station vacated by
A, guess,
Toe Cantata which has beet' so sue.
resefully pre•ented a number of times
will be given in Victoria Hall, James-
town, next week. It is ivor•th seeing
and reports from Trowbridge trey,
"'Pile best program given time for
twelve veara'r
Methodist clloit nfgenized hist Tues-
day evening, with P. N. Ourtie as
Caudad Aaat. Leader Cecil Batemttu,
Sec, Teens. bliss Myrtle lelr•Kee, Mucic
Committee Mr. Currie, Mas, White,
'and Mr. Bisbee. "Onward toward
petfeci.ionl', is the aim rof the choir,
Lis nwel
Bl user's and
enter i have
v et teams in
Litee cu -
for -in r
to m dials W.
F. A. e Title will
probably constitute our diettict."-%
cordial invitation is extended to ail
players to practise here on Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
La.t Sundlty Rev. Mr. Shannon
took chatge of tlieservice 111 the Meth-
ndist ohm eh and {meeched a vet y f•ee
sermon," after es inch eal't li went puts
tb-awl ed to •r
a for t mm
i eirticeenls. rn
OP int1191i110 an cXeellent talk en,
"Wrrld Peace". true delivered by
Bert Lott, of BIM -seta. We' aI e nt-
tvirys glad to heist 31r. Lott.
Iufmten tion ftuw tlnderich is that
1,118 Towi, C ninoll bee rented the wept
euti of the town's freight shed foi $85
a month , for use rya a liquor export
watelittuse, the liquor to be under
bo11d'ito be delivered wader customs
seal to beats bound for Curia. Theee
of the Council, it is said, voted
against renting the space. The North
Street Methodist Cbtuch board also
phased a resolution of disapproval.
The %V. 0, T. U. and ternpet tome form
es:are 'gathering their Zea-cee for a pro-
Boron Lodge. No, 62, I 0 0 F.,
celebrated tbe 100th utiniveteaty of
the order by attending Divine service
on Sunday morning at the Baptist
church. Upwaide of 90 brethren, in-
cluding visihtre, heard one of the best
eerrhone nn Odd Fellowship, preached
in Gloderich fpr some years. The pan
Or, Rev, F. 0. Elliott, took as his sub.
ject, "Love,", the centre link of the
Odd Fellowship. He referred to the
useinbere at the or
dee as Samaritans,
daseuchtl t•
ret dutywas not tt eon-
ai rya to tine gods room, nor to
the rnembere of the lodge, but rattler
to these outside of the order who
Phone 2114 ETHEL
West End Grocery
Lest Ye -dor aet
WE' are
selling Ice
e C.r
eam this
his year as for-
merly. We sell Si verwoo
s th
e Ice
Cream with the Creamy flavor. Biggest
Cone for a nickle. Our Ice Cream is always fresh
and in good saleable condition,
OUR Grocery Stock is always fresh and
and prices right..
North Star Flour per cwt
Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag ....,.. 1.10
Ontario Shorts and Oil Cake Linseed Meal, Etc,
Highest Prices for. Eggs
It will pay you to bring them ill. Price this week Soo trade.
Phone 2225 ETHEL
+were dr we and out. On returning to
the lodgernotu areeolu.tlnn, moved by
A. Sauudets and Inspector Tom, was
passed, thanking the waea$eteent of
the church and the pastel• for the in-
spie'ingnet vices.
there is no denying that, owing ho.
the general depression In bussess
throughout Canada, the problem of ,the
'Canadian National Railways is an urgent
one. The enemies of public awnersbi0
are persistently clamoring WO 'the
time has come for the absorption of
the Canadian Nationals by 'the Canad-
ian Pacific. This, they claim, would
enable the Canadian Pacific to control
a huge monopoly of the Canadian rail-
ways sthat would eliminatei
nate all waste
and icompetition, and enable it to be-
come once more a prosperous cor-
i+oration capable of paying rich divl
deeds. The agitation for this amal-
gamation has become so persistent and
urgent it; certain circles that no other
Inference Is possible than that tt is ac.
Mated by selfish financial motives.
The deficit last year on the oper-
ation of the 22,000 miles of the Can-
adian National Railways was 555,000,-
000. This almost absorbed the rev-
enue from income 'taxation last year,
which was about $56,000,000. The
r •
people eahze that everything possible
roust be done t ran
obs ce
the railway
budget.' et. i
t f
g s probable that the oper-
ating expenses of the railways in both
Canada and the United States have be-
come so high that reasonable profits
are no longer possible. Just how
these extravagant expenses are t0 be
scaled down is a matter for the 'rail-
way managements to Jointly solve. It
is, evident that no petty palliative will
suaice.' The problems will have to be
considered carefully by both the ,bre
railway systems of Ca ada
' ss
well as
the federal government.
. 'rhe course that will be acceptable
to the country is co-operation and re-
adjustment, rather than amalgamation.
The proposal of Sir Henry Thornton
that the solution is co-operation be-
tween the Canadian National and the
Canadian Parlific, with the ,aim of elini-
inating waste, and improving the finan-
cial position of both systems, rtther
than amalgamation, will be endorsed
be the vast majority of ..the Canadian
people. The people of C
not tolerate a merger of the Canadian
National whit the Canadian Pacific, It
would create a huge railway monopoly
that weed have the country by the
throat. The sooner the enemies of the
public ownership and advocates of
'monopoly learn that the people of Can-
ada want thein to keep their hands off
the Canadian National Raihways the
better It will be for all concerned. The
Canada of the future will not only need
these roads, but many additional lines,
and a renewal of national prosperity
would soon tax the carrying capacity
of both systems and solve the revenue
n, n
Pnoble n t meantime theo
must be carried as economically as pos.
pays a use-,
/Dr Barna and Outbuildings
it has no equal
writs Head ofrrcR Mootraial for Fags pooldst
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent•,per 11b. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 Limited