The Brussels Post, 1925-5-13, Page 4ON PARLIAMENT HILL RY a Member of the Par.lamentary Proem CiallerY OTTAWA-- With eighteen Progres. credit .and who is going to take the slues, of wham nine were from Ontario, responssbl►ity? That Is lids question voting with the Government the mntlo.n 1 would like to have settled In my njind, of Hon, James A, Robb,, Acting Min- . What would be the issue in the next. later 0f Finance, "to go intq,Committee campaign if we were to put the Govern - of Ways and Means," was adopted In ment out of office on this vote? Would the Rause of Commons between eight it mean that we were in favour of a and nine o'clock on Friday morning higher tariff or in favour of a lowers by a vote of 123 to 86, a Government . tariff? ,That is a question for hon. majorlty of 37. The straight Conserv.' gentlemen to try to settle one way or alive amendulent of general censure, the other," was defeated by a vote of 48 to 164, a Government majority of fib, Thus was terminated one of the longest 'Bud- get debates to the annals :of the Can- , f adlan 'Parliament, over one hundred the Dominion more closely ,together members of Parliament having spoken,: leas Made In the debate by lion Em- end some miles of type In Hansard hay- est Lapointe, Minister of Justice."The ing been expenders in recording their true .National Polley" sad Mr. L. speeches. This voting, too, set the Pointe, "is one that w111 give equal seal of approval upon a fiscal policy justice to all, That equal justice, 1 which aims at seeking a closer approach j ant afraid, cannot come from tjh,ose who to unity as between the various econ- I want everything their own way with - mule and geographic sections of the 001'considering the interests of others, Dominion by a compromise between It cannot come from any patty which the divergent demands of the mann-i Is Eastern' or Western In its character facturing East and agricultural West.! and which policy appeals only to one for lower tariffs and freer trade on the or the other of our great geographical one hand and on the other hand high- sections. How many }tines do we er tariffs and 'restricted competition hear the suggestion .made by different from abroad, people in Eastern •Canada that Quebec I Ontario should unite against the Chief Progressive Whip Supports Bud- -activities of the West? Sir, 1 would get rather see the Liberal party and the It is significant that in the diviskod Governmentof which 1 am a member of Friday morning last there was only go down to defeat than attain an eph- one member of the Liberal party op- =era! success, an inglorious victory, posed to the Government's Budget and by such nefarious methods. I believe that was Francis N. McCrae, a member in Canada, in the':whoje of Canada, from the Eastern townships of Quebec, Canada for Canadians is a splendid who hasalways and resolutely opposed policy, but It must be Canada for all tariff reductions. It is also noteworthy Canadians, not for any privileged sec - that the Chief Whin of the Progres,ive tion of Canada?, Party, J. F. Johnston, a Saskatchewan member along with other Western Pro— gressives united with Ontario Progres- Mr. Melghen, leader of the Opposo- stves in supporting the Liberals. This tion, in summing up the debate for the Indicates that in the Prairie Provinces Conservatives and in attacking the Gov there is a growing recognition of the errnmeat, declared that the surptus efforts of the present administration claimed by the Liberals this year was to do all practicable in reconciling the fictitious and was concodted polity opposing views of the different sections for the 'purpose of making headlines of the Dominion. The majority Ny in the newspapers. He scored the which the main motion for -the atop- addition of the debt on account of the tion of the Budget was carried, was Canadian National Railways and de - larger than had been anticipated, the flounced'hemaintenance of a separate most sanguine expectation being that Colonization branch of that road when if would not exceed thirty. the Deportment of immigration and A Warning to the Long Ta ra • Colonization at Ottawa was ample 40 gke do the work, in his concluding sen - An Important featureof the Budget thnces he said the Government sub - debate was the warning' given by the stituted excuses and promises of re - Prime Minister near the conclusion of viva/ of trade for.any concrete policy his eloquent speeoh-.early Thursday which would extricate Canada from evening, that if the efforts of the Gov- Its great financial diffiicuibi'es. rhe eminent to expedite the (business of Conservative amendment, he pointed Parliament were ,.to be ',persistently out, called for a reduction in taxer, thwarted by continued obstructive lac particularly of those taxes which bore tics of the Opposition he wouih ,have directly on the average citizen. 'there no hesitation in asking His Excellency, was, he said, not one Progressive mem. the Governor General, to dissolve Pail- ber in the house who had not advocated lament. "I tell the House," said Prem- the same thing, and thereby P,lr, Meiglt- ier King, "that the Government does en unintentionally disclosed the res. Pot propose to stay here all through son for the curious wording of the the hot summer months impeded in amendment. It was designed to catch their business by two elements both Progressive suppoit by calling for IOW - going in opposite directions at the er taxes, while at the same .time is same time, If the Government find if called for a higher tariff which is a tax impossible to carry on the business ot too. "This time," added Mr. Meighen the country as it should be carried on, "the :people are going .to Sad out I shall not hesitate to ask His EEx:el- whether the Progressives are interest- Jengy to dissolve the House. I am ed only in continuing this Government speaking the minas of the people of in office or in application of sound this country, 'Chat they will not tolerate principles to government." a situation where the Government is Prime Minister Reviews Governneat'a continually faced with uncertainty and Record that they will demand that the Gov -min should be returned with a The Prime Minister's review of the strong majority. I have given an out- Government's record, his summary of line of how we have endeavoured to of fiscal policy and of what had been carry on the business of the country achieved in the way of reducing ex- wlth a smsil :majority and a hostile penditures and taxation was undaubt- Senate. Notwithstanding this, we have era), one of his finest efforts in Part - made a record of which any Adnnnis lament. rte noted that during the year traction might be :proud." 1924-22, the last of the Conservative The Progressives' Quattdrq Administration, total disbursement co Government expanses had been $464,- An interesting sidelight on the pre- 000,000, or $51.77 per head. During - sent situation in Parliament and the 'the last fiscal year it had been $350, - position in which, the major Progres- 000,000 (revised figures), or $37 51 sive Group would be placed were it to per head. For every $4,00 that had solidly carry out the Idea in the minds been spent in 1921-22, the Government of some of its members sof uniting with was now spending only $3.00, A the Conservatives and voting the Lib- similar ratio held with regard to tax- erafs 0511 of Hower was presented this ation. Its condluding summary of week in an illuminating speech by. one achievement 'brought a great dernon- of the Saskatchewan Progressives, stration from his folllowers. "Let. me Thomas H. MCConica (Baiitleford). conclude with these words," he said, "This tariff .situation is an important "in Rhe short time that we have been matter," said Mr. MCConica. "We are in office of Some three years or more going to have a vote on the Budget. we have reduced the public debt. We I do not propose to vote for efie Con- have reduced taxation, he costof i op t - v 1 servative amendment, That is quite ing and the cost of public service.' settled in my anind. Now, how about More than that, we are able to point' the Budget? My hon. friends to try to a vast increase in the tirade of the right (Opposition) are going to vote country, to the growing of national against it because the tariff is not high unity, to an improvement in our credit, enough. My friends to my left (his as witness Pie circuumstance that, to - fellow Progressives) are supposed to day the Canadian dollar is quoted at vote against it because it is too high, a premium in New York, Having :e- lf I vote against It and :my friends on gard' to alt these circumstances, I think my tight against it, are they voting the Government is entitled, at feast with me or am I voting with them? from hon. gentlemen', who have pro; Or are we trying to hitch up a team anised honest co-operation where tine and null the, Government from thereat Government sought to serve the of power, with one horse pulling East country's interest, to support of the and the other pulling West? And 1f Budget which it has brought dowa at we succeed, who is going to get the this session." A Policy of Equal Justice A stirring appeal for a true Natiat:ai, Policy In Canada that will serve to knit CROWN INCOME TAX LIEN REGULATION ft. W. Breadner, Commissioner, Issues Explanatory Statement OTTAWA. May 6. The coming in- to effect ae from May 1 of the law making arrears in Dominion ino0me tax a Crown lien on real estate hold - Inge has caused such opposition from financial men and others interested in loans on real estate, who maintain that such a law would impede trans- actloneand poeelbly tender thetn un- safe, that R. W. Breather, annlmis• stoner of taxation, flan hotted the fol- lowing etateruent• ., With respect to the Grown lien on income tax it will not apply to any assessment levies in respect to income realized prior to 1924. It will apply to n aid u taxes on income ppr pmeof1924 in four hi -monthly Instalments, the last payment to be rnade on October 81, 1926. "After that date nonose of asses, ement demanding unpaid taxes will not be mailed, mud, inasmuch as the Hen only arises the clay following the 'nailing of notice of assessment de- manding unpaid loxes, this indicates that.' to all intents and put'pores, and in actual fart, the lien cannot rise un• til after ()ember 81, 1928, "All persons after the said flute in. terested Irl any teamster or'secnrity may aegtrhe from the Inspector of Taxation, a certificate setting forth the tax liability of the transferor or pledger provided that authorization for the acquiring of such infonation is furnished to the Inspector. efl "From the foregoing it is apparent that transferg and pledgee made prior to October 81, 1026, shall lank ,for all purposes prior to any lien of the Orown for Meanie aam0 tlx IUr pp Dees that t may arise thereafter. Indeed, even. after that date. the old rnaxim, 'first in tirne shalt be preferred,' will remain in full force and effect." Prepay Postage Fully.. --The public are .reminded the letter .rate to Great Britain and other places within the Empire, including Newlfoundfattd, ifs 40 for the first ounce, and 3c each additional ounce, .Do noe have your friends pay ?tor Insufficient (postage, ONTAi mm W)ax'E OBM.R SHINGLES POSTS . .. PLANKING Best Hemlock inch Lumber, Studding and foisting (to, 12 and 14 ft, lengths) Red. Beech Stoneboat Runners Rock Elia )Doubletree Stock Cedar Hay Rack, •Sills, Etc. 44sirr N fiNI8H1' HARDWOOD FLOORING • `$LABivOOD to In. CEDAR KINDLING 7e in; Gibson limber & Cider MiGs - - Wroxeter PNgnoe€R tg2o Place your Order Now 4. ofthe Best Best lArticles Made Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes BOO Cataract act Washer Westing house Y e 'Electric flanges Cement Lime Paris ton Wilton& Gillespie lles le r PAY TRIBUTE TO REV. R. McCALLUM Impressive Funeral Services Hold At Lpcknow—Ls, Charge of Presbytery —All Busipess Pieces Closed Out of 1e4Pect LUGKNOW, - May 6.—.Attended , by hundreds of sorrowing members of his congregation and friends lfrom all over the surrounding district, the funeral ot Rev, Robert McCalbem was field here to -day. The services, which were in charge of Maitland Presbytery, were held' in the Lucknow Presbyterian Church, of which Mr, McCallum hqd been the beloved minister for the past eight years. Never has Lucknow " witnessed a more impressive tribute to f deceased citizen. Alibusiness places were closed during the time of the funeral as a mark 'of respect. The church in which the funeral was held seats .500 people, but by the, time the service began at 2.3'01001 only was the :auditorium crowded, but more than could get in- side were gathered in the' basement and in the grounds ,outside, OFFICIATING MINISTERS. The service, was in charge of Rev. J. P. McLeod, of Brussels, moderator of the Maitland Presbytery. The Scrip- ture reading was taken by Rev. J. Sco- hie, of Whitechurch• prayer was offer- ed by Rev. K. A. Gotten, of South Kin- loss; the sermon preached. by Rev. J. I] % onotsed btyhethfiedayprta, n will bp- W. P..A. Teams are -• Placed in Groups Eight Districts In Senior -Intermediate Teams and Three For Juniors K•ITCHENER, May 5. --The 32 Sen- ior Intermediate Western football teams were grouped geographically 1s re to- night by the advisory committee of the W. F. A. of anywhere front two to six teams, instead of the four -team group- ings •which obtained last year, l ise winners in each group will be classed d as seniors and will.play off for the sen - tor cup, 'and the runners-up will play off for the intermediate cup. All Schedules must berin Secretary James Blake's hands by May"12. and the first' games w111 be played on May 16. Two and three -team groups may play a double schedule If they care to, _ __ but' all group games must be conc'luded ' y-- "___ I by July 1. The Segni should agree on 5.Ifardie, of Ashfield, and the benedic- referees for the group games, but fail - Hon pronounced by Rev, IC. W. 'Cons- Ing to do so the association will appoint ins, Methodist minister at Lucknow. them if notified. Rev, Mr. Wilkie, of Ansa 'Craig, where Entries for the Ontario oup series of Mr. McCallum was 'taken 111 and died, the W. F. A. will close on May 24. .,, in an eloquent address spoke of the'Reg Reid, of Seaforth, the player sterling character and. devoted service i who last year played with the St. Pat. of Mr. McCallum. I rick hockey team, at Toronto, asked Among the other ministers in at to be allowed to play with Seaforth, of tendance at the service were: Rev. ;W. 1 which olub he Is secretary, but the A. Bradley, Teeswater; Rev. 'Charles r committee .ruled that he .could not un - Cumming, St, Helen's; Rev. W. A. Mc-! til he could produce an amateur card, William, Kinlough; Rev. C. N. Ale- SENIOR GROUPS. Kenzie, Belmore, and Rev. C. P. Over- The senior intermediate groups, with end, Kincardine. conveners and place of meeting; The service at the grave was con- No. l ---Kitchener Rangers, Galt, ducted by Rev. Messrs. McLeod and Guelph, Kitchener, Victories, Hespeler, Scobie. A Masonic service was alsoPreston. James Blake. Meet at Kit - conducted by fLucknow 'Lodge, A. F. rchener. r& A. M., No. 184, of (which the tate I' No. 2—Ayr, Roseville, Drummond. Mr. McCallum was a member. Over; James Oliver. Meet at Ayr. 60 of the members of the 'lodge tat No. 3—Stratford, Tavistock, Amul- tended the funeral Ina body. The Mas -J tee and St. Marys; s, H. Fisher. I Meet onic ritual was conducted by T, S at Stratford, Reid. The pallbearers, ail Masons,) leo. 4—St. oolymban, Seaforth, Kin - were: William Little, Thomas Watson, .burn. W. Carter. Meet et Sgaforth. A. E. McKim, William' McKenzie, Rob- No, 5—Mllverton, MIlibank, Ethel, art McKenzie and Robert Fisher. Brussels, Monktom, LI:Stowe!. t Cully Interment took place id Greenhill Rocker. Meet gat Listowel. 'Cemetery here. No, 6—Holsteln, Palmerston, Moore- field. R.`Barton. Meet at Palmerston. No. 7—Owen Sound, Varguez, Car- sili, Walkerton, Mlidmay, P. Wolper, 'Mount F'oreek wIll hold their animal lawn bowling ".i'oitrnafarnt on July 1001 a.id bile f3coteh Doubles an Labor Day, Clifford is aebing luformetlonabout , the L,adiea' kinftbail Lenguo and etat• I ing that Clifford svielied to enter a teens. Au enthusiastic reorganization meeting of the Wiughan Leero9se 010 way held meanly, when W. 11, Willie tvascboeerr honorer - +e. a pt Qiduut L. 0, Young president, apt Dal. 0. i M:Lsarr mewriger. Seaforth, Brucelield and Tucker smith football teams will unite under one team this yel.r and pay at Seaforth in the W. 1', A. Following are the of- ficers of jthe Hurons of Tuckersrnrt r: r President, A, W. Dick; vice prey., John McKenzie; sec, -trees,, Reg, Reid; cam- !mil'tee, Art. Nicholson, Wilson Wright, Geo. McCartney, Dawson Reid; mane- ger, 'Bew Johnson; field icron8mititee, A. W. dick, John MlcKenzle, IGondon Cork IN the Canadian egg laying contest at Ottawa in 1928.24, and the Oarrudirtrr and Gerardo contests 1924.25, indnsively, our perm of 8 O. White Legborns rte winter egg pro. dueers were in Bret place. When buy, log your' baby chicks why not buy Canadian chicks with years of good reputation back of then when they can be eecneed at practically same nest ae chicks from inferior stock. Leghorn chicks 12 'cents each. rte eks 15 oC scant, delivery. June t r y. rn order to get them -early in June, it willbe necessary for you to place your order without delay, W alter Rose BRUSSELS ONTARIO Sporting♦ :Walkerton. portin News of Interestt ' No- 8 --C oIiingwood, Faversham- T. r3 Linder, Collingwood . THE JUNIOR GROUPINGS. The Exhibition football game, Wat- erloo College vs. Milverton Contin- uation Sehooi, was.played on the Ath- letic Grounder, Milverton, ori Wednes- day alt •rnoo't, 1 etw•'en 4 and 6 o'clock, The saare was 8 to 0 in favor of Mil- vertoo. Iti is reported that Wingharn and Lucknow will combine and play Base- ball in the Bruce League. Several of :net year's players last their cert- iflcetes when they played a ringer in the Goderich-Lucknow hockey match, and clamor play ihie Year, Overland has proved its quality to over a quarter million owners,,, worias s Lows Priced.` .Lime of Fine.> a Chi S: „vim 81(din� Gear Mansmi'.sion OVERLAND TOURS CAR Lustrous, baked enamel finish permanattty beautiful . . - all steel body .. , big power ... patented Triplex Sprints :. . ed es rugged Axl . modem disc type_ clutch . foot accelerator. The lowest priced dot Tgpdng car in the maid with g tar transmission. OVERLAND BUSINESS COUPE 3 Paseeugere--sr eloesd ear for pro enslonet mm, salesmen and small families at a tower-th,,am,r price. Palm wide door and egat. Unusually large luggage com- partment fn the waterproof rear deck. Overland's notable power performance and endurance- Alt Steel body. 875 lower batt, its neatest competitor. OVERLAND SEDAN ' The unrivalled leader of the low priced closed ear 'field. Four wide doors. Comfort for five. Disc type clutch. Rugged axles. Oceans of power. Extreme economy. As much as $71 lower then, ,Competitive cars. OVERLA: S. 'CARTER, Brussels - Also Agent for De Laval Cream rs Se arato P s and Singer Sewing Machines No. t—.Mfidmay and Walkerton. P. Walker. Meet at Walkerton. No. 2—Tavistock and Milverton. Convener to be appointed by secretary. No. 3—Winthrop and Listowel. Co?t- vener to be appointed by secretary. The )Hough cup entries were group- ed as /follows: Northern group—Walkerton and Lis- towel. 'Convener, Principal of Listowel School. Southern group-- Milverton and Stratford. Convener,' Principal of Mil- verton high Sohool, MAY REVERT TO SCOTT DRY ACT. Three ,Counties Take Steps To Escane 0. T. A.—Opens Avenue For Others —Question Is Whether Liquor May Be Kept lir Home CLINTON, May 7, ---Ah• effort ro have Hrl'ron County revert under the .;,sway of the Canada Temperance Act before the beer amendment to the Ont- ario Temperance Act has a Chance to get hi operation is being, considered by the Huron 'County Social Service Coun- cil, the secretary, A. T, Cooper, said to- day. The effect of such a imov/e may be to open up an avenue o@•escape from the Q. T. A. for all other muni- cipalities in Ontario, students of they statues. believe, If Huron reverts to the Canada Temperance -Act, and the system appears to be satisfactory, it will -be possible for other counjles and cities to petition to (the governor -:n Council for a vote, winch by a:straight majority would bring into force the C. T. A. in that municipMality. The ccuntie5 of Huron, Perth, and Peel are in the same boat as regards the 0. T. A. They were 'under the C. T. A. until the Ontario,Termiperan+:e Act came In, and them by petition they had the C. T. A. suspended. The slaw under whichsthe Canada Temperance Act was suspended in these cases read• that suck( suspension should "continue as long as the provincial laws continue to be as restrictive as the ?provisions of`the federal act,' Now It becomes" a question whether the Ontario Temper- ance Act, with its 4.4 beer, is as re- strictive as the Canada Act, under which not even temperance bear Con be legally sold, . HOME CONSUMPTION. The difficulty, culty, however, ve r islu respect to importation. T[is though forbid- den from sources outside the province, might be possible, under ,the Canada Temperance Act from distilleries in the province. The result, would be that whlle Huron would have no beer or any other Iigvor on sale, supplies could be imported by :householders for per- sonal use from points within province. "The question," says Mr. Cooper "Is whether ether the 'CanadS Ternperante Act would be as restrictive as the O. T. A, There is no definition of strength of kptoxlcetdnt Liquor its the Canzdx stet - —The First'Consid eratio. a The Safety of your Deposit in The Province of Ontario Savings Office. Is Guaranteed by THE ONTARIO QQVERNMENT InterestPaid on all Deposits Ayluler. Brantford Hamilton (cot: York turd Mo a a Nbets Nesvruarkr+t Ottawa, (207 Sparks Street) 'BRAN ONES : ' Orion Sound Toronto (Hay mud' Yewubeoke Adelaide Ste.) Seaforth Toronto (849 Den- St. Catharines. for Ave,) Toronto ([University St Mar'ye Ave, and Dundee Walkerton Street). Woodstock 43-28 Stop , + Look ! Listen ! Ye who have BATTERY it:rouble don't throw as(ay your old battery --- use R E V E` V O the New Battery Electrolyte. Makes your Old :Battens- woitk like new. For Quarter the cost. Earl Ana erson Distributor for Huron County. Brussels, P. 0., Phone •154 Me. Some of us in•tenpret the clause to read that even local option beer coed not be sold in :Huroneunder rite C. T. A. The Canada Act does not stop importation of liquor for private use from sources outside the province, but a 'provincial statute passed later does so. It Is a moot question whether supplies could be obtained from sources within the•provtnce." MAY INVOKE COURTS.. Discussing the means by which the Canada Temperance Act could be 'a- ,voked, Mr. Cooper said that it would probably be by order -in -council,. but .t was possible that a :magistrate's deci- sion might first be sought as to wheth- er t1K O. T. A. was now asestrictive as the Canada Temperance Act. At any rate the .Huron County r- ganleation win not hesitate to test the plan. The secretary ,has" been discuss- ing the matter with the president, W. G. Medd, of Exeter, and action may follow at once,. perhaps in time to fore- stall the issuing of beer licenses. Should the 10. T. A, not prove satis- factory to the temperance forces, they would petition again to the governor - in -council to have it suspended. :The temperance forces asked members^to withold permits for beer in C. T. A. counties, but Mr, Nickle said: "Go a- head and bring back the C. T. A., if beer is not wanted." It is agreed that action taken by the 'Canada Temperance Act counties might have an effect on, nitres eke Toronto end London, in that it (would reopen the Canada'Tomperance Alct as an av- el:ue of escape from the 0. T. A. Manitoulin Is one county where the Canada Temperance. Act remains in and where :beer permits cannot be 1s suedPorte., never having been suspended, OTTAWA ASKED FOR RULING. OTTAWA, May 7H---W'h:ether tae Canada TemperanceAct twill be revert- ed Ito in three Ontario ,counties is a result of the adoption of 4.4 beer, is •t' question upon, which a memorandum has been prepared by the state dep•lrt- mentnt:roficer dealing with that act. He will ask dor a ruling by the Govvern- me three three counties In question ate Peel, Perth and Huron, They voted tq suspend the Canada Temperance Act, such suspension tinder that statute to continue "as long as the provincial get involved as much restridtion as the G. T. A." _ the question now is whether the new 4.4 bill lessens the restriction, If it be held to do so the old act uav be reverted to in these counties. The question will mot come up a R- cially, however, until the new provin- cial legislation. is proclahned, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -,in the matter of tho :'estate of amen Tarman lateof the , Townehlpo{ °rely, In the County of Huron, Farm. er doaeeaed. -. Notice is hereby givon persona to "The Re. vlsed Statutes of Ontario;' ,Chapter 129, that all arodltors and others having claims against the estate of the amid Bnull Ty Grimm, who A, 0. 011 or are riqusreed. on ror before ethe gix- teenth day of blayU925, to send by post pro - paid or deliver to the Bxeootors, of the last will and testament of the deceased their Ch, fatten and surnames, addressee and desorIp. Mons. the full parttcu•rrs of their clams, the otatement of their accounts and tho nat-" are of theseoertttoo tlf nal) held by them. And farther take notioe chat after snob last mentlohed tato the said exeeatore will pro. Deed to distribute the assets of the deoeeeed among the parties entl4Ied thereto, having regard only to theclaims of which they small theta have notice, and: that the ,aid executors Will not ba liable for the said arises or any part thereof to any Pelson or persons or whose Walnut notion shall pot- have been received by 0., l thornrtb et the time of Boob dist. illation. Dated this Twenty Third day of April, A. Solicitor for Robert /3.�lyen:non and'Perciv- etN.Il'yarman, the Iixeoatore of the deceased, For Sale by Tender Tenders w111 be received up to May 2001 for the purchase or three t, .ok -•ares with apart. menta above. known ns the llehards Block, Brawls. tiltuatcd pert to Bank of Novo Scotia, The highest or any tender not necea- earllr ncoepted, Address ail tender.. Co 40.3LO.RwnAnne, 20 Siladi°» ave,. Bond hog, COurt of Revision Vlttago of Brussels The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the In logo of Braa.els,will be meld at the Oouneil Chamber, Mondry. the 8th clay of Jana, next, at o'clock lr as All parties in - tet eked w111 pietas take notice and gave, It themselves accordingly, -' A. 13 MACDONAI,D, Clerk, Brussels, May 61h, 19211, _ Court of Revision Township of Morris The Court of Revision on the Assessment the of he deli elondny,l the 18t, day of MAY, neat,at10 o'clock e ,n. All Parties in• tereated will please take notice and .govern 4hemaelvea a000rdingly, Morris, blas 5th, 10'21A' alAoSw11N, Clerk. Farms for Sale 100 oarea.of land, boing rho 'oath 14 of Lot 5, Can, 8 and the scull }4 of Lot 16, Con. 7 in the Township of Morris These forme are ofer,d for sale to close op the estat° of the late .tames Snmith• 7f not solei tb'y,attl be rented for pos. tore. Bor particulars appply to the 'teener', AbirR Sp Isa'fi, .HENSY lsa NDERSON. Milford Property for, Sale Howse and Int of about Of acre, sitnattd on (hammier of Toraberry and Thomas streets in. the Village of Benicia's, known As the Don. ford h n e 0n the property 1s n very sub. b nhone) ; ,leetsl,,embed, steelroof, consult cellar goers, :new tornaoo, olothai closets, bath room, °lateen,,."drilled pr.Il trait treat., s aloe raspberry plants/Ion, lovely or. namental add evergreen lisps, nod n beautiful lawn will b° sold for half of what is wool,'. cost to Build itto wind up the estate of the Into B. C. Danford. Immediate poseesstm,. FOfurther, oit,t or JAS tat NADZIsAN;Dalt door), Box I Brussels P. 0 • lei+ t». Fib' i'6r•l'11'FO'i't►•%�d'i'k4+.*4 Y� 1d rft:►+.+.+4+.+.*,.*,..•t•4„h'►,. The Seaforth Creamery dream 'int • til Send your Cream to the Creamery thorou ' established and that gives you Prompto Service and ' . Satisfactory, Results. We solicit your patronage knowin g that we .can give you thorough satisfaction. g • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam= les and you the highest P m oriel r' pay prices every two weeks. Cheques payable,at par at' Bank of Nova cotia; For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to 1 The Seaforth oreamerya Co. 3 SEAFORTH, ONT. 1 1