HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-5-13, Page 31 you'd like a little better tea than you
are using, please try "Red Rose"
Trott Gate •Birthday Present.
An unexpected"hirthday present re'
reeved by the 1st Oakville Troop an
its l,irthdtny, Aprlt 24111, was a new
over•tlight bike but and the privilege
'of using the flue piece of wooded land
in whish it stands., This is" but ono
testirnoey of tlie appreelatton local
people have for this floe Te• op•, On 4.
flood Friday this troop' planted 2,700
trees %hioli 11 recelvoil from .the On-
tario Forestry Department, thus pav
ing the way FAR -another pleee of, woad•
ed land which some future Boy ,:,,.routs
Wilt be able to enjoy some day.
Proper, Food for Fires.
If you ere going Itt vamp out or hike,
'it is well to Have nacuowledgo of the
different kinds ofe wood, and the uses
• to which they are best adapted. 1tof
a quick,' hot, flaming, lire use birch, itis well to knowsome of the eymp- Itis a fine sign to pay attention to.•
either green or dry, antlpnranthett0aI- toms of infantile paralysis. lilpidem-1 72 your baby objects to being held,
1y, birch bark, even that off a living ics of this"'disease are •most likely to, look out for infantile parelysi . If
r w
Greeill kindle a Are anywhere, any occur during the late spring or earlyithe baby is sick, it is nattulal foi•1tim
time, regardless of weatlier or any- summer. • When an outbreak doesito Want to curl up inyeararms, but
^ thing else, Black -jack oak, hard maple, come it is always difficult to decidetif be cries when you curi•him up, it
chestnut, ehor•t-leaf .Mine, red maple, whiei was the first case, and atilt may be his teak and back muscles are
eb leaf pine are gnu, 1f dry, pie,r more difficult to -find out where the tender. If such armee aro followed-up,
oi, long eed leaf
use hio ori 12 dr white ash disease came from. The conclusion is it is generally found that the.muaeles
arrived at by the investigator that presently to he •perely:t d, are tender.
or whits oak. Never, if it can he when at definite ease is first diagnosed, Later on, in most cases, weakness of
avoided, use hemlock, cellar, any green there ,must have been otber cases oc- some muscles.;or pens of muscles de-
pine,pitch plea ,white elmorgreen pop- curring prd,'ious to it, hut these case8 velope. The symptoms winch the doa-
lar: For back logs also poplar, red melt, either recovered Without showing any; for is'epected to find are loss of rous-
er pitch, pine, all green, symptoms. of paralysis, or else were cle power, distributed in no .regular
Vire-building 15 at once the simplest unrecognized as infantile paralysis'fashion, toss of reflexes and retention
rt '!n and were treated as some other con -'.of sensation. If the doctor is equip -
and most important - part of loin g ditien, or not seen by a physician at ped to do so, he will imp the spinal
the open, and is the cause o morerail. knowing the possibility of miss -r column;, get some of the spinal fluid,
9amfort and discomfort than anything ing these eases, it is important that: and gain valuable information from
people, lay people as Weil as'medi-'examining it. The pubiic•should keep
in• mind, that the muscle wasting
which foz'ms the prominent feature of
the ordinary mental'pictur•e of the
disease doers not come for weeks -after
the acute stage has subsided. It is
therefore true that a diagnose based
on muscle wasting is ratherlate to
do any good. Moreover, about ane.
quarter of -the cases of infantile—
par-alysis that do develop never show any
EAtie; good ted
sa '
The same good tea for 30 years. Try it!
sir DR. J. J. MMIIIDLETQrl '
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario,
Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer :qucettone• on P•ublic`•}1eatth mat'
tars through this column, 4ddreas him at Spading house, aPsdina
Crescent, Toronto,
else, to say nothing ot the millions of
dol ars otiose to oiir forests each year
ca ed by neglected camp fires, We
are glad to Say that no forest Ore in
following:—"A A moderate or. nigh
Canada has yet been caused through g'
the carelessness of Boy scouts—and fever occurring 'suddenly. without'
mown cause, and accompanied by
that is a record we all want to stand nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or con -
till the end of time. stipation or cold in the head or cough,
Building Bird Houses., is suspicious, particularly between
cal people, should 'know what symp-
toms raise a suspicion sof infantile
paralysis. One authority gives the
Reports to Provincial Headquarters, June and Septemher. This seems to
epothat the Scouts of Ottawa, be rather a broad statement, for prac-
Huntsville and Parklands have been have
all children under threemight
have fine or more of these symptoms_
«.busybuilding bird houses for crimped- during the summer. However, one
tions, .Some of them have been excel -thing to b tlt i th 1 retnem erns s n e early
.Canoe Trips.
• ' t The Canadian National Railways
lent but for various reasons, many stage of anfanttle paralysis, there may have issued a very interesting booklet
otherwise fine houses have been set neither' pain nor' paralysis, amannd
g in -
aside' by the Judges as unsuitable for .fectionc nases everagobl yonsdp d this1sstage.
the 'einem intended. here are a few There is one stage,,however, that un-
"dont's" we picked up from different questionably justifies suspicion. It is
judges'"don'ts" not only for the bird the stage of tenderness. Particularly
- house builders, but also for those•who is there tenderness in the back and
already bave good houses which they neck.
have yet to. erect: • Mothers should take notice of this.
1. Don't make your bird house
smooth. inside. The rougher the better.
2, Don't crake the entradee of time
bird house larger than necessary,
3. Don't make your bird house of
cigar box wood or eucalyptus.
4, Don't mount ypur house loosely;
the house should bb secured so as to
reeled windstorms, rains, etc.
5. Don't rnsko a flat horizontal root
—it will warp, and hold water.
6. Don't leave cracks or large open-
ings to admit rain or draughts.
7. DOn't place house where cats,
dOgs, snakes, etc., can get to it,
8. Don't mount house on dead wood,
such as poles, clotheslines and fences.
Place in nature's surroundings when
9. Don't paint or stain the interior.
of house:
10. Don't forget that a bird hoose is
a bird's. home and should be construct Famous for its Euro-
ed under favorable conditions in re- peau Atinospllere.
gird to copifort and safety,
And here's another interesting bit
of bird house news. The prize winning
bird houses in the Ottawa, competition
are to be erected. ba the grounds of
GovernMent house, the residence of
His Excellen1y .Med. Byng of Vimy,
.Chief Scent for Canada.
Army Supply Stere
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To.
Write for catalogue,
Ritz -curt ton
c Citp
Hotel New rersey
America's Smartest
Resort Hotel.
Daily Newspapers Unjustly
Ottawa: -,-The criticism is often
made, Glut 'some of our Canadian daily
papers are extravagant of newsprint,
1f,, however, this criticism Were direct-
ed against a condition that is permit-
ermitting the destruction ofso much of our
forests by fire, it might be with more
justification, Canadian newspapers
are not large users oL.newspient, the
daily papers having a total average
circulation of but 1,647,260 copies,' To
provide the newsprint tor .a 16 -page
paper covering this circulation re-
quires 206 tons daily. Spruce is chief-
ly used and of this species we have
brined ,470 million cubic feet, or ant -
Octant to provide newsprint„for r, six-
teen -page pape"r 313'days in the year
for 70 years.' For 4111W timber and pulp-
' wood we .have used 658 miliion cubic
feet of spruce, In view of this cam=
pgrison," the chalge of extravagance
Against the daily newspapers can hard-
ly be, eetttbiished TJ,ia'charge, hove-
owever, aright' be With logically rade
ngainat Canadians in general who are
responsible for such great forest idre
losses. ”
There Are Otters.
If tinges ttrt hard, and yon feel blue,
• Think ot the others, worrying, too;
Juet because your trials are many,
Don't think the rest of us haven't'anY.
Lite is made up of smiles and tears,
;rot's and sorrows, mixed with Sears;
n.nd though fa us it seems one-sided,
Trouble is pretty well divided.
jlf we weld tools in every heart
Wo'd find that, Mach one has its part,
;And those tato travel Fortune's toad
sometimes earns the biggest lo44,
Perfect Cuisine and
Single rooms from $5.00.
Double rooms from 18.08
European Plan
New Hydriatric and
Electra . - Therapeutic
GUSsI'AVE. TOTT, Manager
describing some 22 canoe trips ` in dif-
ferent parts of the country.
Having decided on one of the trips
described in the booklet the eanoeiat
may write to the General Tourist De-
partment of the' C. N. Rys., mention
the number of the trip seleoted and
receive, free of charge, full particulars
as to portages, camping sites, fishing
spots, etc., and. also a large.blue print
map which can be used as a chart dur-
ing the journey.
Minard's'Liniment for Colds.
Leaf insects, which thrive on the
guava tree, mimic the Tenves so closely
that they ,even change color as 'the
season advances—from briliant red to
green, and then to golden brown," "
We supply cans and lay express
charges: We pay dally by express
money orders, which can be cashed -
anywhere without any charge, •
To obtain Elm top price, Cream
must be' free from bad favors and
contain not less than 30 per cent
Butter Fat,
Bowes Company Limited,
.For references --Head Office, Toronto,
Bank of Montreal, or your local banker.
Elstabllshed for over thirty years.
Ontario Has An Interest
in .i-:Ier Chi1Iren
"Who is that woman wile. has been driving a mean car 'round tee
Township all week?. What's her line, I wonder? She railed at every
house down the grain road and I atippose she will stop here some day
soon," questioned the bachelor of the 'Corners" as' he tt&t down beside
the door to enjoy his atter-dinner smoke and watch the sun go down in
all its glory behind tilt wooded hills. "Why, weren't you at tbe meet-
ing? Oh, no, it was held while you were•'ln Toronto for the Winter
Fair,' replied his Meter, who had conte over Just for chat, And 0'o
he had all bis questions answered; 'That woman" was a nurse, but a e
nurse who helped people before they got sick, as 'well as when they '
had to stay in bed; a nurse who gave alot of her time to the children --
these who went to school and these who hadn't started yet ewe most
of.'all, the wee new babies just arrived in the homes throu;hllut the
Township. "Tire meeting was held In the Town Hall, and you see,
Young Doe (you renlember'Ite's bean Medical Health Meer since his
father died), told 'us he could arrange without a cent of cost to any of -
us or the Township, to get a --nurse to etnue and give us help for our-
selves and our Children, just like the fanners tot' years have been get-
atting Help in Improving their -stock and pl•odttciug better Oath), of grate,
and every man and woluan at the meeting -wanted the nurse, 00 that's
how she started," "And, 'Creole, ehe"s at the gohool to -day again, -
and I got it gold star," broke in bit nepihew, a:ynnog holiefui 02 nine
Yeats- "Yon got a star, and tor what'" "Because for a whole week 2
had my chores done, my health chores, I mean; and you should hear
the nurse telt its how easy it 15 to grow'itp. strong and healthy and' be
able to pitch ball and sung a hockey stick :Health Talks,'' she calls
them; and the girls at school have leesbnie too, "Little Mother's
Claetes," and learn how to look atter a little baby. But, 'uncle, 0110
does heaps of things far big people too; she helped granny whew oho
burnt her leg and when tire.heaed Bert Jones hough^$ho offered to
drive hint and his father over to the doctor, Bud Bert is getting better
now," "Aha slto vigils every home you, knee," added'liis stater, "and
taike over the health of every manlier of the family so•don't be'sur-
gtis9 when sjte,gails on you. Wp11, I must be going now, and you
w'on to h'ttellt 02 , for a few da3ts bebause 'the' women have asked
the nnr50 1.0 give a %fom0 N'urstng•Ciask this week,' Coma, Son," "Yes,
ntot:her, to bed by eight 0 0100k int ono or my health chorea," "Where
did the nitre° come from, did you say?""Oh, duo le a Paiute, health
Nurse from the P'roVinetal Departnieut of fealtht"
If you wo uid like 10 knovrthe iiam or
the -nurse in late fitsta•iet.
Where you live, write to Department of Health, 8padiva House, Tomato.
iccupatian An AW to'Hetalth.
On au OOetteioa when Nelson hod a
big fleet at sea for, two Menthe et li
time he records that In Metporioa'eo
death ficial ethknees 9preureted Rr71on�
the 7,000 or 8,000 persons in the fleet.
Ho attributed these remarkable re,
enlle mot merely to .tee I/)lyat0al .elite
ronnilitrks of tube erect but also to the
conetnt:t ntebtal stimulne which he
eroueol by ;ireViding the seamen with
oeelpattonand frequent .pnluseelenta.
Thine helped to keep the various fac-
atlttes in continual play and avoided
the monotony whfeli most eats health
through 11.5 deadening effects on the
mind and spirits,--•Maliaa's 'ktfe of
!Aching Batiks and .Tired Lianbs
Need Not be "Endured.
Too many wolnen endure suffering
that 'casts a shadow over half her ex•
iatence• An aching back, tired limbs,
attacks ot faintness, splitting head-
aches need not be a part of a womau'e
life. Such trials Indicate plainly ttiat
the blood is thin and watery and that
the sufferer needs the help of n real
tonic such as Dr. Wllitaina: Pink Pills.
Strfferidg women eta have used this
medicine speak of it in the litghest
terms. Among those who bave been
thus bellied is Mrs, Ada L. Harman,
Virden, Man., who writes:—'Follow-
ing the birth of a still -born child a few
years ago, I had a•very serious time.
I was so weak for months that I could
not walk across the room without a
feeling of faintness. I had scarcely
strength enough•to stand up, and when
dressing would have to sit down two
or three times. My face and lips were
colorless, I had no appetite, and life
clid not seem worth Living. A friend
urged nth 't0 try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and I got six boxes. 'Before they
were all, gone 1 felt improved. ;Map-
petite was returning, color was corn-
ier, into my face; and I was visibly
stronger. I cOntenued taking the pills
and fully regained my former good
health. I consider Dr,-W1lHams' Pink
Pills a blessing to weak women, and
hope myexperience' will induce some
ethersufferer to try them."
.you "eau get these pills from any
medicine dealer, or by mall et 50 cents
a box direct from The ,Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Experiences With Scrub Sires.
;The most eonvineing argument in
favor of the purebred sire instead of
the grade, andserub are the actual re -
Perth' which have been obtained from
the use of both types.
The following are actual experiences
of farmers on thine own farms:
A farmer in Dufferia County, On-
tario, had
n.tario,'had a call -dropped March 18th,
1919, which he sold on December 12th
of the same year at 281,1e cents per
pound,,,; .This baby beef brought
$169,21, This calf was out of a good
grade ow which was herself sired by
a purebred bull, The calf was also
by an approyed tYPo
of purebred
tnoutte old they seetnod a poor lot, but
the buil with kept for mother season in
Pette .of oar observation:, When the
steers were put ie re feed when rlatng
two years, as is our eustome the folly
At our !election meet If/utensil stared
nitin the face every titus we went to
Nod thein. They wouldn't respond to
good feeding and attention. There was
tittle pleasure in trying to fatteu .them
and they went to utarltet with ferir
exceptions an interior hunch. We lard
toarired our lesson and eornocimes
telnit it was fortunate that we did keep
the bull long enough to be really Inn
'rowed forever by the experiences
and lase of a cheap sire,
'Our next buil was of Graintord Mar -
gine Weed -costing $100 et 'six menthe.
,Our first crop -at calves healed our
twounds, Fine growtlty fellows, they
accounted for any 'feed given, were a
souire of pleasure to the eye and
brought the best price when sent to
inarket. Counting the difference in
weight, 'adding the extra value per
pound and malting,' allowance for feed
contunied, there was a balance at
front $20 to $25 per steer in favor of
the good 'buil. A wore case wax thnt'
of the heifers from the 'scrub hull.
They had to be sold for beef. lnetead
•ot being able to select good heifers
we bad loot two years by using tbe
serab. Tbough it cannot be counted
in dollars and cents, the satisfaction
In feeding and caring for good animals
is really worth more than ail other fea-
tures combined."
Can you afford to use a Grade or
Scrub )3u11?
The Thoughtless Commercial.
A wit Of no mean order was the
Rev. 8, Baring -Gould, whose book,
"Further Reminiscences," contains
this story:
The Duke of Connaught once went
to an inn in Ireland; aud, se bis boots
were muddy, he sat down on the
stairs and removed them, so that h0
should not soli a new earpet. Soon
attar a commercial traveller arrived
whose boots were also encased in mud,
but he strode in without hesitation.
The landlady ventured to expostu-
late,' and mentioned bow differently
the Duke had behaved,
"Hang Iti" said the man. "Princes
can afford .to cousider people's feel-
ings, I cannot, Put the damage in
the bill."
' Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones she will use
nothing else and as Iong as (here are
babies in the home yob will always
and a box of Baby's Own Tablets on
hand, Thousands of mothers have be-
come canvinced through the aetual use The stern voice ofparental author -
of -the Tablets that there is nothing to ity had made itself beard, and little
equal there in' banishing constipation Jackie had been forbidden to stay('
and indigestion;'brsaking up colds and behind on the playground after school'
simple fevers; expellieg wo;ms and AM's. Jackie's orderr were to come
promoting that healthful refreshing .straight home immediately school was.
sleep so..neeessary t0 the welfare off over; and he had obeyed them to the
little ones. Among the thousands of [letter for some tura, but, unfortunate -
mothers who praise Baby's Own "Tab- I ly, one day he forgot. He arrived •
lets is Mfrs. Alex. J. Perry, Atlantic, home very late, dirty. and tired. t
''Look re h
e ' sa id hit fattier an ri'
g 'Y,
"didn't you promise me you'd come
straight. home?"
"Yes, father," was the meek reply.
"And didn't I promise to punish you
it you stayed behind?"
"Yes, father," answered Jackie,
more meekly still. "But as I forgot
my promise I won't hold you to yours,"
G. Algarsson, the 24 -Year-old British Columbia explorer, left Liver-
pool on May 1st preparatory to malting an attempt to reach the North Pole
by airplane. The :ship leeland, shown in drydoek near Falmouth, gangland,
will take Trim and his plane to a paint north of, Spitsbergen.
Submerged Sovereigns. The world's heaviest liner is the
The Bank of England has its own I Majestic. Fully laden she turns, the
water supply. One artesian well, four •
scale at 64,000 tons.
hundred feet deep, gives a supply of
seven thousand gallons an hour. As a
direct eonsequenee of the high cast of
water In. London the bank authorities, I Anit:s ?.'1'• SO zo no PLAIN ASVD
, 115 1 ,,,ole, at bnme: ,viol, or ,pore lenq,
in X910, placed a contract to sink an-, aoad nay: sort: sent ,uy a;teme: .11 ftss 5al1.
other wen. This renders the bank in- I scud ,,amp for PORleererr: n'"1"51Manufnoturfi,t
public supply.of;
dependent of thero.. }toalrsel.
One curious use to which this water Asruntnt0 BC'Stln5 oi&n,,,,,, , n1115,
is put is not generally known—the bill-, Pena(, rani,• nmuias end Barred nock Rio,
lion department is nightly submerged :TIS wrlaht l'or,i Bro- into, one
in several feet of water by the action
of machinery, •bx.
The same machinery is so adjusted Yr T
that if, during then
d dayor night, a dis
ng g t,_
honest Whale,' should take even one NIGHT 19
from, a pile of a thousand sovereigns, r MORNING fp' Za n
the whole pile would instantly sink KEEP YOUR
and a pool of water take its place. y LEAN CLEAR A1VD HEALTHY
byte P0R MEG oro CARE 0000•„WMO. CO.'Mi5Aaaaip
Classified Advertisements
Not a Bond,
N.s, who says I always keep
sire. In the same stably on similar Baby's Own Tablets in' the house as I
feeding and treatment at the same time know ot no other medicine that can
was "a. calf also out of a fairly good equal them for the minor ills that
grade cow but sired by a grade bull. come to young children." The Tablets
Thiscalf was -dropped Nov, 5111, 1918, are sold by medicine dealers or by
and was sold on the same day as the mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Wil-
calf already referred to (Dec. 12, 1919). imams' Medicine Coe Brockville, Ont,
He brought 19 cents per pound or 4i
cents Iess per pound than his stable The first aerial passage across the
mate by the purebred buil and he British Channel was made in 1785,
brought $174,80, Ile ryas 411 months when Francois. Blanchard and an
older, had taken more feed and care, , American companion travelled front
but did not have as good quality and England to` France in a balloon,
so was not as profitable as his better
bred' stable mate. These calves were For Sore Throat Use Minard'sLlniment
exceptionally wen fed, but breeding
_ It is those things which he itt not
compelled to do—the jd't trehtment pf
the helpless -that test the 'Miro of
men's character.
Not a penny of capital but a de-
termination to get on is the best capi-
tal a man can have. Money may be
eaten through, but you don't eat
ship farmer, Middlesex ;County, with through your determination.
Purebred and scrub bulls shows very
oio$ely the place of the scrub sire. Six
years ago he had in his herd eight very
even purebred cows that gave him
eight bull calves from purebred sire.
These were made steers and kept until
two and one-half years old, . finished.
on grass and when sold averaged $140
each. The next year theefarmer was
ailing and was unable to take his cows
a dietancs> to a purebred sire. A
neighbor offered him the use of 1st's
sbrub sire- The progeny from meting
front which flve steers were kept, fed
and marketed, under the same condi-
tions breught: $114 each,, although
there bad'• beau tt slight rise ba price
during the year. This farmer stetted
that on the five ethers he lost $130, in.
one year, and to the average farmer
tieing a scrub a ire on ten tomato, the
Iwo would be $260, from a beef stand-
point atone. If Die daughters -df the
scrub bull `tette, kept in the'berd this
loss would show in their calves in lees.
er degree. This man claims that M.
soon os farmers keep an aooutate pro.
at and loss account the. scrub bull will
A Peel 'County taiemor's experientie
is as follows:—""'hough we had been
using purebred built for many yea,ra
previous to a• time about nine yoare
ago, we yielded to t.emptatiori on a
growthy looking, well -Wit ' 'grade
Shorthorn for which we said $35 at
six months old, (Why should he not
produee as good stock as a registered
coif costing $75 more of leas?) When
1110 first Calves were about tour or five
counted to the extent of 414, cats per
pound and enabled.the feeder. to mar-
ket,his best calf at very close to as•
leech money in 41,4 months shorter
time- This is a ease where the feed-
ing was'right in both cases and where
the purebred bull was -directly respons-
ible for the difference.
The experience of a London Town -
GrorMu•br•oras for m fn
•uoutets6aly,n, n, aae.sl
work ter
sex. S stamp tor i
rat�eeadbooklet and nartice-
.i ..DoWtQton•0tlertoat Ce'p, Toronto.
orstuttering disappears Quickly and
permanently under our methods of
treatment. Thousands have been re-
lieved of this distressing trouble. Write
for free advice.. and literature.
Glees quick relief for
sprains, bruises, rheumatism
and inflammation.
Proved safe by millions amid prescribed by physicians for
i=Ieadaclie Neuralgia Colds Lumbago
`Pain Toothache Neuritis .lilheumatism
Alice, t nutty "Sayer” acka e
which contains proved directions.
Ban ".Mayer" boxes of 12 tablets
1 Tlru ists.
0 office of "4 rtnc 100
Ale li g6.
Aspirin is'lho ftade mark- (roiiittered ''la Oanpdal; of Stayer ktanufoetaae Ot: rltaaotlrette•
aeklester o! sstlp+llcaold"1AEtt'iy1 ltejto9iie Apia, "A. S. A."), `Nulla 11 11 well known
Aspirin moans fleet nissntt5otarc, 15etNit 115 9nbiit diialoot Imitations, "Ells roblot5
et 114'er-, 0001511153 10111. ne a 4rn84d wt111 then 583180ti Irene taark, the sayer 'Cross."
1 il
)) '
Children Quickly Learn
To Rely On Cuticura
To soothe and heal the rashes
and skin irritations of childhood.
Daily use of Cuticura Soap, assist-
ed' by Cuticura Ointment, will keep
the skin and scalp clean and healthy
and prevent simple irritations from
becoming serious.
Sample Vomit rot by Melt Address Comedian
Depot: 55,51,n.e, St41contre01 T11.4 50.0
25, Oinenent 15 and See. Tatman yam.
air' Cuticura Sharing Stick 25c.
Other Troubles Women Often Have
Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkhalm's
Vegetable Compound
Lachine, Quebec.—"I took Lydia E.
'iPinkham', VegetableCompoundbecause
sneered -with ' pains in my left side and
Track, and with weakness and other,
troubleswonart so often have. I was
this way about six months. 'I eaw'the
Vegetable Compound advertised in the
`Montreal Standard' and I have taken
four bottles ofit, I was a very sick wo-
man and I feel so' nti(ch better I would
not be without it. I also nee Lydia E.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I recant-
mend the medicines to my friends and I
am willing for Yoe to neemyletter ail a
testimonial "—Mrs. M. W. 120Sle, 58(1
Notre Dame Street, Lachine, Quebec.
Doctor Said an Operation
Itrevost, Alberta,— "Perhaps you will
remember sending me one of your books
a year ago. 1 was itt a bad condition
and would suffer awful pains at times
and could not do anything. The doctor
said I could hot heve children unless
I went under an operation. I read
testimonials of Lydia E. itlnkham's
Vegetable Compound in the papers end
a friend recommended me to take it.
After taking three bottles I became
much better and now have a boat ybaby
girl. four menthe old, I de my holier:-
work and help a little with the chores,
I recornniend the Vegetable Compotm
to my friends and ant willing f0r you tbj
use this testiulonielletter, "—NArseA,A.,
ADAMS, Box 54, ProWost, Alberta. O
ISSUE No, lee—'25.