HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-5-13, Page 1VQL. 53 NO. 47
0,00 Per :atz7kz4tlz tin ammo
Re -opened.
Miss Maude Bryans
Wishes to.'iounnunee that site
has opened au office et her nnnie
one blloek West of the Bank of
Nova Scotia, and Is prepared to
attend to ail kinds of Optical
Satisfact on Assured
New Advertisements
Lost—The Peat
Aodaks—F. R;-Btnith
Per sale—Ed, Collis, Jr,
For Sole—R. 0, Campbell
(iatesforr•ele—Bert Lott
Coat for sale—Mrs. Yol soli
Spring Dreaaes-1C n JAIL -
,Plain raople--Ethel'b. 0. L,
Stave for sale.—G. R 'Muldoon,
Rome Acres—Bolgreve L. 0. L
Potatoes far sale,—Bobble Ytiiti,
stove for sale—G. A. Deadatau.
Tenors Wonted-W.M Binaliait
Peered Cantata-Jawestown S. S.
Map wasted—Room sag, London.
'- ;aehat,ge—Ethel Methodist Churoh
Buckwheat forsate.—W, t3raincer,
(:ours of Revision—Township of Grey
(.awn mowers sharpened—Geo. Edwards.
Ridgeway of Montana—Family 'theatre
Tenders Wanted—Jno. MaNay, Tp, MoKilIop
( isirid gals
Miss Elizabeth Sanderson returned
fore Kingston recently.
Stewart and Mrs. McNaugt ton were
recent visitors in London,
Mother's Day services were 'held
the churches here Sunday morning.
Wm. .Ind Mrs.. Sanderson 'nota ed
from Toronto on Saturday and errant
the week -end with the fonmee's father,
W. H. Sanderson,
The Young Peopie of S. S, No. 18,
lipstick, under the auspices of,the Hur-
on Plowmen's Association presented
the play "Finnigan's- Fortune'' in the
'Town Hail on Friday evening. There
was a full house and those taking part
acquitted themselves well.
The annual 'business meeting and
eleection of officers of the ,Women's
Institute will be held -at Mrs. Pope's
rooms Thursday afternoon, May "mist,
commencing at 3 o'clock. Roll call to
be answered by paying fees. .There
will also be an exhibit 'of 'home-made
candy. Kindly bear in mind the' change
in, date Of •meeting.
Barry Heeler has ,gone to Preston
where he will be employed this Sunt•
Miss Maggie Linton left for Blrose,
Sask., where she will Spend the Sum-
"The Xoung Village Doctor"t—The
Young People's Society will present
their splay "Th"e Young Village Doctor"
In the TOtvn Hall, Wroxeter, on Friday
everting, May 22nd,
A team belonging to Richard Griffith,
becoming, frightened,' made a lively run
through main street Saturday morning,
colliding With a team driven by How -
and -Wylie, Turnberry, The tatter was
thrown frons his wagon but escaped
icjury though the wagon was bedly
,5 ilraged. The run -away team proceed.
cd to their home in Howick,
Henry Mothers, delegate for Blue;
vale circuit, will attend this district
meeting in Brussels on Wednesday of)
this week and Conference in London
on the following week.
The annual meeting of the Bluevale
Women'd institute, will be held at the
horde of Mre. John,Mundel, on Thurs-
day; 14th, Election of officers and`
business of the year discussed.
Robert Houston is driving a new
Chevrolet sedan. t
Peter Mtu eeggart is erecti t g a new
Gerege at hie house.
Mother's Day 'was observed In the
churches'on Sunday.,
Jas, Carter, East of the village; is
ereotiog.a new driving shed.
Rev. Mr, Robinson is atteeding Dist -
riot meeting at Duugannon this
The 51d hotel ;property ,now used
as'a garage ,was not sold at'the recent
sale Heid.' The reserved grid was nut
reached. -
Mr. Robinson, who is taking the ser-
vices in the ,Methodist church, was sue-
Cessful In passing his exams at Victoria
ollege. He will 'complete his course
next year.
The Bret Comedy, "Always in
trouble", played by the young people
of Molestvorth, drew a big crowd at.
the U. 11'. 0, Hail, Walton, last Tues..
day evening. Everybody enjoyed the
Play, • ,
W. Neil and Geo. Bradley attended
a Masonic meeting at Morning Star
Lodge. Carlow, last Wednesday even-
ing. Dietrict''Deputy Grand Master,
Aberhar t was - present at the Lodge
On Wednesday of last week a meet-
ing of the ladies of St. George's church
was held for the purpose of organizing
a Women's Auxiliary. Miss McCloy,
of London, spoke at .the April meeting
Under New Management
Neat door to former Theatre
Friday and, Saturday
Ridgeway of Montana
A Romance of the
Cattle Ranges
A Universal Retire
Also Good Comedy
Show at 8 o'clock Friday night- .
7.80 Saturday night.
of the Ladies' sGuild on the splendid
work -the 'W.A. is doing throughout
The 118 -acre farm on the 15th Con
of MlaKtllop, which was offered at a
mortgage sale at Seaforth last Saturday,
was not sold. A ,bid of $5,300 n,as
made for the farm_•
Sunday evening's, rain should "make
the farmers smile.
Some of the pathmasters might get
the "rocks" off the roads,
G. W. and etre. Pollard and Fred.
arld Mre. Cole, of Stratford, -spent
Sunday with E. J. and Mrs. Pollard,
6th -
FARM SOLD —The Miller faun, Lot
16, Oou. 6, was sold to Jho. McArter
for the sum of $6,850, Possession
was gipen at once. Mr. McArter - has
an excellent 100 acres.
Joseph Shaw, 8rd line. was called
away last Thursday to Flixton, Wie,
owing to the serious illness of hie
brother, John G. Shaw, . Mr. Shaw
and wife visited here )fiat Fell, but
upon hie return home, has, been in a
acelous condition.
D ress
" J
for Spring
including 'Printed .Tepe Dresses,
_ Satin
Canton Dresses, New Voile Dresses,' Broad-,
cloth Dresses,, Ensemble Dresses. and" Suits are
here for your -consideration:
-Everything fresh from the,, Producer and
there are some very. charming Frocks indeed.
Broadcloths and Crepes
In both All Silk and Mercerized qualities arehere in a
profusion of color and design. Moderately priced
$ 0 to $3.50
P yard
Smart Crepe,de .Cherie Ties
Kayser Silk. Gloves
.Silk Hose in High Shad es
New Stripe Parasols,
Our - Men'. De . artena-
Top Coats English Suits Boys' Clothing
Are of Latest 'Style and Best Workmalohip
'For Thursday, S scroll y Frridayand Saturday -4o Men's
.7 Priced and Young Men's Suits of English Worsteds
regularly ,priced $33 50 to $37 5o' g
Week -end Special , P6.,50
�;.. Complete Stock of all other 'Furnishings
A --
wevery Dollar purchase will gfor the Merry-
N re I��r a goith-hound and hems Wheel to btbe herivene M
ay 2,4 and 25.
KING BROS. w1i1g17.a111 .I.
W. Pi. KRRi , Proprietor' -
1"Plain,. .
A Play in Four Acta'
%Vill.be presented by the Young Peo-
ple of Foa d wioh in
Wednesday, May 20th
Under Auspices of L, 0. L. 681
Commencing at 8 O'clock
Cast of Characters
Ezra Bromley, "Store Keeper" Alvin Mull
Alntira Bromley, "Hoe.,ewite" PearlMull•Benuott
Martin Jasper Bromley "College Alen"
Ularenee Bryaos
Liz,, Liz Hankins, "Weenier" Emily Bennett
Judge Malley Uhrlattau" Campbelletbeon
Melissa Watkins,"Elderly Lady" - -
Jonas Tarroole, "Farmer" Em£Ierba WGalkgiomn
Beltndy Jarrook, "Seamstress"
Edith Thompson
Hiram earth; Peotr, "Seller" Trend Patterson
April Blossom, "Helper" Bozo Gibson
Act I—Sitting Room in Ezra Bromley's store
Morning. is a
Aot II—The termp • same day ; later.
AotIII-At the.Bromok's some week, later.
Aotl9—At the Bromley's, later in the even-
ing Martin Jasper Bromley comes- hotue
the girl he loved. $Hespropo father'', mndi tee.
lye and gets married very soon, which
arouses•the,lealous of the fudge, who
souses a.ntolutroubtre and misery, which
is afterwards cleared tip when lost papers
are produced which reverses the table. and
the judge receives the rebuke himself.
Orchestra MVius'c between Acts
Mao Solos, Recitations &c.
adults 35c Children 2de
This playhas received full houses
wherever they have gone
Joseph and Mrs. Shat..,, Std line,
were away attending a sale of thoro-
bred"Holateins near Woodstock last
week. The prdprietore, W. Rivers &
Sons are consine of Mr, Shaw.
Engagement Announced.—Mrs.. Ellen'
Kelly, Morris Township, announces the
engagement of her 'youngest daughter,
Anna, to. Mr. William E. McLaughlin,,
son of the late Mr, and Mrs. 'Edward
McLauyhl'n, Biddolpli Twp., marriage
to tale place early in June.
ARY.—The atttriversaty of Suttthine
Methodist rhe' oh will be held on Sett-
y, May 17th. Afternoon service at
an evening at 7 o'clock. Bev.
Harold White, 1i. A., B. D., of Ethel,
will preach at both services. At the
close of the evening service, 'Mr.
White will give a lantern lecture on a
subject that will be especially interest-
ing to Odrlfellewe, :The Roe's Or-
chestra f 0 f ' rr ' e
c 1 races will fn i 1r t
1 is h
merle at both services Everybody
cordially invited to attend..
The rain on Sunday evening will aid
the pasture Iand and the new sown
stops. -
Work I Beio done n the north
highway from the -boundary east to
A specialist from Totmitn, wee here
on Sunday owing to the serious illness
of Will Hoover, 9. h Con. -
Miss Margaret Alcock, Who is at-
tending Stratford Nocmid, was at the
pe.reutat'honte on the 14th, on Sun-
Misses Luuva and Elora McDonald,
12th Concession, spent the week end
with their . sister, Mrs.' L - 0., Whit-
field at Listowel.
Philip Jgnies, 12th Con., has been in
Hi health all Spring, and ie still con-
fined to bis bed, His neighbors have
got his seeding all done. It was a
neighborly act,
Abwnod Bee —Ernest and Mra.
Cardiff, of Brussels, have rented the
brick residence of oeorge Mc(tot'y,
n .to
ext the butcher shop, and moved
this week, Mrs. Cardiff is a daughter
of Norval and 'Mrs. Hall, Atwood.
Recently, Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, of
the 8th.Con„ was kicked on the knee
by a cow and then trampled on by the
unruly animal, and has been confined
to the house for some days. We are
sorry also to hear that blaster Lloyd
Wheeler has been on the sick flet and
under the doctor's care. -
Next.: Sunday
Rev. W. Moores; of ,Bel-
�rave, will take charge of
t services on the Ethel
Circuit, the Pastor being at
Beigrave, . '
3 t4"1444+'6'F4o1'344-fi+WF-1-4,4fietnn'Fq"
Ethel Methodist Choir will
present ill '
Friday -[v'd May- 15th
Commencing at 8.16
Varied by Readings, ete.
reported "Trowbridge
it to be the
best Entertainment in We've
Lend the Sunday School your
support by coming to hear this
Treat of the Season '
Admission - 25 and 16 Cents
Walter Pressing, Buffalo, paid a fly-
ing visit to this 'cousins, the Gorsalitz
family: -
Mitebell Adyoch,te A few weeks
ago Irwin Raynard of this town, died
after a short Wness and Mrs. Raynstd,
after her sale of household goads on
Saturday altern'oon, intends to live with
her mother for a time. Mrs. Raynard
will be missed by the members of the
United church congregation and espec-
ially by the choir, of iwbich sh: was
a valued member. •
Blyth Standard t J. He Hoover and
fatuity, of Brussels, have moved to
town and taken up their, residence in
the dwelling recently purchased flow
R. A. Ring. Mr. Hoover is not a
stranger to Blyth baying been
brought up on the old homestead in
-East Wawanosh, on the farm now
owned by Newton Campbell. 'While
residents -there they were highly re.
apected citizenaand we wticome then
in our midst, Mr, Hoover has been
farming in Grey Township and re-
tires leaving the faun to his sou.
Mrs. Thos. Learmont has bad a newt"
wire fence erected at her home in tae
Aunt Dead --Mrs. M. Hoffman, an
elderly woman, was found dead in i•ed
in her apartments at 42 Wellington
street, Stratford, Saturday afternoon,
May 2nd. She was missed by the
other tenants end' the 'matter reported
tothe 1 police, who -
broke into
pthe ap-
artment. artment. Coro
nar Dr. Mont
ieth was
called and stated that he had been at-
tending her, and; that her death" was
due to heart failure. An inquest was
not thought necessary. - Mrs, Fred Bier,
20 Argyle street, is a daughter. The.
ladymentioned above' was an aunt of
the Gorsalitz family.' who attended the
funeral, which was held at the •ehome
of their cousin, Mrs. Fred Bier, on
TBesday„ May 5th, to Kitchener cern-
Don't forget football practice on
Wed tesday and Saturday evenings.
Ethel Foot Ball team goes to Monk.
ton next Tuesday to open the season.
First sale of the season of . cheese
from Ethel Factory was trade at Me,
Rev. 11. White, B. A., B. D , has
tendered hie resignation to the Ethel
Methodist church.
8: S. and Mre. Cole and daughter,
of Stratford, were •calling on old
friends in the village.
Ethel L. 0 L. No. 6$1 will tneet..in
their lodgeroom on May 18th. There
will be Degrees on for the evening's
Rev. H, White ie taking anttivera-
are" services at 'Sunshine on Sunday
and Rev. W, Moores will preach 10 the
Ethel circuit all day.
"Plain People" will be given at Dun-
bar's Ball. on Wednesday, May 20th,
under the auspices of the L. O. L.
Don't mise this treat.
"Horne Acres, the play presented
by Browntown young people, was a
fine success. A crowded house result-
ed in aver $60.00 being taken in at the
OLoeE CALL —George M. Mitchell,
who moved to Stoughton, Sask., fol-
lowing the burning of his store here,
almost met with a elintlar mishap
when the poet office building adjnin-
ing hits was totally destroyed by fire
on the night of Friday, April let.
The brick wall between the bulldinge
was the only thing that saved hits.
The Branch Annual meeting will be
held on Thureday afternoon of this
week, May 14th, at 280 p.,rrd., in the
Institute Room. Officers for the corn-
ing year will be elected and reports
read. A good attendance is neked,fori
as it ie important that ail member;
should attend this 'fleeting. Lunch,
will be served at the close of the nteet-
FtioT BALL —Percy '$tevonenn and
'0. Aaneuld were at Lletowor nn Men-
del, evening and helped draw up the
schedule for the district. The full
list of games stay be read in another
column, butillthel's games lore given
below :
Ethel at *nekton May 11)
Brussels at Ethel May 22
Millbank at Ethel May 20
Ethel at Bruesets Jura 2
Milverton at Ethel rune 6
Listowel at Ethel June 9
Monkton at Ethel Tune 16
Ethel at Mill/intik Tune 19
Keen these dates free from ether en-
gagement, and help oar foot ball boys.
ome Acres„
A Drama In Three .Actlt
Will be presented by the Young Peo-
ple of Browntown in the
Friday, May 15th
1Jnder auspiees of L. 0. L.
Ann Riokett, "The Vilinge Dressmaker"
,Tene Whitman, "A deer old Sour" Oars Agar
g r
Dfvtd Holden, "A titan Ina Mlllfun"
Melville Dennis
Slice',, Whltmaa, "A Country Flower"
Ethel Maniere
Lib, "e case of Dynamite" Verne Dennis
Enoch. "the Chore 80,' Harotd Thomas
John Whitman, "A College Graduate"
Wilfred Clay, "A New York SWCiter
iter ashore
Helen Dalton, "New York Beauty"
Ethel Wardell
Jim Ferguson, "A Crook,' Charles Beaman
Ant 1—The eibttng room at "Home Acres" on
an afternoon in July,
Act 1I—The new home in the olty the follow-
ing December,
Aot III—Bank home the first of Maroh.
Orchestra irr Attendance
Adults S6c - Children 300
Weigh scales at the station have
been improved try having a cement
foundation placed under thein.
Miss Annie Strachan tuns a visitor
in Winkler") on Tuesday.
Our neighbors should not forget the
Sacred Cantata, to be given in Victor -
in. Hall, ou Friday Evening of this
week by the Ethel. Methodist Choral
Choir. The Cantata is given under
the auspices of the Sunday School,
which deserves your hearty support.
Byrtday'e rain will do good.
Mrs. B. Gives, Fordwich, has been
waiting on her father, Mr. Hutchison,
who has ill with pleurisy.
The Highway for Molesworth West,
has been graded up, tint a lot of work.
is needed yet before it is in good,
shape, - -
George Hutchison, who broke his
arm a few weeks ago, 'while cranking
a can; has been visiting in Toronto.
He wan acenmpanied on the trip by
his sister, Mre, Will Lamont.
William Nesbitt, of this village, is
out 011 $1,000 bail on a charge of doing
willful damage. The case is . sequel
f it itto he vfllit . on Tuesday h
avis t ge fa ay y
Tnepedtnr Fellow, when the five tires
of.the Inspector's car were+. oat and
damaged Provincial Officer White-
st/les took op the case and Nesbitt was
arrested here on Friday and taken to
t*oderich jail. On -Saturday after-
noon he appeared before County Mag-
ietate U. A. Reid and the case way ed.
journed till Wednesday at -'Blyth.
Mrs. Pierce, his mother•in-raw, gave
bail for Nesbitt.
Mother's Day was observed in the
different churches in the village.
On Friday evening of this week,
May 15th, the Young People of
Browntnwn will present their three
aetdrama, "Home Acres" in the For-
rester's Hall, under the auspices of
the L 0, L. The play elms been weil
received wherever it has been present-
ed this 'year.
The Worneo'e Institute will meet in
the Foresters' Hall, 'Tuesday, May
1901 at 2 30 o'clock. Financial Re-
ports and election or officers for the
coming year. Roll Call will be pay-
ingof fees for the ar, cordial
e A c dr 1
wlcome will be extended to all the
ladies of the village and surrounding
The Methodist Paroonege at Bel -
grave, was the scene of an interesting
and unusual function on Wednesday
evening, April 29th, when the girls of
the "J. 0. Y. three" of the Methodist
S. S. held a "Mother and Daughter
Banquet". There was an excellent
attendance to enjoy the interesting
program prepared by the girls. The
mothers and guests began gathering
about 7o'clock and were entertained
by the Reception Committee until all
heti gathered. Each girl then led her
guest its the generously laden tablee,
which were prettily decorated in the
class colors, blue and white. During
the capper hour enatohes of song
and laughter were heard at frequent
intervals. After n few word(' of
greeting, Mee. (Rev.) Moores, the
teacher, .introduced Mies Ellett Stone-
house, Preaident, as -Toaetmietrese of
the evenibg. The Toastmistress then
proposed a Toast to "Our King and
Country", which was responded to by
singinjr "God save the King" and "0
Canada", • Toast to "Our Church and
Sunday Sehooi", was ably proposed
by Velma Wheeler and was responded
to by the Pastor, W, J. Moores ; then'
followed the toast of the evening, pro-
posed by Ellen Stonehouse, the Teiiet
to "Our Mothers", followed by an ap•
priat:e little chorus by the girls. Mre.
33. Wheeler responded on behalf of
the mothers, Evelyn Corbett pro-
posed en interesting toast to the
"Canadian Girls in Training", re-
sponded to by Mre.. Moores. Lr re•
sponse, Mrs. Moores gave it brief out-
line of the "Canadian Girl in Train.
Intl" programme raid expressed the
hope that the, Banquet would fulltll
its purpose of promoting the feeling
of co-operation and cotneadeshtp, that
1 should exist between Mother
and daughter, Mts, Moores then
closed - her talk with a
okay of the ,Juur
Vold Life"e"
ed "A finest for Jewels," The coriam,.
party then adjout'ned to another rode*
where tuueic and an old-fashioned
sing -song were indulged, in, Mrs,
Jackson and het' daughter, Fldna,
favored the eon:pony with e, pretty;
musical selection, The "Canadian
Girls in Treiuing" then detnonetrated
to the xnothore At "Rosiness and De.
vctional" period of their group The
evening elos d with singing ""Blest be
the Tie that Inds"followed by pray,
ere The fuxiation was deemed a m-
oose by all present,
District W, 1V,[. S, Holds.
Interesting Session
Splendid Addresses Given by Miss Oros -
ton, Returned Missionary, and Mks.
Childs, of London—Large ,Attend -
alma at- Both Sessions. - ,
The Women's tMisslonar Society
of the Methodist ch'urehes in the Wing -
District, held its annual convention
In the Methodist church, Brussels, last
Thursday afternoon and evening. The
attendance at both sesions -was large
and trepresentative from 'tike various
Societies in the District.
The two outside speakers were Miss
Preston, a returned ;Missionary, just
home ;tram Japan, and Mrs. Ch'Ids,
Branch Circle Secretary, ,of London,
both of whom gave excellent addresses
at both meetings. -
Following was the program: --
Doxology and Invocation; Devotional
Exerdises—Mrs. T. 0. Johnston, Ger-
rie; Scripture reading --Mrs- W. J.
Moores, .Belgrave; Minutes and Busi-
ness; Reports from Aeixillaries, Circles
and Bands• Solo—Mrs. Freeman, fees -
water; Address—Miss Preston, Mission-
ary on furlough front Japan; Soio—
Mrs. Wes. Joynt, Lucknow; ,Round-
table Conference—Mrs. T, Wesley
Cosens, Lucknow;.Address--"A Mes-
senger's Business," Mrs. 'Childs, Lon-
don; ►Election of Offiicers--Offering;
Hymn—Story of Hymn—Mrs. G. A.
l;Brown.arnard, Fordwich; Prayer—+Mrs. A. J.
Rev. C. F. Clarke, Ph. a., Chair-
man; Devotional Exercises; Choir Sel-
ectfon—Churnh choir; 'Report of Dis-
trict - Superintendent and Secretary;
Address—"The Greatest Task"—Mrs.
'Childs; Solo—Mrs. Wes. Joynt, Luck -
now; ddress—Miss Preston; Offering;
Duet—Misses Nettie and Jean Christie, -
Winghasn; Ciosin'Ag.
Words of welcome—,Mrs.' Ira Park-
er; Response—,Mrs. C. E. Cragg, Wing -
Meet in Toronto.—The barristers of
Ontario have made arrangements for
bolding the a n
nameeting of their
association in Toronto on thesola
av K
of May 21st and the afternoon and
evening of May 22nd. In place of "all -
day sessions, as in' the past, it has been
decided by this) year's Council to have
the routine work of tine association
accomplished in one afternoon session.
The two evening sessions will shake
the sinem of informal dinners.
Must Register.—Every beekeeper in
the iprovince must regisJar, according
to the bill to amend the 'Foul Brood
Act, (passed by the Ontario legislature
in March. The new 'bill ,'provides that
every beekeeper in the province keep-
ing one or more colonies must register.
It is also required :that every (beekeeper
in the province, wishing to move, sell,
barter or Igiwe away colonies of bees
or used equipollent, .must secure a per-
mit from the office of F. tErfc'Millen:
eroyincial aplarist, Guelph, before num-
mg the bees.
Brussels Continuation School
Thefotlowing is the report of Bras -
eels Continuation School for March
and April," Examination missed
matkpd;thus (").,
D Lewin 82.7 8 Clarke - 60
W Bowman 76.2 A Logan 69.4
L Campbell 75.5 W McMillan 56.7
M McNair 68.1 3 Yolleok 66,4
N Lott 68 3 Smith 65,8
M Ritchie 67.6 D Ennis 55
V Jordan 66 +'D McDonald 62,1
R McMurray 68.5 Al Logan 414
()'Hemingway 61,8 M Thompson 38
***I) Warwick 26,1
1 McDonald 82 - G Martin - 63,4
H Knight 80,1 O Brown 62
S Hetniegway 77.2 Jae. Smith 54
H Garnise 76 2 P Seeker 52.6
S McNair 721 W Galbraith 60.7
M McVettie 708 3 Messer 47,
Kate McNabb 68.1 I'Thompeon 45.4
J Stewart 67.2 H,Stretton 46.2
Nod TAKING LivatmeEs
O Ames 68,5 L Champion 61,1
EL McKee 68.5 M Walker 60,4
I Ritchie 88.6 EOunning. -
1'' Strachan 81,1 ham . 65.7
L hose 72.8-- 3 Oliver 66,6
J Fergueon _ 71.4 I Sohwadron •,55.4
D Clarke . 68.8 M Sparring t54.4
K McVetlie 70 0 Uxrdiff 084
S Ballantyne 75,8 11' Eektuier 01,8
M Ferguson 78 6 G Stewart 61,2
h Hetning- J Smith 68.0
way 78 4 13 Pollard 1 57,8
B McDonald 69,1 L
nClouse 63
E Dane 67.6 Ili Thuoll 40.8
T McCallum 58.6 0 Jackliti 40
V tlito0utch M Cooite 85,5
eon 52 13. 85.2
"r Mottle, 44 8 **L 1',tttedeon 31,8