The Brussels Post, 1925-5-6, Page 3SEIZE THE` DAY.
"'file tura ie, Jam tomorrow and lain The Surest Way to Relieve Stoma'
yesterday, hat never jam" Thus 1cll, Trouble is. Through 1)r.
said the White Queen,'
"It nwst chins Sometimes to jam to. Williams' Pink lards.
day," Alice objected. When the stonuich is feeble null
"No, it can't," said Lilo queen, "It's food lies in it maligested, the polsall-
jam every other day, Today lsu't.uuy ons gases distend the wile of the
other day, you know.' stomach mat cause merlons Interfel',
rloro watt wisdom in dice saYfn6, ence with the other organs, sepecial-
aud • it puzzled Alice, She was too ly with the ashen of the heart and
young, too„great tut Oil011iist, to ]lave lungs. These poisonous games have
realized that a plain bl•eed•and-hntter other 111 effects. They aro absorbed
diet is the general rule, and that jam by the blood and so weaken and car•
is usually only a iniraga of the future rupt it as to cause aohes in remote
or a glainous ef°tho past. paa'ts of the body and the formation
The young girl sighs: "Howwonder' of unhealthy tissue everywhere, I7x-
fully happy I will be when I am mar- perheuoe draws that these troubles
She passes her 'tootle in discontent, made strong enough to digest the —*^^
fortified only by dreams of the future. food, In
-other words, it neede a tonic. For tate first time in history, niov;ng pictures were exliibited in t le
But she who ie harried ails moodily .that i 1)i enable it to do the work. of saloon of an aeroplane of the imperial Alrways,,'tvhjeh flew over Loudon,
by the fire, sighingt citangiing the food into needs/anent. England, for an hour end a` half a few days•tl;e,.
"Oh, this is boringl What thrilling The tonic used ought to be ene that g
days Were those!" will agree with the most delicate
Life's El Dorado. stomach and tails is exactly what Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills do.
vanish jitat as soon aa the stomach is
OuT most coutoeiked nmmenta, in- • Here is a bit of convincing proof
deed': aro those when we make plans given by Mrs. Chas. Ladner, EU 1s -
for the future, or Idly reconstruct the lie, P.E.I., who says'--"FeY some
past How few are the days when, years I was a sufferer from stomach
with ecstatiY, wo can exclaim from our, trouble. Everything I ate caused- dis.
-hearts that life at that very moment tress, sour stomach, and belching. I
is wonderful and joyous! Very rarely could' not eat meat or potatoes, and -I
indeed can we honestly affirm that 1t grew weak and very nervous. No
is Jain to -day. medicine seemed to help nmeuntil I
The quest of happiness is the quest ryas .persuaded to take Dr. Williams'Wat the mission schools. "Tbey have
of all mankind. Wo think to find it Pink- Pills, and these simply worked fish and potatoes for breakfast, pota-
In freedant, in work, in love, in art, in wonders. I noels the Pills faithfully toes and flail for dinner and both for
marriage—everywhere, in short, but for a couple of months, by which supper," Ile declares.
In our present state. During the long time every symptom of the trouble -
St. ries About W e11 -K o y People
a �
Menus of the Far West.
Rev. ,Edward Hester, the Anglican
missiouamy ra charge of All Saints'
Church, Aklavik, in the delta of the
Mackenzie river, in a letter to "out-
side," lays stress upon the quantity of
fish required to feed the Indian pupils
summer evenings we .think longingly
of tbo iirollght, the muffins, the cur-
tained, cosy rooms of winter. When
winter conies we gaze into the oracle -
ling fire and look beets or forward to
the wide, 'open spaces of the country
and the hot, scented air of summer
It is perhaps difficult for us to enjoy
the present. From our very childbood
wo are taught to "look froward."
"When I grow no." "When I go to
setteoi," "Hurrah for the holidays!" "I Ocean, southwest of ,japan, 32,636 Meet
wish. I were'tiidependent," "11 onlyI deep, will`not greatly astonish ocean -
were married!" Such are the Dries of ographers, , for the Pacific line long
youth. And when maturity is reached been. lenowa as the .deepest of all the
and wisdom not yet attained, there is
nothing but laments for past delights.
had disappeared, and there has not
since been the. slightest symptom of
stomach trouble, No wonder I praise
Dr, Williams' PInkc Pills." '
You can got these Pills from any
medicine dealer, or by mail at 50
cents a box from'The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockyille, Ont.
The Deepest'Sea.
The discovery of a spot in the Pacific
Sundial Sense.
Have we no philosophy of life? Must
we be always regretting the past or
pressing forward to the future? Can
we have no leisure, no contentment?
Thera is a pa g --usually engraved
Olt sund1f!,1-Lvmpletely disregarded
by utast of us. It is "Carpe Diem,'
,tallish, roughly translated, means
"Seize the Day."
Happiness is not a shadow of the
future or the past. Like the Blue Bird
of Maeterlinck, it is always present
and amongst us. It is within our
grasp this very moment if wb will only
open aur minds and hearts to receive
11. We have road much lately of auto-
suggestion, and so have been led to
understand that our thoughts have a
direct influence on our bodies. "Every
day, in every way, I am better, better,
better," as the refrain taught by M.
Coue. And we have come to believe
with him that endless misery and in-
• numerable ills are tile" -result of
gloomy, unhealthy thoughts.
• Take Hold of Happiness.
We must treat thla" idea of happi-
ness in the same way. Think that you
01'0 happy, believe that happiness is
yours. When you $1)d yourself regret-
egretting vanished • joys, pull yourself to-
gether with the reflectIorrthat, though
possibly you were happy then, you are
•happy now,
In other words, "Seize the day."
Canines yourself that life is beauti-
fnI and delightful at this. very moment.
It ehouid not he very difficult, because,
after all, there are se many wonderful
things to think about and to do.
"Seize the Day." Don't wait for jam
to -morrow. The White Queen was per-
fectly correct when she argued that
to -morrow never Comes. tale .always
to -day. And bread -and -hitter 1s for
meet of us the usual diet,
But It isn't unpleasant it you bring
happy thoughts to beat upon 11. Atter
all, you w111 get :tired of cake and mar -
Ton glace before you get tired of bread
Orad Headpiece.
The superb bird of paradise Is one
of the most remarkable of all that fa-
mous group, says Nature Magazine. It
is only, tine 1801106 long, aeivety black
with purple and green metallic orna-
ments, including a large bright metal•
lie green pectoral shield and, another
large forked velvety black erectile
shield on the back of the neck. It
lives in New Guinea.
Oh How Sad.
lifr, Nowrioh was showing a friend
around the estate.
"I've i>een done over seine of these
'ere trees," be remarked,. "That's imp -
posed to be a weeiling willow, and It
ain't shed a elbgle tear up. to now,"
Planting in Calgary,
Seine 100,000 trees • have been get
out on Calgary streets, b-.pulovards and
private properties in the last Lew
yams, the great majority of winch are
Ancient Leila Pipes Found.
Lead pities !aid down 2,000 years
Virgo by the Romene have been foetid
atilt 1n metal, cond'itlon, piotooted
tram corroslon by the original thin
coating of aide.
great seas of the globe.
Nowhere else hos .0117 depth been
reached as great as 30,000 feet, but in
the Pacific as many as ten soundings
have been made exceeding that figure.
In the Atlantic only two Places are
known with depths greater than 24,000
feet, the deepest being a spot north
of the West Indies, where the lead
found bottom at 27,972 feet,
The world needs men and women
who put human good above the dollar
sign, and who are more interested in
character than in cash.—L. J. Taber.
We supply cans and any express
chargee. We pay daily •by express
money orders, which can be cashed
anywhere without any charge. -
To obtain the top price, Cream
must be free from bad flavors and
contain not less titan 30 per cent
Butter Fat.
Bowes' Company Limited,
For references—Head Office, Toronto,
Bank of Montreal, or your local'baniter.
. Established for over thirty years.
America's Smartest
Resort Hotel.
Famous for its Euro-
pean Atmosphere.
Perfect Cuisine and
Single rooms from $6.00
Double rooms from =8.00 a,
European Plan
New Hy31rlatric and
Electro Therapeutic
Where Is Canada?
Sir William Muloek, when on one of
his periodical trips to Great Britain,
fell to discussing with certain govern-
ment officials in London the knowledge
of the average Englishman regarding
"I'11 warrant," he declared, "that if
the question, 'Where is Canada?' were
put to the first ten people you met on
the street,nine of them would give
incorrect answers."
The point being disputed, it was
agreed to pat it to the test; The first
person—a man—to whom the question
was put, after meditatively. scratching
leis head, replied: "I've lived in Lon-
don nearly all my life, but am sorry I
cannot direct you to the place,," And
the results were equally unsatisfac-
tory ditli the following nine persons
interrogated. ,With. the .tenth person
—wh[ch happened to be a Woman sell-
ing trinkets on the kerb—the question
was varied, being, "My dear woman,
can you tell tie if you favor Canadaor
"Look a 'ere," she replied, blazing
with fury, "If you sye that again 1'11
give you a slab in the face., Don't you
dare insult a lids:"
Sir Arthur Currie Explains,
Sir Arthur Currie recently address,
ed the Canadian Club of New York,
t sten that this talk of annexation
showed a lamentable ignorance of the
Canadian state of mind. Next day, ac-
cording to the story,. Sir Arthur met a
prominent American publisher and the
subject cropped up Again.
"Well," said the American, "we're'
annexing a lot of your authors any-
way. And we bave annexed the great-
er part of your market for reading
, natter, I was surprised to learn that
In 1923. the United States sbipped to
Canada 564,000 tons of paper, books
and reading matter, or more than half
of our imports of newsprint from Can-
, ada, which were just 1,000,000. tons.
That tremendous amount of American
reading matter must be making an im-
pression on the Canadian mind, even
Canadians are on exceptfonaliyhard-
i headed people."
"If the American mind was as
weighty as the matter it requires to ex-
press itself to us, doubtless the im-
presion would be profound,"' responded
Sir Arthur. "But when the discrimin-
ating Canadian mind has separated
the chair from the wheat in the im-
ported product of the American mind
—well, it finds . a few grains worth
grinding and mixing with its native
Dirigible Mlallaps
Ripped from hex mooring mast and
driven by a 11f1y•mtte to hour hale OYOr
the North bt•it toward Holland, the
1 giant 13riti,h dirigible 11.33 oar/meat
peastaed the 'loom that befall the
French iNxmnde ',in' the ;ide•littsrran-
sen tame nlotlth4 ago. While the B-33
Was th luting i' ilrttt 1aea eiucis the Am-
egicun 'l't.3 wet drifting heiplu:a;?
from Stott Pleat, twenty miles east
+af St. Louis in a wide leaf Orate
ucloi.i the M1I3-sisatpl,l au'i up the val.
les et the ,11i souri Noelle thirty mina. •
A little more than a year ago,"Jt uu
(ry, 1324, the Shenandoah jerked twee
from her. ninarfaga at I,akehuest and
xode otot a esventy-mlicatn-hotir gale
through the !tight. lo Aurae' 11121,
nu a trial flight, the It 1fi, greatest of
13ritabee: rigid!.' exploited and fell
buruhtg into the Humber at Hull, los-
ing forty-six
Against these unrhitps may bo set
the trans ,atlantic Melia; of the It -34
and the ZR -3 and the many long voy
ages of Arneriean end Continental
rigid and semirigid shifts.' These are
cuuiherseme affairs, unwieldy in ga'r's,
and in many reepeeis they have bossily
emerged from the experimental stage.
Year by year, however, they become a
little more airworthy, a little snore
able to -come safely through gales and-
mishape.. They are not so nearly Inas.
ters of the sky roads as the alrplaue:
but' they seem to be slowly and some-
times painfully achieving that mas-
Undersea City:
Submerged 30 feet below the surface
of the Mediterranean $ea, off the coast
of Tunis, the ruins of an ancient city
have been found by divers',' They re-
port that many large stone buildings
were visible, outlined in dim shadows
and sandy bottom, and that fish swarm
in and out of crumbled doorways.,
Scientists are preparing to Mahe fur- of a lake in the eastern part of the glass of summer, the calm blue ex -
they explorations. Additional interest Exhibition grounds. The young folks pane of an open lead may be invested
^^vent wft11 for that endangere
Wembley's "Treasure Island."
The youngsters are to be specially
catered for at the British Empire Ex-
hibition this year, and the "Treasure
Island," which has been specially de-
signed for their benefit, should prove
one of Wembley's most popular fea-
"Treasure Island" rises In the midst
Mothers are quick to praise any-
thing which brings health and com-
fort to their lade- ones ---any medicine
that will make the baby well and
keep him well will always receive
hearty recommendation from the t
mother. Thetis why Baby's Own Tab-
lets are se popular. Thousands of
mothers, throughout the country, not
oniy use them for their own little
ones but are always delighted to be
able to 'recommend them to other
mothers. Thousands of mothers have
proved Baby's Own Tablets to be
without an equal in relieving their
little ones of any of the many minor
ailments which arise out of a derange-
ment of the stomach and bowels.
Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal laxa-
tive—easy to take but thorough in
action. They banish constipation and
indigestion; break up colds and simple
fevers; expel worms and make the
teething period easy. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' . Medicine Co., Broelcville,
Arctic Fliers.
"There. is little romance about pull-
ing a sled across the frozen hummocks
at the Arctic," surd Peary. As Rase-
mussen points out, the Hien who 11y.
across Polar wastes cannot hope to
escape all the toil and tribulation of
earthbound explorers. With the bergs
and floes under the solar burning -
is attached to the dlsoovery as the city
Bee in waters described by Virgil and
near the "Isle. of the Lotus Eaters
of which Homer sang.
Hangar Made nito Church.
Situated in the English village of
Cranwell, the Royal Air Porte centre,
Is a ehureh—formerly a hangar -'-of
which the font Is an old aero engine
and other fittings from disused aero-
Birds That Are Born Blind.
Young peuguins are been bllnd, and
are fed by their parents for a long
time before taking to the water,
The Can. National Railway is the
only railway in the world to, give a
wireless service to its travelling pat -
Kangaroos outnumber sheep two to
one in the Australian northwest
where they are proving a nuisance.
Grapefruit, carefully cleaned and
stored in moist sand or sawdust will
keep several months.
who visit ft will be Piet by guides
representing smell perennial favorites sliipruen and airmen equally.
as Robinson Crusoe, Peter Pain, and The Asir is a spur, instead of a de -
the Pied Piper of Hameltit islhn, and shown terrent, to scores of men who are
how they may reach the an, eagerly applying for the chance to
This journey will be au adventure pilot the amphibius machines across
in itself. The little visitors may fly i the top of the world. We need not
there, or they may go by boat, or they1 ga baste through the centuries to
may rustle along a gangway whets Elizabethan sea -(logs to find the in -
they will sae the animals going into; domitabie rivalries of man with the
the Ark as fellow -travellers. I elemonta. The sea of the air from
On the island they will rind .a whole' Axel Heiberg Land to Point Barrow
series of fresh delights. One feature I and most of the surface of the globe
which should prove specially 1
reselnat'thereunder 'are as great a mystery, as
tug, 1s the half-size model of the Gel -1 that Sir Francis Drake and the
den Hind, Sir Francis Drano's famous Golden Hind encountered in the South
ship, which Is moored is the lake.' Pacific.
Then, too, the children can enjoy aia
run through Rocky Mountains ou a • Troubles of Linemen.
Telephone linemen have their tree -
trate If they feel hungry atter this l
experlenee, a farm with real cows will! 'Liles' Bears, It seems, sometimes mix•
Provide them with milk and all the: take the hum -ming of the wires for the
1 i
search of honey and by smashing glass
cakes most calculated to appeal tot kummiug of bees, climb the po es n
the juvenile fancy. Insulatore cause a short circuit. Gray
City of Night Noises. squirrels bite the lead cables and leave
La Paz, !n Bolivia, is city of nam- deep holes where moisture may gather
turnal az, in The i gig cityown clock! and temporarily disrupt the service.
strikes loudly and sonarouely the gtiar-I Woodpeckers Miura ouut oils and
tern and in deeper tone the hots. Al waspaars with their stout bills, and
corps of policemen patrol the city all.ivasps, beetles and field mice oleo
night, blowing loud anti weird blasts,
Free to Stockmen
60,000 ene dollar nettles et Dr. 0011'1 Veterinary
Medloal wonder. Cannot be Riven wrong to
salt tamale. Small lows very .00011110*. nitdrenching. Scutt A5 rentsto remmelting end
raet,alg. Agents 1tiant01
-' Dn, 'SELL, KINDai0t1. 011L
5teek owners' Mend for 00,0 15 years,
Ontario Sheep Breeders ;
won at Chicago in 1924 in the classes in which they
63% of all 1st prizes
550 of all championships
62% of all reserve championships
Row was it done? --By using the best breeding stock,
either'home bred or imported, giving careful atter»
tion to selection, feoding dipping, docking,etc. t
Result --.A. wonderful demand for Ontario bred sheep.
Are ou followingol
yr hese practices? it pays.' 110
Ii1iilVl ii gt
matte wink for the linemen.
on their wrhistles every few seconds.' Following the Dog.
Far in the distance you hear the A very small boy was trying to lead.
lugubrious answering call of others., a big St. Bernard up the road. "Where
Those sounds and the ceaseless tickle : are you going to take that dog, my
et bells and the brawling of Indians; little man?" luquired a passerbsa
usually make the first few nights al 'I—I'm going to see where--wbere
harrowing experience for a visitor; i he wants to go, first' was the reply.
Perhaps you, ?axe using,good tea We think
JedRose" extra good. Won't you . tray ;t{?
The same good tea for 3.0 yea's.
Pure,Bred Sire Essential. .
]sk 1111 ld. ay, whn r •
e(+slotsacpin!the nnoatteclntison toeitiscukosanp_
Mg of live pion., tllomnative 1+teelt run
ning wile tlu•e•lghout the country, pro''
6uced only ellouell milk for thele'
V •inn'-. As tiueC went -en, however, men
discovered the value of milk as a
fond for human c°ommitt tion and they
began to eett:et the cows that gavel
the largest quantities.
Thus we and that for many years
live stock men have studied their
herds. carefully selecting females that
possessed high producing qualities.
These females were tared to sires
villose dams had displayed high pro-
ducing tendencies,
Astime advanced breeders learned
to keep records of allthe mills given,
as well, as the feed consumed.
The result is that n,,w we have
records of individual cows giving over
30,000 pounds of milk in a year'.'
What a debt we owe to those old
improvers of our breeds, we cannot
repay them, but we can continue to
carryon the work that they so nobly
In so doing we will add greatly, not
only to our own' income, but we will
eonttributo to the revenue of Canada.
No farmer can afford to neglect his
live stock in these days when feed
Prices are soaring.
The use 01 pure bred sires, careful
selection of females, with judicious
economical feedings, together with
the keeping of records are essential
Points that the farmer of to -day can-
not overlook and prosper..
Made Himself at Home.
A young deer of Mt, Rainier Park
knows a .comfortable bed when it sees
it. Last summer the guests at Para-
dise Inn were startled to .see a deer
enter the great front door of the hotel
and, walking up to the fountain in the
lobby, take a drink and then go out.
After that the animal remained in the
hotel grounds and allowed people to
pet it at will. As a fawn the same
deer had frequented the grounds the
summer before. A few weeks after it
had drunk from the fountain an em-
ployee entered one of the guest tents
to make the bed and found the deer
lying comfortably on top of it.
For Sore Throat Use Mtnard'SLiniment
Timely Warning.
The Astronomer Royal of Great Bri-
tain relates that one day his telescope
was accidently shifted downward, so
that it commanded a part of London,
Straight in front of him he saw a
church steeple down which ran a crack
so wide that even the vibration of tele
organ might have caused it to collapse.
He telephoned at once to the vicar,
who on being told that his steeple
might fall at any minute thought Ire
was the victim of a practical joker.
When he finnily realized the serious -
nose of the warning he closed the
church at once.
sun Canon Tells Time.
One of the greatest secrets of popu-
larity is to keep your troubles to youroreaesaaseseedasassaaeseasseaseasseassesees
The only itnown automatic sun gun!
In Ilia wired, located at Cliffe, twenty -1
miles' from Lisbon, Portugal, 1aalne
the correct time to surrounding totansl
and hamlets from a height of. 2,000
feet. says "The Popular Science
Monthly" for March. By a convex
lens arrangement supported by the
cannon and controlled by a sun dial
the son's rays are concentrated at
noon each day on the touchhole of tate
cannon and 11118 it he automatically
fired by old ]ting Sol 111ius016,
Icor every day over ore week that
eggs for hatching are kept four per
cent. loss will 1latch, poultry experts
African land crabs, which spend
their early life in Balt water, have
periscoupe eyes, and log pads en which
to wipe them.
Classified Advertisements
101110. CA'rA1,eiltr
Yp tol'lleataY ntnahttis, a1,Anlel,A8. 1St S.
it'j Yron rant*. Pontius and #torted luck 11005
Tito Wlijld Form, Pmrkann, Ont.
nhitIO 03rl1 STOP 1yAliT111) '
rai e, snow 0011 1' 1111) 111110
. !ornate trate. 511151 tre10 car and Wo Wet
at mimes! 0lnnlltle1. n;lgit, bona. and of good
ataccran ,'. ,0O t0 40 years at a4s If rot aro 11m.
right men 1•+010 enteral. parser 01111 u5 ehaallt no
575. to £100 Fre seen. also local reterem•ds'In last
latter, na,'l, to' P.O.. 1105 7(0. 1010. 110ntroal,.
Anybody who is British born can
buy the Freedom of the City of Lon-
don. A proposer and seconder and
payment of certain fees are all that is
roquired, It costs less than £5.
Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
Wrirchturtne Co.,Chiceso,forEreCarcBook
Don't suffer from lumbago, neural-
gia or other pains. Apply Mlnard's
to the aching spot and get quick
Always keep 1t in the Uouse.
To Cain Weight
We guarantee Bitro-Phosphate to re-
build shattered nerves; to replace
wealmess with etrength; to add body
weigbt to thin folks and rekindle am-
bition in tired -out people. Price $1 per
plcge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front
St. East, Toronto, Ont.
OIl Forelleall,Cheelis and
Chin. Cutieura Heals.
" My face began breaking out
with pimples, first my forehead,
then cheeks and chin, and itwas
an awful -looking sight. The plan -
pies were hard and red and after a
time came to a head and scaled
over. They were very painful at
times and the trouble lasted about
three months.
I tried different remedies with-
out any benefit. I. began using Cu-
ticura 'Soap and Ointment and 1
was completely healed after using
three cakes of Cuticura Soap and
one box of Cuticura Ointment"
(Signed) Mrs. Algot Lundgren,
McCord, Wis., Aug. 12, 1024.
tIse Cuticura coral' toilet purposes
Sample Emoh Free by s aa. Melrose Canadian
Dona: t•' "Steahone. Lea, Montreal" Price, soap
250 Oi tment 25 and 600. Talcum Ole.
1 Cuticula Shaving Stick 25o.
"Bayer" - Insist! OPERATION
Say "Bayer"
For Colds Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Pain
e"...4' Bayer
only a
S Bayer pa kc age
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aspirin Is the tendo mart: (registered is
OouOdn) of Dover itooutnature of bIoaor
atro#icnaillsater of Salle ilcacld.
TLS..14# ,
"Staminax" Growing Mash
finest BABY to
IIIIXTUltlll the world produces.
The Feed Willcli Raised the Winner of
the Ontario Egg -Laying Contest, 1024.
Write for booklet 1)d name o
NAIt Agent. The Motherwell Grain
WAR : R1 11Mo
Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy
A reliable remedy for true treatment
1)t derangement of the; Itidneys and
Bladder. For fitly years it has proved
a• )panacea to sufferers ell over the
Don't neglect the first symptoms but
use this.fanous remedy. Neglect will
soon have serious troubles slowly de-
When yon have backache. unusual
desire to micturate, with scalding sen-
sedan, fluttering pains in the head,
irritating and dry skin, shortness of
breathing, tiekio appetite, you may
know that the Kidneys are deranged
and meet be relieved before serious
eonstitutiouai disease is caused,
Sold by alt druggists., Priem. $1,26
per bottle, Werner's. Safe Remedies
Co., Toronto, Ontamie.
Read Alberta Woman's Ex-
perience with Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
Provost,Albeeta.—"Perhaps you will
remember sending me one of your books
a year ago. 1 was in a bad condition
and would suffer awful paine at times
and could not do anything. The doctor
said I could not have children mime/ I
went under an operation. I read testi-
monials of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound in the papers and a friend
recommended me to take it. After tan.
ing three bottles I became much better
and,. now I have a bonny baby girl four
months old. I do my housework and
help a little with the chores. Ireconi-
mend the Vegetable Compound to 1ny
friends and [alt willing for you to use
1 this testimonial letter."— Mrs. A. A.
ADAMS, Box 54, Provost, Alberta.
Pains in Left Side
Lachine, Quebec.—" I.toolt Lydia E•
1 Pinithn i's' Vegetable Compound be-
cause I suffered with pains in my left
side and back and with weakness and
other troubles women so often have.
I was this way about six months. I saw
the Vegetable Compound advertisedin
the 'Montreal Standard,' and 1 have
taken four bottles of it. I was a very
sick woman and I feel iso much better
would not be Without it, I also -
Lydia E. Piukham's Sanative Wash. I
recommend the medicines to my friends
and I am willing foryou to use niv
r let-
ter as atestimonial, Mrs.lrl.W.1iiosel,
580 Notre Dame St., Lachine, Quebec
ISSUE No. 18—est,
Minard's Llnitneat for Colds I Cor, Limited, Dundee, Ont.