HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-5-6, Page 1VOL, 53 NO, 46 2,00 der"'annum in advance 13 USSELS, ONTARIO; WEDNESDAY, 1114Y 6, 1g25 e Farmers -find the service offered by The Bank of Nova Scotia very con. venient. The cashing of cheese, milk and produce cheques, roans for farm purposes, a satisfactory depository for savings, are only a few of the many features avaiI- able to farmers at all branches of the Bank. The experience of 92 years in dealing with farmers is at your service at any branch of Bank of Nova Scotia ESTABLISHED 1832 7.,ld•va Capital s 1o,000,e00 F:. M. W I LMOT Reserve - 10,500.000 Total Assets - 210,000,000. Manager Brussels New Advertisement. Cement -J. H. Fear Flak Hooker Bros, Overlande-S. Carter Heade found -To 0 POST Ice Cream -W. T. t.p.aloej Bait for Hale -Phone 4121 8 for prleo of 2 -Jas. Fox Chain taken -Walter Scott Turkeys for sale -M Y';i;ank... Sale by tender -I. C ,ipde Grein for MOP- 1,70 Re•openedoe, „m:5risa Brynes Stove fnn„aie- J. H Galbraith car ,Nett Thos. Fend an 'Vb..' p'.re {o'rent-A. if Macdonald OrISm wanted-Braseels C, enmery Always in Tribble- ' alto, i7, F.O. Court of It -vision -el orris Township Tenders tor dredging -S. E O'Brien Court of Re. vielon-Vtllaggo of Brussels Mlther's Day -Ethel Methoilst-Churoh istrirt getvs MONCRIEFF Fishing is the order of the day. Excavating for the neev school is almost completed.. We are ,glad to see Millard Baillie able to be about again. A number here are sick with what seems similar to ehe "flu." Congratulations ate due Dick and Mrs. Robinson on the birth of a fine baby girl and also Jack and Mrs. Mur - r ray, of Mitchell, who were presented with •the gift of a little .daughter. Mrs. Murray was lormerly Miss Alma Struth- ers. HAVING d posed of of m P Y business all Accounts are to d' be paid once. Geo. R. Weller +444-1.Y4++ +++++++4+++++444 .1 "Mothers' Day" will be observed at the service in Knox church next Sun- day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, ehe pas- tor speaking on. "Motherhood." A special Mothers' choir will lead the service of 'praise and a large gathering is looked for. WROXETER Rev. D. A. Armstrong was a London visitor last week ' Mrs. F. V. Dickson returned from Toronto on Friday.; 0: D. Simpson, Brucefield, called on friends +itn the village on Tuesday. F. Davey has improved+ the appear- ance of his block by a fresh coat of paint. Lloyd Hupfer, Mrs. R. and Miss ,Or- ville Hupfer were recent visitors' in Toronto. Elgin Hoffman, Wingham, spent the week -end with some of his former school ohums. Nurse Fowler, Wingham, is in at- tendance on Miss Irene Stocks, who still continues very ill. U. Wade is carrying his arm in a sling as the result of a painful accident sustained at the Gamble tire on Tues- day last. The yearly congregational aneeting of the Salem and Wroxeter Meth6dlsl churches was 'held ,in the Methodist church here Monday evening. There was a large attendance. At the con- clusion of ,the business a. social time was much enjoyed. CAR OF Cement TO HAND. GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW, J. H. FEAR, Phone 2214 ETHEL West End Grocery Lest Ye Forget -f E are selling Ice Cream this year as for- merly. We sell Silverwood's-the Ice Cream with the Creamy flavor: Biggest Cone for a nickle. Our Ice Cream is alvvys fresh and in good saleable condition. QUR Grocery Stock is always fresh and clean andprices right at. North Star Flour per cwt Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag Ontario Shorts and Oil Cake ..,,..$4.75 1.10 Linseed Meal, Etc. Highest Prices 'for Eggs It will pay you to l eingitltem-in, Price thio week 30o trade. W. T. SPENCE Phone 222s - ETHEL W. H, KERR, Proprietor `Always In Trouble'"Ho'ne Acres" or "A Hoodooed Coon" A Comedy In Three Acts will be 'presented by Young People of Molesworth in U, F. O. HALL WALTON . Under theahapioes of the Walton • U. F. 0. Friday, May 8th Program at 830 o'clock Oast of characters Misery Moon -a Roodooed Coon ..T, McDonald Gideon Blair -A Mlillonalre„Russel Grainger Tom Riasle-A Young College Bero' McKnight Cumming Hiram Tutt -A Pory Mysterious hien Will. Simpson Patrick Keller -A Ticket Seller A, Simpson Samantha Slade -A Poor Old Maid Margaret'•McDonald Rosebud Reese -Slate's Granddaughter Jean McDonald Rosebud's Churns -Aprils Cumming and Jessie Sangster Paola Maleok-A Bolshevik Jesele Brown Lulu Pearl -A Ragtime Girl.,, .Gert, Sangster If you can't Laugh don't come) Adults 33c Children 25c G, Gibson and A. Edgar made a busi- ness trip to Hespeler on Monday. Wm. and Mrs. Gibson„ Turnberry, entertained a large number of their young friends Friday evening. The April meeting of the Women's Institute was held -at the home of Mrs. W. E. Hazlewood on Thursday after 110011, with an attenddnce of 20. The President, Miss E. P. Hazlewood, pre- sided. When the business items had been disposed of,.. Mrs. At McLeod presented a very tine paper on "Herbs and Wild, Flowers that are useful," After a short period of 'community singing, Mrs. A. 1. Beo vn gave a snot helpful talk on "Suggestions for mak- ing the Sabbath an interesting day for children." Rollwoall was answered by naming a book suitable for children up lo ten years of age._ Mrs. John Adams, who recently won first prize to the Institute darning contest, gave a demonstration of her .work which was much appreciated. The meeting was dismissed, by singing the National .an- them. Last week we referred to the death of •the another of Mrs. J. Musgrove of our village. A few further particulars are to hana:-The people of Win,fhaln vicinity were khooked' tb learn of the sudden passing of Mrs. Seymour Thorn- ton, who died on Wednesday evening, April 22nd, et the home of her daught- er, Mrs. W. H. %Gilson, Gresham, Ore- gon. Mr. Thornton passed away at the family home in Wingham on the 1st of last August and Mrs. Thornton had been spending the winter' at the home of her daughter. She was in her 7411) year and leaves many (friends in Wing - ham and vicinity. She is survived by three daughters and one son, viz:- Mrs. is:Mrs. Gibson, with/ whom she was vis- iting, Mrs. Jeff Musgrove of Wroxeter, W. Henry of near Edmonton, and Mrs. Geo. J. Robertson of Calgary. The re- mains were interred in the Gresham cemetery in, Oregon. MORRIS Jas. Nichol, 6th eine, is now driv- ing a Ford sedan. Mrs. '(;cultes, 3rd line, underwent an operation at the Wingham Hlasoitel last s week. • , Miss Susie 0. Lattimer, teacher et Purple Valley, was home attending the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. Agnes Craig. Mrs. Harman Howell, Lockport, N. Y,, daughter of the late. Mrs, Agnes Craig, was home owing to the death of her mother. Friends from a distance who attend- ed -the funeral of the late Mrs. Agnes Craig were: Andrew and David Bell, Bright; Mrs. Clancy, Southampton; Mrs R. McBride and son, Will, Stratford; Alex Smith anf family, Hensall, and Howard and Mrs. Hall, Stratford. "A mother is a mother still The holiest thing alive." -Coleridge-Tree Graves, Mothers' Day Memorial Service AT °. Ethel Methodist Church Sunday, May 10th Special Sermon and Music HAnOLD WHITE, Minister A Drama in Tis res Acts Will be presented by the Young Peo- ple of Bro.wutown in TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL Friday., May 8th Under auspices of Presbyterian Sunday School CAST Ann Riekett, "The Village Dressmaker" Etta Agar Jane Whitman, "A dear old Soul" Clara Ager David Holden, "A Man 1n a Million" Melville Dennie Root) Whiteman, "A Country Flower", Ethel Mothers Lib, "a ease of Dynamite" Verne Dennis Enooh, "The Chore Boy" Herold Thomas John Whltrnen, "A College Graduate" Wilfred Clay, "A New York Swell"""Johnston Walter Sellers Helen Dalton, "A New York Beaute" EthelWardellFerguson, "A Crook" Charles osmn Synopsis Act I -The Bitting room at "Home Acres" on an afternoon 1n JnlyY. Aad II -The new home in -the olty 'the follow - Ing December. Aot 1II-Bash home the first of March. Orchestra in Attendance Aduite 38c Children 20c Come early and secure your seat W. J. Beirnes, 4th line, has been under the doctor's care for the last three weeks. His many friends hope for a speedy xecovery, 1t is reported that some of our ,citi• tens are busy on Sundays overhauling their cars and making all necessary re- pairs. We won't mention names. Card of Thanks. -The Craig family, of Morris, wish to express their sin - cern thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for their kind expres- sions of sympathy and help in the loss of our dear mother. Their kindness will not soon be forgotten. The Falnily. Sunshine Church Anniversary, - The 'anniversary of Sunshine Method- ist ohurch will be held on Sunday, May 1 7th. Afternoon service at 2,30 and evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. Harold White, B.A., .B.D., of Ethel, will preach at both services. At the close of the evening service Mr. White willgivea lantern lecture on a subject that will be especially interesting to Oddfellows. The Roe's Orchestra of 7o pieces, will furnish the music at both seryices. Everybody cordially invited to attend. JAMESTOWN Don't forget Sunday School every Sunday afternoon in Victoria Hall. Wm, Demmerling, Fordwich, moved Isis portable sawmill outfit to James- town where he has considerable wort: to-do. A. C. Hutchison and Ed. Mont gomery are assisting Elam. The Ethel Methodist choir have been invited to present their Cantata at -Victoria Hall, Jatnestowe, probab- ly on Friday of next week. Further particulars later. Yearling Short HornBallfor sate. 48-1 Phone 4125 Council met on Mo•lday at Ethel. Sunday School at Roe's has been re- organized. Orchestra practices will be discon- tinued until the busy season is over. R 13. Smalldon wlto ha+e b eu oc- cupying darty Skims's house at (Val - ton, hastnaved to Mr. Hood's house on the 17115 0011. W.3 Hoover, (lin has been attend ing Queen's University, Kingston, ha been so it ill at the home of his father, R. J. Hoover, Dili Cott, Hie t: lends will hope for a -peedy change A Mortgage sale of valuable fart property -will, be 'held at Brussels at the American hotel on Saturday, May 9th at 2 o'clock. D. M. Scott twill be the auctioneer. Advt. may be read in this issue. Special Sunday. Salim)] meeting next, S ibhal,h 01 Union. Everyone is ask- ed to make a special effort to attend. The chois' u- 111 celeste t of Mothers in order' that ",Mother's Day" may be suitably home ed. A special set mon will be powered. Of course, everyone will wear a flower, SCHOOL REPORT -The following is' the result of the test exams, of U S 8, No. 4, Grey and Wallace. Third and Fourth elnss,s exf twined in all subjects. The subjects in brackets show it failure, 'Hoorne 75 pass 60. 8r. 1V -George Brown 77 Jean Martin 75 ; Josie Cumming 61(1111eog,) ; Archie MacDonald 55 (Gong., Gratn,) Jr, IV-J"hn Lamont 74 ; *Archie Oumuting 78 ; elurrny Brown 70 ; Jessie'Ldgnr 48 (Spell.,. Arilh., Gene., Hist.) Sr: III -George Murray 80 ; Agnes .Elliot 72 t Tout Cutnruing 71 • Dorothy Mitchell 70, Jr. II.I- *Glett Martin 02 ; Campbell Magoflin 60 ; Stella 0050115 69 ; Pearl Felker 60 Sr, II-Gentge Lemont 73 + -*Davie Stewart 65, Arthur Lamontont 80 ; Beverly Mitchell 77_ Sr, I - Ralph Wilt 70; *Archie Douglas 62. Jr. I -Jean Stewart 85 ; Jean Sangs- ter 70 ; Lincoln Smith 07. Pr - Frank Williams (excellent) Names marked with an asterisk Wigged one or more exams,. VIOLA MCLELOD, Teaeher, Among the florid) 'tributes placed on the Casket of the late Irwin Ray nerd were: -Anchor, L; 0. L. No. 008, Mltchell;' Wreath, Mitchell Nursery Co,; Pillow, W. and Mrs, Coates and W. Be ,olid Mrs.. Hamlitton' Spray, United Clturclt choir; Spray, Cleary and Mrs, Squires; Spray, friends; Spray, MOTHER'S DAY, Ey Edgar•„A• Guest. Let every day be Mother'e Day 1 Make rosea grow along her way And beauty everywhere, 011, never let her eyes be wet With teat's of sorrow or regret, And never cease to care 1 Come, grown up children, and re. joice That you can hear your mother's voice. A day for her 1 For you ehe gave Long years of love and service brave; 8'ur you her youth was spent. There was no weight of hurt or erre Too heavy for her strength to beat ; She followed where you went ; Her courage and her love eublime You could depend on all the time. No day or night she set apart On which to open wide her heart And welcome you within ; „There was no hour you would riot be First in her thought and memory, Though you were black as cin I Though skies were gray or skies were blue Not once has she forgotten you, Let every day be Mother's Lay le, With love and roses strew her way, And mullet; of jay and pride I Ootne, grown up children, to the knee Where long ago you used to be And never turn aside ; Oh, never let her eyes grow wet With tears. because her babes for- get. Mrs. McCallum and girls, Stratford; Spray, Geo, L and Mrs. Walker, Tor- onto; Gates Apar, Wife, Brother end Sister; Harp, Employees Mitchell Nur- sery Co.; Spray, H. W. and Mrs. Glaz- ier, Stratford; Spray, Wm. add Mrs. Stonewan; Spray, Henry and Mrs. Schutt, Stratford; Spray, Miss Holien- beck and Miss Zinnierman, Stratford; Spray, J! L. and Mrs. Easson, Grimsby; Spray, John and Mrs. Gaffney, Monk - ton; Spray, Geo. T. .and Mrs. Tihomp- son; Spray, Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Cole and George Pollard, Stretford; Spray, Robt. and Mrs, Gib- son; Spray, Wm. and;Mrs. Stevenson and G. Baker, Brussels; Spray, friends; showing ehe high esteem with which Irwin was respected. BELGRAVE The grist mill is kept busy. The, a has been a lot of sickness in our village all Winter and Spring. Mrs, Ernest Geddes underwent an operation at Wingham Hospital last week, Our (merchants were at Blyth last Friday evening when the Government Egg Inspector addressed a •meeting In regards to the law on the grading of eggs, etc. William Powney, south of the village, has erected a new verandah at his home. Mr. Powney is going extensive- ly into the poultry business and raising police dogs. He has some fine speci- mens at the farm now. Rev. Austin L. Budge, M. A , of Hamilton, and an old Belgrave boy, who is a prominent preacher of the Presbyterian y chalet, was cleated clot k of the new peovin'ial Hamilton and London Synod, of the continuing Presbyterian church. The Dramatic Society of 8t. John's Church, Brussels, gave theft play, "Dont deceive your wife", to a frill house in the Forestate' Hall on Monday evening. The play was en- joyed by all and the inimical program given by the visiting talent was well rendered. The play was under the nusne. n ir . 9 f Tl i y art Ohurrh Sudden Deat .-,L h as Thursday t ursday JOIm. McGee, an aged and respected resident of our village, complained of not feel- ing well and while in the garden sud- denly collapsed and expired in a few minutes, He was 80 years and 7 months old. Besides his aged partner in life he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Simpson, London, and Mrs. Rob- inson, Seetttle, Wash., and three sons, Harry and Stewart' of Winghans, and John, on she homestead in East Waw- anosh, The funeral was held on Satur- day afternoon from the Presbyterian church, of whioh church the deceased had been a long and faithful member. Interment was made in the Wingham cemetery. To ithe family Rhe deepest sympathy goes out to them in Their ,loss. The annual meeting of the Bluevale Methodist W. M. S. met at the itonte of 'Mrs, ,Ed, Johnston, and (there was a good attendance. The Society 're- ports a most successful year, having to its credit raised more money than in any previous year. The election of officers for the conies year is as fol Lows: -Pres„ Mrs. M. 'Smith; Vise - Pres., Mrs. A. Shaw; Rec.-Secy., Mrs, L, li. Bosman; Tress,, Mrs. J. J. Sel- lers; Cor, Secy., Mrs. Ed Johnston; Supt. 'Christian Stewardship, Mrs, 0. Snell, Outlook Sec.; Mrs. J. Masters, Strlanger's Secy. dor IEbeilezer, Mrs, Dennis; Johnstone, Mrs. Jno, Johnston, Bluevale, Mrs. W. Thornton; Watch Tower, Breckenridge, Mrs. W. Thorn- ton, Mrs. Jno, Fells; )Pianist, Mrs. E. Johnston. After The epeeting the hest- ess served tea. MRs HARRY MOCLENAGAN DEAD - The people of Belgrave and vicinity were deeply grieved when it was learned that titre. McClenaghan hail passed away on Saturday evening, April 2611t, The late Mr. McOlen- aghan was only 80 years of age and was highly esteemed by all who knew her, Betides her sorrowing husband, she leaves an infant and a little two year-oid girl, who have the heartfelt eym achy of everyone. .Detested's maiden name was Maud Anna Bar, bone, and she wee born in. Lucknow, where hoe father. Archie Barbour, still resides, She is survived by one Office Re -opened Miss Maude Bryans Wishes to announce that she has opened an office at her home one block West of the Bank of Nova Scotia, and is prepared to attend to all kinds of Optical work, Satisfact on Assured sister and two brothers, Mrs, (Rev.) Watt, Allendale, Jack. of Saskatoon, and Robert, in England. The latter had the misfortune to lose his eye. eight in the Great War on the very day the Armistice was signed. The romaine of.the late hire, McOlenagban were interred in the Cemetery on Fri- day afternoon of last week and many friends attended the services to pay their last tribute of respect to the de- parted, CRANBROOIC Rev, A. M. Shannon was a visitor in London last week. Sacrament was observed last Sun. day at Knox church, A Mother's Day service will be held in Knox church next Sunday morning. Ceaubrook Presbyterians will emu. inence to vote on Church Union on Monday, May 18111. BELMORE When the axe he was using in fixing a. fence, slipped, E. McBee, of this village, suffered a painful eat on hie left hand. Mr. MtGue, who wag working with the aid of his son, was reaching for a stake, when in some manner, the axe fell upon hie hand, cutting it badly. Medical aid was surnmoned and the injured member diessed. WALTON P. 13. Gardiner pee his men pressing hay since the rush of seedings is over. Mr. and Mrs„ Solder .are spending their holidays at Si-mcoe and other points. Mr. Dobson is relieving at the Bank of Commerce while. Manager Sohier is on his holidays. The Horticultural Society are finish. ing up this week distributing their premiums and orders. Thos. Watson, Galt, and James Wat- son, of the West, are visiting their sis- ter, Mrs. James Sholdice. Daniel Love left ,tet week for a trip to British Columbia and will visit with his uncle and aunt, R. and Mrs. McLeod. Thomas Marshall tae been suffer- ing a great deal owing to the fact that he ruptured a blood vessel just between the eyes. "Always In Trouble" -The Young People of Molesworth will present their play "Always in Trouble" in the U. F. 0. Hall at Walton, sin Friday evening of this week, under the auspices of the Walton U. F. O. See advt. in th's issue. The Young People of +Browntown prseented their play "Home Acres in the A. 0. U. W. Hall last Friday evening to a crowded house. Every- one enjoyed the play.,. The storekeepers were at Blyth on Friday evening last and heard a Gov- ernment Egg Inspector explain the law that is now in force, regarding the grading eggs,etc. g g of A Narrow Escape. -While motoring to Seaforth on Thursday morning last, D. Johnston and his brother-in-law, Wesley Searle, had a very narrow es- cape from death. Mr. Searle, who was only learning to drive, thought the car was going too fast on the bill at Grieve's midge, but instead of getting his foot on the break, touched the ac- celerator and car dropped .down north side. The car struck a tree and was badly damaged. Both men were badl,v shook up, and Mr. Johnston is suffer- ing front several broken ribs. He is still at Seaforth at she home of his sis- ter. CARLOAD of salt expected this week, 48.1 Taos VOUDDN,Ethel, Phone 2215. Bks. Ring is just about the same. Do you require cement? if so see J. H. Fear. Hey. Mt, Shannon epent a few days in London last week, Tennis is now in full awing, arid the saline remark applies to football, Don't forget "Home Acres", a drama in 3 acts, at the Towttett1p Hall on Friday evening of this week. W. eL S. Convention will be held in Brussels on Thursday, May 70, at 1.30 and 7.80 in Methodist Church. Last Sunday evening Rev, Mr, Shannon conducted the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the Methodist church. A bracelet was found in the Metho- diet ()hutch after the Cantata, Own- er snag have same nu proving identifi- cation at the Parsonage. The Sam aspen 1 of Baptism will be SEven at the Presbyterian church on unday afternoon. A service suitable for Mother's Day will be held. Vote on Union is to be token -at Presbyterian' church, Ethel, Poll opens : Wednesday, May Oth, 7 to 0 p, m. ; Saturday 9th, 2 to 4 p. In. ; Mon. day, lith, 10 to 12 a. m. ; Wednesday, 18th, 7 to 9 p. ill, ; Saturday 10th, 2 to 4 p m. ;Monday, 18th, 6Mto 8 p. m. There will boaspeciul other's Day Service at Ethel Methodist Church on Sunday evening, good music by the choir and old. 'fashioned hymns. HALF 'HOLIDAYS Following are a few of the towns in 11310vicinity that are taking half. holidays during the summer months Wodueaday Blyth, Wingharn, Clinton, Seafot'th, Goderich, Lietowel, Palmerston, Thursday Brussele, Kineardiue, Teeswater, Lucknow. Everyone is requested to wear a Sower. Let us try and make our mother feel that she is indeed ' Queen of the May." Rev. H. White was unexpectedly called away for the week -end, and his puipit was acceptably supplied by Bert Lott of Brussels in the morning, and by Bev. Mr. Shannon in the even- - ing. ' WINTHROP The Ladies' Aid land W. M. S. are meeting to -day at Cavin Church. Walter Eaton captured an owl this week that treasured 58 inches from lip to kip. He says it put up quite a bat- tle but he landed it. w . Robert Scarlett has sold his 200 acre farm just east of Winthrop, to Thomas Pryce, of Seaforth, who takes immediate possession Of the crop, but will not move until July. Air. Scarlett gets Mr. 'Pryce's house in Seafortla as part payment, the price of the Darin being $12,000. This farm was home- steaded by Mr. Scarietit's father years ago and with its fine buildings, is one of time best 1n the township. BRUSSELS COUNCIL Council meet on Monday with Reeve A. C. Baeker in the ohair and'Couucil- lors Armstrong, Bowmen and Hewitt being present. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed 'on motion of Bowman and Armstrong. Accounts presented were paid on motion of Armstrong afld Hewitt: The Post, account, $4,75 Jas. Fox, supplies, 17.74 Geo. McNichol, assisting police, 2.50 Gordon McDowell, salary, 75.00 The Court of Revision for the As- sessment Roll was set for June Ism, 1925, on motion of Councillors Arm- strong and 'Hewitt. Council then adjourned. Lucknow Minister ,Dies Suddenly J Rev. Robert McCallum Takes III At Ailsa Craig -Victim of Pneumonia-. Was En Route to Londolr, to Attend Synod LUCKNOW, May 3. -,Rev. Robert McCallum, minister of the Presbyterian church here, died unexpectedly this morning at the home of a friend in Ailsa Craig, following a brief illness with ,pneumonia. Mr. McCallum con- ducted The services in the local church last Sunday apparently in the be,st of health, On Monday he left to motor to Lon• don to attend the aneeting of the Pres- ' byterian Synod of Hamilton and Lou- don. On the way Bre stopped off at Allsa Craig to visit a friend, who was shortly to leave for the Old Country, and while there he suddenly developed pneumonia. Even then the illness was not regarded as serious. FAMILY CALLED Early this morning, ;however, the family here was notified that Mr. Me- tall= was sinking and they left im- mediately for Allsa Craig, arriving g there only 20 minutes before death oc- curred. The news of Mr. McCallutn's death was received Isere while his cone gregation was in the midst of celebrat- ing the 51st anniversary of the church, with Rev, Prof. Munson conducting the service, The evening service was can- celled and the members of the' congre- gation worshipped this evening with the Methodist congregation.,. Mr. McCallum had been in charge of Lucknow church for some eight or nine years. He came here from- Tara, Ont. He was greatly liked by the mem- bers of his congregation and, wheat, the majority voted against union while Mr. McCallum was an advocate of en- tering the United Church, all, regard- less of their views on the union issue, felt concern that he Should resign from the church. Mr, McCallum was a native of Scot- land. He is survived by his widow and five children, Johanna, a teacher in Hamilton; Martha, of London; Marfaret, a teacher here, .and James and Robert, of Detroit. The funeral will be held on Wednesday, witll a service itn the Presbyterian church here do charge of the Maitland Presbytery. Internment will be made in Greenhill Cemetery here. CHURCH CIM I S Rev, Mr, Lewin will commence his Confirmation Class next Sunday morn- ing at to o'elook, The Bisbop of Huron is expeetedsome time the latter part of June, Synod of Huron. -Tile annual meet- ing of the Synod 'of +Huron wets at London on Monday, May lith, *hen Archbishop Thornloe of Algoma, HALL preach the Synod Sermon. The Little Stars Mission Baud of Melville Church will hold a Mothers' Meeeti ng.Ttienday evening, May as, at 7 45 P. ill , in the Lecture Room .of the church, A good program is being pre- pared by the membere of the Bend. Rveryoue is cotdially Invited, An of- fering will be taken at the door, Is paper Is in future to be made from hteew, the market for last year's artily lints has at last been found, e