The Brussels Post, 1925-4-29, Page 4o ON + HILL PARLIAMENTX ey .a Member of the Partamentary Prean G4Ileee Ottawa, April 58th, 9925. ---This sea. stop's Budget debate promises to be a record -breaker both its to durattioa and Its to the number of members of the House taking ;pant in it. Already it has ooc'upled fifteen days and it is not likely to conclude before.. the end of nest week which will make the to- tal number of days in excess 'of twenty. It Is estimated, too, that about 100 members ,of Parliament will leave taken space th Hansa'rd ]before the .House votes on the moltion of than. James A. Robb, Acting MInlster ,of Finance, to go into Cotn'nlittee of Ways and Means, There are probably two reasons ar factors In this situation, first, there is the evident determination of the Conservatives to prolong the present session as' tate as possible to Make 11 very difficult for Liberals to assist in the provinclal general elections this summer in Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick and for the Progressives .to have a hand In the provincial contest corn - Ing In Saskatchewan. Second, there Is (the aitthtude of private members gen-, erailyin the House that whether or oat there will be a Federal general oleo tion this year they wiN take no chances and are, therefore, getting "or, rec. ord" this session for campaign pur- poses 'whenever (the •dontest comes. No Clamor For General Election All this fear of a Federal appeal tins. year is in the face of various indica- lions that the King Government is ap- parently making no plans far am elec- tion before 5926. One evidence is 10 the fact that a conference has been called for the latter ,Hart of June of the. representatives of the various British West Indies with the Dominion Govern- ment with a view to laying the basis for a new trade pact. Then, again, there is to be the conference between the provincial and the federal Govern- ments on the question of amendments to the British North America Act, as announced in the Speech from the Throne at the opening of the sess.on, for the purpose, partioudarly, of effect- ing some reform of the Senate. Neith, er of these moves would conceivably be made if the Government had In mind rushing into a general election at the conclusion of the present session. Again, as was pointed out in the House this week by George W. Kyte, Chief Government Whip, it does not look like a pre-election session when the Conservatives have omitted- to call a single sitting of the Public Accounts Committee to investigate any of the expenditures of the present Govern- ment since it came into power nearly, four years ago. Despite protestations of various Conservative speakers n the Budget debate nothing Is more cer- tain than that the official Opposition does not want an election this year. And it is doubtful if any section of the country wants the expense and turmoil of an election until 'the expiry of the regular constitutional time in the aut- umn of next year. Refutes Blue -Ruin Talk An Important contribution to the Budget debate in 'the week just closed was that ct Hon. James Murdock, Min- ister of Labour, who read into the rec- ords some convincing evidence of the falsity of the blue -ruin cries of the Con- servatives both In the House and out of it. He showed that unemployment was worse in the United States than in 'Canada; that the alleged list of fail- ures in Canada as prepared by the Canadian Manufacturers' Aslsodiation and quoted from freely by Mr. Meighen was sadly inaccurate and full of indica- tions of padding to suit the purposes of those who are demanding higher protection. He ,showed, too, that a great deal had been aotualdy accom- plished by the present Government in reducing the cost of living, and pro- duced official statistics to support his contention. He concluded with a warm retort to Sir Henry Drayton and the nock efforts of that former Min- ister of Finance toward revising the tariff. Sir Henry was responsible for a costly tour of Canada by the tariff commission after toiling the country that a tariff revision was long overdue. Then when much money had been spent in travelling over the Dominion -Igaln told the people and Parliament that the revision mullet not be put info effect. "Did you ever .hear tell a crawfish- ingl is rat that as fine an example of It as anyone ever heard('" asked Mr. Murdock, "and it emanates from men who have the Verve to get up here on the floor and charge .the Goverun)elht with tllis, that and the Other thing. In other words, ,the Tory party did not have .the nerve to make the charges in the tariff that their friends wanted, because they knew the people of Can- ada would' not stand for it, and now they are continually finding fault with this Government because it has not dbue so, and does' not propose to do So." Independent Member Supports Budget A recognition of the benefits of the Robb fiscal policy had conferred and would confer' upon the province' of British Columbia 'Ives voiced in the House by L. W. Humlphrey, Independ- ent member for West Kootenay, .who announced himself in support of tete Budget program of .the present •session and summarized his attitude toward it ill his concluding paragraph as .follows: --"it is my intention to support the Budget at this particular time, and in doing s0 I feel that 1 am carrying out my duty to my constituency and the country, 1 do not want to have It in- ferred that 1 am governed by political influences. But I believe that it is in the best interests of the country that the, Budget should be 'supported, al- though l know that some of my friends with whom t associate at the present time do not agree with this( view. It must be remembered, however, that conditions Inthe province from which 1 carne are extremely different from those in other parts of the (country; it has been recognized as a concession to myself and other members from British Columbia that we have certain conditions there that do"not exist any- where else. For this -and' other reasons that I have 'stated I shall have no hes- itation in giving what support 1 can to the Budget." No Low -Tariff Man Need Apply Showing the sail -trimming of the Conserva¢ives when in office on tariff matters and warmly replying to their strictures of the expenditure of $4,200 last summer on the Parliamentary par. ty of three which went as representa- tives of Canada to the Wembley Ex- hibition, George W. Kylie, the Chief Government Whip and a veteran Nova Scotia member of the House,' delivered it convincing, as well as 'highly enter- taining, speech on Thursday night, In. defending his opposition to 'the Con- servative proposal to appoint a tariff Board in 19 t2, while supporting a sim- ilar proposal by the Government this session, Mr. Kyte declaredthat he would not entrust he establishment of such a Board to the 'Conservatives for no low -tariff men would have a chance of appointment to that Board, whereas with a divergence of tariff views in the present Liberal Government and party there was a much greater probability of the views of the whole country be- ing consulted in the establishment of such a Board. Unity in Weakness A fettling reply to the oft -repeated boast of the Conservatives of the un- animity in their party on tariff mat- ters and to their' taunt of a wide div- ergence of opinion in the Liberal par- ty on the same question Was made by Mr. Kyte in answering particularly the remarks of Hon. Dr. R. J. Manton ,Fort William and Rainy River). "The Con- servatives", siaid Mr. Kyte, 'should be slow to boast of s unanimity on the tariff. We always find the maximum of unanimity in a minimum of num- bers and, inasmuch as the hon. gentle hnan places so much 'statue upon the virtue of unanimity he has the console,- Hon onsolertion of knowing that just in the pro- portion that .the Conservative group In this House continues to decrease in numbers so it will increase in unanim- ity." He declared land, proved that high protection as an issue had never won a general election and for that reason Mr. Meighen &bowed more courage than discretion in seeking to make it an issue in the next contest. Income Tax Returns rate is 5 per 00555., and it applies to the amount of the tax already corn, puted, that is to the total of the nor. As the Dominion Income Tax must be paid on or before the teat day of this month, a few words in regard to it may not be amiss. Under the Dominion Iucotne Tax Act, the source to which the tax is applied is the net income, and this is arrived at by de- ducting certain exempted amounts from the sum total of one'e revenue from all sources. Such revenue in- 2•eludes, In addition to regular salaries and wages, pensions, gratuities, Min- uses, dtreatora fees, s, cowmisefone, pre- ' feasionat feet, rentals, and incomefrom dividends, interest, income from trusts, and from bonds. It tneludee aleo any income not already specified which is aminal profit or gain in any form. The Dominion Iucotne Tax really fella into three separate taxes, or di. visions, the normal tax, the sot tax and the additional tax. The normal tax moat be computed.flrst on incomea'up to $5,000. The surtax and the addits lanai tax apply to net incomes above *5,000. The rate of the normal tax is 4 per cent, t. on file net e income exceed, ing $1.000 for unmarried persons not supporting de endents, and on net in - cornea exceeding needil 2 * 000 for married d persons without dependeilte, This,. rate applies up to an meanie of 86,000 when the rate increasers to 8 per cent, On incomes in excess of $5,000, the, surtax begine with one per cent, be- tween $5,000 and 80,000 and increases oneper cent,far each thousand dol. tars of income u 0 to '2 U P 4 000 after which the rate increases by one per cent. only for each inereaee of *2,000, Larger increases are made ill the case of income's of more than *100,000. i - The additional tax Mao applies only to incomes in excess of $5,000. The, mal tax and the anrtax April 8O le the last day for tilling in the forme of individuate, farmers ar ranchers. and incorporated companies. SUPREME COURT AT GODERICH Sheppard versus Sheppard was an alimony suit by Melinda Sheppard e.gainet her husband, John Sheppard, of Clinton, J. M. Best appeared for Ithe plaintiff and a. Vanstone for the defendant, Judgment was given for; *1260, The Supreme Court of Ontario sets cion was presided over by Me. Justice Lennox. The first case was Black vet - sus Wonlenx, in'which•Oltarlee Black, 01Godericb, claimed damages on y.car deal with George Wooleox of.Lonflon, R. 0. Hays. Jr., of Goderieh, acted for the plaintiff and Ramsey, of London, for the defendant. Judgment was giv. en for *100 damages, with the balance nn the note to be paid by plaintiff to defendant on a protniasory note, An action in evhirh A. E Durnin, an apple shipper of Clinton, sued on con- tract for purchasing a quantity of ap- ples 0 w was este Ples misted. ski J. M ntK p , Stratford, Ne. CP rd acted plaintiff aintiif and .1.M,. Beat, Seafotth, for the defendant R. 5. Smyth, of Clinton, entered action smallest N. P. Schmidt, of Walkerton, for improper grading of apples. James 1151tkins, K. r of Stratford, appeared for plaintiff and `E. KleinBJefn for t d afend atrts. The ease was adjourned to Stratford, April: 27th. In Dundas the :Board of Trade works in harmony with Hart lc u feral Sae. iety In their efforts to beautify the town with flowers and sslarubs. SINGLE COMO R. T . REDS AND custom Hatching Chicks May Delivery 1 June Delivery 1 Ometem Hatching *5.00 per 100 Ittgge Any Breed or Quantity. Now booking ordere for Chicks or space. John T. Duncan ('hone 7x Box 20 Brussels THE LAW SAYS DON'T Obief of Police McDowell will do you no harm, in fact, you will find hint a right good fellow, if you ob- serve the law. However, they are going to put a fete don'ts into effect and to see that they are observed and that without feat' or favor. Here are a few of the don'ts which you will be wise to observe. Don't drive your car until you have secured year 1025 license, Dolt'( drive your car without the regulation head and tail lights. Don't drive your car with the cut. out open. Dont drive your car at ass excessive rate of speed and rem imber the speed limit on entering the town. Don't drive your car while under the influence of liquor and Don't be found with liquor to your car. Don't park your oar on the wrong' side of the street. Don't • park your car without the proper lights being displayed. Don't turn your car in the middle of the block. Go to the intereectit n. Don't race or speed your horses on any of the town tnoroughfares.• Don't eland in the doorways or lei - ter on the street. corners. Don't spit on the pavements, move out to the curb. SAYS DAYLIGHT SAVING A CURSE TO DOMINION W. M. Black, of S. Huron, Tells Com- mons It Has Made Many Men Lazy. OTTAWA, April 56.—'tpay'light sav- ing is the greatest curse this country has ever 'seen," declared W. M. Black (Prog., S. Huron), speaking on the budget in the Commons to -day. Mr. Black was dealing with causes for the financial condition of the coun- try. He declared that the daylight- saving resolution which 'had,passed the House some years ago had "done more harm and made more lazy (men than anything on the statute books of the country." fie favored cutting the civil service in two, 1f the civil service commissioe was not •capable of doing its' duty he would dismiss it. If the present over, staffing was due to the deputy ministers he favored dismissing them. An export duty of 42' cents a bushel on wheat moving to the United States was advocated by Mr. Black. It would be a great boon to this country at pres- ent, he said. If the United States wished to take some retaliatory meas- ure that was 'their affair. PARCEL POST RATES TO U. S. INCREASED Jump of Two Cents Per Pound Will Be Effective on May 1. Canadian parcel post rates to points in the United States have jumped two cents a pound, The old rate of 12 cents a pound will be advanced to 14 cents ora May 5•, accordiing to an ad- vice received from the postal depart- ment at Ottawa by Postmaster Scott. The United States authorities are responsible for the increased cost, says the statement. The reason given is that if Lias been done with a view to meeting the cost of the service. Since a Canadian parcel going to the United States is handled chiefly in that country, it is the privilege of Washington da determine the rates to be charged. The United States has also Instituted a service charge of two scents a,narcel for the hand -ling of mail through that Stop e Look Listen ,r Ye who have BATTERY trouble don't throw awayyour old a battery --- use REVIVO the New Battery Electrolyte, Makes your Ofd 'Battery work like new. For (quarter the cast. Earl Anderson Distributor for Huron County. Brussels, P. 0,, Phone 154 5 Rases ri ouR and Purity t Y $4.90 ONTARIO I OBRAN 1aY 5 SHORTS 1.65 A. C. BAEKER Phoney BRUSSELS I . Council met 10 s egtlssp meeting on April 17th, 1925 Moi l-et'a present I ie Wright. A. J, Sanderson, B. f3 Dobbs, peeve lienneberg in the chair. Minutes of lastmeeting were read and on (notion by Wright and Sand - arson, were adopted, Accounts • T., O. iRempill, power and rent for 'Match. *4000 ; H. Pat. tenon; Mining plant overtime, work 1 and supplies, *56 70 • Bert Martin, work end supplies, 85'00 ; .Municipal World, euppliee, *4 25 ; J. N, Allen, 1if for school pus poses, *650.00. Motion of Davidson and Sanderson that above accounts be paid and old. i ers drawn on treasurer for same. Motion of Dobbs an d Davidson that, the Connell refund Bank of Oorn.. merest $888 on charges on. electric Iight. Motion of Wrighti and Sanderson that Council accept Collector's toll, Hall Committee was asked to have Town Hall cleaned up and kept in bet- ter condition, Council adjourned to meet at reg. lalarmeeting or call of Reeve. FRED DAVEY, Clerk, country to anesther. Tittle a 'Gaped, car and then into the ditph, throwing Ian pascal being sent 10 Meg1po vial the, help part of the ltatggy 4008 RIO the United States will be taxed, an, Ad'• the otvcupauts dear- of the: Wheels, li ditianel two penis (or the SerYice per•. was a narrow eseape and both women formed by the United Sttates'postal dem are very thankful that they did not pertinent. reeetve any serl0us injuries, The horse Was finally caught Same distance 0001 home: S•trttftrdcoal deali •anu ane low- er - er reesfor avdler. Stove d nut $IS.00 par tont, egg $94:50 and pea Coal, 513,00, Messrs, J. Englewood & Son have closed their Linwood store and have ' brought the balance of goods on hand to Milverton where It will form- a Hart of their stock. a. McKItJ QP Tobias Nash. a pioneer of McKillop Township, died Thursday morning in his SOth year, of pneumonia. He was never married and •lived with hie brother, William, who survives. Be sides his brother, two sisters survive. Mrs. Bresenhnum, of Western Dan. ada, and Mrs. Mounts, of Arthur. GODERICH Word was received Wednesday. that the touring car stolen froth Rev, Mr. Hedley of Ooderieh, hue been located. Sunday last Mr. Hedley drove to Clinton and left his oar in the church barn, from where it was stolen. Searchers found the car in the swamp road between Wroxeter and Winghaen. No indication as to the thief hue ae yet been found. BLYTH Blyth Bawling Club have selected Wednesday, June 17, as the date oas t which they will hold their - annual a tournament: Mrs, Blume Taman announces the engagement of her daughter, Gladys Irene, to John Armstrong, son of M. and Mrs. Armstrong; Hallett, Kenneth Taylor left on Thursday Iron for {dowganda, Tewiscaming District, where he has accepted a position with the Castle•& Tretheway Missing Co. Mr. Cosena and hie daughter, who hove been at the parsonage during the Winter, left on. Saturday for a few weeks' visit with•his son, Rev. T. W. Oosens, Lucknow. The annual Congregational meeting and supper of Blytb Methodist church was held at the church. The con. gregation had Invited ae .their guests the local ministers and the Methodist pastors from Lnttdeaboro, Aueurn, Belgrav@ and Walton with their wives also representative laymen frorn these churches with their wives. Work has been (begun to beautl Methodist Church (property at Sta Rev, E. Jones' has planted ruaple tree around it and Other 'members are in terested and will work together ta make it a real beauty spots On Sunday oocbrre4 the death 0 Milton Crawford ,al Cromarty. De ceased had been a (great Sufferer 'for some years with spleen 'trouble, but through all his sufferhsg was always patient, never complain ng. Besides his sister, Mary, who'hasl attended trim so lovingly all 'throuiglh 'his illness, lie leaves to mourn his loss one brother, Wellington, and his aged grandmother, Mrs. A. Vincent, all of (Hilbert. John Tait, Inspector for the Can- adian National Telegraph at Nelson, 0. C., who died at that place recently, was born in .Mitchell, educated to the public and high schools there and is another of the boys who learned tel- graphy with Postmaster W: W. Hicks, and then went to the 'Canadian West and 'made good. The late Mr. -Tait was manager for his company, alt Win- nipeg for many years and was well- known throughout Canada. His fath- er, the late John Tait, was engineer at the power house in Mitchell for years. On Thursday last death came with - great suddenness to Annie Yant-el, relict of the tate Michael Streicher, She had had her dinner as usual and in the afternoon had gone to rest her chair in her own room where she was discovered atter 4 o'clock dead, Mrs. Streicher was born in Wilmot township about 73 ,years ago and was harried about 44 years ago, •after which she came to Morndngton. Mr. Strei'cller predeceased her by over 3 ears, She is survived by three sons, ohn, Michael and Enoch, of Morning- on, and Mns. Moses Schmidt, of Ad - ms county, Indians. Mrs. Robert Kelly and daughter. Mrs. W. P. Anderson, of Walkerville, visited with the former's daughter, Mrs. John Siegner, at Newton. Al- though Mre, Kelly has now entered her 97th year she is real smart and it takes no Blow walker to keep' pace with her, She remarked 50 a friend while here that she had neither pain nor ache, was. as a happy as a queen, and was waiting for the flnai call:' She travelled by train from Walker- ville to Toronto where she spent a week with a grand -daughter. Mra. Roy Elliott, and from there she came to Palmerston and visited Dr. and Mrs. Coleman. She also spent a day or twn in Lietowel with another grand -daughter. Mrs. Et. Gee, and Mrs. J. A. Kelly, coming to Newton on her 90th birthday. y HARLOCK Daniel Stevens spent a few days last week in Toronto. Bert and Mrs. Allen left for their farm in Parry Sound. Not man and hi re. Sheppard enter. tening.wined a few friends on Saturday er. Miss Harriet Taylor, of Blyth, spent a few days last week with Mise Ena Parsons, Ira Toll and Miss Ella have return. ed to Toronto after spending Easter at their home here. Miss Helen McGregor spent a few days in the Easter holidays with Misses Clare and Irene Brunedon, of Blyth. Mrs, Leach and Miss Ihilda Wil - Mom, of Toronto, spent Islet week with their parents. Albert and Mrs. Ts ewin. Jas. and Mre. Watt, Master Owen and Miss Betty •Wileon, -of Toronto, epert the Easter hnldayg wish the fnrruer's patents, Jaynes and Aire, Watt. PERTH COUNTY During the very high wind of Sun, day forenoon the door at Use back of the Methodist Church, Atwood, was caught in a gust and broken clean in two, one part left on the hinges and the other part,blown away. Geo, Gleister, of Crosehill, received from the government Last week stabile - went of about Y,300 white and red pine trees for refoeesting,his farm and rn a few years we hope to see Mr. Glaieter have a beautiful woodiot, and that others may follow his ex- ample. It is understood that P. H. Thomp- son, of Stratfofd, has received the en. dorsation of the exesoutive of the North and South Perth Conservative Ass'oda- tion,s for appointment to lite office of clerk of the Surrogate Court made vac- ant by the recent death of E. Sydney Smith. The dates fol The .various school fairs that will be held in the dainty have now been, set as follows: South Easthape, Sept. 8; aMornington, Sept, 10; Fullarton, Sept. 51; North East. hope, Sept, 55; Blansltan4, Selpd. 57; 5t. Pauls, Sept. 58; Brod'hagen, Oct, 11 Hibbert, Sept. 28, The date for the Transvaal fair is not yet set. Mi55are S h Doherty, Of the 9th line, near Linwood, suffered a peralytc stroke on Monday fdaY evening. She as on her way to milk when she became dizzy and collapsed and was.taken.bacy to the house where she .continued' utt- consclouS till midnight Tuesday when she passed away. Miss Doherty was a very excellent woman and was highly esteemed. She had resided in the township since lier birth 65years ago. What aright have proved a very ser ions (accident happened On Saturday when Mrs, Russe! Nutt anti her mother, Mtg. Adam Willoughby, were driving toward their home. A ear driven by Mr. Stan. Cooper coming in the old. posite direction frightened their horse which bolted directly In front of the For Sale or to let for Pasturage 80 acres, ona•helf mile Routh of Bru.aele. The berme end garden may be rented separ- ately from the rest of the farm if desired. Apply to A. H. MACDONA 5 D, 148 Brussels. Auction Sale. "LEAK)* AUCTION RALE OF FARM seems. TlrnxenTsb 0cveI'e, 0An. IMPris• MRave, &e.— D. M Root( Auctioneer, has been Seatrnated to sell at Lot 16, Con 8. Grey Twp. Twasdny. May 6th, at 1 o'clock ehnrp, the fol. lowing property -1 home 8 years old 1500 lbs, 1 horse 6 years old 1500 1b', 1 general p .rpoee maral!'1horse01ba,1 driving horse 8 year. 1000 lh,, 1 hone 12 veer. 1800 lbs, 2 Durham oO fresh, re old fresh, w 8 he yes» aid Ovcon old frerh.1 Durham cow 8 years r•ld. onk..1 Ayrshire now 10 yenre fresh, 1 Jersey onw8 Teem dna In 2 weeks, 8 fat steers nbont 1108 lbs ,10 .tears 2 years aid- in gond shape for groes, 5 Du -horn heifer, not In milt, 2 flolatat,s heifersnot tn'calf, 6 steer- ealvea and 1 young ealf.l hotter calf, 4 chnrks of pigs abdut. 150 iia, 2doz Barred Rock hens, 1 Chevrolet ser, 1 wagon. 1 eel eleiche, 1 gang plow, l seeder, 1 single view, 2 eat^ low wagon, break:, 1 hay reek, 1 milk cart, l stook rack. 1 manure epee^d• er, 1 robber tired boggy, 1 .teal tired buggy, 1 cart. 1 cutter, 1 cutter pole, tansies, reaches, wagon axles, bank., 1 Rat rack, feet heavy harness, 2 vete farm barroom, inetsingleharn- res, l set doable driving harness, 1 pair high colter top., 1 ppair br/files, 2 gasoline engRlnee, qunnttty belt ng, 5 milk cane, I: Rt Louie air heater, 1 box stove, l coal oll stove. 1 ateel sup• ply tank, 1 25 -gallon motor oil tank. 1 96 -gallon coal nil. tank. 2 barrels, 25 Goren hardwood, 1 Bet slings, 150 bnsbele wheat. 150 bttahela Date, quantic mixed grata (pen.. oats and barley) 2 0. ton quantity timothy ba 2 tone 7, alfalfa. and mixer( bay,tiforks• retest a outine fit complete. other or lretI salessub g t to a reser et bid.11 be stored tor Rale subject toe reserve bid. All stock in extra good eendltton. Everything to he Bald without reserve am proprietor le shins up farming. overs. Terms—Sntno of 510 and under on npprer that nt note or 6% e, credit given on credit amed.joint notes or 5� an for cs to on ooreeddit amounts. Ray, grain and hone to be D. M. SCOTT, GEO A. DUNBAR, Auctioneer. Proprietor. Administrator's a . SI Pnranant to instraotions from, the under - slimed Ad minletrator of the eetete and effects of William Miller deceased, there will be offer. ed for Gale by Piddle Auction, on the premise,, by D. M. Scott Bag, Auctioneer, on Wednesday, the Twenty. ninth day of April, 4. 0.1926 at the hour of Two d'aloak in .the afternoon, the following Valuable Farm era/parte compos- ed of the South halt of lot number Fifteen in the Fifth a t Co esnfon of.t p he t on iD rtIn the of Huron, containing One acres of land more r lesII on Ch1, property there is erected a sub. atfintfRl Frame a Bank barn with ab•in underneath and Driving Shed, of wTntohmarerminingpordraopaalttyr,nit cleared, in geed slate of motivation and aonvenlently ,hunted sTherewill lhesbo offered for sale at the came time, Raven sheep, Home moiety flee baehels of onto end n quanifty of Cedar posts. The reelto e9 t will e W l 00 d ere forle ma sub• sot to reserve 1 e eve bid and d the 5th r mR o Rate therefore Will be ten per cent, of Ehonrh In sash to be aid at the time of sale bed belanee within thirty days therenitor, and an to Farthertnort :Ware vii Will ya : find upon no. plication to the nnderelgned• • M, 00TT D.13 A A, A0 O a5 n t Auctioneer, Admlhlskr�or w, M, Binelalr, Solloltar for the Administrator, Dated this Fifteenth day et Aprit A D 1926 SEALED Tendersaddressed to the under- aigned,nnd endorned Tender for Wiled and Becone'•rnatton of Breakwater tit Godes-lob, ant.;' will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight caving), Tnesday, May 12, 1025 for the construction of a wharf and the recon- atrnctton of the breakwater atGodertch,. Har. On County, Ont,. Plana and forme of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at SOSe Department at the r aloes of the Diatrtot Engineers, Royal Bank Building, London, Ont t Equity Building.. Toronto, Ont., and at. the Poet Offloe, Oodertoh, Ont. Ten dere will not becon•idered unless read° on printed forms supplied by the Depertment and In accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender moat be groom anted by an ao • cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of theamount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Can,da or bonds of. the Canadian National Railway Com- pany Will also be aopepted es security, orbonda antra cheque if required to mote up an odd amount. Note—Bineprinte can be obtained at this Department by depositinan accepted cheque for the sum. of 520, payable to the order of the Min'ater of PubIio Works, which will ba ro- Surnesi 1! the t tending bidder submit a regu- lar bid, By order, &E. Secretary. Department of Public. Works, Ottawa, April 20, 1926. NOTIOE-TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of William Honey Kerr, late of the village of It Is, In the County of Huron, Publisher, Docc'Ssed• - Notice is hereby given pursuant te'The Be• 'lied Statutes of Ontario," Chapter 129, that all Creditors and others having clnbns against the estate of the saitl571111am Henry Herr, who tiled on or about the Sixth day of April A. D.1026, ere required on or before' Cha Nlath day of May A. D. 1926; to send by goat pre -paid or: deliver to John Leone K,rr, of the village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, one of the Executors of the lest will and testament of the said dimmed, their Christian and Surnames, eddrensea end des- ert/Alone, the fall pnrt)anlar, of their clnimo, the statement of their accounts and the ratan of their securities (If any) held by them. And farther take notice that after ouch last mentioned date the saidenemtora will pre.. need to distribute the mete of the deoease,•d omongat the parties entitled• thereto, having regard only to the oleins of which they shall then have notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the eats assets, or nny pyart thereof to nny parson have peleona of whooe claim notlae ehnll not been recelvad by chem at time of snob distribution. April, Dated the 20th day of April, A. D„ 1926. W. M. r1NOLAIR, —Solicitor for the Executors, Helen Kerr and John Leslie Kerr. • NOTICE TO oacorrd 8.-1n the matter of the imitate of W1111am ldmund Sanders, late ofthe Village rthol, In the County of Huron caceaeod, Nntioe 5s hereby given pnreuant to "Tbe Re- vtnedl3tatateo of Onterio,' Chapter 120, that all orad !tors and others having claims against the estate nt the said William Edmund Sand- ers. who died on or about the Eighteenth day of February, A. D 1925, at the City of London, in the Province of Ontario, ate required, on or before the Firth day of Mny, 1925, to Rend by post prepaid or deliver to R, ironstone, Wing. ham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, their Ohriotlon and enrname,, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, the nEatement at tbetr coon fl and the net. ure of the secur(tiee Of soy) held by them duly Verified by Statutory declaration,. And further take notice that atter such lest mentioned date the Held executors will pro-, wed to dtetribnto the meta . of the deceneed among the parties entitled thereto, havingB regard only to theolalma of which they shell then have notice, and that the said exeontore Will stet be liable tor the said 0,5055 or any part thereof to any hereonor persons or wboae claims notice shall not have been received by them Daattead nt Wi 11 time n snob 1distribution, 11 d y of April, A. D. 1925. 42.4. Sottoltor foNrEthe Executore. 0. ACROSS CANADA AND BACK The wonder trip of the coming sum- mer will coegeto D3 Laird, MacdonaidC011Victoria, B C„ end back, Inspired) by the success of the trip 'to Victoria last year on the occasion of the Teachers' Federation meeting at that point, rand filled wwitisatriotic motives for everyone to see their own country, the Dean has arranged for a special train of standard sleeping cars to leave Toronto on July 20, visiting Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Regina, Moose Jaw, Oaigary, Banff, Lake Louise, Vancouver, thence steam- er to Victoria- 'Reurning the Drip wilt be via the Okanagan Walley, Nelson, the Koot. enay Lakes, Windermere Bungalow Camp, from which • place the ,party will be motored t0 Banff, 104 miles over the newly completed Banff -Winder- mere Highway, the most 'charming, and awe inspiring trip it is possible to con- ceive, with stops it Radium Hot Springs, Vermilion River, and Storm Mountain Bungalow 'Camps-- another day at Banff, then Edmonton,, Sask. atoon, Devil's Gap Bungalow Camp, near Kenora on the Lake of the Woods, steamer from Fort William to Pont Mc - Nicholl, thence .tail do Ttoronto, where the trip will term.inete on Awgust 10. Everything is included at the price lift' +14Y of $325.00 from Toronto, transport•a- dons sleeping can's, accommodation •in hotels and bungalow camps, meals In diners, hotel's, and,. on steamers, sight- seeing tours at points visited, and, all gratuities. White appealing primarily to teach- ers, the tour is open 'to everyone de- siring to go. MI will be welcome. 1' Fares from ryther 'points than Tor- onto will be named, and desbriptive illustrated booklet sent. on application to Dean Laird, Macdonald College, P. 0. Que. Young Bulls for Sale Pedigreed Durham Bulls, reedy for service.. Also a quantity of 2•rowed Barley, the kind. to mix with oats for mixed grain, 48.8 THOS. MJLL$R, Phone 2015 Hog for Service The nnderelgned will keep forsorvloe at tot 15, Con 7, Morrie, a young thare'.hred York Rog. Tarots, CLW. to be paid at Stine of nor' Moe with privilege of returning it neeeaeary, 424 LOUIS HOLLtNOItR, . Proprietor. Farms for Sale I00 cores of land, being the mouth Hof Lot 8, Con. 8 and the Routh tier Lot 10, Con. 7 in the Township of Morris hese faring are offered for male to Diose up the estate of the late Jamb, Smith. If not _acid they w111 be rented for paw tare. For partlonlars apply to the exeontore,RSNDHHENYAERSON. Dunford Property for Sale Home and tot of eboat%nitre, eituatedan the corner of Tnrnberry,y and Theresa streets 1n the Village of BrnOsele, known a, the Dan- ford home, On the property la a very orb - Mantled brick house ;. nicely isolated, steel, root, cement cellar Aeon, new furnace, clothes closets, bath room, cistern, drilled well fruit trees, a slue raspberry plantation, lovely ar- namentnl and evergreen trees, and a beautiful lawn. Will be gold for halt of what It would cork to build it to wind up the Witte of the late E. C. Danford. Immediate possession. FOfurther D p irutt(tor 1JAS pM09'ADZBAN,D(nn t door), Box 1 Brut/eels P.O. 4+9+9+c ae+9+9+9+94949+04948•N114••14.1,e+••F•+•+•+•44494..4' 1' • 5' t e The Seaforth, Creamery ream Wanted Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives" ou Prompt Servi g Y Satisfactory Results. , Y Ce and We solicitour y patronage knowing thatwe can 'give you thorough satisfaction. • Wew VP211 gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale 1 test to weigh h' Cream sate= pies and payyou thehighestmarket prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, • 2 For further, particulars see our Agent, MCCALL Phone 2310,g MR. T. C. Brussels, or write to I Creamery The Seaforth Cr C � e y Vete SEAFORTH, ONT, • 49'F9•t'9'1'1fi.�►u �hFrnaF*p• la- .. rMrtrtt� First . � x�t. Co nsid eration t The Safety of your Deposit in The Province of Ontario Savings Office Is .Guaranteed by THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT Interest j'ald on all Deposits BRANCHES: Aylmer Owen Sound 'rolonto (Bay and Brantford Pembroke Adelaide Ste,) Hamilton (con. York Seitfortb 1'utouto (549 Dana and MONO) Ste) St. Catharines^. -, forth .Ave,) Newmarket Toronto (tlnivereitry • St, Marys Ottawa, (207 Sparks Ave. and Dundas Walkerton Street) Street) Woodstock 48-28 SEALED Tendersaddressed to the under- aigned,nnd endorned Tender for Wiled and Becone'•rnatton of Breakwater tit Godes-lob, ant.;' will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight caving), Tnesday, May 12, 1025 for the construction of a wharf and the recon- atrnctton of the breakwater atGodertch,. Har. On County, Ont,. Plana and forme of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at SOSe Department at the r aloes of the Diatrtot Engineers, Royal Bank Building, London, Ont t Equity Building.. Toronto, Ont., and at. the Poet Offloe, Oodertoh, Ont. Ten dere will not becon•idered unless read° on printed forms supplied by the Depertment and In accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender moat be groom anted by an ao • cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of theamount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Can,da or bonds of. the Canadian National Railway Com- pany Will also be aopepted es security, orbonda antra cheque if required to mote up an odd amount. Note—Bineprinte can be obtained at this Department by depositinan accepted cheque for the sum. of 520, payable to the order of the Min'ater of PubIio Works, which will ba ro- Surnesi 1! the t tending bidder submit a regu- lar bid, By order, &E. Secretary. Department of Public. Works, Ottawa, April 20, 1926. NOTIOE-TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of William Honey Kerr, late of the village of It Is, In the County of Huron, Publisher, Docc'Ssed• - Notice is hereby given pursuant te'The Be• 'lied Statutes of Ontario," Chapter 129, that all Creditors and others having clnbns against the estate of the saitl571111am Henry Herr, who tiled on or about the Sixth day of April A. D.1026, ere required on or before' Cha Nlath day of May A. D. 1926; to send by goat pre -paid or: deliver to John Leone K,rr, of the village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, one of the Executors of the lest will and testament of the said dimmed, their Christian and Surnames, eddrensea end des- ert/Alone, the fall pnrt)anlar, of their clnimo, the statement of their accounts and the ratan of their securities (If any) held by them. And farther take notice that after ouch last mentioned date the saidenemtora will pre.. need to distribute the mete of the deoease,•d omongat the parties entitled• thereto, having regard only to the oleins of which they shall then have notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the eats assets, or nny pyart thereof to nny parson have peleona of whooe claim notlae ehnll not been recelvad by chem at time of snob distribution. April, Dated the 20th day of April, A. D„ 1926. W. M. r1NOLAIR, —Solicitor for the Executors, Helen Kerr and John Leslie Kerr. • NOTICE TO oacorrd 8.-1n the matter of the imitate of W1111am ldmund Sanders, late ofthe Village rthol, In the County of Huron caceaeod, Nntioe 5s hereby given pnreuant to "Tbe Re- vtnedl3tatateo of Onterio,' Chapter 120, that all orad !tors and others having claims against the estate nt the said William Edmund Sand- ers. who died on or about the Eighteenth day of February, A. D 1925, at the City of London, in the Province of Ontario, ate required, on or before the Firth day of Mny, 1925, to Rend by post prepaid or deliver to R, ironstone, Wing. ham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, their Ohriotlon and enrname,, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, the nEatement at tbetr coon fl and the net. ure of the secur(tiee Of soy) held by them duly Verified by Statutory declaration,. And further take notice that atter such lest mentioned date the Held executors will pro-, wed to dtetribnto the meta . of the deceneed among the parties entitled thereto, havingB regard only to theolalma of which they shell then have notice, and that the said exeontore Will stet be liable tor the said 0,5055 or any part thereof to any hereonor persons or wboae claims notice shall not have been received by them Daattead nt Wi 11 time n snob 1distribution, 11 d y of April, A. D. 1925. 42.4. Sottoltor foNrEthe Executore. 0. ACROSS CANADA AND BACK The wonder trip of the coming sum- mer will coegeto D3 Laird, MacdonaidC011Victoria, B C„ end back, Inspired) by the success of the trip 'to Victoria last year on the occasion of the Teachers' Federation meeting at that point, rand filled wwitisatriotic motives for everyone to see their own country, the Dean has arranged for a special train of standard sleeping cars to leave Toronto on July 20, visiting Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Regina, Moose Jaw, Oaigary, Banff, Lake Louise, Vancouver, thence steam- er to Victoria- 'Reurning the Drip wilt be via the Okanagan Walley, Nelson, the Koot. enay Lakes, Windermere Bungalow Camp, from which • place the ,party will be motored t0 Banff, 104 miles over the newly completed Banff -Winder- mere Highway, the most 'charming, and awe inspiring trip it is possible to con- ceive, with stops it Radium Hot Springs, Vermilion River, and Storm Mountain Bungalow 'Camps-- another day at Banff, then Edmonton,, Sask. atoon, Devil's Gap Bungalow Camp, near Kenora on the Lake of the Woods, steamer from Fort William to Pont Mc - Nicholl, thence .tail do Ttoronto, where the trip will term.inete on Awgust 10. Everything is included at the price lift' +14Y of $325.00 from Toronto, transport•a- dons sleeping can's, accommodation •in hotels and bungalow camps, meals In diners, hotel's, and,. on steamers, sight- seeing tours at points visited, and, all gratuities. White appealing primarily to teach- ers, the tour is open 'to everyone de- siring to go. MI will be welcome. 1' Fares from ryther 'points than Tor- onto will be named, and desbriptive illustrated booklet sent. on application to Dean Laird, Macdonald College, P. 0. Que. Young Bulls for Sale Pedigreed Durham Bulls, reedy for service.. Also a quantity of 2•rowed Barley, the kind. to mix with oats for mixed grain, 48.8 THOS. MJLL$R, Phone 2015 Hog for Service The nnderelgned will keep forsorvloe at tot 15, Con 7, Morrie, a young thare'.hred York Rog. Tarots, CLW. to be paid at Stine of nor' Moe with privilege of returning it neeeaeary, 424 LOUIS HOLLtNOItR, . Proprietor. Farms for Sale I00 cores of land, being the mouth Hof Lot 8, Con. 8 and the Routh tier Lot 10, Con. 7 in the Township of Morris hese faring are offered for male to Diose up the estate of the late Jamb, Smith. If not _acid they w111 be rented for paw tare. For partlonlars apply to the exeontore,RSNDHHENYAERSON. Dunford Property for Sale Home and tot of eboat%nitre, eituatedan the corner of Tnrnberry,y and Theresa streets 1n the Village of BrnOsele, known a, the Dan- ford home, On the property la a very orb - Mantled brick house ;. nicely isolated, steel, root, cement cellar Aeon, new furnace, clothes closets, bath room, cistern, drilled well fruit trees, a slue raspberry plantation, lovely ar- namentnl and evergreen trees, and a beautiful lawn. Will be gold for halt of what It would cork to build it to wind up the Witte of the late E. C. Danford. Immediate possession. FOfurther D p irutt(tor 1JAS pM09'ADZBAN,D(nn t door), Box 1 Brut/eels P.O. 4+9+9+c ae+9+9+9+94949+04948•N114••14.1,e+••F•+•+•+•44494..4' 1' • 5' t e The Seaforth, Creamery ream Wanted Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives" ou Prompt Servi g Y Satisfactory Results. , Y Ce and We solicitour y patronage knowing thatwe can 'give you thorough satisfaction. • Wew VP211 gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale 1 test to weigh h' Cream sate= pies and payyou thehighestmarket prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, • 2 For further, particulars see our Agent, MCCALL Phone 2310,g MR. T. C. Brussels, or write to I Creamery The Seaforth Cr C � e y Vete SEAFORTH, ONT, • 49'F9•t'9'1'1fi.�►u �hFrnaF*p• la-