The Brussels Post, 1925-4-29, Page 2It1 t1I;15 MAI)T. IN TIME SAVE (Melon Sts that a 'nloc'hanle W110 de EXPI1NS11. • voice all hie time to one Intel of cat` will bemore efficient on thee .inlets' lar maks than a general Iller11anie wito • works 1 ' s .0 1 a!1 kindsof meet -Linea Willie service stations are eonstana `While the whole fabric: of 03r otvfll- zati011 is built ou the faith ono human 'being has in ;mother, 1A. the altlal110bile effiam of life there appears to .be a ly improving their serrlcOa tion tones, - of h part 't orat e this faith ' t on t i part l vt.xo acral ^u 11 end f e, rt 5 , s = rluently their chances c g 1011. ile auto toward the service doe• h0ldiug the good will of the motoring t1m1. Tlta auto owner goes 10me dor public., it shoo!a be said that the tor, !laving faith that hie prescription •minor!••=.ds' lisle of faith In line service• will help, 118 when lits eel, gets Kiel, i Ing allillty Car el some static)"th ser cwt 111 often tants to ilius coulirlenee in 1 been without-c0raiderehlo reason, 1110 1(1130 dt>elars aetllty 00 roetll'y file I Numerous lnanugers - Sn this : repair'. trnl(b10 busineSO have'falied to appreciate the Tllsro'ura hardly any exceptions to value of having trtt1ned experts fa oho general rule that the man who their employ. They can hardly expect O)VtIR a31 anteing/bile leas 0 ear that will ear owners t0 have-Slip0171110. coati- d evelop t3011bl13 of variou:3 kinds dente In tient pre5eriptions unless sooner or later. Although care are be they "1'3114 on o nplOying 0111Y those Ing noetic Mater every year and trop technicians' wile by their experience bles et all kends shouie consequently and training are ivorrhy of the respect' betems Met and less, troubles do come. of the automobilist. • the Owner of the machine is all , expert eut0tn0131le mechanichimself, I which:he is apt likely to be, he will do well to visit at reliable repair shop with 3olllldence in 'the results. T111s is m00011 an applioatIon of common 500.30 t0 a Motoring experien?e, Ilven if he 18 a fairly competent mechanic, which most folks are not, he will often f(nt1 11 (lerlrable to call on another expert automobile mechanic to get the ad- vantage of his 'experience. Fie will 110 ' well to take the. advice of the man • whose businese. it is to know what Is the matter with a car and what ought to be done to it to repair it correctly. SEEK. ADVICE OF EXPERT. It Is also important for the owner to seek the advice of an expert at the first indication of trouble instead of ,putting off this procedure until the mut- elites has gone into a decline or until it has, in tact, reached a serious state of trouble. When each a policy is fol- lowed repair bills are not likely to be larger in the' long run. There is a tendency for, an owner ignorantly to complain about the size of his repair bills and to condemn the of this feeling 011 the part of many, as Cap't. Angus Buehanau, :4t.(',.. who re-' •a rule men w110 run repair shops do eeltly arrived on this continent. was the first white man to cross the Salaara not charge eaiessivnor del they ! try to mare t wont than is necessary. Desert by camel. I1 started out with No hu nese weld Nourish on such 36 animals, bttt an:y one survived the practices. 3.600 nli'.e trip. There are owners, of a car who Rome times fail to appreciate the time and Tell -Tale Eyebrows. material involved in making even minor rL tairs m what a niuor repair air What a lot of difference 'there is is the eyebrows of people Some are may e10 to by way of other essential 'bushy, ethers alm0sl invisible Some aft t,t an. I recall aman who drive his car into are straight. (ahem carved. From the a repair shop and said that fhe engine variations. it is posible to judge a gaol occasionally ran irregularly. IIs deal of the owner's character, strong - thought the spark plugs needed clean- A person whose eyebrows are ing. The mechanic cleaned the spark ly 'tainted, with long ]lair of vigorous • plugs. He cleaned and adjusted the gravrtis ususlde pract pts, Well -de- note points and drained the 'fe de fined eyebrows note a strong Mune atter -nn inlllv3lual with a good Ileal carburetor and veteran' tank. He also or 3101 _onality. Eyebrows of line silky tested the compression'and in so do-., • air.suggest that their owner 1. ]ask- ing found a valve leaking. Cense- 3 tog hl torte and p115hfulne::s. Zinn 1;3 1t wall"• neeassa •y for hint to re -1 Eyebrows that meet in r.he centre. move the es, er head and grind the at the top of role nose, are usually a valves. sign of quick temper. A person with All Of this seemed like a lot of work i bushy eyebrows will be amiable. to the owner, but the mechanic open I Arched sad dnely-Ilencilled Grows Se- ated on the basis of assuring himself fi mate an artistic or imaginatite temper - that he had removed the valise if the a111en1, trouble.1•Iis idea was tq give the own- er the satisfaction the mechanlc knew he really desired. This is only one Eight Little Girls. illustration of many which might be ` They sit like tulips in my elates, given to illustrate this point. A minor ; A scrubbed and shining seven, tronhie mwy result to the tore sity of Sundays at. baif•past three o'clock, entirely disaaaentbiing the engine, Learning the way- to Heaven. Of course, such unexpected labor in-; Their hands lie still in starchy laps wolves considerable time and expense. Like petals oft -the ground; Vet the servicing institution wouldI Always they watch me carefully not give the owner real service 1P he dideyes grown large and round, slid r13,3 completely repair the car. The To answer who climbed up a tree. expense tithe owner doubtless ,seems When Christ was walking near, large at the time, whereas, in the long Or ask why John the Baptist ate run to have the complete job done re - Things thatwere ail so queer. presents an actual saving iu the own-, era money. ' Then suddenly at four o'clock EFFECTIVE SERVICE. 1 The door berate very wide, There is increasingly in the auto-, And, lifting dark, unruly face, mobile industry an appreciation of the My eighth lamb comes inside. need of giving motorists complete and ! She says she couldn't be on time, efficient. servicing facilities at the I She kisses me instead most reasonable prices possible. After Site blew5 like naughty wind across a car has been properly designed. clan.' My proper tulip 'bed. tufactur0(1 111 quantity and economical -1 They all begin to whisper now ly distributed to the buyer, the next I No more with silence shod. essential to the Industry's prosperity; speri t y! OvarmY all unansweredred talk and to the ownerLs satisfaction is ef• She asks Me:: "Who made God?" Pe'tive servicing. Take a exospectire 0W11e1' ((0 rare Curious that when 7 have forgot who realizes he can get. expert Service I els acrttbbed and proper seven. in all parte of the country on a partici:! Stili coln1a the lhougllt of one dark lar slake of machine. nig fact is l face bound to have a hearing on his dec1- Learning its way. lu Heaven! elan to purchase it. His logical eon- ivathtlyn 1i'rlrth. eaeleeseSee- OWL11 GAFFS n7 O. 'RT. L. (On With Laughter) Beek to Methueleh, Where 111tt0111esa lajn11145 83800 ever known. Whcfe women were women, Where. 11101.0 leas no hailt(r:le. Where they 'did not chow it after very noel, Where there were 1u taxicabs. , Where 1)1011 never wore 'pouts. . Where people never plaY 0d brie go. o. Where t110r0 were no G 10 and 15 tent stows: Where utero was no history to learn. Where tee)' laughed at the same jokes you're leugliteg at now. The boss said he had a cold or some- thing in hie tread, I didn't ally a11Y-, thing but I tltult it 10113 a eo111. 1•ornler deacon takes job as' waiter. • Fie utast foel right at ionto in pasta„ . the plate. - I The pretty woman owes a debt to Nature, but the dresenalcer and the' Otte nice t11113g ni30nc being nali1t 3 ' beauty 8pecfallst get 1117)' money, ly skinny la that you eat Anything you want t0 without fear of 'getting any fatter. Education is almost ay expensive as iggarance. ^,Qr Hellon - Ile Icissed Helen, Hell ensued; He left Helen, - He:en sued. `reacher --"in the beginning of time, ages ago, the earth was a steaming molten ball. Then, as it cooled, amen - tains were torn up an its surface, Vol- canoes appeared',- craters exploded with lava, gey stns erupted anti the en- tire world shook." Little Johnny -"Glee, that must have been almost. tet bad as the .time pa's home brew fermented." Here's a story about a strong clan Small Bay --"Say, Ma, did yolt get a'ho raises a car•. without a jack. But the baby where eau buy the seedless he can't keep up w car without the arangcs. and boneless conddsh? It's jack. a toothless baby!" ---- Bank Teller -"Title' cheek Is all 13urg1ar (surprised by houseowner) right, but you must be introduced. "Well, if that ain't the limit, What Can't yogi bring your husband?" dyer mean by puttin' a card on your Woman -"Who, Jack? 'Vichy, if Jack door: 'Out of town till Monday?' " thouglit you )wanted an introduction to 14o he'd knock your block off," "110, ho, isn't this. just killing?" chuckled the wood alcohol, as some A man presentee himself at the tick - 1 flavoring was added and a label stitch et window and asked the fare to a cer on the bottle. tain towil. Ile was told it was $3.00. He said he only had a $2.00 bill but "1t simply' tint done, you know," could easily raise the other dollar, repair stop owners as pirates In spite quoin Percy, as he eat into the sle When be.returned with the three del - loin. tars and wee asked how he ,got the other dollar, he said: "1' went to a Ilope is like the sun, which, as We Pawnbroker and pawned the $2.00 for journey towards it, caste the shadow a dollar and a half. .Then sold the' While you are making out the ticket elost mothers cherLslr the fond twee , kindly tell me who is oat the dollar." of our burden behind as. pawn ticket for. a .dollar and a half, a son will grow up to be just a little I A bachelcr is a man who has no one different from his father, the dans i to throw his warnout neckties away brute. j 001' him, 'floe luost dliiieull of white collar i Women aro naturally 'heroic. One jobs is to make use of one of those (can sit and smile at a canner when the woolen buttons furnished by the noun cake is burning alyd she ]chows it, dries.— magnate. (testily) "Well, (hiokems 1n the car ve wrecked a ltney' tlot more attjameblles thanhachickens in -,., what de ycu want. Prodigal Soo (rising to the ocea- s1011l .•1 88111! I am!" Europe may have finer art galleries, but look at our billb0arc18. the road. A Sheaf of Sage Sentences. There 18 110 folly greater than that which refuses to believe in the possi- bility of achieving better things. e when ante's Beware how you laugh at the man A wumau's like a vehic7 with en idea. You are apt later on to a little stinky,be pained by silting on the point of , And this applies to ail of thein, the tar between. Our beat intentions are Your own joke. miseonsirued. Our benevolent de- signs miscarry. Where we had looked lean, or fat, or bulky. And there's, the newly married one who tails 1151' husband. Ducky, She too. Is like a vehicle; she's just Many a man has thought 11e was ;rebuff. But all the time we must read CROSS -WORD PUZZLE N' 10. )Il 15 X 4.Ie 7r-* ry •t tw 5 G64 19 3,13 51 tai 41. N•4 48 53 57 5e 61 6'l 65 65 66 ' -- - @4,iE it ERNAT(ONAI 6050t3ATE. SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS -WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling inahewords of which you feel reasonably. sure, These will give you a ohm to o her words crossing them, and the fn turn to 'still others. A let er belongs, in each white space,words starting at the numbered age/etas and running either horizontally or vertically or both. HORIZONTAL • VERTICAL 1-1'o house 1 -Reduced to extreme hunger 6 -Burned Jay water 2 -Half an em 12 -illy a -Grassy meadow 18 -"ager, greedy 4 -Form of pastry 14 -Near 5 -Draws with a dry point 16 -Roguish; coy - 7 -Fondle 18 -Woody plant 8 -Assert 19 -Toward 9 -Fib 20 -Tear 10---Theotoglcal degree (abbr.) 22 -Leas thick 11 -Wilted 24 -Court - 15-Rdw 25 -Change course 17 -Pronoun 27 -Glues out 18 -High explosive (abbr.) 28 -Seaweed, source of lodih 19-A fixed compensation 29-Mlstakea 21-Fllppant . 31 -Aged; doting l 3. -Eggs of insects 33 -Part of the foot 24-A dam 34 -Correlative -of neither, , 26 -Those who cheer for a person 35 -Sour orteam 36 -First book New Testament 28 -Tied Into knots (abbr,y 30 -Peruses 38 -Couch 32 -Pierce 40 -And so forth (abbr.) 37 Tries hard 43 -An eager longing 38 -To seize with the teeth 39 -Latest. 41 -Two wheeled N./chicle• 42 -.tinged for 44 -Male red, deer , 45 -Former German unit of money; 46 -Contradiction 47 -Soil 50 -Beast of burden 51-Abbrfor means of communica- tion 54 -Hasten away 55-A month (abbr.) 58 -To afflict with vexation 60-A charge 62. -Toward 64 -An elder (abbr.) 46 -Anticipates with horror 48 -Rodents 49 -Hurry 52 -Drop 53 -Anger 6 Tie33 4- 56 -Prefix meaning three 67-Abbr. of name of a N. E. State 58 -Diseases 59 -Wining ° 61 -Famous' President (initials) 62 -Source of Wood 63 -Mimics 65 -Users of popular weed 66 --Changed A eros, -Worst Puzzle. Life itself is the largest of cross.' word puzzles, and the prizes, like the, visite of aegeis,-often seen few and less dangerous than he who comes l'Ifor perceptive comprehension and fur - with the pretensions of solemnity. ltherance we meet with a bewildering Ni turai Re ui'0es ;'uUetin. • The Netueel Resource ; lto:llige/leo Service of the 1)epltrtn(ent t.0 the In. torior at Ottawa saysi- •. Canade 113 made up of I3 ,group of units, of which the writer and the 1o(1d01 a1'o two, Let WI 416,e11$14 for a Moment our position ' in this country, and our respensibili.ties. are i ' • '1 to: We a or i3nua, y being d that- business hatbusiness is not as geed a' it might be, that ngreat dealunemploymentof exists, and that we are net growing as rapidly as we should, Whose fault is it? What are we, pel•8onelly, doing to improve conditions, or are we even malting the most 3f conditions as they exist? It is an ilxion4 ernong sales man- eget's that the only 503013 sl'ul sales- man is the one who is completely sold on the line he Is handling. In other words, who lute lr.:plieit confidence in. the value and merits of the goods he is selling, With this confidence ho can inspire confidence in others, to the mutual advantage' of 1(0111. Are we as Canadians completely sold on the advantages of Canada as a home; do we appreciate the fact that Canada in the fifty-eight years since Confederation has tripled her Population, notwithstanding that the war and post war, years deducted ten years from her period of growth. This in itself is something to be proud of, and is a record for growth. In 1910 Canada's exports were $298,760993 and in 1924 they were. valued at :$1,070,611,616. In 1910 our agricultural products -were wand .$532,546,000\ and in 1924 they amounted to $1,114,574,000. In 1910 our manufactured products were valued at $1,1654975,69, and 1928 at $2,696,210,000. ' These are but a few figures to show --- the progress Canada is malting, and we should be decidedly, proud of our record, One of the greatest Yimprovements of the automobile is the ea:f-starter. This device suggests tithe reflection that -'many ofees require something of a like nature. Wo lack`initiative, we lack voluntary effort. we net c1 crank- ing, iu other words, we are waiting for someone to start us, someone ..to do: - give ins instructions, to tell us what to Those 'who succeed hest in life and get the most out of it are self-starters. They do not wait to be told or ad- vised what to undertake, but do things of their own accord. Let us develop individual self-starters, and we will become so keenly interested in our Work that we will find Pleasure s ore in it. Canada needs•her own people's inter- est -yours and miene. found analogies at. many points be- tween -ehese or cards and the great game of life that we are bound to play. reeves° elan of England said very seri- 011E1y that he found bis wartime exist- ence a jigsaw puzzle. There is a closer parallel between the current pastime and the conduce. of our lives in their veripus.contacts and implica- tions, w111ch 85tailish Lhe fact that Ivc for himself a1" a little buggy• making a fool of the world, only to a meaning spell out a riddle, discover 0000 ur a., lave Loo awake later and discover that he has and apply a definition, though moving T 1Cs fair enough. The Reds i o made a fool of h'1m5810.concerning-Stuay Hour. much cheep, and the cheeks have to in the dark from the first word, which Eve Py day is fool's day for thoanan was with'Aod, unto the last. When study hour seems a bottler much red. i who has not !carnet! to Judge rightly Throughout 0311' earthly days, what Be calm, don't get into a pother. the valuta of life. we call success anti what we consider world that never had a history "Who was the best man at your. --.— ---• n•, Needed Him. weeding. Proud Brlulr-- "r1y husband.", A farmer sent the following letter . Over in the dental office they used to pull teeth one at a dime; now they pull 'en' by the.:acher. this is another rlewpoiut on a sub - i ject of interest," thought the keyhole 1 to itself. 1 to the Admiralty: "My youngest son has gone,. away and enlisted in the. Navy. I can't,get him out. ,Won't you help me? He is a good boy and I was bringing hint tip for my own use." Solution 0f last Week's guzzle. Laughter is an excellent means for . beginning a friendship. and for end- ing one it can's be beat, Superlative Praise: She is attrac- tive even in a boudoir cap. ink "' i• nt A tot of ns could ;,a- ail we I and be silent all the time. Somehow the public announcement of this engagement always shake s a. loan look as fooiish and self-conscious as though somebody had handed flim 11 baby to hold. ©00®, f I UI "®E1417 111:1131213 -UM ©1 012© 0114®© BlilEn ©©0 111m0©©0© g voo 000 :maw ura ciao 0 0©>:e'© ''0©®...0 Q - B113 © Q MOE • 'UA e w MEI 1 p©000 n MEM 111®0© Isamu --131E015 00® ®©14©® i''11113 ,1'111121121 0U 13120liN'rIE/NIMI®®®® MUTT' AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher. Se4,10ft JGF'v RLASS WILL TCLL: 'V- - 4 3: IIEEn tte0 01,1 o .lee c 1 lei Mcx v V/ Ante T C MADC- ry 6Gr A N C We v t _. ,faFLtiSEIu GC t=E4T' 1"0 ('1'3 -- L15TCN•t3 Tl•t14 LGT1ere...-`• !SeNore MUTT: IF` ado. WILL CALL -c C .,e. L AT CCACi A At?My FtGAb41•UA2tCt_:' `(3U 01(1.1. LEARN 50ME7FtlhtG fD •0bvft AbvAh1TAGE: ' ,1Na b-6oN. ALMAZ AN:' P S. Asti Foe` ht A,1-GfN, 1AMALG -- cLA55,C.fi;' 1 wt4A7 Do lou SvtapoSE r1•le CCN. --1 weNTs: T HG w N s To RBt AT A A iRE wfrH Nuc op couRSE. tT MCAN1 THAT The. • Pale sPeetece oC-' ' eeexteo leWITHIN MY f lt/\S3" • 1-kc'LL' EINa ',Az A eouGtt BMW Tor 'BARGAIN w I TN • TATA!' Z happiness depend a great deal on our putting the tight words in the right places. Sometimes, written_or spolteu,• language seems a hopeless misfit; la- mentably inadequate to inset the situa- tion. On the other fiend, there -aro for- tunately constituted mortals for whom legions of words, 'ata timnnl0nat are ready to arise and oliey._the balding, with felicity. ' There is -'in most human beings the hleredieable spirit of .cariosity, of ex- ploration ', and of competition, which the : ruling maze for the cross -word puzele serves to illustrate. We are piqued anti sparred by problems set; we are put ou our mettle by what at first eight- seems insoluble. And our checkered the field own coarse acmes 1 . of life cannot. by any means be Said withoat'referenee to tile way that is taken by others, with which our own places of princesses 01• queens. Frag- is interlaced. menta of gravestones of royal princess.- ..Lewis rincess-•Lewis Carroll in hie M11003181 sfnries es are said t0 have been found, by for children --"Alice in Wonderland" archeologists who have been digging Would be e, most unpleasant 117918ry. How inconvenient it would be If one and two made augllt but three. If nitrogen and oxygen - Should fail to mix, alas, what then" Such funny facts! But hone can doubt them. It's just as well to know. about them. Tombs of Distant Times.. The ;world's 'oldest stone buildings are reporter] to have been discovered. near the fatuous pyramids of Sakltara, about fifteen mites south of Cairo. They ale two royal tomb chapels of the third 'Egyptian dynasty, about 4000 B.C. ilullt In a style differing in almost every respect fr n wbat is known as Egyptian architecture, the chapels are believed to have beau the burial and 'Through the Looking Clam"- on the site. Yes, Class Will Tell: NG1ti1NG MucH SC.Na(3 MUTT l:. BUT GCNGRAL ty LZA MAN'(0. 33: G3,346f30(1S SOLDIER AND IN STGP,D o,#" 5R6oTeNG'-(ou L3tr-G A e Doc. ttt l-tAt, D4rCU tDea To clave 1 0 *` o Hi UF2a TG 'tit! ;' MExico, tar oieT of TNa ,' t' C/ At t Y wA JA R t , A c by LOT SoM IIO AND C ^,, wart, ,..Q140cAN: id . J i CM - (o„r,•p„ 1145."3!! r lit fr4 ," 1'. ill Things Schoolboys Say. The following bright answen3 to questions were given at a recent school exansinationt - Q. Chat other minerals exist in England besides coal and iron? A. Lemonade and ginger -beer. Q. What did Wolfe do. at Quebec? A, The wicked beast made war on Little Red Riding Hood. A problem ie ' a figure 811[01 you do things w1111 w111011 aro absurd, 141111 t11en...pprove then!. St. Andrew is the patent. saint of Scotland: the patent saint c0 England is Union Jack. Q. What is -below par?" A. The The Colossus of Rhodes was a grt:tlt explorer; he discovered land in South Atrioa. Vella . 'Joan of Arc was a French 'pheasant girl called Maid of Athens for her' •bravery and patriotism. After many years she wee cremated. A fugue is what you get in a roost full of people when all the wiedolv5 and doors are shut An Irish bull is a male cow. Cereals are films shown at the tures. People le Iceland are called Equin- oxes. Queen Elizabeth was called Lite Vir- gil Queen because slie knew Latin. Evolution is what Darwin did: Re- volution is a form of G0vermueet abroad, and Devolution is semi:Using to do with Satan. _ Solving Your Problerna. Whet), debts anti difficulties of all • kinds `are pressing you reevery hand, so that yen cansee 110 way 0111,• In- stead of looking upon yourself a4 hedged 111, a prisoner (.f 1nlfertun,lte+. conditions froth which you think you cannot get away, jusi turn to Int]uite Mlind, tothe great Soture of all (hinge. wherethere is 110,10013, no want, bot where all is plenty, truth anti freeloul, and you will be surprised to find 1vb(1t relief you will get froth that terrible pressen'(. No roaster what smile trouble, turn to the A1l-S0pp1y there is where. you will alwayll get help 11113 comfort; No matter how great the premier or bow big the disaster Unit (111•eatells you, there is whore you will tin11 ilio relief you Beek, 'felons "is tehei'33 stet will learn 1110 way (u) (l your 01111. Culty, Always look 111 the olilhtsit Sties• tion from the things w•hiele harass yo1; in the opposite dire, lil.il f10(11 want and, lack, from Lbaenteniug p0v(1ty and failure. four to tele A.114400 1. 'Chere Is nu la(•11, 1111 want, no eu6'er, lug, no (11,130131 to (IOW, world. There you will fond a solution for all veer problems, e panacea for 1,11 your 1118 O.S.31. Handle With Crse, B0 cereful i10t to 11:np 111' jar tole. phone receivers,- Thl• kill (immense titre' n•'013113ivity, Service is the ?One w'r Inv far our rugalon earth -Capt Y.'Grown. ".. .11