The Brussels Post, 1925-4-29, Page 1It VOL. 53 NQ, 45 2.00 per ann'u'm in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 2g, 1925 Nothing in the Rpoflng' line surpasses Ontario White Cedar Shingles The Old Reliable Gibson lumber & Cider Mills P. 0, Box 77 WROXETEn New Advertisements Row for sale -ll. M. inks Looal-lrlotoher Heading Eggs for sale -Phone 1010 ' Baby Chiolre-W alter Rose Hey for sale -J. 0 Bennett Aceounte-Geo, R. r eller Auotlou Sale -Milton Lowe Howe to runt -D. Alegi/mon Cattle wanted -D McKtiinon Homo Aoree-Ethel Ores S. S. Auction Sale-Gso. A. Dunbar Incubator for solo-'1.'na PnsT Junior First Aid -F. R. Smith Mortgage Sele-W. hr Sinclair 13 0 Shingles -Li h1. MacTavish Play -Trinity Church, Bolerove White Cedar-Glbeoo Lumber Co. 8 boat Articles -Wilton &..dillespie " Tenders wanted -Geo W. Holman Home Acres -Duff's Ohuroh, Welton Notice to Creditors -El Pyorm nn Estate Weekend Sale -Carpet & Farnlehing 00. Moncrleif Ohopping Mill -F. A. Harrison Quarterly Day. -Ethel Methodist Church cazsind e.%s WROXTTER T. G. Hemphill has purchased a Hudson Sedans T. G and Mrs. Hemphill spent Tues- day in London. Mrs.s G. Davidson was a recent visitor at Walton. Mr. and Mrs. McLean were Seaforth visitors last week. Mrs. Peter McEwen is seriously ill at her home in Turnberry. Editor. Roberts, Fordwidk was, e visitor in the village Friday. Mrs. Perry Patterson has returned. to Niagara Falls, N. Y., atter spending' several weeks with friends in ads vic- inity. BayChicks IN the Canadian egg laving contest at Ottawa in 1923.24, and the Canadian and ..Ontario contests 1924.25, inclusively, our pent of S. 0. White Leghotns ne winter egg pro- ducers wore in first place. Wben buy- ing your baby chicks why not buy Canadian chicks with years of good reputation back ot them when they can be secured at practically seine cost as chieke from inferior stock. Leghorn chicks 12 cents each. Rocks 15 cts each. June delivery. Int order to get them early in June, it will be ueceseary for you to place your order without delay. Walter Rose BRUSSELS ONTARIO I • 3 of the Best Articles Made v,. Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes 1900 Cataract Washer Westinghouse Electric Ranges Call and see then) Wilton & Gillespie • R. J. Ranh' Is having extensive alter- ations made lu his residence on Main street. Miss A. Vosberg; Clinton, Is spend ing a few weeks with old friends an the village, John Douglas attended a meeting of the North Huron Liberal Executive at Blyth on Tuesday. - Mrs. J. Musgrove !received words last week of the sudden dearth in Oregon of her mother, Mrs. Thornton, for- nietly of Wingham, who was visiting a sister. Under the auspices of the Public. Library, the young people of the TrOw- bridge Epworth League, presented the play "An Old Fashioned Mother" in the Town Hall ,,Friday evening. Pro- ceeds amounted to $44. WALTONe. Farmere are finishing up their seed- ing, Ed. Rowland has purchased a new Fordeon tractor. - W. A, Sholdice, just north of the school, is painting his house. Our citizens are busy .getting their gardens in and cleaning up the yards. Tne recent heavy windstorm blew down the verandah at the front of the house attached to W, Nears store. Notice—Eggs will be taken at the Fanners' Club, Walton on Monday's and Thursday's -from 9.30 a.m. to 1 o'clock p.m. Our lural etorekeepera have started buying eggs on the graded basis, which is proving to be quite an im- provement over the Hat tate. 8 The play, "Always in Trouble," will be presented in the U. F. 0. Hall, on Friday evening, May 8th, under the auspices of Ln0 Frtetnet•'s Club. Fur- ther particulate will be given next week: MORRIS Notice—Eggs will be taken at the Farmers' Club, Walton, on Monday's and Thursday's from 9.30' a.m. to 1 o'clock p.m. A Large Egg.—A black Minorca hen belonging to Newton McCauley, 5th line, land an egg that treasured 8x6gp laches. The Post had the egg on view this week. On Monday afternoon James Bird and wife were' in a mix-up when a car coming to Brussels bumped a buggy and then turning struck the hind wheel of Mr. Bird's buggy, 'breaking it - off. Mrs. Bird was thrown out, but no ser- ious damage was done. Sauil. Yuill,who has been at S. P. Toronto, lft on Saturday for New S, o F Jersey, where he has a position for the Summer months, He was visiting with his parents, Walter and Mrs. Ynill, for a few days. THE LATE 1111113 MCHINNEY.-The sympathy of the community is ex- tended to Jos. McKinney and family of Morrie Township, in the death of Mrs. McKinney. Deceaeed was a most estimable lady, and the war can be traced as the ultimate cause of her death. When her son, Leslie, was killed overseas in 1917, the shock was so severe that her nerves gave out and elm became blind. She had never been really well since and passed away on Thursday, April 16th. Be- sides her sorrowing husband, she is survived by four Salts and two daugh- ters, viz : Lyle, of Detroit, R E. of the C. N. R, at Winghain, Archie. at High School, William, Nellie and 'Irene, at home, Her mother,- Mrs. Jas. Messer, Morris, and a brother, Archie Messer, also survive. Rev.,. CAR OF B. C. Shingles Sx Will be unloaded Friday, May• 1st, at Brussels Station, Morris & Grey Farmers' Club 0. M. MacTAVI8H, Sec. Leave your order for Alberta Furnace Coal. Moncrieff Chopping Mill Will be operated on Tuesday and Friday of each week un- til further notice„ Car 'of Cement - Expected at an` early date. Place your order now. F. A. HARRISON Phone 4723 • ONTARIO WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES POSTS -PLANKING Best Hemlock Inch Lumber, Studding and Joisting (1o, 12 and lift. lengths) Red Beech Stoneboat Runners Rock Elm Doubletree Stock Cedar i-Iay Rack, Sills, Etc. SLABWOOD CEDAR KINDLING' enemas{ CrO2j For Sale Place your Order Now Gibson Cumber & Cider Mills Wroxeter W. 11. h'ERR, Proprietor "Home Acres" A D aura in Three Acts - VViII he presented by the Young People of Btowntown in the A. O. O. W. HALL WALTON Under the atelpicee of the Young People's Society of Duff's Church. Friday Ev'g, May 1st Program at 8 o'clock Adults 35c Children 25c Don't Miss it Mr. Tate, of Bluevale, conducted 'im- pressive services at the house and grave on Saturday afternoon. The very large concourse of Mende who attended the funeral ehowed the eeteem in which the deceased was held. Interment took place in Blue. vale Cemetery. The palibearels were : Peter Moffatt, Jarnee Moffatt, Archie Messer, John Meheer, Jos. Breckenridge and W. S. King. Among those who were present at the funeral from a distance were : Lyle MdHinney, of Detroit. blies Oora Meseta, Mrs. Thos. McKinney and Archie and Thomas Pilkey, of Toronto. • JAMESTOWN The Sunday Soh( of at Victoria Hall cbmmences nett Sunday, May Std at 3•o'clock and will continue for the Summer months. All are invited to attend this service. CRANBROOK School Report of 8. S. No. 7, Cran- brook. Senior Room. -Sr. IV -Ex- am. in Spell., GeogArith , Dictation (two exams. each) and Grammar. Standing given in per cent. Helen eIeNabb 84 ; Jean Cameron 82 ; Jean Noble 81 ; Goldwin Knight 79 ; Marie Huether 78 ; Jack Cameron 76;+Marg- aret Brown 73 ; Jean Srnalldon 89,6 ; Archie Campbell 89 1 ; Jim Penning- ton 62. Jr. IV-Geog., Arith., Spell„ Dictatation (two exame. each) Elean- or Knight 87 ; Ernmylene Stems +84 8 ; Earl Dunn 84 8; Jno. Pennington 80 ; Edith Brown 73 ; Glen Hunter 85. Sr. III -,(same subjects as Jr. IV) Kathleen Zeigler 91 ; Howard Brown 85; Blair McIntosh 82; Willie Fisch- er 71 : Hulda Querengesser 81, No. on roll 21. Average attendance 208 I. FRAIN, Teacher. Jr. Room -Examined in Writ., Spell., Geog., Aritb., Lit., Lang, and Comp. Jr. III -Evelyn )iluether 93; --Vera Porter 87 ; Mary McIntosh 78 ; Stanley Fischer 77, Sr. II -Geo. Fischer 82; Myrle Wilson 81 ; Roma Cameron 56 Jr, (I -Mary McDonald 811. Dnrothy85 HuetherClifford C fford Brown 68; Elsner, Locking 61• Ist.- ,,.++F•h•P•i••i•4•t••9••bi•i•4.9•i•+•b•9•• +++++ AVING d i s - osed of H my P business all Accounts are to he paid at once. Geo. R. Weller +4-1-e+++4•44+4-14++++++++++++ ETHEL METHODIST CIRCUIT Sunday. is Quarterly Day and Services will be held in the Ethel Methodist Church both Morning and Evening. Morning 10.45 Subject w"Reminded" Evening 7.00 Popular Seretlee See Ethel news Inc important an non ncernen te. +++++++++++++ ++++++++++++4 DON'T DECEIVE. YOUR .�1' E A Farce in Three Acts Will be presenter) by members of St. John's Church, Btussels, in the C, 0, F. HALL BELGRAVE Under the auspices of Trinity Chureh Monday Ev'g, May 4th Program at &o'clock Admission 35 and 25 cents Everybody Invited Madeline Krauter 91 ; Alice Locking 85; Kenneth Brown 70. Sr. Pe. Excel- lent -Glen Huether, Helen McCallum. Jirn Cameron. Good -Maurice Cam• eron, Willie Zeigler, Jr. Pr, -Excel- lent -Muriel McDonald, Stanley Wil- son, Mac. McIntosh, Mary Huether. Good -Winston McEachern, Doris Long, ALteC J. FORREST, Teacher, MONCRIEFF - Do you require cement? Inquire of F. A. Harrison. The Chopping Mill Will be operated on Tuesday and Friday of each week only, until further notice. ' TROWBRiDGE The Ethel Methodist Choir will give their popular Cantata entitled "The Rolling Seasons" at the Trowbridge Methodist Ohurch on Friday evening of this week. Admission 35 cls. and 20 cte, Mrs. Parker, of Brussels, will give humorous and serious selections and the Roes orchestra t s wille Iva sev- eral numbers. This programme should appeal to all lovers of music, and so far, it has been very well pat- ronized elsewhere. GREY The fall wheat is looking fine. Council minutes in another column. Grey Council will meet 111 Ethel on May 4th. Mr. Lake, Junior, is far from well, and the doctor is in attendence, Harold Speirs, 12th •Con. bas erect- ed considetable new page fence on the front of hie farm this spring. A good many. of the Concessions could be improved, if the Pathmaetere. put on the scraper and drag. See Ethel News for important it- -ems regarding the recent Board meet- ing of the Ethel Methodist Circuit. The Roe's Orchestra will assist the Ethel Methodist Cantata which is to be given at Ttowbridge on Friday evening. Notice—Eggs will be taken at the Farmers' Club, Walton on Monday's and Thursday's from 9.30 a.m. to 1 o'clock p.m. - A mortgage sale of a good farm, near Moncrieff a will be sold by public auc- tion tion at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Saturday May 91h 'at 2 o'clock. D. M, Scott is the Auctioneer. Westfield correspondent to Goder- ich Signal : -Henry and Mrs. Hoover, who have just returned. to Brussels from Los Angeles, Cal„ where they spent the last year and a half, paid a flying visit to the latter's brother, J. N. Campbell, The. Otchestna at Union did good work between acts of the play entit- led, "An old fashioned mother", giv• en by the Ttowbritge friends, The members of the orchestra got stage fright at first, but they fully recover- ed by the time the third selection wits rendered- The hast pierce :vas par- ticulary fine, and shatvs much promise for the future. The Late Mrs. Chas. Martin.—The Harriston Review of April 16th, refer. red to the death of a former resident of Grey township:—The community was shocked on Sunday last when word went around of the death of Mrs. Chas. Martin of Minto Township, Mrs. Mar tin had suffered a stroke in the early fall, and a second stroke occurred a few days previous to her death'. The late Mrs, Martin was born at Brussels, Ontario, 59 years ago, she being a daughter of She late Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop, She was married about thirty- five years ago•to Charles Martin, and they have resided in Minto Township ever since. Beside her sorrowing bus - band, the following children are left to mourn the loss of a most kind and loving mother:—William J., of Toron- to; Gladys (Mrs, Colin Blyth), Guelph; Roy, of Toronto; Ernest, Joseph and Agnes, at home. Three brothers ',Ind three sisters also survive, all of whom were present at the funeral, viz.:— Abram Bishop, of Brussels; Peter and Elizabeth, of Ethel; Joseph, of 'Goshen, Indiana; Mrs. J. Holmes, of LlStowe.; and Mrs. Fred Bags, of 4fespeler, The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon of last week, 'interment be- ing made in the Harriston 'cemetery. The services' Were conducted by the Rev,, J. L. Small, of Knox Presbyterian church, of which church deceased had been a faithful member. The pallbeare ors were deceased's four, sons, Wil- liam, Roy, Ernest and Joseph; George Bishop, of Brussels, a nephew, land Col- in Blyth, a son -in -lacy, IGeorge Hart, 9th Can. is having a well drilled at 'his Earn/. People are wondering what the pile Of wood on 141 21, Con. 3, Grey, Means. Better ask Andrew. tieo, A. Dunbar is offering a reg- istered Holstein cow, 11 years old, for eale at )lie auction ?ale next Tuesday, See list nn page 4. Miss Elizabeth Dickson attended the marriage of Miss Florence Clark, Of oiilnbronto,o, ton Dr.Wednesday, Andrew MNabb, ofTor- Mrs. A, /Kraig has returned to her home in Preston after visiting with her parents, 0, and Mrs. /Harris, 161.1 Con., and also at Egmondville. OLEARINO AUOT ON SALE -Gen. A. Dunbar is bolding a clearing auctil'n sale of Taint ?took, threehirlg nut fit, itnplements, etc, at Lot 15. Con. 8, on Tuesday, May 511. Mr, Dunbar le giving up fanning and everythineps will be sold without reserve. D. M. Scott will be the auctioneer. R, J. Hoover, 9th Cone has been buoy the past week reforesting some of his land with 1300 young • trees, which have been eupptied by the gnv ernment. The total 0055 was 90e for express, but in the years ,to come, Mr. Hoover will have a nice new woodlob. Other farmers should get into this line of improvement again. Fine Barn Burned.—Last Saturday night about 11.30 o'clock, the fine barn of Wm. A. Michel, Lot 25, Con. 12, was totally destroyed by fire wtth ,con. tents consisting of hey; grain, straw, side -delivery rake, horse rake, hay loader and many other articles neces- sary on the farm. The barn was built 22 years ago by Mr. Mickel. The struc- ture was up-to-date with steel! stabling and moodern conveniences. The barn was of first-class material and consider- ed one of the finest barns in 'the county' It was 60x30 feet with 20 foot wall posts. The loss is partly covered by insurance in Etna Fire Insurance Co, to the extent of 82,500.00. About 200 people gathered to wi'tnes's the fire Many friends offer sincere sympathy for the losses Mr. and Mrs. Michel have sustained in the past year. It is too bad that anyone should suffer such loss over someone's carelessness. Mr. Michel doesn't think .anyone set it on fire i.ntentionaily as he doesn't believe he has such an enemy. MOLESWORTH 'The Young People's League of Trowbridge will present the play, "An Old Fashioned Mother", in Moles- worth on Wednesdayevening, May 8th. Admission 35 and 20 cents plus war tax. BELGRAVE A trent is in store for our citizens when the members of St. John's Church Dramatic Society. Brussels, will present their play. Don't deceive your wife", in the Foresters' Hall next Monday evening. The play is well presented and the musical pro- gram alone ie worth the price of ad- mission. ETHEL Council minutes of April 6th may be read in this issue. Mrs. Jno. King ie on the sick list. We hope for early improvement, Tennis court is being improved and we may soon hear, "Love Fifteen", again. Mrs. R. Mitchell was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Bateman, and other friends here. Peter McDonald, of Milverton, was a -visitor with his nephew, D. J. Hutchinson, of Stratford. The home of Mrs. C. Hansnld has been improved and beautified bya P new roof of asphalt shingles. Sir. and Mrs. Hutchinson, of Strat- ford, spent Easter with Mrs. Hutch- inson's father, W. H. Cole, of Ethel. A meeting of those interested in Bowling was held on Friday and a committee appointed to look into the matte Don'tr. forget the clearing sale of Geo. Dunbar on Tuesday, May 5th. It will be worth your while to attend as stock is in best condition. Ethel choir will present their Can- tata at Trowbridge on Friday even. ing, May 1st. This is one of the treats of the season and ie worth hearing the second time. W, H, and Mrs. Cole and Miss Pearl were recent visitors with their slaughter, Mrs. Hutchinson and son, Fred, of Stratford. Mr, Cole also vis- ited with his brother, S. S. Cole, Stratford Football practice on Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday evenings of each week. All who would like to gain a place on the Ethel team are cordially invited to be present on these nights. )Ethel Orange Lodge was well repre- sented at the funeral of the late Bro. Irwin Raynard, who passed away„at Stratford Hospital and was buried at .Brussels Cemetery on Friday after- noon. The late Mr, Raynard was a former Grey Township boy. There was a very fine attendance in Methodist Ohurch on Sunday ; eev eral had to stand, and the aide seats were.used, Many expressed their ap- preciation of the educational value of the elides on China, Canada and Jap- an given after the sermon. Rev, Gilmore, Atwood, discussed the subject, "Church Union", in the Presbyterian church last Sunday and endeavored to present arguments why union ehonld not take place. ')'here was a large gathering. Special music was rendered by the choir, The April meeting of the Mission Band was a grand success, The var. lone hymns sung were well chosen and the Scripture reading was Luke 5: 1-16, Mies Dorothy Speirs gave an excellent Bolo and Jessie Camp- bell read the story, "Dickie and Mary Lonise on their journey". A name quilt is to he made and your narne will be inscribed on the Birthday quilt for 100. `Home Acres A Drama in Throe Acts Will be presented by the Young Pea. plc of Browntowu in TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL Friday, May 8th Under aaspiees of Presbyterian Sunday School CAST - Ann Rickett, "The Village Dressmaker" Jane Whitman, "A dear old Soul" Clara Agar David Holden, "A Man Ina Million" Melville Dennie Rose Whiteman, "A Country Flower" Ethel Ltb,ns" ease of D namite', Verna Dennis Enoche Chore lHarold Thomas Whitman,"A College Charles Johnston Wiifre,: Clay, "A New York Swell?' altHelen Dalton, "A New York Beautty er Sellers Ethel Wardell Jim Ferguson,"A Crook" Charles Bosman Synopsis Aot I -The sitting romp at "Home ,Aeras" on nn afternoon in July, Aot II -The new home in the city the follow- ing December. Act III -Bach home the first ot March. Orolre tra in Attendance Adults 35c Children 206 Come early and secure your seat 8 A siicial eveningiwill be enjoyed by the Epworth League members on Thursday evening. Gaines at tate schoobgrouude at seven o'clock fol• lowed by community singing in the basement at 8. Eats afterwarde. "Home Acres" will be presented in the Township Hall on Friday evening, May 8th, by the Young People of Browntown, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Sunday School. The play has been a success and everybody should go and hear it. An orchestra will be in attendance. The final Board meeting of this Conference Year was held in the basement of m t the b'Iethodisthu C rch on Monday evening. eve n Considerable bus. 8 loess was discussed and something of a sensation took place when it was found that the Missionary objective had been exceeded. It was thought that we should do well if we reached lasteste figure in th these e e hard times, but when it was realized that the act- ual cash received was in the neig- borhood of $800.00, it was a pleasant surprise, The Connectional Funds show a serious deficit, however, and itis hoped that something may yet done to give the circuit the maces. sexy amount. The Ethel Methodist Choir has ac- cepted an invitation to go to Trow- bridge on Friday to give the Cantata rendered here recently. We are sor- ry to learn of the resignation of Mr. Currie, the Musical Director, who has rendered yeoman service. He only took up the position on the distinct understanding that his office would terminate at the end of three months, which have now expired. The thanks of the Methodist friends are extended to Mr. Currie. and itis hoped that he will be prevailed upon to take hold again in the Fall. The choir bas nev- er been handled better than under his leadership. GEO. D. C. BARN DEACESED,-The many friends here of George Ramn were surprised to hear of his sudden death which occurred in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, early last Wednes- day morning: Deceased underwent an operation for gall stones and ap- pendicitis the Sunday previous, but the best of medical attention failed to be of any benefit and he gradually sank until the end came as afore- mentioned, Mr. Hain was a resident of McKillop Township for quite a number of years, retiring and moving into Seaforth about 7 years ago, Lat- er he gave up his home there and dur- ing the past three years he, with hie wife, have spent the Winter months with their daughter, Mrs. Wegg, in Toronto, while the Summer season was spent assisting on the farm of his inn -in-law, Jas. A. Bremner, Ethel. Deceased was 56 years of age and was a quiet industrious man who had made good on the farm. The remains were taken to Seaforth for interment, service being conducted in the Meth- odist church, where a large number of old friends gathered to pay a fare- well tribute to one whom they loved and respected, GREY COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the Council tneeting held et Ethel on April 6th, 1925 In aaco•dance with the different petitions received the Clerk was iu• strutted to notify Engineer Patterson to examine and report on the Fraser, Bolton, Love, - and Silver Corners Drains. The McKillop Swamp Drain Report was amended according to Judge's de cieion and finally passed. There was some disueeion about abolishing Statue Labor, but no change was made. The following accounts were paid ; Geo. Michel, posts.,,,... ,.,.$2,00 L. Glide, fixing 'scraper 120 Stanley Machan, gravelling cul- vert 100 Melvyn Gilkinson, plank 1 16 Clifford Ritchie, dragging 500 David Kirkeopnol, 7,00 Alex, Steles, r' 15 00 Goo. Evans, " 18 00 Jae. MOses, Dan. McKinnon, " .:.11.60 The DANCE of the Season you are dordially invited' to A. dance, to be held be the OPERA HOUSE BRUSSELS Friday Evening, May 1st WROXETER ORCHESTRA in Attendance Gentlemen $1.00 Everybody Welcome LADIES BRING LURCH Peter Bishop, Collector's salary200,00 stamps, exphauge, supplies 20.00 Wm. Smalidore, dragging 550 Dan. Neahle, for land and poses,.37A0 Judge Lewis, account 7 00 Next meeting is to be held on May 4th. J, H. FILAR, Clerk of Grey Twp, "NEM, IPersonal Paragraphs 1 Miss Florence Buchanan was a recent visitor at W Ingham. A•chie Ballantyne was a visitor in Clinton on Monday Mrs, F. W. Stretton is visiting in Toronto this week. L. O,ten be,n amt tamely of Woodstock, spent the week -end with Jos. and Mrs, Querin. Miss Addie Card ff is visiting in Lon- don, Windsor, and Detroit with old friends Mise Mason, of London, is a visitor this week with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Lewin. F. W. and Mrs. Wige and children, of Seaforth were visitors i s n town on Sunday. v Mrs. Harold Kerney and Master Ross are in town on a visit to her mother, Mrs Eldridge, Luther A. Ball, a former Brusselite, is Secretary -treasurer of the St. Marys Bowling Club. Joseph Querin was at Stratford 011 Saturday intending the funeral of the late Henry Ku by. L C. Richards, of Hamilton, and a former well known citizen, was a visitor in town this week. Mrs, Jos, Quanta was confined to bed for tate last week, but is slowly improv- ing, we are glad to hear, Mrs. jas. Duncan, Atwood, was a visi- tor with Mrs, Wm. Martin and other friends in town.last week. James McCallum, ot Owen Sound, was a visitor with his brother-in-law, Fred Hunter, as Thursday. Mrs. John E. Smith has been under the doctor's care. Her many friends will hope for a change for the better. Mrs. te Ewan retained last week af- ter spending the past month or so with her daughter, Mrs. Eckmier at Flint, Mich. Mrs. I. Kingswood, and son, Dr, Roy Kingswood, of London, spent the week- end with the former's sister, Mrs. Ida Lowry. George Hiochley. of Seaforth. was a visitor in town on Monday. Mr, Flinch. ley is only recovering from a severe illness, T• L, and Mrs. Kerr and Miss Mary Helen and Mrs. W. H. Kerr spent Sun- day with Postmaster and Mrs. Kay, at Stratford, President, W. Willis and Secretary, le, R. Smith of Brussels Business Mea's Association, were in Wingham on Thursday last, Wm. Pilkington, ot Kincardine, was a visitor at the Rectory over the week- end saug a beautifnl solo at the service in the evening. Rev. Canon Cluff, Mrs. Cluff, of Stratford, and Howard Cluff, London, were visitors in town last week, renew- ing old acquaintances. Friends of Mrs, (Rev.) S. l• Min, now of Toronto, but a former resident of town, are glad to bear that sbo is improving from her recent sickness. Friends will regret to learn that Miss Mary McNaughton has been tinder the doctor's care, Het sister, Mrs. Parker Foster, of Kincardine, has been here assisting iu waiting on ber. A. E. Mabee, Ingersol, motored up to Brussels last week and took back his father in•law, Wm. Ells, who had been taken i11, so that he could be looked af- ter by his daughter, Mrs, Mabee. Miss Nellie Jardine attended the Girls' Conference held in Macdonald Institute, Guelph,last week. Thu young lady won a prize at the Short Course, which entitled ber to this course. Mrs. Fred. McCraeken .was celled to Lion's Head last week to attend the funeral of her brother, W m. Gardiner, which took place on Tuesday. Mr, Gardiner was a former resident of Blue - vale. Mrs. H. Jackson and daughter. Mrs. Logan, of Blyth, were visitors in town last week, calling on old friends. Mrs. Jackson has only recently returned from spending the Winter with her daughter, Mrs, R. R. McDonald at Brigden. William Hartry, Seaforth, was cal ling on old frleuds in town nu Monday, while euroute to, 'Peeswater, where he was speaking on behalf ot the, Hort- icultural Society, Mr. Hertry was n former resident of town, and past Pres- ideut of the Ontario Horticultural As. sortation,