The Brussels Post, 1925-4-22, Page 5•
f f r
NE Indleetrial t'Nortgafgo and
II Savings Oompany, of Sarnia
DOtortim es arenpgeled lends.'idParties desiring
n)onay an term mertmeea will Please Pelee to
Janle9 CMOS,t$entorth Oak,who will rur•
Mall rates another parlleelars,
The Industrial Mortgngo
and Savings Company
a&400.40 kivroxv
Fire, Automobile and Wind. Ins.
For Bruaaele and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Nowick Mutual fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 43 Bog') Taruberry Street, Brussels
Grimes exyaszo
1Ifiaf<m`di"sza ,' t9on®rlF,f iffle
' For referedoee toaanit any person .whose sales
1 have ofoiated at Phone 78x or 05
♦ DR. WARDLAW �. f
Honor graduate or the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calla. Onion oppoelte
Flour Mill, Ethel.
T. T. M' RAE
M.8..M.O. P.. ,QS, O.
11. 0. H., Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon,, Acoonoheur
Office at residence, ppostte Meta Me Church,
William street.
Tr. 41.` lade:' 1 aze
• Winter Term from alae, 5th
BUSI NE ff"i� S
Cotler thlnlldes 8111err o nor- tv
(untrue than does any other caping.
Central , graduates e/ a good post- P
UMW* We receive morecalls for train.
ed help than we have atudenta gradu-
ate. Write the college a; 000e 004 get
its free catalogue, it may InternetS on.
- 0, A. M'i.AOHLAN. PRIN.
A.:412 gwcoratayamogrzgse_zianiwi
D Cor. Yon a .ani Ale><ande f .
Tonga r 5 s. Torogta
▪ Noted far hlglt grade Instruction and ria
superiopr employment service. tinny Y
at odente from other nuninens Colleges
have boon 111. a'temlanee here during
R` the past twelve months. Eater any f5
time. v rite for catalogue. )W
,-Za A`S ♦tnr'4�Vi20& Ln r24 9 qs21.r aY
Heavy Hens
Highest market prices
See me or Phone No, 2x, Brus-
sels, and S will call and get'
your liens. -
M. Yollick
.Does Your
Qualify ?
It's a Waterman's"
Any 9'otitttein Pen's use-
fultiese depends upon three
things- t
The Nib +
The Ink Supply The Flow
The nib must confnr1n--the
ink enpply dust be genernae-
the flow mute be sleadv and
00111.6111nito. There is a Water'-
mane nil) tomtit every poseible
style of hand writing
Prioea $2
5 BO and up
Selection and Service at
our Shop
Also Waterman's Ink
Smbottle all v
b n bulk, ♦
J. R. e n d1.
jtlweler Wroxeter
We are in need of Wheat for
Milling. Glve us a call at our
expense If 700 have any 'to sell.
No truttbls'tp quote. pr'lees,
All kinds of
Flour and ,Feed
Per Bela
T. G. 'Hemphill,
( Finny Mill 21
PHONES ) Split Pea. Mill 29
Night coil 59
Taal l l cb s 1iletms
• ADVEaeux,
HOusacLaANING time.
Pima t0 staet cleaning up.
TRADE tollows the ad.
SENO in the local and district news.
TDB modern girl will not blush' un-
seen if she knows it,
Dor?^'i• hit a roan, when he's down un-
less yen can keep hitt down,
Afoul' the only thiugs that really come
.to him who waits are hunger, collectors
apd wbiskers, ,
'ruses is nue consolation for those
who are oeliged to get along on small
salaries. They escape the income tax.
A widow is the luckiest ,person in the
world, She'knows all about men and
all the map who know about her are
deed. -
IN a couple of months' times the kid•
dies will begin counting the.days which
enn01 elapse before the long vacation be-
Viz INC the alluring pictures in the
seedettualfteues is said to stimulate the
jaded mind after solving a cross word
CHEERFULLY homeward the Ontario'
legislator bas wended .his wet, with
'$z,000 in his pocket. apd 4 4 beer in
sight. .
IN times gone by the women wore a
gown called Mother Hubbard ;
the style resembles more that dear old
iady's cupboard.
Wren fifteen members of its own in
tbe Le stature
g plus residential cabinet
ministers and a metropolitan press,
Toronto will be more than ever Hog -
town. •
Tux organ of the United Cburehe
which will combine theexisting organs,
sof the uniting churches, is to be "The
New Outlook." It is hoped it will bave
a broad outlook.
A finely illustrated book on coke,
containing many splendid photographs
and much interesting information, was
'received tit Tux Posy office this week,
It is published by the government,
`Penitentiary Rules Exclude News-
papermeu"-headlioe, Now where are
they going to put us if we make illegal
moyY in a bond deal or criminally libel
some fellow, whose lawyer .makes him
believe he has a good charac'er 7 -Tor -
moo Globe.
Ir there is an t%nsatisfeetory condition
in this country, let your uncle tell you
the cause, says the Beaverton Express,
Three out of every five men run auto
mobiles and only one but of esoo run
wheelbarrows and lawn mowers,
Beginning July 15, 1925, a cut on all
buck lambs of $a oo per buudred-
weight, will be 'effective. Oa Novem-
ber and, the cut will be increased to
$3 0o per hundredweight- on all buck
lambs of the previous epriog's lamb
A great advertising n
g com e
oY says s:
"Nevar hesitate
A medium to
use when country trade is needed.
There is but one which will accomplish
the purpose; the local newspaper. It
is read thorougly by everyone is town
and district,' It bas more influence with
its own people than all the dailies com-
Changed Date for Semi-Centennial.--
emi-Centennial.-Palmerston has decided to change the
dates foe their celebration of the semi
centennial of the town, from June to
Augusto and 4, One reason was that
exams were on fn June and it was found
that a dates inn
A ust would bee
suitable. b e.
Use Single Stamp. -The postal de-
partment bas issued a poster meting p,t
robs, whenever possible, to use a single
postage stamp on a letter, parcel or other
p ace of mill, becau a in. some instance
the use of mora stamps may so encroach
on the space for address. and date•
stamping as to cause confusion and con
segneot delay in the snail.
Becomes Assistant n Grey. -Mr. J.
B. Netsou, B. S. A , who has been assist-
ant at the Agricultural Dept. Offices at
Clinton and who had charge of the
Short Course, recently held in Brussels,
bas beeu appointed Assistant Agricul-
tural Representative for Grey County
Mr. Nelson's old friends in town 'and
vlciuuy will be glad to bear of his „pro-
Particularly the Local Paper. -The
newspaper eaters the home and bas a
more intimate appeal to all members
than other rending matter, le appeale
to all literate members of the com
molly, without distinction of race,
/iris, erect], sex, income or occupation,
Phemerclaut ,eho employs the local
papal. does not worry about leaching
certain Glasse -it goes to all. -The
Cautery Merchnt,
Rise in U. S. Postal Rates.- Two
°eats postagee must be placed on each
postcard mailed in the United States,
en and after next"Wednesday, April 15,
to insure that it will reach its destine.'
tion. Newspapers and magazines wilt
require two coati postage for each two
ounces up to half a pound, andtwili take
postage rates beyond that size.
increased rates tor registration, money
All '
)Acca( post
e s su
special delivery packages will
be -
crime effective April15The neratts
ire somewhat eonfusing and Postmaster
General New has urged all postmasters
famillariee the public with them in
r1," •-,lriiiriI23 9 'he quantity of ma
whtuhwttlbe uudefverable beC34Uft 01
having Insefiietent postage atta cbed,
,Next .holiday Will be VYetoria Day.
The fisberjuen .are busy et the, river.
Roads are in good •shape for motor.
Water 15. new Just flowing over part
of the dam.
The prevailing wind, which teas sup-
posed fo be from -the South, has got
up into the North. •
Dominion of 815,000.-. The Book
Committee of the Methodist Cuurelt bati.
donated the sum of itt5,000 from its
Publishing hotliness ,profile to the Super
a0nuatiOn Fend of tbe Methodist
Radio Sets to be Seized -Radio faun
who have so fltr failed to obtain the
licenses prescribed by law, are warned
that Government Itrspectors are ,.bot}t
to enforce the law, Any amateur with-
out a license is liable -110 have his set
confiscated If he does not secure a, per-
mit Immediately,
Relief,. for Mine Sufferers, -- l'he
Canadian 1'tstional Express Coe leas
.authorize(1 its agents to receive par-
cels up to 100 pounds en weight for.
free transportation to,the relief com-
mittees in Cape Breton, if addressed
as follows: "For Sydney Mines Relief
Committee, care F. B. Dunlop," or "For
Glace Bay Relief Cogpmitltee, care May-
or Morrison or Rev. M. A. Macadam."
4.4 Beer June 13 'Gas" Tax Sem*
Day:- The 4.4 Beer bill and the Gaso-
line Tax bill received Royal Assent and
by reason -of the Act passed this sea-
son that all -bilis Imposing taxes .can -
trot Dome into effect until after 60
days' from that date, Jun 13, will pro:
bably see them come Into effect.
Half -Cent Posttige Stamp. -A U, S.
one-half cent postage stamp was issued
for the first time on April t. The new
denomination lies become necessary
because of the new vestal rates on
third-class mail, effective April 15. A
one and one-half cent stamp, bgaritig
'President Harding's picture is ,being
prepared also. for this .class of mail.
Wins First Prize.- Mrs. S. C. Wil-
son, formerly of Hrutssels and now
conducting a restaurant at Goderieh,
was gratified to receive a better from
Hamlbiin-Brereton Co., Lemited, _ 1Cit-
chener, enclosing a'cheque for $3e as
first prize in a comipetitioe for - the
best window display of Rilex s tof-
fee. The competition was for the
whole Province of Ontario' and (here
was a keen contest for the prizes, some
very handsome displays being entered.
.Mrs. Wilson is to be congrattiluted
lupon her suocess.
Fifty Cents ,Extra. -When register-
ing a -lien or chattel mortgage, .it' is
now necessary, .to in accordance with
iegal ! offices do paya feeof x
g SOc extra
if a certificate Is wanted. The charges
are on a lien, registrattng 108; .for cer-
tificate of registration 50c, total 60c;
for chattel mortgage, 150c registration,
50c 'certificate, total 81.
Spring Evidences.
Frogs. croaking.
Evening bonfires.
That tired feeling.
Stponts at the Park.
Raking* up the old leaves.
Increased rush at the L'. O.
New 'millinery for the ladies. i
-. New suits for the gentlemen,
Lots of fun catching suckers.
The small boy end the big fish pole.
Bigger tcrowds down town on Satur-
day evenings. •
To Be Numbered.-lt is stated that
plans are ugder.way in Ihe Department
of highways whereby every road in
Ontario. even to the back township
f highways and byways will be numbered
and marked with signs. This will mean
that there will be absolutely no dif-
ficulty for tourists to find their- way
through any country. It is understood
that the signs are to be made by the
Government at cost price and given to
the various municipalities to place up.
The Government will also erect signs
near all dangerous crossings and sharp
curves and take over to someh
xtent the
splendid1endid work done
for tbe past
Years of tbe Ontario Motor League.
Receipt:- on
t.- Government
Treasury inspectors are looking iuto the
observance of tbe law relating to tax oe
receipts._ The law requires that a two-
ceut revenue stamp be attached to every
receipt for money amounting to 810, or
over. In many cases.this law is not be-
ing observed and some'have been fined
for not affxing,the stamp. 'Many people
.think that .'stamp isnot necessary on a
receipt where Atte payment bas been
made by cheque, and when the words
"paid by cheque" are written on the re-
ceipt. This is subject to the stamp,
In mostcsses a cancelled cheque is re-
garded as sufficient evidence of pay
rpent, but where the recipient of any
sum of $io or over gives a receipt, it
must bave the stamp attached, no mat-
ter what form the payment takes -
cheque, cash. or 1ontra account. People
Should keep this in mind. It takes.a
lot of two -cent stamps to pay et fifty -dol-
lar Arne,
Get rid of that Tired
Spring feeling by eat -
1 n g Fleischmann's
Health Yeast.
For sale' at the -
Palace Bakery'
Presh Every Day
la . Land
The unde)eigned le in a poeielon
to .el thee rent 300 aeree of Jena lu i
tills locality for the growing of
Flax or will fnfuieh the Seed tend
guarantee to 'pay 510 per tori for i
Flax delivered delivered iu Bt mewls, '
P01'Jutlher lal'ticolets apply to
Lnoal Munaget' foe
John S. McKinnon, of Toronto, anti
an. old Blyth boy, leaves .this., week for
England where he•will again have
of•the Cenadien'Exhibit at Wem-
Teeswater Telma Thursday Atter-
noons,•--.After holding their half holi-
days on Monday for ,unite years, Tees -
water merchants have decided to take
Thursday afternoons, starting in May.
Turn to the Right --The silent
policemen have been .placed in posi-
tion on the main street, and all veli-
icles had now better observe the law.
Death of George Mulholland, -Tice
Seaforth Expositor -made 'tire following
reference to tt a uncle of. Mrs. Alex
Roe, of town:-sAn old and highly re-
spected lesid'ent of this community
passed. away at 'his home M Harpur-
hey on Saturday Of last week, in the
person of M'r. George Mulholland.' Mr,
Mulholland had reached the good age
of 86 years, but being a man of
wonderful phstque, he carried his years
lightly, end had been about as usual
the day previous ,to his death. The
deceased was the last .surviving 'mem-
ber of a family of ten children, being
a son of the late James Mulholland, and
was born in Hulled township in 1839.
The family later moved to Hu'llett town-
ship, and many yearslago Mr. !Mulhol-
land purchased a farm near Klppen,
where he resided until some, twenty
Years ago, when he moved to Harpur-
hey where he continued to reside un-
til his death. He was a smdcessful f.trite
er and lean of 'business, and a genial.
and companionable.friend.and neighbor
and one who commanded the respect
of all who knew him. The deceased
never married. The funeral was held
from his late home. on Monday, the
services being conducted by Rev, F. H.
Larkin, D,D., of First Presbyterian
'church, and interment was made in
Clinton ;cemetegy. The pallbearer.:
were Messrs. A. D. Scott„ George 15111,
A. Wankle; Robert Dodds, Joseph
Grummett and G. Holland.
Following is the Deport of S. S. No.
9,. Gray, for. Hester examinatiorts.
Pupils were examined, jit all euejects.
Sr. I V-FTazel Speiran 78%; Laurence
Machan 75 3. Jr. IV- Velma Robert-
son 67 ; Verna MaKay 65 8, Sr. IlI-
Witile Robertante 685 ; Kenneth Ferg
67 7. Jr. III-T.nndy McKay 72 t
Glen Rothwell 61'7 ; Mae McKay 547 ;
Bnb Bell 46.; Francis Smith <380.
Second-class-Mndalon Speirnn 744:
Cecil Machan 74 ; Jennie McKay
68 7 ; Herbie Huffman 67 3 ; Jeanie
Harrison 65 ; Cecil ' Robinson 94 8 ;
Cynthia Macan 599 Russel Gale
58. First class (Daily Work), Myrtle
Gole, Donald Riehl, Marshall Haze
.r'isnn, Lillian Benison. Pruner
class -Good, Lennard Machan, Dor-
oLhoy Mann, Lindsay McKay. Fair -
John Payne. -
SADLE E. MONeen, Teacher.
-In the police cont, Magistrate Reid
fraud L. Panovius guilty of having
liquor in his possession, contrary to
the 0. 1 A., am ted hi
m5600. fi h w5 60D. and
cost s of Mut, months in tluil Tile
term wasi
Luke i The cat a sedan,.
was also confiscated Panovice wab
picked up in Seaford) by officers there
with two gallons of alcohol in his car.
It is reported that the nfficere mimed
considerable -mine, which was rolled
up in a rug. This was later removed
by at present nnkrinwn patties. Pnn-
ovics' homeis in Kitchener and ap-
parently this wee his .first journey in
the se9tion in a borrowed car.
Wednesday afternnnn Capt. Flank
Forther was presented with a new
hat and sousethetse i '
s i iifh town
ofthe to r
for bringing ig lis Rist Gnat here
for 1925 This k the second time that
this skipper tae won the (tat here,
having got one on April 12, 192L
Mayor MaaEweu in a shn5L address
made the presentation and a number
of other business men of the town also
spoke.- The captain replied in a short
address. The Oita or Bangore cleared
for Ashtabnla at 6 o'clock last night
and four or five others cleared this
morning, most of them going
3. M:and MSS. (4oveninck, who have
leakier] here for ati 25 Hws n ve.l
to Seafoetli Int week. They will be
greatly -missed, but ne they have only
gone to Seafot Lb the hope to see then:
gnith often.
With muni regret we learned of the:
death of-171t'e, Wm. Staples, who dled
very suddenly et her home Ft•iday
maiming. The foment was held front
her late resideico Tuesday afternnnn
to Mnitlao(1 Battle cemetery mud was
largely attended, A husband, 8031
nusseveral daughte1s at left to airmen
the loss of a loving wife hod mother,
Our sympathy goes out to those that
An iuterneting event took place on
S,t 101 day, April Ilth, at high noon, in
the 'mart'in e t f Luella Claite, daugh-
ter of W el, and Mrs. Spenat,
"Auoltepbay,"arnakeeetnith, and Nel.:
sem Gnveulock, sten of John Gavels -
look, ex el. P, P., and Mrs, Govenlook,
of Winthrop, The ceremony was
performed at the Manse, i gmondville,
by Rev. CV, 1). McDonald, pastor of
the 11g111011415111*Prer
torten church.
The beide Dolt s
1, rb It (, looked pt deemed } V> a ed hs an
ensemble suit of sponge colored, pn-
lnirn n101h with but to match end was
attended by 1183 cousin, Miss Marl)
Smits, of Stratford, who was prettily
gowned 111 rnaltye et eye fleurette with
pietttre hat ftteeil with mauve:. silk.
The vivito, WAS supported by 11114
brother, Lea ter Gavettlock, of Sleet-
Who has been appointed District
Deputy Grand Master for Huron and
Perils District No,.S, by the Ontario
Oonvenliou of the A. 0 IT. W. Mr.
Goveulock held this pi sition acute
years ago,
ford,' After the ceremony the wedd•
ing piety motored to the home of the
bride'sp'trentn, where a dainty lunch.
eon was served. Later they left by
motor fm Toronto, Buffalo and other
points. On their imam a reception
will be held at "Auchenhay" in honor
of Nelson and Mrs. Goveniock, who
will snake their future home nt Win-
'tlt rop.
A. C. an Mrs. Nobbs, of London,
wish to announce the engagement of
their (eldest daughter, Norma Mae, to
Laverne Churchill, B. A., barrister -al -
law, Toronto, Ont., i t
n only son of Dav-
id T.
of I
C ton Ont,t
marriage to take /lace quietly thehe
ter part of April.
Clever Eckert, Victim of Accident.' on
Farm of John McMann.
SEAPORTH, April 12. -'Oliver Eck-
ert, 17 -year- old son of 'Conrad Eckert,
of this town, accidentally shot and kill-
ed `himself this afternoon while hand-
ling a .22 -caliber rifle in the barn on
the farm of John- McMann, adjoining
the town.
In some manner the rifle exploded
and part of the
lock was as driveninto
his brain at the inner corner of the
left eye.
He lived about one hour after the
accident; passing away at 6 o'clock
without regaining consciousness.
The following editoritel appeared in
'the Toronto Globe on March Silt: -
Since the beginning of the year
many of the great financial institu-
tions -banks, loan corbpaniee and in-
suranbe. companies -have held their
annual Inset' 1'
1 meetings. T 1 vie of of '
wc sd1-
Worts in 1924 by officers and
era there has been unanimity on one
point -that the West is emerging
from its troubles and is taking 0 cnu
fident, cheerful view of (be future
'this was the theme -of an interesting
letter in The Globe by 0. M, Bowman,
Chairman of the executive of a large
insureutce company which has carried'
on 0 mixed -farming tend• sweet -clover
campaign among the fanners to whom
it has -rade loans. All euthanasia
are agreed that diversified husbandry
is the sound guarantee of'Western
stability and progress, and that the
at at immediate and imperative erative need
isa policy that n
C t will hasten this Pr t n-
grass. Mr, B,nvrnan thinks tltet'e is a
ft nitful field in Ibis for the lotto com-
panies, and suggests a Mtn) of irrt-
tftediate credit, between the long-term
mortgage and shod -term batik ad-
vance, to enable the farmers to fire
Deice milk cows, brood sows and cattle
for winter feeding. which are1rquired
ora welebelauced production. Such
a system would bting about a closer
en -operation of borrowers and lenders,
w th advantage to both.
Alccording to the Grain Growers!
Guide, the introduction of sweet 'clover
has been "the greatest single factor .111
makingpossible the cite
p s ages by whi.:h
farmers tae adjusting themselves fro
the economic conditions o( tIse times."
The Farm and Ranch Review of Cal-
gary ae similar testimony to the re-
mkble'results obtained from this
valuable forage plant alt over; the West.
In his letter to elite Globe ;Mr, Bow-;
tram says that lands it Southern hs
itoba which had (been abandoned by
Cornier owners had beets changed from
a wi•llderness of weeds toe clean, pro-
ductive and self-sustaining fentns by
the use of sweet clover. The loss
through weeds in 'Manitoba, estimated
by the Agricultural Department at
520,000,000 annually, oat. and will be
elintated as' the farmers adoplt a sound
system of creep rotation.
The West is rapidly combig beck
to its old position with these elements
'of strength and prosperity. It Is find-
ing its own 'remedies and applying thein
in a spirit of self=help and self-reliance,
with the qualities of pluck and persev-
erance which IhaVe made it 'whits it 13,
POst-war adversity !has had its ,Uses in
quickening the pace of the transition
frons dependence on one Drop to the
varied production which' is strengthen-
ing the foundations of Prairie agricut-
lure, The Marquis wheat Worked
wonders In she West, and' sweet abetter
Is playing 'a stlnllar part le the new
stage of development,
Empire Wall Paper
Overlook Quality and
Buy "Empire" Papers
We are now ready to give qnotat•ione on Auto and Buggy
Painting, Ara you going to Paint your House this yeas ?
Let us figure on it. .
13uy Diaappolntmont
Yen Buy Satisfaction
Cnirlplete selection
here, Miami guaranteed the emote es t(t
"Empire" Storea,'lbrontn, Mo
real end Winnipeg.
Sporting News of Interest
8t Oolurnbiehas entered a football
leant in the W. F. A. 111 theintermedl•
tete series.
Newton and'Millhank have combin-
ed and will enter a football team in
the W. F, A,
Mitchell has organized a Base Still
teas i hod is trying to get .a grout) for -
medlar the Intermediate series in the
0. 13. A.
Olinton has entered a team in the
Intermediate Serjar of (Ge Lacrosse
Association, They' won their group
lust year.
The dates of the tournaments al
Goderich are set as follows: Scotch
doubles, July 45; rink tournament,
Aug. 19th.
•A meeting was held on Thursday
evening in the Council' Chamber,
Wingham, to organize a local soft ball
league for the coming eseason. The
following' officers were elected: Pres-
ident --T. 0. Preston; Vice -President
-T. 11, .,Gibson; Sec. -Tress. -H. tL.
Sherbondy; .Manager -R. A. Coutts.
Wingham Bowlers have reorganized
for the season. The club decided, to
df llate with the W. O. B. A. The
dates for the annual tournament and
Scotch doubles tournament were set
for June 24 and Aug. 12, respectively.
Council met on March 3141, with all
the nit'mbere present, minutes of pre.
vione meeting were read and approv-
A represer.tative,of the Sawyer -Mas -
'see, Co., waited on the Council regard-
ing sale of road machinery. Nothing
in thie line was purchased at present,
the Council being of the opinion that
they had sufficient grndels eta., for
this year. In contention with Lite
above it might be stater} that. J. Graig
who has operated the large grader,
successfully in the past, will again, it
is expected, be in charge of tine same
ratios as last year.
Th Clerk was instrn a to
The ct d have a
by 'a v prepared for next' mea ing reg-
ulating the loading and capacity of
motor trucks in the municipality.
The fn lowing Pathnaastere were ap-
pointed :-J. 13. Turneye R. Patter-
son, J. Doerr, 11, J. McGee, W. An-
deepon, W. Stranghan, F. W. Toil, J.
Vincent, Geo. McGowan, J. Caldwell,
W. McGill, J. Dingwall, R. Wilson,
W, Walden, W. J. Rodger, W. J.
Parks, G. Snell, A. E. Walsh, 3. A.
McGill, F. Hayden, P. W. Scott, Wm.
131air, W. Fothergill, M. McDowell,
''red. J. Cook, H. Black, Fred, Cook,
8. Oook, O., W. Scott, J. D. /Index -
eon, 3. E McOnllum, 3. McBurney,
D Stapleton, Win. W r U. Scott,Jae me -
Burney, 0, Whi ht alt
m P. Gibbons
Y. g
Geo. Irwin W. In n
ebnttom .Tile
J Menz-
ies, es F. Thompson, 1V�. G. Reid, W. A,
Outrie, A. Pattison, G. Johpston, C.
Garter, W. J. Elliott, Geo, .Kerr, S.
0. Currie, Currie, R. Stapleton, F.
Davidson. J. Falconer, W. J. Purl -
an, J. Gillespie. D. Beecroft, J. Dow,
J. Mason, A. Bruce, eV. Robinson, T.
Robinson, N. Thompson.
Seed Oats
1000 Bus, Good Seed
Oats for sale. Apply to
J. H.
Phone 2214 ETHEL
or Blyth Phn � e 135
Poundkeepers and .Fence .Vietvets
same as 11» uttet1 v.
The following accounts were paid :
(meats Oatnpbell, filling_ in washout
Owe 4, 51 00 ; The Standard Office,
printing $8.50 ; Thos. Phillips, tile
5315; J. A. Young, payment on the
Deacon Thompson Drain, 5300,00 ;
Ont poratiouof Bled], hall retic Die.
Oout t pur poses, 528.2(1 ; R. A. Currie,
filing cabinet clerk's office $60,00
Cruncil adjourned to meet again at
the call of the Reeve.
Cattle and Hogs shipped from Hur-
on Co. during March 1925 with grad-
Hogs Shipped Direct to Packing Plants
Select 4365 27.5%
Thick Smooth 2971 59.7%
Heavies 182 3.6%
Shop 278 5.7%
Hogs Shipped to Stock Yards 1321
Select , 433 32.7%
Thick Smooth 780 59 %
Heavies 40 • 3 %
Shop Hogs 22 1,5%
Cattle Shipped to Stock Yards.2178
Steers over 1200 labs. 401
Steers 1000-1200 Good 368
Steers 1000-1200 .Common 7
7 00o Good 405
Steers 700-1000 Common 30
Heifers Good 466
Heifers Fair 53
Heifers' 'Corftmon 7
Cattle Shipped Direct to Export 444
Clover v Hon
e3T 15c
Honey Y
Lloyd Hupfer
Phone 6to-5 Wroxeter
The Buckeye
Colony Brooder
• r c^^
s.,r. 17 711 .-t, s�.:._ ;b"..
flue Grew
Greatest Coal Burning Brooder Ever Invented
Self -Feeding Self -Regulating Everlasting
No. 18
With No. 42 Hover capacity-
any nlunbee of newlyhatched
chieke up to 500.
No. 19
With .No, 52 Hover capacity -
any number of newly Thatched
chicks up to 1000.
Buckeye Incubators >bna
de in
Seven Sizes
k Z