HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-4-15, Page 8Our Wall Paper 22 Inches Wide AVES TIME, Ours SEMI -TRIMMED WALL PAPER - IS The kind that saves time and disorder THE in Hanging. " We will be pleeeed to show you throughour large range of Patterns. The designs are up.to-date and the values are bet- ter than they have been for a long time, Beautiful Patterns Formaldehyde Hlibalf Mettle BGttlettle 60c 35c Two Specials for this week No. 1 A Cake of Jonteel Soap free with a purchase of Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powder. All Shades 50c. No. 2 FREE A Graduated Glass Measuring Cup with a purchase of Vanilla. Large bottle 86c This Vanilla is very strong and economical to use, Get Your Kodak Out Take some Pictures now that the fine Spring days are here, Eastman Films and Supplies. Films Developed and Printed. F. H. SMITH e/.tbrd Store Druggist and Stationer Voxel 3,4etus Pins GARDENING work is quite general. EASTER Monday was a bank holiday. Pissarro tackle is coming to the fore. NEVER take off today what you may need on tomorrow. THE pussy willows are the favored wild growth which people are gathering just now, THE one thing that worries the village gardener just now is, how to keep oat his neighbors' chickens. DON'T cut corners over someone else's lawn,—keep to the sidewalk and help the fellow with civic pride keep bis grass green. Enlarged Office.— Robert Thomson has bad his private office enlarged at bis plant. which will be much more con- venient. THE autumn-pianted bulbs are peep- ing above ground, and the buds are al- ready on the trees. Who will say Spring is not here ? Ir you have anything to sell, let the public know of it by placing a small adv. in THE POST. Others find this custom very satisfactory, Wby not you ? Schools Re -open Monday.— Brussels Continuation School and the surround ing Township Schools will resume work on Monday after the Easter vacation, A Busy Spot.—Up at riV,aiter Rose's chicken farmeveryone is on the jump these days. Day old chicks are being shipped out on all trains, to all points. Book of Information.—The Can- adian National Railway has issued a pocket sized booklet giving the best in- formatiou about camping and wood lore, which touristsill w fiad most useful. SPRING seeding commenced at the ❑t O a to Agricultural Col1e ge last Thursday, thirteen days ealier than last year. 'in 37 years the average date of seeding bas been April 16, LIICKNnw SENTINEL.—Rev. T. Wes- ley Cosens, Messrs. W. E. Treleaven and D, C. Taylor attended the funeral of the late W. H. Kerr at Brussels on Tuesday Mrs. Olive Treleaven was in Brussels for a few days of the past week and while there attended the fun- eral of an old friend, W. H. Kerr, An interested Visitor. Alter ar ab - settee of 35 years, Prof A.ex H. Kay, Dundas. was in town last week and re- newed friendships with former memb- ers of the old Brussels Band, which was, in his time as leader 4o years ago, the 33rd Huron Regt. Band Many of the girls of yesterday met him, when be instructed them in the art of piano play- ing, along with violin lessons and all band instruments for the boys. For e man of 86, he astonished them all. In a walk about town, he was soon able to recall the old homes of former citizens, Prof. Kay is an uncle of Mrs, W. H. Kerr. It was a pleasant visit although be came on a sad mission,: Want Brussels to Join.—At a ladies' softball meeting at Palmerston ma Good Friday, it was unanimously decided to organize a district league. The league will accept eutrils from Drayton, Moorefield, Palmerston, Listowel, Brus. sets. Wingham, Harriston, Drew, Monet Forest, Durham, Henoner and from aby other teams in the vicinity Mr. Steinberg, of Mount Forest, was chosen chairman of the meeting Walt- er Hawke was elected to the office of secretary proton. James Mahoney, Palmerston, will act as corresponding secretary until stroll time as officers are elected, He will set the date most acceptable in catling a general meeting, to draft rules, The feeling was to get the league under way at once, so that affiliation with the Ontario body might be secured, Special fur this Week MEN'S WORK BOOTS Made from the Munson Model—the last of the day—the model the Un- ited Statee Arm y used ln, the war and will fit and wear well. To introduce this Boot we are mark- ing then' down to *53.175 A regular $4.00 Boot BOYS' BOOTS Your inspection is Soho iced of ]t fine range of Boys' Boots now in stock -None better. R. W. FERGUSON 5 Alvin H. Oakley 'has had the phone installed at his house. His number is 101 --ring 3. Fire Brigade Out.—Saturday evening the fire brigade was called out owing to a chimney fire at the Terrace. No damage was done. Will Teach at Ethel,—.Miss Ella Fra- ser has secured a position in the Jun- ior room on the Ethel school staff and commences her duties on Monday. We 'wish her sudcess at her work. Real Estate: — Walter Williamson has purchased the brick cottage of the late Mrs. James Ferguson, Turnberry street, D. McTavish has 'purchased the home of Wes. Armtrong, MW St., and gets .possession in May. Euchre and Dance.—The Brussels Foot Bail Club are holding a euchre party and dance to the Brussels Opera House on Friday evening, IApril 17th, so that funds will be in the Treasury for the Football season. 'Come and help the boys. Advt. on page 1. Brussels Will Enter League:— The Brussels Ladies' Soft Ball Team will • enter the new league being formed at Palmerston, Russets Girls covered themselves with glory last year and should be able to repeat this year. Executor's Saler— The Executor of the estate of the late Mrs. James Fer- guson is Bolding an auction sald of household effects at the home, on Turnberry street, on Saturday, April 25th at 2 o'clock. D. M. Scott will be the Auctioneer, Women's Institute.— The Women's institute will meet in the Public Lib- rary at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Topic will be 'the "Laws of Ontario" taken by Mrs. Geo. Weiler. Current events, Mrs. Andrew Lamont, Rall scall, 'How to 'prevent ravages of moths." Come and bring your friends, Snow Flakes and High Wind.—East- er Sunday morning looked disastrous for the Spring hats when snow flakes began to fall, but the sun soon dispel- led the gloom. Towards evening a high wind passed over but no damage was done, Why Not 52 Weeks?—April 19 to 25 has been proclaimed: "Save the Forest" week. The Minister of the Interior is stressing strongly for great- er care and ,protection of our forest wealth. In outlining the situation he states that. the protection and per- petuation of the Dominionts forests are vital to the continued industrial welfare end national strength of Can- ada and to the health, comfort, and 'prosperity of the Canadianpeople. Tennis Club Organised: —« The Brussels Tennis Club was ,re -organised on Tuesday evening for the season. Following are the ofircers;—President, F. M. Wilmot; Vice President, J. L. Kerr; Secy. -Treasurer, Jas. Fox; En- tertaining'Committee--Mrs. G. R. Wel- ler, Misses Kate Arne nt Jean Fox Mary McNabb, Florence Buchanan; n Membership and Tour p Tournament— Miss Milliere G war, Geo. Buchanan and J. L. Kerr; Grounds—Jas. Fox, F. M. Wil. mot and Dr, White. Bowlers Reorganised:—On Monday evening the Brussels Bowlers,reorganiz- ed for the season with the following officers Hon. President, Reeve A. C Baeker Presidentt, Geo. R. Weller Vice President, N. F. Gerry Secretary -Treasurer, A, Strachan Grounds Committee;—D, C. Ross, Dr. White, S. Plum and R. Downing, ,The Treasurer reported a ,surplus and everythng points to a prosperous sra- son for the Bowlers. Foii sale or to rent, a 0 -roomed frame house on M111 street. Apply to W. F. ScasanON 1 POTATO/r8 ion BALE.-, Quantity of Green Mountain and Early Ohio Potatoes for sale at 50c a bag. W. H. BAKER, Phone 605 48.1 WAITE B1oeeern sweet Glover peed. Govern- ment te010d end free from all noxious weeds. 87.60 per bushel. 42-tf Phone 560 J.P. Morxzoon POTATOES for sale, 50o a bag. Phone 2811 Wu. ELLAOOTT. BARRED and White Rock eggs for hatching, from best laying strain. to an egg. ALEX DUNBAR, Ethel. 49-4 Phone 589, Baca -to -lay Barred Rock Eggo for hatching, at 10 ots more than market price bat not less than 55o per dozen, Also maple syrup. Phone 2410 WA,, SIONAIR, 40 tf Can. 15, Grey. Hoose for sale, apply to ALVIN H, OAKLEY. 48-1 Phone 101r8 STABLE for dale. Apply at 413.tf Tun POST. QUANTITY of choice Seed Pees and Seed Potatoes for sale, Phone 597 42-61 W44, Meese. Fon SALE.—Dominion Organ in good condi- Sion. Apply at Toe PosT. 42•tf - at 27 W per bnehell.. sweet Clover el Seed Bare ley. Wroxeter Phone S02r7 WEr. GRATED ER, Lot 27, Con. l Grey. FOUR 2 -year-old steers for sale. 42-tf HARVEY DOBSON, Phone 8616, 8. C. Whitg Leghorn ma for hatching, 10c per dozen above market price but not less than 85c. Atrx. P5R555, R . No. 9, Brussels Phone 2516 4241 FOR SA/A.—Large Pekin Duck egg°, also Mus Eovy duck eggs, 41•tf Phone 2810 QaANTITr of English t ey for sale. 6 w e 4091 Seed Bari. 41.52 Phone4091 JNn, MONADn, Brussels. SEED GnATN,--Quantity of Seed Derby for sale also Seed Onto. Phone 400 40-11 ALBERT WHITFIELD CATTLE wanted for pasture. Plenty of wat- er and good grave. 4042 Phone 5116 J. A. Nrcoso. PASTURE Farm for rent, 100 acres, 22, Con. 6,Grey. e B y ex test r p a e n lair n 1 Grey , good Sonne - a OOda Paha de and s nn wet r. goring 0 ae-ti DAVID MILNa, Ethel FOR SALE.—Banner Beed seta, grown from registered seed, first prize in Howlok Field Crop Competition 1024, 29s 15 BALL, Phone 017-17 Wroxeter, R. R. No. 2. Leghorna,, 4205eoed oats, leek 0 A. C. No. 727 and seed Timothy. JAS. PERI{TE, Phone 2516 Meeting in Toronto.—The 64th an- nual meeting of the Ontario Education, Association is being held at the Uni- versity, Toronto, this week. Dragging the Streets: — With .the April showers the last two days the Town Council have had the drag out on the back streets, and a good Job is being done. Inspected Organ.—Three auto loads of church members from the Evan- gelical church, Listowel, were in town on Good Friday inspecting the organ of the Methodist church. They were quite satisfied with the organ. CLEAN-UP time is again with LS, The departure of the snow left many very unsightly back yards that will require prompt attention. Don', neglect this important matter. Clean up at d get ready for the annual sanitary inspection. Cantata Well Rendered: — The Cantata "The Resurneclfon end She Life" given by the Methodist Church Choir on Good Friday evetling was well rendered, but the audience, in number was only fair. The :complete program Was ;published last week. Dies Suddenly.—John D. Grant, one of London's most promising young bustnes men, iclo afternoon died at his Brom hearteon ifail- ure, in 'his 41st year. His widow was formerly Miss Lulu Ashplant, a neice of Mrs, (Rev,) S. J. Milia, and. visited at the paronage In 'Brussels when Rev. and Mrs, Atha resifted here. The de- ceased also weaves three young chil- dren. • Administrator's Sale —�-4 Pursuant to 1netruotlons from the ender• signed Adminiatrstorof the estate and effects of William Miller deceased, there will be offer. ed for sale by Public Anation, en the premises, by D, M. Scott Req. Auctioneer, on Wednesday, the Twenty_ ninth day of April, A. D. 1925 at the hour of Two o'clock In the ofternoon, the following velneble Farm property eompee' ed of the South half of lot number Fifteen in the Fifth Conoeesi0n of the township of Mot, rin In the 501:11ty, of Heron, containing one Hundred aures of land more or 1090. eta Upon this tion a is Nenk barnOwith std I. lag underneath Ond a Driving Shed, nil of which aro in geed repair. The Farm to emetically All cleared, In good state of enitivntlen and conveniently situated as to ebnroh and ,ebool There will also be offered for sole at the entn0 time, seven sheep, 0Om0 " ever ty ave baehele of Data a w4 n be offered of or rad 00060, jeThe oe reserve bids a d 1h8 tersnenof nib. In wash to bbolpaied Inc the time cent. of salepandhthe Warm within thirty days thereafter, And an to the chattels the terms will be cash, Further particulars may be had upon of, plication to the undersigned. D M. SCOTT, A. H. MAODONAD, W. Auottehoor. Adm)nintrator M, Slnafnlr, eonoltor for the Admlhietr.tpr .-. _ .. Dated tat fs Fifteenth day of April A. D,1026, it 1.1 11A Jb n 1..1FIFTY i! f 5.1 1 # il !E it ]t It , Ap g ft it .1l Q a ft lig it !1 arq,0 o � 8A y� ��tt., o 20 The Most Liquid ;imestmeut SAVINGS Bank Account le pritln- A aptly an investment, Hut it is the only iaveetment yielding a fain rate of interest, that is avaible for your EmefgenCiee BANKING p YEARS use at a momef,t'e notice, can he immediately met by tile bank aa• count that hes been eonsietently develop. ed, Your investment, as snob. yields reg- ular returns in interest, Your invest- as a bank account yields constant satiefaction and peace of mind in the fact that it le always ready for other uses without the trouble of converting into cash. STANDARD DARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH—C. H. Semis, Manager Personal Paragraphs 1 • Mr. Scott, of Goderich, spent the week mad in town, Rev. J, P, McLeod was a visitor in Toronto this week. Lorne Duoford, Detroit, was an Easter visitor in town, Miss Eva Bryan, of Toronto, is home for the Easter vacation, John Fergasoo McCrae, of Toronto, was an Easter visitor in town. Miss May Skelton, teacher at Wiarton. is home for the Easter holidays, Miss Ida Rands, teacher at Toronto, is home for'dhe Easter vacation. George Irwin, of Toronto. was an Easter visitor with Walter Lowry. Miss Pearl Seeker, teacher at Toron- to. is home for the Easter holidays. Miss Edna Brown, of Toronto, was an Easter visitor with Miss Jean Walker. Miss Helen Baeker. is visiting with her uncle, Robt. McArter, at Burford. Mrs. A. C. Baeker and Miss Mary were visitors in. Listowel last week, Miss Marian Lowe, Oxenden, neer Wiarton, was home for the Easter vaca- Mrs. Alex -Roe and Miss Mary were Easter visitors with friends in Tor- onto. Dr. Harold Armstrong, of Toronto, was au Easter visitor at the parental home. Sam. Bell, Teeswater, was an Easter visitor at the home of Allan and Mrs. Lamont. Peter McDonald, of Milverton was an ' Easter visitor with his brother, Dougald McDonald. Dr. and Mrs. Lackner, Knehener, were Easter visitors with J. and Mrs. Fertuson. Mrs, John Oliver and Miss Florence were visitors witb Wingham friends last week. Will. Strachan, of Toronto, spent the Eastertide with his parents, Alex, and Mrs. Strachan. Miss Muriel Sperling, who is teaching at St. Catberines, is spending the East- er vacation at her home in town, Miss Carrie McCracken, who is on the Toronto Public School Staff, spent the Esster vacation at her home here. Wyman and Mrs Sperling, of London, were Easter visitors with the former's parents, Fletcher and Mrs. Sperlg Dunina . McKinnon and George Hall were in Kitchener on Good Friday and also attended the meeting of the .t. F. A Mrs (Dr ) Cavanaugh and Miss Irene re'uroed to their home in Owen wound, after spending a week with j. J. and Mrs Gilpin, Nesbit Hamilton, was in Kitchener on Good Friday representing the Brussels Foot Ball team at the annual meeting of Me W. F. A. Mr and Mrs, Swartz, Montreal, are visiting with their daughter, Mrs, Geo. R.. Weller. Mrs. Swartz will remain for a wtek or two longer A. W. L, Gilpin, sales manager of the Ford Company at spent Detroit, eat Easteru Y S oda with his parents,Mr. s and Mrs. J. J. Gilpin. p - G. GCr w c a ford, from the Head n Office, 'Toronto, is the relieving man- ager at the Bank of Nova Scotia, for the next three weeks. Mrs. Walter Rose is visiting in Tor- onto. Mrs. Berry, Walton, is visiting with Mrs. George Manners. E. le, Matthews, Forest, was an Easter visitor with Mrs Ida Lowry. Mrs. E. T. Bell, of Toronto,.is visiting witb her mother, Mrs. Jas Speirs ' Jim" Lowry, Toronto, spent Eas'er witb his mother. Mrs. Ida Lowry. W. M. and Mrs. Sinclair spent the Eastertide with their daughter, Mrs, Clark, at Hamilton. George Bnchanan, teacher at Hailey - bury, is spending bis Faster vacation at Ms home in town. Mrs, James Bowman, Mrs. Jno. Gal- braith and Miss Wilma are visiting in Toronto this week Miss Viola McLeod, of Moncrieff, spent the Easter holidays with her uncle, Chas, Forrest. Will. Lowry and Miss Rela Lowry, London, spent Good Friday with Walter and Mrs. Lowry. Brien and Mrs. Scott and Miss Jean, of London, were Easter visitors with Peter and Mrs Scott. George Edwards, of London, was a visitor In town on Easter /Monday at the parental home, F. M, and Mrs. Wilmot and son are :mending their holidays at Mrs. Wil. mot's home at Haileybury. L. L. and Mrs McDonald and daughter, Toronto, were Easter visitors with J. and Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. I. Parker was at Ethel on Tues- day evening, assisting the Ethel Meths. dist Choir at their Cantata. Fred and Mrs. Mee and son, Bob, of Stratford were Easter visitnrs et the home of Walter and Mrs Wilbee. Mrs, George Rogers and Miss N%oa Rogers, of Mount Forest, were holiday visitors with A C. and Mrs, Dames, Mrs David Walker was a visitor at New Hamburg last week. Miss Betty Walker returned with her and will spend a week or so here. Miss Gertrude Ross, of the teaching staff of the Toronto Public Schools, is speeding the Easter vacation with her parents, D. C. and Mrs Ross Last week Miss Jane Mitchell took a week spell and has since been cobloed to her home with an attack of pneumon- ia. Her many friends will hope for a speedy recovery Leslie Humphries and daughter, Mary, and son. Walker, of Toronto, were visitors at the home of Samuel and Mrs. Walker, Miss Mary is coetinuing her visit here. ' Miss Jean Ferguson and Mac and Donald Ferguson are pending the Easter holidays with their uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs Lackner at Kitchen• er. On Sunday at the evening service in Knox Church, Goderich, Miss Margaret Wilson, a former Brusselite, sang a solo, "God shall wipe away all tears", in the Cantata, "The Resurrection", Henry Welsh, of Weston, was a visi'- or in this locality lest week. He was at Ethel attending the funeral of his neice, the late Agnes Bishop. The viritor is 8o veers old and bale and hearty. He was s former resident s dent in Grey Town- ship.. Old friends in Brussels s will r •I.' end oneratulations to Mrs. Thos Maunders, ow of Detroit, who is celebrating an• • other birthday. Mrs. Matted -ter is hay ing good health, and we hope it may continue for many years. • Sow Good Seed A quantity of Registered Banner Oats, grown by a noted grower, while they last, $1.50 per bus. A nice lot of Timothy Seed, No. 1 -Purity, $4.25 per bus. White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Seed at attractive prices. Seed Government Standard and Scarified. Phone or call J W SANGSTER Phone 14, Nights 212 LISTOWEL ltpays iv use MARTIN SE HOUR WOOD -LAC STAIN for Furniture—Floor A rv420 irork Write to Head Offles, Mo fit f Booldst HOME PAINTING MADE uhf' SOLD BY Geo. R. Weller BRUSSELS Fox's Drug Store The 2),,,e414411' Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Flashlights and Batteries We make it a P010 60 keep our stook re- newed frequent. ly eo you can depend on our Batter being in good shape, We have Agarol IThe New Mineral Oil in two eizes- 75c and $1,60. This is a very fine product. Penslar Cod Liver Extract Our very Best Builder and Tonic. TRY IT Ammnimft New - Wall Paper E naturally think that when we open out our new stock of Paper each season that it is just about right. Anyway this is what we think of this sea- son's display and we would like you to drop in and take a stroll through the pictures, There are some very pretty ones and the prices are a bit lower than last year. Formaldehyde 4o p, c. Solution LOOKS more like seeding now and we are prepar- ed to do our part in the process. We realize that the BEST is always the cheapest and you can depend on our Formaldehyde as the VERY BEST that can be bought, Are you going to me Dyeing? We have all the different kinds of. Dyes DIAMOND DYOLA SUNSET ZIITS Always Fresh Seasonable Drugs MOTH BALLS CHLORIDE of LIME COPPERAS GILLETS' LYE Blue Grass Condition Powders FOR Horses is our old reliable 25c per pkge. FOX'S DRUG S TORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATION Mrs. C. White and children', were AUCTION sale Easter visitors with her father, Reeve Henneberg, at Wroxeter. Rev. D. B' McRae is spending the week with his son, Dr. T. T. McRae, and daughter, Mrs. J. Ferguson, Miss jean Ferguson, of Toronto, was a visitor with her cousin, Miss Mary Helen Kerr, Good Friday night, Misses Doris and Marjory Ross, of Toronto University, spent the Easter week end with their parents, D. C. and Mrs. Ross. BORN HORNINp.—In Listowel, on Wednesday. April 8. 1026, to Mr. and Mre. Ronbe Horning, of Paltoeroton, a daughter. NEILL —In Turnberry, on April. 8th, 1026, to • Mr. and blre. Ira Neill, a daughter. DIED DONB&n.—In Grey Twp. on April 0th, Margar- et Annie Campbell, beloved wife of E. Stan- ley Dunbar, aged 87 years and a days, SATURDAY. APRIL 25th.—Houaebold &o„ theroperty of the late Mre..00 son, Salle, unreserved, at 2 o'clock, nt home, Turnberry street, Bruesele. tJ gnaon, Executor; D. M. Scott, Aaotto•'. elf BRUSSELS MARKET' Fall Wheat ....,....... —.....,... _. 41 95 11 85 Peas....... ...._.._ .11• 1 10 Harley. 65 65 Orta._ ......................_..._....... 40 90 Buckwheat 65 e6 ButterB....«....... ................. - 86 24 80 1 ggs 2 Hogs 12 76 1276 Young Bulls for Sale Pedigreed Durham Bulls, readyfor service. Alec a quantity of 2 -rowed Barey, the kind to mix with sato for mixed Bruin. 48.8 THOS. MILLER, Phone 1618 Mouse -cleaning Specials —AT TIIE— Red Front Bargain Store Come and inspect our large range of Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Congoleums, Curtain Material, Towelings, Linens, Carpet Sweepers, Curtain Rods, Win- dow Shades and many other lines of House Furnishings. Ladies' Sweaters In Spring Styles from $3.25 to $4.50 Ladies' Hose Silk Hose from 65c 'pair up Heavy Cotton Double Ribbed Top pr. 23c Gingh,ains to different patterns of 32 inch Gingham At 27c yd. Ladies' Vests Fine quality ea, 49c Ribbed Vests 39c Extra Special 1 9c Watch Our Windows The owes , h Sound Carpet and furnishings Co. p g JNO, H. HART Phone Ioox JAS. GRIMOLDI3Y