HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-4-15, Page 5BU INLS148 OAR08 THE Indtsstrlal 1Mlortlgalge and • SeWInge Grammarian, of Starrolo I Ontario, ere I1prepared to advnnoe money 00 I moneyaoneferia 1110(tgugee wilt please dextrins 1 Janes Lowen lienrorth Out , who wilt fur., ,hall rates and other particulars, The Industrial Mor*Ragp and B0Ving,s Corllpany AGENT FOR Fire, Automobile and Wind ins, COMPANIES For Reversals and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES NI'FAQZEAN ._ Agent Bawd Mutual Fire Insurance Cempaay Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Worms Phone 44 Box f Tnrnberry Street, Brussels JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED IRISWJ.tJVC2 0. M. SCOTT ziesdW,s70D a VCSVO.Wisfl PRICES MODERATE' For references consult any person whose wiles S hove. officiated d at. Phone 78x or eb DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Pay and night voila, Office oppoaIto Flour titin, Ethel, T. T. M' RAE M. B. M. C ,P �s o , at, 0. a., Village omussels Physician, Surgeon, A0Oenahoctr Omosat residence, opposite blot' lite Uhurch winidu, street, W. M. 81.1Vaff.114 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK B USSELS r "0 - Atimi2gDI frA9s aP 4 a 9,2Ss 4 Winter Term from Jan. Rh CENTRAL BUSINESS OLLEGE "i'ATFORD, , ONT, menial lite offers greater opppor- „�les than does tiny other nailing. ntlal graduates sebum gond ma- le. Wereceiveinure nails for train. than welfare student, grade - rite the oollegeat once and get Catalogue, it cony interest you. A. Al'LAOHLAN, PRIN." P7 5r 58Iuv.oyatak rgri✓,rufaistbv'YAv;✓ ./6,,,, 0 f JLC . H Car, Yon a and Almandar Sts. Toronto t No1Pd low tsrh,F h rade x 4101. on any i ,t students from Other R service. Many D students in other aoco he Cduringlleges ... P� have been to v 1160an10. Itu during ' 5 the past twelve mouths. Enter any re. times 4. 1, . rite for catalogue. P.W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINOIPAL. F krai tteawOze'Gaaiae•esseerana,`,i Heavy Hens WANTED Highest market prices paid. See me or Phone No. 2x, Brus- sels, and 1 will call and get your Hens. M. Yollick Does Your Pen Qualify ? YRS I It's a Waterman's s Any Fountain Pen's use - fatness depends upon I.hl'ee things— 3. The Nib The Ink Bu l T pp!► The Flow The nib trust tonfnrr"—the ink 5nppYt ewer he era., 1 „uw=». 1 !h•• f1 16.11 ! ,, "'4h , 11 1.'1111• 11 11 u F,I I , , t I, ,yl 1,10• style of halal e rilii u Priem' $2 60141,11 up Selection and Service at our Shop AItSo Waterman's ink Small bottle or bulk, J. R. ndt Jeweler Wroxeter W A WAN7.'ED Millie ng itrGivegus sRan ed of Wheat te t' okra expense if you have ally to .sell, No teo3Jble lu quote prices, ,Alt J<Inda of Flour and Feed For Bolo T. G. Herlrrphill, WROXETER FRONDS Flour 4,1 ill 21 Split Pea Mill .29 Night pall 60 April showers We hope will bring May flowers. Silence is Golden.—A fish never gets hooked as' long as he keeps his mount Shut, If Editors Printed.—ff newspapers printed all the editors know, general conversation would. 1be more animated and Interesting, Arrange Annual Gathering. Ar- rangememrs were im'ade at Toronto to hold' the annual gathering of the-Soolat Council of Ontario in Toronto early In May. Ready for Spring Business. --.Now is the time to go through your office stationery r and or Y s Elie i up lines which you are low, The Post is prepared to glve you service and suggestions and satisfactory prices. Plebiscite Returns. The Modera- tion League hes issued a ,pamphlet which gives a complete comparative statement of the returns of the pleb- lsctte' in Ontario, 1919 and; 1924, In every constituency. What difference does It make—the' majority voted -Dry, and Premier Ferguson makes it Wet. Western Coal For Ontario.— Can- ada's first serious effort to make her- self less dependent on +wail from the States will take form. within a few weeks when. more than fifty trains of Alberta coal .will move eastward, into Ontario to be sold to 'the householders of the province. Wants Excursion ligates Back. — A proposal° to restore . the pre-war ex- cursion rates on the .railways' is again before Parliament. While conditions have changed greatly in the last 'ten years, Snaking the running of excurs- ion trains much more costly, It looks as if railways were losing good busi- ness in not encouraging holiday and week -end traffic, Fines i, Huron Co.—Huron County police court' reports show 29 cases dealt with'during March, with a total of $165 in eines collected, an decrease over March Last year, when 20 cases and t G fines S es wet 5,, ereported. O the increases there were 1t adjournments and 18 'convictions, with 6 jail sen- tences handed out from 1 to 12 months for vagrancy, forgery and abduction. There were 6 .cases nuder the 0. T. A., all being convictions The Town Councillcar,—.Man that hath to do !with the public business ;5 of )few days and full of trouble, He cometh forth in the morning with high hopes and ere the setting of the sun of thst day he hath met with many reverses and continueth not. Yet, 011 Lord, have compassion on the children 0f Thy creation that have to 'do with the public •business. Be present and administer them comfort in time of trouble, for or the arei in trouble e most of the time. t Reube Horning Back at Work—Tic many friends of Reube Horning wit be pleased to learn that he 454.5 able to re- turn to work In the C. N. R. Offices last Friday. Mr, .Horning had a long siege of confinement having his leg fractured last September, While the injured limb is not normal as yet It seems to be gradually improving. Reube states that he i5 glad to get back to work after his enforced Nay -off but states that he is through with base- ball for goad,—Palmerston Spectator. It's too bad Reube didn't quit baseball years ago and the old Wellington .BaSe- Ball League might be going yet. Placing Home Boys. ---.,For a num- ber of fears Miss -Hattie Baker, of Ful- lerton, has been interested in finding hoines for boys who have come from juvenile courts In cities and who have not had a chance 'to make good and at present she has thirty boys placed. In (tomes In this vicinity. There is talk of starting a boys farm, in Fullerton and in connection with this, a meeting was held at the home of Miss Baker on Saturday night and those present were: Rev. T. Albert Moore, superin- tendent of the Socket Service and Mor- al Reform work of the Methodist church; Dr. F. J. R. Forster, of Strat- ford, and F. A. Campbell, of Mitchell. A committee of seven was appointed to supervise the movement and in an- other year in all probability, a boy's farm in Fullerton twill be a reality. Departmental Exams,— Time tables for the 1925 Departmental' Examine - lions have been issued. It is only those who have edperieneed these ex- aminations that have any idea what this means It brings a black cloud over the horizon for mins a pleasure- Invieg student. He realizes that the terns 1 steadily ea I drawing Is t to a clnae Y g and that 's n no his various shortcom- ings, of which he probably has a num- ber, will be mercilessly drawn forth. by 1 departmental 'exam. There is a sink- ) Ing feeling, known to many, as 'the day on which the Latin and Algebra exams ' will be tried, is tooted an the time- , table issued, The Middle and Upper, School exams start on Monday, Juue 22, with the chemistry exxaln1. Lower School 'begins on Tuesday with a test in Canadian history. The trials are put to Mosteof 1444 Munnhere will conclude of July 6, while the Lower'Sclfool will have 'lied all exams by Jtine 26. ,A Chars* le Moder-1-ln MAmorl.ale notlsea charges are ,made at The rata 04 50 cents for the notice and verse of 1Sour Ones, beeir additional ,four 1i11es 95 cenie extra, Making this Final Tour.e-eOn the Jest 'tour that •he will maks as General. Superintettdent Of the Methodist IChurch in !Canada, ,Rev, S, D. Chowan Is now Making an official visit through the Mat4tlme Provinces, Will Handle All Orders,—The lints - sets Post's, Job Printing Department Is fully equipped to handle 'a71 orders for n11114ng. Our; type is new and nut presses adjusted to turn Out Ile best class of work. Phone J1. Three Ways.—There are three ways in which to find the value of a dollar; one is to find out what you have to give In order to get the dollar; the second Is to spend, It and see what you can get for $ dollar; the third Is to save and see what you can do with- out and still keep the dollar. Stamp is Necessary,—The Listow Banter wrote the department of 'Gus toms and Braise at Ottawa/ to find oo BiurrER Wall, Paper F1, Land FOR LASS MONEY i WANTED This is 4110335/40110 of 1114 year when the Hclusekeep6i'' ie, planning to liltve/0311140 Paper4d, tend Svc al in 1. )1118111013 to shies yant gond values i0 ft big range of \V4411 Pape; s. • Jack McCracken Phone6514 The undersigned 1s in e it widen 40 oil her rent 3110 tunes of land in , 41110 locality for 6433 growing of Flax or w111 fnrttieh the :Seed slut gnarentee to pry t4i0 per ton hm ' il'laxl101ivered 1,r lie uasele. Foe tort4Pr pal'4imalale apply to JOHN MEADOWS Local Manager fop Brussels ARTHUR SYKES Toronto mourn the Toes of u loving and de- voted mother, . 0115 daughter, Pope, Fred. Shosenw, of Detroit, and the two sane above Mentioned. She 45640 el a great horse woman, her greatest - m0tetiel desire being to live in: the t hearts of . her faintly and radiate if It ewes necessaey to put a two cent revenue stamp on a .receipt when the amount is paid by cheque. The rulilig. is that it Is necessary to' put the stamp on the recelpted bill. A number of people have been fined ,for neglecting to stamp receipts. Prepare for your Garden. Medicine, —14 you do not already know how far superior garden medicine is to any otherthat you may obtain In the medicine chest as a tonic in spring =or at any other time of the year, try It. No bring store . can take the place of the vitamins and iron and lime found 711 fresh garden vegetable; and garden vegetables and garden greens; and the invigora4ing effect of garden work to the point of mild fatigue, especially if oneeke will t care e 40tam situ • ' ' m as far a ,possible s ; P an greet .,posture, and to breathe deeply during the work, has 'to substitute in the drug store or the medicine -kit. If you have never tried it before, try the .garden medicine 'this spring. The Licensing of Saw Mills. --4t may not be generally known that an act was 'passed by the Provincial Legisla- ture last year, requiring that all ,sew mills must secure a license from the Minister of Lands and Forests. The act - says: "Every person who con- tructs, erects, or sets up, or conducts or operates a saw mill (without having obtained a ,license from the Minister, shall be guilty of an offence, and for each such offence shall incur a penalty not exceeding $200, and in default of payment thereof shall be liable to ini- prisonanent- for a (period not exceeding six months. Upon conviction of any offence under this act, the Minister may 'cancel any incense issuedto the offender." Paid In Advance Subscribers.— The London Advertiser aptly says there is .hardly another business in the country that deals with so many in- dividuals as a newspaper, and for that reason It becomes all the more diftic- •ult to depart from the strict and fair prectice of 'prompt collection of sub- scription rates. The reader who pays promptly is hdlping make his paper a better • a er• he giving i n encourage- ment ncour e- ment to the whle organization to go. and do better work, to provide more complete news service, to discuss with greater point the issues of the day. The reading public, if they could get the side of 'the question that the of- fice of publication has to face, would be quick to realize 'how .necessary the paid-up subscription is to the succes- MI carrying on sof the : newspaper business. HULLETT DIED 111 PORT HURON —After some years of declining health, aud as the final result of a stroke of apoplexy, these passet1 away at het ore in Port Huron, Michigan,on A til tat ,As Grace- Bateman,widow. of e late Eli Bateman,l o re th n predeceas- ed her scene eight years ago. The te- lltales e -mains were taken to Clinton, Ont, on Saturday'faet and interred in the family plot in the presence cf some of her wat meet friends aud acquaint- ances in life. Mrs. Bateman was the youngest daughter of the late John McMillan, of Hallett Township, Huron County, Ontario, and only surviving sister of R. J. McMillan, of Sea• forth, and Thomas, still residing on the homestead from in Suiten, She was united to her now deceased lure hand in December; 1890, and they lived moat of their wedded life in the State of Michigan, Mr. Bateman hav- ing a well eelablished business in the harness trade at the American Sault for some years, After hie death she lrinde' her home with het' eldest son, John H Bateman, who, up till June. last, '.vas Prnfeeene of Highway En- 4ineel'hlg at the Michigan State Col- lege of Ann Arbor. He now holds a eirnilar position at the Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, and upon hie r enlnvai tharetn, site decided to re- main in the North and reside with her youngest eon, James Laidlaw Bateman, who is a chemical engineer at Ping, Huron. Mrs, Batenrnn was a woman who was widely and favorably known, being 9089eseed of More than ordinary ability and abie to make hosts of friends wherever her Int might be cast, She leaves behind to goodrleso end cheerfulness amongst thoee about her, , ETHEL Vernon Clegg, Tugeeke, Seek, is spending a fele days .with }tis siatel', Mr'e. Leslie Earl, Leet Sunday ate, noon, Rev. Mr. Shannon preached it splendid sermon td a large congregation. The 011011' sang the 11049 Glory Song. Three (eaters containing newsy it. eels from Ethel and Grey, arrived on Tuesday and on account of the fun. eral of the late Editor, they were miaplleed and not found until Tues• day afternoon. We are snrt'y that this happened, but was unavoidable, EDITOR The W. M. S. n . f Knox Ohue • tb bald their monthly niggling on Tues. day afternoon at the horne of Miss Ransom, the Secretary of the Society.. There was a good attendance, and after lunch wae'served, a social hour was spent with Miss Ranson), who le just reenveeing from a broken limb. Woarmee INSTITUTE.—The regular meeting of the Woolen's Institute will be held, in the Institute Loom on Thursday 10th Inst, at 8 p. rn. There ;vi11 be an address by Rev, Mr. Shan- non nn the subject of "Helping Hoye and Gilds to Find Their Life Work " Mrs. Wm, Bremner will give the pap- er "The Value of Separate Purses in the Family." Gond illusion/ program will also be provided. Men as, well as ladies are eot'dialiy invited,' WALTON Geo, E. Ferguson and bliss Jean and Master Russel Boyd, of Toronto, spent Good 'Friday 4914h Robert and Mrs Ferguson., ' Following is the report nettle East- er tests of Walton Senior Room, Those marked with an asterisk uties_ ed one or more examinations. Sr. IV. —Honours : H, McCall. M. Bolger and R. Sboldice (tqual.) Pass : M. Puilard, F, Harris. Jr. IV,—Hon- ours : V. Gardiner, F. Ryan. Pass : L Hoy, M, Valquharson, J. Drager. Sr. III.—Honours : K. Jackson, 0. Me.Call.a P ss: L McDonald, al` n d L Mann Ing, A. Farquharson, V, Carter, N. Murray, *A. Carter. Jr. III.—Hon- nure : E. Shortreed, .Pees 0, Mc- Donald, F. Srnaiidon, E Shaw, R Oat ter, W. Drager, *0. Steiss, B. Shaw, L !Hoy, *L. Steles. D. 4 PRIMER, Teacher, The following is the lemit of the Easter tests of Walton Junior Room Form II Br.—Honours : Wilfred Shortreed, Jim McCall, Dot'nthyDrag- er, Jiminie Murray, Gladys Rmalldon. Pass : Berra Steles, Isabel Farquhar. son, Harold Bolger. (.Mabel Meehan, Lawson Kearney) equal, Ruth Mann- ing. Form II Jr : Pass—Halcyon Chandler, .lean Af ueray, Muriel Dun- dee,Grace Manning. g• Fort Sr.—Form I Norma m '3te139 Gruen Kreuter, Earl Hoy, Go' an, Ryan, nn S *Helen eJ n Far , llaa't- q eort.n F rm I jr.—Excellent Robin- son Hamilton, Helen Saralldon Jane Hondas, Margaret Murray, *Agnes Hood. Good—Kenneth Murray, Al. lan McCall, Gordon Shortreed, *Amy Buchanan, MRs. D. Bot.nrse, Teacher, W. M. 8 -A. very interesting meet- ing of the W, M. S. was hP1d at the home of Mee. Thos, Clark, Welton, on Wednesday last, Mrs.' J. 1,11 109011. Vice- Pres., nncupied the chair. At ter eiueing hymn 668, Mre. R Reid read the Messenger Prayer. The Scripture lesson, 9001 Psaltu WAS read by Mee.' Lawson, Mfrs. Shortreed and Mrs, Drager read articles from the Press on the "Evil Effects of the Teaching of Modernism in Preaching The Gospel in China," Mrs. A, Gar- diner told of the awakening of the women of China who have found Christ, to their responsibility to the illiterate sick and little children of their land. 41re. Oster spoke of "The Evil which nllvnys Resulted from Satisfaction with:What has been Ac• cowplished." We, as n Society meet hold what we Have, We moot press forward to greater- victories. We can not stand still, or we will find nurse!, 989 in th t same condition as this great nation, which instead of going for- ward hat retrograded for hendrede of years. The prayers of the Society were asked for two of nor missionar- ies in Indica, Miss Leddinghaln and EmpireWalle p r SEM C-TRV TITMETa SAVES `I -IMC QUALITY . ' SE4VIkE SA7ISFACTI0N Overlook Quality anti Buy Disappointment Buy "Empire" Papers 111,(7,1 Buy Satisfaction Complete eeleetion here. Pt'ic08 guaranteed the some as et "Empire" Stores, To'ont°, Morainal end Winnipeg. We are now really to give quota,irtre on Anon and Buggy Painting. ,Are you going to Paint your Houten this year 4 Let tar figure on it, "hal a WALTER WY,! LIAM sON ,'Nitre Kilpatrick: Min. Lawarnl and Mrs, Campbell were appointed del Mattes ter the Presbyterial to be held in Luck now 1111 May 197h Airs. Clark, 11.14498, served a dainty lunch In 32 members atylle eIn8e of ills meeting. 'Phe next meeting will he held at the. horne of Mrs: 11 Ort. Htreston 'i 1 May, SEAFQRiN SPRING SNOW It is unusual for fine weather to in• ter fere with the success of a fair, but such wap. the case with the Seafo,th Spring Shaw, for what promised to be one of the biggest showe on record, wee spoiled by the good day. The farmers were so busy, seeding that they were unable to attend. All morning the telephone kept ringi0g, cancelling enlace, but although the latter were reduced, the judges wet e particularly impressed at the quality of the stock. Seaforth still leads as the centre of thbese t.]letav horse dietrf y 1141 Olydes and agricultural classes were among the The prize' winders were : Olydeeclale stallion -R. Burchill, Dublin. PerehEt ron stallion—Fisher & Rey: nolde, Clinton. Standard -bred trotting stallion— John Decker, ji'•, Zurich : John Kent, Centralia. Brood mare in foal.—W, S, Broad - foot Kipper t filly or gelding, 1922, William Patrick, Staffa ; Alex. Wright, Brucefield Allan Vivian, Staffs ; team, in harness, Manning Bros., Londesboro ; mare, filly or gelding, any age, Manning Bros. Sweepstakes—Manning Bras. Brood Intre in foil, [tori Sproat, Kipper ; Atex, Wright, R. Burchill ; filly or peldh,g, 1922, William Patrick, A. and1J. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Robe, Dnig, ji'•, Seaforth ; filly or gelding, 1923, George T. Dale, Clinton A. and J. Hroadlonr, R. Burchill ; filly or gelding, 1924, Gray Bros., Lnndes- hnro ; team in hareese, Alex Sinclair,' KippenWillliam Patrick ; mate, filly or gelding, any age, Earl Sproat, William Patrick, George T. Dale. Sweepstakes—Earl Sproat, Roadster horse in harness—R. Mc- Laren, Rerrhall ; roadster team in harness, Dr, S. H. Rose, Seaforth. Townshin special, three animals, Manning Bros., Hullet Township. Grand G champion—Manning Liens. Hereford bull—John Kenny, Dub. Judges—Light horses. J. F. Brown- lee, Clarksburg ; heavy horses, H. 13, Jeffs, Toronto ; cattle, J. Biggins, Clinton, PERTH COUNTY The St. Marys branch of the 0. P. $ , will be relaid with new ties this season. A report of the test of the Listowel water has been received by Dr. D. b. Ellis, M. 0 H. The test allowed the water to be of an excellent sanitary quality. Garnet Bamford, m d ofL be Listowel eto wet branch of the Imperial Bank Jk of Oat, oda received 4501.4 on Friday last that he !tad been transferred to Niagara Falls, Ont, The farm lately occupied by Chris. Bernard, at Avonton, has been die - posed of, the 100 acres being purchas- ed by Mr. Lesttuan and the fifty acres by Robert Acheson. Wh le removing some of the siding of his house, preparatory to having it bricked, Aubrey Avery,• West Ward. came across a bees' neat from which was removed about fifty pounds of good hnney. Rev. F. W. Duggan, St. Marys, has accepted a callto a church in the west end of the city of Palm Beach, Florida. The church is 111 connection with the old Historic Presbyterian church of the Southern States. Lovina Collison, widow of the hate Alfred Huggins, who was proprietor of the hotel at Monkton for quite a number of years, passed away on Tuesday at her home in that village at the age of 75 years, The deceased woman was,arnong the oldest settlers of the dietrict. E. H. Gropp, Milverton, has dis- posed of his garage business to John Reis for the sum of 820,090 Mr. Reis took possession on April 1, Mr, Gropp retains the Ford agency and will during the coming season, place a nntnber of ears and Fordeon tract- ors, An nil syndicate is being formed in Mitchell vicinity. As there are strong indications of oil being found near Mitchell, an option has been taken on 1,000 neves of land about two miles north of the town and sufficient cap•. ital has been raised In start drilling the h frac wellcouple in 01110 nfw t Pekv. One of the oldest residents of the township of Ellice passer} away at the Stratford General lToopital on 'Wed. trasd night, him av 1 .h 2"• h ' (v O 1,1 1 h per - tom of Sylvt st t H r , eswy ]l teas, d WAR horn in !Vier 77 feat's ago, 34ni1 sopa, rntiyesti 'yea Rnnd he.tlih 41,1111 (4 4045 days before itis death. 11A V11 a ft artier by trade and erected several Il-arne buitdinge, in the enrrotu,dio,g LOW/100p J, E. Willne/0)11y. a' 113111141, em. pinyem of the Listowel Stantlerd office, has diepnsed of ills heeiness at Wakaw, Seek. Mfr, Willoughby started the Wakaty Recorder iu 1013 and teridected a newspaper tint en- 1jnyed a liberal advertleing patronage, eds Mr, t'Vllln y4l 447 ori the Bruno, and is now In poseeesion, Mr. Willoughby does not state hie plans for the fitters). Ft 1W1E's Selected Pure Bred Seed corn reef Uniform, high germination, and La the that batt he procured anywhere. Ufa cage c Fully selected, and thoroughly acclimated to Cenaddan•growing conditions. c. We highly recot4mend the following varieties listed in the order of their popularity. RBNNiE',4 nBST STRAINS OF FLINTS Countto Lomora ow Norms DAKOTA *RENNIE'S neer $'I70I18 OF DENTS Itlea0580 L8AMM4 Wrnyn CAP MILKY Coons Gaon Wacona44 No.T Q14m1 WHrri4 Enamors Reo'Coe EHateog 014, Rinne* Sdnrof &ai ion ihr0{184 Voss tool Dealer or dfrut from WfLUAfMMP trill N N 1C E®LIMITED .. Car. /1DEbAIDE nod JARVIS Streets TORONTO If you cannot obtain kcalll', please write its, gluing your Dealer s address We maintain at Chatham, Ont.,a Seed 'Corn establishment equipped with the moat modern machinery for handling high grade Seed Corn 1614 in which has been installed all the latest improved cleaning; testing and drying machinery of the most modern scientific invention. The Domfafon Seed Inspector fn a recent report stras., the (moor• Noce of reeurthg Seed Corn of the prop.,. quallly for Mu season's planting, the seers weather hoeing canted earurderabk a em.ge to Seed Ren. Westman & Son have pinches - ed J A. Chair hers' farts on the bound- ary. m Ji 9. fro Milverton. erto n, for the sum of $7,000.hntl took possession on Thurs- day, Anril 2101. The Union University at Chengtu, China, under the United Churches of Oanada,'2,000 tniles inland and 18.000 miles from here, has 3 St. Marys Old Boys on its staff, narnely, George W. Sperling, .Homer Brown and Alfred Johns. - Rev, J. and Mrs. Reble and family, Linwood, left on Monday for their home at Hamilton, On Monday of Best week the congregation pleasantly surprised them at their home and presented Mr, Reble with a gold watch, tate addressbeing rend by Charlee Gies. The Ladies' Aid pie - vented Mrs. feeble with a silver cas- erole and Mr, Reble with an umbrella. HURON COUNTY. The Exeter Council made a grant of 550 to their Horticultural Society, A new hardwood floor was recently laid in the registry office. The God- erich Planing Mills had the contract. Dr. Jas, A. Munn, formerly of Tor- onto, son of Alex. and Mrs. Munn, of Hensall, has started a denial practise Tn Seaforth, Mary Stylee, widow of the late Rob. err Keys of Stanley township, died at the home of her son, Benjamin Keys, in her ninety-second year. Miss Greta Fox, assistant superin- tendentf i o W ri ham hospital, oepitul, left to take treatment in the hospital of the Mayo brothers at Rochester, Minn. The Oanada Conference Manch Oon- yenti0,r of the Wormier' Missionary Society will convene in Crediton Evangelical church same time in June. An assault case! from Benmiller. said to be the e(quel of the dispute over the consolidated school question, is before Magietrate Reid, at Goder- ieh. William Deem, of Seaforth, announ- ces the engagement of his youngest daughter, Florence, to Louis Wilt- shire, of Leamhlgton, the marriage to take place eat ly to April, After 14 years of heroic missionary \ work i, n Vest China Rev, and Mrs. Alfred t'e d Johnsre. a g relur❑i, t home. for their second c nd Pu don h in furlough company with their five children. They will spend the summer in Usborne town- siri p. By the supplementary estimates tabled in the Legislature on Tuesday, three schools in Oolborue Township, are to receive payments of grante. S. S. No. 2 is to get 5210 for 1922 and 8570 for 1923 ; No, 4, 8240 for 1922 and $290 for 1928 ; No, 7, 8240 for 1922. CLINTON, April 5 —One of Huron County's oldest and most respected residents, in the person of Agnes Fore• man, wife of the late George Middle- ton, passed away yesterday at Mount Pleasant Farm, the home of ber son, William, in Goderich Township, 1t was about the year 1850 that the Middleton family undertook to clear the land and establish a home in the township, and us a bride of 18 years IVirs, Middleton accepted her ahem of the tesponsibility. The community life of the neighborhood centered a- round the Middleton farm and the lit- tle English church wee called Middleton's in honor of the family and their loyalay to all good works, hit's. Middleton not only ,wade a name, but a life, and leaves a family of six : Mrs, W. G. Broadfoot, Tuckersmith • Mrs, O. 0. Lee, Goderieh ; Reeve C. G. Middle- ton, Clinton ; James Middleton, Seattle ; William, on the hometead, and Mrs, Arthur Smith. Parry Sound. She was ill her 8lst year and •her hus- band predeceased her 12 years ago. The family plot is; in Bayfield, where she will be buried,on 1Vlonday, Seed Oats woo Bus, Good Seed Oats for sale. Apply to J. H. FEAR Phone 2214 ETHEL or Blyth Phone 135 Honey' FOR SALE Clover Honey Fall Honey - 10rc Lloyd Hupfer Phone 610-5 Wroxeter emonmeneoreer Mrs. Hugh Spackman, Exeter, who has been an invalid for over 80 years died on Thursday at the age of Ell years, Her husband was warden of the County many Yeats ago. Mise Wilts, of Olin ton, has taken a position as bookkeeper with the S, M, Sanders Mfg, Co., at Exeter. Miss Witte was former bookkeeper with Jackson Mfg. Oo„ of Clinton, Rev, Mr. Remise, of Zurich, who was recently extended a wrai torous call by the Mildrnay and Walkerton. Lutheran congregations, has declined to accept the invitation to become pastor of these ehurebee. Some m180fean'6got, t 1n some e no - c term tab! e work at t Jt m es P Wy he's on the 6th 'of Turnberry one night re- cently. They%vent to where he was making maple syrup, burned his sug- aring -off pan and evidently used an axe to complete the ruinaticn of it. Many friends of Alex. Carson, both in Remick and Wingham will regret to hear that he passed away in the General Hospital at Saskatoon on Monday, March 80011 Ile had been itt poor health for aortae time but was in the hospital less than two weeks. The remains were bt'nught to the home of his brother, R. 11, Carson, Gerrie, Seed Potatoes Two kinds —both kept pure and sep- arate — "Bachelors" and "Dnoiieo." The Bachelors won first prize at 13ms- eals Fair for three years strtaight. Last year they were second. $1.00 per bag Hatching Eggs Pure bred Hatred Rocks. All pens matched by Fenu's Excelsior Males. Eggs 4c. each White Leghorns, all year-old Nene, Eggs l0c pet' dozen more than market price. Wm. J. Grant, Phone 260 1364100410 P. 0. as l perys o use MARTIN -SENOUR RED SCHOOL HOUSE PAINT /►r Borns ntnd Outbuildings it has no equal Mkits to Head Mice. Montreal for rare pooidlk MOM' PAINTING MACE LAST^ SOLD BY GEO. RI WELLER BRUSSELS