The Brussels Post, 1925-4-8, Page 8Easter at the R exall iota
BE r E
e Wall. Paper
New Easter
l0 , lou feud Sc each
Easter Post Cards
2 for 6e, 10 niter Cards are
always about the prettiest
Garde made,
.Easter Novelties
itntall 1+Rocs Baskets,
Chickens, Rabbits,
Artificial Flowers, .tin,
• A flax of Oh"000lates makes
a nice rerpernbrene5 et this
"Billie Burke" Chocolates
hocola tess x
New Cross Word Puzzle
76s boa
Maxixe Cherries 79G box
Super Assorted Chocolates
$100 pkge
11b, bots, sufficient to treat
About BO bushels grain,boa
e Ib, beta 350
See our Samples of
New Wall Paper
Before Buying
They will please you
Two Specials
for (biN week
No. 1
A Cake of Jonteel Soap free
with a purchase of Jonteel
Cold Oream. Face Powder.
All Shades 50c.
No. 2
A Graduated Glass
Measuring Cup
with a purchase of Vanilla.
Large bottle 35c
This Vanilla is very strong
and economical to use,
Get Your
Kodak Out
Take some Pictures now that
the floe Spring days ate here.
Eastman Films
and Supplies. -
Films Developed
and Printed.
1/XClia Seism
Druggist and Stationer
oral YI etas Items
LENT will soon be over.
Goon FRIDAY is a public, holiday..
COUNCIL met on Monday eveuing.
BANKS wilt be closed on Good Friday,
THE roads wilt soon be in fine shape
for motoring.
THE tulips and hyacinths are peeping
through the rich brown earth.
gigs vacuum cleaner brings smiles to
many a bouseholder these days.
IF you want time to pass rapidly sign
a good aged note due in thirty days.
SrsING plowing commenced last
week on some of the farms hereabouts.
Tars is the pruning season. Quite a
few persons would like to start on the
gasoline tax. -
TBIs is the time for spring cleaning,
painting and tidying the home surround.
Ings generally.
1)0 you remember the old "Sugar Off"
parties at this tene of the year? What.
jolly times they were I
CLEAN up and roll your lawns now.
In a few weeks the lawn mower will
again be in commission.
NEXT time a man tellsyon that talk is
cheap, ask him if he knows bow much a
session of parliament costs.
PAiseees in New York get $15 a dav,
and some young ladies in Brussels paint
just for the love of the art.
Buys Real Estate. -The Goderich
Signal refeie to a former 13 usseli'e —
Wesley Walker has bought the former
F. J. Pridham residence on Nelson
THE Sarnia Observer editor b is been
getting into trouble, for he writes that
girls used to shut their eyes when be•
ing kissed, but now they don't even
keep their months shut afterwards.
Worry on All Sides.—Local grocers
have been notified that egg grading reg.
ulations are being more strictly enforc-
ed. The question of whether to quit
buying eggs and handle 4 4 beer ; or re.
fuse to ileal iu either hriusxhold cos.
modities is causing quite a number of
wrinkled brows.
Roe, of town, attended the funeral of
the latter's uncle, George Multhollaod,
at Seaforth, on Monday afternoon. De.
ceased was a former resident of the 5th
line of Morris Township, and will be re
membered by the older members of this
section. He Was fn his 87th year.
A CORRECtInN,--Ia last week's issue of
Trot Pose the reference made to the
death $t Mrs, Duncan Stewart, who
died in Oakland, Cal , stated that de-
ceased went South re years ago for the
benefit of, her heeltb. This was a mis-
take as Mrs. Stewart had enjoyed the
best of health until a couple of years
Won't Permit Loitering.-- Notices
from the Department at Ottawa hove
been posted in all post offices the past
week or two. warning the public that
the post office lobby is'noplace for lo9-
ering, smoking or setting. Anyone
who violates the law in this regard. i3
liable to a fine Cot exceeding $5 and
ofliciala have instructions to report in.
fringments of the law to the deparment,
Taxpayers are Patient and Long
Suffering. -The .Ontario Government
has placed $66,oco in the supplement-
ary estimate to provide increased sitar-
1es and indemnities for cabinet ,minitt•
ers and . members of the Legislature.
There was no mandate from the people
for any such 100506se; but in such a
matter itis not the custom for govern-
ntentsand legislators to wait for a man.
date. The people are patient and long.
suffering, and governments and legiela•
torsknow ft.
QUANTITY of eholce Seed Pens and Seed
Potatoes for male, Phone 587
4241 Wu 51 OeES,
Fon SA -Mt. -Dominion Organ in good condi-
tion. Apply at Tun POST. 411f
YELLOW blossom sweet Clover seed for sale
at 57 00 per bushel. Also quantity of Seed Bar-
ley. Wroxeter Phone 602r7
Lot 27, Con. 1 Grey
FOUR 2 -year-old steers for sale,
42-tt Phone 9515,
10 young pigs for sale. CECIL BATEMAN,
Phone8518 42-1
Two eo'-ew jacks and Mind wagon cover lost
between Deegannan end B assets Finder
please notify 48055 .R Tuetian$, Brussels.
Fon Sate -A young well-bred Hereford
cow, suitable for nursing calves Gnarnntee
her teats all right and will nurse any calve.
J. P. 510155050,
Phone 566
8. C. Whits Leghorn eggs for batching;
10o per dozen above market urlce but not less
than 950. AUK, Pagans, 21. B No, 8, Brussels
Phone 2516 422-11
100805x5 Inc sale. CnAWFoRD STnAOaAN,
42.11 . Phone 8812.
QUANTITY of Potatoes, good quality, for Bate
at 05c per bag. Phone 4628, Atwood
81-2 FROM 802-0, 41 ver Corners,
FOR BALE. -Large Pekin Duck eggs, also
Mee Kovy duck eggs.
414f Phone2816
LITTLE Pigs, 12 ready to wean.
Wrteoa MARKS, Phone8828.
QUANTITY of Bnglieh two -rowed Seed Berl-
ey for sale. Phone 4981
41•nt Phone
MCNABB, Brussels.
CnO=OR need potatoes for sale 760 a bag.
REGAN Bn08„ Lot 27,6th line Morrie,
41-2 Phone1711.
Fort SALE,-Qunntlty of Hamilton Red Pres-
sed Brick. Apply to * ISAAC LAKE,
41-2 Phone 6016 18 R. 8, Brussels,
Senn GB/Mr.-Quantity of :teed Barley for
sale also Seed Oats. Phone 498
CATTLE wanted for pastor°. Plenty of wet-
er and good grass.
40-81 Phone 6118 J.A. Nt0II IL.
PASTURE Farm to rent,100 acres, Lotb2, Con
8, Grey, Best p08ture farm in Grey ; good
fences : cedar shade and goring water.
89.11 Darin MILNE, Ethel
QUANTITY of seed peas for sale Phone 287,
89-tf Bron LAA,ONT.
Foe SALE. -Turkey Bens. Apply to
884f Phone 1818.
Fon NALR -Banner Reed hats, grown from
registered seed, first prize In Bowick Veld
Oro? Competition 1024,. JAN E BALL.
Phone 017-17 Wroxeter, R. R. No 2.
855x7'50 KOas-Bleck Minorcan and White
Leghorns, also need nate, 0 A. 0, No. 72 and
send Timothy.
874 Jae. Puna! it, Phone 2516
Easter Holidays. —School closes
Thursday of this week for the Easter
holidays and will re -Open on the 20th.
Tourists Have Started. -Last Satur-
day a car was In town bearing a Mich!.
gam license. The tourist •trade will
soon commence in earnest.
Trustees Running Garage.- The
trustees of the McVettie Garage have
opened up the garage in earnest and
Eimer Ewen is in charge of the work.
Good Friday Eveningt-The Sacred
Cantata, I'ne Re,unrcuou and I. he
Life", will be given in the Methodist
Church, Weasels, on Good Friday ev-
vening, at 8 o'clock. Following is the
program . Organ Solo, Mr. W. Le
Hamel ; Prelude ; Scripture Reading,
Douglas Clarke ; "The Earth in Dark-
nes'iie " " nit '
L s, (.h , The Lament of the
Women". Mrs 0 Wakerand Womrn's
Chorus ; Reading, Miss Margaret
Maunders "Let not your heart be
troubled," Mimi Addie Csrd tf,- Women's
Chorea and Choir ; -The Strthqu .ke,"
Men's Chorus arid -Choir •, Address, Rev.
C. F. Clarke; "0 Death, 'Where Is thy
Sting", Cho r ; "Fear not." Mils
Bryaos, Miss Clarke, W J. McCracken,
W. J. Procter and Miss Nineteen ;
"Rejoice, sing Praises," Choir; Read.
ing, Miss Man jorie Hoover ; 4u. Sav-
iour Lives", Mrs, 0 Walker and
Choir ' "I' know That my Redeemer
liveth," Miss Kingston ; ' Victory,"
Choir ; Nunc Uimmielis.
This ie theesason of the year when
the Housekeeper is planning to
have rooms Papered, and we are
in a position Go show you Rood
values in a big range of Wall
Jack McCracken
Phone 6514 Brussels
And now for housecleaning.
Dust is flying on the street.
The Twenty-fourth of May canes on
Sunday this year,
April, fourth month of 1925, Say
the year is certainly dying!
The parking by-laws will soon have
to 'be dug up for use again.
Wal'kertoti nv1l1 observe Thursday
half holiday this year from May 1st
t0 October 1st.
Sometimes tt may he easier t0 write
a sonnet on the Easter bonnet that to
settle bill for same.
Each succee0tul'g spring the value of
Unproved roads both in town and in
the country is more manliest.
Prorogation of the •second session
of the sixteenth Legislature of Quebec
came shortly after noon Friday,
Twelve Inches' of snow fell in March
last year and, but 5% this year. A
half inch of rain fell In March last ,year
and over two inohes this year.
Opened Foot Ball Season. -The
foot tball season opened on Aprir 1st,
when the "kickers" had the foot ball
over at Victoria Park having a light
work out.
Easter War Cry. -S. A. officers from
Wingham were in town on Thursday
setting the Easter War 'Cry tslmber,
The special edition was full of good
reading matter.
W. F. A. -The Western Foobhali,
Association will meet in Kitchener on
Good Friday, April tOth. Nesbit Ham-
ilton will represent Brussels Football
Club at Ktchener..
Where is the Board of Trade? -
Many exchanges coming to our desk.
note the annual meeting of the Board
of Trade in their respective towns.
Isn't it about time for the annus' meet-
ing of this organization here?
Sympathy to Bereaved. - Brussels
friends will extend sympathy to Mrs.
de da Peotniere, of St. Thomas, in the
death of her father, Prof. F. W. D.
Bristawe, whose death accuurred on
March 29th at the former's home, after
an illness extending over 7 months.-
onthsDeceased is survived by his wife. Mrs,
de la Peotniere conducted the Red
Gross Minstrel shows in Brussels, dur-
ing war time, while a resident of Kin-
Buys Out Chiropractor. (Listowel
Banner) -"Dr, L. 0. Whitfield, whose
parents live near Brussels, has taken
over the practice of Dr. 1L. E. Ruther-
ford, formerly carried on by Dr. Moy-
er. Dr. Whitfield ;has just graduated
from the Chiropractor fountain head
at Davenport, Iowa. Dr. Rutherford
left on Tuesday, for his home in Galt.
The Dr.'s old friends will wish him su:
cess in his new calling.
Huron Girls Lead. -At the closing
exercises of the Normal School at
Stratford, two Huron girls have re-
ceived distinct honors. The valedic-
torian chosen for the term is Miss
Jean Woods of Bayfield, who has prov-
ed herself a 'popular student, athlete
and musician. The Queen of the May
Day Festival is 'winsome Betty Stewart
of Clinton, who headed the list with
a large majority, thus attesting to her
great popularity among Vhe students,
The assistants eo the May Queer, are;
Form 1., Minnie Day; Form 2., Ellen
Hewitt; Form 3., Helen Northgraves;
Form 4., Mary Stewart.
Obituary. -The Kingsville Reporter
of April end, /makes the following ref-
erence to a former well known ,citizen
-The people of this town were shock-
ed when the news of the death of Mr.
C. J. Green reached here on Thursday
last. Mr. and Mrs. Green had been
spending the winter months at Charles-
ton, South 'Carolina, (for ithe benefit of
Mrs. Green's health which had not been
of the best for some time. Mrs. Green
had been taken suddenly worse and
their son, Sidney, of this (place, and
daughter, Mrs. Leo ,King, Windsor, had
been sent for. Mrs. Green ,began grad-
ually to improve and Sidney had ar-
ranged to start for home Thursday.
Mrs. Green was worse on Thursday
morning when Mr. Green came over
to see her and the shock combined
with the worry over his wife's condi-
tion was too much for him and his
heart gave way resulting in his death.
The Masonic fraternity of the city
took charge of the body and made ar-
rangements for its shipment north to
Kingsville. It arrived here Sunday and
the funeral took place under Masonic,
auspices. The Masonic brethren of
Charleston, were most /kind ,and did
everything possible for the bereaved
relatives in thir hour of grief. Dc -
ceased was in 62nd yearof his age.
He Hums born near Hamilton and was
the eldest son of the late 0, W. Gr?eir.
The family ,came to Kin:gsvidie in 1885
and engaged in the milling business:
They also acquired extensive lumbering
interests in. the Southern States, ship-
ping most
hip-ping,most of the Trotted north. Cur-
tis hes resided here practically all the
time since 1885. Shortly after ,coming
here he was united in marriage to Miss
Fanny King, daughter of the late Jas.
and Mrs. King, Two children were
born to the union, 'Sidney, now of
Kingsville and Murdel (Mrs. Leo Ki-tg)
of Wiindsear. Mr. Green was a goad
business -man, of a quiet and rather
reserved disposition, Ifni well liked.
and respected by all who knew him.
He was a member of the Anglican
Church,' a 32nd Degree Mason and a
Scottish niter. He its survived by his
widow rand two children and his moth-
er, who Is now in 1ellsmere, FtOrida'
also one sister, Mrs. Milford Wigle and
Robt, (bath of Fetsmere, Florida; Ed-
gar, *mit; 0., B., of Whlkervd1le and
Albert df this town.
.f '".Fro
vcsp B l4
�Q k Q.a Create Your
ast to A Own Currency «
Aceoune creates a Currency all
t01+ OUR osvnerabip of s Savings BankIL
your own. A cheque bearing your
signature Jointly with that of the Stan -
Bard Hank adder the prestige of air narue
to the integrity of yours, a combination
of inestimable value to you ftosia a bust -
nese and social viewpoint, while offering
other practical advantages oflnoalculeble
number, The deposit of one dollar -to
your credit in the nearest Standard Bank
lay the foundation for a curs
Branch will
renoy all your own,
BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Saints Manager
$30 and $40
You can buy a
Custom -made
of Extra Special
Quality, Masterly
Tailored and Sup-
erb in all • details,
Real Quality has
no Regrets.
W. D. Hamel
Bishop Fallon is Patron. -For the
visit to Rome by Roman Catholics in
June on the occasion of Holy Year,
Bishop Fallon, of .London, Ont., will
be patron.
Usual Holiday Hours. -Good Friday
being a public holiday, the Postoffce
will observe the usual holiday houri
at the wicket. Boxholders will be able
to get mail at all hours.
,Court Adjourned Again. -Owing to
the fact that no stenographer was pro-
curable for Court 00 Monday, Judge
Lewis adjourned all cases until May
sitting of Court.
President of Country Club Ladies. -
AA the annual meeting of the lady
members of the Stratford Country
Club, Mrs. Thos. Orr was elected
President for the coming year. Mrs.
Orr, in her younger days, was Miss
Webster, and was a former resident
of Brussels.
Remembered by Friends-Uipon re-
moval of Mrs; Col. Hoareand sister,
Bessie Moore, former residents of Brus.
sale, from Stratford to Clinton, the
Bible Class of the Central Methodist
Church, Stratford, presented the ladies
withspent. silk scarfs. A social evening was
Consider Your 'Neighbor's Work. -
It is not too early to avoid taking a
short cut across some one's dawn or
boulevard. In a very short time lawns
will be in a state when walking across
them might cause considerable dare -
age. Take half a minute longer and
use the walks and we will have a bet-
''.er looking town when summer comes.
Next Sabbath at the morning service
Melville church, fthe, Sacraments of
Baptism and the Lord's Supper will be
observed. Service preparatory 40 the
communion will ibe head on Friday
afternoon2.30 o'clock.
"The Triumphal Entry" was the sub-
ject 'taken by Rev. J. P, McLeod last
Sabbath morning in Medviile church,
the text being Psalm 118 vs. 25:26.
The reasons for regarding it as the
Triumphal Entrywere: That although
apparently theist had failed in his ef-
fort to Offer himself as tee Messiah yet
it was a ,triumphal entry because of
(1) What Christ was to the early
Christians, the great teacher, the great
Saviour frele sin and the conquerof
of death, (2) What Christ would be,
They saw the 'time coming when every
knee should bow. Christ is . still tite
great teacher, the world's Saviour anti
the conqueror of death. At the even-
ing service the Pastor's su'bjeet was
"The value of the Soul", the, text be-
ingSoni?" "What shall it profit a man 11 lad
gain the whole woad end lose his own
Seed Potatoes
Two kinder -both kept•pure and sep-
arate - "Bachelors" and "Dooliea,"
The Bachelors, won first prize at Brea -
seta Fair for three years straight. Last
year they were second.
$1.00 per bag
Hatching -Eggs
Pure bred Barred Rorke. Ali pens
matched by Fenn's Excelsior Males,
Eggs 4c. each
White Leghorne, all year-old hens,
Eggs 10c per dozen more than rust ket
Wm. J. Grant,
Phone 250 .. Brussels P. O.
Personal Paragraphs 1
A:ener Grewar, is bolos for the &eat-
er vacatiou.
Barrister Siuclair was in Milverton .o0
Friday afternoon.
Nurse Anus Hueter is attending a
patient in Gerrie.
Barrister W. M Sinclair was in
London on Wednesday,
Jas Hart was a visitor at his home in
Owen Sound on Sunday.
Mrs Jets. Ballantyne aud Mrs. Nesbit_
Hamilton are spending the week in Tor-
Judge E N. Lewis, Gbderich con
dieted Divtston Court in Brussels' on
Miss Ruby Jordan, of Clinton, was a
visitor with friends last Friday in Bru'-
Miss Myrtle Hunter, Listowel, was
renewing cid acquaintances in WWII
Ibis week.
A M. Crawford. of Wingham, was
calling on old friends nn town on lt: eel-
Desday last,
Miss Myrtle Swartz, of Montreal, is
the guest of her sister, lairs. Geo. R.
Mrs. Edminslton, Kincardine, is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. W111,
Miller, of town.
Geo. R. and Mrs. Weller are in Tor-
onto this week attending the Coal
Dealers' Convention.
Mrs 0 res rre,eaven, of Lucknow,
is visiting Mrs. H L Jackson anti other
old friends in town s.
Miss Susan Laidlaw was a visitor
with her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Jackson,
during the past week.
Artbur Sykes, Tntoeto, was in town.
last week. attending to the matter of
rentiifr lend for 11.x this year.
"'red" Grewar, London, motored up
and spent a few days with bis brother,
W. A Grewar, end sisters
Mrs. Will. Lowry and Mrs. Afflick,
London, were here ettending the fun-
eral of the late W. H, Kerr.
Mrs Fred Burchill was in ICtchsner
this week visiting her husband, who is
progressing fine from his operation.
Nurse Miss Lintiensmith returned to
her home in Kitchener last week, of er
nursing Waiter Lowry to- the past
couple "8 mon he,
Misses :Elizabeth and Hattie Down-
ing, of Toronto, are spending the East-
er vacation. at thehome of their broth-
Miss Minerva Jones who underwent
an operationrecentlyleech -per Hos-
pital, is spending a few weeks with._her
aunt, at Toronto.
Postmaster and Mrs A. M Kry and.
Archie Kay, Stratford, motored up 6n
Sunday and spent the clsv with the form
er's sister, Mrs. W. el Kerr,
L.A..Ball, St Mares• and an old
Brussels bov, will represent the St.
Marys lacrosse team at the Asssooiation.
meeting in Toronto on Geed Friday.
Die J. W. Shaw, Miss Madelon Shaw,
Elton Rozell and Frank Ba.wden, Clint-
on, were in town on Tuesday attend-
ing the funeral of the late W. H. Kerr.
er A Dc,.dman lett for Metl'n Gn"
M''ndsy where he will spend a few
weeks looking after the weifare of his
Geo Mann, C. N R. agent at Len-
Oer, Man„ gave Trot' Pose a call last Fri-
day. Mr, Mann is an old boy of Grry
Township and is making good in the
Rebe Thompson and Cn nclllor Geo
Mo'd' cm took In the Clinton. Spline
Abner on Thursday last They reported
is her crowd and an excellent exhibit or
Friends will be pleased to learn that
Walter Lowty baa been sitting up for
the pest week, after his long Meese,
We hope the warm weather will revive
his "pep" so that ee willeso' n be down
street riming his fellow citteenq,
Arthur Baltenburg, of the Standard
Bank staff, was called to Elmira owing
to the death of his brother, who head
passed away, 41 the age or 21 years
fr01n an attack of pneumonia; Beriel
took place at B1intet.
Fox's Drug Store
,The Store
We make it "a
point to keep
our Stock re-
newed frequent•
ly so you can
depend on our
Better being in
good shape.
We have
(The New
Mineral 'Oil
in Iwo .sizes --
76o -and $l50
This is a very
fine product.+
our very Best
Builder and
New -
E naturally think that
WO open out our
naets etth0akat of Paper
each seson it le net
about right. Anyway this is
what we think of this sea-
soner display and we would.
like youto drop in and take a
stroll through the pictures,
There are some very pretty
ones and the prices are a bit
lower than last year.
40 p. c. Solution
LOOKS more like seeding
now and we are prepar-
ed to do our part in the
process. We realize that the
BEST is always the cheapest
and you San depend rn nor
Fornialdehyde as the VERY
BEST that can be bought.
Are you going to
0 0rin 0
We have all the
different kinds of
Always Fresh
Blue Grass
is our old
25c per pkge.
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
S: Wiiton is in Toronto this week
attending the Coal Dealers' 'Conven-
Inquest At Seaforth Into Death of Rob-
ert Beacon
.CUielTOT, April 3. -The inquesit
into the death of (Robert 'Beacom, who
was struck on March 31 by •a car driv-
en by S. W. Archibald, of Seaforth, and
who died of injuries, was' held in the
court room here yesterday afternoon
Dr. Shaw, the coroner, presided; Crown
Attorney Seager, of Goderich, was
present, and Mr. Best, of Seaforth, ap-
peared.for •Mr. 'Archibald. The jury
appointed consisted of J. W. Langford,
foreman; H. Bartliff, W. Higgins, Guy
Hicks, F. A. Jenkins, J. G. Medd and
W. T. Henry.
Dr. Brown gave testimony as to the
man's condition after being struck and
Dr. Gandier verified ithe doctor's re
port on the deceased. After the vir-
ious witnesses had been called upon
to give their testimonies, the jury was
addressed by the coroner end retired
to decide the verdict. Atter only a
short' time the jury returned andS. W.
Archibald was exonerated from blame.'
Chautauqua dates at Clinton this
year will be Judy 14-13-16-17.
Messrs, MlaDonalld, of Porter's Hill,
delivered to E. H. Wise, of Clinton, a
very large steer, one of 'the largest
ever shipped from this point. The
animal weighed 2450 pounds.
On Good Friday Llf',o will be a
anion service in St, Paul's church ere
10,30 a. m , when the Rev. A. Al
Holmes will deliver the address.
John Wiseman, custoep.s officer in
Clinton dor twenty-five and a half
years, has been retired, his retirement
to go int,, etfecc 0:tober lit. In. the
meantime Mr. Wiseman has been giv-
en leave-ofetbsence for six months,
Percy. Farnsworth, of Brantford, is
relievingofficer and took over his duty,
ies lase week,
Harold Bogie, Leeburri, has Bold his
threshing outfit and has since bought
the chopping mill at Auburn from
Robert Scott, ler, Bogie got posses.
sion let of April.
N. W. Ttewartha, M. L. A. for
South Huron, was re-elected Chair-
man, of the Legislature's Committee
on Agriculture. •
On he 1st of April, Mr. Rice,
Thornhill, took charge of thee bank et
Auburn. Itir, Williams goes to Park-
hill to take charge, of the bank there.
Last Thursday's Toronto paper con-
tained reference to Principal Gilbert
A. Smith, senior eprineipai of high
schools in Toronto 'and dor thirty-five
years principal of Parkdale iCollegiate.
Mr. Smith is a McKillop buy, being
born on the 9th concession of McKil-
lop seventy years ago, a son of the
late Samuel Smith, of Seaforth, and a
brother of Messrs. James and Samuel
Smith, of McKillop. He received this
early' education in S. S. No. 6, McKil-
lop, later attending Clinton high school
and Toronto University, taking his B.
A. degree. He 'taught an Galt before
going to Parkdele Collegiate.
$seri—In Brussels, on Aprlt 8th, 19'5, W, H.
Kerr, Editor of Ten POST, In his 70th year.
Ptah Wheat. 21 80 11 80
Peas 1 10 1 16
Oate. 40 40
Buckwheat ,-.,. 65 65
Butter. „,.......„....... 80 80
Eggs... ..... - ....... ........ ...,
Hoge. ..,.,-. 21 12 75 12 73
'matter of the estate of.. WII nam
Edmund Sanders, Into oftho VIIIasa
Ethel, in the County . of •.Huron
Roams is hereby given pnrinant to "The Re-
vteed Statute, of Ontario,” Chnpter 129, that
oil eredttore and others having Maims agatnet
trio oetnte of:thesabi William Edmund Sand-
ers. who died on or about the Eighteenth day
of February, A. D 1926. at the City of London,
in the Province of Ontario. ere required, m, or
before the Fifth day of May, 1926, to Bend by
post prepaid or deliver to R. Van86one, Wtng-
hum, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors,
their Ohristian and surnamoe, addresses and
descriptions, the full particulars of their claims,
the statement of their accounts and the nat-
nreof the eoauritlea (if any) held by them duly
verified by t'tatutory declaration.
And further take notlne that after such last
mentioned date the imid. 0X5 mora will. pro-
ceed to distribute the inmate of the deceased
among, the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the dahlia of which theya shah
then have notice, and that the Bald executors
Will not be liable ter the said assets or any
part thereof to any person or parson, of whose
claim, notice Rhein not have been received by
them at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Wlaghnut this 711s dayot April, A,
D. 1926..
. R, VANSTONE a Executors
42.4 Solicitor for the Executors
Hog for Service
The undersigned will keep for service at Lot
15, Con. 7, Morris, a young thoro'-bred York
clog, Terms, 61.00, to be paid at time of eee-
les+ With privilege of returning If irecessary,
42.4 . Proprietor,
Property for Sale
Thaltonse and lot on Thrnberry street, the
propertyof the late Mrs. Jellies Ferguson, is
nigoranfrsale, Comfortable end convenient
brick Couture, hard and soft water. For Furth"
er partlonlsre apply to,
22(0. F18RaiJ loN,'Executor,
Uor s to use
t Mbr EwoeF 4rpose-I'i3rE Sucfflce
Write to Head Office - very
, Montreal For Free Booklet
Rio Welter