The Brussels Post, 1925-4-1, Page 7VINES FOR THE HO ' FEELING TIRED
Ey C, L. 13urltiholtler.
By using a few vinen on can great
1y 'Improve the a>lpeerauee of an en.
tire farmeteed, A sunny perch cau be
protected from the kat summer 61111;
en oldfence covered isetll a bower of
raeiblet ,'cera or h01159y6ucltle; n bare
silo .or garage converted tato a glia•
toning green mans of Boatou ivy --and
all fora very few dolly m actual outlay
of cash, Boston ivy will cllanb any
stone or wood eurface. Ire glossy
green, uoddiag heaves bid you Wel-
come to this home,
, One of the bast vines for sereen and
diode effetets about a porch !e the
common flee -leafed ivy or woodvine,
It in usually be dug up somewhere
along the fences or woode. It will not
clime without a wire or lattice sup-
port except on pi11are of rough atone.
On'ee it Is corricct to the top of the
porch it 'Is very effective ifcarried
along under the roof op a narrow strip
of tvi're or wooden lattice and allowed
to hang down and gracefully conceal
as touch of the porch as is. deslred. If
an entire section of the veranda is to
be screened this ivy will serve the
purpose nicely, -
+Clematis and Honeysuckle
Star clematis (clematis panieulata)
is another beautiful vine for such use.
It often stills down to the ground dur-
ing the winter, but fortunately tit
roots seldom die. After the first se
son It Is a rapid, vigorous' grower, D
Ing the hitter part of August it nom
pletely covered with a snowy mase 0
small white star-shaped blotssonts. A
there Is a scarcity of flowers among all
shrubs and perennials at that season,
ifs bloom is particularly noticeable at
that season of the year.
Honeysuckle is another goad porch
vine. It is"a vigorous grower and sel-
donrinjured by the -winter. The vine
requires trellising. The bloom in
similar tp wild honeysuckles but is
larger and very fragrant. if the honey-
suckle is kept heavily m=Lehed with
manure it will bloom some during
most of the summer. 91 a vine is
wanted for a shady location or for the
north end of a porch honeysuckle is
preferable to any ether vine,
Matrimony vine 1s frequently used
on porches, but has an undesirable
tnndenvy to become so dense and
heavy that it proves attractive as a
roosting place for birds,
Stone, brick, cement and stucco
lienees and bull/Singe of all kinds can
be improved in appearance by the use
of at least a few vines. No matter
how attractive the construction ma-
terial of such buildings, it can be
made even more pleisfng to the eye
by concealing a pert of It with a mass
of dark glossy -green foliage. Plain
flat surfaces and buildings with tall
straight lines are specially improved
by the use of clinging vines.
Clinging Vines for Stone and Cement.
Boston ivy Is perhaps the best vin
for this purpose. It grows beet on th
north, east and west exposures of
building but can be used on the south
side although it will killback to not
extent during the winter. Boston ivy
should be more frequently used: on
cement e�ilou. Plant several vines O
the north side of the silo. Alway
avoid planting on a south expasur
when possible. An olt1 wooden build-
ing which has become unsightly can
he completely covered be a few years
with this vine. It will cling to wooden
Five -leafed Ivy (Virginia creeper)
will cling to reugh w'rt11s, but .some
tines It beconlee so heavy it provides
e nesting and roosting place for spat'
Englontanee ivy 19 a variety of five
leafed ivy w'hlcl, is a much better
climber and of a" little denser foliage.
It is preferable to the five -leafed, es-
pecially where it to be used on ratli-
er 911100th stone surfaces, as it has
many more "pods" with which to fast
en itself.
Vines for the Fence, Windmill and
Victoria is a vine which Is frequent•,
ly used onwindmills and arbors. I
is a rapid grower once it gets Started.
The blooms are the Size of large bunch-
es of grapes and can be had in several
different colors. It Is sometimes used
on porches but becomes rather heavy
For such a location and is not inclined
t0 bloom so well as when given more
Rambler or climbing roses should
, be used along a feuce or over a gar-'
den gate or wall.
Care of Vines.
The soil close to the`fottndation of
• a building is always -drier than the soil''
a foot away. For this reason all vines
1311011d bo plauted at least tett inches
awns from the foundation line and
trained over to the building., Like
trees, they require a plentiful supply
of manure. Never put mestere with
the soil about the roots, of any plant,
The manure Is best spaded in around
the vie* after It is set lied at least a
bushel should ba left on the surface
of the ground around 'tlt-e plaint for a
8intener mt11'eh,
Not Sick, But Not Quite Well
You Need the Help of Dr.
'YYIIiiallls' Pink Pills. •
With the Massing of winter many
people feel weak, depressed and easily
tired. No particular disease, Inft the
system lacks tone. Yon find yourself
tired, low-spiiIted, and often unable
to get sound sleep at night. All this
is the result of Indoor roniluemeht of
the winter months, and shows that the
blood has become thin and watery.
New, rich, rad blood Is what you need
to put you right, and niers is no other
Medicine can give you this new blood
as surely and as specdliy as Dr, M-
agma' Pink Pills, ThI- new blood gives
to every part of the hotly and,gniokly
improves the general health, Diges•
lion Is toned up, you have a better a8•
Ipetite, nerves are strengthened 'and
{sloop is sound and refreshing.
The value of. Dr. William' Pink
Pills when the system is run- down is
Ishown by the experience of Mi. Wil -
1 Liam lfitcl eh, R,R. No. 1, Redford,
P,E,I„ who says:—"A few months ago
' t found myself in a. badly run down
condition. My appetite wits poor, I
wan anally tired and ltd not sleep wan. Odd Names for Roads and
I triad several so-called tonics, but did
I not get any relief. Then I decided to Streets.
Hee; J. P, ?elvilz, chief forester for Ontario, who, when he makes an In'
'speciion of the many •square miles of timber endear I1Is care, does it at at. high
altitude from one of the gpverndwe'ath planes•. Here lea is ready for a alight.
!give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial 1
e and soon found that I !tad got the right
a- medicine. Gradually my strength 1
Du, come back, the dull, tired feeling its- l
- appeared, and after using the pills for,
f r dbout a month; I could eat heartily r
s and was al strong and active as ever
1 cau IUU9t eneern111y re
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as l
au unsurpassed tonin."
You cat, got Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine, or by
mall at 60 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville,
Come, mad March!
Do' you repent
Temper; so incontinent
Vented on each darling bud
That dared to lift through mist and
To see you wavering in the hold
Of airing's warm arms and winter's
Yes,' wild month;
It must be so!
For see, the last fierce swirl of snow
That was. the symbol of your wrath
Has malted by the garden path,. !
And bathes the jonquils shivering'
In a very Hood of tears.
—Daniel Henderson.
Seed Potatoes,
New Brunswick Grown and Govern-•
ment 'Certified.
Irish Cobblers and Green Mountains. •
For sale at the following prices: 1
Peck, 600. Bushel, $1.60
ne Special price inlotsof 5 bags or more. 1
No cbarge for bags or packages. Can ;
sell you Ontario Grown, at about 20I
per cent. less. You will hays' to order 1
n early as quantity is limited. Cash with!
s order,
e P.O. Box 38 ,,, Brampton, Ont.
If you visit Stonehouse, a part' 0f
Plymouth, England, you will notice a
number of eh -ort streets called "oyes,"
The word is an abbreviation of "open-
ing" and is applied to streets which
open from one main street into an-
other. There are several in the neigh
lyorltood of. the Marine Barracks,
In Perth and in other Scottish towns'
similar streets are mated "vennels,"
Inverness, Glasgow, and Dumfries all
have vennels. The name is French in
its origin and probably dates from the
days of Mary Queen of Scots.
In other parte of England tbere are
French names for streets. In almost
any town you may find a Row. Lon-
don has many. The word is really
"rue," which is French for "street."
Then there are "causeways," of which
a well known example is Newington
Causeway, Causeway does not noes
steely refer to a raised road, as is gen
orally supposed, but is derived from
the French word, "chaussee," which
means a paved street.
Spital is not an uncommon name for
a street or road in Scotland or the
North of England. The word is simply
a shortening of hospital. Wherever
you find the nante you may be certain
that even if there is no hospital there
now, such a building once stood near
I11 other Northern towns you find
"gates" such as Cast.egate, Trongate
Seagate. The "gate" is not to be
taken in the modern. significance as a
portal or gateway, but is derived from
a. Scandinavianword meaning road.
I•Iigh street is the name of the-prin_
stet street in almost every small town
in Great Britain. Here, again, few
people are aware that in this case
"high" does not mean raised, but mere
ly "chief." Its meaning is the same as
Main street, so popular in this Oen-
One-third of the land sur
g:obe is covered with trees,
Doctors—Then and Now.,
In the old days when 1 bad a kink i
my system I went to Dr. Jones;
A nd he'd tell me to say oh, and hit
a wallop In the ribs,
And ask how the wife was, and ho
the kid was getting along a
'high school,
And he'd write a prestriptlon
That tasted as bad as it looked
And nearly as bad as it smelled.
Bat it did the trick. It would have
put considerable animation
Into one of those statues with the
baggy trouser legs
Up in Queen's Park.
And then, a year or two afterwards,
I'd pay his hill "
After Iel_paid every other darned thing
I owed.
Phonograph Wisdom.
Sir leaudon lionald, tate famous BtBISbait ccndsreter and composer, who is
Mee an atf'thorlty on 1111raieat sluce-
tfott by virtue of lits poeltlon ea priprin.onset of the-Gulensul1 51h0ol ce Innate,
fuse Met been Paying t4 remarkablele
tribute to the value of the piens/wells.
M musical edaoalfon, 'l'he city of
Leeds hoe agreed to equip 11s schools
with phonographs, "if 11 bu tel ril:l
as au extent.," says Dir Loddon Ronald,
"that a tohuprohe1191Ye nmsl'eal train•
ing Is the birthright of. every child;
surely money baa never Leen so wise-
ly invested. It is not possible to telte
every boy end girl to hear the best
music, but thanks to the imuglnat've
sense of ibis eduratlanai authority, the
Poorest child in Leeds will be able to
experience aesthetic development tins
der the Milt/once of great artiets and
matte:]' musicians." -
Mrs. L. M. Brown, .Walton, N.S.,
says: -"I Cannot recommend Baby's
Own Tablets too highly. Iheve found
them invaluable for the aihnents of
little ones," Mrs. Brown's testimony
is the same as that of thouseands of
other mothers `who have used the Tab-
lets. To use them once :a a sure guar-
antle'e-that they will always be kept in
lime the e as long as there are babies
or young children to be cared for. The
me Tablets are a laxative --mild but
thorough in action—..which never fail
1v to regulate the stomach and bowels;
t relieve constipation and indigestion;
break up colds and simple fevers and
make the dreaded teething period
easy. In fact they banish all the
minor ills from which little rives sof-
fer. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by nail at 26- cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Nowadays when I have a pain
I take tt to a specialist.
- Ile has one of those hard -Meshed
white valspar nurses
That scares the heart out of me.
She puts the into a card index,
With the story ofmy past life and my
thumb prints,
Then she shows me into an Inner room.
It's white too, just like a cafeteria,
Only there's nothing to eat.
And the specialist gives}ne a cold look
and says, "Sir there,"
And I sit.
Then he opens up his toof kit and boils
his tools a while.
And when he thinks they're done
Ile inserts them into my eye, ear,
nose and throat.
When they make me squirm, he gives
me a dirty look,
And. I stop sgpirming.
At last he says hethinks he may b
able to do something for me,
If I'll have an eye, an ear, nose and
• throatcutout.
And I say I'll think about it.
You bet I will!
And I totter out the wrong door,
But that white, hard -finished nurse re
trieves me,
And says, -"That will be tea dollars
11 me
We Challenge Ontario Farmers
To Make Money
13y the Use of a Scrub Bull
We believe a Scrub Bull is the -most expensive
piece of cattle flesh in existence.
Is This A Challenge To You?
The sewing eirclo sons in full swing,
bath VOnallyand with elle needle. The
popular subject or "itatsiiunds" had
Peen quickly reached In the general
round of Conversation,
"1 could never Sive with a pessimist,"
decittred Mrs. °curing, who was noted
for her supremacy 111 her Lorne.
"Yen, he stet{•.$ have to be an 05rli-
aslst;' repited n1r:alt little Mies Brown. t,
The Province of Ontario
Savings Office
Deposit your savings regularly with the Province
of Ontario Savings Office
All monies deposited by you are guaranteed by
the Government of the Province of Ontario and
can be withdrawn at any time.
Department at each Branch,
Sreneheal Toronto—Corner Bay • and Adelaide Streets; Corner
University end Dundee Streets; 540 Danforth Avenue.
Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound,
Pembroke, Seaforth, St. Catharines, St. Mary'e,
Walkerton, Woodstock.,
A tea your grocer recommends his
usually good tea
EAIs good 9
And most grocers reQoaxamend it.
The First Robin.
A robin 511 dutlled by the wind,
Such e. nt!aerable, desolate thing,
Has porcheii himself liiglt1n the maple
Ile's fun/unit'bureting.las throat 10
'A song as e1le0ry and warm and Inlet
As his own red breast, and light and
As the lift and flirt of lila eager wings
M he says good -by and files away.
The wind is east and the sky 1s dark;
11 loolee like snow at the bill's far
But l have forgotten all of thee-
planning the box for my window
And what shall 1 plant and where and
Wh:at'a the best place for the mig-
Shall I buy holiy1oek seed this year?
Don't dere to say—it is winter yet!
The calendar knows that it is spring,
And I know so and robin does, too;
So there's a majority --three to one --
Nobody listens at all to you!
— Abigail Creeson.
Some Joke.
Six-year•old Freddie, from the city,
was on his first visit to bis uncle's
farm. At breakfast, he beard that the 1
uncle's Jersey 'cow had been stolen'
during the night.
"That's a good joke on the man who
stole her," was Freddie's comment,
"Why?" asked his uncle.
"'Cause, just before supper, last
night, the hired man took all the milk
out of her."
A Philosiphical Explanation.
She.— "I wonder what causes the
flight of time?"
Hes "It is probably urged on by the
spur of the moment."
Beep a stiff upper lip, but don't let
it interfere with your smiling.
Perfect home dye•
Ing and tinting is
guaranteed with Dia.
mond Dyes. Just dip
In cold water to tint
soft, deiicate shades,
-, or boil to dye rich,
permanent colors.-
, Each 15 -cant pack
age contains direc-
tions so simple any er -
woman can dye or
tint lingerie, sites, ribbons .tarts,
waists, dresses, coats, stockings,
sweaters, draperies, coverings, hang•
flegs, everything new,
Buy "Diamond Dyes"—no outer kind
r —and tell your drug',ist whether the
1 material you wish to color is wool or
silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or
mixed goods.
For Sore Throat Use Mtnard'sLiniment
The First Bank Note.
Tiro oldest banknote appears to have
been dated as early as 1399 B.C.
Once I matte a joke In a specialist's
It was a very little one.
!But it fell on the sterilized floor with
a loud crash.
The doctor picked it up with his fo
And put it into a white enameled can
along with sense
Discarded tonsils;
I suppose it wasn't an antiseptic joke.
Atlantic City
New Jersey
America's Smartest
Resort Hotel.
Famous for its Euro-
pean Atmosphere.
Perfect. Cuisine and
Single rooms from. 35.00
Double rooms from 33.00
European Plan
New Hydl.tatric and
Electro - Therapeutic
Anyhow, I Wish Dr. Jones
Hadn't stopped practicing.
—L. N,^in The Medical Times.
Who Was Harold Harefoot?
How many people could answer this
question without a search among old
schoolbooks? Yet at one time Harold
Barefoot reigned over England.
It is quite possible, however, that
there will bo a revival of interest in
this ancient monarch, as a search is at
present being made for his remains,
width are believed to be buried in St.
Oleve's Churcb, Southwark, England.
This church has been empty for
over alx months, and is now being de-
molished. paring the emcee" a caro -i
f111 watch it , he kept with n view to I
the horrible discovery of Ring llaed
old''; remains, or any other retic of
Harold, who died at Oxford, in 1040.,
twenty-six years before the Norman
Conquest, was buried in Westminster
Abbey, He was a son of tho faiuoue
King Canute, but had no real right to
the throne, which should have gone.
to itis half'brother, IIarditanute, win)
succeeded him. By his orders, Har-
old's body was disinterred, ltohoazteil,.
and throve into the Thames, •A Meier -
man f0ulsd it however', and it was re•
interred in a London ahurcll, believed
to have been St. Olave's Southwark,
Soap Economy.
Remove tho weepers from enkes of
801111 and leldiem dry thoroughly. The
lioap will last mucic longer.
No language can express the power
and beauty and heroism of a mother's
lllMardis i.iniment for Colds.
Classified Advertisements
▪ Patches. $2. McCreery, Chatham,
• Joie; Iris, Peony, Fancy Dahlias
and Barred Rock Eggs. 'Phe Wright
Fenn, Brockville, Ont,
More Surface,
•"It seems to me," said a matonter to
his barber, "that in these hart times
you ought to lower your prices' for
e havlug."
"Can't do it," replied Lite barber.
"Now -a -days everybody wears each a
long face that we have a .great deal
more surfete to shave over,"
Dickens' Originals.
Dickens' originals continue to be in
great demand and bring as much
money as they ever did. At an auc-
tion recently a oopysof "Pickwick
Papers" in the "original parts realized
Don't suffer under this handicap
any longer. Successful pupils
eveyu'here recommend our
methods of treatment. Write
for free advice and literature.
We receive letters every week from
people who find Mlnard's indispens-
Capt. Geo. W. Dolbow, Philadelphia,
Pa.. writes: "While in British
Columbia I used your Liniment but
1 cannot get it here, As there is to
my knowledge no other liniment on
the market like Minard's I would
appreciate it if you will advise me
how I can get another supply, for
I do not want to be without
A Charming
Is Obtained by Using
Daily, assisted by Cuticura Oint-
ment when required. It keeps the
pores active, the skin clear and free
from eruptions and the scalp in a
healthy hair -growing condition.
Sample Such Free by VAC Address Canadian
Depot: eatenhoa,a Ltd., MontreaL^ Price, Soap
Ointment 25 and 60,. Talcum 2Se.
' Cuticura Shaving Stick 2Se,
Wants Other WomentoKnow
About Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Mount Forest, Ont.—"Before T took
Lydia E. Pinttham's Vegetable Com -
110 ]
i l pound lfeltweakand
miserable, and had
i�k; pains ail through ase.
1: was living in Ailsa
Craig at the thne,and
one day afriend e ame
in: and told me her ex-
perience of using the
Vegetable Com-
pound and advised,
me to tape a bottle,
which I finally did,
Y began to get.
stronger and those
pains left me. I ant gin,' I round out
about this medic no as I think • ere its
alone equal to it for women who have
troubles of this kind. I cannot praise!
the Vegetable Compound too highly for
the good it has done me. Whenever t
know of a woman suffering I ant glad
to tell her of it."—Mrs, WM. IIinsOALSI,
11.11. No.1, Mount Forest, Ontario.
Women throughout the Dominion are
finding healthm Lydia E. 1'inkllam's
Vegetable Compound.
Noharmful drugs are used in its prepa-
ration—justroots and herbs—end it can
be taken in safety even by a .nursing
mother. Por sale by all druggists. d
Proved safe by millions and prescr'bed by physic'ans for
Rheumatism Colds
Headache , Pain -
Neuralgia Toothache
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Baur" boxes ' Of 12 tablete.
1 Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggist;,
mese In no tees mark (reelstered in (lsnnda} of unser iInnufecinrc of Menoecelte•
neldester of Sellcrilce,td (acetyl Caliente Aeld, "A. S. h."l, 111,119 1(. is well known
that Aetdrin n1anps hater tu,a,etnetnrs, to meet the pulite against Imitation, to, Tablet,
!!1 of llsy r Costume will be slnplire(1 with their general undo mark, the "Barer Cry:silt,"