The Brussels Post, 1925-4-1, Page 5w
THE Industrial Mortgage and
Savings Company, of Sarnia
Ontario, fere area 'red to advance money on.
Alortnseea en gowd Innda. Parties dextrine
money on form mortgagee will please ap017 10
a. toes rowan seeferrlr, On , who will tot -
heat 'Anteater oftot to toluols.
Tho lneluetrial Mortgnlgo
and Savings company
a/4,1tele? 414
Fire, Automobile and Wind . Ins.
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Hawick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Ilertford Wiudstarm and Tornado Insurance
eh.. 42 Bou. 1 Turaberry Street, Brussels
JNO. IiU i trll:fLAND & SONS
txsc: 'saxes
Por references consult any person a Itme sales
1 have officiated at. Phone 78x or OP�
Honorgraduateof the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calla. Ounce oppo,Se
@lour 1,1111, ltthel.
^ T. T. M' RAE
M. B.. M. O. P., A S. O.
M; 0. a., Village or Btuaeela
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
Office at residence, opposite Melville Church,
William street.
W. M. egiWOTAleira
f4,-- ti amAm unary as rs a`i is:a'4A
3 .�
, Winter Term from Jan. 5th
mmarclot ilio
offers greaterer o
Central graduates securegood post-
tunitles than does any other calling.
soheWereceive more Dulls for train.
edhelp thanwe have student, grade -
/4 ata. Writs the college at Drees and get
t3 (Ls free catalogue, it may interest you.
S,b=,rt zrdv.:ty�erzAvVAW
Car. bilge and Alexander Sts. Tomato
l) Noted far h'gh grnue lnetrnotlon and
superior employment anrvloe, Many
students from other Ruelness Cutleges
N.. Novo keen lns•tanennoe here during
V tiro past twelve months. Eater toy
rf time. 4 rite for catalogue.
eavy Hens
sHighest market prices
fee Tll n
t 2x,Brus-
e rt Phcna Nn.
eels, and 1 will call and get
yuue ileus.
M. Mallick
Does Your
Qualify ?
YES ! •
It's a Waterman's
Any Fountain Pen's use.
fulness depenrds upon three
things— •
The Nib
The Ink Supply The Flow
The rib moat conform the
ink supply roust be generous--
the flow must. be steady and
continuous, There is a Water -
man's nib to suit every possible
style of hand writing
Pribee $2 50 and up
Selection and Service at
' our Shop,
Also Waterman's Ink
Small bottle or bulk,
J. R. Wendt
Jeweler Wroxeter
Weate lit need of Wheat for
\itliitit5. f4ive us a eall at our
,•applies if you have any to sell,
No trouble I q•una piqued.
Ail kinds of'
Flour and Feed
Por splo
T. G. Hemphill,
Fluor MI11 21
PHONES Split Peµ Mill 29
Night cell 50
Grin( .letum tents
Counell. Meets Monday.—The reg'
tiler monthly meeting of the Town
Council' will be held on Monday even-
ing in the ',Council .Chamber,
Getting Busy,. --The, 'local garages
have commeleed to eget busy, and fo'r
the. next few Iwee.ks the ustiitl spring
rush on over -hauling and repairs to
cars will keep the employees on the
Space to Sell. --,The f?ask has splice
to sell, not to give away. Do not ask
for free Polices respecting your par-
i Healer organization. Others 'pay fur
such notices, Yott should be •willing
to. Our rates are tow.
Heavier Rails. -80 db. rails are tobe
used on the the ListowelNan. Muchd Exeterof sub-
divisions 'C. , Rthe
work will be done this year.
Prevailing Winds: The weather
prophets say that South winds will be
the preveiifnt winds during the next
three months. We hope it is true.
Nothing Unusual:—U. S. is charged
with dumping "slack coat" into Can-
ada. Why the uproar? For lot these
many Years we have been burning U.
S. slate and clinkers!
Prepares Two New Maps:—Two new
maps of Canada,' one industrial and the
other political, have been completed by
Prof, 0, A. Cornish, of the Ontario
College of Education.
Let Us Have Your Order.—Why
send ;orders 'for Iprintingyiut of town?
The Post's commercial printing depart-
ment turns out first-class work at
moderate prices. See us about letter
heads and business envelopes.
Conference of Health Officers.—The
Minister of Health annopnces 'that an-
nual conference of medical officers of
health of the Province of Ontario, will
be heldrat the Mining Building, Univ-
ersity of Toronto,. May 4-6.
- Will Insist—The County Police are
going to insist on the use of 1925
markers in ,this' vicinity. Another
warning was received from the County
officials regading the overloading of
trucks, asking the police to enforce
this law to the limit,
Ensures Greater Purity: — Stricter
regulation of the manufacture of butter
and cheese and of canned foods will be
.provided !t legislation to be submitted
to Paliament by the Minister of Ag-
riculture at Ottawa. The legislation
will prevent the use of oil as an ad-
ulterant in butter and will forbid the
keeping of ?foreign fats on the prem-
ises of any persons engaged int the
manufacture of butter. Canned fruits
and vegetables' are to ,be sold only In
prescribed containers holding regula-
tion weight and quantity.
Wein en a miotor veh-
GSv—T h
icles branch of the department of pub-
lic highways has issued an effectively
worded warning to autoists in which
is pointed out the danger to auto •traf-
fic'of the railway crossings. The bill
which is being distributed shows a pic-
ture of a bad motor wreck caused by
collision between a car and train, and.
contains In black and red type an in-
junction to imotorists to "stop, look
and listen" 'before venturing to !cross
railway tracks.
Our Women's Department.—H•itve
Post readers been availing themselves
of the Pattern Service carried in the
in the women's department on page 6
of this papers Many have, we know,
but more would no doubt do so if
they knew how efficient it is. It is be-
ing greatly improved, too, as arrange-
ments have been made for supplying
patrons with extrusive patterns from
the well known designer, F, Cecil
Bayne. These patterns are low in
price, up-to-date in design, 1rd al-
together satisfactory.. If you have not
yet tried using !them it might be to
your adhantag•e to do so. We trust
our women readers are in the habit of
men s Inter
ests" d
ment, Many useful hints are contain-
therein weekly.
Pays Heavy Income Tax.—Residents
of London and Western Ontario paid
Into the coffers of Canada last year,
through the medium of the income tax,
the third largest amount contributed
by residents of any other section of
the country. The sum was $4,767,-
913,61. Only two other districts,
Montreal and Toronto, handled more
taxes. The amounts in these. latter
two respective cases were: Montreal
$.17,171,583.53, and Toronto, $11,-
937,163.17. There .were three dis-
tricts whose returns amounted to more
than $3,000,000. These included
Hamilton, Ottawa and Vancouver,
Skill others, including Halifax, Quebec,
Ottawa acid Calgary went over the $1,-
000,000 mark, while the remainder,
consisting of St. John, Kingston; Belle-
ville, Fort William, Regina, Prince Al-
bert, Sask., and iDawson, Yukon, fell
below the latter amount, Dawson was
lowest of all, with $47,181,62.
How Often Have You Been Liable for
Fine? -Reports i0 *he daily papers
show that people in various parts of
Canada have been fined for failing
attach the necessary statutes to cheques ues
or receipts. The law requires that a
two -cent revenue statist) be attached to
every receipt for money amounting to
$t0 or over. The stamp is much more
likely to be omitted from a receipt than
on cheques, as a bank will not cash
a cheque unless it bears the necessary
stamps. Some people ;ire of the im-
pression that a stamp is not necessary
on a receipt where the payment is made
by cheque. This Is a mistake. Fre•
queutly a• cheque is regarded as spf-
fictent evidence of ipayment, but where
the recipient of any sum of $10 or ov-
er gives a receipt, it must have the
stamp attached, no nutter •what forth
the payment takes—.cheque, cash or
contract account. People should keep
this in mind. H takes a lot of two -
cent stamps to make up a fifty -dollar
Got Your Markers.—The. police,
both municipal and ;provincial, have
received notice that the auto marker
law must be enforced and request that
automobile owners hvho have not yet
bought their 1925 markers do so at
Decreasing Tax Rate.— Amherst-
burg is showing the way for most
towns In Ontario. In 1921 its tax
rat was 55 mills; 1922, 1922, 52 mills;
1923, 53.5 mills; 1924, 42 mills and
for 1925, 36 mills, . The Amherstburg
Echo states that this was only possible
by the economies of 1924 council.
. Huron Girl is Safe. — Missionaries
who were stationed at Talifu,_a city in
the province of Yunnan, China, which
was destroyed by earthquake, are 1'e -
ported safe, among them were Rev. G.
H. anti Mrs. Booth. The latter was
formerly Miss. Bates and came from
Archibald McNee, 80 years old,
former President of the ?Canadian
Press Association and pioneer Can-
adiati Journalist, died last Thursday
morning at his home in Windsor, fol-
lowing a lingering illness, Mr. McNee
was joint owner of the old Windsor
Record,_ from 1889 until 1918, acting
as managing editor for a number of
Broadcasting Market Reports.—A r-
rangements have been made to broad-
cast `cattle market reports from C. F.
C. A. Toronto Daily Star, broadcasting
on each Thursday sometime between
5.35 and 6.00 p.m. The time chosen
is not exactly a suitable one, but is
the only aline that was available.
Farmers with radios will make use of
this information.
Buy Made -in -Canada Goods. — Re'
Gently the Billboads Association g;tve
the free use of some 1500 Billboards.
throughout Canada for one month to
help along the buying of Made -in -Can-
ada goods. This week over 500 week-
ly newspapers comprising the member-
ship of the C. W. N. A. are co-operat-
ing for the revival of business' by giv-
ing a line across a page to "Buy Made-.
in -Canada Goods and Patronize Town
Announcement was made in First
'Methodist church, St. Thomas, on Sun-
day morning that Rev. Dr. Martin, of
Knox church, Stratford, had been ten-
dered a call Ito become the first min-
ister of the 'church when it officially
comes into Union onJune 10. it was
further stated that Dr. Martin had ac-
cepted the invitation subject to the
approval of the Stationing Committee,
or—The Post
the April numberer of "The
Friendly Visitor" published monthly
at Leamington In the interests of
church and community life of the Mer-
sa !circuit. Rev. F. S. lOkell, B.A.
a former pastor at Ethel, is the Editor.
The front page had a colored Easter
illustration. The edition -was No. 3
and was full of good reading and car-
ried much advertising, which no
doubt was a joy to the Editor.
Passed Away at Belfast.—Word was
received in ainton last Tuesday of
the death of John Lutton, at Belfast,
Ireland, which occurred on March 18.
Mr. (Lutton Iwas well known no those
interested in 'the flax business, as he
had ibeen• in_ch'ange of the Government
Experimental Station at Clinton. -Mr.
Lutton returned to Ireland last year
on a visit, expecting Ito return this
year He Is ?survived by his wife, one
daughter, •and three sons.
Stolen U. S. Money Orders are Cash-
ed in Canada.—American money order
forms stolen in the United States have
been cashed in Canada. Some time
ago a large number of forms were
stolen from United States' post offices.
Some of these have found their way
into Canada and have been cashed,
' e
to an a
duce acost=
master Scott. Postmasters through-
out Canada have been advised to
watch all incoming orders presented
for payment. Identification will be
insisted upon where the applicant is
fine, 1I
Stopping Out (Fowl,---tl• Thompson,i•
Produce Merchant, Brussels, •shippe
another carload of .tressed fowl to the
Old Country market and another car-
load la Toronto,
T9 Attrae! Tourists. --The Ontario
Tourists' Research 'Bureau will raise
8140,000 as a publicity fund to be
dut from 01113 and • OIeS, used tliis season in going after another
p $40,0o,000 of tourist business.
Place your order before seed- I Prorogue By Easter,• --Tile Ontario
ing as I can deliver at once. Government is determined that the
sessimust beby flood
Price "25o per cotd, It is anal?orad thatethere shall beitay. tive
P. 1 ],..1.+Y1.
meetings of lire Public Accounts Coni••
L� �/� mitten. 11
nneighcessaryt. , this committke
wild stE
Tits Gladiolus has been adopters t y
the Walkerton Horticultural Society as
the'•thr'town dowel."
'1'Ha (achiral the counterfeit bills 'of
a Canadian bank said tube in cireu'ation
are of 1110 ikon denomivatiou has saved
ninny min the trouble of txaminingthe
con•ents of pocket -1 ook
Nos' until there is economy all nioog
the line--mun'cip1l, provincial null' fed
eral—.vill it be p sable to lighten the
burden of 'crenae under which the
pe. ple of Can ,d4 are tt'u;minti;.
Tits merchant is not tree to his own
interests who faits to Use the twit ad•
verrislug mention jr, his community,
lit the case of Brussels, the best is the
newspaper with the largest circulation is
Tag Boar.
Old -Tine Editor is ill — Archibald
McNee, a. ed border to<id,•ur, wt o at
one time was editor of the Windsor Re.
cord, is near death at Itis Name, V•e'oria
'Avenue. Windsor. Mr Maiee, who is
a'most 81 years old; leas been in bed
since tannery.
Must Carry Lights.—The Minister
or*Albite Highways nae nurodat•ed a
bill into the assembly at Toronto mak-
ing it compulson for buggies and wag-
ons drawn by horses to carry two lights
atn'ght Tye Act red:; a, Ialows;
"Farr*quiring every vehicle drawn by
a horse or otter animal whenever on a
highway after dusk and before dawn to
carry two lighted lamps one on each
side of the vehicle and so affixed that
they shall be plaiuiy vis b'e from the
front and rear of the vehicle "
A Tribute to Canadian Beef,—A trib-
bute to the excellence of Crivad
fan cattle that are shipped to Great
Britain, appears in a recent issue of the
• Review of the River Plate," published
in the Argentine Republic. The Can.
.adian cattle, the writer states, are fio-
ished on grain and their flesh fs of bet-
ter flavor than Argenttue alfalfa or.
grass fed cattle. The Argentine's beef
he points out has a splendid piendid appearance,
but it does uotegtaal in thickness or flav-
orlhe grain fed bullocks.
Cares of Libel—Reviving
Renews Charges R g
his libel action, Hon wrllram Sloan.,
Provincial Secretary an d Minister of
Mines, and an old Huron Co. beat,
caused a statement of claim to be filed in
Nanaimo, against General. Alexander
McCrae, Vancouver capitalist. The
plaintiff claims unstated damage From
the defendant, although the endorse-
ment to the writ named,$5o,00n as the
desired monetary .compensation. The
libel complained of followed charges
concerning the Pacific Great t Eastern
't 'a said, Mr .loan
iu r. .ad 5
Railway, where , t .
was accused of having accepted approx
imately $50,000 to protect 'he promot-
ers of the railroad. According to the
statement of the claim, the words
meant that the plaintiff accented bribes
and after the election afforded pro-
tection and favorable rrestmepr to the
promoters of the Pac'fic Great Eastern.
and that Mr. Sloan bad been guilty of
an indictable offense. The charges have
been Investigated by air. lustice Gall.
iter, who exeronerated Hon. William
eed Oats
loco Bus. Good Seed
Oats for sale. Apply to
Phone 2214 E'I'HEL
or Blyth' Phone 135
Now is the time to get that
Oar overhauled when we
have time to do it, and be
ready for Spring.
Hydro Battery Charging
and Batteries Repaired.
Caere in and see ns.
Genuine, Parts for all Cars
kept In Stock.
Overlook Quality and Buy Disappointment
"Empire" Papers ers voo Buy p Satisfaction
complete selection here, POOPS gnafantcol the same as at
"titnpiret' Stores, Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg,
We are uoty t'eati'p In give quntatiitns on Auto and Buggy
Painting Are you going to Paint your House this yeas 7
• Let es figure on lb.
Easter c Coming
Are you expectingis Easter visitors?
Are you going away for the Easter hol-
idays? T.hese are two Iaportant clues -
Vous The Post world like its readers
to bear in mind, If you 'are,having
visitors let us know their nae and
address; if you are going away' let us
know where you are.,going. Our
phone number is' 31 'office and 32
Poultry Breeders' Directory. — 'Tice'
first annual directory compiled by the
Ontario Poultry Breeders' Association
is now 'obtainable at the departmeift
of agriculture office here. It contains
interesting information relating to the
records of performances of champion
birds. In addition it covers a genelfal
review of the poultry industry in Ont-
ario. Copies can be, had by appiyintg
at t1115. office.
A; Cure.—liere is a very sinnple rem-
edy to stop hiccoughs. Recently
James McCann, aged Yonkers million-
aire,` suffered from prolonged parox-
ysms' of hiccoughs, and after ,doctors
had failed' to stop them, a stranger
appeared- at the house and proposed
a remedy:—The successful remedy ac-
cording to the family, was prescribed
by the stranger 4n these words. "Stop.
each ear with a finger, Press-firmily.
Have someone put a glass of water to
the mouth, and drink."
This Is What the Statute Says.—
Any person iwho takes a paper kegul-
arly from the post office, whether ad-
dressed ins his name or another's, is
responsible for payment. If a,person
orders his paper discontinued he must
pay all arrears or the publisher may
continue to send it until payment is
made, and then .collect the whole
amount whetherether the 'paper is
taken or
not. The courts'have decided, that re-
fusing 'to take the newspaper or per-
iodicals from the post office, or remov-
ing and leaving ahem unpaid, is .prima
faci, evidence of intention of fraud.
Toronto Huron Old .Boys. ',Enjoy
Themselves: —Over two hundred per-
sons attended the Euchre and Bridge
given by the Huron 'Old Boys' Assoc-
iation of Toronto, at Sovereign Hall, on
of b
t. March a r
were a number of persons from out of
the city present, and a large number
who had never attended''theee gather.
Ings he fore, enjoyed renewing old
acquaiutnnces. The prize winners
were ; For bridge, Ladies fifst, Mrs.
Young ; second, Mrs. Gordon. Men's
first, J. A. Campbell ; second, Dr
Dewar. for euchre, laies' first, Miss
McLean s
ecoud Mrs. Jos. Beck.
i ie second.A. Mc -
Men's first, Mr. Beattie,
Kinnon Low score, A E. Forbes and
Miss Freeman The Committee in
charge of the arrangements were Mes.
dames Martin, Young, McLaren. Ferg-
uson, McCreath, Cobbledick. Stowe,
Moon. Floody, Ring, Scott, Beck aud
Miss Patterson and Messrs. Sheppard,
Ftoocly, McLaren, Holmes, Moon, Rob-
ertson, Cameron, Cobbledick McCreath,
Forbes, Bailey and King,
Home Buying and Home Printing
The following appeared last week in the
bulletin of the Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association, headed, "The Bit-
er Bitten :" "Members of the C. W. N.
A. in every province have suffered more
or less trom the strenuous efforts of
printing solicitors from
the big
cities to
secure priuting
orders from the small
towns. .Apparently some of the smaller
town printers are getting busy and sol-
iciting work in the cities. Recently an
organization lo Toronto passed a resolu-
tion depinriug the fact that many Tor-
onto business concerns were getting
their printing done in the smaller towns.
Toronto people are great bowlers when
they have to take their own medicine."
It is good 10 know that they are -being
dosed. Milton n is constantly c
Toronto printers, who get
agents of L
many orders from business men who ex-
pect their neighbors to "buy at tome."
They fall easy victims to the glib canvas-
sers, and pay higher prices for inferior
work titan the local printers would
charge them for the best.—Milton Cham-
pion. -
Birthday Celebration of Yorkton
Pioneer.—Mr, Snell referred to in .the
following item, is a ,brother-in-law
of Robert Holland of this .district:
—Mr. John A. Snell, a pioneer
of the Yorkton district, who is spend-
ing his declining years at Victoria, B.
C., Ras the guest of honor at a birth-
day party there recently and among
the guests In attendance Was Mr.. J.
D. McMillan of Yorkton, who proposed
the 'following toast "It gives me much
pleasure to be with', Mr. J. A. Snell
to -night in his elegant, well -furnished
and (conunodious residence, surround-
ing his wall laidout stable, width is
beautifully ornamented by his beaut-
iful and accomplished .lady at *he end
thereof, "During the thirty -live years
1 have had 'the pleasure of being a
e never
of Mr. Snell's, l have
known anything worse to subsist bsist 1
our ,personal intercourse than friend-
ship and good fellowshi4, which places
me in a position to bear testimony to
his exemplary character as alt honest,
industrious, and trustworthy ',gentle-
man,' from the word go. 1 may say
Hight here• that iMr, Snail is a man
antoltg men, who came into Yorkton,
Sask., not pennytess, as 1 understand,
but had met with heavy losses and cls-
appointments for the first ten or
twelve years of his career in .the dis-
arlct of Yorkton, He lost heavily on
vaivable horses, utile and crops,
the slough
he kept out,of 1
nevertheless, k ps g
of despondency, convincing his neigh-
bors by his daily proceedings of the
fact that perseverance in labor +would
surmount every dlfficuiity, and believ-
ing firmly in this' the pressed forward
Q LIGAR Beets being rich in both Starch and
Sugar are excellent. for Stock Feeding, and .
are highly nutritious.
Growers who demand th, best should insist
upon securing Rennie's Selected Strains of Seed
to quality. produce immense crops of the richest feeding
Prominent amongst the best varieties is
Rennie's. Famous Leviathan Sugar Beet first
produced on theRenuie Gold Medal Seed Farms,
Other popular varieties are Rennie's Jumbo and
Rennie s Improved Giant.
Order Rennie a Field Root Sods frau
your local Dealer or direct from
wiLu mIZ E N 1 � mirze
Cor. ADSLAMDE and 7ARVIS sty,
if you cannot obtain locally, please
write us, giving you,' 7)ealeeo address
a2.elutie's'Seed Annual—kite PlOstIQAPPleteeknli4t at
Seed Catalogue-4PM Catalogue-4P'7On t+nluest.
towards his expected end with more
energy and perseverance than ever.
Thus he climbed the ladder of per-
severance, so to speak,from round to
routed- until the apex was eventually
gained; and then sat down in his arm.
chair reviewing his past, profit and
loss in the past, and at the sante time
rejoicing with a senile from ear to ear
over the bountiful harvest which he
reaped from his perseverance and ap-
plication in the past. So now Mr.
Snell' can retire in ease and luxury for
the balance of his life. And I trust
When Mr. Snell's earthly house of this
tabernacle is desoived, that he will be
transplanted into a better and happier
o o
t flourish in immo tal vigor, soil r g , in
a perfect and permanent felicity, is the
desire of my heart and prayer to Al-
mighty God. May Mr. Snell live to
see at least twenty more birthdays."
At the last !netting of the Meth
odiet official board it was decided
that after. June 10, the Melh"dist
church here orifi be known as Queen
Street II"' t d Choi eh
t celebrated 82nd
Lm gh ce feled his 8
birthday on Wednesday, and may
be called 131yth's grnrd old man,
His son, Will, and wife- of Grand Val-
ley were haute for the necaei,'n. The_
other guests were Alex. Bt yams of
Belgrave and lilies Leila Platzor of
wedding was solemnized at the house
of James and Mrs. Sangster, Moles-
worth, on Saturday, March 21st, 1925,
when their eldest daughter, Mary
Ethelene, was united in marriage to
James MaeIntosh Stewart, only son
of the late Robert Stewart and Mrs.
Stewart, Molesworth, Rev..L Smith,
Presbyterian minister of Molesworth,
officiated, and Miss Gertltule Sang-
ster, sister of the bride, played Ln-
Itengeiu's bridal chorus. The bride,
who was given away by her rather,
wore a becoming gown of powder
blur fl tt erelie and carried tut a, In
b, q n't fel' pink and white carnalaons.
Litter :Wise Pauline Strdelh,uet, DNI-
lni, e,nt-in of the Mile, made a
dainty little Suwet• girl, and
ryas gowned in IN bite taffeta
tend carried a busker. of sweet peas.
Falluning the ceremony, a dainty
luncheon was set ved to the guests,
The in ide and groom wet e the recipi-
ents of many useful gifts, Ile well as
several handsome cheques, showing
the high estettu in which they are
held by their many 'blends. Mr, and
Mrs. Slewart will reside in Moles -
win th,
The village lost an old pioneer in
the death on Tuesday last of Jemima
Birney, widow of the late Chales Mc-
Crea. She was born In Fermanagh,
Ireland, 82 years ago and came' to Gan-
ade with her .parents, in 1851. Three
daughters and two sons survive, Mrs.
S. Adamson, of Kingsville; Frances
E.of Belgrave; Mrs, A. M. Perdue, of
W,awanosh; Robert J., of Belgrave, and
'Cornelius G. on the homestead. The
funeral was held on Friday afternoon
and was largely attended. Interment
took place le the MdCrea Cemetery.
Five Hoses
ses o
and Purity
$t.65 • $t•75
Phone 5 Brussels
yQU must have an Incu-
bator if you etre to hatch
chickens y
kens succeesfnll . Of
course you v
n want an Incubat-
nr that will batch the largest
number of eggs Into the
healthiest clliclts.
signed, d of better
and better built, and hence
batches more and better
chicks than any other.
or better guaranteed
better backed beLterde-
Buckeye Incubators
in 7 Sizes 65 to 600
Sell from $18.00 to $116.00
Alpo Agent Miller's Ideal Incubators
Prices from $27.50 to $93.00'
Take the risk out of your Chicken Breeding by buying
one of these Incubators.
See Samples at our Store