The Brussels Post, 1925-4-1, Page 2£ffident E'ri
Whether u person le raising birds
for showroom purposes, or for meat,
or egg production, ora combination of
both, the degree of his success depends
upon the early growth made by the-
hebirds, He can melte or break a bird
during the first three months of its
And with the increasing number of
ineubetor•hatched chicks each year
there comes to man the feeding duties
of the foster parent. Usually this
means only teaching the young chicks
to eat, for whether they are reared
by man or hen the necessity still re-
mains of supplying. them with the
right kinds of feed in the proper am-
ounts to get them 'started and keep
them growing.
Teaching the young chicks to'eat is
simple enough. Nature provides them
with this Instinct, and as soon as they
are rested from the labors of breaking
through the shell they go to picking at
pieces of egg -shell, or the toes of one
another, All man has to do is to pro-
vide attractively -colored feed on card-
board or metal containers for a day
or so and the feeding problem is soly-
ed. The 'noise of the more adventur-
ous ones first starting to eat from
these hhrd containers attracts the
other chicks and soon the entire brood
is eating. After a day or two of this
it is a simple matter to change over
to feeding in the litter to provide ex-
ercise for another natural instinct—
The last step in incubation is the
absorption of the yolk of the egg by
the formed chick. This yolk is taken
into the digestive system of the chick
and is Nature's method of supplying
it with its first food. It will last for
several days, and therefore it is not
necessary to feed the young chicks
immediately after they are hatched.
In fact, feeding too early is often the
cause of much stomach trouble. The
young chick is not able to handle other
iced until this yolk is entirely digest-
ed. It is therefore unwise to feed a
chick until it is 48 to 72 hours old.
When feeding does start, the poul-
tryman must supply certain nutrients
if maximum growth is to be expected.
He must feed a balanced ration, which
means supplying these various forms
of feed in the proportions needed or
used by the chick in the formation of
its body These r utrienta are water,
ash, protein, carbohydrates and fats.
The principle and most expensive
of tbese feed nutrients is protein.
Protein is found in all meats, in eggs,
in milk and a little is found, in grains.
Proteins in thzmseives are made up
of amino acids. There are quite a
few amino acids—numbering close
to 20. The chick, in its body forma-
tion and its growth of feathers, re-
quires the presence of all of these,
amino acids. If any are lacking the
growth will be stunted, just as build-
ing operations will cease when there
are plenty of brick on hand and no
Keep the Bull Full of Good
~ Feed.
Prober feeding of the herd bull is
just as important as the proper feed-
log of the milk caws." Too, often the
thirds, The birds do not haveto grind spoiled or musty bay is put to one
ouch feeds and nonce the trash .is, di.' stile to be fed to the bull, Again, tee
gested more rapidly, and this has a, find dairymen giving the waste feed,
tendency to increase growth. Mash' left by other animals, to the herd sire.
should not be fed]- before the second AA of which is a poor practise.
week and should be started gradually. The herd bull old enough for ser -
After a week or so of gradual feed- vice should be fed enough to keep him
g 1
• I happened to be caning on Patty
Mother one rainy, gloomy day, whe
the tittle one beeerne a bit recuses
The **1ndaySchool Le� on
AI'RII., 5
The Blessing of Pentecost, Ac. t;, cit;. 2. Golden Tait -Re-
pent, and be baptized one of you in the name of
Jesus Christ for the remix 1siolx of sins, and ye shall re-
ceive the gift o the Holy Ghost—Acts ?; .
'I'lte delphinium (larkspur) poesess-
es a stately beauty that makes it pree-
+s tically necessary for a fine garden.
n h f f I1 II 1 Tho spiry, erect, yet not stolid habit
- of growth makes it particularly
P, charming in a herbaceous border, and
Idea of the (t ob en ance'otiood (3) 1 e •• shrubs
Choir reverent ob'sortanes'ot camman clumps of it among low ting,
meals, iii which breste is broken in re- presents a delightful appearance. The
membraneo of Christ (4) their Meet- •' delphinium in its modern feirm'pro-
lags for prayer in Jestit• name, vides a Wide range of color, running
-Vs. 43.46, So marked a devotion eldefly through the shades of blue.
Io'r QDUerloN—Pcritebost is to be pt•oduces.profound impressions en the To obtain a delphinium at its best
regarded as, filet and Foremost, the Jewish community. Most wonderful iti culture. Not
birthday of the Christian Church—. of all is the spontaneous* . kindness must be given good N
Ifitherto the followers of Jesus had with which the Christians, putting into
only is good .toll necessary but culti-
been a small body, a weak and for- praetiee the principles of Jesus, free- vation is just as essential and a reas-
lorn remnant. Now all et once the ly resign their• property and ' posses- melee amount ef moisture, In pre -
fire ef heavenly insplration,. falls on tions in order to rerieve the wants of paration for planting the roil should
the smouldering embers of thein faith poorer members, Such brotherliness be cultivated to a good depth, a foot
and lchuiles a grteat 11atnA of enthuse, was a new thing in the weld; and at least, and well though
not exaeea-
ively enriched, Bone meal is a safe
fertilizer, but some well -rotted stable
manure is also very euitable.-Tho soil
evidence of the working of God's never absent from the .temple.' But should be quite settled and soai4 be,
Spirit in its midst, (2) they bates also their own privaterfore planting takes place. Whatever
The signs or phenomena which house meetings for the observance of precautions be taken, watering must
'treated the new self-consciousness The Lord's Supper. Joy in God and 'be attended to during prolonged
were (1) a sudden outbreak- of that simple sincerity of purpose are every= drought. Ono really good soaking
ecstatic or rapturous mode of speech, where the distinguishing notes of. the and -nr mulch will go a long way in
keeping the plants thriving - well,
Plants that have been established
one year generally give best results.
Alter three years one's stock of very
ANALYSIS. ., (2) their joyful aerep tsoce of the de -
ing the birds should have access to a in a vigorous, healthy condition, free Excusing dterkelf, my '*h stess said
dry mash at all times. from excess fat' Most breeders feed "I'll be beck in a minute, 1 want f,
' Patty.', or.
sur rise
.. h °''et11P
i to roper •nrainy day
fedthe n l tat mixture tohe fa
a I the ash should be a I g ,g t
mead protein and also the bone -forming bull at the rate of four to ten pounds package,"
nutrients•, Animal bone -meal is the, daily, depending upon the size• and ; She returned with a- mostenticin
condition' of the animal and the var- large. envelope, full of bulges, Pett
best forst in which to supply this ash.
A good mash for, growing chicks is:
Bran, 30 pounds; shorts, 30 pounds;
cornmeal, 25 pounds; tankage or meat, ground corn, three parts ground oats, ''Oh, IV/other Marto, how lovely l'°
serap, 10 pounds; bone -meal, 5 pounds, three parts wheat bran, and ono:pert And away ran Patty with the, bulgy
Ix . -A NUTSHELL. linseed oil ureal,. Ground oats are envelope
especially good for bulls. "Tho packege looks intieresting, ' I
In summing up, ono may say the P Y eb lis,. Cottonseed P 6 sus as Patty.
F liowin rules are necessary for sues
meal is generally looked upon with said I was about as curl
o g Y
cess in .feeding chicks:
1. Do not feed until after 48 hours
2 Feed form f milk
11. oPENs A GREAT oirolleteerre, :37.40,'
g TIL AGNIteVEs etenveLeotia RESr1LT1$
v 41-47,
iety of roughage. A good grain mix- jumped up and down excitedly,, clap
ture to Ilse consists of three parts ping her small bands.
disfavor, since it may cause impot-1 "I have a number of such peel:after
ency, put away for days like this one,'
Legume hay, whenever availab:e,� Mather Marie explained. "I've laugh
should be fed at the rate of ten to! Patty to entertain herself, and she'
ee some or n o twenty pounds a day. Legumes are very resourceful, but when 1 have time
3, Feed often and little the first high in protein and mineral matter' I make these surprise. peckages for
week. Feed,uo mash until the second end will keep the heavily used bull asspecialoccasions."
week and then start feeding it grad- good condition,' When non -legume] A half-hour later Mother' Marie
week. roughages, such as timothy hay, fod-(:called to Patty to bring in her sur -
der or straw, are fed, it is necessarya prises. Patty clanged, in, eyes shining
to feed more linseed oil meal than Look! Aren't theg'. gorgeous!"An
grain feed, such as animal protein, with the legume roughages, she helcleem brightly -colored squares
bone and ash, etc,, present in the ian l loss paper lantern
mash. Breeders differ as to the breeding triangles, es, ob g , a P p t
powers of the bull when silage is fed. I and a put -together puzzle. She hand -
Supply plenty of green feed after Silage fed in large amounts will have ed me' a slip of paper on which her
the fourth day and supply plenty of a tendency to distend _thep: auncleImother had written in colored crayon:
' fresh water after they have learned which is very undesirable. However 1. Cut out a red, P green, and
to drink mirk. I +
7, Keep all feed and water utensils ten to fifteen pounds of silage daily black two-inch square.
may be safely fed along with other 2. Cut a blue and a red triangle.
eiosn• roughages. 3. Put "Boy with torn hat" puzzle
mold and let the birds run out as much It is essential that the herd bull together, very neatly,
receive plenty of water, and where it 4. Cut an oblong, three inches long
as the weather will permit. has been found necessary to keep the and two inches wide. Crayon one side
bull in a stall or pen, he should be purple, the other yellow.
letulegicating Oil Emulsions as watered at least twice a day, ) 5. Paint Lady Louise's gown and
The value and importance of using hat. Be sure the colors are attrac-
During the last few years rubrical- good bulls is essential to the econom- tive.
ing oil emulsions have been gradually seal development of the dairy indus-i 6. Cut a surprise.
superseding the lime sulphur wash in try, The present use of good bulls! "You see," • my hostess explained,
parts of the United States as aspray is entirely too •limited and when a "you can buy a package of co'_ored art
for San Jose scale, says Professor good bull is once in service, his use- paper, and heavy white paper which
Lawson Caesar of the O. A. College. fulness may be prolonged for an in -*is ruled into half-inch, or inch squares.
dcfinito•period through proper feeding With these you can make a hundred
These emulsions are cheaper than and plenty of exercise. '
lime sulphur and have generally been rainy day surprises. Patty's second
more effective in the hands of the a grade teacher taught her how to use a
average man in destroying the scale. . ruler, and measure correctly, but if
Lately it has been shown that they 3' a she hadn't I could have done so in a
ran be combined with Bordeaux mix -
%��f,� �T / short time. Thepuzzles are easy. I
ombin d rdeau, mi.(d �! Y
tore and in thin way we have a corn- In recent years we have learned cut a colored picture from a magazine,
bined insecticide and .fungicide just that the cows should be in good condi-! often using a lovely cover, and paste
as we have had for many years fn i tion at the time of freshening. During o thin cardboard. Then I cut it in
. the lime sulphur wash This spring the dry period the cow stores energy many pieces and put these in an en -
a scale infested apple orchard at Font- and tissue for turning into milk after veiope.
hill was selected and emulsions madei the calf has arrived, This cannot be
� "The paper lanterns are very
according to various methods both done unless she has more feed than. simple. You use a sheet of the color -
with and without Bordeaux were test -I is necessary for mere subsistence. Now cd paper, or white paper which has
ed. The season, however, was very) that we. have learned how to treat for= been painted, or some which has been
unfavorable to the development of the, milk fever, the final argument for: colored with crayon. First, ofold it
stale, and this made it difficult to,starving cows before calving is re.,evenly, then make attached strips by
draw definite conclusions as to the' moved, cutting on the fold to within an inch
Good dairy cows are nervous tees-� of two of the edges; next, unfold and
tures, so we exerrise more caro with paste the side edges together; last,
them than with the draft mare or the' paste on a small strip of paper for a
eningsow. .at this time of fresh-'
"Mdear," I interrupted, "of course
g comfortable box Stall is pro-:
vided for the occasion. When the calf You have ail these clever ideas because
comes in cold weather, we ase pro -;You were a teacher. But what about
der and condensed, canned and pre- vide the mother with a blanket, lest. us who have never taught?"
served milk, Canada exported in the she be chilled. Her udder is not milk "0, Se!" she laughed, "use a little:
twelve months ending January, 1935,. , ,
rustic devotion. There conies to the created lasting impressions.
t Cbristiatr community a new roneeloes- V. 46. The worship of the Christian
nets of itself, 0 new souse of its unity 'community is next described, (1) The
and power, resulting' from the clear Christians remain loyal Jews, and are
dproduced by intense religious emott, it, neve society,
goes" and. (2) a new awakening llolif Christians win golden °edmons every -
which is palled `'speaking with to - V. 47. No wonder, then, that the
prophecy where among the pimple, and; that the
Pentecost --the term means "ltifti- Church goes on steadily increasing.
eth," and the feast was so called be- .The Christian Church presents itself line specimens may be readily in -
cause it took place fifty days from the in a very beautiful light, as the true creased- by the• removal of sucker
a Sabbath following • Passover—was one or ideal Israel, and through the power growths from the outside of establish -
of the great festivals of the Jewish of; its spiritual zeal, and through the ed'piants. These make admirable cut -
year, The regulations for its obsere- 'love which inspires its members, it tings for increasing stock.
ante may he read in Lev. 23;15-21. lit makes extraordinary accessions to its Raising delphiniums from seed is
the later period of the Old Testament ranks from day to day, .
religion it had dome to be specially 'Big
an interesting process, but one need
associated with the giving of the Law not expect to get a high percentage of
on Sinai,, when according to Jewish The Big Tiling. plants of fine quality from seed, as
tradition, the I,aw was offered to all The sculptor takes a rough b:oek of many seedlings will turn out to be.
'nations, though only the . Jews had marble and by inspired labor, fashions quite ordinary in color and quality of
accepted it out a beautiful piece of statuary. This bloom. The seedlings of some of the
It vvas fitting, therefore, that 'the is called genius. He creates something finer varieties are usually quite "good*
birthday of the church ofJesus she that represents an ideal: This ideal Rev. E. Lasee,les, for instance, is like -
coincide with the festival of the giving first existed in his own imagination. l to produce seedlings close. resem-
of the ancient Law. Y. P g y
The composer and author are also bring the patent as regards general
On this day, the disciples having creators. coloring. Fine results mayalso be
met together in some appointed place g•
—possibly the temple—the above de -
The live stock breeder takes his raw expected from such varieties as
scribed signs occurred, and the dis- material, his living, breathing sub-! Statuary Rude. The former of thele
ciples became convinced that tbe jests, animals, and by -careful mating;! is among the finest of the darker var-
Spirit of God, which the prophet Joel selecting and developing, changes' 'cities, while the latter is found in the.
had' said would descend "in the last thein to confarm,to'his ideal;,but.he, lighter 'shades with amythest coloring.
days," and which Jesus had encourag- too, must have that ideal before he 'It is an interesting practice to se-
ed his followers to pray for and ex- begins. The inventor conceives first cure the seed of some of the finest
pect as their true helper and uide
o in his own mind a cote Heated ma- named varieties, grow the plants and
(Matt. 10:19,• 0; Acts 1:G, 8), had chine that, when roduced accom- make selections of the finest s ci
really epee. This conviction greatly, P Ps
strengthened and reassured the dis. plishes the werk of many men. The mens when they commence to bloom
ciples, and from this time onward we engineer applies his. genius, to harness- -in their second year.
find them looking always to be guided ing some of the forces of nature and{ The delphinium suffers more 'than
and inspired by the Holy Spirit. creates vast power for man, other flowers from the attacks of
The lesson to -day is from the Clog- Who will say which of these is the "sings." The damage is chiefly done
ing section pf the great dlscouree greatest genius? Who can say which in the earlyeering when the succulent
which St. Peter delivered to the Jew- one most benefits mankind?' yours shoots are just comity u In-
ish people in explanation of the new g j g p'
deed, many an excellent plant has
been almost, if not completely, ruined
by this pest. A. measure that has
often been successful in defeating the
8. Feed clean fresh feed free from
Spray for San Jose Scale.
merits of these emulsions in compar-
ison with lime -sulphur.
Total Exports of Dairy
Including butter cheese milk now
and extraordinary signs which had
appeared in the midst of the Chris- Australia's "Kangaroo"
tian assembly. The apostle says three Butter.
things :
• I. PENTECOST• ESTABLISHES A MIGHTY Being resolved to send to the United "slugs" is to sprinkle soot, or soot and
PACT, v. 36. Kingdon a butter of uniform quality lime, around the crowns in the early
V. 36. The first thn ng that the Des- and excellence Australia has adopted spring. Another plan that is adopted -
cent of the Spirit proves is the Mes- a na-iionat brand, to be known as by many gardeners, is to throw a few
siaship of Jesus. Jesus is the long- "Kangaroo" butter, The brand is to handfuls of coal ashes around and
promised 5 f Israel.
The Jewell mitten had rejected and to earn this distinctive mark the of the ground in the fall—Canadian
Jesus' claim to be the Messiah as butter must be made from pasteurized Horticu'Itural Council.
blasphemy, and when they ailed him creim, pass severe grading tests and
on the trots tb"y thought it was as
the calf is born PPhere necessary, the a lie t e lest, I eagerly coag d , is
ed at Ottawa and issued by the Dept, afterbirth is renwved inside of forty-1 r "Wes, of course the Lady i ouise' lected h:m. But, as Pete points out, means a vel f high standard in flavor A now sure for flu has been (Us-
Agriculture, 193,913,082 lbs. valued } i the new Rome of spiritual life which and texture. It is. expected that G5 covered—sat by a medical -viae, but
at y36,'L93,'30fi compared with 174,126, -rued eight hours, and the cow is not per -,.aunt is obvious. I simply have Patty has broken out among Jesus' follow-, per cent. of, butter exported from Aus- b en astroaomerr, This is really quite
P ��rnitted to eat it, as is too generally: color some paper dolls cut froon a• els is convincing evidence to the con-, tralia to. Britain this year will be of appropriate. file Cho new Treatment
77e lbs. valued at 3118,108,526 in the allowed, i magazine, alwa 's
preceding twelve months, The ex -y giving them fanci-+teary. 7t shows that Gad has made this brand. At the recent dairy show soaks skywards rather than to Fee he
Rhn•e vve take pains, at this tune, to fel names, however- It makes things Jesus both T.oel and the Christ " i in England this "Kangaroo" butter tenial arrangements of the patient.
1 "Lord. even on earth the ills -
c Saviour
mortar. ed completely dry fur two days after, imagination! " ' earn an award of 92
according to official statistics compil- "T :1 h " i goad as pxoved that God also had re_ points wh h •Flying for Health.
o tree. be affixed by expert official graders, .over the plants with the freezing up
Grainsdo nut enntain all of these
• necessary amino acids, and the pro-
teins they do contain are not in the
proportion needed by the chick. It is
therefore essential that other protein
be added. This fa usually supplied
from an animal source, as such pro-
teins contain the amino acids lacking
in grain.
The most useful forms of such ani-
mal proteins are infertile eggs, butter-
milk or orcins -milk, tankage, or pow-
dered meat scree. The lactic acid of
milk aids digestion, and it contains
one of the necessary growth -producing:
vitamins. It is almost essential that
all growing chicks receive mills in one:
form or another. There is no other;
farm stock th:ct will give better re-
ttr'ne frcnn milk Ira a feed than the
growing chick. To tet a chide tc drink,
rriik it is attest necessary to dip eel
',:,1 in the smile a.• s00n as taken from
the incubator. Withholding water
from the. chick 1 r the first week will
vi: o help to t ni+'h it to drink: milk„
1 e( lettere c r1 t o m- 1 fir sense:
buttermilk undiluted are good:
i, ;roes for chili ;s,
Infertile eggs should be sues 1 with
a mark feed and fed raw, Coolch:g
e,r;ts lowers the emeunt of l'osd value'
that 0 chick re :ems from them. 13e
ccueful, though, 'hat the v r bird;!
do not receive 1...! much +f enol rich'
food at any etre time. The tonkagi';
and powdered meat scrap ars hath fel!
in the mash.
IC hicks should be fed both a grain
and a mash ration in addition to hav-
ing access to buttermilk or skinmlk;
at all times. The grain ration sup -i
plies the necessary carbohydrates and
The mash should he made so as to
add the protein and 7011 nutrients
lacking in the grain. The first weak
they should receive only the, grain
and milk. Feeding little and often is
far better than feeding large -amounts.
Overfeeding causes diarrhoea, as Na-
ture did not intend the digestive sys-
tem to be forced loo early.
Grain fed sparingly five times a
day the first week will not overcrowd
them and will get triose. ready for the
Mesh feed the second week, A good
grain feed should consist of six parts
of cracked corn, two parts of cracked
tead�!met, two:parts of aey grain, not
A mash feed is . fed to force the
ports of butter925,in bbs year ending have the cows in good flesh, special a Lit more interesting. ] know you. ) took first, second and third prizes in Tho discoverer is 111. Camille Fleet -
January, 1J a` veers 22,539,327 lbs•' attention is given to the. natter of made the surprises vvhon you were a bad called Jesus, Master, mid. the colonial section. d
worth 8,04x,8131 and of cheese 1"2,-1had suhnirt now themselves to his auth- marina, w;hcse writings have a Euro -
lbs, worth vv'L2,8'13,056. In the: feeding fol, the first two or three, child. You simply fold a bright sheet3orily, But through the returnee-,`: —_ Bean reputation. 13o was suffering
previews year the exports were: butter;
weeks efts calving. Over -feeding i, paper many times, and cut it in tiara and through the testimony of the from 'Ru, which is no Salta, when you
dangerous. The first day or two only fancy shapes, until, when it is opened, Spirit in their midst, there has come' Enriching Garden Soil. are over 30, ns 11, I'lammalau ]s, An:l .
12,982,658 lbs. valued it $4,839,801, Same warm water, a portion of scald-' it makes an attractive pattern."to them a new vision, and they see: A dressingof,ba n
cheese 115,:.37,900 lbs. valued at $23, ' ` Yard manure to got rtd c£ tele malady by lalling a bal-
174,594. It will be noticed that in; cd bran or oats, and some good hay t:s: I felt really grateful for what she Jesus exalted to the throne of the about one-half or one-third of the icon trip, lie is nosy reoamratend#ng
each instance.Ithe quantities were' all that will be necessary or desirable, had taught nie and I hurried home to:universe. garden each year, is claimed by the the "upper ak'' treatment to all leo
"Christ."The term Christ or
i„ „ uperin endent and Bead Gardener freinde. and prophesies that presently<
_a—a__ !denotes the divine agent through of the Dominion Experimental Farm doctors wibi be sending theirpatie041
'whom, according to Seri tura God is' at Brandon, Man., in their joint bur up in a bslt_oon, airship or airplane
rather than to veaside resorts or spas,
s ;
Gradually the sow is then worked ants toll you about it.
greater in i,n:.d-5 than in 1923-4 Iniessinh means Anointed One, and S t
fu fee , which someti•mes requi• res
Control of Root Rot in {three „'eek
i Patch the hose in your pocket -book If common wood ashes are put into;
Canning Peas,one of the sifter cans and used for
with a garden patch,
Experiments were carried on by the cleaning the sink, bottom of kettles,'
Dept. of Botany of the 0. A. ,C. dor-; When washing windows, wring a 111 fact, anything where the cleaning
ing 1924 investigating the cause and chamois skin dry in clean water and powder has been used, will be found
means of control of Root Rot of peas.; wipe window. Then polish with a to do the work just as well.—Mrs.
Disease resistant strains give prom- cloth,—Mrs, E. H,
W. Be W.
Ise of read from this fungus pest.'
provan highly resistant, in some eases'
to work out the redemption of his letin on Prairie gardening, to be ad -
people. l vantageous. The manure should be Another remarkable cure to the creel -
In the words "God has made Jesus thoroughly rotted before applying, It of fying i, -i that of an American ex-
both Lord and Christ” we have the Coarse strawy manure opens and dries soldier, who had lost his speech as
simplest and earliest form of the out the soil and is likely to bring in the rosust of shellshoolc. He found
Christian creed. The Christian is the
weed seeds, Manure that has been
one who believes in ,Jesus as Redeem-. his voice when Ryiug at a height of
er and submits to him as Lord.,piled for at least a year, is heavy, 161,000 feet. It is also defined that fly -
II. PENTECOST OPENS A GREAT orPOR- solid, full of moisture, with the straw ing at high altitudes Is beneficial in
emery', 37-40. , rotted and the weed seeds killed, is cases oflung trouble..
V. 37. Peter's inspired eloquence best the garden, This should be
dee impression on the applied 1 thesurface of the
producing ninefold, while ordinary; produces a p app tee evenly
over sur a
The Lark yard, minds of his Jewish hearers, They, land and plowed or dug in. Under The paler regions cover one•twelfth
seed proved a complete failure. Theses of:L,matllotthathad crops and pansies. Here and there are stung by remorse for their part special circumstances genie benefit of the globe.
Area of Polar Regions.
strains are being multiplied and it is: to be filled in with such soil as could small 'groups of annuals were set in in Jesus' death, and cry, "What are might be derived, say our authorities, -e
hoped within a comparatively short! be obtained, was made to support a for the purpose of securing a per - 'we to do?" :from the use of special fertilizers, but If you detect signs of is health;
time to have available for the growers; very satisfactory perennial border, petual chow of bloom to colors to V. 38. Peter answers that repent-' if farmyard manure and good'cuitivs- have a health examination while it is
of raining pens in Ontario seed of a; The soil was enriched with suitable blend most effectively with the eros- sure, ora changed spirit towards God, tion are made use of the owner of have
yet too late. Don't allow yourself
strain of canning peas having the' fertilizer and devoted to the growing nials near them. At the side of each alone will save them from their guilt
the home garden may safely ignore to run dowtn-ruts up!
qualities sought for by the canner, and i of ordinary garden vegetables fot the Oriental poppy, which becomes shabby' and danger. Let them confess theft commercial fertilizers. 3- never hag beep shown
being at the same= time resistant to first two yews, During this time after the period of blooming is ever, grievous sin against God, end turn Tho farmer e a t
towards the Messiah whom they so
\vhat he can do with electricity. Un -
r001 tot and Might, i perennial borders in the neighborhood vve- planted a low -growing untie,' blindly rejected And in tok n of r L y less he can .find use for from 203 to
were studied ficin time in time and v h •h 11 " 1•
---a---- i s v i+. comes into bloom in the middle faith .et them be baptirod' In the name ; / "1 1500 k ovrutt hours a month, a room -
Dairy Exports to Germany. specimens of 47o i able plaits were se- of the mason and continues until of Jesus Christ, that is, with the' y e ill not be possible. If the
cured in the autumn, when gardeners feast arrives in the autumn, A ood confession of Jt us as the Christ. ,9 :able rat o p
In Iannary of thio year Canada• g y farmer is only 150101510 light his house
exported 225,300 :h:. of butter and veers overhauling their borders. The effort i produced in such a border by Therm they miry Nape fol forgiveness; . am then ve mi ht 'ust'as vve:]
+ and for the gift of the Holy Spirit,:' and b g
112 ,700 lbs. F h ( i pet'enmal trod"r r,Is ]craned irtween the scattering of Shirley which belongs o b stop with the proceedings right here.
butter 1 th boundary fence and the walk whirl: throughout the whole length f th
geoentry. To Belgium in Janunry, Can-
C(]i "( scs -;
r o c ne than
to ,era y •o re-' POPPY see"n t the societyof a-'
big morn ,u ler t fan #o any other separated�.. r_.___ _ vegetable en o e Havers. and wird be bestowed on every A further sand broader utilization of
ie3 CalnE ell electricity will be 'necessary before
adI exported 77,422 lbs. of butter and tion of the garden: The border was of seed scattered pronniseeobely early
301.800 lbs. of cheese, that country
resiling rseond to Germany as re_ P As the bed is cults- pnmatily to the Jews and to the.t 14Iy Ivey of oiling' harness is to u:w
gards butter and second to Gf•eat Bri Climbing nese and Allegheny t 1 I 1''d (Psalm 103 17 ]8 though:
An Indian legend retold
plenty, of coal -oil in a pan and seems
the straps wall a brush as I pun thein
Petal. reminds Inas bear= How the Puss r
electrification of farms is flu nt:e,
Y 9r VV) •sv.
made five and a half feet wide and it in the spring will produce an abun-':era that God's salvation ie offered'
extended a length of fifty feet. dance of plants '
i' roses, es, vine vette] during the season the seedlingc u, ren sa ni our `
the Willows. -a
tads as r
et aril., cheese were made to cover the fence, whieh poppies are preserved in sufficient
God has his elect among other, i 13y Annie G. H, White, ' 1 1 '
wasthe ordinary board variety. This numbers to rant a brilliant hue over even those who are `afar off. All ()nee upon a time, in the Mohawk thee glt the oil. That will soften then
formed an effective background to the the border far several weeks during are to save themselves from "this Country a :cotton toil mishit was sit and clean the dirt and old oil out of
Horne Grown Seed Best. g
crooked present world;" as Bunyan's • ting upon a:rvillowtree in the winter' the sewing and ores of the leather.
?Reran saves himself from the City h � pores
the last annual meeting of. the harrier itself. Tp to trawls. Sweet alyssum is also g
eel in three irregular rows set, out in useful for this purpose. Some of the of Destruction, The resent world is time, fie jumped down, and some of Then after a few hours of drying i
fifty (jaunty Reprc ental#vee of the eonformit with the reco recognized rrin- runts in such a border wet' be les ` " e nil h off the' his hair stuck in tufts on the baric,
Y g 1 P s `crooked, or, as w nig t say, o heput on the har•nea5-oil with :a briisiy,
he border W115
'rant- 11
Ontario Department of Agriculture,
the importation of seed grain was die -
cussed at some length Without a die -
senting voice or an opposing vote, 21
resolution was passed favoring the
use of "Ontario grown seed of all
"I calculate get along," said' the
bookkeeper, "and it takes ome pretty
Ow figuring too,"
ciples for perennial borders. The pleasing than others, These should rails. It has put itself, grievously in
be merited with a label as the season the wrong by its rejection and murder
advances, so as to be Identified for of the Messiah,
removal in the autumn. The keeping '133.PENTECOST AOHIEVES MIGHTY RE -
of a perennial birder is an interest- Stites, 41.47,
Ing feature of` e,:. aiming as it affords es, 41, 42. No less linen 9,000 cons
constant opportunity for improve- verts are added to the Church as the
anent by the introduction of newer and result of Peter's proaohing. The writ
—Canadian Horticultural Coua
er describes the zeal of the new con-
better varieties from sexton to seil•eas011, verde, particularly laxly (1) their conetent
back row consisted of hollyhocks, del-
phinium, perennial heliotrope and
hee:ianthus. The next irregular i•ow
was made up of phlox, Oriental poppy,
anemone, Shasta daisy and roiumbine,
intermingled Isere and there with iris,
Canterbury bells, sweet William, and
Mtn. The irregular front row con-
sisted of daisies, pinks, alyssum, stone
attendance qty the apostles' teaching
The next spring, tufts of white came Next clay I wipe the oil off with a rag,
on all the branches and the "people and then the leather is oiled ail the
called thorn "Pussy -Willows," way through so that the 111111 can not
In. jumping down the rabbit lit on get in for a long time, The coal -oil
i3io inose and' split it, and that is why will not hurt the leather unless it gets
he has a split nose to this day, When wet before the grease is put on, If it
the new bale grew on the rabbit's tail gets wet befot'e the grease 1e on the
it was white, and that is why Molly, leather will be vary hard, and you
Cottontails have white tells to this would have, to use more coal -oil to get
day ' it soft agaite—Eithersill. Jones.