HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-3-25, Page 2The Delta s Flavor
w� �ree��_^-��-U+ate.--•xr-a.
drawn front $tae lea s of
.] ats won it millions of users. Finer
thaw any Japan, Gunpowderger
. Ounig I[lyson .. As1 for SALADA.
Lord (rlenkcls was a sinful and a
passionate but nota bats man. Biel
infirmity, 'whatever It might be, tame�
quickly upon him and departed aa;
awift:y. It chanced that on one oft
his visits to the great" house among
the pines my lord was iia the park oil
a summer's day, He walked with his=
halide behind blur on the shady side
of a tall hedge of yew. On the other
a young under -gardener was talking
to one of the maids, whu on her part
had been on an errand to the village.
I know not if matters of old acquain-
tance or springing affection detained
them overlong iu oblivious converse.
But the sight of the pair of • the h
wasting his lordship's. time (and per-
haps els() the.' fact that for the moment
he himself lacked any one to waste hie
owe with) so wrought upon hard
Glenkells that he grasped his walking -
stick fiercely, ;and ran out upon the
:embryo ,lovers;
(To be continued.)
The consumption of tea, it Ls esti-
mated, increased in 1924 thirty-nine
million pounds. The price, as a re.
suit, may go to $1.00 per pound, but
CHAPTLiR XIII.—(Cont'd.)I Wandale wait a man of similar so- even then. tea is the cheapest baver•
9 require you, Walter Mac Wal- ciable habits to the laird of Kirke- age in lite world—aside from water,
ter," said Matthew Armour, with ells swald, but less given to savage gloom GOOD MATTRESS AND SPRINGS..
his ancient dignity, "to tell me the and mad freaks. Wandale was an
cause of your striking rhe boy Kit: Englishman, and bad known Mac Too many housewives only. think
Kennedy with your whip on his was, Walter in that manufacturing district of their mattress or springs when it
home from school yestereven." Iof Yorkshire where the purchaser of becomes necessary to purchase one.
"1 clo not know why I should be ac Kirkoswald was reputed to have made However, that time may be postponed
countable to you for this or anythingjhis money. What their relations there considerably if the proper care is
else," said the bully, but since you' had been was not known to any ex- taken of both the spring and the mat -
ask me I will tell you. The rascal;; cept themselves, but they were obvi- tress from the time they are first
jumped from behind a bush and ously united by some strong common brought into the house. But with the
startled my horse. For this I laid my bond of interest. best of care they will, in time, have
whip across his back, and for the like(( "Hill*, Wandale," cried Mac Walter to be replaced, and .when they do it
will do as much again." I as soon as he reached the house of the will be well to know a few facts about
"Nay, Walter Mac Walter," return-. factor, -"where are you off to? I want them, that may help you to make a
k the! to see you.Put u your beast for wise selection.
d th
ee Elder you do not spec p 3 The spiral spring is used perhaps
truth. The boy was seated at the while and let us have a talk,'
foot of a tree reading his book. Your The laird of Kirkoswold and his, more than any other, and while they,
horse coming quickly along started of, friend the factor of Glenkells had a. give universal satisfaction, they are
its own accord. And you struck the; long and very interesting private con -;hard to keep clean. If a spiral in one
boy, not on the back, as you say, but versation behind closed doors of the: of these springs becomes broken it
acres the face with your whip. Let' business room. These were the con- may be replaced, thus prolonging the
use tell you that far this you have to eluding sentences of it. The pair were' lifTof the springs.
he springs made of sections of
reckon with me, Matthew Armour,and: on the point of leaving the room. Mr.; P g
with my three sons." Wandale stood with his hand on the; wire, and having a spring at the end
Tho proprietor of Kirkoswald knob, ushering his guest out. j of each line of wire, to afford the
laughed harshly. ! "Weil,' he was saying meditatively, "spring" are serviceable and are not
"It is true, good sir;' he said, sneer t will be a difficult job. I need nett high in price. The life of cies springs
ingly, "that I married your daughter,l tell you that. You know my lord's may be lengthened by replacing the
but I did not marry the whole Armour temper and prejudices as well as I— little springs.
But he is in such a hole
faulty connection. I have not troubled nr better,
The woven wire springs, while inex-
you much for many years, and now 1 that ho will do anything.—nearly—for
pensive, are not really practicable.
will inform you that it would be well money. And you can count on me to They may be improved by running
for you to keep' your nameless brats manage it for you, if any man can. steel rods along the sides to prevent
more closely at home, or a worse thing You know my good -will." stretching.
than the lash of a whip may befall "I know it is to your advantage,The box spring, while the most com-
them." Wandale," said Mac Walter, with a fortable, is also the most expensive;
"Sir," said the Elder, calmly, ei loud laugh, "and with Dickie Wandale but it is ideal for cold climates as it
count this child more my own son that is far better security." makes for a warm bed. It is similar
than any that bear my name, and I Wandale smiled a wry, stomach- to a spiral spring and has a thin mat
will call you to account for aught that ache smile, and as he went a few steps tress over it. The whose is then
may befall him. And if you revenge down the passage behind his friend's encased in a ticking cover.
yourself upon Lilies, my daughter, I back, he turned upon his broad shoul- Mattresses are quite as important
Have three sons and she three brothers ders such a look of hatred that it. as springs. Perhaps the hair -stuffed
who shall not hold you guiltless. Also justified the shrewd Insight of Mac are the most popular, but they are
Walter's last words. high in price. Rough handling will
she is not ignorant that her father'sThere might be honor amen these. spoil this sort of mattress quicker
door stands open to her night and g g than anything else, as it breaks the
day'' two rascals but there was little love 1
"Some day you shall not crow so to lose betwixt them,
loud on the rigging, my venerable CHAPTER XIV,
father of the Kirk," said Walter Mac
Walter. "And pray do not forget that A STRIP OF BLUE PAPER.
ong hairs and thus causes it to lose
its spring and buoyancy. Icor this
reason a stick should never be used to.
beat the dust out of a hair -stuffed mat-
tress. It should be beaten—out of
one day, not so long ago, I forgave you Tho farm of Black Dornal was of f
a debt of some extent, putting your the value of fifty pounds a year. On doors—with a flat rattan beater at
it the Elder had been born, and his least once a month, and it should be
bond of six hundred pounds into your
hand on the happy day I married your father before him. Lord Glenkells turned every day.
I knew that the Armours of Dornal were' The cheap mattresses stuffed with
daughter. But when next I settle an, by far the oldest tenants on the estate, corn husks, grass or hay, are com-I
counts with you, my dear kinsman, fortable and satisfactory as long as
I may not be so lenient." and Matthew had ever been a diligent; they do not lump, but that is not 1on I
"I I h man and read with his rent g•
owe net er you nor any man Y
anything" said Matthew Armour. But my lord was in sad want of In the end, the cheap mattress is al
Modish and Practical
Suspender Skirt
' Nothing could be smarter than the
suspender skirt, one of fashion's latest.
decrees. As here pictured, it is made
of flannel in one of the ever -popular
navy-blue shades. The shoulder -straps
are so shaped that they fit well on the
shoulders, One of the pockets displays
a colored hankerchief w•hich.ad
d t ds a
note o color contrast. `This sus ender
f t
skirt, No. 1022, comes in sizes34to
42 inches bust, size 38 requiring 2'
yards of 36 or 40 inch material. A'
suitable blouse to wear with this skirt
is No, 1044, made of heavy crepe -de -
chine. The blouse is in sizes 34 to 44
inches bust, and requires 23:4 yards of
36 to 40 inch material for size 38, ,
Pattern mailed to any address on
receipt of 20c in silver, by the Wilson
Publishing Co., 73 West. Adelaide St.,
Toronto. Pattern mailed same day as
order is received.
Tell Us Another.
There was once a pugilist who hated
There was once an Irishman who•da.
alined to have a row.
There was once a man who thought
be was paid all he was worth.
There was once a girl with pretty
ankles, and who didn't know it.
There was once a father who liked
to act as night nurse to his offspring.
There was once a post -office assist
ant who said "Please" and "Thank
There was once a man who gave
more money each week to lila wife
than she could spend.
There was once a wife who, In argu-
ment with her husband, hated to have
the last. word.
There was once a woman who went
to dress and said she woulol.be ready
in ten minutes—and eras,
"We shall see, we shall see," the money, He was a widower, and, be -I luxury. Hig opportunities seldom coma
bully answered. "And do you, who ing a man fond of company, he saw a The cotton -felt mattress is comfort -I labelled.
talk so bravely and boldly of your good deal of that sort which it costs able and inexpensive. It is built of
door standing open to your daughter, the most to see, and from which there layers of cotton, and then covered with
is the least feturn. More than once a tick. If they are taken care of, and
look to it that you have any door to sunned and aired frequently, theywill
shut or open, except that which shuts had his creditors attempted a com-1 - q y'
you out of the Black Dornal, or any
roof save that of the common poor-
house to cover your head."
"If itbe the Lord's will," said the . mg covers, but the cotton has never
Elder solemnly, "it may be even so. the courts.
But the evil shall not come because Still, every pound was now of con -I packed. But we never use a tnat-
Itress without puttinga comforter or
you wish it, Walter Mac Waiter!" sequence to the proprietor of Glen- a pair of blankts between the spring
The Ruling Elder parted without kel'Is, and he had a strong belief in p ing
further word from his son-in-law, Wandale as the man who could conjure and mattress.
the former retracing his steps with the largest number of these out of the For Sore Feet—Minard's Liniment.
bowed head and heavy tread to the rocks and scanty pastures of his 00_4
way at the full stretch of his horse's To Wandale, for instance, was en -
farm of Dornal. The other took his loway estate. A "tube" railway Y is proposed for
trusted the difficult task of sellingVenice, It would cover the length of
speed to the house of his crony, Rfcjs- the city, a distance of eight miles.
and Wandale, factor on the joint wood quietly, and selecting trees which
estates of Glenkelle and Dornal, could be cut and conveyed away King George's famous yacht, the
without attracting any great atten-•
neo the
pulsory settlement with him, but his'
or years. We have three of
lawyers had so far been able to per -'them that have been in constant use
suede them that they would be no' for five years and are still good. I
gainers by pushing my lord through have mended small holes in the tick -
gsftler every meal'
,Acrerts+- encourage the
ihlldren to Mare fir their teeth/
Give thesis Wri g1ey's `
It removes food particles
from the teeth. Strengthens
the gums. Combats acid
Iiefroalein(, and beneficial
rr G0
PtAt Rtaerr
6-sammmicert.insgree.... co)
iSSUE No12— '26,
tion. j Britannia is regarded as n f
fastest yachts afloat. She carries
Wandale, mark a thousand outtd9
worth of tiber," would be an order! 9,235 cubic feet of canvas when in
twice or thrice repeated in the coutselfail sail.
of a year. And it was obvious that on
such an •encumbered property this'
could not go on for ever.
My lord came but s(:dar,1 to the
countryside, contenting himself with
writing a long letter to Wandale once
or twice a month, or, in case of emer-
gency, summoning him forwith ep to
London to give an account of his
There was nothing of the bold res -
oat about Dicky Wandale, He. trembled ;
in his lowest shoe -leather each thus
ire appeared before his pn. s:onate mac -
ter. re his anger Wendt:,lls would sems-
times shake his steward as a terrier
shakes a rat: He had even been known
to kick him completely round the
heure, ending by throwing him neck
and crop into the 1{e.11s water before.
an entire house party. But Wanda:e,t
completely satisfied with his own po-
sition, took these chullitions merely
nit troubles incident to the pleasant
rectorship of Dornal and Glenkells.
After all, he did what he pleased nine
titres out of the ten, and. Mr. Richard
Wanda:e emphaticaliseepreforre'd the
substance to the shadow.'
Beautiful home dye.
lug and ' tlotlug Is
guaranteed' with
Diamotid Dyes, Just
dip in coed wcter to
tint soft, delicate
cinder, or boll to
dye rich, permanent
colors. lilacb 15 -cent
package contains di.
mem" so sample any woman can dye
or tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresees, coats, stoeilingc,
sweaters, draperies, coverings, hang•
logs, everything new.
tiny "Diamond Dyes" --no outer
kind --•and tell your druggist whether
the mdterial you wish to color is wool
or silk, or whether it Is itgest, cotton,
or mixed goods.
If it happens
there is no Mar-
coni Agency in
your town have
your dealer write
us. We want you
to have a demon-
stration in your
own home of the
Marco niphone,
master radio re-
ceiver, This can
be arranged
through your
, local dealer. Also
send your name
for f r e.. -e radio
booklet "PD."
The .
Marconi Wireless'
Tel. Co, of tan., Ltd,
Halifax, Toronto,
Vancouver, St,
John's, Nfld.
coy !PHO:
"I'm .
always so proud of
my snowy bed -linen -"
says Mrs. Experience
"When . guests come, especially! My sheets and
pillow cases are so snowy»white; and have that fresh,
sweet smell of perfect cleanliness.
"And I change them often, too, because they're
really easy to wash -the way I wash them—with
Sunlight Soap.
"The pure Sunlight side quickly search the dirt'right out,
and leave every single thread sweet and clean. Only a light
rubbing may perhaps be necessary at times. Then a good
rinse and everything is as spotlessly white as Your heart could
"For clothes, dishes and general housework I always use
Sunlight. Every bit of Sunlight is pure, cleansing soap, and
so it is really economical—and my, how it does clean! Suns
light is so easy on the hands, too I1' Lever Brothers Limited,
the largest soap firm in the world, make Sunlight.
Sunlight Soap
Supply of Asphalt' is Inezc.
baustible—Furrows Fill
Again at Night.
The pavements ,of 'city streets cry
to the clop of horses' hoofs and the
whir of automobile tiros, "Trinidad,"
in tribute to the island's asphalt de.
e' Posits, Radio and telephone wires re•
veberate the refrain. Even the walls
of houses shut out these sounds, as
well as the cold, with the world-fa-
mous product 01 this emerald island of
the southern Caribbean,
Tee moot southerly island of the
West Indies, and the largest et the
British Islands In the Caribbean with
the exception of Jamaica, lying near
the Venezuela coast, Trinidad ships
yearly Large quantities of asphalt and
bitumen, '
Supply Seems ;Inexhaustible.
The spirit of fan play always leads
a contestant to recognize hie oppon-
ent's skill.
Minard'a Liniment Fine for the Hair.
Use Horn Sparingly.
Try to drive with using the born as
little as possible. A sudden noise may
stop pedestrians iu their tracks rather
than warning them.
Banking by Mail,:
The security afforded by the Province -af Ontario
Savings Office, together with the facilities extended by
every Post Office in Canada and other countries, make it
possible for everyone to deposit their savings in this institu-
tion.. Interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full
checking privileges.
The confidence the. rural contmtinities have shown' in
this Savings Office- is indicated by the large increase in de- .
posits, which are now over $20,000,009.
Ail deposits are secured by the entire resources of the
Province of Ontario.
Remittances should be made by Post Office money order,
bank cheque, express order or registered letter, and should
bs addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive
prompt attention.
Promo of Savings like
Toronto (branch Offices/
Cor, Bay and Adelaide Ste, Cor, University and Dundas Sts.
619. Danforth Avtnue,
other Branches at
Hamilton, 85. Catharines, St. Mary's, Petnbrokke,
Brantford, Woodstock, Owren Sound, Ottewts
Seaforth, Walkerton, Newmarket and Aylmer,
When Sir Walter Raleigh stopped
on the shores of Trinidad. to 'pay' his
vessels with pitch from the famous
'lake,' he said there was enough of
the substance for all the vessels of the—
world tor centuries to coma, and even
the demand wh(eb modern civilization
has put upon the enmity 115.0 scarcely
changed the truth of his statement,
About a mite from the shore, neat
La Brea, the peculiar „Phenomenon,
which has been variously termed an
"Inferno," a "StYglan pool," and "the
fountain of, Etyx," is located. Had
Dante known' of its existence, it prob-
ably, would have served to stimulate
ltie imagination to still more fantastic
flights. However, the lake about which
s0 many interesting storieshave been
told does not deserve its reputation.
A man whoi
contemplated a e e ritl t d auclde in
its black depths would die of starva-
tion -before the ooze dragged him in
above hie, knees.
The sensation produced by walking
over its surface is much like that of
treading upon some great beast whose
flesh gives beneath the feet—it is soft,
blood -warm, and the wrinkles over its
surface in the blinding light of the
sun seem to rise and fall with his
breathing and the water which gathers
in the furrows suggests that the ani-
mal is perspiring.
It is Bald that the area or the pitch.
bearing lake Is 110 acres and no one
knows how deep it is. There Is an
almost uncanny feature connected
with the removal of the asphalt frons
the area. Rails and sleepers havo
been built out Into the lake and each
day the laborers dig up chunks of the
pitch, which break oft with dry, blue.
flint -nice fractures, and throw them
Mao ii car which tuns on rails. Each
day they make a trough along the
aides of the track with their picks and
when they return the next morning
the trough is filled again level and
solid for them to dig up—a furrow
that is never finished,
Scars "Heal" by Night. -
Like the Burning Bush, the hake
seems never to be consumed, and like
the daughters of Danaus, „who bad to
catch water in a sieve, the men never
see the results of their labors. At
night a great gully runs across the
horizon, and at dawn the •surface 18
level again.
About every three days, however,
the pitch swallows up the rails and
the sleepers and they must be raised
and readjusted on the surface. Al.
though about 100,000 tons or asphalt
are being taken from the lake each
year, the little track need never be
moved; the pitch conies to the rail-
The subtle movements of this queer
pool have produced some "spooky" ef-•
recti -islands wander like lonely
ghosts trom shore to shore; sometimes
a tree trunk ticks up out of the surface
like the arm clothed in white somite
which bore "Excalibur," points its
warning finger and again is drawn
back into the Cimmerian depths,
One writer has estimated that tit
least 10,000,090. tons of Wit mixture
bare been churned into asphalt. by gua
tiering the ages hi ?Itch Lake, which
Is known as Devil's Cauldron : anion;;
the natives. About 4,000,000 tons havo
already been rensovel, and by 1920 the
surface of the lake had fallen fifteen
feet below i es felines level. Once cline
ing lis lslstory elle' w'iscous fluid over.
flowed its .silks 511,1 nest) 1(4 way to
the sea near La Brea, Now 1ho world's
supply is shipped train l3rightoa,
Which fairly reels of its '!tent in (recto.
Asphalt boulders steel up out of tee
end ninny, the shore like asysterlona
Week sea warms, the plies of the piers
fire sal, sit whir pitch, the ravementt
ere of the eanso in'ltertai,-' and the
black children of the Malin play }villi
dolls whose little black faces . ;slt
bodies are made of pitch.
Columbus Saw Island peaks.
The island is really a beautiful re-
sort, its rotsds aro excellent, and it is
they ' to ,roach from the Verteettcia
shore, its green trees towering on tho
skyline from far out at sea: On his
third voyage Columbus saw its throe
mountain peaks, . which gave it its
name, rise out of the era, un July 31,
149e. At (ho foot of these hills Mus-
ters the, group of buildings wilIch
forms the Capital city, Port of Spero,
tt rather nondostript modern town
width bag grown tip en the charred
-+) ruins of the old Spdplsh atty..