HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-3-18, Page 8rhe
e4(024 Store
A Special
For this Week
2on ee1cSof
Jr tee
Jonteel Soap _
Jonteel eold eream
Pace Powder
All Shades
at .... ..,. zn,.
Spring Medic -rhes
Puretest. Sulphur & Crum of Tartar
26o pkge.
Recall Sarsaparilla Toole
"Burdock Blood Bitters oU !late,
$126 bete.
Recall Blood Purifier
• $1.00 bats.
Syrup Ilypophosphitas
$1,00 bots,
Pathnps you hisve your own
peal:altar Recipe or PreeoriP-
Li ori. Bringit in and we will
give it careful attention,
A Canadian Story
Stewart Edward Blake
Begins in the March 14th
ISSUE of the
Saturday Evening Post
So copy
Pictorial Review
Kept in Stock
The Pattern you are looking
for is roost likely to be found
quickly in the latest Pictorial
Review Oatelogue, Come in
and look through it, Spring
Pictorial Fashion Book -
26c copy
More Sunshine
Makes better conditions for
Picture taking. We have a
fresh supply of Eastman Films,
films Developed and Printed
F. H. 81111111
The Store
Druggist and Stationer
rural it elm Items
13 more days of March..
CuaTotr's spring show—April 2nd.
THE /7th passed off quietly in town.
THESE frosty nights are hard on the
Fall Wheat,
THE Parisian Laundry, London, has
made an assignment.
A welcome sign of Spring is the
crows' concert every moruing.
THE seed catalogue is rapidly taking
the place of the cross -word puzzle.
The dodging days are drawiug near—
the days when the pedestrian keeps
playing bide -and -seek with the as omo-
As Easter approaches the thoughts of
the fair and once weaker sex lightly
turn to millinery and that sort of thing.
It was ever thus.
Tots coal -shovelling season has by no
means ended even though old Sol is get."
ting stronger, But, cheer up 1 There's
an end to all things sooner or later.
Time Extersled — The time has been
extended for ;ale 'by tender of the es-
tate .of the late Wm. E.Sanders, Ethel,
from Friday, March 20th to Wednesday
March 25th. Advt. may be read on
page 4.
Had a Birthday Party — Mrs. Wm.
Martin had a few of her Manes come
in and celebrate her 86th birthday nn
Friday evening, March 6th, though her
birthday was not until the 711. Her
many old friends in town offer hearty
DUN'S report says that dry goods
merchants, men's furnishers, milliners
and shoe dealers believe that the dull-
ness of the past few months will be sup•
erseded by a steady run of good bus-
iness throughout the Spring, provided
weather conditions are good.
Good Roads Meeting — The Govern-
ment Inspector will be in Brussels on
Tuesday of next week and meet with
the Councils of North Huron, to dis-
cuss changes in the Good Roads Act,
and other features of law. This is a
very important meeting for those in-
terested in road building.
Promoted to Detroit — A. W. L.
Gilpin, only son of J. J. and Mrs. G:1 -
pin, of town, who has had his head-
quarters at Chicago with the Ford Co„
has been promoted to Detroit as Sales
Manager and took over his new duties
on Monday. OM friends are glad to
hear of his promotion.
Among the improvements contem-
plated at the Ontario Agricultural
College is the construction of a high-
powered radio broadcasting station so
that even farmers with small receiving
sets might be able to get daily weather
bulletins, agricultural lectures, news
and other information in their homes.
This is a move in keeping with the
Official Egg Inspector — Malcolm
Woodley, who has been in the employ
of R. Thomson for the past 14 years,
than received the appointment from the
Live Stock Department of the Domin-
ion. Government as official egg inspect-
or ,and ordered to report at once. Mr.
Wloodley's friend's are glad to hear ' f
his appointment.
Returned from Lumber Camp: —
Wan. Pawson returned on 'Friday with
the horses and outfit owned by P. Am-
enit, which had been in the lumber
camps in Eastern Ontario, Mr, Paw -
son reported that the thermometer
nearly went out of slight for a week,
but while In ithe bush one would not
feel the cold unless the 'wind was blow-
ing, "Early 110 bed and early to rise"
at the 'camp ,put weight on William,
who heves` wag In the skeleton Klass,
Quantity of Alsike and Timothy seed for
R C. CAMPBELL. Lot 14, Con, 18, Grey.
09•0t Phone 4818.
PIus for sale, chunks about 100 lbs 89-1
I sale Also some yellow blossom. sweet clover
Phone Ste GI mews EERIE
PASTIME Farm to rent, 100 acres, Lot 22, Oon
8, Grey, -Best pasture farm to Grey ; good
fences ; cedar shade and eyeing water.
89.10 DAVID h1ILNE, Ethel
MOLAuoinne Oar for sale. Would take.
good young horse as part pay, Apply
89-tt WEE PORT.
Fon all kinds of Grein and Clover seed, at
right prices, go to Dus'r'e
88-2 Bluevale.
FOR SALE.—NAYeral Temworth Boars ,•Ap-
Ply to Phone 104. W. a,M0011T08 CON.
89.2 Brussels.
FOR BALs -10 head of yearling cattle, mostly
steers. Lot 18, Con, 18, prey, Phone 288.
QUANTITY of seed peas for sale. Phone 287,
99.10 Huge LAMONT,
FOR SALE—Jersey cow due to freshen about
Let o! April. 1. Apply to,
P. AMENT, Bru89e19,
2 Guess and a gander for sale, Phone 8410.
89.01 Brunets.
FOR SALE—A quantity of white bloaaom
sweet clover seed. quantity or early Siberian
cluster Mead oats anda quantity of early Im-
proved Banner need oats
Lot 29, Con. 6, Grey.
Warne Pekin drake for sale. Phone 514.
89•tf ELorose CARDIFF,
GANDER for sale. Apply to Phone 2012
Fon BALE.—Turkey Henn. Apply to
88-tf Phone 1815
GASOLINE Lamp as gond as new, for sale at
s bargain. Apply at Tun Poem.
Fon t4ALe.—A -quantity of timothy seed,
with a little Alsike mixed, at $4 50 per bushel.
Government inspected, Grade No 2.
88-4 C. R. COULTER,
Phone 1612 Lot 4, Con. 6, Morrie.
TIMOTHY and Ariake seed mixed, grown 023
new land and free from bad weed ened. Price
$5.00 per hue. of 48 the. Phone 4811
88-tf Jtio. hioNABs, Brasselo.
Goon Durham cow, 9 years old, due to calve
Met of Mersh Alpo s quantity of 0 A. 0,
72 aged este. JNo, SERIN. 88-2
Phone 180 Lot 80, Con. 0, Morris.
WHITE Moslem Sweet Clover seed for. sale
88-2 Ge'000s MonntiAto,
Wroxeter Phone 1-802 Wroxeter, P. 0
FOR SALE•—Idannbr seed oats, grown frorn
registered seed, first prize in Howtck Field
Crop Competition 1924, JAS E BALL.
Phone 817.17 Wroxeter, R. R. No 2.
29-tf EN. Homerineox.
SEED GRAIN—O. A. C, No. 72 Cate and s
quantity of good Timothy Seed.
87.4 JAR. Pertain, Phone 2510
Foe sale or exchange for smarm engine, a
Ford motor complete with governor end eel -
ley. Apply DealARots, ittGAHAG E,Ethel.
Fon SALE —Four pare bred Holstein cows,
due to freshen 1n Match rad April Also will
have 10 or 12 pure bred bull and boiler naives
to eel' Place your order now If interested
87.0 Boon CIO H MOND,
Phone 48.2.1 Lot. 2. Com 11, Simi
Atwood R. a.No,2
To RENT.—Homo and Stable with about 2
ncroe, orchard and garden with some small
fruits. Also s stack of good strew for -sale,
88-tt Phone 2818. J. A. Monet.
A QUANTITY of Seed and Peed 'Oats, 20 oea-
tury, for sale. Apply to Phone 4020
56.20 - Jos. R. HAMILTON, Walton.
YELr ow blossoln eweet Clover seed for pale.
Lot 27, Con. 1 Grey,
Have You Renewed? --ds your
"Post" subscription due? Kindly re-
new without waiting for a notice.
Has Large Enough Debt Already. --
At a meeting of the ratepayers of Kin-
cardine to discuss the advisability of
paving the -main thoroughfare this sum-
mer, F. F. Coombe, a leading furniture
factory pian, opposed theavis
scifetne on account of it o
s costinin g the
A New Brand:—"iGhlWkellir" is said to
be the name of a new briand'being pail -
sod by bootleggers—two shots and you
tyay rt
Car of Wire, --Geo, E, Metall .un -
(Waded a ear of fence wire last week,
Mher. MedingoCalwii re (has speethisSpring,lal prl'ces for those
Was a Hoodoo. ---Friday, March 1311,:
with its snow storm, after suelt nice
days the first of the week, was the only
thing to Jar tone on Friday, 'n13".
Accepts Position in Listowel. -Miss
Ghadlohte Heist, of Brussels,, has ac-
cetp'ted A position 40 Diana Sweets, suc-
ceeding Miss Thelma Wolfe. (Listowel
Get Them in Early:—Send in your
district, local and personal news In
• early each week, We are glad to re-
ceive all the news; all the time. Phone
31 or 32 at night.
Gave an Exhibition,—John Pall, a
billiard and pool expert, gave' a dem-
onstration at the Queen's Hotel Pool
room last Wednesday afternoon and
evening of fancy shots, etc.
Foot Ball Meeting —A01 .persons in-
terested in a Foot Bal team for Bru$-
sels this year are requested to attend
a meeting at R. Ferguson's store an
Monday evening, March 23rd,
Horses to Quebec;—John H, Gal-
braith shipped another carload of hor-
ses to Quebec last Thursday. This is:
the second carload that Mr. Galbiaath
has shipped to Quebec this year.
Buys Property.—Last week the Ex-
ecutors of the late Miss Annie Turn-
bulll's estate, sold the 80 acres in, Mor-
ris on the Boundary road, north of
Brussels, to Edward Lowry. Mr. Low-
ry gets possession right away.
A Successful Dance:—The dance
held under the tauspices of the recent
• Short Course in Brussels, last Friday
evening in the Town Hall, was a very
pleasant affair. Good musk was sup-
plied by local orchestra and a tasty
j lunch was served.
Will Hold Sale:—Howard Bolger will
hold an auction sale of household ef-
fects and butcher shop fittings, and
slaughter house, at 'his home on Prin-
cess Street on Saturday, Manch 28th.
D. M. Scott will be the auctioneer. Mr.
Bolger is moving' to Flint, Mich., where
he has secured a position.
Judicious Advertising. — The wise
merchant will go out to meet the ap-
proaching gold times with judicious
advertising programme, but he will
make a big mistake if he falls to in-
clude the Post, the newspaper with the
largest circulation• in this section of the
Movings.—Fred. Jeater )has moved
to G. Edwards house on Thomas Street.
Jas WlIlhamison, Blyfth, moved to the
house vacated by Mr. Jeater on Alfred
Street. Archie Thompson has moved
to his new 'property, lately owned by
E. "Pollard, on Stratton Street; and Al-
vin Oakley is moving to house which
M'r. Thompson occupied.
Treasury to he Enriched.—Brussels,
treasury will be enriched by something
over $40 by receiving tram the Pray -
license feels for pool rooms and
billiard parlors, which according to the
new Provincial budget, are hereiafter
to be, rebated to 'the municipalities,
This will cost the Pyovindtall Govern-
ment about $100,000 annually,
Income Forms Here:(Listowel Stand-
ard)—The Income tax return forms
are here and cap be secured at the loc-
al Post Office or Customs Office, The
forms for farmers will be here in the
near future. 'Cheques must be made
payable to the Receiver -General of Cad-
ada and left with the nearest Collector
of Customs.
Home Beautifying.—Spaing will soon
be here and we should plan now to
make our homes and grounds as at-
tractive in 1925 as possible. Very oft-
en these are bleak, barren, desolate
and very unattractive. Why not make
them more inviting, and 'bring into
them some order, some 'cheer, some
beauty? Environment 4s a potent fact-
or in the development of icharacter—
thht a child who grows up in an en-
vironment of tin 'cans will not be the
equal of one who grows tap in an at-
mosphere of grass, shrulbs, and flow-
Only Pure Maple Syrup.—Only pure
maple syrup will appear on the market
this year, if the government regulations
are followed, Recently an order -in -
council was liassed prohibiting so-
called maple flavor syrups. This year
a syrup is either maple syrup or some-
thing else. A syrup that is not maple
syrup- must not even have a maple fla-
vor. This is for protection of the pub-
lic against syrups being solid as motile
but contains very little more than a
hint of the real fine' old Canadian prod-
Why Not a Huron League;—What
about forming a soft bull league in Hur-
on Oo. this coming summer both for
the men and the ladies? Mr. Van-
wyck, of Wfingham, has been boosting
it along for the various Oddfeliow lod-
ges in the District to form a group.
Down around Palmerston, the Specta-
tor says—There is a possibility of a
ladies' ,soft -ball league 'being organized
in this district for the summer. The
presentt plans include the possible en
tries of teams from the following pla-
ces: Drayton, Moorefield, 'Palmerston,
Harriston, Mt. Forest and Drew. Now
who is going to take the lead in Huron
St. Patrick's Concert:—on Tuesday
evening in the Lecture roam of the
Methodist Church, the "We Want You"
Class gave a pleasing St. Patrick's 00n -
cert, which was enjoyed by all present,
Following was the program present-
ed: --Instrumental, •Misses Wilkinson;
Chorus, "Wihen 1 Dream of Old Ire-
land"'Class; Reading,'"The Wee Tay.
Table", Mrs• iParker; Solo, "Mother
Machree", May Armstrong; Instrum-
ental Duet, Misses Rands and Hoover;
Reading, "Understanding" Margaret
otvn $78,200 spread Maunders; Irish Airs, Heirloom Orch-
Besides 8 e , p over 20 years. estra; Piano Solo, Velmla Lowry- Solo,
h ratepayers would have to "Where the Highway Steps Along"
uptheir share of the $30,000 that Edna McCall; Reading, "The Birth of
theCounty of 'Bruce would have 4o +'
for the twenty -foot ]lelanu Marjory Rands
Instrument -
pay oe
y t strop. Mr. al Duet, Misses Rands and Hoover,.
Coombe, who is a shrewd 'business Chorus "Dublin Bay" Class; Reeding,
man, Points out that Kincardine i - " Meiotic" y R o,
s at Mary Mahone Mrs, Parker; Solo,
ready burdened with a debenture debt "Danny Boy" Marjory Hoover; In -
Of $247,721.55, 'besides a flouting deist strumental, Misses Wilkinson; Chorus,
We Werit You Class.
ai $91,000
f 1
ro to
Doubling the
Arguments for Davie!!t
A LL that can bo said in favor of op, .
ening a savings account in the
Standatd Bank, may be repeated ,
with greater emphaeis as regards a joint
saving account. Joint accounts aro
pt'lmarily fov convenience 01 deposilnre,
but where two people are bound together
by oornrnon interests, the moral .se well
as the practical value of working togeth-
er, planningg their financial betterment
with the aid of a joint bank account le
clearly evident. The Standard Bank
solicits your joint savings aceltunt.tc
BRANCH—G. H. Sarnia; Manager
Week -End
Special s
Regular Special
1.95 Grey Work
Shirts 1.39
2.25 Heavy Work
Shirts 1.59
1.50 Heavy Winter
Underwear .98
Shirts only
3.00 All Wool
jerseys 1.69
7.00 Waterproof
Coats 3.95
2.35 Boys'
Bloomers 1.69
2.50 Black
Overalls 1.89
1.50 Natural Wool
and Cotton
Shirts 1.09
4.50 Men's Heavy
Tweed Pants 3.45
15.00 Youths' Two -
Bloomer Suits
34 and 35 11.50
W. D. Hamel
Men's Wear Brussels
A Successful Sale and Tea. — Th
members of the W. C. T. U. held a suc
cessful home made baking sale and a
St. Patrick's Tea at the store of Missc
Hunter on Saturday afternoon.
Stealing in St. Marys — The St
Marys Journal Argus makes reference
to several cases of theft in that town
and among them, on a mean well-known
in Brussels:—Thieves on Friday night
last broke the lock on N. .L. Bran-
don's truck garage behind W. R. But-
cher's store and stole the radiator core
from the car therein.
Women's Institute — The Women's
Institute will 'hold their monthly meet-
ing on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
in the Public Library. 'Phe topic
"Women of the Bible" wild be given by
Rev. Mn. Lewin. Roll 'Gail ' My Pet
Proverb"; Current events, by Mrs. J.
W. Armstrong. Everybody welbcome.
Heard English Program — Quite a
number of radio fans In the town were
.pleased on Saturday night to be able
.to pick up a program broadcast from
Chelmsford, England, the naw British
superpower 'broadcasting .nation. The
concert was relayed from Schenectady,
and was received with fair satisfaction
by a number of people here,
A Sneak Thief:—While attending the
dance' held under the ausplces of the
Short Course, somebody politely hook
the ermine collar off the coat of Mrs.
A. Strachan at the hall, 'Chis may be
a serious matter to the guilt5r one.
Underwent Operation:—Cast week
Miss Minerva Jones went to Kitchener
Hospital where se underwent an opera-
tion for appendicitis, Her many friends
In town are glad' to hear that the opera-
tion had been successful and she is
making rapid recovery. Mrs: Jones
has been in Kitchener with her daught-
Check Up.—Owing do the new
Provinoial Statutory conditions, :Eire
Insurance Companies have been forced
to :issue new policies on all business
as it expires. No renewal receipts are
being issued as heretofore. This, is a
good time' for 'all people to dheck up
their insurance and see that their
property is adequately covered.
Broke all Records George Pearson
& Sons, of Avonsyde Stock Farm, of
Waterdown, are being congratulated
by members of the Canadian Ayrshire
Breeders' Association on winning the
silver cup in the R., 0. P., competition
for- 1924. Their cow Rosehank Pride
was not only the highest in her class
In the Dominion of Canada, but broke
all former records for ,milk and fat in
the three-year-old ,honor roll class,
producing 14,431 pounds of milk and.
606 pounds of fat. Herbert Hatch, of
Parson, Bri'tislh Columbia, came second
with Pearl of Glenhill, and Joseph P.
Beau'chemin, of Vercheres, Quebec,
was third, with Springburn Lovely Pet.
Cuthbert Pearson is spending the week
in Quebec the guest of E. W. Budge, of
Beauttamois„ who entertains the
Eastern Ontario Ayrshire Breeders'
Club. He will also attend the banquet
in Montreal on thhe evening of Feb.
5111, where he will be presented with
the silver cusp. Hamilton Spectator.
—The above mentioned Cuthbert Pear-
son is a nephew of W. R. Gallaher, of
Bluevale;A. E. Gallaher, of Salein, and
Mrs. E. Bryans, of Brussels. ,.
Personal Paragraphs
l '
C J Wynn, Atwood,made.s bus,msv
trip to Brussel', last week.
lobo W. Sanders was in Wingham on
business nn Monday
Miss Jean Fox returned home last
week after'a visit at Cra,rdisle.
' Mrs. Crichton,Highgate, is visiting
with Fred. and Mrs. Burchill.
e W. F. VanStone, Wangham, was call-
ing on old friends on Tuesday,
W Robinson, Landon, was in town
5 law week renewing nod arquafn1nt+rea.
Miss Ida Frain, Principal of the Cram-
• brook school, spent the week end with
Mrs. A. Lowry.
Mrs. A. G. MoDermid•and young son,
of Carlisle, are visiting with the for-
mer's parents, Jas. and Mrs. Fox.
Miss Muriel Snarling returned last
week after a pleasant visit in Toronto.
George Edwards was a 'recent visitor
with his son and daughter in London..
Bishop Williams, of London, is con-
fined to his bed with a mild attack of
Mrs, 'C. White and children return
ed on Saturday after a three week's vis-
it at her 'home in Wroxeter.
Mrs. J. A, Campbell, of Clinton, has
been a visitor with her parents, James
and Mrs. Armstrong,
Mrs, Cecil Bo , man and Bowe, of
Ethel, are spending a few days with
Mies Miss Maude Bryans.
Fred E and Mrsrole, of 5'rn•ford,.
were visitors at the homy of E 1 and
Mrs. Pollard. for several days last 'mask.
Listowel Banner refers b, a gru'emac
well known to Rrusselites : John Wat-
son is confined to his Koine with an a' -
tack of to grippe
Mrs Lorne Eckmier and baby return.
ed to Flint, Mich , last week and were
accompanied' by hire. D Ewan, who
will visit with her daughter.
Miss Muriel Sperling has been called'
to Niagara Falls to act as supply teacher
in the Kindergarten -Primary room. ow-
ing to the illness of her cousin, Miss
Mary Rothwell, Ltteknow.
Mrs. Robt. Henderson was visiting
with her grandson, Master Jhntny
Speirs, of the 12th Con•, Grey, who
celebrated his 5th :birthday on Man -
JZobt, Anderson returned on Mon-
day from Kitchener Hospital, where he
underwent an operation, We .hope Is'
will soon, recover this usual good
Jean. and Mrs McKay returned after
A 2 weeks' visit with their eon, Roy Me.
Key and wife Toronto. Friends will
be glad to lea -n that Mr. MIK-,y is
rspidlo, increasing bis busll:eta in the
Qnren City r.
Wroxeter News. -Tho Gorrio cot•
respondent last week had 1119 following
paranoid :-Mrs, M Querrin has breis
visiting her [laughter, . Miss, Lyle, at
Dundas, the past week, She also visit-
ell at Hamilton and. Toronto, returning
home Wednesday night atteren enjoy.
able trip,
3t Reaped a Harvest:—A million
dollars was spent last year in adver-
tising 'coffee, A lot of money, but 1t
reaped a harvest, for the average per
capita consumption of coffee was in-
creased eighty cups a year at an adver-
tising cost of one cent per capita. A
famouss soup 'canner's advel4tising ex-
pense runs 4o enormous figures. But
before he started to advertise his sales
cost him 20 per cetit. To -day it is 5
per cent, A cent's worth of advertis-
ing sells him six cans of soup. Ad-
vertising pays 'both buyer and seller—
the buyer an smaller costs, the seller
in increased :production.,
Ended Springlike Conditions.—Ad-
ter ever9one had confidentily counted
on having seen the last of the snow for
the season last week, -three Inches' fell
on Friday, March 13, As a whole the
late season Storm was very unwelcome
in. the town and helped kiln off a large
number of spring-like intentions fost-
ered by the ,pleasant days at the first
of the week, in tite country however
the snow was welcomed. As the frost
was all out of the ground, a 'heavy fall
of snow with little frost like that of
Fridayy will do much good. It will
supply the necessary pp y ne s cry water for the
grain .crops to stimulate growth con
Fox's DrugStore
It's not necessary
to suffer with
very long
are very effective
and we can, with
confidence re co tn-
tnend them as our
very beet Rheumat-
ism Remedy, •
Fountai n
aria becoming more pop -
olio every day, Orae
they were 'caneideoed a
luxury—now thegl<are
pretty touch a n'eues-
slty, We have a tine
stook of
always on hand,
«8 1,,
This is out'
and we invite you to
make libet'tCl use et
it, Orders for the
Rural Mail will "re-
ceive our prompt and
careful attention,
Stock and
Poultry Foods
Let ns again•remind you
that our stock of
Royal Purple
Dr. Hess' Remedies
is always fresh and com-
The Weekend
Have you got the habit of tak-
ing home a package of
Our Special Rosedale
Mixture at
43c per Ib.
are very delicious,
-per bottle
Epsom Salts
very finest
When touching
up the furniture
liquid 'Veneer
O'Cedar Polish
We have. them.
Let us
your next
Spool of
We assure you
of satisfactory
results, -
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
Miss Mitchell, Field Secretary of the Pa�18Wbeat
W. M. S., addresses a meeting of the Barley ''
Society in Melville Church On Wednes- Buckwheat
day afternoon of this week at 3 o'•olock, Rutter
Bishop William A. Quayle, author, Hoge
lecturer, educator and for more than a
quarter century one of the outstanding
figures of the Methodist Episcopal
church, died' at his 'home near Baldwin
Kansas, on March 12. Bishop Quayle
had been til for several years. He was
64 years old. Deceased gave several
addresses at the London conference
which met at Stratford a few years
Next Monday night tat the Young
People's League at the Methodist
church, Mr. Coates, of the High School
staff, will 'give a paper on Cadet Train-
ing. Some months ago Mr. 'Coates
gave an address on this subject, which
was so acceptable that he has been
asked to repeat it. This will be an
opportunity for those who 'dad ,not
then hear hiin, and for those who did
to refresh their memories. Everybody
Flinn—WARD —In Grev township, on gator-
day, Marcor 14th, 1922, by Rev, 8 Witte,
B.A.'B. i) , Mary, deagbter of Harry and
Mrs. B. 14th Con., to John Alexander
Hirt, of Vilma Township.
EAaLx.—Op Friday Maroh 181h, 1925, - at Tor-
onto General Hospital, Bev. James Robert
THURSDAY, MAROn 1071L—Farm Fnrm.
Stook, Implements, &o, at 835 Lots 54.05, Con.
1, Morris, the property of the late Robt, MOS -
Far. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock Annie bles-
ser and Walter blesser, Exeontors ; T. R. Ben-
nett, Auctioneer.
le URA Y. hl Afton 2011. -Fern Stook, lmple
inente, &e. Part Lot 16, Con, 12, Grey (Oran -
brook.) F. Raddetz, Prop • D. 20. Scott, Ano,
TtrEODAY, 21Am0,, 24.—Farm Stook, Imple-
ments, Furniture, &o, ' Bale unreserved tit
dolook, J. A Cale, ;
M. Scott, A.
WEDNESDAY,. MA ion 25Household Rheas',.
Automobile, &o , the property of the late W.
E Panders, Ethel rale nnreee•ved at 2
o'clock, D. E Sanders, and J, W. -•ander,.
Executors -; James Taylor, Auctioneer,
WEDNESDAY. MARCH 25—Farm 810019, Im-
plements, &o.. SA rot 20, Con 0, Morro,Bele, •
marooned et 10 clock. Ernest E. Campbell,
Prop,• D. h1 Soott, Auctioneer.
THURSDAY, h1AUOn 20 —berm, farm stook,
itn lemente, threshing outfit. grain, hay, &s,
R Lnt20, Con. 4, Morrie, Stile, unreserved.
at1 o'olock sharp. p D. N, Jordan, Proprietor;
D. 51 Scott, Ana
FRIDAY, M t noR 20.—Clenring Bale of Farm
Stock. 20 horse 19 cattle, 25 hogs. Lot 0, Con.
10, Elma, 214 miles East of hionorfeff, Strach-
an &'Ronnenbo'g,Props i Wm. Holman, Auo.
SATno1AY, 1f Art0,5 28TH.—Household, lint -
cher Shop Equipment, Slaughter house, Frani
time &s.. et his brine OA Princess Street, Brun-
t. ski. Salo unreserved nt 2 O'clock, Howard
Bolger, Proprietor ; D. M. Scott, Auottoneer.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received up till April let for
Job of painting the4nside of School Section No.
8. Morrie. Work to be done Santer week.
Nohool Board to foretell paint, Tenders roaelw-
eel by, I, J, SELLERS,
Farm for Sale
100 Fiore farm, T,at 4, OOn, 10, Grey Township,
(mown as the Addle Firm, Good bank barn,
good gement house, teniae to good shape, Iota
of spring water. Farm is situated Smiles from
Brussale and Bmiles from Walton, convenient
to whool. Terris reesoiable. I1 not gold will
be ren' GEORGE hIDLDON, Bruseele,
ted for grime. Apply to,_
80.01 ' '
Phone 41,
Farms for Sale
100 armee of lend, being the South 3f erf Lot 6,
Oon.8 and :the 0ou':h Hot Lot 10, Con. Ola the
Township of Morrie Phese farms are bQarod
for rale to close up the eotelo of the late Jamea
Smith. It not sold they will be rented for pan.'
tura, For partial/ tareapply to the extioutornr
4l MS t 55
1 00 41 00
85 85
00 8855
a0 8e
10.00 1000
Auction Sale
MENT6, HO06EHa5D Elite -',&n —D. M.
Scott, Anctloneer tae heli instracted b33 too
on to sell by Public A'cl loo at Ethic
on Tg prop, March 24011, at 1 cycling, the fel-
lowing propene, uta: -1 mare rising 7 years
old, 1 .pore bred Jeraeyy, r 4 years old, dun 10
freshen 8prll 80th, 1 heifer 1 year old from Jan
soy now, 40 young R. L R. hens, l R. I R moil-
er, a gorse, 1 gander, WlcmnetMauled orarid 080 egoroken mate Climax firm -
Ing mill nearly new), mower 015. cut, double
horse watklag plow, ei ogle horse plow, set ha r -
rows. died, root eoualur, rootpUulpor, turnip
drill, cutting box, wire otroteher, set scales
(2000 Ifo.) 2 buggte.S, road caro, detaoerat, ton -
ousfit ro� tooving bulldtoge, gaan-
eaty doabl0 ti'erk, , shov sly tropes, .4 erose-alt
begs,ohalns, forks, shovels, ropes, rakO,, grain
bogs, rgan, oks, lee4 and palls, 8-oataveplaao•
organ, Mtge leather rocker, oak ;coker,
rattan rocker, oak iardtner stein, parlor mote,
n table, oa rug Ox 12, oak dining a maiden
tabid, 0 oak dining chairs, stdb cupboard,
2 rocking
chairs, conch,. kitahsa cupboard, high chair, table, 6 kitchen aoalre. Inn obatr, high stand,
bedroom suite, oak dresser and wash stood,
bedstead, Drnttrese, cut syringe, ohlld's crib
bed, 2 toilet earl, quantity dlehee, quantity:
washing tonnrltattie, ringer, tub p and
platform ooctea, 240 ,be., churn, butter bowl,
separator, gasolene lamp, sugar kettle, pork
barrel, lawnmower, 2&lcoke, Other articles
too numerous to mention. Sale without re.
serve so the proprietor bas mold the farm.
Terms.—All sums of 51000 and under cash, ov-
er that amount la months credit allowed on me
proved joint notes or a discount of 6 % given
oft for cash. Land owners far seonrlty.
AuOtioneer. Proprietor,
MOBILE, &0,—Tho property of the late
W. E. Sanders, Mimi—James Traylor, Auotion-
eer, ham been Instructed by the undersigned
Executors to sell by Publlo Auction at his. late
hone, in Ethel, on Wednesday, March 2515,
at2 o'clock,the following property 1-1 Mo.
Laughlin car, 2 Acme stoves, 1 coat tester and
stove pipes. 1 oatmeal' scales, 2 lanterns, 1
.Incubator 50 egg capacity, t kitchen cabinet, 1
Stretcher. 4 coup alair, 1Bat piano, 1 maroon,
2 molting chairs, 1 writing de,k, 1 type writer,
1 gramophone yid about 25 records, 2 bee-
attads, eats springs, 1 mattreos, 1 hanging
lamp, a number of chairs. hu Aber of barrels,
4 long ladder, 10barrols of Rcbber•root, 1100 -
lb barrel of cup grease, 22'ft..s•inolr leather
kelt now, &bout 80 feet of rope, I smell aaoop,
I large grain scoop, 2 scoop shovels, 2 shovel's,,
1spado, 1 patato' cep, 1 baggy tongue, 1
sleigh tongue, 1 etnsry stone, pair log tongues,
1 pipe wrench, . 1 met 1-oeotiou harrows, 1 clip
tern pump, Dross -out saw end hand ewe, 1
Clothes reel, n number of cedar posts, forks,
hoes and other ertlot,e too numerous to mew
tion. Everything to be sold in order to wind
up the estate. Terme oast.
J , E. BSANEUd', }Exeoutora
PLkMgNTo, HAY, GRAM, &O.—D, M Scott,
Auotibneer, hog bean inrotruoted by the undo'
signed to eell by Pnbllo Caution et 5,1 Lot 59,
Oon, 0, Morrie, on Wodneedny, Msroh 25th, at
1 o'olook, sharp, the following valunble prep-
erty, vlz.1-1 mare 7 years old, 1 horse 12 yearn
old, 1 driver (need), 1 cow doe Nov. let, 1 oow
due Oot, 2591a, 1 cow due April 1221,, 1 heifer
due 1n April, 2 °owe With tall at foot 1 fat
coW, 8 eteera tieing 8 yearn, 4 steoro rising 2
yenta, 5oalvee rising l yam-, 8 young oatves,
00 chunks, weight around 160 ponndo, 20 suck -
era, 100 Item, 1 wagon and box, 1 boggy, 1 cot-
ter, ( set alel hs, lfiat rook With car, 1 stone.
boat, 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 Doering binder 7 ft.
Mt,1 Meseey-Harris 6 ft, ons, 1 sharp rake, 1
seed drill, 1 Dearing Imyloeder, 1 eat iron har-
rows 5 sections, 1 eoulll,r,1 outttvstor, 1 tweet '
ty one Fleury plow, 1 gni g plow, 1 Tudhope'
Andersson riling Wove ,1bream altimeter, 1 fan -
Meg MI11,1 turnip pigpen., I set shags, BO ft. of
fnoh pipe, 4 bunches shingles, 1 pile Of lumber,
1 pie of poste, a quantity of tray, about BOO bus,
oats, n quantity of peas, 1 sot• double harness, I
set single harness w51De-trees, 00ak.10(tes
forks, oliclna and other nr0loieS too numorbnii
to mention Sale without raeorve 00 preprlot•
of hag sold his loan Tams—All smne of $10
end under ensh, over that amount 18 months
ortdtt allowed on nparovot jbtut notce ora die -
count of 6 555 given oft for mash, Land owaere
for secant
T8 1$• swam, ERNEST E. CAMPBELL,
Olark, Proprietor,