The Brussels Post, 1925-3-11, Page 7With
Asi ur r se V
S i Visit.
it fs a fine thing for troops to pay
visits to eneh other oecaolonaliy. Ro-
ceetiy the meutbere of the 50. Chat,
barn (St. Jemmies Roman Catholic)
Troop were egreeabty surprised by an
unexpected visit paid to them by the
members of the lot Chatham (Rotary)
Troop. Assistant Scoutmaster Gus
Perhaps your am using good tee,. We think
"Recd Rose" extra food. Won't you try :t?
TEA, is goo 4.,ed9
The same good tea for 30 years,
Donovan extended a welcome follow-
ing wlglch the visitors partictpated in
the regular meeting, Scoutmaster
Fred Buesnoi of the tat Troop Mist-
ed In the work, at the oonelnsion of
which the visiting troop produced a
couple of hampers of rofreshmentn and
treated their "hots."
tat Gait's ahoy Year.
The let Galt Troop had a yell/ busy
1024. The following list of activities
Is culled from thole annual report;
Regular woilkIymootingele1d 53,I
Ofallthe inconveniences that beset
special meetings, 14; patrol teas, 5; [humanity. in this cou at this 'time
week -end and overnight hikes. 14;'of year, the common cold is probably
concerto, 2; Saturday afternoon netivt•,one of the most formidable, It is both
ties, 41; special work efforts and eom•' a nuisance and a danger. It upsets
ninety good terns, 10; individual good one's poise, makes one irritableand
turns, ,'heaps of theme; holiday e,etivi lestiess, interferes with all the ,nor -
ties, 3; district rallies, 1. in Addition' Incl lunation of -everyday existence.
7 m
to all the above the members of the 'spi<1t andakes da person teal dull and stu-
d in and diseatis.
Troop earned a large number of fled with life in genera:. It is a
n A�T H
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario.
Dr. Mithileton will be Siad to answer gnostioue on Public Health mat-
ters through this column., Address him at Seadlna House, Spading
Crescent, Toronto,
rise in temperature, backache, pe
haps'headaehe and a general feeling
of depression. This condition may be
followed by snee ing, profuse watery
discharge from the nose at the rate
of several handkerchiefs per day, and
cold sores on the mouth, and occasion-
al chills.
If the feet get wet or cold, there is.
a tendency for the mucous membrane
of the nose to swell and pour out
water and mucous. Other changes in.
nadges and completely..renovatetl. and menace to health, because the common the enviroimsent may alter the thick -
decorated their Troop Headquarters cold, while not especially dangerous ness of the mucous membrane of the
building—formerly an old stable—mak- ill itself, always brings with it the nose or may otherwise affect it. The
Jng it into one of the Scoutiest Scout possibilities of a deeper, more severe lining of the nose • is therefore on -
club rooms in Ontario. infection, such as broncho -pneumonia. stantly changing in thickness, in Alois -
Scouts Entertain Trail Rangers. The great trouble is to know just ture, in temperature, etc. If the
9 what is the best thing to do to cure
changes in the air change the mem-
Above we referred to inter -troop 'a cold. Certainlykeeping warm in brans of the nose beyond a certain,
visiting and now we come to an ac- bed, reducing the intake of food, and point, sneezing results. It shows at
count of a Scout Troop which enter- keeping the bowels active,. are three
tanned a Trail hanger group at one of of tthe main paints to be observed.
its recent meetings. The Troop was Colds usually run a` definite course;
and if care is taken to avoid further
lire 1st', Blenheimand it provided a chills, a few days only elapse till the
splendid programme of games,stunts sufferer has recovered at least enough
and competitions for its visitors. finally to get about his ordinary duties again.
closing with a fine indoor council fire The weather of the past few weeks
programme with a good story by a De- has been particularly variable, and
trent visitor. Everybody present was just the kind that makes people liable
sorry that 9,30 (closing time) came to catch a cold. One day the ther-
mometer is hovering at or below zero,
round so soon, the next the weather resembles a
First Aid Competition Now On, balmy day in the -late spring or early
The special examiner of the St. John summer. In consequence, the ordi-
nary Association Is now leak- teary citizen finds it difficult to adjust
himself or herself 'to
big bis way through the rovince ex- the varying
g Pclimatic conditions, and a Chill niay
ambling the more than forty Boy result.
Scout and other teams entered in this The real cold, known in medical
year's Wallace Nesbitt Junior First language as "Coryza" is an infection
Aid Competitions. The "Globe Shield" caused by a germ. Colds usually start
will be awarded to the. Boy Scout team
standing highest in the general com-
An Old Troop.
Not many troops have celebrated
their "Fifteenth Anniversary," but one
whish did so recently wait the 6th
Ottawa Troop. This troop dates back
to a period prior to the establishment
of the`Provincial Council for Ontario
which now co-ordinatee and directs
Scout activities throughout the pro-
Canadian Scouts in Buffalo Pageant.
Sixteen Hamilton Boy Scouts repre-
sented Canada In the great "Pageant
of Boyhood" staged by the Boy Scouts
of Buffalo in the .174th Armouries.
Over 4,000 boys participated in this
spectacle, which was witnessed by
two buge audiences, each numbering
over 11,000 people. The Hamilton boys
were the guests of the 99th Buffalo
Troop during their three day stay In
the American city.
New Troop Leader a Soloist.
Ronald Batten, known in Ottawa
and in many Eastern Ontario towns
and cities as a talented boy soloist,
has graduated from Patrol Leadership
to Troop Leadership in the 2nd Ot-
tawa Troop, "Roauie" has been in
Cubbing and Scouting for more than
six years and his Scoutmaster states
that he has well deserved the promo-
tion he has just received,
To a Family Bible.
What household thoughts around thee,
as their shrine,
Cling reverently? Of anxious looks
My mother's dyles upon thy page
Each day were bent--ner accents,
gravely mild,
Breathed out thy .lore; whilst I, a
dreamy 01111d,
Wandered on breeze -like fancies oft
To some lone tuft of .gleaming spring
- flower wild,
Some fresh discovered nook for
woodland play,
Soma secret nest, Yet would the
solemn Word
At tinges, with kindltngs of young
wonder heard,
Fall on my wakened spirit, there
to be •
A seed not lost --tor -which, in darker:
0 hook of heaven, 1 pour, with grate.
cul tears,
Hearl:-blessings on the holy head
and thee!
—Felicia Ilemans.
Earrings of gold and pearls, with a
total length et twelve inches, are be•
ing worn in Paris.
Experience deals us just the blows
we need to Leads us equilibrium, ---C.
13, Notvconib.
Sooner or -later a man rots if he
lives too far away from the grass
and the trees,—Eugene 1'`ield,
once that the new condition is a source
of irritation and the .mucous lining
has to adjust itself. to the altered cir-
cumstances. Some people call these
changes a cold, or a common cold, or
a cold in the head. Not at all., A.
cold is a different thing. It is an
infection with some kind of a germ.
One or two investigators at the pres-
ent time think they have found the
germ of colds, Perhaps they have,
but then again, the Infection may be
due to any Dile of several kinds of
germs. The condition is hnown among
doctors as coryza, and it is the kind
of cold that health departments have
in mind when they issue warnings
about the dangers of colds. They lead
to pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis,
sore throat, many of whieh may turn
out serious if, not carefully treated.
Therefore, if you can, take all noes -
with a dryness and fullness of the sary precautions to avoid the common
nose, and may be accompanied with a cold.
Has the Dairy Cow Been
Given a Chance?
Dairy cows and men are very much
alike in one respect—neither has any-
thing to say as to their parentage.
They are very different in another
respect—map is master, the cow a ser.
vant- Sucig' being the case, are men
giving the dairy cows a chance to pay
their way , and prove their worth?
What is a reasonable chance for man
to give a dairy cow?
First --Since men largely control the
matings of cattle, we are in duty
bound in the first place to !nate ani-
mals of known production, good type
add plenty of vigor with one another,
if the offspring Is to be expected to
produce milk at a profit.
Secona—Granting that the first
necessity has been carried out and the
young animal has been properly fed
to the kroduction age, we must feed
that animal in such a way as to give
iter' a chance to produce milk at a
profit. How can this be done? Brief-
ly this: Every animal requires a cer-
tain'amount of food to maintain body
heat, 1216, and to repair the worn out
parts of the body. To reed this amount
of food Is not giving the cow a chance111.. fester --"You "lust think I'll
t reduce ataprofit. We must feed Broadstairs. Thackeray's novels re-
Pmatte e ofmoney."
vived theglories
g t es of Brighton. while
in addition to this amount of fcod,'an H. G. Wells' roniances bave dente for •Itis Wife- I did think so when we
amount out of which we may right Sandgate and the Folkesone coast 'fere first married. but I. soon found
fully ask the cow to prove what she what Clark Russell and Clement Scott out. It zeas all counterfeit."
can do. This food must be suited to
did respectively for Boal and Cramer. Songof Plou h' o
the demand expected. of her, and 1t is i The Yorkshire moors Have hadg in .
tide part of the daily ration which 17111 thousands of visitors since' Halliwell I will go with my 11112(r a -ploughing
not only pay for itself, but will pay for Sutcliffe and William Riley took their '1'o the green field by the Sea,
the food consumed in maintaining life local. color from then;, and Allen And the rooks and the crows and the
itself, the body heat and the repair of Rains's novels seat similar' embers seagulls
worn out parts. Just how much ad- to Wales, Will conic flocking after me.
The Tele of Man owes fie Immense 1 will sing to the patient Horses
debt of gratitude to Sir hail Caine; With the lark ie the white of the air,
while a hod k tl 1 And my father will sing the plough-
That blesses the cleaving share.
.Tome1 Campbell.
the feed available will simply supply
a' maintenance ration, Ail the inci-
•dental expenses are going len, and the
cows are getting no food out of which
they can produce much ,milk, As loss
results. Farmer B. ••keeps half the
number of Bows; but they colisellte an'
amount of feed equal to that c'onsunted,
by A's 50 cows, and half the feed goes
to produce milk alone, and Half to
maintaining life. These cows, 1t the
proper kind,'will produce a profit.
Third—Men must use all the jetel-
liggnce at their disposal to..tee_ that.
the milk produced. is marketed to the
best advantage and le the beet pos:
sfble condition. If this bas`heen done,
we may then be. prepared to .deliver
judgment on the cow.
Towns Boomed by Books.
Many seaside and inland resorts ad-
vertise their attractions but the best
advertisements come' from works of
fiction, particularly in England. -
Tourists still follow Lorna Doone to
Exmoor, and Marie Corelli's "Ilighly
Atom" lent thousands of visitors to
Ilfracombe and Combe.Martin,
"David CopperfeId" and. "Bleak
House" did itch for Yarmouth and
Stronger Than Death.
In the. British donne of C'4mlllnns
there wile revealed recently a story of.
eompt'eeending Ri']szadsbfp flt to stand
beside that of Maid and Jonothee or
of Darnell and Pythias or, of Carlyle
and Jobn Stuart Mill.
!hilt the recent struggle in tee•
lane two life -lone bosom friends, Mr.
O'1Siglaina and air. !tory O'Connor.
political e >n cions
e by theirt vi 4
Were >e
e lee i
halo rival tamps O'Higgin accepted
a tvand eventually
the glee Stale t�C,t ,r
became elite:der fog• Home Attain 'In
the crew government, O'Connor
tbougbt the neon svbo accepted the
treely were Matadi 10 their country,
Subsequently Here O'Connor was
arrested, charged with beteg neeli-
eated In fortifying and defendiug the
Four Courts? in Dublin, as a result of
which action many, lives .were lost.
The lriinister found himself face to
face with the duty at condemning to
death his old friend, who had been
best man at Ills wedding. The spin,
of justice .aid, "Your friend must die.
The heart of the friend pleaded, "Save
him:" •
After a terrible e'sperienee the spirit
of justice-00uquer'ed,, and O'Higgins
signedthe death warrant; As the unci
drew near lts was he that suffered the
greater agony. Yet what could he da?
']'here were no extenuating circum-
Rory O'Connor met his: punishment
unflinchingly, Prised to die a martyr
for his country, lie had no wordof re-
proach for O'Higgins; and when his
will was road it was found that he had
left alllila money to the friend by
whose order he had died!
-What an idyl of duty, friendship and
understanding_ charity:
ithothers are quick to praise any-
thing which brings health and cent
fort to her little ones ---any medicine
that will make the -baby well and keep
him' well will always receive hearty
recommendation from the mother.
That le why Baby's Own Tablets are
so :popular. Thousands of mothers,
throughout the country, not only use
thecal for their own little ones but ase
always delighted to be able to recom-
mend them to other mothers. Thous-
ands of mothers have proved Baby's
Own Tablets to be without an equal in
i'elievirtg their little ones of a»y of the
many minor ailments wbich arise out
of a derangement of the stomach and
bowels, Baby' Own Tablets are the
Ideal laxative—easy to take blit thor-
otigh_in action. They banish conati
Patton and indigestion; break up colds
and simiile fevers; expel worms and
make the teething period easy. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 Cants a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Experiments With Noncarrier
Waves Neve Many Advent-
ages of This Systeme
Success of lite nouearrlel' wave eye -
teal of breadcastieg which was de -
vnloped by II. A. Brown end O. A,
lnsenor, members of the eleetrieal nn•
t h t
niw !si• of
e' Meg of lila I y
glee � ipg . t
Illinois, is aun60110011 as positive diet'
another reh'ies of 'tests which bus'e out
the results of pr0viouk tests held over
a period of more Ilan 11 year.
The elimination of "fading" is an
edited feature or the riew btoadeastiug
system which now seems poseibie, in
the last r'1'lee of tests, Instruments
willcls accurately measuro3 the curve
or audibility of both the carrier wave
system and the new nOnCrrhler apttent
were set up a distance of 100 miles
from section.. WEAL the uzliverslty's
radinplionn with which theexperlmen-
tal work le carried on, These instru-
1nel511 showed the tieual fading when
the old system, wee used, but did not
vary a particle when the uoncarrier
was employed. However, this advant-
age la not yet being claimed, because
it has not been subjected to enough
tests to establish it as a Tact.
Previous advantages which were
claimed for the system atui which the
lival tests show as outstanding over
the systeni now in general use include
With'rvirelve Matches
\,11 N
,Here's a trick In which a foolish
question .Itas a somewhat .canny,
miniver, The trickster throws
twelve matches on the table and
\What is the smallest number al
matches I can talre away and still
have nine on the table!'
The antiwar is "One match"—f1;
the remaining matches are ar-
ranged as in tie illustration,
(Clip this out and paste if, Wins
other of the aeries, in a scrapbooks
Bolivia Vice.
The chief vice of the Indians and
half-breeds of Bolivia is chewing
cocoa. A man wl)o bas the habit can
always be detected by the immense
increased sending'effeleney, more am lump in bis cheek. The general effect
lective tuning at the teeeiver with of the drug is to dull the nerves and
greater possibility 10 lune out local stiffen the resistance to fatigue. Un•
stations, opportunity 1c cover, greeter der its influence natives can endure
dletanees and the elimination of all great bardsbfps and physical strain.
sorts of pounds wllicli are impressed Many of thein will work for days at a
on the carrier wave and which Duly tine on nothing except cocoa leaves,
perfect modulation at the transmitting which they begin to chew at breakfast
end and perfect detection at the re- time and continue to chew throughout
celver ran eliminate. the day. As with all narcotics, the
The suppressed carrIer or noncarrler persistent use of coca wrecks the ner-
system differs from the pr•erent type vOns system and dulls the intellect
of broadcasting in that the carrier .
waves go out only when a note is Minard's Liniment for Colds.
sounded or a syllable spoken. . Be-
tween notes or spoken words, the car -
Bobbie's wave doe, not go tlnrouglr the air. Bobbie's sister had bobbed her hair
That Is, the mind and the wave on and now was carrying her comb
which it rides leave the broadcasting around with her. Bobbie was vexed
apparatus simultaneously. This In- with her one evening and taunted her
terval of lime between sounds when with: "Nothing but old hens carry;
there is no carrier wave in the air tl • b with them"
mattes possible the advantages noted. ppp¢¢¢ p
t G
The Sailor. � � � � ;;�.
Mile upon I soft golden i ul u r mile, in ao t and „ ,de Thin, nervous, underweight people
light, take on healthy flesh and grow sturdy
The county lie,; white tong and sit- and ambitious when Bitro-Phosphate
ent shadows. as guaranteed by Druggists is taken. a
Shrrp-hewn front - solid :mulight, few weeks, Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Read How She Found Help
over meadows, Chemical Co., 25 Front St, East,
in Lydia E. Pinkham s
Across white roads, climbing mhalever, Toronto, Ont.
They meot, are thrown /rum every up-
rising slight;
Prom Iuftfi of grilse. front bushes, 4
and the higher
Strung trees and walls; die s,ho_e
ripe floor of the shire,
Green and gold, seethed by shatlow-
shafrs, welts the night.
1211' cam 171
T lassi6ed Adve•i',„ -^e'n
It1illli�.ii1,. """
J)).AIt.GAU'I PAIBCFL, i I.43.a.
X etches, $2, 1400leer C.'hathtmt
' Ontalia.
) ASilI'RIIRY' 13>1Sk1E:i, 'GU. D.
ralaa, iris, Peony, 3aney Dahlias
and Barred Rock Eggs, . T.
ie Wright
Farm, Brockville, Ont.
•• Heeding Beanie, dressed one
side to i"and aavedointod both edges.
quote F.O.B. here, Bold Tiros., llotli-
well, Ont,
HealtteGiivine Butter,
Children who rofuee to take Cod-
liver oil can now be deceived by the
sdlenLiet. Cows are fed en cod-liver
oil, which passes into the butter and
not only Incorporates the, valuable
soluble .vitamin A, but other anti-
reebitio elements derived from the
cow, Experiments with cod-liver oil
butter and rickety children show sue
cesaful results, and further experi-
ments are being made In an attempt to
produce a butter rich in every neces-
sary farm of vitamin useful to grow-
ing children,
see --
Dominion Express Money Orders
are on sale in five thousand 0111008
throughout Canada.
Why is the letter 0 never rich? It
is always in poverty.
cause colds. Use Minard's, the
great preventative. Bathe the feet
in Minard's and hot water, Splen-
did for cold in head, throat or chest,
A thousand miles to westward of the:
A gull across the dark !union
dittonal food over and above the main-
tenance ration can be fed will depend
not only on the constitution of the
cow, but upon her inherited ability to
convert this food to milk. Here is
Where good breeding shows Its vaine,
It is quite poselble for two Emitters
having equal quantities and qualities
of feed to feed this to cattle of equally
good type and breeding, and yet one
farmer may sustain a loss, and the
other a profit. It can be done in this
way, Fanner A, may keep 50 cows and —The Bishop of Trur'a.
very y wows hat men e
Scott wrote "The Lady of the Lake"
very few people knew even the name
of "The Trossachs."
The world has taken the ,word lux -
cry, which used to be considered one
of the seven deadly sins, and made It
one of the chief things to be destted.
• •-• -
Wllen 1 am asked; "no you really
thing the league of Nations will
avoid war?" I am inclined to answer,
'")lo I think that t+- spade will dig a
certain piece of ground?' Lord
"RUN' DOWN" MEN - ' ., The expression "run down" mines from the feeble ac-
tion of an iinw0nnd reek, and the cOnrpaI'10 a is a ,gond
one. Applied to health it mous a rendition in wheel the
AND WOMEN NEED . bodily fnnctione aro enfeebled. Appetite fall., digentton
is impaired, the nerves impoverished, the complexion be-
comes pale rod fatigue is a c'0801tu11 symptom.
No particular organ being effected. you must look fur
relief through ,the blood, and 1)r, Williams' Pink Pills are
the best blood builder known to 'medical soienee, els your
blood becomes rich and reel, the various armies regain
their tone null the body recovers Its fell vigor. 1f yon are
weak, begin tatting Dr. Williams' 'Pink bills to -day and see
how soon improvement will siurw in Mereaye•d appetite
and renewed vitality,
Mrs. Ches. Bolu•dege, Five Fingers, , soya: _-"l1e-
fore taking Ip•. Williams' Vhik Pills 1 was 1.0111010101y ,tin
down. 1 did not sleep well, my digestion was floor and I
would take dizzy spells. The use of the pills ebaug013 all
-Lille and T am new a Meting, 11ea1511Y/7011111/
Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills
They Give New Vitality --and more.
Spreading Its sturdy wings over the
low tide.
Beltind the same =au sets. On either
A gray drear waste of waters !leaves
and curves, I
A very desert, and his chosen bride.
- —J. C. Bird.
'•\\'hy I like My Wore." is t110 sub -
jot on which a newspaper of C"zeclho-
elor'akia recently invited contributions
from its readers. One woman wrote:
" Jiy life and my -work aro just the
simple, sober 'windmill of a -good
housekeeper. I take my daily life and
all its cares simply. as they come,
without posing as a Martyr. I do not
ask anybody to 'understand' me, be-
cause 1 have learned to find an outlet
for my creative instinct within my
• own four walls. I have assumed re-
sponsibility for the happiness of those
1 who are near me, with thet•esiult that
111Y 0}725 troubles retreat Increasingly
tire. background." It would be
laird to imagine a woman more con- ,
tent with her 10t, and yet before Iter,
marriage this woman shrank from the,
; task of homeulaker;. iter ambition weal
to be a doctor.
For Sore Throat Use Minard's Liniment]
Two it takes to make a quarrel;
one can alicays end it.—Spanish Pro-
1 Ontario was the largest shipper of
1 meats of the ,provinces of the i)omin-1
ion 111 1923, shipping in all 210,337,018!
pounds. Of this =mind 00
pountls'were exported to Great 13ri-i'
1 tate and 21,778,534 pounds to ether+
!countries. Manitoba was next in the
oiippiug of meats with' 45,591,190i
rpounds' and Quebec. third with 29,-
9, -j1112,419 pounds,
Covered -in buses 'will probably be
seen in the London streets toward the
end of the year. They will hla e Witt-
dew= to raise or lower, and uphol-
stered seats on the upper deck.
Sergeant Bonnet, a French pilot,
broke the speed rec'ord at the 1stres
Aerodrome, covering twelve kilometres
at an average speed of 244 miles an
An English farmstead, with prize
eatt:c+ and poultry, Model dairy, and
fruit marred will be a 'feature of a
Lmili011 food e0lzlbi;tolt this spring.
Issue No. 10—'25.
Anoint Irritated Scalps
With. Cuticuya
On retiring, gently rub spots of
dandruff and itching with Cuticura
Ointment. Next morning shampoo
with a suds of Cuticura Soap and
hot water. This treatment does
much to keep the scalp healthy and
promote hair growth.
&topic Sach leo by 8,1L Addreea Canadian
Depot; Calmly P, 0. Ham 8606, 8,501.2.'
P7,ra. bo,2,pSe. °lamentr6and boa Tnlcum:5c.
" Try our Pew Shaving Stick,
Vegetable Compound
f Arnprior, 'Ontario. --"I must write
and tell you my experience with your
medicine. I was working at the factory
for three years and became so run-down
that I used to take weak spells and
would be at home at least one day each
week. I was treated by the doctors for
anemia, but it didn't seem to do me any
good. I was told to take a rest, but was
unable to, and kept on getting worse.
I was troubled mostly with my periods.
I would sometimes pass three months,
and when it came it would last around
two weeks, and I would have such painsat
times in my right sidethatt could hardly
walla. I am only 19 years of age and
weigh 118 pounds now, and before tak-
ing the Vegetable Compound I was only
108 pounds. I was sickly for two years
and some of my friends told me about
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
poued and when I had taken a bottle of
it I Telt a change. My mother has been
taking it for a different ailment and has
found it very satisfactory. I am willing
to tell friends about the medicine and
to answer letters asking about it."—
t."—Miss HAZEL BERNDT, BOX 700, Arnprior,
A day out each week shows in the pay
envelope. If, you are troubled with some
weakness, indicated by a run-down con-
dition, tired feelings, pains and irregu-
larity, let Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegeta-
ble Compound help you,
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Accept owl `Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets.
Also bottles of 24 and T00—Druggists.
antra, to tee trade marls (registered In 081,0101 or layer Manufacture cture at Mononcetic•
aeldeater ut eaiteetcaela tAeetrl aallcyltd Aold, "A. R. A."1, where It la well Unarm
that Aspirin means nayar manufacture, la asatat ibe lishnc agahrettmttntlena, the '('5(122e
of layer Oempauy will be 6tamped with tuatr geaaral 'trade mark, the "Beyer Otese.'r