HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-3-11, Page 2ficient• SAVING YOUR EWES, solutely necessary toC sried health and il,lts, T t tt and awe o hay, n weathered last ovary aviator and spring that and corn, Moyer, threshed clover hay I 'recently received this letter; target he saved by a better method of and coarse withered and frosted grass „M dear Mrs reon '1'1n sands of pregnant ewes age assima1 htion of ld lint's th imothy d straw TRAINING OUR. CHILDREN `BY. HELEN GREGG GREEN, earn Warta on a cow's ,teats are a ver= rible nuisance. They ` greatly inter. • fere with milking and.oftea hurt se much that the cow kicks. Just what Ousts thellegrowths is not ,exactly known, but irritation le blamed, Young cows are most often. feeding and .m:ulagoment. AYfested troubled, but heifers sometimes are have are most liable to induce the tenet]., "My entail,. six-year-old son is in - owns aro invariably found to gated condition that favors the dial usually precocious. Ile has always' found affected the feat time they come rile -colored, friable or almost rotten clava it as self- to be minced. Warts usually dbod PROSS in question. We regard treated me with the utmost region livers when examined after death, elso11a1 from abaez tion. lata the P Peer Week or body p g 'P and obedience until a few days ago from n heifer '° Often the diose are fat and usually derived from thewithout treatment, -as she :develop; systemfpoisons Berl 1 hed k mesh they are. ttheirPteeii .. an$ • slur eek, testines end excreted or desire , tr len made a remark w 1C Ca 1- but warts on the teats tend to persist Tit their teeth become weak, < not get my mend, I wonder if you and affectold As svo11'as Young cows. They g h 1" � h ' In addition ton 1e rave been n. e a r c some ,Kith rather blunt scissors, a few at a CWS should be given two pounds of times rewarding him for good bei roots or two pounds of sound corn hewer w'itl}, small gifts, Now, I must silage daily to regulate ..1te bowels, nonfess on a number o occasions I iodine, If bleeding }s profuse it,may at age Y g °alts -'mbe f " be stopped by lightly cauteirizini; the and, unless in good flesh from b promised. him something which 1 nee ,mound with a red-hot' knitting needle, ing" by generous feeding at mating glected to buy. He seemed never to but that may teach, the caw .to kick, time, should be fed daily one-half to notice airy forgetfulness until the. It is better ti ap lx MPp8e1'$ilowder three-fourths of a pound of a mixture other day. I had said, 'Be a good boy, to p bleeding, Masses of two parts of whole or crushed oats to -day, Billy, and.Mother will get you or solution stop g of small warts will disappear in time and one part of ,wheat bran, 1 o toy engine,' A week passed, and• if several times daily the teats are d t ! time, and then applytincture Qf Jrid Fr about, go I he sib paralyzed a nn inion r, . , nae e,p mo One may snip off '.aline -necked warts tothe legume hray, each "I 1 b i the habit f P and sono ale, The visible mucous membranes of the .eyes and ether openings of the body.may be found tinged ° with yellow, from absorption of bile,. or may he abnormally pals in color, Medicine rarely deet any good, artless sleeted the' moment symptoms bcengae apparent. Prevention is of paramount importance. We attribute the disease to prolong- It is inadvesab1e to feed much corn, the toy engine had never entered my bathed with a solution of two tea- ecl, excessive feeding of coarse, bulky, as it isfattening and encourages'slug- head again. But I happened to re - fattening spoonfuls of washing soda !n half a woody. roughage in the absence of gishncss.. Were the ewes properly fed mark, 'If you'll run an errand for laxative feed to regulate the bowels, and made to take active exercise every Mother, I'll take you to the circus,' , cupful of warm water, or the teats 'i e Ewes day throughout pregnancy, there 'Aw, no you won't,Mother. Sato immersed in that solution, Pure and to lack of enough exercise, y g , Y atoiof Cedar, applied lotion. times should be Heade to walk a mile or two! would be far fewer losses. As to med- believe you're a fake!' he said. s daily with a camel's-hair brush or daily to get thsir hay, scattered over icinal treatment, the drug that seems"Of course I punished the' child, as swab of cotton tied on a toothpick, the surface of a distant field, a path. to have proved most useful is Glauber I considered the remark disrespectful will in time remove the "seed" warts.. A simple paste for removal of warts is made by mixing together equal quantities of cord -pressed easter oil, salt and flowers of sulphur, Rub it in once daily -Dr. A. S. Alexander. e' Anthracnose of Lettuce. Specimens of lettuce showing well marked symptoms of anthracnose caused by the fungus Mansonia panat- toniana were received by the Dept. of Botany, O.A.C. during the past sea- son. This is believed to be the first time that this disease has been re- corded as occurring in Ontario. An- thvacnose is chiefly a disease of green- house lettuce but sometimes injures lettuce grown out of doors, In cer- tain parts of the United States it has in the past caused widespread and serious loss, but at the., present time, being opened for them with a snow, salt, the dose of ethic h ±s two to fo plow if necessary. The hay should be! ouncee, given in tepid water wsffl eluver or alfalfa, both rich in protein sweetened with molasses. -Dr. A. S. and possessing a, vitamine that ie ab -i Alexander. FOR HOME AND COUNTRY and 'smart.' But the affair has wor- ried me. Could .you help? "Worried Mother" I answered: "Worried Mother: "Yes, I think i can help you. In the first place, remember this infal- lible rule for parents: Always keep your word with children. Do not make Schools and Child Welfare. 'bluff promises'. They teach children In addition to assisting in school collection, and last Christmas they to bo untruthful. false, redecurating and improving roads each .Theol a present of indoor "Personally, I don't believe in re- sehool buildings and supplying them gem's, to 'he used oh stormy days. warding children for being good. Some with fianitary drinking fountains, In mother :,action, where the chil- day that incentive will be taken away, wash i,asins, towels, pleygroundequip_ dr, needed playground equipment, and what then? name, hot lunch ecluipnteet, first aid the l±setitute told them that if they "You should not have. punished the kite, gramophones, 0r, in a fere caau ,i would intake a quilt top, the Institute child for the remark he made. He x piar:u, the for.'exh:g items have he,n would quilt it and hold a social at didn't mean it to be 'smart' He was eported: the school at which the quilt would simply stating what he believed to be .e number of 'esthete' are seeding b'- -old by Rue', ion. In this way the a fact. It would be hard for hiin to a mteatiun of members, who are school war provided with a splendid get your point of view, and the next t•nt4•paeere in the sectio,], to thean_s.pply of playground equipment. time he has a similar thought he will r ,el „chant n,eeti±:g 0n I)ce. tiler. A great many Institutes have been not say it, which may be a good lesson while a little anthracnose is found in 10V,11 have had addresses from instrumental in introducing the hot in diplomacy, but one tending to teach nearly every greenhouse, only in ooca- P ..rho"" temente or 10 peetor on the him+ in rural schools, but the method deceit. Besides, he gave you some sional greenhouses do serious out - follow( d in one rase is especially in- valuable hints in mothercraft " breaks occur. tereetieg 4 committee from the In- .eleasr, t•]faw the Itetitnte rat) to. :.e with the 'wheel.,' 1 eee =r JI& wb 1.1Wrc is a dwarfed and discolored there is a Zebedee. Whoevcrhe.was, his person -vi ,ui ,;..i•=<• the: In> rtat.. arranged and rspIained the matter to the trus- To gain: information relative to the ' and. authority are:of paramount int- prevent these outbursts of reli. In! were as fellows: ail.--Irate of the mere- ., who agreed to bear any notes- control of nave} ill in foals, marcs market] spotting of the }eaves. On thezeal; police were always on duty. 1. I3aske h e r t^ ,tr for 'he mother,- and t th to £ tl ' l The symptoms of anthracnose .are ;aide attended the school meetingVaccine for Brood Mares. easily recognized. _Affected plants are The Sunday School Lesson MARCH 15 A ST, PATRICK'S TARTY' The :attests were inviter] verbally to attend. a Saint ?atr•iclt's lay party ou tlta evening of March seventeotlth, '8. Gilden Text I' nee 1'rsraoA was .asked to be •prepared Our Lards ect><ant ,1 in alt 20: 1 to tell art Irlsb story, Cenaidcrabie Tie Lord is risen indeed.-�-••Luke 24. 3 , planeing end d,Nnl,1OIS. I, TIIE EMPTY Torl5, 1.1(, II. THE BISON 3.0111), 11.1$. ItiyaoOUCTeni-Our Lord Was rruci- fied on Friday, disan kith, of'the year A.l�a 2,'J oe 10:• 1}hiei1 fixaetly is" not cruel - Known --and :hit body \vas laid in the grave• [110 am11A.,evening. The next day was the Sabbath, tett Jewish day of rest,- The first intimatlon of the 1esurr sition came to the apostles on the n;orpi?Ig Ip1 the third day, the. day or ever.efterwau•ds celebrated es the Lord's Day or Christian :Sabbath. Certain; women; followers of the creels feed, reported . that the,.. tenth •" was empty, and that they had had a vision of angels, by yghigh they. were assured that the Lord had risen: 1<ut the empty tomb was 00t the only, or chief, reason for believing that the Lord had risen from the dead. In various experiences, dating from the third day, the apostles and others were made supernaturally Aware that the . risen Lord was in their midst, They saw him, felt him to be present, heard him speaking again the message of grace and peace. In the present lesson, which is • front the Fourth Gospel, we have records of the finding of the empty tomb, and of a subsequent revelation of the Risen Lord granted to Mary of Magdala. 1. THE EMPTY TOME, 1-1:0. V. 1. Only one woman Mary of Miagdala, is here named as "visiting spot. whore Abraham was to olYer the grave of Jesus in the early morn- Isaac! even the,olive tree in which tuac;ttchemiatry,es were: etryAgriculture, horticul� ing of the third 'd'ay, but front her h t} (n) r1d so on and forestry and Irish; speech in verse 2,It is apparent that tiro ale e t e of the 'site Places h companions. The first sense our Lord. Thele he stood, o i 1 t r arranging was done he- s/rave es the supposed fore the evening conte. Over the door away, red telly r gardener to tell her where the natty of l placed hlarge �lacazd int greee „end- s/rave i8. "Mary!" placed n large Pg V, 10. Then Jesus•saays, Maryl At white letters which stated the piece the mention of her name, she recog- to bo Shamrock University. n}zes that it is Jesus wheat she sees! The room was decorated in erten and gives a cry of Joy "ltabboui; and white, •rite miivers ly colors, in which is the Araanate for "My Mass such away us to divide it into four tet!" her impulsive way "oho naris. ['horn tout "]raced at 7,eh side V. 17, Inp •. must not of the entrunee 5. "registrartable, maces to elasp Jesus, but it be. She hears Jesus say: Touch me one r upon bys entering a vas girls.Feet,. to not, bar I are not yet ascended to my guest„g; i A "')ether,” Jesus has risen not to a register and was given a ca d, t life oe earth, but toe life in heaven. rho top of Hach was already written, Ile must go to t11e leather lust, anti' in' teen ink, tar Irish sounding name. of obis' journey Mary secs that her leer example, on cards which were vision is but il limn, She sees lrint,� zls suelr nanneS as Nora and kows hien but it comes home to' given to gi , a though risen, be no longer Meiotic, Bridget '0'Flannigan of her that, g belongs to this. world,: She mast nott,. Grantees Finnegan were written, and o and report this discovery to Jesus'; on those given to the boys, Patrick '''brethren," She is to tell them that O'Brien or Mike O'Day. Also on each h but that he We to card appeared the name of the class theca' Father, hes God and their Ged, TtiE. eauscCH or TRE IOU Se rueeni1E... a new interest since 1017 We have in that great, irregular building in the heart of Jerusalem which Greek Christians sail the Church of the Ile- Jesus as risen, u ]tire who is at once his leather 1t11d ezeh ]vas to enter, tither freshman, ( d sophomore, junior or senior. No at- tention was paid as to which class a given person was assigned, but in this way the crowd was automatically di- vided into four groups. Upon all the cards also was written nurection and which western 01040- a list of tiuee required subjects: tiaras call the Church of the Holy Domestic science, dairying, general Sepulchre; it is in Britain's keeping. science. .Above the registrars' desks There the native Christian !]links he were blackboards giving a list of the has ae epitome of sacred history; the elective subjects, each person being place where Adam was buried; the required to choose two of these.;i The ' he caught 1e ram a had been left on the registra- s she so on. Buttion cards t be filled h1 as each regia- etge on tion of Mary, as she approaches the there he wept; at that pillar he was ti•ant.shotelti elect. At the bottom of tomb, is one of startled surprise at scourged; here he was premed with t71e card appeared this stateme»t: seeing the stone removed front the the mown o! thorns; over yonder he ,=Please retain this'cald for future doorway, and the grave . standing teas crucified; down there he was refet'enee." open. In her bewilderment she makes buried, Each event and each action no further -inquiry, but hastens back ae n se trate chapel When all the guests had arrived to report her strange discover to In the't101 edy h n and the registration was _complete, an outdo the big Church -the teapot of el such of the distiplesas were still in the Crowning the Chapel of the Natl announcement was made directing the • Chapel of theTomb. A Jerusalem: Ing to. the Cron, the (]rape] of Long- element to meet'.,-freslnnen in the north - V. 2.' Two discipples are mentioned, reuse the Chapel of the Angel, the west cone -t, sophomores in the south - Peter, the acknowledged leader of the Armenians and west and s0 on and to choose a pi es! apostolic band, and another not leaf Copts, Greeks land Roman Catholics, delit and a yell leader. When this Gated by name, but described, as often have long competed zealously for tete was combletecl a list of events for a in this gospel, by the mysterious title, control of these spots within the „ t ] meet" was owe to each resi- red t n 23-25; tradition 1$:15; t21 hio' -•1. diplomats at Constantinople did not+dent with the request that represen- I:ane disciple identified this' un- prevent angry disputes smote the foe-; natives be chosen from his cl .ss to named disciple with John, the sou of lowers of the - Prince of Peace. 1n. compete in each coitt4r t. 'ilea cent sts "the disciple 'whom Jesus laved," 17: Clutch, and the agreements made by1 ;tad a t task is them „taint :ars, expense. In order to help them, were inoculated at the Indian Head, leaf blades some of the spots aro very 1 i i1h rn.tttere, and to get the work started imine` Sask., Experimental Farm with bac- small and water soaked, others are 4a .•„1 11 _ e„tt, 810 ee isting the irately. one Institute member loaned terial vaccines during the eighth from three to four mem. in diameter heel se i:. Ler fo110;v-up work, her cnal oil stove, others provided month of pregnancy and again at the and straw color or brown, and from evoking utensils and a dishpan, and end of three weeks. Foals also were the larger spots the dead ncnti•al :*i e : gt :. er mcuiral treat- P areas may have fallen out, leaving m•' f,. ••�ula s we the children brought their own sere- inoculated with a weaker vaccine, The characteristic"shot holes. The spots gilt e, is rat- » fv: !term. ;lig .fishes from home. The parents three years during which this expert -p r;took turns in providing materials to ment was conducted show that the on the midribs of the leaf are ego+lg- 1 u etre 1provided .Isi.l for be rooked, while the School Board inoculation of the mares was quite eted and markedly sunken. 1 , , whet a heideen. q 1l , } „r Mercer ,r,tr S,';nka „„ l,o,rr supplied the necessary cupboards and effective, but that the mild treatment The measures that are recommended table. With the Government grant given the foals at birth was not. Of for the prevention of the disease are received this year the school lunch the offspring of thirteen mares inocu- the destruction of diseased crop Re - 1 r taro, *4t, ,..r post' n: the r fuse, the watering of the plants in a t ape tire:,, , arc ondeavonng to tvl.l he thoroughly established. lated one foal died and twelve were P L,tul:,p; for ehildreil who a raised. Of six mares not inoculated all:0 tent attend school aur-! three foals only were -raised. w ee r, V ty often a supply ,•-hat.,i :othli•g i; pro"idcd SheedolfG. j'Y1 old Ontario midi Usually the lambs put on the early, •r i ,n :ee seedy families summer market in prime condition ley tee r..: 1 t: :•a ,n the less pros- bring the biggest price. We have se- e` 117t1 cured as much as two to three dollars Ore 1a a , , ilq. t 1 +:red a "School more per hundredweight than could be i?+ae t 1 :e t aa„i 1111511 the had a month or more later. In order t:r ape: • z l , esei. who are un- to get lambs on the market early and 1• ,501. -ed, r 11.,', ter leek of shoes in the best condition, it is necessary ,m 1, g, t, appeni, t„ :he Institute to start them on feed as soon in the 'e e : i, e . ,.mitt, •" If flu school spring as they will begin to eat. They „I. f.u,,zhe ,there the "lel- usually show a desire for some feed dr_, are ,.s 1erI,d, ' ,_ School Relief with' t k fie th be to se, wee s a r ey are rn, 161. diem. when they begin to nibble at their A i 4b.: ,f i:' titate give medals another's feed in the racks, or prises ] u, children for regu- At this time it is a good plan to lin tt, la1 evil ptapciency or provide a creep on one side of the A Year's Dairy Products. In 1923, according to the Dominion Dairy and Cold Storage Branch News Letter, Canada produced 151,624,375 lbs. of cheese valued at $28,645,192; 162,834,608. lbs. of creamery butter valued at $56, 873,410, and 100,000,000 portance to e writer o us gospe, sttclt circumstances it has not been santatives had truce trials at throw- ing, es.the source. of its special teach- every'Protestant who could see pastng 1e basket. The one ing,'}n whole or in part, the superstition and eanfusion of the wh the e into tl V. 3-5. The race el' Peter and the place and catch a vision of the fair v,'ho was most suc(e . was the other disciple to the tomb is now de- form •itf. hint who here, or very near winner. scribed. The unnamed disciple out -here, "died for our sins and rose again 2. Intelligence Test -The feet were runs Peter, and gets to the grave for 0111' justification." measured and the one having the larg- first. He glances in, and tees the est fret was dee trod the winner, with grave-ctothts lying on the ground, but Celer Yellow—New to the explanation be the master of eere- does not enter. Y' tl with the lea Vs. 6.7. Peter, arriving later, is not rttarto.,, p • Q monies that 11. person ri - content to. gaze into the tomb; but b • c. feet had the "best understanding. with characteristic decision makes his Di t :d celery plants; collectedy 3, Endurance Test -This was slmp- way int and notices that beside the the 0.A.C. Horticultural Extension 1y what is stated. Equal weights were other grave -clothes there- is, lying in man, near London, Ont., were submr held at arm's length until only one way that will wet the leaves as littlea place by itself, a carefully folded ted- to the Dept. of Botany of the 0. was left., This was amusing, in that as possible, and the proper ventilating' napkin -the same which had been A.C.. in order that the disease which no one k1:ew beforehand what the en• of the greenhouse, wrapped about the head of Jesus.. This. appeared to be a new one to the celery durance should consist of, and rejrre- _,p means perhaps, though Peter did not growers of the province, alight be sentatives end not been ch011'n Beware of dampness in the poultry yet see b, that rntoueclbody had a Wither identified, These plants :showed the ac- cordingly. It so happened that two house for it is a forerunner of disease, s imply 1 ` Il t that t h h d n Ii typical symptoms of the disease boys And two girls were chosen, and e____-__ una -p aces ro 1a e a slse e mow n as Cz,¢i y Yellows caused by A farm sewage system costs 10118 for done with the cerenlents of death, an uitdascribed species 01'l0usai.•iun1. 11 4,uaesa the girls proved themselves for ever. 1 P unable to stand such a test in share than a funeral. Vs. 8-10. Peter's example emboldens- Celery yeemws lits; caused serious loss orae. ` you reallylike farm work there the other disciple to enter the vault,' to the celery growers of the. United 4. Tug of Wur-_-A piece of candy I£ -o and the sight which be semis le.ads him States, especially in the State of lbs. of dei butter valued at $30 - le ne other work in the world that a stepfurther than Peter had as yet P Y was ;fastened in the middle of a ' will uite suit you, whatever the tem - itlichigan, It is recur dad as being string. Taking an mid of the •erring 000,000. In all the dairy products q P gone. He not oily slaw, like Peter, mast ser }Hua on certstin strains of turned out the quantity of milk used orary disadvantages or difficulties but -and this is the new point -"he C,o den self -blanching emery, which in. he the sa y li cantesta t who l -may be. If you do not have that iteIioe,rd: That is, believed that tits reached the candy first without UR'e of was to1141 ,794, 4 lbs.; lbs of fat wheqich spirit you will find farming a much Lord had overcome death. The entity are said to be more susceptible than the hands, wen the tug of war. ant to 411,794,x43 lbs. of which the tomb in itself might y p White Plume and winter varieties. , harder task than it really ought to be. g only rove that v. }1; bati»n--"his consisted of a total value was $233,629,033. the Lord's body had' been removed," The fungus which causes this disease series 0f brief debates, freshineli -_ �.w___ �_ _. _.-. _ and this .probably was the tallY roe-' is a soil organism, being carried over against tea sophomores, juniors •7 elusion to which Mary and Peter had in the soil from year to year. ]:tail •Iigalnst seniors, and winners. 'against up to this novel into• but the other badly infested with this fungus is said tvinnm.s. Such questions worn de - disciple believed in. the t•seen ."wits 1to be worthless for the growing of hated es That Pat should - sed that. without luaniay seen .]osier. � Golden „ A Bifid Box Social f or Si. Patrick s Day J far 51' n; el....111111111.71017S. shed and arrange suitable bozos to• many of the finer strains of o- en wait. till next year le o back." 1±..r• gale s ane hundred put feed in for them Some "over A school wanted to raise some as if it had been lifted from a stone He was the first th:refore in hold tea g y, solver: That Suint. Patrick's Oast resurrection faith N tlec th tt tlu Self=Bltncliilr Ccle1' On account of dollar h„ a: ship at 9i:u'Donald In- s -lento et tee girl taking the highest eta dire 11; tee ('minty' Three Months' t .r, Tse hi Ilome Economics. Trete-tees in !re cnunt.ies rontri- h',ted money for priors in the Girls' Hoase•he'•l Science .ledging Competi- tion. One Irstit rte 5"ranged an orator- ical fled debating competition for pu- pil= :1 the Collegiate Institute. Another planned a banquet and public speaking rompetitian for public school pupils and the young people of the community, Separate eampeti- tions were arranged for different grades. The event proved of so much interest to parentis and friends that the banquet had to be abandoned for lack of room to set tables. But they had the speeches and a pass -around supper afterwards. One branch is financing a music teacher to come to the school once a week to teach the children singing. They are undertaking this for a per-• rad of six months. At the end of this time they will hold a concert, inviting the parents and trustees, with the hope that the scheal section will con- tinuo the lessons and take on t11e re- sponsibility of paying for them, also that the work will be introduced into other schools in the neighborhood. Another has organized a children's choral class, engaging a local teacher to lead them. One branch gave flower bulbs to the school children to plant, and In the summer gave prizes for the best flow - era produced. An Institute, which draws its mem- beim freer three school sections, three years ago presented each school with a gramophone and records. They pre- sented these to the wheels on the lost afternoon before Christmas, at an open meeting, to which parents and trustees' were invited. Each year they add a few new records to each school's hay should be supplied thein. A good money, and the committee thought St. grain ration is made up of three Patrick's Day a splendid occasion for parts of corn by weight, and two parts an evening of fun and profit. of oats; or two parts corn and two Big posters were put up in the post parts wheat bran, and one part of office, school buildings, and principal oats. Linseed meal is also excel- lent to use with grain mixtures after the lambs become three or four weeks old, as it is laxative and rich in pro- tein, By using sufficient protein in the iambs' feed it will be found much easier to properly dry the ewes off by the time, or before, the lambs are sold. In order to improve the appearance of the lambs and to make them fatten rapidly, their tails should be docked and all the males castrated. This work is done most satisfactorily before the lambs are more than two or three, weeks old. Nice, trim-appearang lambs often sell much better than those not properly attended to in this respect. Horses in the West. A delegate to one of the annual meetings of the live stock associations, recently held at Toronto, stated that there were now so many horses in the Northwest that there was no longer store windows At the top of each large white placard was sketched a lunch box tied with bright green, and below it was lettered this rhymed no- tice in green: To a Biddy Box Social, on St. Pat- rick's eve, You're warmly invited; the cash that you leave For a stove for hot Iuneb in the schoolroom will pay. So be a good citizen -don't stay away! The whole poster was bordered widely with the same Irish color. On the chosen evening a jolly crowd gathered with supper boxes and baskets of every description, for everybody knew that a box social meant bringing a box of lunch. The school hall was trimmed with green paper streamers, Irish and Canadian flags. The feet game, which proved a real ice -breaker, was an adaptation of the old one called "Rachel and Jacob," and was named "Biddy and Pat." any market there for the East. hose A circle was formed, and inside it much has been done officially to stock a girl and a boy were appointed to that section of the country with the" take places. The boy was I'tlindfolded, right animals is illustrated by the! and expected to catch the girl by fol - report of the Superintendent at the lowing the sound of her voice, as she Indian. Head, Sask., Experimental; answered his constant query, "Where ]Farm, Here it is noted that with the: erre ye, Biddy?" spoken in a rich help of the Live Stock Branch at Ot-1 Irish brogue. She, of course, tried to tawa, which paid one-third of the ter -1 keep out of his reach, but was obliged vice foes, farmers have been enabled, to answer, "Isere 01 am, Pat," wall, was placed on a pitch of green evangelist says that thitherto it had t}te sc serious loss which may be caused should be .i holiday in Shamrock Uni- grass, Well simulated with paper and not dawned nn an • of the disciples by th}s disease, Ontario relevy gritty - 1 , excelsior on the floor, A pretty girl y varsity.' The debates were judged that Jesus must visa according to oils should be on the watch for it. simply upon the volume .of applause; dressed in white, with a little green scriptural prediction. n t The symptoms of celery yellows are those classes, of coarse, having° the shamrock -shaped bib apron and a II. THE ttrsFx Lunn, 11-1R. ; distinct Affected plants are stunted strop est voices being declared win- • green cap, was in charge, and super- leaves turn •e1- strong 'est "kissing the blarney stone." Vs, 11, 1'2. The disciples return to and deformed and the y vers rather than those sides which The process was simply that of Jerusalem, but Mary remains at the; lowish white and die prematurely. The presented the better arguments• bending down and laying a nickel on grave weeping. Amid her tears, she veins oftlr}lC 1 00wn intsc loci]. lteark hecame glances into the tomb, and immediate-' reddish a The winner of each Contest was nu - the stone, after which n sweet mea ly she has a vision of angels. 1 Prevoitlan-Resistant strains of flounced' by his Irish !tame and was sage 0n paper was handed out, and: v, 13. She hears the angels seyizlg,! Golden_Self-Blanching celery are, bo- given a badge of honor- The class recommended to the recipient for use, "Why weepest thou?" and she Ons ing developed in Michigan and if be- w'llleh Hou the most points was during the remainder of the evening.' were; "Becauee they have taken away lark} relevy growing soils and i10 111- ersi'dL'(� a pennant made of the um- If desirable, the charge for this am- my Lord, and 1 know :tot where they; Tested with the fungus which causes varsity colors. Climes were enthuse- usement could be omitted; but, as it: was, laid him." This then is all that astie all the way through, each yell - was, some extra money was made in in her grief Mary hos concluded from' yellows it may be necessary to intro- ing and supporting loyally its own - the empty grave It nee;i: a heavenly duce resistant strains into this pro- y p Y g' + cave] Y this way. 'vision, a vision of Christ himself, to vince or to develop here to Ontario Nobody was really surprised when: lift her thoughts higher. 1,ether resistant strains. presently it was announced, that since; Vs. 14, Ire At this moment glary, this was a "Biddy" party, everyone; turns, and is aware of a stranger: ' LABELS would be expected to bid on the sup-! close to liar. She does +tor recognms € Lbo start, 1.003 for canto. s'ary and 1100. ata 1 e. ,a:ultnoe,, rhl•k.n. limn].; 'Dalt: per boxes as they were put up for' him, but super es that she sees the auetion. The novel stipulation was gardeizer, the k ;per of the orchard, added that everyone must use the. where the i0inb is. In iter' '""fusion tiugde, p rad pare, for broadest possible Irish brogue in bid -'silt repeats her pitii'u] tam11)tllltt! Y.,Fwen .Ianufaaluriie ro.. tip.. mime, oat about the, l.orr}'s 1We h rile, tais.ni tax uolty. ding. The following of this regula-� tion and the clever auctioneering by•. _.-. - one of the boys made mirth run high,' Also, many of the boxes were amus- ingly decorated. There was one with a toy pig tied into the bow, another! with a cut-out picture of little Irish' boys jigging on the cover, many with green bows of shamrock trimmings, ' and of course a large number of patri-t otic looking ones. to raise Clydesdales that have taken 'When Biddy was caught, she in turn, prizes at local and provincial shows, was blindfolded, Pat was re' -eased, and while one bred at the Farm itself won: a new Pat was chosen to elude Biddy's first in the yearling class and junior efforts. championship at. an International :Fix -i After this game everyone was eager( hibition in Chicago. ;to pay a visit to the blarney stone in r- - - one earner of the room. Here, under) Drops of oil are the - best ball a big sign saying, "Conte and friss the bearings, blarney stone," a large rock, looking When the boxes had ell been :mite their buyersseated themselves in groups to explore the contents. As a welcome accompaniment to th- 1 e freshments thus provided, hot cover" was served by the committee, the girl' members of which wore pretty, lift".' green shamrock -shaped, aprons lend; full caps like the blarney -stone miss;1 the boy members took delight in! flaunting huge green neckties; ` A satisfactory sum in money and s rousing good time was the result of 1 this Biddy Box Social Many Farmers Buying Pure Brei{ 13 a11s - Ontario is fortunate in having many Pure Bred Breeders of proven merit, and the stock they produce bring fame to Ontario. Ontario farmers are rapidly getting the idea that the hard that pays is'thc only one to keep. t a d o ret- l:+`,ollow the iced of successful. farmers by ting good Pure Bred Bulls. Your Agricultural Representative knows the breeders of goad bulls in your county. See him. GOOD BULLS PAY DIVIDENDS fo,u epresentatrvea. When this was over the guests Were asked to form into fantiliee, according to their names, This afforded much merriment; scene families were large, some small; some had a grandmother, some a grandfather, 403110 0 father and mother and cbildren; and one only a "man and wife." Mr. and Mrs, Rafferty were ell that could he rot ea ted, finch fetidly toils asked to pAss t0 iha ::(12001 latcllen to begin "ileal work." l'Ie1•e the subjects were taken up. The required subjects came first. 1)cn:rstie science proese.1' to be cake. Dairying wag ice create, and general science, cocoa. Next carne the elec- tive,. :ec- tite . ')'hose who chose , chemistry *ware given a glass of water; horticul- tere, reedy hearts; agt'icultare, candy elm; Irish, greets candies; forestry,. ta„ thpicks. This proved amusing, for many had had no thought of what was meant by the terms required and 'elec- tit i+ aubjeets, and were much stir - edged and interested as it all dawned epee thein. I When each family had been served, the nnn0uneen2e11t was made that the "tuition" would now be accepted, this to be pail by the telling of the Irish story , that carh had leen aslted • to pretarc'.