HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-3-11, Page 1nr
VOL. 53 NO,
fi2,00 per annum an advance
Age —
Steady Growth -4
Sound Policies
— are synonymous terms'' when
applied to The Bank of Nova
Scotia. For over 92 years this
Bank has been . serving, the Can-
adian public; and its present
standing, showing Capital of
$10,000,000, Reserve Fund of
$19,500,000 and Total Assets
of $210,000,000, bears witness to
the soundness of its policies.
The experience of 92 years is
at your service at any branch of
Of Nova Scotia
Pall -un Capital $ 10,000.000 Managers - Brussels
Reserve- - 10,600,000
Total Assets - 210,000,000
New Advdreisements
For sale—&. Spetrnn
For stile—John Spuir
For solo—Jas. R B.ui
For sale -0 R.Ooultes
Seed peas-W.L Ireland
Pigs -for silo-0IIb,trt Sneir
Gander for sale—Alex Bing
AActior "Rote—E. Jackson
Fountain Pens—J. R. Wendt
Seed for sale—Jno McNabb
Filly for aide—Wm, Wilkinson
Seed for aero—Goo. McDonald
Spring !Medicines -IP, R• Smith
Dar of FerNaz•+r—Etna. S. Currie.
Turkeys for sate—Mrs, A. Murray
Auction Sale—John R. Dickson
Auction Sale—a Messer, estate
Auction Salo -John A, Marshall
Notice to Oredi,ora— W at. Sinclair
Sole by tender—W. E. Sendero, estate
Congregational rueetinB s—Ethelehurch
St.Patrlek'sdoolal—Rthel Mission Sand
Bemire Wall espor—Walter Williamson
St. Patrick's Concert= • We Want Yon" Claes'
The Fordwich Horticultural Society
met on Thursday to consider their
summer program and the annual show,
and also to hear the reports of the del-
elegates to the horticultural convention
lately held in Toronto.
The congregations of Fordwich and
Gorrie finished their vote on the
question of church union, The ballots
show .that in Fordwich 64 are im in
favor of union, while 19 are against it,
In Gorrie the vote was closer, there
being 57 for and 31 against it: In'
both places a fight vote was polled.
A regrettable accident occurred at
the home of Arthur Schmidt, 2nd con.,
of Howlett, during the absence of the
family at a dance at Molesworth, Mrs.
Schmidt, an old lady almost blind, was
left alone and while attempting to
tight a lamp dropped the hatch into
her clothin;g...which was atniost burned
from her body. Her face and body
were also severely burned In her at-
tempt to put the fire out and prevent
the destruction of the house. Dr.
Whitely, Gorrie, was called and con -
Great Congregational Meetings
at Union Methodist Church Fri-
day of this week at 2 p, tn , and
al. Ethel, on Wednesday, March
18th, at o'clock. Everybody in
the respective communities who,
are members or adherents, please
Pancake Socias and Program
St, latitrick's Eve, in basement of
Ethel Methodist Church, Monday
next at 6 80 p.m, Admission 25e,
Everybody welcome.
Program, and Lunch
itt Il•ne"e 0htn•cly tit. Patrink's
Day, Tuesday, Mar, 17th, at 780,
Adults 15c; Childrenl0e.
t+tee++d••1Nd•++•Q•++++'e&'•l•+4•d ++4..
siders she has a fair chance of re-
Despite the condition of the roads
the Fordwich - Community Association
staged the most successful carnival of
the season. The prizes, amounting to
$100 were donated by the business
men of the place. The proceeds were
practically net profit.
Whn. Hayes has returned from Sim-
Earl Ball was a Toronto visitor last
week. 4
Reeve Henneberg spent last week in
3 rinks of Beimore curlers enjoyed
an afternoon's curling here nasi week.
D. D.aed Mrs. Sanderson, entertain-
ed a number of their friends Friday
Miss Margaret Miller, Toronto, spent
a week here, the guest of Mrs. F. V.
Mrs. C. White and children, Brus-
sels,' have been holidaying with relat-
ives here.
Thos. Sage has returned from Port
Huron, where he spent the Walter
with a son.
Fred. Hannbly' and family ,of Ham-
ilton, have moved to Hugh Rae's res-
idence on -Queen St. t
The many friends of Miss J. Ritchie
are"+pleased •to see her' home again, ful-
ly restored in health. Miss Ritchie
was overtaken by a serious illness while
visiting friends in Toronto, hence the
prolonged .Stay of almost a year.
Debate An international Debate
will be given in the Presbyterian
Church, Wroxeter, on Wednesday
evening, March 18th, on "Which has
done the most for Canada—The Eng-
ish, the Irish or the Scotch," The
cause of fhe English will! be upheld by.
Rev. Mr. Laing, of Fordwicb, the Irish
by Rev, Mr. Armstrong, Wroxeter, and
the Scotch by Dr. Fowler, Teeswater.
Nhtional• songs and music, :representa-
tive of each country, will be given after
each speaker. Admission 25c. De-
bate will commence sharp at 8 o'clock,
•Miss E. Mitchell, Field Sercetary,
of the Presbyterian W..M. S. will give
an address in the Presbyterian school
room Thursday evening.
A Sale of
Home made
Under auspices of
Brussels W. C. T. U.
will be held at
Misses t3
e Hunters'
Store ,
St. Patrick's Tea . ser-
ved during afternoon
Ing to !
The Mission Band •held 'their mon-
thly meeting In the Methodist church
Saturday afternoon with 44 members
present Elgin Huffman, Geo, Brown,
Stewart Higgins, Roy Robinson gave
the Bible 'reading, Roll tall was re-
sponded to by nettling a Meal boy.
An interesting mission talk from
Chinese lanterns were given by Mrs,
Wearing, after which a happy half hour
was spent in expressional activities,
At the Council, meeting, 11, T, Ed.
wards was appointed tux collector and
aeeee6er at a salary of $1,100 per an-
num, William Campbell, who has
held the position for the past quarter
of a century, wilt stili work in con-
junction with the new aaeaeor, but
only as an ad visory capacity. Thie
action is
t ndue toc'
tba increased work
owing to the collection of tuxes twine
a year and to the advanced age of
Mr. Campbell who is well over 90 and
who still possesses wonderful facul-
ties for his work. The Council
thought the work called for a younger
Man. The Council is now preparing
the estimates' and expecte to strike
the rate at the next meeting.
Russel Holmes has returned home,
after :pending most of the Winter in
Robert McGeorge has iaft for Tor-
onto, where he has secured a poeition
in a machine shop.
Harry Holmes has gone to near
Palmerston, where he ' is working
with Is Shoemaker.
Walter and Mrs, Ward, of Trow-
bridge, celebrated their Aver .wedding
on. Saturday, February, 28, at their
home. About 60 'guests, friends land
relatives, attended the happy event do
wish Mr. and Mrs. Ward continued
health and 'happiness. Before their
mtarriage Mr. and Mrs. Ward (nee Al-
ice Birk) resided on the tOth of Wal-
lace.,. Those from this district who at-
tended" included L. Birk and family,
Mrs. J. Birk, Mr. Birk and. Mr, and
Mrs. 'Charles Nelson and family.
The Woman's Institute, of Belgrave,
will •meet' at the home of Mrs. Robt.
McCrae on Thursday afternoon, March
19, at - 2 o'clock. Paper will he given
by Mrs. M. Lake. Roll Cell:exchange
of cake recipes. Music:Mrs. J. Michie.
The Woman's institute will hold a
pie social in: the Forrester's 'Hall, Bel -
grave, On Mardh 17th, at 8 p. m. A
good •concert is being prepared. Ev-
erybody come,
The Chopping mai is running again
after a short holiday owing to engine
Miss Jennie Clark ie-aesieting in the
millinery business with Mies Rose, at
Buggies and waggons are out again
and care will be running when a few
enow banks are cut down.
Blood poisoning has developed in
the foot which was partially frozen
Of Wm. Sholdice, and he is confined
to his home as a consequence. He
has a man looking after bis mail
The March meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs. A. Gardiner, on Wednesday
March 18th at 3 o'clock. A very in-
teresting program will be given. Roli
call answered by an Irish joke. All,
ladies are invited to attend.
Jaynes and Mia. Holland of Tucker -
eolith; on Tuesday celebrated the
fortieth anniversary of their,,marriagef
Mr, and Mrs. Holland were marriedet.
the home of the bride's father, the
late Mr. Whitely, by the :Rev, John
Kenner, who was then pastor of the
Ontario street Methodist church, Olin -
ton, which had been the Bible Christ-
itt church. Union had just been con-
summated and this was the fleetmar-
riage conducted by the Rev. Mr. Ken-
ner after the union. Miss lens Mc-
Derinid was bridesmaid and Mr, Geo
Shipley best man at this wedding.
Their friends extend congratulations
to Mr. end Mrs. Holland on this occa-
aicn and wish thew Many more hap.
py artniversaries, The above item re-
fers to the parents of Moody Holland.
T. J. Nelson had a yarrow escape
from asphyxiation at his garge on
Jaines street. He was dowt2 in the
pit with a car with the engine runl,iog,
when be was suddenly overcome by
gas fumes and felt over,' Verne
Harkness was sitting in they car at•
the time and summoned medical aid,
Councillor James Ballat.tyne of Us -
borne, is suffering from the effects of
a painful accident while endeavoring
to start his traction engine. In soave
manner be became. entangled in the
machinery and both bones of hie
right arm were fractueed. His wrist
was badly lacerated, exposing the
the tendons, and he lost part of hie
index finger, He has Buffered ooneid
eeably from loss of blood.
What might have been a serious
conflagration was averted by prompt
discovery of a blaze in Main Street
Methodist Church, Some wood plac-
ed ton close to the furnace had heated
and ignited. Two wo out
gglide, notia-
''the blaze, e, at once notified Rev, F.
E. Olysdale, the pastor, who arrived
just in time to extinguish the &twee.
The death odcurred in Poughkeepsie,
New+ York, of !George Weekes, (former-
ly of Exeter. Born io Buffa'1o.58 years
'ago, he .came to Exeter at the age of
t2 and learned his trade as a marble
setter; He is survived by this widow,
formerly Harris, ofGuelph, also
one brother,, flames, an'tlrtessters,
Mrs. 11 Spackman, Miss Annie and
Minnie; all of Exeter, The remains
will ibe brought here ifor interment.
St. Patrick's
"We Want You" Class
of the Methodist
• Sabbath School
Tuesday ey'g, Mar. 11
In the Lecture Room
of the Church.
Good Musical and literary Program
Adults 20e Children 10e
MR& PAfKER, Toaaher
His sister, Mrs. H. Spaekma'n, is lying
seriously 191 at' her home, with no hope
of recovery.
Maple Syrup snaking is the order of
the day.
Roads are breaking up. Neither
sleighing or wheeling at present.
The Mission Band will hold a con-
cert in the basement of Knox church,
Moncrieff, on Friday, March 20th.
Lunch will be served: Admission 10e
and 20e.
Mr. Bray is laid tip,
Roads are in bad shape owing to
having been ploughed.
Geo. Campbell, Wingham, visited
friends over the week -end
Ceeil and Mrs. Bateman and fancily
have moved into their new hntne,
Mr. Plaekett and hie boy 'were oper-
ated on last Thursday and ate doing
A successful dance was hrlti in Dun -
bar's Hall, on Monday evening by two
popular young, gentlemen, despite the
bad roads,
The Executors of the estate" -of ilia
late Wm. E. Sanders, is being offered
for sale by tender Full list of the
various percale may be read on page 8
of this issue.
Miss Lily Sanders had acute pains all
day Sunday, and the Dr. was sent fee
late in the evening. An operatinn for
appendicitis was performed and she is
getting along nicely.
There will be a Pancake social and
games nn St. Patrink'e Eve, Monday.
March loth, at 680 o'clock in the
basement of the Methodist Church,
Admission 25c.
FOOT BALLMEETING.—There will ire
a football meeting at Ww. Bill's, no
Wednesday evening, Match 11th, to
reorganize the Ethel Foot Ball Club
Ali interested are asked to attend,
Band of Ethel Presbyterian chat eh,
will hold te St Patrick's Social in D Lie -
bar's Hall on Friday evening, March
13th. There will be a good program
Cecil Bateman will lead the topic on
Thursday evening, and i •tstead of
diecuseiou afterwards, a roll call will
be taken, and each person will pt•e•
pare a sentence of missionary inform-
ation, e. g., "Methodism is celebrat
ing this year ber centenary celebra-
tion and we are all going to eon -
tribute an extra dollar to share in
the triumph."
The League metat Haruiltons' last
Thursday. After the topic on
"Miracles", by Mrs. White, the happy
party spent a social time, after which
lunch was served. It was gond to see
the older•folk young attain and Mr
Bisbee, the leader of the games and
corntnunity singing and President tY1
the League, was at his best. Watch
hint conduct the Community Singing
at the Pancake Social.
There was it very good congregation
at the Ethel Methodist Chervil on
Sunday evening, The minister had tt
Symphonic Sermon Theme on the
"Miracles of Maech", and emphasized
the poetic couplet of tlhtyRiley Smith,
"In the dark silence of liar chambers low.
March works out sweeter things than mor-
tals know."
He showed that underneath Lha heart
of March, with its storms and b6ister.
ouanese, there lies the bread, of April
with its blossoming of flowers and
budding trees. Match is necessary u
make them leap into life. itlnreh Is
the tomb of which April is the recur.
rection. That is always true with
God and His way of working. Onr, of
the darkest, gloomiest days, ile is pre-
paring some flowers of faith aril love
and beauty for the morrow. Shelley
says, "If Winter cones, can spring hr
far behind ? " In a variety of ways,
the preacher ill list) aced the eyrni,lanrliu
theme, He will have m,nther for
Sunday evening. It would be nppree-
iated if members of the Ohureh wooltl
take some of the front Penta. It is
embarrassing for strangers who
drive from a distance ever bad rinds
to have to walk to the front to get a
i ht e i ua r t cel
seat. The G n i s 1111 1
filled, and Wp Willa Htr'1t11ge1H tYl C..11le
again ; they will not continue to d.,
so unless they can slip into a seat at
the back unnoticed. There wasn't a
seat to spare in the after service when
Mr. Currie the Musical Director sang
a new setting of "There were niltety
and nine'', assisted by tete beautifully
colored slides. The Organ meow pan.
imant was most impressive. '!'ileo
is on r
followed 85 Tn el a y elides of (,O,
in West Chiles, and we hod a glimrs4'
of what nuc missionaries are ddnng,
iota we Haw how 'our tllit iOtlaty
money is being spent,
W. H. EERR, Proprietor
Mission Band
of Ethel Presbyterian
Will hold a-
St. Patrick's
Friday Ev'g, Mar, 13
Admission 20 and 10 Cts.
Roads are beginning to get bare in
spots, but there are sorne drifts yet,
Mrs, Thos. Congram is spending a
couple of weeks with ft•ieuds in Tote
onto and Hamilton.
Frank and Mis. Oasewore have re-
turned to Davidson, Seek, after
spending a couple of months with
tr•ieude in Mortis and Kincardine.
Mrs, Roy ltleebot'ough and children
have returned to their home in -North
Toronto, after spending a couple of
months with Mes, Risebnrough'e um -
thee, 61+8, Thal Conga m,
Miss Mary McKellar, of Cromarty,
spent the week end with her friend,
Miss Florence Kerney, 4th line. Miss
MicKelfltr was a former teacher in the
Miller school and will be well remem-
bered by many.
The executors of the estate of the
bite Robert Messer, are holding an
'methyl sale of farm stock, etc, ou
Ei'rida , March 19th, at 1 o'clock, at
S 3 Lots 64-55, Con, 1. T R. Ben-
nett is the auctioneer. Full list is
published on page 8 of this issue. •
A pe` ilia meeting will be held at the
Township Hall, 19 orris, on Monday,
March 16 is at8o'clock p. m: to dis-
miss the alleged intention of the Ont-
arin Goveronleut to substitute a
"Muniaip• l School Board" for the
present system of school trustees, and
if necessary to appoint delegates to
attend the Prustres, and Ratepayers'
nnnnal meeting in Toronto.
Old friends regret to learn of the
,death of Miss Annie Elston, who pas-
sed away in Wingham on Wednes-
day of last week, Deceased was bornq
in Morris Township 60 yenta ago and
was most. highly esteemed by all who
knew her. She had resided with her
slater, Miss Etleu Elston in Wingham,
for the past few years. She had been
ill for tin past month.
School Report:~'Fdllowing is the re-
port for S. S. No, 6, Morris. Examined
in Arithmetic, History, Geogaphy,
Graananar and daily work: --Sr. IV —
Ruiby Bone 81; John Barr 65; Sadie
Pierce 41**8. Jr. iii ---Stewart Pierce
62 Roy Pierce, 57. Sr. 11 — Velma
Duntrn 32; Annie -Pierce, absent. Jr.
1 — Excellent — Dorothy Bone; Joe
Brewer. Floreacd E. Stewart, Teacher.
Roads are breaking up,
Maple syr up is the next order of
business f tt the farmer,
Weddi, g bells will ring at the
bout -Rimy Hue on Saturday at high
The leads were bad on Sunday, but
there wet': good congregations at
li.0ev91.11t1 Unroll,-
Miss Rita Harris, 16th -Con„ has re-
turned from an extended visit with
her sister, Mrs. A. Kreig, at /Preston.
ore. Conley is down with an attack
of pietnisy and is under the doctor's
rare. Miss Incas, too, of the same
household, is laid up with the flus
lit. Turner is up and around again
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of
Roe's appointment, will meet at the
home of Mts. Hayden, nn Thursday
At S re's Methodist Ohurch, there
will be a programme followed by a
boleti too St. Patrick's Dey,'rnesday,
Mat nit 17th, at 7 30. Admission 15c
Kati Inc
RusssrseG vadat SEASON --Addison
'l.1yl..r, 9 h Con , had a ewe a week or
so ago present hits with 4 lambs for
the ent ing rnsh M r. Taylor remarks
th.t the 4 nee comers are doing well.
'The ra ohrsla•a will meet at the close
of the Onngregatirnl d Aleeting 011
frrridhty afternoon at Union,. This im-
portant. annual gathering will start at
two o'clock sharp, and startling
stata,ne:,ts will have to be toads
affecting the Church Life of the com-
munity. Members y A e s n 1
r d adherents are
naked to stretch a ;mint in an endeav-
nr In be pteeellt, It will be a business
The following is the report of S. S.
"Grey, it IncFnrthe
5,v month n
.f Febro•
'uy, each class being examined in
Composition, Art, Geography and
Reading. Those marked* missed one
nr more exams. lir IV-H'eten
Ffeir,es 74 ; Hughes Artuctromestts.
Se. III--Ailnie ativeleigh 716; Jean
Campbell 71 ; Belle iotas 715 Amy
Holmes* 01. Jr, III --Kathleen Brem-
ner 76 ; (llatlys Liens 72 ; LizzieBoir"es69 ; Willie Beirtm+s 61,
Sr II—Irlotonce Hamilton 65. Jr. II—
N,n'tltatt RPM 60. Ehret °lase—Harry
Holmes, -Good,. Carl Lucas, Good,
Jr. Pr,—Olarenee Liras, Good.
L, FEAR, Teacher,
and Tankage
Expected this week.
Special price off car.
Parties regrtiring as supply should
place their orders at once.
Russet B. Currie
Phone 1214 -
Jni»t R Dickson, Lot 8, Con, 11, is
holding en auction sale of farm stook,
etc, on Ftiday 0f this week at 1
ci'ctock. • D. Scott M. CO will ' be
VIII t the
auctioneer. ,Poli list of stock way be
teed on page 4 of this issue.
Thos. L, McDonald, 7th Con„ bast
purchased a Fortieon tractor and
plough. Mr. McDonald is a good
farmer and we hope that other farm-
ers will follow in his footsteps in
keeping up -to date in all farm mach-
School Report:—Following Is the re-
port of S. S. No. 6, Grey, for the
months of January and February. The
names marked with (8) have missed
one or more examinations. Sr. IV —
Evelyn Stephenson 86%; Orwell Elliott
77; Alex Pearson 75. Jr. IV —Mildred
Hoy 82%; Marguerite Cooke 78;
Charlie Keffer 69. Sr, 1111 -Roy .Pear-
son 76%; Hazel RJaynard 69; Vincent
Rowland 67. Jr. Ill—Ralph Keifer 74.
%; Berva Parr 72; *John Conley 36.
Sr, ll—George Eliott 82%; Viola Turn-
bull 71; Norman Stephenson 57; Bert
Rowland 53; Eva Parr 43; Ralph Pear-
son 40. Jr. ll—'Excellent — Laura
Raynard, Mlangaret Pearson; Good, —
Hien Rowland. Primer — Excellent--
xcellent-ina Turnbull, George Hoy, Good —
George Pearson, Hugh Pearson. Fair
Fred Keller, Ross Stephenson. R.
MioLelland, Teacher.
Sale bills have been issued for an
auction sale by F. Raddalz, of horses,
cattle and implements, to be held at
Part Lot 15, Con., 12, Gley, on Fri.
day, March 20th. D. M. Scott is the
On Sunday, March, let, Mrs. Myles
Young, who has been a resident here
for the past 40 years, passed away.
Her life partner died 33 years ago.
The late Mrs. Young was constantly
identified with the Methodist church
in all its branehee and for a great
many years was President of the W.
0. T. U. of that village. Service was
held from the Methodist church on
Tuesday afternoon and interment
was made in Union Cemetery.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Blyth branch of the W. I. was held in
Memorial hall, last week. Rev.W,
B. Hawkins addressed the meeting an
the subject, "Broken Promises in the
Horne", and Rev. .A. O. Tiffin on
"Broken Promises in Social and Bus-
iness Relationships."
The annual concert and commence-
ment exercises of the continuation
school, were held in Memorial hall,
on Friday evening. Theconcertwas
a credit to the pupils and teachers
and muchn'o e
e l y d by the large aud-
ience which filled the hall. The
following obtained diplomas : Misses
Marguerite Phealan, Grace Geddes,
Margaret Wood, Mary Healey and -
Jean Pate, and Messrs. Roes Robin-
son, Harold Whiteman,, Edward
Rodgers and Harold Taylor. Miss
Jean Pate read the valedictory ad-
dress. Miss Worsell presented the
diplomas and complimented the
graduates on their good work.
TO PAY $162,000
Toronto has received a "13th" bill
frons the Provincial Hydro 'Commis-
sion asking for 17162,000 for t924 ac-
A"thirteenth bill" is a bill sent out
in addition to the nate for power which
is supposed to be charged. That is,
if the provincial body finds it has sold
power more cheaply to the municipali-
ties than its expenses warrant, it
makes a call on each municipality for a
share of the extra expense,
E. R. Wigle to Bring Bill Before the
Ontario Legislature — To Delay
License Issue — Birth Certificate or
Affidavit as to Age Proposed.
• E. R. Wigle, Centre Huron, will In-
troduce .in the Legislature this week a
bill to amend the Marriage Act with a
view to throwing additional safeguards
about young people and curbing the
pravenbial teudeney to "marry In
If theit carries,
Ib i
will be
issued not less than three days before
the marriage, and it will be necessary
to submit either a birth certificate or
an affidavit from an elder .member of
the fahilies of the parties concerned,
making clear they are of age. The bill
has not been drafted as yet, but these
are the main features, 'It will no doubt
revive discussion as to advisability of
publishing names of those obtaing mar-
riage licenses, as is done in the 'United.
No charge is contemplated as to the
offices from which Wahine licenses
are now issued,
On .Friday evening Brussels 'Oounul(
held a special meeting 10 the 00u001
Reeve Backer was in the Ohair and
Countlllors Muldoon, Bowman and
Hewitt present.
The Tax Collector's ' Roll was se-
oepted by the Council and Collector
was relieved of further duty in this
matter, on motion of Couatctllors Bow.
man and Muldoon.
There is $1504.95 of, taxes uncol-
lected) but it is expected that over
$1400 of it watt be collected shortly.
Council then adjourned,
The regular monthly meeting of the
Town. Council was held in the Council
Chamber on Monday evening, March
2nd, with Reeve Backer in the chair
and al members present.
Clerk MacDonald read the minutes
of the .previous meetings and on
motion of Councillors Armstrong and
Hewitt, minutes were accepted as read.
$25.00was donated to the Salvable!)
Army Hospital at London, on motion of
Councillors Bowman and Muldoon.
Councillors Bowanan and Hewitt had
the fallowing .motion: ---That former
By-laws regarding :sale of fresh -meat be
recinded, if there be one, and that
Clerk be instructed, to prepare a new
Bylaw. Motion carried,
On motion of Armstrong and Hewitt
the following accounts were ordered
to be paid:—
C. R. Davidson, scraping snow
on street $ 6.50
J. W. Sanders, work and
material . 3,50
Reg. Births, Marriages & Deaths
for 1924 9.50
Ont. Good Roads Assoc., fee5.0o
G. McDowell, salary 75.00
G. McDowell, salad 75.00
A. Backer, expenses to Toronto 20,00
H. Lamont, wood - 37.20
Council adjourned to meet on 'Fri-
day evening, (March 6111, on motion of
Councillors Armstrong and Hewitt.
Peculiar Case Investigated by Police
Near Bluevale — Hogs are Sacrificed
—Nurse Arrested as Being Insane
and Dangerous.
A sacrifice of 10 hogs as a burnt
offering to drive out devils, respons-
ible for the illness of Mrs. Earl Under-
wood, living on a farm near .Bluevale,
has aroused this district to a high
pitch of excitement. The matter was
reported to the crown and after an in-
vestigation by Provincial Officer Pltip-
pen, of Wingham. Anna Reynolds, •a
nurse, said to be from Toronto, was
placed under larrest on a charge of
being Insane and dangerous to be at
Underwood is said to have obtained
the services of the Reynolds woman
several weeks ago to attend his wile,
who was confined. The baby was horn
about three weeks ago, it is said,
without •the presence of a doctor.
According to information given' the
police the Reynolds woman, who is said
to belong to a sect known as the Faith
of the Holy Light, with a tabernacle in
Toronto, instructed. Underwood on
Thursday to take a rifle and kill to
hogs. He did as he was instructed,
killing 10 swipe which would average
in weight about 120 pounds each.
These were then drawn back into a
field about 20o yards from the barn
and a huge pyre was bullt on which
the animals were 'piled for the sacri-
fice. The fire was lighted and the huge
space banked in with earth. The fires
were burned 'continually, it is said, for
three days and the odor of roasting
meat could be smelled for a distance' of
more than a mile.
When Underwood was questioned as
to why the pigs were killed and burned
he said that (he did lit because the
nurse told him to and he admitted that
lie would do anything that she told
Constable Phippen searched the
Underwood home and seized the rifle
with which the pigs were killed and a
quantity of cartridges. No Other
weapons were found in the house.
When the rifle 'wtas seized the Reynolds
woman said that the loss of the rifle
didn't matter as a knife could be used
if there were any sacrifices to make
She said that if anyone were troubled
with sickness and brought ,her a pig
she would remove the afflition in one
On Thursday Constable Phippen did
not snake any arrests, but on March 8,
returned to the Underwood home and
took the Reynolds woman in charge.
The woman says that she was mar-
ried, but that her husband, a man nam-
ed Wallace, living on Sougog Island,
illtreated her and that she obtained a
divorce. She admits that she was ar-
rested eight years ego, but was freed.
She is said to Have tried to drown her-
self 05 Toronto a year ago, but was pre-
vented by the' police and placed under
The Provincial Government has re-
ceived from Aerttilius Jarvis, $140,000
heof t
n fine of 4Go
, 0,000 imposed
upon him and former Provincial Treas-
urer Peter Smith on a charge of con -
Stuffing to defraud. the Provlme('t dm
connectiOn with succession duty .free
bond transaetlone.