HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-3-4, Page 8Special for This Week
at the Rexall Store
Klenzo Tooth Brushes
Regular goc
. Klenzo Tooth Paste
.Regular 35c
Rexall Cod Liver 011
Made with the very purest
Norwegian Oil $1,00 bats,
Rexall Bronchial Syrup
For Coughs and Colds 50c
Rexall Orderlies
A mild Laxative 25c & 50c
Catarrh Jelly
Fur cold in the head
A splendid Tonic for run-down
conditions, Large bot. 551.25
Household Drugs
Puretest Epsom Salts
Ib, line 15c 1 Ib. tine 250
Puretest Castor 011
Not hard to take and tastes
like fine salad oil 25c bots.
Aromatic Cascara
25e bots.
Tincture Iodine
25e and 85o bots.
Camphorated Oil
25c and 350 hots,
Boracic Acid
Iti this with sprinkler tope
15e and 25c pkgs.
F. R.
.�fte ,:244.0.,(1.0., Store
Druggist and Stationer
,ter. moo,..,.®
Ta>r l elms (ems
MARCH came in like a Bon,
Nair Public holiday will be Good
Friday, April loth
G. T. Iavmms. 'Toronto, was elected
President of the Canadian National Ex-
hibition. succeeding Robert Miller.
LAST Friday was the 25th anniversary
of Majuba, the battle of Paardeburg,
South Africa, when Cronje surrendered.
Yon" class of the Methodist church will
give an entertainment on St. Patrick's
evening, March 17 Further particulars
next week.
HOM& MADE BAKING, -The ladies of
the W. C. T. U. will hold a sale of
home-made baking at the Misses Hunt-
ers' store on Saturday afternoon, March
14th. A rye St. Patrick's tea will be
served and everybody is itrvited.
CARD OP 'THANKS. -Mrs. Ewan and
family desire to express their heartfelt
thanks to their many friends, who by
word and deed did so much to help dui.
ing the illness and death of husband and
father. Such kindness , will never be
ing Committee. who had charge of re-
building the Methodist Church, along
with their wives, enjoyed a fowl supper
at Misses Hunters' restaurant last-
Phur s
day evening. Afterwards the happy
party went to the home of W. H. abd
Mrs, Maunders where the test of the ev-
ening was spent in games and music.
At It All The Time. -Last week
another big shipment of catalogues from
two mail order houses were received at
the local post office for distribution in
this district. These people advertise all
the time and never let up, because tory
know their mail order business would
not last six months it they quit sending
out catalogues. When, oh when will
the smaller merchants take the cue.
tl,e neighboring towns felt the tremors
of the earthquake which centred in
Quebec, it passed unnoticed in Brussels
and only that word was received from
Wingham, telling ot the quake, the
citizens would not have known any-
thing about it until the papers arrived
at noon, Monday, except those who
had radio sets,
just been received by friends in Bros -
sells, of the death of Daniel Kenney, a
former well known baker here, which
occurred in Detroit on January 201h
last. Deceased passed away suddenly
from heart failure, He will be well re-
membered by the older residents, bis
wife being, Miss Margaret Hunter, eld-
est daughter of the late W, T. Hunter,
to whom he was married 36 years ago,
and who predeceased him in November,
5923. Mr. ond Mrs. Kenney's last visit
to Brussels was to the Old Boy's Re-
union in xg1g.
WIN'rROP TRAM ;-On behalf of
the B. C. S I wish to state that we are
extremely sorry that, due to an unfort-
unate misunderstanding, the Winthrop
players had a long, cold drive over Isere
for nothing some weeks ago. While we
• sympathize, yet we do not feel ourselves
to blame, and I myself told one of the
Winthrop team before they had ever
started that the ice was not fit. How-
ever someone else not connected with
our team at all or even with the school,
later said to come. It's an old story of
someone else suffering because of some
n hand for some also taking a d a s roe uu-
knowp reason, Attain we sympabize
and hope hard feelings will not exist be.
(ween the 8, 0, S. and Winthrop over
the affair.
Assist,, 13, 0, S.
NGRR than the wicked walked on slip
pery places on Friday last. Walking
was most dangerous, owing to the icy
condition of the streets
Lost a Horse --On Saturday al noon
a horse belonging to the livery, Just
simply laid down and died on the
roadside up on "Tory" Hill.
five Rues
end 1 ui ii ty
$1,65 $1,75
Goose wanted, Phone 417 1
GOOD Seed Pena for mala and also a quantity
of Oats. Lot 28, ),`.on, 4, Morris
87-1 Joan BARB, Phone 1212
11 bead or young cattle for sale.
Phone 4911 Lot 29, Con, 18, Grey.
Sean GnA1N-0. A. 0, No. 72 Oats and a
quantity of good Timothy Seed.
8j;4 JAS. PERSTE, Phone 2618
RADIOS. -Bee me before baying your Radio.
1 can give you the best at lowest adobe. Dc-
Forest•Crosley and others. G.A. Bsem. 2
86 AOREO of land to rent this Spring.
88.8 ROSS. HOLLAND. WaitOn.
BT000 POR SALE. -One Clydesdale horse, 5
years old, between 17 and 18 hundred lbs., and a
dark roan Shorthorn bull. Both chow animals.
Also wanted to buy a good driver, Phone 868.
Fon sale or exchange for smaller enginea
Ford motor oompplete with governor and riot.
ley, Apply DOSJARDTI9E GARAGE, Ethel.
Hones and Lot containing 34 acre of land
and good stable, Cheap for quick male'
Fort SALE -Four pure bred Holstein cows,
due to freshen in March and emit Also will
have 10 or 12 purebred bull and heifer calves
to sell, Place your order now 1f interested.
Bursa M
•1 Lot 2, Con. 48•2
n: 11 Elms
Atwood R, R. No. 2
To RENT. Hones and Stable with about 2
0ores, orchard and .garden with some small
fruits. Also a stack of good straw for sale.
88-tf Phone 2818, J. A, NIOIOL,
TEAM of good farm horses for sale. 4 and 6
years old, (rood either single or double. Sarno
to responsible buyer. GROPER 0. GILL,
Phone 6914 EtheL
Foa BALE. -1 Short Horn Bnll 9 menthe old,
dnim red In color. Save money by seeing thio
animal before you bey. RDB5ET. E.NIORT,
88.2 Phone 2816 R. R, 2 Brussels
A 4OAN0Tmr of Seed and Feed Oats, 20 cen-
tury, for sale. Apply to Phone 4028.
56.11 JoS. R. HAMILTON, Walton
YELLOW blossom sweet Clover seed for sale.
• Lot 27, Con. 1 Grey.
MAmonn) team of geldings 5 years old for
elle, also a block driving mare the same age,
Phone 686 W. S..FonaaaT.
Phone 5 ` Brussels
A' Real Blizzard, --Last Thursday
this section wan (related to a r03•1 West-
ern from blizzard.
h heavy rain stortn es Wednesdaey
evening to the biting Western wind
Thursday evening.
Milk Bottles Being Keptt-The milk
dealers have complained that they lose
numerous bottles each Week, which
soon eats up the profits, One dealer
stated 10 the, Post, that it vAts, known
that some householders had made
special wickerware around the ' bot-
tles for table ornaments. It's rather
risky to keep other people's property.
Is a Good Guesser. - The meter
reading dottiest conducted by Wingllam
Hydro Shop and for which liberal priz-
es were offeired, ended on Saturday
evening. Ten people guessed the
correct answer for She amount of pow-
er used by a meter to which several
lights -were attached and ipfaced on dis-
play in the Hydro Shop window. The
answer was 384 kilowatts. The win-
ners were chosen by the rotation in
which .their guess was entered, Rev.
H. W. Snell, who has been a teaoher
in the Short Course at Brussels, won
2nd prize, an electric toaster.
Co. Clerk's Sister Dead. -Word has
been received of the death in Los
Angeles, Cal., of Mrs. Wilkens Drew
in her 85th year. She moved awiay
from Exeter about three' years ago
with her daughter, Mrs. Knight; to
seek relief in a more congeuial climate.
The deceased was one of a family of
12 children, all born on the farm
homestead at Devon, two miles south
of Exeter. Six of then( are still living,
the youngest of the family being
County Clerk, Geo. W. Holman, of
Godertch. Interment took place in
Inglewood Cemetery, Los Angeles.
ding. -On Monday evening, J'eb. 23,
the 'marriage was solemnized of Mary
Jeanette, daughter of John and Mrs.
Sinclair McConnell, Lamport Avenue,
Rosedale, Toronto, and Alfred James
MacDonald, son of D. F. and Mrs. Mac-
Donald of Montreal. The bride, who
was unattended, and was given away
by her brother, John D. McConnell,.
wore a French dress of geergette'bead-
ed with crystal, and train of Spanish
lace over white •georgette. Her veil was
of tulle edged with crystal beads, and
her flowers Ophelia roses, orchids 'and
lily of the valley. The bride's mother,
who received after the ceremony, wore
a smart French dress of gold tissue
Her corsage boquet was of pansies.
with :lpplequed flowers of georgette.
Mr. and Mrs. MadDonald left for Al-
gonquin Park, and on their return
will live on Beaumont Road, Rosedale.
The bride's father was a former res-
ident of Brussels and is well known to
the older citizens as Johnny McCan-
netl. Friends extend congratulations
to the bride and groom.
celebrate their Diamond Wedding.
D EWAN DECEASED -The funeral of
the late Denial Ewan, of whose death
brief reference was made in the last
issue of Tee POST, was held from the
residence on Friday, Feb. 27th. and was
attended by a large number of neighbors
and friends, The service was conduct-
edbyRev. 3. P. McLeod, assisted by
Rev. Mr. Lewin. Pallbearers were D.
C. Ross, Alex, McLaughlin, Fletcher
Sporting, Geo R. Muldoon, Alex And.
erson andW . D Eekmier. Mr. Ewan
was born in the Count of Perth Snot -
land, in the year 1858, and came to Can
ads when a young man in 1882, working
at his trade as R blacksmith In Fergus
for a year, removing -later to Harriston
and coming to Brussels in 1884 where be
worked for a number of mouths for the
late Wm. Hunter. Purchasing the busi-
ness and Carriage building establishment
until compelled to retire in igzt, Un-
der his guidance, the business Increased
from year to year until It soon became
the foremost carriage factory in Western
Ontario. In 288g he was united in mar-
riage to Miss Mary Ann Holmes, who
survives him to mourn his death. The
family consists of one son and two
daughters :-Elmer, who resides in Brus-
sels ; Mrs. Lorne Eekmier, of Flint,
Michigan, and Mrs. Frank Davidson, of
Los Angeles, California. Two brothers
still reside in the old Isnd, another hav-
ing passed away ten days ago A neph-
ew also resides in Londesboro. All
the family were present at the bedside
except Mrs, Davidson. Mt. Ewan was
widely known throughout the district
and the name of D. Ewan on a carriage
stood for honest workmanship and a
square deal. The large, brick block on
the corner of Turnherryand Market Sts.
stands an a monument to his eutetprise
and his faith inhis district. He was a
member of the Presbyterian church and
of the Canadian Order of Foresters and
a Liberal in politics. The profusion of
flowers which covered the casket show.
ed in a marked degree the esteem in
which he was held by his many friends
During his long illness he never cbm-
plained but always remarked that all was
well and that be was ready to go when
the call came, The subject of this not.
ice was of a quiet and retiring dispesit•
fou and could nearly always be found
either in his place of business or in his
home. as he was a "home man," where
be will be sorely missed by a devoted
wife and a loving family, Thus 'closed
the life of a highly eespected man, a
kind and provident husband and tether,
a good and obliging neighbor and a good
citizen, Those from a distance attend-
ing the funeral were i• --Lorne and Mrs,
Eekmier, of Flint, Miehigan'1 Wm.
I L addell, Mrs, Williams and Mrs. Con -
Istable, ot London ; M, H, Moore, List.
owel ; John. Mills, Blyth 1 W. D. Eck -
Mier', Winnipeg, Men,, and. D. Lamont,
of Melita, Man. The latter was for
many years as employee of the deceased,
Golden Wedding. - Last Tuesday
evening George and Mrs. McMillan of
Brussels, celebrated 'their Golden
Wedding. A Wedding Supper was
served at the home mid during the even
ing many old friends •called to offer
congratulations to the bride and
groom. On Feb. 24th, 1875 at Har-
wood, County of Northumberland by
Rev. Charles Taylor of Cold Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. McMillan were united
in marriage and they were assisted by
Miss Jane Harden and Alfred Rogers.
Over 30 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Millan moved from 4he 16th Con. c
Grey, to Brussels, where they ,have
during their many years here, held th
respect of the citizens. A family o
nine children were born to this couple
of which six were either able to be
present at the Golden Wedding, o
send a fitting ireminder to ,the parents.
The following is the tastily: --Mrs.
D. Denman ((deceased); Mrs. John A.
Sinclair, OrMlla; Mrs. John Meadows,
Brussels; Mrs, Nell Llvingstondf Van-
couver, B.C.; Mrs. Chas. Hingston,
Toronto; Wm., of Pope, Manitoba; Al-
fred, Port Author, Ont.; George (de-
ceased) and Ghat, E. (deceased over-
seas). During the evening last Tues-
day a ,nurse of money was presented
to Mr. and Mrs. McMillan by the
family and friends. The citizens o
Brussels extend.hearty congratulations
to the bride and ,groom and hope that
they may have good health and prosper-
ity and thatthey ,may be spared 10
se s
The Profit Lies
the Finish
'1' PARS to market nettle with. the,
proper degree of finish.A quality
peoductalways commends a•pretoimil
it is readily saleable at a profitable
955at .
Pelee, If you have stook which needs a
little more time for fifishing, and the feed
18 scarce see the total manager of the
Standard Bank, It is a simple matter to
artauge a loan to carry the etoek until a
favorable market watxants a profitable
Tr -1E •,
BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Semis, Manager
1'be sympathy of, the community goes
out to the sorrowing widow and family
in their bereavement, Interment was
made in Brussels cemetery.
tt 2t
People We Tali( About
John Harkness, of Toronto, was a
week -end visitor at his home here.
Dr, George Strdthy, Toronto, . was in
own last week holdiug a consultation.
Miss Mary Ross returned lest week
from attending the millinery .openings
at 'Toronto.
Archer Grewar, of.Woodstock Col-
lege, spent the week end with his father,
W. A Greene.
Mrs. Jim. Meld, Seaforth, is a visitor
at the home of Miss Margaret Robinson,
Queen street.
L cense respecter M. H. Moore, List-
owel, and an old Brusselite, was calling
in town last Friday.
Mrs. P. Attlent has returned from a
visit of several weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. J. Lynn. at Walkerville.
David Lamont, who has spent the
past month in this locality, returned to
his home in Melita, Manitoba, this
Harry Strang, of the Exeter Braucher
junior Farmers' Club, was in town last
week attending the Short Course Ban-
Friends will regret to learn that Mrs.
A. C Dames has been under the doctor's
care. Her friends will hope for a speedy
Alderman John Hewitt and Robt.
Thomson were at Seaforth last Wednes-
day attending the funeral of the late D.
D. Wilson.
Constance Correspondent to Seaforth
News t -Roy .1'bueli ot Brussels, spent
a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Harry
E R. Wigle, M. P. P. for Centre
Huron, gave Tia Posm'a friendly call
last Friday afternoon. Mr. Wigle was
here attending the Short Course Ban-
Postmaster Kay and Mrs. A. M. Kay.
Stratford, were visitors Iasi Thuradiy
with W. H and Mrs. Kerr Mr Kay
is au old Brusselite anti a brother of
Mrs. Kerr.
Mrs., W. L, McKelvey, of Montreal,
spent the past week at the home of
Mrs Wm. McKelvey, Princess street.
She is also visiting at Galt and Hamil-
ton before returning home.
Miss Campbell, who has been in-
structing at the Short Coarse left on
Saturday morning for the Ottawa Val-
ley where sne oonnuues her work under
the Government Deparlmeut.
J B. Nelson, B. S, A., who has been
in charge of the Short Course, in Brus
sets, returned to lbe Co Agl. tffice at
Clinton, on Monday. Mr. Nelson
made many
warm friends in town dur-
log his sojourn with us.
Lorne Eckmierreturned to his home
in Flint, Mich„ on Monday of this week.
Mrs. Eckmier and children will follow
in the course of a week and will be ac-
companier by Mrs. Ewan, who will take
a much needed rest of a mouth or so in
Mrs. Duncan McDonald and two
children, of Hayter, Sask , were vis-
itors at the home of John Crerar, Queen
street, last week, Mrs, McDonald was
formerly Miss Mabel Menzies and hes
been spending some time at her former
home in Grey Township,
Ohuroh Ohimes
SOHOOL REPORT.. -Report of S. S.
No, 8, Moriels, (13towutown) •fou San.
nary and February :-Names in Jon-
ior claeyee In order.' of merit. .' Oimse
IV -,Bert Mothers, 88 ; Melville
Mathere, lj8 - Myrtle Turvey, 83 ; Bur-
ette.Smith, 81 ; Marian Goll, '75 ;i Dor-
othy Garniae, '74 ; Edith Walrtvick, 60.
Se, IIL-IBdith Garniae, 70 ; Freda Mus-
tard, 59 ; Roos Smith, 67, Jr. III -
Eva Dennis, 68 ; Harry Goll, 60 ; Ed-
die Garniae, 40 Olase II -Jean Turv-
ey, Tom Garniea, Jean Gorillas, Dor-
othy Goll, Claes I -Charlie Jewitt,
Irene Warwick, Elmer Sellers, Viola
Goll. Primer -Stanley Mustard,
Charlie Mathere, Arlene Jewitt (ab-
seil(). No. on the roll 24. Average
attendance 16. Perfect attendance for
the two months -Eva Dennis wird Bl-
ister Sellers.
ETHEL 1,WARDELL, Teaetler,
Clarke intimated at the morning service
at the Methodist church, that he bed
decided to move this corning lune, and
would have to decline the kind invit-
aation extended by the Quarterly
Board of the church.
DAV OF PRAYER ;-The International
day of Women's prayer for Missious was
observed by an _interdenominational
meeting of the Missionary Societies of
the town in the Methodist church last
Friday afternoon.. During the service
Mrs 0, Walker sang a solo and the
tartlets' quartette of Melville church, Miss
K, Ament, Mrs J. Meadows, Mrs. (Rev.)
McLeod and Mrs, R. Thomson gave a
well rendered selection.
A meeting of the Oranbrook Farm-
ers' Club will be held in Long's Hall,
on Friday evening of this week at 8
SENIOR. Roost. -Sr. TV -examined in
litst,, Physical Geog., Grant,,
Aritb.. Mem., Geag„ Jean Noble-
oble89 Helen McNabb 88 ; Jean.
Cameron '77 ; Jtick Oemeron 78 6
Marie H.uether 78 8 ; Goldwin Knight
'70 ; Jean Snralidon 05 Margaret
Brown 68 ; Jim Peunir ton 65 ;
Atchie Campbell 54 Jr,, IV-Ar'ith.,
Spell„ Gram., Mem , Hist., Geog.,
Eleanor Knight 90 John Penning-
ton 86 ; Earl Dunn 83 ; Ei inyleue
theists S2 ' Edith Brow68 ; Glen
HunterBrown ; Sc. IH-Arith.. Spell.,
Gram., Mem., Hist, Gong., Eathiine
Zeigler 92 ; Blair McIntosh 87 2;
Howard Brown 87 flulda (aileron,.
geeeer 78 ; Willie Fischer 110 Number
on roll 21. Average attendance for
January 20.6. Average attendance
fr r February.
I. FstAne. Teacher.
JUNIOR ROOM -Examined in Writ.,
Spell., Arith., Comp., Geog, Hygiene,
Lung.. Read. and History. Jr III. -
Evelyn Huether 90 ; Vera Porter 89 ;
Borgia Smalldon 80 ; Mary McIntosh
85 ; Stanley Fischer '73 Examined in
Writ., Spell., Arith., 'Courp., Geog.,
Lang. and Reading. Sr. I1 -Gladys
Srnalidon 93 ; Geo. Fischer 85 ; 1lyrle
Wilson 84 ; Roma Campion 88
Jr, 1I -Dorothy Huetber 81 ; .'ttrtt'y
McDonald 79 ; Clifford Brown 72 ;
Elmer Locking 05. Ist-Madeline
ox's:. Drug .' t+re
The Store
W' E E K 1,4, Y
It's lob- necessary
to suffer with
very long,
are very effective
and we Ciel, with
confidence re a out -
mend them as our
very beet Rheuwat-
iaul Remedy,
are becoming more pop-
ulru every day. . Once
they were coneideted a
luxury -now they are
a uetiue
stock of
always on band,
This is our
and we invite you to
make liberal use .of
it. Orders for the
Iitli'af Mall will r1„
oeive our p105091 and
oarefel attention, ..
Stock and ' 4
Poultry Food s
Let us again remind you
rheic otic stock of ' •
Royal Purple
Mr. Hess' Remedies
is always freah and cont-
The Weekeend
Have you got the !Whit of tak-
ing home a package of
Chocolates ?
Our Special Rosedale '
Mixture at
43c per Ib.
are very delicious.-
per bottle
Epsom Salts
very finest,
Wben touching
up the furniture
Liquid Veneer
Q'Cedar Polish
We have them.
your next
Spool, 9f
We assure you
of satisfactory
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
Kreuter 94 • Helen Sarandon 92' :
Kenneth Brown 89 ; Alice Looking 64.
Sr. Pr r. -Excellent Glen Buehler,
Maurice Cameron. Good. -Willie
Zeigler, Jim Cameron. Jr. Pr. -Ex-
cellent -Stanley Wilson, Muriel Mc-
London Con$grence.-The London
Conference of the Methodist Church
will meet in annual session In Centen-
nial Methodist church, London, at 8.45
a. m., Thursday, May 21st, with the
Ministerial Session meeting the day
previous, and Sunlerous comm1tQees
on Tuesday previous.
Save The Forests Week; - From
Sunday, April 19, to Saturday, April
25, of this year has been set aside by
Royal proclamation as "Save the For-
est Week." The nroclamatlonap-
peared in last week's issue of Can-
ada Gazette,
Had a Small Fire: -A fire broke qut
last Wednesday evening in Jones'
blacksmith shop, 'Clinton. The brig-
ade quickly responded and soon had
the fire under :control. The damage
was slight. Guy Jones, one of the
partners, was an Jassistant, with S. T.
Plum and the late. Silas Jackson, some
years ago.
'BAnoLnr.-In Detroit, on February 18111, 1926,
to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Badgley, a.daughter.
Jaw1TT.-In Morrie Townabip on Tuesday,
February, 28111, Jane Pyle),relict of the
late Thos. Jewitt, in her 89tyear.
21880011 -In Morrie' Township, on Thursday,
February 25111, Hobert Melte,, aged 60
years and 6 deye.
FRIDAY. MAROE ISTn.-Oholae From Stock
at hot 8, Cott 11, Grey, Sale unreserved at 1
o'clock, John R. Diokson, Proprietor ; D. Ll .
Scott, Auctioneer.
Hall Wheat 01 70
Peas 185
Barley 85
Cate •b5
Buckwheat 00
Butter , 80
Hogs 10 00
t1 85
10 00
The closing day of the Short Course
eaw two new organizations bloom
forth of the 3 month cuuree. Follow-
ing are the oflfeets 0f moll
President -Edna McCall
Vice President --Mary Bowman
Sect'y-traits.-'Florence Oliver
Directors -Elva Ramsay
Nora McDowell
Bezel Stewart
John Bowman
Vice President --John tt
r -Joho Yid!!l
Sect`y-(tees.-Bert I•Tenungway
Directors -Gordon McGavin
Iiarvev Johnston
Cheater Rantoul
Phone 2211
AFew of Many bargains - Look Them Over
Groceries Dry .Goods
Redpath Sugar, at Store, per 100 $7.50
300 bags Pure Manitoba Flour, at the p710e
.at Store.
40 doz. Brooms 35ceach or 3 for $1.00
Soap Ch'ilps, per package 5c
Laundry Sofup, 15 Bars for $1.00
Castile Soap, 7 Bars for .... . 25c
King George Chewing Tobacco, 10 plugs $1.00
Japan. Tea, regular 70c for ' 50c
Black Tea, •regular 75c for ..... 65c
Scribblers 6 for 25c
Red Salmon, per ib tin 25c
50 Ladies Sweaters to clear at Half Price
Men's Silk lk Wool''Hose, reg $1 lune for. .65c
Ladies' Silk and Wool Hosery, all shades, reg.
$1.25 and $1.00 to clear at 75c
Ladies Rubber Aprons, all colors for 50c
Men's Ribbed Wool Underwear at ...25% off,
•Ginghams from 20c to 30c per yard, all new
Prints 'from 20c to 25c
Get our Prices for Sugar before A uying a Quantity
Meats of all kinds always9 on hand Highest Prices. Paid for Produce
ltrRemember the Phone No, 2213
Leitch & Ziegler