HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-2-25, Page 8•Special for This Week 1
at the Rexall Store
Klenzo Tooth Brushes
Regular 500
Klenzo Tooth Paste
Regular 35c
Rexall Cod Livei Oil
Made with the very purest
Norwegian Oil $1.00 bots,
Rexall Bronchial Syrup
For Coughs and Oolds 50e
Rexall Orderlies
A mild Laxative 25e & 50c
Catarrh Jelly
For cold in the head 25c
A splendid Tonic for runelown
eonditions. Large bot. $L25
Household Drugs
Puretest Epsom Salts
ilb. ties 15e 1 lb, tins 25c
Puretest Castor Oil
Not hard to take and tastes
like fine salad oil 25c bots.
Aromatic Cascara
25c Mats.
Tincture Iodine
25e and 35e Matti.
Camphorated Oil
25, mid Me bote.
Boracic Acid
In tins with sprinkler tops
15e and 250 pkge.
Ns?../Xsaai stare
Druggist and Stationer
Pal News Pins
COUNCIL meets Monday evening.
SUNDAY will be the 1st of March.
Telma will be 5 Sundays in Marcb.
FEBRUARY has bad four complete
Aux Wednesday—Lent now com-
SEND in your local news and persoual
items early every week.
Sotaz 1700 people are employed by
the Ontario Government on the inside
civil service.
MOTOR oars and trucks are running
from Loudon to Kincardine by the
Lake Shore roads,
LAST Wednesday was the anniversary
of the battle of Paardeburg, fought in
South Africa 25 years ago.
Tits advance guards of the wild geese
which will be at Jack Miner's soon have
already made their appearance in large
Roads Bad Again.—With the heavy
showers on Saturday, Sunday and Mon-
day, the country roads are once more
in bad shape.
New Fords Here.—A carload of new
Fords were put into the warerooms
of Earl Cunningham by Frank Woods,
the local Ford agent.
Blizzard a Year Agee—This- week's
weather is directly opposite to that of
a year ago. On February 21st a bliz-
zard eaged all over Ontario and snow
was piled' up 'high.
Sale Called Off.—The Mortgage Sale
advertised in The Post, to take place in
Brussels on Saturday, March 7th, has
been cancelled. Parties interested in
the sele having come to a settlemenr,
Class Opens Monday.—The .spec-
ial course in Domestic Science, under
the auspices of the Wometes Institute
opens on Monday, March 2nd, until
the 16th, with Miss Hopkins in charge.
All wishing ,to join kindly leave their
names with 'Mrs. George Weller, The
fee arranged is 250 for members of the
Wornen's Institute and 50c for non-
Buried at Fordwiciu—On Saturday
Feb, 14'h, at the home of his 8013-10.
law, James Young. of Kitchener; there
passed to his reward, lames Willis,
formerly of Fordwich, in bis 86th year,
death being due to pneumonia, Mr.
Willis was a resident of Fordwich for
many years, moving to Kitchener sotne
six years ago, following the death of
Mrs. Willis. He is survived by four
daughters and two sons Interment
Was made in Fordwich cemetery on
Tuesday from the C. P. R. train,ithe re -
maims being accornparded by bis son,
Amos, and son-in•law, Jas. Young. De-
ceased was father-imlaw of Mrs, Willis,
of town.
Won Second, Prize.—Robt, ROSS,
of Kincardineeadd an old Brussels boy,
being son of David Ross, ere and his
rink of curlers took second prize in the
Trophy event At the Kincardine Bon -
spiel, The Reporter speaks of the finel
match with be retteknow player :--Io
the final game between Reid and Rosa
the latter was lying shot at the last end
and would have won the game with tbis
end had not Reid on his last stone made
the most beautiful fluke shot of the
day. PHs stone came down the ice two
feet wide of what was called for and
with a couple of wicks he slipped In
and nosed the Ross rink out. This
was the hardest game to lose In the
whole competition. T. Reid's rink,
of Lucknow,' by 'winning this event,
carried off the Wna. Mitchell Trophy
Cup and also four beauelful fern stends
donated by Jas, Malcolm, M, P. The
Ross rinks winning second' prize, su-
tured four slitter pie -plate 'oastrolles.
COLLIE Dog, lost, bobbed tall, hinak with
white breast. Phone OMB
66-tf A. V. FORIttfrglis
MISSES' Spring Coat for sale, almoat new.
Apply at Tog PM; 884
QUANTITY of mongol& and hay for sale.
Phone 887, Brussels, A WAN ADAMS.
CAR LOAD of bulk salt expected the let Week
of march et Brussels Farmer's'Clnit Store.
20; Con. 0, 'Morris. Apply to T, C. MCCALL,
8045 Brussels.
96 Aon es of land to rent this Sp_ring.
842 11053T, HOLLAND, Walton.
TO RENT. -1400 and. Stable with about 2
acres, orchard and garden With some small
fruits. Also a stack of gond straw for sale,
813 -If Phone 2318. J. A. hilotiaL.
Fon SALE—There will be for sale at the Ant,
erican Hotel Bar on Saturday, Feb. 28th, 1 oow-
fresh ; 6 cows, due to calve within a week; 7
264 MILToti Low R.
GRAY Goat Robe found on the 9th Con. of
Grey last Sunday. Owner may have it by
proving property and paying for this notice.
R. J. Boovic
TISILM of good farm horses for sale. 4 and 6
years old, stood either single or double. Tarots
to responsible buyer. Gnoven U. GILL,
Phone MA Ethel
Fon SALE.—A black more, 9.years old, weigh
about 1200 lbs., sound and 15005 00 work single
or double. Priced to sell. Also quantity of 14 -
inch dry wood for sale. Phone 4228
Two oh
ne turkey hens far sato,Apply
S'oa Sores derk red 40 ‘711.h. ggy1 18317111711: old,i1
animal before SOU buy. AUSSEL BRIO IIT•
262 Phone 2816 R it 2 Brussels
ofGoosolos.SeecaegMiittLetdaonrdreo a quantity
824 jolts BA an, Phone 1212
Fon SALE —Young horse riaing 5 years, well
broken; also a young fresh cow.
264 Apply at Tan POST
A QUANTITY of Seed and Feed Oats, 20 cen-
tury, for sale. Apply to Phone 4022
10 oatraks 05 5111511, weighing about 90 lbs., for
sale Phone 8228 WILSON HARES,
804 12, R 4,13russeis
YELLOW blossom sweet Mover seed for ,ale,
Lot 27, Con. 1 Grey.
ain.montan team of geldings 6 years old for
sale, also a black rIrlvtng Mare the same age.
P12000500 W, S FOnnesT.
8 Cows for sale, 1 frethh, 1 to freshen in
Star& and the other in April, Also 2 yearling
atoms and 2 heifers. Phone 626
W.4. SR ARP.
Youso bronze gobbler for sale. Phone 1612,
hire. Prank Niohol,
DR. PARKER, Of Wioglia , has 'Taunted his
weekly visits to the Queen's Rotel, Brussels,
More Fridays on 13th.—Friday the ti
13th will 'be repeated In Manch and s
again in November,
Car Out—Earl Cunningham lead his
'ilittle Old Ford" out for 5 epin on Cl
Tuesday of this week. '
Huron Old Boy at Head;—Canada's tel
Western Provinces bye educaeoul
problems all their own The Hon. S. J th
Latta. Minister of Education for Sask. h
atehewan, announces the openiug by Ms tr
Deoartment of outpost correspondence Y
courses for tbose children who are not el
in organized Mistrials and beyond the P
reach of school facilities. 'this is fol.
lowing Alberta's lead, where 350 child M
ren residents In Isolated districts are en- to
rolled in a similar course. HOU. Mr
Latta wag a former resident of Stine'
Township, where he lati,gbt school for
number of 'years, prior to going
Repoirine Reedberte-e-The O. N.
work ttrein is Pal/iringthe Onlb
between Brussels end Mo.
Robinson, of London, and
former school telleher at Orenbro
many yule ego WAS in town this wee
Do ft Now.—CitIzens are relnind
to send in their memberehip fee to t
Hortletettrel Society And also make 0
their selections at once.
Wine Teapote—MISS Rube Pu
won the Teepee holding the
number In the toontest at Willis Bak
Relieving at Aironktpae—H, H. Su
liven, of the Standard Bank, staff her
Is relieving the Manager of the Mon
ton 13ranch.
Council Meeting.-- The regul
monthly meeting of the Mint*
Council will be held on !Monday MI
.ing in, the Council !Chamber,
Golden Wedding.—George and Mr
McMillancelebrated their Golden We
ding on Tuesday evening, A more e
tended netlee will be given 01. th
y couple next' week,
Horses Went to Quebec.—Lt Pr
day J. H.. Galbraith Sleopeel a cartoa
of horses to Quebec City. Mr, Ga
braith has 'shipped a good many trot
ses during the past Winter.
Accepts Call. -e -Rey. Dr. Charles 'I
Scott, pastor of Howard Park Meth
°dist church, Toronto, has accepted
call to the Chariton avenue Method
Ist Ichurch, Hamilton. Rev. S. J. tAl
lin, a fortner pastor of the Method
1st church, Brusselss, is Associate Pas
tor of this church. .
Passed'Away.—Tuesday evening D
Ewan passed away at his home after a
extended illness. A fuller notice wil
be given.next week. The funeral veil
be held on Friday ofternoon from his
late residence at 2 o'clock. Serv.c
will be held half an hoer earlier, in
terment In Brussels cemetery.
Had a Merry Ride,—When prepar-
ing to start for home Saturday evening.,
"Old Dobbin" decide e to take the bit
in his teeth and the two boys in the
cutter had a merry ride. The cutter
upset near the Methodist Church shed,
but the boys hung on. One shaft was
cracked and after a few minor repairs
they started their journey home.
Well Known Here:—Howard HartrY,
the London Hortioulturalist and son of
Wllllam, Hartry, also an ardent Hortie-
ulturallst, of Seaforth, and a resident
manx years ago of Brussels, has been
honored by being appointed President
of the 'Canadian Peony and Iris Society,
width came into being at the conven-
tion of the Ontario Horticultural •soc-
ieties as Toronto.
Income Tax Collection.—A dispatch
from Ottawa say% that for the fiist
time since their invention, the income
tax blanks sent out by the Federal
Government this year are to be fieled
In and made payable to the Collector
of Customs in the various communit-
les, This Is as a result of the .con-
solidation of the tax departments of
the government under the Depart-
ment of Customs and El9C128.
Short Course Ends Friday: — The
Agricultural Short Course conducted
in Brussels since December closes this
Friday as far as the Boys' Crass is can-
cerned, but the Women's Institute has
arranged to conttnve the Domestic
Science for another two weeks with
Miss Hopkins In charge. Full infor-
mation can be obtained from any of
the ladies of the W. 1., In regard to
thie, special 'course.
Brussels, Girls on Winning Team.—
The Toronto Daily Star last week pub-
lished the photograph of the Varsity
•ladies 'team whieh won the inter- Col-
legiate Championship for the Kingston
ladies. The Sitar says Marjory ,ROSS
and Malty Donaldson were the best
for elle winners. Doris Ross is also a
member of the teameboth young ladies
are daughters of D. C. and Mrs. Ross
.of itow,n. Miss Mary Rowland, former-
ly of Brussels, was the .centre "man"
for the Kingston team, 1 having Mar-
jory Ross foreher ,check.
Hails from Brussels,'"Ont.—A Mont-
real despatch .last Wednesday says:—
Robert James McCullough, who came
out of the West with a string of con-
victions against him for burglary,
thefts and posing -as a doctor, and who
pleaded guilty to three 'burglaries in
Montreal West and Notre Dame de
Grace, was sentenced to serve three
years on each of three counts, the
terms to run concurrently. The pris-
oner hails front Brussels, Ont. No
person of that name hails from around
Brussels, that The Post can learn of.
Union Prayer Service.—The Wom-
en's day of prayer for missions, Which
is now observed by 'the women of all
denominations both in the Veiled
States and Canada, falls on Friday,
February 27th. It will be observed
in Brussels by a union prayer meet-
ing, conducted (by the women of the
three protestant churches and held in
the school room of the Methodist
hurch, at 3 p. m. on Friday, Feb,
7th, There will be a special collec-
on for the mission to Lepers, an in-
erves the sympathy and help of ev-
Pastor Asked to jRemain.—M the
rcuit business meeting of the Meth -
dist churches on Shallow Lake cir-
it, Rev, W. A. Matthews was given
unanilmous invitetion lo remain, for
e third year. Rev. W. A, Matthews
as .spent almost 13 years in this dis-
let, having been stationed for six
ears at Kemble ,previous to his re -
oval here. The churches here have
rospered greatly under his pastorate,
r. Matthews is a brother-in-law of
es. J. J. Gilpin and W. H. Kerr of
wn. his wife being formerly Miss
Emily e Kerr.
Play Well Presented, -0111 Tues-
day evening In the Town Ilalt before
a large and appreciative audience, the
St. John's Chu,roh Dramatic Society
presented their 3 -act faree "Don't Dec-
eive Your Wilfe"." The different mem-
bers took their parts well and kept the
audience in roars of laughter. The
cast of characters were as follows:—
Mrs. Ruggles, Mrs. F. Wilkins; Blanche
Mdse Marjory -Campbell;
Dora Ruggles, Miss Evelyn "Chapman;
Mrs, Brooks, Miss Marguerite Little;
Veallesea Bijou, an actress, Mrs. Hol -
mu: Jeffersee Ruggles, Fred Wilkins;
Welter Dillingltain, A. 13attenburg;
Charles Brooks, G, Slocum, Rev,
Mr, Lewin; Jim Ryan, W. Little. Dur-
ing intermission solos were rendered
by Miss Campbell, of the Sheri Course
e -
Sister Passed Away.—A highly re-
spected resifirto of Benue' e peseed away,
Thursday morning In the person of Miss
teariett Pipe Since breaking up house
keeping to that village, Miss Pipe has
made her home with her niece, Mrs
John Ieglis, CArrick, who has the sym.
pathy of a large circle of friend, having
too fatber, hueband and meat it three
mouthe. 'rho funeral WAR held Satiate
(last afternoon to elcintosh Cemetery,
service being held in the Church by Rev.
Mckeuzle Deemed leaves one sister,
Miss Pipe, Brussels, one in t•it, and a
brother, all who were presesi gt the fun-
and Mrs. Jaok Grimoleby and a pleno
solo by Mr, Battenburg, which •were
much enjoyed.
Tuesday evening Mrs. Richard
Jewitt passed away at the home Of Wm.
Souch, 3rd line, Up to press time the
Funeral Arrangements had) not been
The Women's Day of Prayer for
Missions will be held Friday after-
noon in the Presbyterian School room
at 8 o'clock.
The Official Sorted of the Wroxett r
Circuit. met at the Parsonage and ex-
tended a very cordial end hearty 11"
V i tad OE to the Rev. Dr, A. I. Brown
to return for another year.
Chureh Chimes
Next Sunday is Missionary Day In
the Methodist Sunday School and a
special colleotion will be taken.
Services were held in St. John's
caurch, Ash Wednesday, and Lenten
slifyices will be held each Wednesday
Last Sunday evening Miss Olive
Campbell, of Markham, who is one of
the instructess lat the Short 'Course,
sang a solo in good voice et St. John's
A series of Jubilee services celebra-
ting the 50th anniversary of the Mid-
land Methodist Church, dosed on Sun-
day last. Rev. David Wren, a former
beloved pastor of Brussels Methodist
Church, is the pastor at Midland.
At the Young People's League in the
Methodist aura last Monday night
a very interesting paper on "The
League of Nations" was given by
Douglas Clarke. This mai &allowed
by a short disepssion. 34 was un-
fortunate more of the High Schaal
students were not present as the pap-
er was of a very Instructive nature.
I People We Taik About I
Miss Muriel Searlinge is visiting in
G. A. Robertson, Clinton, was a vis-
itor in -town last week.
,Friends are pleased, to learn ehat
Miss Maud Bryans is improving.
Miss C. MdlMillan, Blyth, was visit -
Ing old friends in town this week.
Miss Carrie Hingston is attending
the Millinery Openings at Toronto.
Reeve A. C. Baeker is In Toronto
this week attending the Good Roads
Dr, J. PA, Field, Public School In-
spector, made his usual visit to the
School last week.
Miss Mary Yeandle, of the Public
School Staff, spent the week end at her
home in Stratford.
John Ferguson McCfae returned to
Toronto last Thursday after his visit
with relatives here.
Elizah Jacklin has been under the
clootoes care the past week. He took
a bad turn on Sunday.
Deo. A. Best arrived home last week
for his. business trip in Eastern Ont-
ario with a Radio Company.
Wilbur and Mrs. Baker, of Granton,
were renewieg old acquaintances in
town during the put week.
Mrs, Foreman, Of Poet Carling, was
a visitor with her son, R. S. Foreman,
of the Bank of Nom Scotia.
Fred. eloCra.eken, who has been in
Peterboro for the past month or so,
returned home last Saturday night.,
Lorne and Mrs. Eckmler and yoteng
son, of Flint, Mich., are visiting with
the latter's parents, D. and Mrs. Ewan,
J. B. Nelson', mho is in charge Of
She Short Course here, spent the week
end at the parental home,.lin Rock-
George R. Weller VMS Itt Toronto
lest week attending the.annuall con-
yentIon of the Retail Hardware men
of Ontario.
Mrs, (Dr.) Cavanagh, of Owen
Sound, spent the meek end with her
sister, IMrs. J. J. Gilpin, and brother,
W. H. Kerr,
Mrs, Ed. Wallace, Toronto, is visit -
leg her mother, Mrs, Robert Kerr, who
has not been in extra good health the
past 'Month.
Friends will regret to hear that Mrs.
Alex. Stewart is not enjoying the .best
Off health at present. We hope to
hear of a Speedy recovery.
Mrs, George Welker, who has been
spending the pest two weeks with her
cousin, Mrs, A. R. 'Currie, returned to
her home in London last Friday.
Robert Kerr, of Galt, who Is with
the Hutchinson Leery In that city, fell
and brulsed his shoulder and is taking
a lew holidays With his Mother, Mrs.
Rabe Kerr.
Robert Anderson went to Kitchener
Hospital this week where he will
undergo an *partition, His many
friends hope OW this operetiOn will
greatly benefit his health
1 Mrs. R, .J. MeLauchiln spent the
' week end at Wingham with her broth-,
1 er, Dr. George Ross.
Wilfred Willis and Mies Valerie Wil-
lis were at Fordwich lase week et -
tending the funeral of their grand-
father, the late James Willis, who had
died at Kitchener in his 86th year.
S. B. Stothers, Clinban, District
Agrleteltural Representative, was In
town last week, attending the Short
Course and doing a Mlle missionery
work for the 'Clinton Spring Show.
Thos. Birkett, ,Clairemont, eves e
visitor with G. H. and Mss, Semis.
The former had been at Harriston at-
tending a curling tournament and was
on the winning team, so took a run
up to Brussels to visit his old friends.
Hosts of friends of Jean Blewett,
known perhaps better by her nom de
plume of Katherine Kent, will be
pleased to know that she has resumed
ter literary duties again and is be -
Ing welcomed by friends far and near.
Although Mrs. Blewett has been com-
pelled to relinquish her work for the
past several mopths, the lovable little
lady is back again, not completely
strong and well but feeling cheerful
and encouraged and eager to take up
her task again.
Dr. Sinclair, of Cannington, has
been teaching. Veterinery Science and
N. J. Thomas will finish up the week on
Soils and Fertilizers.
WILL Holm BANQUET :--The Stu-
dents of Brussels Short Course have is-
sued invitations for a banquet to he held
iu Melville Church next Friflay Even.
Ing. This function Is held each year at
tbe close of the Course and is one of the
interesting features of the program.
The Oratorical contest under the
auspices of the Agricultural Short
Course Literary Society was held in
the Town Hall last Thursday evening.
There was a good crowd present to
hear the young (people give a splendid
addresses on a wide range of subjects.
It is not the easiest thing .to get try
before an audience and deliver a 1 0 -
minute* addresse,but both the voting
ladies and gentlemen acquitted them-
selves-, with honors. S. B. Stothers,
District Agle Representative, was the
chairman fore the evening. The ad-
dresses were interspersed with musl-
cial numbers and community singing,
The Judges well announce the winners
FOX'S Drug Store
The e47.,........4reitt" Store
It's not necessary
to suffer with
very long
are very effective
and we eien, with
confidence reeo tre,
!nand them as m07
very beet Ithetunat-
ism Nenaed Y.
Pens °
are becoming More Pole.
Mar every day. Onee
they were consideted a
tummy—now they are
pretty much, a time
kitty, We have a fine
Stook of,
always on hand.
Stock and
Poultry Foods
Let us again rernine you
that our Mock of
Royal Purple
Dr. Hess' Remedies
is 01 011478 fresh and com-
668 1
This is our
relePhOile ,
and we invite you to
melte liberal use of
it. Orders for the
Rural Mail will re.
08108 0527 prompt and
careful attention,
The WeelOend
Have you got Ilse habit of take
ing horne a package of,
Chocolates ?
Our Special Rosedale
Mixture at,
43c per Ib.
are very delicious.
per bottle
Epsom Salts
e very finest
When touching
up the furniture
liquid Veneer
O'Cedar Polish
We have them.
Let us
your next
Spool of
We assure yoa
of satisfactory
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
at the Banquet on Friday evening, when BRUSSELS MARKET
the prizes will be distributed.
Fall Wheat
Butter ......... . .......
Eggs ....... ...
Humournsom-In Stratford, on Dem 81st, 1924,
to Mr. and hire. Dougald Hutchinson, a
son, (William Joseph Elsner), forrnerly of
Grey Twp,
Catamtax-Jaaarpte-At Timmins, Ont„ on
Thursday. February, 12th, 1025, by Rev. R.
S. Cushing, Doris Marlon, second daughter
of Charles and hire. Jagger, of 852 Lender
avenue, Toronto, to Samuel Anderson Cold -
hick, 008 05 George and. Mrs. Caldblck, of
Halleybury, Ont., formerly of Morrla, Twp,
Ewan -In Brunets, on Tuesday Feb.' 241h,
1925, Daniel Ewan, aged 68 years and 6
LYNN -In Howlett, on Wednesday, Feb. 11,
1025, James Lynn, Con, 5, aged 78 years, 5
nays. ,
SAND ERS—IIi LOOd011 BOSOM en Wednesday,
Feb. 181h, 1925, W. B. Sanders, of Ethel,
aged 58 years, 8 months and 4 days.
Wrr,ms-In Kitchener, on Saturday, Feb. 14th,
1025, James Willis, formerly of Fordwieh,
aged about 80 years.
WItso ‘,-At the home of his son, Douglas
Wibmu, 192 Silver Stroh Avenue, Toronto.
on Monday, Feb 28, 1926, D. D. Wilson of
Senforth, aged 85 years.
41 70
10 00
El 70
1 85
10 00
Notice 'it) Public School Trustees
A public meeting will be held at the Town-
ship Ball, Morris, on Monday. March 16th. et
8 °Walk p. nr. to discuss the alleged intention
of the .Ontario Government to substitute
"Municipal Sohool Board" for the present sys.
tem of school trustees, and if necessary to ap-
point delegates to attend the Truatees and
Ratepayers' annual meeting in Toronto.
A. 711.4013WAIT, re. H. SHORTREED,
Olerk. Reeve.
Store for Sale
Monorieff General Stor o for Oslo or will ex.
°bongo on a good farm or town property,
Phone 470 West Stonkton Ont.
Leitch & Ziegler
Phone 2211 ETHEL
A Few of Many Bargains Look Them Over
Groceries Dry Goods
Redpath Sugar, at Store; per 100 $7.50
300 bags Pure Manitoba Flour, at the 'old price..
at Store,
i 0 doz. Brooms 35c each or 3 for $1.00
Soap Chips, per package ..............50
Laundry Soaip, 15 Bars for . .. :$1.00
Castile Soap, 7 Bars for 25c
Kling Gene Chewing Tobacco, 10 plugs $1..00
Japan. Tea, regular 70c for 50e
BIack Tea, regular 75c for ..65c
Scribblers 6 for ...25c
Red Salmon, per 'Il lin 25c
50 Ladies Sweaters to clear at Half Price
.Men's Silk & Wool Hose, reg $i line for. .65c
Lhdies' Silk 'and Wool HOseiy, all 'shades, reg.
$1,25 and $1,00 to clear at ........75c
Ladies Rubber Aprons, all colors for f .50c
Men's Ribbed Wool Underwear at ...25% off
Ginghams from 20c to 30c per yard, all .now
Prints from . , , 20c to 25c
Get our Prices for Sugar before buying a Quantity
Meats of all kinds alivays on hand Highest Prices Paid for Produce
PrRemember the Phone No. 22.11
Leitch & Ziegler.
ip 5014.4, . .
/ P
p44 : ' . 1 ' . - 4 1 Sale, "Paper
VS 4,
,,,, Mustbe Sound •
-4. vp ' •
' HEN the leg animal bee
. passed through the melon
ring, when every Implement of
has been what
the term equipment sold,
then? The vast majority of term Auction
are conducted on a credit basis, hut
if the sale is to be counted a success a
trained banking expert mug ease Jude-tt
ment upon th e soundness of all settle-
ments, i
. Oonsult the manager of the Standard
Bank, • .
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager
. . .
and Mrs. Jaok Grimoleby and a pleno
solo by Mr, Battenburg, which •were
much enjoyed.
Tuesday evening Mrs. Richard
Jewitt passed away at the home Of Wm.
Souch, 3rd line, Up to press time the
Funeral Arrangements had) not been
The Women's Day of Prayer for
Missions will be held Friday after-
noon in the Presbyterian School room
at 8 o'clock.
The Official Sorted of the Wroxett r
Circuit. met at the Parsonage and ex-
tended a very cordial end hearty 11"
V i tad OE to the Rev. Dr, A. I. Brown
to return for another year.
Chureh Chimes
Next Sunday is Missionary Day In
the Methodist Sunday School and a
special colleotion will be taken.
Services were held in St. John's
caurch, Ash Wednesday, and Lenten
slifyices will be held each Wednesday
Last Sunday evening Miss Olive
Campbell, of Markham, who is one of
the instructess lat the Short 'Course,
sang a solo in good voice et St. John's
A series of Jubilee services celebra-
ting the 50th anniversary of the Mid-
land Methodist Church, dosed on Sun-
day last. Rev. David Wren, a former
beloved pastor of Brussels Methodist
Church, is the pastor at Midland.
At the Young People's League in the
Methodist aura last Monday night
a very interesting paper on "The
League of Nations" was given by
Douglas Clarke. This mai &allowed
by a short disepssion. 34 was un-
fortunate more of the High Schaal
students were not present as the pap-
er was of a very Instructive nature.
I People We Taik About I
Miss Muriel Searlinge is visiting in
G. A. Robertson, Clinton, was a vis-
itor in -town last week.
,Friends are pleased, to learn ehat
Miss Maud Bryans is improving.
Miss C. MdlMillan, Blyth, was visit -
Ing old friends in town this week.
Miss Carrie Hingston is attending
the Millinery Openings at Toronto.
Reeve A. C. Baeker is In Toronto
this week attending the Good Roads
Dr, J. PA, Field, Public School In-
spector, made his usual visit to the
School last week.
Miss Mary Yeandle, of the Public
School Staff, spent the week end at her
home in Stratford.
John Ferguson McCfae returned to
Toronto last Thursday after his visit
with relatives here.
Elizah Jacklin has been under the
clootoes care the past week. He took
a bad turn on Sunday.
Deo. A. Best arrived home last week
for his. business trip in Eastern Ont-
ario with a Radio Company.
Wilbur and Mrs. Baker, of Granton,
were renewieg old acquaintances in
town during the put week.
Mrs, Foreman, Of Poet Carling, was
a visitor with her son, R. S. Foreman,
of the Bank of Nom Scotia.
Fred. eloCra.eken, who has been in
Peterboro for the past month or so,
returned home last Saturday night.,
Lorne and Mrs. Eckmler and yoteng
son, of Flint, Mich., are visiting with
the latter's parents, D. and Mrs. Ewan,
J. B. Nelson', mho is in charge Of
She Short Course here, spent the week
end at the parental home,.lin Rock-
George R. Weller VMS Itt Toronto
lest week attending the.annuall con-
yentIon of the Retail Hardware men
of Ontario.
Mrs, (Dr.) Cavanagh, of Owen
Sound, spent the meek end with her
sister, IMrs. J. J. Gilpin, and brother,
W. H. Kerr,
Mrs, Ed. Wallace, Toronto, is visit -
leg her mother, Mrs, Robert Kerr, who
has not been in extra good health the
past 'Month.
Friends will regret to hear that Mrs.
Alex. Stewart is not enjoying the .best
Off health at present. We hope to
hear of a Speedy recovery.
Mrs, George Welker, who has been
spending the pest two weeks with her
cousin, Mrs, A. R. 'Currie, returned to
her home in London last Friday.
Robert Kerr, of Galt, who Is with
the Hutchinson Leery In that city, fell
and brulsed his shoulder and is taking
a lew holidays With his Mother, Mrs.
Rabe Kerr.
Robert Anderson went to Kitchener
Hospital this week where he will
undergo an *partition, His many
friends hope OW this operetiOn will
greatly benefit his health
1 Mrs. R, .J. MeLauchiln spent the
' week end at Wingham with her broth-,
1 er, Dr. George Ross.
Wilfred Willis and Mies Valerie Wil-
lis were at Fordwich lase week et -
tending the funeral of their grand-
father, the late James Willis, who had
died at Kitchener in his 86th year.
S. B. Stothers, Clinban, District
Agrleteltural Representative, was In
town last week, attending the Short
Course and doing a Mlle missionery
work for the 'Clinton Spring Show.
Thos. Birkett, ,Clairemont, eves e
visitor with G. H. and Mss, Semis.
The former had been at Harriston at-
tending a curling tournament and was
on the winning team, so took a run
up to Brussels to visit his old friends.
Hosts of friends of Jean Blewett,
known perhaps better by her nom de
plume of Katherine Kent, will be
pleased to know that she has resumed
ter literary duties again and is be -
Ing welcomed by friends far and near.
Although Mrs. Blewett has been com-
pelled to relinquish her work for the
past several mopths, the lovable little
lady is back again, not completely
strong and well but feeling cheerful
and encouraged and eager to take up
her task again.
Dr. Sinclair, of Cannington, has
been teaching. Veterinery Science and
N. J. Thomas will finish up the week on
Soils and Fertilizers.
WILL Holm BANQUET :--The Stu-
dents of Brussels Short Course have is-
sued invitations for a banquet to he held
iu Melville Church next Friflay Even.
Ing. This function Is held each year at
tbe close of the Course and is one of the
interesting features of the program.
The Oratorical contest under the
auspices of the Agricultural Short
Course Literary Society was held in
the Town Hall last Thursday evening.
There was a good crowd present to
hear the young (people give a splendid
addresses on a wide range of subjects.
It is not the easiest thing .to get try
before an audience and deliver a 1 0 -
minute* addresse,but both the voting
ladies and gentlemen acquitted them-
selves-, with honors. S. B. Stothers,
District Agle Representative, was the
chairman fore the evening. The ad-
dresses were interspersed with musl-
cial numbers and community singing,
The Judges well announce the winners
FOX'S Drug Store
The e47.,........4reitt" Store
It's not necessary
to suffer with
very long
are very effective
and we eien, with
confidence reeo tre,
!nand them as m07
very beet Ithetunat-
ism Nenaed Y.
Pens °
are becoming More Pole.
Mar every day. Onee
they were consideted a
tummy—now they are
pretty much, a time
kitty, We have a fine
Stook of,
always on hand.
Stock and
Poultry Foods
Let us again rernine you
that our Mock of
Royal Purple
Dr. Hess' Remedies
is 01 011478 fresh and com-
668 1
This is our
relePhOile ,
and we invite you to
melte liberal use of
it. Orders for the
Rural Mail will re.
08108 0527 prompt and
careful attention,
The WeelOend
Have you got Ilse habit of take
ing horne a package of,
Chocolates ?
Our Special Rosedale
Mixture at,
43c per Ib.
are very delicious.
per bottle
Epsom Salts
e very finest
When touching
up the furniture
liquid Veneer
O'Cedar Polish
We have them.
Let us
your next
Spool of
We assure yoa
of satisfactory
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
at the Banquet on Friday evening, when BRUSSELS MARKET
the prizes will be distributed.
Fall Wheat
Butter ......... . .......
Eggs ....... ...
Humournsom-In Stratford, on Dem 81st, 1924,
to Mr. and hire. Dougald Hutchinson, a
son, (William Joseph Elsner), forrnerly of
Grey Twp,
Catamtax-Jaaarpte-At Timmins, Ont„ on
Thursday. February, 12th, 1025, by Rev. R.
S. Cushing, Doris Marlon, second daughter
of Charles and hire. Jagger, of 852 Lender
avenue, Toronto, to Samuel Anderson Cold -
hick, 008 05 George and. Mrs. Caldblck, of
Halleybury, Ont., formerly of Morrla, Twp,
Ewan -In Brunets, on Tuesday Feb.' 241h,
1925, Daniel Ewan, aged 68 years and 6
LYNN -In Howlett, on Wednesday, Feb. 11,
1025, James Lynn, Con, 5, aged 78 years, 5
nays. ,
SAND ERS—IIi LOOd011 BOSOM en Wednesday,
Feb. 181h, 1925, W. B. Sanders, of Ethel,
aged 58 years, 8 months and 4 days.
Wrr,ms-In Kitchener, on Saturday, Feb. 14th,
1025, James Willis, formerly of Fordwieh,
aged about 80 years.
WItso ‘,-At the home of his son, Douglas
Wibmu, 192 Silver Stroh Avenue, Toronto.
on Monday, Feb 28, 1926, D. D. Wilson of
Senforth, aged 85 years.
41 70
10 00
El 70
1 85
10 00
Notice 'it) Public School Trustees
A public meeting will be held at the Town-
ship Ball, Morris, on Monday. March 16th. et
8 °Walk p. nr. to discuss the alleged intention
of the .Ontario Government to substitute
"Municipal Sohool Board" for the present sys.
tem of school trustees, and if necessary to ap-
point delegates to attend the Truatees and
Ratepayers' annual meeting in Toronto.
A. 711.4013WAIT, re. H. SHORTREED,
Olerk. Reeve.
Store for Sale
Monorieff General Stor o for Oslo or will ex.
°bongo on a good farm or town property,
Phone 470 West Stonkton Ont.
Leitch & Ziegler
Phone 2211 ETHEL
A Few of Many Bargains Look Them Over
Groceries Dry Goods
Redpath Sugar, at Store; per 100 $7.50
300 bags Pure Manitoba Flour, at the 'old price..
at Store,
i 0 doz. Brooms 35c each or 3 for $1.00
Soap Chips, per package ..............50
Laundry Soaip, 15 Bars for . .. :$1.00
Castile Soap, 7 Bars for 25c
Kling Gene Chewing Tobacco, 10 plugs $1..00
Japan. Tea, regular 70c for 50e
BIack Tea, regular 75c for ..65c
Scribblers 6 for ...25c
Red Salmon, per 'Il lin 25c
50 Ladies Sweaters to clear at Half Price
.Men's Silk & Wool Hose, reg $i line for. .65c
Lhdies' Silk 'and Wool HOseiy, all 'shades, reg.
$1,25 and $1,00 to clear at ........75c
Ladies Rubber Aprons, all colors for f .50c
Men's Ribbed Wool Underwear at ...25% off
Ginghams from 20c to 30c per yard, all .now
Prints from . , , 20c to 25c
Get our Prices for Sugar before buying a Quantity
Meats of all kinds alivays on hand Highest Prices Paid for Produce
PrRemember the Phone No. 22.11
Leitch & Ziegler.