HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-2-25, Page 1VOL, 5 NO. 3
,2,v0 per annum in advance
W, KERR, Froprie#or
tro>rAtiAN, luaoher,
t -
whirlegig of lime 'turns, and you are
leaving us for a less strenuous �Ii?e--.
well d served and well earned, and we
an feel twe leave
wt• exprein ssing
LSA �4 -
ed a :Director ore +t+he Brussels, art
and Morris Telephone Systevn, M
and M was Tr
last year sand holds the esftion„ le
fh'iLsora President ofptllerCamapgar
Far iters
—find the service offered by The
Bank of Nova Sco0tia verypcon rt
'venient. The cashing of cheese
milk and produce cheques, loans .
ton farm purposes, a SatisraCtOSpring
p p > . satisfactory
us e w an y drehow
highly we esteeon ou all, a beg of
'• Y .w
You .to accept these chairs, as tokens
of our love and friendship, May you
be long, seared to use and enjoy fhem.
May they ever remind you of friends
of other days at Moncrieff, who will.
be railways lad to see ou,baak from
time wto time»», and. who hope bac'tha(fad's
bliessing will rest upon You in the new
home as in the aid, Signed:
Marton gne
Wm. Patterson
Robert MteTeggert
Mr, and Mrs. Inglis made suitable re-
Plies. The remainder of' evening
WISH t announce that
Ihave taken Wm. /fee
ler in as a partner in the
store and in the future
be rap under the fir Al
i �•U
Leitch & Ziegler
As we intend putting, a
on the road in the
we hereby eek all out.
� Pi rases
—PRO —
cl + G. SMITH
When retailing allow 5 cents for
postage. We do not ebarge forREELS
taking your affidavit,
�, .,_.
'?y a wood -bee
[t the of limaHollings
had at the farm
7th line, When the boss cut up
One Big Night'
Sdtlli d s FebF. Iry
7 OF
Wise • 1Se
Don't Come
AClUltS 35C Children 20C
♦ %
teween 30 and 35 cords. in the e'
ening. the host and .hostess entertat;
ed ell boa party and over 100 wet
good time was spot
pay ail.t Aright p
biers. rFridayevening,
`vt61 ed a he home
Marn and Mrs. Oarless, 3rd line, at
presented Leslie and Mrs, IlleDbug,
with .a Miscellaneous shower. Mai
useful and pretty gifts were receive
The crowd enjoyed' a good time, d
panting In the wee small! 'hirers of 0
Bya weddingnotice elsewhere
willbeseen that Samuel Andersc
Calbick, son of George and Mrs. Ca
hick, of Ha;leybery, One. and fount
well known resident of Morris Tow,
ship, was marriedat .Timmins, Ont
to Miss Doris Marion, second daugii
er of Charles and Mrs. Jagger, of To.
onto, The ceremony wens perform=
by Rev. R. 5. Cushing. Old 'frienc
hearty congratulations to ti
briN[ornid Scarlet ChapteC°OfricQrs.-
Officers. -
The Roved Starlet Chapter of Ret
Morris 'District L. O. L. met fix k
Belgrave Orange Hiatt on Setntrde
February f 4icer for initlatcer
was.spent le muster and dancing.
old ouetomers as well as many
new ones for a Of
depository savings, are, only
a few of the many features avail-
Mrs, Foreman, of Port Carling. le:
vieitirog her daughter, Mee•, T, C.
Wilson, in this locality,.
your trade and we will tr
and give you better service
than ever.
and britiegroorn ar•e deservedly pope•
Jar in this district, belenging to high-
ly respected families of long standing
10 Huron co. They the
able to farmers at all branches of
the Bank. -
•* *
The experience of 92 years ht
dealing with farmers is at your
a few days illness of heart trouble,'
the sudden death of James Lynn. oo•
Burred on Wednesday morning, Feb.
11th, at his home on th a 4th Con.,
Deceased the ands of days.'
Ho h
nese, ]he never regained es former
John Leitch
1- !
were reeipi•
cote of many beautiful and costly
gifts, several cheques being amongst
the number, and a ca bine C fsilver
presented by the Surae County
Council, of which Mr. McEwen, as
(Reeve o •Ttheirurnbeit tiereywocris a nmit
o Many
strength, although bright and ser=ve
groom's farmto
young friends followed to the O. P. R
service, at any branch of
until the last. Be was,born in Nelson,
Halton Oo„ on Feb. 6th, 1852, and
when 6 years of age -he moved with
and Colonel, of re, Ge Park, Man„
and two sisters, Mrs, George Love and
station at Wroxeter to give ,the hap,
py couple a hearty send off.
salon of officers, The officers! •for
...THE �.
Bane o ■ Nava Scotia
Itaid-un Canital s I0,000,004
500.000 Manager • Brussels
Helot A.svta' aio.000.gso g
To • -
his parents to a farm on the let Con.,.
Grey lbwnship: When quite young
he learned
he learned the blaakern;thing trade in
Brunets, later starting business For
himself in Jamestown. He was met.
=ted in May 1878, to Mies Louisa Eck-
mien, of Ethel, Ont. After a few
years of success at hie trade, he cern
tied on'a farm on the let Von„ Grey.
Township, where lie and his faultily
resided until he moved to Howbeit en
March 1908, Me. Lynn was of strong
Christian character, upright and of
Mise Luny, also of Moore Park, Man,
The W. M. S. of Knox church will
meet at the home of Mrs. Dr. Mc-
Master, next Frida afternoon, Feb.
27th, that being the date appointed
as a special day of Prayer for rats-
clone. The regular monthly meeting
will be also held on that date instead
of March Bed. A good attendance is
hoped Pnr,
The Mission Band Social and meet•
lag was a splendid _success, it 'being
held at Agnes Coohrane s home on
Messrs, Conrad and Chas. E. Rad-
date, of Detroit Mich„ were here
vie! ting withtheir father, Conrad
Raddatz, who is now able to be about
after suffering from a stroke re•
cent!'. Chas, Raddatzdid notgo to
Florida this Winter but hie wife
went South for a few months. It's a
geed many years since the hove were
reeidente hers, but have prospered ;n
the States.
and her son, the violin. Other violins
1liseee Grainger, Frain, Hayden, Ho
y y
and M. Grainger played the mandolin.
The minister conducted and played
the guitar at the same time. Nine
selections were elven, leach one of
which was enthusiaetieaiiC.
y received.
Mr. Hayden accompanied. Fred Me-
Cutcheon on the banjo, and by re-
quest, the latter genitlemau rendered
The Shepherd Psalm'. After the
partnere for lunch were se-
cured by means of numbers. and ev-
eayone went away happy,
ensuing year are: --W. C. in C.
Hervey H�unkings, �Londeslborough;
C. in C.: lra Rapson, ai ondesrooroug
C. Chap,: -Chas, R. Couletes, Belgrav,
to, Scribe -Chas. Stewart, Myth;
Treas.-Mex. Wells, Londesberou fi
'Herald at Anms•-Sent Watson, B
grave; C, First Lett,0. Robe. est.
send, eLondesboreugh; C. Sec, Lect.
Rohit. ,hL°Grea, Belgrave; G. F'srs�t'Co
doctor -Clio Lansing, Londesboroug
C. Sec. Conductor -Mathew Fertnuso
Belgrave; C. Inward Herald -Mia
Pattison, Belgrave; C. Outward Hera
-Frank Sturdy,g
a kindly disposition and held the
large friends,
Valentine Day, The 'program consist -
ing of a Valentine dialogue, a recite-
New 'Advertisements
Acres", was. presented to an collies-
iaette •and crowded !louse, Between
esteem of a circle of
He leaves to mourn his lose hie wife
two daughters and "S eons, namely,
Mre, w. E. Brown and M. W. E.
tion and a song. All were well given.
The meeting itself was very helpful to
ail, still continuing the book,of Dick
Mrs. old3s. Knight, Varna, was re-
Hewing old acquaintances an the loth
Mies Mary Vint, of Ashfield, wee a
reeeot visitor in the village.
Lindsay Moffatt and bride, of Bran -
Brussels Public School
Doe lost -Phone 2616
To Rent-J,
J, Mallet
cent for sale -Tae P°AT n
For eale-Arlen Adams
Sorsole-Mttton Lowes.
Robe tai sole -Bites .Hoovvi66ht•
Hato Licenses-A.G. Smith
Torte's for axle-Phoney7t2
Announcement Laitoh
acts there were miscellaneous numb•
ere, consistin nes °, mid of choruses
ales a dolor in-
folk dance by nine of the girls dressed
in the school colors. At regular in.
the young th
bon efult tweeds a lusty t hallrings
school e1L g
Hainetock, of Fordwicb ; John R., of
Walkervilte : William J. and T, Ed-
ward at borne, also a sister, Mee, Ed-
wards, of Gerrie, Funeral service
was held at they borne an. Friday aft-
ernooa at two o'clock,. Rev,, A. Laing
officiating, after which interment
took place in the Fordwioh cemetery..
and Mary Louise. The Hostess spent
a little time decorating the house
showing more interesting in the meet -
ing. forty-three children were pre -
s P
sent also a• number of the W. M. S.
A simplle lunch was served consisting
of:-+Vallentlne 5andwkches; Cupids
Arrow Point Cookies; True Lo'rsr's
during the past week.
John Pearson has rented the farm of
Mrs. le. McQuarrie on the 4th Line,
will grass .cattle this year. -
School Section' No. 3, are preparing
to hold a School reunion this P apartn
more particulars will be given Tater.eae
•George Menzie .combined business
and pleasure at Stratford on Friday,
don, Man„ were visitors with A. Porta
erfield and Mrs. E. Geddes, Might and
aunt of Mrs. Moffatt.
The Women's Day of Prayer for
Missions we °be observed fn Belgrave
Knox Church on Friday afteYnoon at
2,30 OM. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to everybody.
Robe, McCrae, who has been a
faithful employee of the C. N. R. au
the section has been promoted to
foreman of. Londesboro section. He
assumed his new duties last week.
The Business meta of the Village
fiave an old time dance on Friday even-
ing last and generously donated the
proceeds to the Treasury of the Wo -
men's Institute to aid in purchasing
another lamp for the streets.
Mises Josephine Johnson, 6th line,
hoe just returned from vtait;ng her
sister, Mrs. A. M. Bradburn. of Hyde
Park. A little daughter,. (Margaret
Bruce), was born at the Bradburn
home while Mies Johnson was there.
The Women's Institute met at Mrs,,
J. Vancamp's for dhe February meet-'
ing with a 'large attendance. The
President, Mrs, D. Geddes was in the
chair. In the absence of the regular
Secretary, Mrs. (Rev.) Moores was ap-
pointed Secretary pro tem. Owing
to bad condition of roads the Play
which was to have been presented by
• the Westfield Dramatic Club, was post-
pored and it was decided to have them
come to Belgrave on Tuesday, Feb. 24,
and Rev. Mr. Moores to act as chair-
man. Notes of appreciation were
read from •different 'ho nes where flow-
ers had been seek me time of n
since January meeting. Arrange-
ments were completed re holding a
Pie Social on March f 7th. A good
program. will he presented as well as a
play entitled "Mrs. Flannigpg Tea."
Roll 'Call was responded to by "My
Best Job' A great insight into fav-
orlte pastimes was revealed. A splen-
did paper by .Mrs.' W. Vancamp "What
the Branch Inabitute means from a
Rural Woman's Viewpoint" showing
the marvellous rowtlh of institute
members which is now 30,000. There
are three requisites. for membership,
namely, Restpouollbilsty, dtapandalr9l;ty
and the small fee of 25 cents. Mrs.
McCrea gave a reading "What i Call' a
Friend". Miss Nora Vancamp sang a
solo, "Garry lee back to old Virginaiia"
Mrs. J, Vancamp grave a humorous
reading "There are no Old Ladies" on
preciative11worrdsawere spokenbythe
president, thanking loll Who had helped
in making the afternoon both edtfcative •
and interesting. y
sin in the el -le at Meeting closed b
t n nthent. Atter-
wards a dainty l,unchean was served
by the hostess. Two new !members
were added to tntB�Rall,
From December let to January 15e1
Pupils were examined in all subject:
*missed oneormore examinatioae,
D M Vhan 82 9 * Samir 55
D aekettie 82 8 C Riley 55
g Backer 72 7 F Lowry 54
¢Wilson ?0 6 0 $erns hon 63
S Scott 67 8 B Thomas 62
J Brown 64 7 E Edwards 50
*t\I Somerville 62 8 K Thomas 49.
G Yolleck 82 *E Wilson 48
A Thompaoa tel 9 •$ Obampioa;46
JR IV. -
Rvir Riley an 63 7 O Enniah 68
K Thuell 03 4 L Thuell 67
L Rutledge 62 8 G Kelhngton 60.
MARGARET M. Mmetera Its, Teaches
Sa IIh-Examined in Arith., Ar!
Read„ Walt., Sp hist,, Geog , Lit
and Hygiene. Those marked " mieee
M Downing 88 D Hemingway 1
J Caldwell 83 A McCracken 0
J White 82 0 Burgess f
L Welker 78 M: Thompson E
J Hamilton 77 .1 h,ernaghatt E
M Ennio 72 *L Harkness E
D 1 uc edge 70 *$ Whitened E
V 'ox 70
Jet II1.-Examined in Arith., Art
Read., Writ., Lit., Comp., Geog., SI
and Hist,
0 Walker 87 51 ons f
B Yolleck 88 Ill Roe f
M Sehwadron 82 E Dennison 0
J Douglas 82 G Thuell 6
M Hamilton 81 R Fox 8
le Wheeler 76 S Burchill 8
E Riley 74 F Edwards 6
N Thowpsou 71 V Pope 6
S Yolleok 71 +R Farrow 5
J Kerr 70 W Champion 4
GJeater 70 H Whittard 4
J McDowell 68
M. E. MCNAt3, Teacher.
G Wheeler 80 L Kerr t
M Logan 84 E Ennis 6
D Jeater 84 W J Rutledge 6
M meQueerie 83 R Brown 8
F•Pollard 83 J Rutledge 6
A Pope 82 1 McDowell 0
'M Bryan 78 8 Lowe 0
P Br Btu 74 R Bran 6
J I+ittle 78 LGs�nor 6
JIINIaIss, -
J Caldwell 77 E Farrow 0'
R Wilson 74 E Heist 6
E Handersau 74 l3 Boit b
F Burchill 08 W Ritchiee 6
S^Wilson 04 J ;teirie 6
MARY YEA.NDr.R','Teacher,
Farm for Bala—T. O. 6toCatt
torent-Robert Rolland
wanly Store News -Jas. Fax
Tnree Who Fools -Family Theatre
Horse Rrfor
sew toe EntB 'a'qR smite
The Literary Society will meet in
tete Forreetere' Hall on Friday even-
in P'eb. 27th. The ram will
The pallbearers were aix nephews,
namely, Wm. Eckm;er, Wm. Ed-
wards, Finlay Lynn, Wm. Lynn,
George Menzies and Charles Haneuld,
Cookies; Lover's Punch; Cold Heart
Cake; Light Sweet Heart Cake; Loy-
ers' Delight Tarts; Cu'pid's Stimula-
tion; etc. More fun was found in
r dadtmdonversatian
taking in the hockey maRch between
{ Rei Falls led Stratford in the even-
a social hour was enjoyed at tete
Caaoial ba FernqaetaFn a ?etl�jlab
Car osnalt BrawsEarmthat Ohnrah
D ramal of echoer mon-ea-Twp. of Morrie
entitled g
plex- owe
innsist$ natiof a n y eaented by
g p y
.young people from the Stone School,
vocal selectione and readings and
M. Clark, 4th concession Is very
& nand;es, etc.
This meeting bad a tidy offering of
33.64. Why not attend some of our
the Union appointment on W Pdnes-
day last by members of the Young
Penple'e League• New games were
played which caused touch fun.
x Z �
music by the Literary orchestra. -
At Toronto, on Feb. 8th, a wedding
was solemnized byRev. R. L. Wilson.
former► .of d le, when MarEthel
y 9
S. Dunbar is out of•denger and
is makinggood ro ress towards re-
coverw. p' g
was represented at the big
hookeyhmatch in Stratford on Friday
Mrs. W. J. Peebles, of Yorkton.,
and Urs, H. Giles and little eon,
Gordon, visiting their brother,
Miss Jessie Menzies expects to re-
tuna to her duties on the Toronto Miss
School staff, on Saturday, Miss
Menzies has been 'off duty for tale past
hire, Elizabeth !liter announces the
engagement of her youugestdaughter,
Olive Mildred. to John Lindsay
Brown , son of William ,Brom] of
A. Stewart, daughter of Those and
Mrs. Stewart, of this village, became
the bride of W tlliam S. Wray, Baa of
G. B. and Mrs. Wray, of Woodrow„
teudin Tcongratulations.rm y friends join in ea-
William Stemmata was a repent
visitor with his son, Jno, Slemmon, at
Leitch &Zeigler make their an-
nounoement in this week's POST We
Moody y ,
of Western cattle were delivered at
Walton station last week for Wm.
Staples, of McKillop. There were 72
bead in the lot, and they were per-
weeks suffering from. a fractured
collar bone.
1'heie tvus a ere attendance to hear
and see the iltuatrated sermon on the
Life of David Livingestoue n gun.
day morning. The Winter program
is now over, and the ordinary services
Porde/tole the marriage to take place
early in March, .
The Oonbieuetion School here held
ta annual oommencemea.t entertain-
nrent on Friday night in Btotvn'e
Hall, The hall was prettily decorated
with the school calors, green and
white. A three -act drama, Hobie
We welcome Mrs. Patisth to Lour
Good old fashioned coeds . have been
on the list,'
The .Mission •Band purpose !raving
an entertainment soon. •Issuance
George Robertson was In Toronto
wish the new firm abccese.
Wm. and Mrs Zeigler have taken
up•tbeir residence in the village, Mr.
Zeigler having bought Mrs. Ba=r's
Mr. Ransome, of London, who holds
a good_ position with the London Lite
.Co„ was a visitor with his
cousin, Douegald Hutchinson, Strat-
chased and shipped from Winnipeg
by Mr, Sefpples' brother, Robert Step-
Ise, of Killarney, Manitoba. They
were a good looking bunch and ar-
rived fn tine condition.
fore a crowded hall of a very apprec-
iative audience, the members of St,
John's church, 13cuaecle, presented
will be conducted from now on. It le
hoped that the attendance will be bet-
ter than ever.
Buys Farm -Jos. E. Jacklin has
the foo acre farm from J. P.
Lawrence, on the 4th line, and seal
get possession this Spring. Alex. Hall
son-in-law of the former, who has had
the farm rented for the past is
The Friendly Church
Which le
TH6'4HURCH iOFct. le o CHEER
the beginning of the week. '
The U. F. O. gnioaded car rrf
salt at Mcelanght'last-week.
Mrs: Luke C. Spe;ran 'has returned
linins from Wilkes-Barre, Penn„ where
she 'had been with .'her sister, Miss
Anna during her last illnessba
Dunlop B
Ernest and Mrs. Cole and family, of
White River, spent a month with the
formers sister, Mrs. •Dougaid Hutch..
iuson, at Stratford, and former resi-
dents 01 this locality.
Dr. McMaster was called out quick-
Iy on evening to the i2t,Can-
their -8 -Ra farce, ' Dont deceive your
wife", on Monday evening. The phry
was well presented and the various
members took their parts well.
During iuternt;ss;an hues Marjory
Campbell Bang two solos in pleasing
manner and A. Battenbur gave a
well rendered piano solo!. Aftr the
moving !rack to Elma Townsih p, onto
his father's farm,
Iheminieterandhie wife got into
n nasty mixup outside Levi Whit-
field's gate, where he had turned out
to meet another cutter. In the dark-
nese a,atom was unobserved.
and subsequent death,
Last Sunda Thee, and Mrs. Inglis
!were p'egented with n Bible on behalf
of the congregation of the Presbyter-
cession where George Michel'sh little
boy, Lloyd, was lying' very ill. Dr.
White, of Brussels, was summoned to
performance, the ladies of the
Anglican church served lunch to the
thrown nut. N
t lis. White
ryas not hurl, and ,,\f r. White escaped
with a few bruises. The horse gave
no trouble,
11 rt• i
r4 r ,,a1
•,� x
t i( ..l}, " p'
�S� F
- r •.x'"
.t r*
tan church of which they had been
members for .the past number of
yEMT s.
This weak Thos, and Mrs. Inglis,
who have been residents •in this'sec-
tion for the past 26
p years moved to
Atwood where they will reside for
the future, Mr. Iuglis will join his
son in the hardware business in that
village. Their many friends wish
them success in their new home•
Auction Sale sir Phos. Inglis last
perform an operation for appendicitis,
Mrs. James Peprson received the
sad intelligence last Thursday morn-
ing of the death in Oil Springs of her
brother, T. K. Thompson. R.J.
Pearson left on Frida morningto at-
tend the funeral which. was held on
, The Epworth league of the Meth-
odist 'Church will meet at Hamilton's
on Thursday evening, The topic will
be taken by Mr. Howlett, after which
Dr. A. McLeod was a visitor in
Toronto, ieecntly
Mre. D. A. Armstrong spent the
weak end in London,
Jno. Douglas naris a business trip
to Toronto last week.
Two rinks from here attended the
Harriston bone el•l last weeks.
Roes and,rMre. Scutt, Borvmsuville,
attended tt a wedding of the Parwer'e
It is regretted that there was no
51101Ce on Str,ialay afternoon. It
p cured with Cain just as the minister
was about to sec off, and he thought
the reads would he impassable, This
is only the second time there has
been no •service during a strenuous
Winter. When he beard later that
about thirty were kept waiting, be
teas indeed sort that he had not set
Mr. end. Mrs, Blinks spent a ,part
Books are ladders up which climb
Human hearts to heights sub-
Subject on Sunday-
Dramatic Book Sermon
"Tho Conquest Of Feat"
by Basil King.
Let the Minister tell you fend'
the Bible and this wonderfulmade
book the things we humans fear
in life and suggested remedies.
Wednesday was a big entrees. Cows
sold at an average o£ $100 and o=tter
stock went in peoportiou, The total
receipts for the afternoon amounted
to $5.200. Auctioneers Holman and
Vsndrick worked hard to set the big
prices and disposed of everything,
Address and Presentation,'- Oil
Friday •evening the neighbors and
friends of Thos. and Mrs; Inglis met at
their hone and presented them with
true lovely chairs before their depart-
ire to !their new hatne'i.n Atwood, It
oainshieiYS lyit since a .to Grey
following address: Fulton ad the
Dear Mr, and Mlrs. Inglis and Fam-
Iiy. -•We, your neighbors and friends
there. will tie games of all kinds,
Those Huhn intend to participate will
take a lunch along.
DIED AT Loxnox•-William ]>3.
e' tide le ssed•awaq at London Hoap•
Jest from sleeping a;ekness on Wed-
uesdayof last week, and the remains
wens brought
ought to` the home of hie
brother,' David Saunders, Grey Tatou.
ip` atrtfd the f ori se micas heed wi lir.
day 1 ee being con-
ducted by Eev M. White, ,of Ethel
Methodist church interment' was
in Mount Pleasant cemetery
liars. The pallbearers were :-George
Campbell, .W, Brawn, W. M°Innes,
J, Hooper le, Placket and Jae, S iveti.
p ,
Among those Prorn a distance w oat-
tended the funeral were, Henry Ker g•
sister, on Wednesday.
1brs. Jas. Hazlewood has returned
to Toronto, after spending a few days
with her s;eter-in-law, SIs'e, W. el.
the , i tafva Inc the
ae'eskers �i�cs'
y B
rink here Wednesday evenieg, be-
t IIndelWthehdm and res\Vof thelemonJacklili,
Miestotri3and, a Ve;nor eu per was
served In the basement of t res ivleth•
odietchurch last lhursday evening.
Proceeds smut' to $1S 00.
M0 IIEN-S5' L'T.-The very pretty
wedding took place at the home of
the•br'ide's patents, Wroxeter, at noon
on 1Sth Februar of Annie Ethel
Stott, daughter of James end Mrs,
of their honeymoon with !their cousins,
Messrs, Will •Coulter and Russel Nnttt,
6th line, Elute Mr. Bunko was a
former resident 7of Grey Township,
but has spent the past four or five
years in successful farm operations 'i it
the Weyburn district of Saskatchewan.
Mrs. Blinks was formerly Mass Clara
also of Grey Township. They
intend returning to their home in
Old friends and neighbors will re•
gs.et to hthnr of the death of MiaeJofi
henna Gaynor, who passed awayat
the home of her passed
councillor, J. O. Reffron, at Blyth
Deceased was born on the 2nd Con•
session of Greq Tawnehi 69 goers
a o, the daughter of Thomas and
Couuc;l minutes may be read on
Page ,4•' '.
James Ireland was spending A couple
of weeks with hie daughter, Mrs. H.
Gauzier, Stratford,
many, repihes are com;tng front the
016 Boys land Gfnis of S. S. No. 5, :for
the coo=ing' .reunion R,his summer, '
D avid Laidlaw, ton. 9, has had a
,leghtiug plant installed which
wet light his .home and barns on the
Last week Edward Pollard of Brun
eels, bought the 60.acre farm of Allan
Adams on the 6th line, Possession
will be Laken is a few weeks. `
Aellan and Mrs, Adams, of the 5,tlm
line expect to leave shortlydor
r atP Wrox-t
iter where they Will make their future
'ht)Itte. Mr.� Adams was- Chairman,
the PlYmnen s Association, 06
Rl,cha.rdi Prnriear..i o t,,,.... t:..a
Class V. -Examined in Read., Writ.
Anitlr„ Spell., Comp„ Dep. and Dail;
D. McRae 87 D. Ferguson 71
W. McNair 84 L. Hicks 71
S. Hetadoreon 82 J. Riley 7
I. Riley 80 H. Douglas
V• Fox 85 Ar, Hain, 71
J, +arrow 1313 B, }Doke 7.
L. Kernaghan 80 E. b'IcQuarrie t6E
R. Palulei' 79
Close .LII- Excellent -C, llfcintosb
3.Olass . ttie 51. sheet ds, Good -N
Rutledge. `
Claes 11 -Excellent -J. Baster C.
Plum B. Galbraith, `
b Moil. Limey
Good -H. Yolieak,
Claes I-3. Doo las M. King, M
Bryane, Good -N. ....edge,
* •� I B
Rp �r
✓ ,
Purity F[OVO
$'5 25
�r It�
IQI v Sf 7 0% %�a5
65 411,75
,8� 4`��R
5 Brussels
gla,thered .here to spend a sacral
evening with you, before your depart-
ore for your duture home In Atiwdod,
to Huish God -speed, land to let You
know how keenly , feel !this •t You
ing pf the ties that have l thle us, to
you ;n a tie at love and friendship,
the ears kind,considerate, ever wI)l
in years,
lend a hand in Hine oneed:,l=a
lssg •counsellors trusted. n t
ed friends• hr
Ohurch and community work, all 1'125
Inglis fat have' always done iyffh
their might wheit their halide los"'
to do," Mr. Inglis in church Waits,
be absolutely depended upon to
do what seemed wisest and right,; Mrs,
im lis in• theli.errwome� s a tower
orf strength; Tones cheer words and
Mrs. Inglis! kindly ways greatly
y be t the'
missed in tills dem+tnnntty. But the
se, Listowel, and Thoe. and Mre,
Johnston, Atwood. Mr, Sanders,
who was 66 years of age, was widely
known throughout the distant about
his ho=ne. lie lead` conducted a mil-
ling business there for some 'care:
Prior to thatlte was the a nater of
stable. 1''or sem t
y s eslt after
�va� taken ill several weeks ego,
the nature of the malady from which
he cease'suffering puzzled the local
doctors. Fl tall however, when rite
symptoms became snore Pronounced
le ems diagnosed as siesping,sioknees
and he wan token to London eve
weeks ago for hospital 5,eatwent,
This proved unavailing and death en-
sued. Mia .eitrttdel'4 i9 nnrcigad two
daughters, Mieaes Florence and Iii.
Dian, both at hove ; three brothers,
David, of Eths11 John, of Brussels,
Stott, to John L. Mcltweci, son of Pete
er and Mrs, MitEwen, and !issue of
Turnbeery Township, Limon Co_
Rs*. D. A. Armetiong, B. D., per
formed the - ceremony, P,nk anti
white ee,nations adorned the 1nau15.
Mee, RnssSettee of Bowmanvilie, Ont„
played g
lug the siga;cig of the Register along
beautifully ' O Love Divine," The
bride, who was given in marelage by
her fattier, was unattended, and was
daintily gowned in brown crepe satin
with pearl necklace and tarried a rich
boquet of Sunset roses: Following
the ceremony the.wedding dinner =Vita
served. The followingguests were
eeeent.--Patel• and IMac. iiiolfw`cu
P' +
Mies Ellen McEwelr, Oenrgn MClllwelty
Ross and Mrs. Suitt•, Mrs, Sfun,ro and
Rev, and Mrs, Armstrong. the bride
!slew Gaynor, Twenty five years
ago ,kite family moved to Brt1aselb
where they resided until seven years
ago, whey Miss Gaynor came to
Blyth and had si Inc made her home
with her sister, Mee. Heffron,
wh 1 iy 0,, 1n1 sura;vin
member of thePamily,
The Box Social at the Roe's appoint-
trent Friday evening Inst was a
great moose. The church was filled
to capacity, and the elides and hum.
or . were much en`o� ed, There was
tltuclerone applaueeywhen the elide
wag 'exhibited indicative of, John
Peiu'son's future, anti that gentleman
enjoyed the laugh with I.berest.
1 l gOne
Of the roost actCCegsful paste of the sa•
smog's program wae' the appearance
of the programp
for the .81st time.
141118. MtOntehenn teamed the nnonn
tro>rAtiAN, luaoher,
t -