HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-2-18, Page 8Room. JL�ts Wal: Paperl,9; Enough Paper to do a room up to it x 12 x .9 at this Clearance Price, We have a number of Pat- terns of which the quantity is getting low and to make room for our new Spring Stock, which will be coming in shortly, we are clearing these out at prices which are rare bargains. Now is a chance. to secure Paper for that Room which needs doing at a very low price. Kodak Finishing Our Prints are made on Velox— it gives us the best Prints we can get, Mail or bring in your Films and have us develop and print them, EASTMAN FILMS KODAKS and SUPPLIES Valentines and Valentine Post Cards Valentine Day Saturday,Feb. eb.l4th —Valentines from 2c up to 35e each. —Valentine Post Dards, 5c each and 2 for 6e. Red Crepe Paper and Red Bristol Board For making Valentine Decorations, Favors, &c. For Valentine Gifts and Remembrances Boxes of Dandy, Perfume or Toilet Preparations are very suitable. F. R. SMITH The g� Store Drtiggist and Stationer raxa1 N ens I .onto ScaooL Board met Monday eveni and transacted routine business. Successful Valentine Tea. — T Young People's Society of the Me od.st church held a very successful - of homemade baking at the store Miss Hingston last Saturday afternoo and also served a tasty Valentine to Decorations were in keeping with th occasion. Proceeds totalled $3500 Sustains Heavy Loss—The daily pre makes the following reference to a fl in Winnipeg which wiped out the lm- perial Hotel, which was owned and conducted by James O'Leary, formerly of Brussels. Friends will be sorry to hear of his Ioss The Imperial Hotel, one of Winni- • peg's oldest landmarks, which housed many. of Abe West's pioneers when they were en - x. ' tpt ,.t 718w homes from Eastern Canada, was de- stroyed by fire early Sunday morning while four adjoining places of bust- uees, including a jewelry store, cloth ing establishment, and barber shop, were badly gutted. The lose is estim- ated at $100,000. Twenty-two guests at the Imperial were routed out in 22 below zero weather. 8,11 escaped in- jury, but they lost their personal be• longings, one woman, a recent arrival from England, losing everything, in- cluding $800. in oath. One fireman was injured when a hose line broke, inflicting an injury which required ten stitches. The fire started from an un determined cause in the clothing store and quickly spread to the hotel and adjoining premises. All the struct- ures were of frame, situated on Main Street, a few blocks east of that Can- adian Pacific Station, The property lose is fully covered by insurance. Miss Ella Inman Deceased. ---11 was with no small regret that old friendsinBrussels i ase s and locality learned thatform- er well known resident, in the person of Miss Etta Inman, had passed away at the home of Harry and Mrs Qaerin, Dun- das, Wednesday of last week, where she had been for some time, owing to her serious illness. The ladies are sisters, The funeral took place from the home of Joseph and Mrs Qnerin, Thomas street, Brussels, Saturday afternoon and was to charge of Revds, Messrs. McLeod and Lewin, of Melville and St. John's ober. £:hes, respectively. Pallbearers were S. Wilton, J. Fox, F. Hunter, D C. Ross, W. T McCracken and Alex Strachan, The floral tributes were very choice. Miss Inman was no stranger to Brussels as it was her parental home for years and where a large family grew up to be a credit to the community. Mist Ella spent a number of years in Chicago and returned to town to take charge of the Millinery business of her sister, Miss Edith Inman, whose health had failed. After 5 or 6 years Miss Ella Intnansold to Miss Car- rie Hingston and removed to Toronto. Miss Inman was born in Stratford and acme to Brussels 1872 with the family. Her father had died and her mother had married the late James Wilson, Miss Inman bad one brother, Herbert, asd 2 sisters, Edith and Minnie, all deceased. The half brother is Fred Wilson, Wind- sor ; and half sisters, Mrs. Falconer, Chicago ; Mra, D, MacDonald, James- town and Mrs. Querin, j)undas, Thos. is deceased, The subject of this not- ice was a shrewd business 'woman, and made good use of the training she had received, She was much interested in Church work and always ready to lend a hand, Harry Querin a0eompsoiod the easket to Brussels returning on Mon- day. The bereaved share in the gym. paths of many who appreciated the vir- tuts of deceased and wish to pay this weli deserved tribute to her =May, Friends are glad to hear that Walter Lowry is now improving after his recent I serious illness Family Theatre Re -opened. — The ngi Family Theatre re•opeued last Sa•ur- he i day evening with a good crowd in at - he rendance The prnprtetore:are gener ale acing their own pover for lieht. Fowl l to Old Country --on Monday u I Robt. Thomson shipped ra car load of a, dressed poultry to the Old Country. e l The Market there is a good one and Mr. Thomson expects to get a per - ss manent market there. This Is Ithe first re time that poultry has ever been shipped from Brussels do the Old Land. Card of Thanks.—We wish most sin- cerely to thank all those who by word or deed have been so kind to us during the loss of our dear sister,Elia Inman. Especially do we thank the Brussels ladies and the Toronto Association end other friends d for their lr be alltiful' floral offn 9 Grater — Wilson Family. 'uly yours. The FOR BALs,—A black mare, 9 years old. Weigh about 1200 lbs , Hound and good to work single - or double. Priced to sell. Phone 4228 1 BASTER STavaNeox. YSLLOW blossom sweet Clover seed for sale. M Lot 27, Con. 10 Grey. 87 BARRED Rock hens for sale. Phone 525. HAROLD BMALLDON. MATCHED team of geldings. 5 years old for sale, also a black driving mare the Hume age. Phone 895 W. 8 FORREBT. 8 Cows for Hale, 1 fresh, 1 to freshen in March and the other in April. Also 2 yearling steers and 2 heifers. Phone 055 W. T. SHARP.. - i BOARDER' or roomers wanted. Appply at Youto bronze gobbler for Hale. Phone 1812. 50 nnsears of eas andr50 b thele of buck wheat Wonted. Phone 58,Brussele. 2 ammo Pekin drakes and 2 ducks. Phone 5118 FRANK LITTLE. YoniAnrna Hog for cervica. Terms $1.00. 80-tt R. Mutts Grey. Da. Paellas, of Wingham, has resumed his weekly visite to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, l "Billy" Wes Stung.—Mr. Emigh re- ferred to in the fotlowiog item, couducl- ed the Central hotel here for some•years, —Wellington County is fast becoming the happy bunting ground of cheque ar- tists. Atra G 0d Voile Friday it discovered that a farin laborr, taR d eighteen, had cashed two cheques pur- porting to have been signed by William T. Hills, a well-known farmer of East Luther Township. Stewart Tate, J. P., has issued a warrant for his arrest. The cheques were cashed by William Emigh, hotel keeper. for $38, and J, E McIntyre, flrar and teed merchant, for 1622. Palmerston S0 Years Old.— Town Clerk Seth Mathers has brought, to light the fact that the year 1925 Is the 50th anniversary of Plalmerston's in- corporation es a town, and has now in his possession the original .minutes of the first Town Counicil meeting, held on Jan. 20, 1875, There is a strong feeling that ,the semi -centenary of the l'awn's incorporation should not go unmarked. The Council has been asked to call a public meeting Ito dis cuss the situation and to arrange a suitable event. Postoffices Cannot be Used as Free Advertising Stations — A ruling matte by the Post -master -General's Depart. meet has been reissued to a number of post Offices and will affect free ad- vertising to a large extent in many districts, The ruling prohibits the posting in the postodite of lost, found strayed, stolen, charitable and reli- gious institution notices, stating fur- ther that this action has •become net- essary in order .that the official notices of the department may receive the 'n d. eu Hersey to New Ontario hast Thu*. ' day .John Galbraith shipped a car load ' of heavy horses up to New Ontario, la Re'elected,+.—J. J. Hunter, Elliot«, of the Kincardine Reporter, was re elected President of the Bruce Tele,. phone Gystem. The -poinpauy has had a successful year. Sale Next Thuraday„— The annual consignment sale of purebred cattle by the Huron County Breeders' AMOR, tion w111 be held at Wingham on Thur-, day, Feb, 26th, See advt, on page 5, You Can Help,—,The Post Is always glad to publish news of your travels. If you intend to be away, Or have friends to visit you, send in the In. formation tosses or any other news of an interesting character. Phone 31 or 32, Three Wise Fools,—King Viidor's 7r, reel big special comedy "Three Wise Fools" will be played in the Family Theatre on Friday and Saturday of this week. This is a big Goldwyn ,picture, The picture fllr Monday and Tuesday will be announced later. Valentines There wasa busy Milne e over the annual St. Yat ntine Day, Y The old time "photos," b which the occasion used to be remembered, have t largely passed away and heir places filled by the decorative Art, Whose receipt is more sweetening to, the recipient, Departmental Exams. — The time table for the annual departmental ex - =illations has been issued rby/ the Department of Education. The ex amination- of the Middle and Upper School begin on June 22,' end end on x July 7; the Lower School a amtnationsu begin June 23 and run to June 26. • a E d n a e a n h 0 failing 1 n 0 s n m e Rev. Dr. D. L. McCrea Passes.—Un- cousotous since Sunday and when he was found in bed suffering from a paral yin stroke, Rev Dr. D. L McCrae, for more than 5o years a leader in the Pres- byterian Church in Caoada, died Friday morning at the home of his - eon -in-law, G,A Wheable at Oxford Street London 'Several months ago Dr, McCrae, who had been retired since tgt7, his Iasi charge being Hamill -cur Road Church, suffered a stroke'of paralysis. He seem- ed to recover, however, and at once re- sumed preaching hi C n in various aria g us churches in the ',,Presbytery of London, and in other ways taking en active interest o the work of the eh'Sreb. Three weeks go be addressed two meetings in favor f Church Uaion, with which move- eut he had always beau in sympat hv. nbsequently he suffered a slight shock, nd Sunday the third attack rendered Im ucc0020:ous, Rev. David Livingst- n McCrae was born 7s years ago in irkcodbright,Scot land, son of John and rs.'MoCrae. While still a lad, he carve Canada with his parents, and settled Guelph, later going to Brussels, He as educated at the Brussels public. hodl and Guelph Grammar school, od later began life as the Headmaster the Guelph Academy, Then became reporter on The Guelph Advertiser, d was at times also connected in that parity with The Cobourg World, and he Globe, Toronto. But his ambition as to enter the ministry, and he took s arts degree at McGill, and at the me time his theological course in ontreal Presbyterian Cole College, rad - g, g tiog in 1879 After postgraduate urses in Chicago and Bloomfield, I11,, was accorded the degree of Doctor of ilosopby- During his long and useful e be bad charges in Woodlands, Co- urg. Jamestown, N. Y, Montreal, inn woad st . Andrew's drew' s an d First est tet' v tan Churches in Westminster d Hamilton Road Church, London, ere he spent the last five years of bis ive ministry. ''"An authority on urch matjers, Rev. Dr, MoCae had itten much oo religious subjects and d for a period conducted The North - Presbyterian in Collingwood, which s•eventually merged with The Pres- erian, Dr, McCrae is, survived' by widow, formerly Miss Mary Little of elph, to whom be was married in g, and a family of two daughters and ee sons. Tbev are; Mrs. A G rray, Wilton Grove ; Mrs G A. eable Loedott ; 0, Lest e McCreite ntreel ; Rev. J D. McCrae, Al nte, Ont., and G. S. McCrae, De- t, The' funeral was held on Monday Pond Mills Cemeteiy, The surely brothers and sis era of Rev. Dr, Mc - e are : Tilos., Olds, Alberta ; and n F„ Toronto. His sisters ere Mrs, Watts, Dundas 1 Mrs. jas. Speirs, ssels ; Mrs. L, Stone, Caunipgion • . Geo. Robb, St, Catharines ; and , J. H. Kerney, Guelph. 'naves. setvices were conducted by key Beattie of First Church, assisted. Rev. T A. Symington, Moderator of Presbytery of London, Rev W. I2 ntosh of Ring Street Church, and I. P. McDonald of ICI ntore. Prev- ly a private service had' been held e home of G. A. Wbeable, son -se., of the deceased, The Scottish Ri'- tariiished a guard of honor The bearers were 1 R. D. McDonald, An Enjoyable Evening, The Con cert under the auspices of Brussels U. F. 0., held in the Town Hail iast Friday evening, drew a capacity audience and a fine time was 'enjoyed. Elston 'Car- diff evade a real up-to-dalte Chairman Program was presented by the Agri cultural Short Course Students and was varied,' well rendered and full of heartiness. It was made upof vocal and instrumental music, readings, re .citations, funny skits, steep dancing, etc. After this feature several hours were spent in dancing. Generous lunch was served. Miss Jobanne Gaynor Dies. — On Sunday morning, Miss Johanee Gaynor died at the home of her brother-in-law, Councillor John. C. Heffron, Blyth. The Miss Gaynor had been ailing for nearly a year, but death came very suddenly as she -had been feeing some better and had received may callers on Saturday. She was a devoted mem- ber of St. Michael's Roman Catholic church, and lived a quiet, useful and unassuming Christian life, and in her long illness, as through her whole life was an example of piety and good works. The funeral was held from St. Mmchael's R. C. church on Tues- day, February 17, at 8.30 a.m. and in- terment took place in Brussels R. C. corm-etery. Miss Gaynor was a former resident of Brussels. • • 0 S M to at w 5C at a an ca T w hi Sa M ua co he Ph lif bo Co Pr an wh act ch wr ha ern wa h s Gu 187 thr Mu Wh Mo mo trot to ing Cra Joh C. Brn Mrs M rs sive wm by McI e Rev IOUs at th law ere f pal l• - dtvidual attention which the public in- Sum !Alfa ire-•-- , .- Laid School R porta, — We are always pleased to receive school reports from teachers. These published encourage the worthy pupils, Palace the report in an unsealed envelope marked "manuscript" and a one cent slatmp will carry it. A Want Ad, Will Do It.—There is al- ways someone, somewhere who is anxiSus to buy what you have to sell. Someone has Just the article you want to buy. To complete a deal each must know of the other's wants, and there is no better or more certain way to make these wants known than through an,ad. in The Post. Hydro Auditors Were Here,—Last week the Hydro Auditors were here and audited the books of the Hydro 'Commission here. The Post under- stands that up-to-date there is a sur- plus of 51,500 and we hope it may In- crease, so that at the end of the yea a substantial decrease in the rates wil be given to ;the sconsueners. • "Don't Deceive Your Wife" good play that should be seen b everyone. Lots of good clean fun you are sure to enjoy it. If not abi to attend the play at Walton conte to Brussels, it will be worth your while Come and enjoy yourselves. Don' MISS it. Everyone welcome, Play to commence at 8 p. m., doors open at Ohureh Ohitmes The Social and Literary Dep_artmeltt had charge of :the Monday evening ser- vice at the Young People's meeting at the Methedisk Church. Rev B. Sheet, pastor of the Meth- odist church, Atwood, went to Torouto. to undergo an operation at the General Hospltal in that city. Mr. Snell expects to be away for possibly two weeks. Rev, William L Watkinson, D. D.. English Wesleyan minister, editor and author, died at his home. aged 86 years For many years he was editor of the Wesleyan Cbnrcb and wrote extensively �n relis;Aous subjects. At a largely attended meeting of the Official Board of Brussels Methodist Methodist Church, ]geld last week, Rev. C. F. Clarke was invited to continuer. his pastorate for the 4th year. He is r a good preacher, faithful to pastoral duties and is Chairman of Wingham District, A The hollowing resolution was unail- imously passed at the last meeting of Y the Official Board of Brussels Metho e dist •Church:—"Resolved that we, the members of the Official Board of Brus- sels Mdthodist Church, which will be the United Church after June 10th, hereby extend to the Unionists of Brus- sels and vicinity a hearty invitation to worship with us in • the United Church," 7,30. An Oratorr'tcal Contest.— Thursday evening of this week an Oratorical Contest will be on the program at the Town Hall, under the auspices of the Literary Society of the Agricultural Short Course. in addition to the ad- dresses and orations there will be a program of voca I and instrumental music. See the advt. regarding the entertainment. Telephone Meeting. — The annual meeting of Brussels, Grey and Morris Telephone Company was held Tries- day afternoon in the Town Hall, with R. Procter, President, in the chair. Annual report, which may be read on 1 page 4, was presented and adopted. 1 ' Past year's Directors were re-elected viz: R. Procter, Wm. Cameron and D. C. Ross. Attendance was not large. Provincial Appointment for 161st Chaplain —Rev. James K..Fairful, of Walkerton, a returned soldier, has been appointed by Provincial Secretary Goldie to the Superintendency of Bur- wash Prison Farm, succeeding Super- visor 'Oliver, who recently resigned. Mr. Fairfull will commence his duties imamediaitely. In making the announce- ment Provincial Secretary Goldie stat- ed that Mr. Fairfull, ,had a good record overseas, and, in his military work, and latterly in vocational 'training at Kingston, had acquired splendid quail fickttions for the posit. Rev. Mr. Fair - full, was formerly Baptist minister at Clinton where the joined up with the 1 64st ,Huron ,Bete and was latter made Chaplain. Skating on Dam.—Witch the sudden drop in the temperature, the boys have cleaned off a big ice space on'the mill dam and are enjoying skating there. Former Citizen Passes Away.=The death occurred of R. F. Uren at the tardily rend . erste C°rr011S t tee t Inger- soll, soll after an illness of short duration, He was taken suddenly ill a few nights ago,' and since that time ,had been sink- ing steadily. The late Mr, Uren Was in his 81st wear, and had been a resi- dent of Ingersoll for the past 30 years. His wife, e, who was formerlyMiss Ss Holli- day, of Brussels, predeceased him in November last. Three daughters sur- vive as follows: Misses Estilla, Mamie and Birdie at ho"ne. One brother, Eben Uren, resides in Ingersoll. The late Mr. Uren w.as a photographer in Brussels many years ago. Municipality Responsible for Side- Walks,—.1t behooves owners and at- oupaiats of houses to look well to their snow shovels. They and their shovels may be :camitiandeered any time by the municipal authorities as he resu,its of a decision given by the ntato Appellate Division, Toronto, u the action of 'Coker- vs. Belleville. t the trial it was shown that for ve or six days 'the sidewalk of Belle - Ile ,had 'worn an icy glare to the nowledge of the municipality, The lal judge held that it Was a general ondflion but that,the plaintiff, who as injured in the fall ha.d failed to tablish that the condition could not ve been relieved at an expense llro- Monate to the risk and to the city's ancial resources. Ile therefore a15- issed the 'action. The Appellate vision holds. that the state of the y's finances has nothing to do with e matter. The decision points out tient tile Municipal Act provides a icipallty' with power to oomman-- er the services and financial re- urces of the oceupants or Owners of operty adjacent to 'the snow or ice eared walks. The plaintiff sued for Last Sabbath morning, the pastor, Rev. J. P. MclLead, took as his text Isaiah 55:1 '!Hol everyone that thirst- eth, ,come ye to the waters." -At the evening service, . Rev. Jno. Moore, Strathuoy, preadted from ,the text Ephesians 4:13 "Till we all come in the unity' of the faith and of the know- ledge -of the Sop of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the Fulness of Christ" After the evening• -service VIEWS' 'trim Life of Robeet Burns were shown in the Y. P. S. meeting. i A fi vi k tr w es ha P0 m 15i clt th th In de so 1' t •t,ol. (r. M R. Graham, C W. c0 mere, J A McFarlane, Walter 82, law and Robot Billet. Die Fo '"1 Drug Store store The. (WEEKLY Every Day is / Somebody's Birthday We have a nice' line of Birth- day Cards null Bo o le late t0 ,choose from, Ther mom - eters No home ie quite . safe without a re- liable Th e r- mometer. We carry a .good stock and our half - minute Thermo/no to r at 161 25 is very special. STORE. NEWS' \i" u,,miallfs,',W Forceful Laxatives "Are No Longer Necessary' TP you are accustomed to using forceful laxatives es cathartics, you cen'break away from this habit and bring back the bowel action to a normalcooadid ,orr newly so, by the use of Wam ale's - i �MAGNOLAX� 1 21'10'W:1'11'17 soblu.a 'PE tandsora Magnotaxbpleauntons paimablo• it,e u g/obl'o comblronon at n the t1 It sI with Milk . Moenea,, and lu ,IoI,7 the 1, 018406 or both, h !,Lona end lubrkatee rho ,t lion n it of the bowo r; or'gri g namml assess., it tion without dixomfort or griring. n W mpola o 0lognnl04 mixes readily whit milk, n I and may b givao in fhb way to broom and very pnp young children. ~l Fa q,+.tl:�5+ze, 60a 20•o.. Size, 51.00 For that Bad Cold we have Quinine Capsules Aspirin Tahlets Bramo-QuinIne Walla Cold . Breakers and the old reliable '' Blood Root Cough Cure For that Acid -Trouble .your ' entre= uch.. l;eve you ever "'tried out' Dyspepsia Remedy Wegbave been selling t his Remedy'Nfor a number of yrs. past with very Bile results. RAVE YOU SORE THROAT 7 Penslar Sore Throat Gargle will cure you, 25e the bottle. Any Croup in Your Home ? Penslar Croup Remedy is the BEST,' 25e per bottle. Tooth Paste For a 25a'Tube Penslar FOX'S.. DRUG S TORE "Careful Prescription .Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST end STATIONER MO, ti • BORN MARRIED DoLL,--In Brussels on Febrasry 10th 1025, to TAYLOR—GRAIr.—At Cabrl, Sask., on Febrn• Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Doll, of Hamilton; a ary 5th, 1925, by Rev, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. David W. Toyt r, of Battrnm, Sask., to Mies, Byre I{•, ddughter of Mr. and Yre,. Wm. Gray, of Morris township, Psenoa.—In Brussels, on February 17th 1095, to Mr. and Mre. Thos. Pierce, of Morris. town- ship, a son. — Store for Sale 'Dios rieff General Store for sale or wilt ex- ehonga on a good farm or town uronertr, R. PRA'1•T, PLone970 West MonktonOnt. • DIED INMAa.—At Dundee, on February 11th, 1926, Ella Inman. formerly of Brussels. Banat cwooD: In Wroxeter, on February latb, 1925, Wm. O. Hazlewood, In is 79th_year. RoWLAND.—At Neweoetle, Ont., on Feb. as, 1925. Catherine Stunt, widow of the late Tomes Rowland, aged 78 year1. TYBuubcAN.—Iq Grer Township, on February 11th, 1925, Hagll Tyermen, aged 81 years, F. A. Hunger's Reduced Prices on Underwear. To make room for our Spring ),Merchandise we are offering Special Prices on Men's and Ladies' Under- wear. ' Now is the time to buy. Wools will be higher for next Fall.. Loy in your next Winter's supply. Spring Ging hams We have now on hand a'fine assortment of Ginghams ready for your Spring sewing. Special assortment, wide width at 30c yard Anderson's Ginghams, wide width .e35c yard Ginghams with Ratine Checks 50c yard Special in Laces Valenciennes and Torchow—about fifty patterns to choose from, new merchandise, regular up to 8c per yard. Your choice ''',6 yards for 25c Flannelette ispecial 10 pieees to choose from for the week- end. Light patterns 34 to 36 inches wide 25c per yard All Linen Towellings 'Special for Week -end Hand Towellings, all linen, striped and plain. . Good assortments 25c per yard Northway Coats We have now on hand our first ship- ment of Northway Garments. Styles and Prices are Right. 3l; Call and look them ,over •,_ f HUNTER a.t ..— R 000' damages and the Appellate Mee allowed him fi1,500 and Costs. 1 eo t.- eo dN q-' % pr0 4 , of The Rewal,rd :Jt Years .of Toil Its F YOB contemplate an auction sale, ' the closing out of your years of effort In building up a complete farm equip• al st it fl fi 1< FIFTY' YEARS anent;, anent; the Standard Sank is splendidly equipped'lo cater to your financial needs, Our local inatiager and his staff will glad- . ly. make all arrangements for the collection discounting of all site notes and for (ertiis'ting an extension of credit where ` successful It g Jl 9. n necessary, A sale- is entirely• dependent upon sound financial arrange- meets. THE STANDARD • BANK OF CANA,D. ds. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. 'Semis, Manager ,1 ft R 1 it V. School R porta, — We are always pleased to receive school reports from teachers. These published encourage the worthy pupils, Palace the report in an unsealed envelope marked "manuscript" and a one cent slatmp will carry it. A Want Ad, Will Do It.—There is al- ways someone, somewhere who is anxiSus to buy what you have to sell. Someone has Just the article you want to buy. To complete a deal each must know of the other's wants, and there is no better or more certain way to make these wants known than through an,ad. in The Post. Hydro Auditors Were Here,—Last week the Hydro Auditors were here and audited the books of the Hydro 'Commission here. The Post under- stands that up-to-date there is a sur- plus of 51,500 and we hope it may In- crease, so that at the end of the yea a substantial decrease in the rates wil be given to ;the sconsueners. • "Don't Deceive Your Wife" good play that should be seen b everyone. Lots of good clean fun you are sure to enjoy it. If not abi to attend the play at Walton conte to Brussels, it will be worth your while Come and enjoy yourselves. Don' MISS it. Everyone welcome, Play to commence at 8 p. m., doors open at Ohureh Ohitmes The Social and Literary Dep_artmeltt had charge of :the Monday evening ser- vice at the Young People's meeting at the Methedisk Church. Rev B. Sheet, pastor of the Meth- odist church, Atwood, went to Torouto. to undergo an operation at the General Hospltal in that city. Mr. Snell expects to be away for possibly two weeks. Rev, William L Watkinson, D. D.. English Wesleyan minister, editor and author, died at his home. aged 86 years For many years he was editor of the Wesleyan Cbnrcb and wrote extensively �n relis;Aous subjects. At a largely attended meeting of the Official Board of Brussels Methodist Methodist Church, ]geld last week, Rev. C. F. Clarke was invited to continuer. his pastorate for the 4th year. He is r a good preacher, faithful to pastoral duties and is Chairman of Wingham District, A The hollowing resolution was unail- imously passed at the last meeting of Y the Official Board of Brussels Metho e dist •Church:—"Resolved that we, the members of the Official Board of Brus- sels Mdthodist Church, which will be the United Church after June 10th, hereby extend to the Unionists of Brus- sels and vicinity a hearty invitation to worship with us in • the United Church," 7,30. An Oratorr'tcal Contest.— Thursday evening of this week an Oratorical Contest will be on the program at the Town Hall, under the auspices of the Literary Society of the Agricultural Short Course. in addition to the ad- dresses and orations there will be a program of voca I and instrumental music. See the advt. regarding the entertainment. Telephone Meeting. — The annual meeting of Brussels, Grey and Morris Telephone Company was held Tries- day afternoon in the Town Hall, with R. Procter, President, in the chair. Annual report, which may be read on 1 page 4, was presented and adopted. 1 ' Past year's Directors were re-elected viz: R. Procter, Wm. Cameron and D. C. Ross. Attendance was not large. Provincial Appointment for 161st Chaplain —Rev. James K..Fairful, of Walkerton, a returned soldier, has been appointed by Provincial Secretary Goldie to the Superintendency of Bur- wash Prison Farm, succeeding Super- visor 'Oliver, who recently resigned. Mr. Fairfull will commence his duties imamediaitely. In making the announce- ment Provincial Secretary Goldie stat- ed that Mr. Fairfull, ,had a good record overseas, and, in his military work, and latterly in vocational 'training at Kingston, had acquired splendid quail fickttions for the posit. Rev. Mr. Fair - full, was formerly Baptist minister at Clinton where the joined up with the 1 64st ,Huron ,Bete and was latter made Chaplain. Skating on Dam.—Witch the sudden drop in the temperature, the boys have cleaned off a big ice space on'the mill dam and are enjoying skating there. Former Citizen Passes Away.=The death occurred of R. F. Uren at the tardily rend . erste C°rr011S t tee t Inger- soll, soll after an illness of short duration, He was taken suddenly ill a few nights ago,' and since that time ,had been sink- ing steadily. The late Mr, Uren Was in his 81st wear, and had been a resi- dent of Ingersoll for the past 30 years. His wife, e, who was formerlyMiss Ss Holli- day, of Brussels, predeceased him in November last. Three daughters sur- vive as follows: Misses Estilla, Mamie and Birdie at ho"ne. One brother, Eben Uren, resides in Ingersoll. The late Mr. Uren w.as a photographer in Brussels many years ago. Municipality Responsible for Side- Walks,—.1t behooves owners and at- oupaiats of houses to look well to their snow shovels. They and their shovels may be :camitiandeered any time by the municipal authorities as he resu,its of a decision given by the ntato Appellate Division, Toronto, u the action of 'Coker- vs. Belleville. t the trial it was shown that for ve or six days 'the sidewalk of Belle - Ile ,had 'worn an icy glare to the nowledge of the municipality, The lal judge held that it Was a general ondflion but that,the plaintiff, who as injured in the fall ha.d failed to tablish that the condition could not ve been relieved at an expense llro- Monate to the risk and to the city's ancial resources. Ile therefore a15- issed the 'action. The Appellate vision holds. that the state of the y's finances has nothing to do with e matter. The decision points out tient tile Municipal Act provides a icipallty' with power to oomman-- er the services and financial re- urces of the oceupants or Owners of operty adjacent to 'the snow or ice eared walks. The plaintiff sued for Last Sabbath morning, the pastor, Rev. J. P. MclLead, took as his text Isaiah 55:1 '!Hol everyone that thirst- eth, ,come ye to the waters." -At the evening service, . Rev. Jno. Moore, Strathuoy, preadted from ,the text Ephesians 4:13 "Till we all come in the unity' of the faith and of the know- ledge -of the Sop of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the Fulness of Christ" After the evening• -service VIEWS' 'trim Life of Robeet Burns were shown in the Y. P. S. meeting. i A fi vi k tr w es ha P0 m 15i clt th th In de so 1' t •t,ol. (r. M R. Graham, C W. c0 mere, J A McFarlane, Walter 82, law and Robot Billet. Die Fo '"1 Drug Store store The. (WEEKLY Every Day is / Somebody's Birthday We have a nice' line of Birth- day Cards null Bo o le late t0 ,choose from, Ther mom - eters No home ie quite . safe without a re- liable Th e r- mometer. We carry a .good stock and our half - minute Thermo/no to r at 161 25 is very special. STORE. NEWS' \i" u,,miallfs,',W Forceful Laxatives "Are No Longer Necessary' TP you are accustomed to using forceful laxatives es cathartics, you cen'break away from this habit and bring back the bowel action to a normalcooadid ,orr newly so, by the use of Wam ale's - i �MAGNOLAX� 1 21'10'W:1'11'17 soblu.a 'PE tandsora Magnotaxbpleauntons paimablo• it,e u g/obl'o comblronon at n the t1 It sI with Milk . Moenea,, and lu ,IoI,7 the 1, 018406 or both, h !,Lona end lubrkatee rho ,t lion n it of the bowo r; or'gri g namml assess., it tion without dixomfort or griring. n W mpola o 0lognnl04 mixes readily whit milk, n I and may b givao in fhb way to broom and very pnp young children. ~l Fa q,+.tl:�5+ze, 60a 20•o.. Size, 51.00 For that Bad Cold we have Quinine Capsules Aspirin Tahlets Bramo-QuinIne Walla Cold . Breakers and the old reliable '' Blood Root Cough Cure For that Acid -Trouble .your ' entre= uch.. l;eve you ever "'tried out' Dyspepsia Remedy Wegbave been selling t his Remedy'Nfor a number of yrs. past with very Bile results. RAVE YOU SORE THROAT 7 Penslar Sore Throat Gargle will cure you, 25e the bottle. Any Croup in Your Home ? Penslar Croup Remedy is the BEST,' 25e per bottle. Tooth Paste For a 25a'Tube Penslar FOX'S.. DRUG S TORE "Careful Prescription .Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST end STATIONER MO, ti • BORN MARRIED DoLL,--In Brussels on Febrasry 10th 1025, to TAYLOR—GRAIr.—At Cabrl, Sask., on Febrn• Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Doll, of Hamilton; a ary 5th, 1925, by Rev, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. David W. Toyt r, of Battrnm, Sask., to Mies, Byre I{•, ddughter of Mr. and Yre,. Wm. Gray, of Morris township, Psenoa.—In Brussels, on February 17th 1095, to Mr. and Mre. Thos. Pierce, of Morris. town- ship, a son. — Store for Sale 'Dios rieff General Store for sale or wilt ex- ehonga on a good farm or town uronertr, R. PRA'1•T, PLone970 West MonktonOnt. • DIED INMAa.—At Dundee, on February 11th, 1926, Ella Inman. formerly of Brussels. Banat cwooD: In Wroxeter, on February latb, 1925, Wm. O. Hazlewood, In is 79th_year. RoWLAND.—At Neweoetle, Ont., on Feb. as, 1925. Catherine Stunt, widow of the late Tomes Rowland, aged 78 year1. TYBuubcAN.—Iq Grer Township, on February 11th, 1925, Hagll Tyermen, aged 81 years, F. A. Hunger's Reduced Prices on Underwear. To make room for our Spring ),Merchandise we are offering Special Prices on Men's and Ladies' Under- wear. ' Now is the time to buy. Wools will be higher for next Fall.. Loy in your next Winter's supply. Spring Ging hams We have now on hand a'fine assortment of Ginghams ready for your Spring sewing. Special assortment, wide width at 30c yard Anderson's Ginghams, wide width .e35c yard Ginghams with Ratine Checks 50c yard Special in Laces Valenciennes and Torchow—about fifty patterns to choose from, new merchandise, regular up to 8c per yard. Your choice ''',6 yards for 25c Flannelette ispecial 10 pieees to choose from for the week- end. Light patterns 34 to 36 inches wide 25c per yard All Linen Towellings 'Special for Week -end Hand Towellings, all linen, striped and plain. . Good assortments 25c per yard Northway Coats We have now on hand our first ship- ment of Northway Garments. Styles and Prices are Right. 3l; Call and look them ,over •,_ f HUNTER a.t ..— R 000' damages and the Appellate Mee allowed him fi1,500 and Costs. 1