HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-2-11, Page 8Rcom Lots c Wall Paper198' Enough Paper to do a room up to I t x r2 x 9 at this Clearance Price. We have a number of Pat- terns of which the quantity is getting low and to make room for our new Spring Stock, which will be coming' in shortly, we are clearing these out at prices which are rare bargains. Now is a chance to secure Paper for that Room which needs doing at a very low price. Kodak -Finishing Our Prints are made on Velox- it gives us the best Prints we can. get, Mail or bring in your Films and have us develop and print them. EASTMAN FILMS KUDAKS and SUPPLIES Valentines and Valentine Post Cards Valentine Day - Saturday, Feb. 14th -Valentines from 2e up to 36e each, -Valentine Yost Garda, 5e each and 2 for 6e. Red Crepe Paper and Red Bristol Board For making Valentine Deonrations, Favnrs, &e. For Valentine Gifts and Remembrances Boxes of Candy, Perfume or Toilet Preparations are very suitable. Rte SM H The '7i :vet . tors Druggist and Stationer m! etas tem% Prices Were Fair. -The auction sale a W ,�1 t of cattle et the Central Barns on Sat- urday drew a big crowd and theprices SKATING has bean cancelled owing to the recent thaw. DAYi are lengthening and the sun's rays strengthening. THE iaaugu'ation •of President Cool- idge, March 4'b, is to he broadcasted by radio. ASH T'DNE''DAY is on the 25th of February and Easter Sunday falls on April r2th Doter forget the address and roo slides at tbe'Town Hall, Thursday even- ing of this week. THE Royal Scarlet Chapter will be op- ened Saturday afternoon, 1,0 inst., at 2 o'clock, in the Orange Hall, Brussels. CHURCH union is not confined to Can- ada, Over in Busload the varions branches of Methodism are clinging and are m tking very little noise about it. ALL authorities seem agreed that the year on which we have entered is certain to be a prosperous one, that when "good times" come they will stay for a while. "WHY don't you subscribe for the paper yourself? It costs less than four cants a week bythe ear"That's likely what youneighbor thinks when you borrow her copy of THE Posr. f FRIDAY evening of this week a U F. O. Concert pud old time dance will be held in Brussels Town Hall Students of the Agricultural Short Course will furnish the program, See the advt.' for further particulars. Card of Thanks - We take this method of thanking the mauy kind friends and neighbors for sympathetic worts ao.1 kin'l y d eerie ,how* us in the lime of our su'Id m hereavemrot in the demise of son and brother. 'they were duly appreciated MRS KEYES AND FAMILY. 1929 Premium List is Published - On page 4 may be read Inc Ptemtum List offered by the Brustels Hnrticu:-! tural Society to its members this year. It is certainly a big dollar's worth for, 1925that should be taken advantage of ,i at the right rime. Mrs. W W Harris, Secretary, will be able to give first band reformation concerning the seine, Mrs. James Ferguson Deceased. --- A's was inhlmahed in last week's issue Mrs. James Ferguson passed away at the ,home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. A. Best, Brussels, Tuesday of last week In her 89th year. She was the widow of the late James Ferguson, who pre- deceased her on March 22nd, 190ii. Her 'maiden name was Elizabeth Strachan, 'being a sister of well known family of this locality, she being last of hire home circle. She was married to Mr. Ferguson on February lith, 1857 and they lived on the homestead 9th Con., until 1907 when the farm was sold to John Lowe and Mr. and IVirs, Ferguson took a well deserved rest in a 'comfortable home in Brus- sels, although Mr, Ferguson was not long spared. There was a family of 7 sons and 3 daughters born to the home and 'those whw survive are Thos., Daniel and Peter and Mrs. W. Jamie- son, Winnipeg, and Jno. F., and Robt. W„ tend Mrs, Best, Brussels. The funeral service was conducted at the Best home, Revds. Messrs. McLeod, of. Melville church, and Clarke, of the Methodist church daking pari. The pallbearers were 6 nephews1---Atex., Rabt., John and Dougal Strachan, Chas, Simpson and Andrew Lamont. De- ceased shared the privations of pioneer days, did her part industrially and royally through the passingyears, was esteemed by a wide Circle of relatives and friends and passed to her reward as a worthy exarnele of a fine woman who did her duty well through a long serviceable life, realized for the cah,tle were fair: All the stack was sold. Telephone Meeting -Annual meeting of the Telephone System will be held in the Town Hall next Tuesday after- noon. The annual report bas been .issued to all the subscribers. Valentine Tea. -Home-made baking sale and Valentine Tea, under the auspices of the Young People of Metho- dist church at Miss Hingstone's store, on Saturday afternoon, See advt. in this issue, BOARDEna or rootnera wanted. Apply at THE Poe'. Poona bronze gobbler for gale. Phone 1012. Mrs. Frank Nichol. SOal mo ems of peas and 60 bushels of hook wheat wanted. Phone 5e, Brunels, TOR TALE. -Roller Canaries, singers and hens. Phone 10x Ring 2. 2 waxTe Pekin drakes and 2 docks. Phone 5418 FRANK LITTLE. WANTan-Some one to do family weehing regularly. Apply Phone 82. TORALa-0,,n $ Short Horn Ball, nine ine tnonthe old. Apply to RN Lee rN R. R. 1, Walton, Ont. YORa:au IRE Hog for service Terms j1.00 80.66 R. WILBEE, Grey. De. TARSIER. of Winghem, has resumed his weekly visite to the Queen's Hotel, Brussel], Advertising Pays. - A small advt. placed in The Post, had two responses a few hours after the paper was print- ed last week and two other enquires on Thursday. When you use hhe'ad- vertising columns, you sow seed which brings a big harvest. To be convinced of this just try it. Hydro Blinked - Saturday evening about 9.t5 the street lights blinked and part of `town was in darkness owing to something going wrong. The merchants and householders, north of the Queens Hotel had to depend on the lamps and candies. Sunday morning everything was in working order again. Brother Died Suddenly. -The daily press reported the death of Frederick Stares, a well known Hamilton musi- cian, who was found dead on the floor of his music store by the policeman on the beat, who noticed the' door open. He had been working late, and had evidently been the victim of an attack of heart disease. Mr. Stares was a singer of some repute, had been 'choir master in several churches and in- structor of a number of bands. He went overseas as bandmaster of the 36th Battalion, C.E.F. Harry Stares, bandmaster of the P.L.A. and S. High- landers is a brother. The latter has visited Brussels several tomes with the Hiamllton Kitties, she last appearance be ing at the Old Boys' Celebration, Sunbeam Trio. --The concert given in the Town Ball last Wednesday even- ing, under the auspices of the Women's. Institute, by the Sunbeam Concert Trio who are graduates of the Ontario School for the Blind, Brantford, was 'a success every way. The Hall was well filled when Rev, C. F. Clarke intro- duced Vhe three young ladies to the Brussels audience. The program presented by the Trio, was a varied one, consisting of piano duetes and solos, violin solos, vocal solos, 'duetts and itrios 'as well as excellent readings. The members of the Trio were: Miss Gladys Slay, Soprano soloist and read r er• MJssre a G t , La tmie A n TCM. He v ( n alt violinist; v Ian t, and Miss Kathryn Sells, A.T.C.M., planist• and wont -1 papist. The behaviour of same of the youths and girls at the back of the hall could be improved 95% and would add greatly to the programs pesented. Stove and Nut Coa Just arrived, G. R. Weller Brussels Well Known in Brussels--Prof,'Cbas. Kelly, of Guelph, who has entertained Brussels audiences PP the days of old, and who for the east 4 years has been 'Choirmaster of Knox Church, Acton, has resigned. Paid Brussels a Visit, -A Salvation Army contingent from Wingham .plaid a friendly visit to Brussels last Saturday afternoon and held a street service af. ter oustormary style of lconduoting They of 'course received a respectful hearing and the usual contribution. Sang at Scotch Concert -The illus- trated Daily. News of Los Angelos published a picture of Miss Rita Gre- war, daughter of 'Charles (Chink) and Mrs. Grewar, Washington, D.C., who was to sing at the Los Angeles Scottish Soccer Club concert in honor of the anniversary of Robert Burns, Scottish poet. Miss Grewar is a neice of Mrs. J. D. Warwick, Miss M, Grewar and Wm. Grewar, of town. Her father was a former well known Brusselite. Newspaper vs. Billboard.-riere is a interesting advertisement story which is taken from. the Milwaukee Journal: An editor and a merchant were dis- cussing the virtue of billboard advertis- ing. The merchant contended that more people read the billboards than the newspaper. After a ingthy con- versation in which nither man would give in, they parted. The next week the merchant came tearing down to the newspaper office wanting to know why the obituary of his wife's mother was not in the paper, ,especially after he had seen the copy was taken to the newspaper office. "Well," said the editor, '1 knew you wanted that obit- uary read by the people, so 1 took it out and tacked it on your billboard," Just think it over. Public Meeting and Lantern Lecture -A public meeting and lantern lecture will be held in the Town' Hall, Brus- sels, Thursday evening, Feb, 12th com- mencing at 8 o'clock Sharp. Mr. Edwin Newsome, Sanitary .and Heating Engineer, Weston, who is here with the Short Course, will address the meeting, Mr. Newsome will have with him 100 Lantern Slides describing all kinds of Sanitary apparatus; hand Pres- sure Pumps; Electric and Gasoline driven water systems; how Septic tanks and Sewage disposal system should be installed at Farm or town homes. This Lecture has been delivered; by Mr. Newsome during the past two years in upwards of 400 towns and Villages in Ontario. Conte and hear these very important and necessary systems ex- plained. Admission Free, Accepts Invitation. -Rev, C. W. De Witt Cosens, M. A„ B. D,, who is com- pleting the fourth year of his pas- torate on the Ashfield Methodist cir- cuit, has received a unanimous call from the Quarterly Board and Board of Managers and Session of ithe Co-opera- tive Union Church, 04 Springfield, Ont., to becomse their pastor for the con- ference year, beginning July 1 next. Mr. Cosens has accepted the call sub- ject to the approval of the Conference, The Presbyterian terian and Methodist con- gregations of Springfield 'have wor- shipped together as a Co-operative Union Church for the last 4wo years with absolute harmony and will with unanimity enter the Untied 'Church of Canada on June 50. The rev. gentle- man is an old Brusselite having spent 4 years in the parsonage here when, his father, Rev. T. W. Cosens was the pastor. He'll do good work wherever his lot is cast. Mother Passes Away. -The following obituary refers to the mother of Miss Annie Taylor, who on two various oc- casions was a member of the Brussels Public School 'teaching staff: A be loved and devoted mother In Israel fell asleep when Mrs. J. B, Taylor, Blyth, passed peacefully away on Monday morning. This dear old lady, who had reached her9tst year, was in the en -I Joyment of good health until a few months ago, For sonic time lately she hsd been manifestly failing. Mr:. Tay- lor was a native of 'Canada, was born in Pictou, N, S., in 1834, her parents having came from Scotland sometime before. Her maiden name was Chris- tina Bain. In the year 1850, when a I maiden of sixteen, she married Rev. J. B. Taylor, a young Presbyterian min- ister, who was Just beginning a file of , great usefulness and suocess. Ph'st, as a missionary in 4he Province of Quebec and then In the sparsely settled die- I tricts of Western Ontario, Rev, Mr. Taylor pursued his arduous labors,'al- ways assisted and cheered by his con -I secreted helpmate, When Mr, and Mrs. Taylor went Into the "Queen's Bush" in Huron County in their work . of spreading the gospel, they bought a 'propetity at the village of Blyth for a homestead, and when Mr, Taylor re. tired from the pastorate of Lucknow,l where he was the minister, beloved for' a long term, they settled on this hone -1 steadCfor the remainder of Their declin- ing years. Rev, and Mrs, Taylor were blessed) with a family of three sons and seven daughters. Two sons and , five daughters survive. Rev. Mr, Tay- lor went to his reward in 1902. Dur- big the past few years their daughter, i Miss Annie, who was for a Bute a valued member of the teaching s'tlate of ` Brussels. Public School, has lived with , her mother and has given her delated , hire and solicitude. Mrs. Taylor was•a i reui lover of ,the church rah. r g and the d ` for which i ni h t an f st ds. Her principles kindness of heart, .her intimate know- ledge of The word of God, her long ex. ;patience as 1a Christian worker, ren- dered services most useful and accept- able, BANKING FIFTY YEARS Banking Service and Prosperity ROSPBRITY on the farm Is large- r) ly dependent on factors beyond the realm of the farmers' control, There must be a good market demand for fare productsand the production costs Must be kept In proper relation with Inar- ket returns.. Our Branch Manager Is thoroughly familiar with the business of farming and is ready to assist In carrying your farnn program to a successful con - ft ciuston, , THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. BRUSSELS $RANCH -G. 11. Samis, Manager Do von intend doipg any Anteing Uri year ? See George Le. McCall abon wire of er yon l ave read his advt. Did Not Make Trip. - The Rura Mlail Carriers did not make their tri on Monday, owing to the roads beta Impassable. No Offer Made -There was n offers made for the Mcefittie Garage which was recenhiy advertised. Othe steps will be taken to dispose of th business. Snow Banks Cut Down. -A good jOb was done on the main street last week when the snow banks awere' cut down and dumped into the centre of the streets. The thaw made the work necessary. Card of Thanks -We wish to express our thanks to neighbors and friends for the thoughtful deeds and kind words in the illness and demise of our mother, rhe late Mrs. James Ferguson, They were appreciated. The Ferguson Family. Why Not Join the Class? - Ar- rangements have been made by Brussels Women's Institute to have Miss Hop- kins give a course on Dolrtesirc science covering 2 'weeks, March 2 to 16. Those wishing to join ;should hand (their names to any at the members. Annual Consignment Sale. - The Huron County Breeders are holding !their annual consignment sale of Pure bred cattle in Lepard's shed, Wingha'm on Thursday, February 2dth. Watch for full particulars next week. Cata- logues, may be had from theyv5ecretary S. B. Stothers, 'Clinton. Re -Elected Director. -At the recent annual meeting of hthe Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Stratford, A. M. Kay, Postmaster at Stratford, and an old Brusselite, 'was' re-elected to the Board of Dlrectors. His son, Archie Kay, was re -appointed Inspector for the Company, which position he has held for some years. , Alex. Smith Mayor. -The Rossland, B. C. •M•Iner, of January 29th, devotes columns of space to the City Council business, as directed by Mayor Alex. Smith, a former Brusselite and brother to W. C. Smith, of town. A vary live program is being marked out for 1925 and Rhe prospects are Rossland will not lag under the capable leader- ship of Mayor Smith. Old friends in Brussels will be interested in watching the outcome. ' Former B i russets tea Hold J - vial na] Reun1 on -The Brown Betty Tea, a Roam Tor- onto, last Fifty night was the scene of a jovial reunion of more than 100 former residents of Brussels, now tie- ing in the city. These reunions have been annual events for several years, but this was one of notable success. Games of 'progressive bridge and euchre, interspersed with music form- ed the first part bf the entertainment; and following the distribution of a number of prizes, is dance was held. The President of the ex-Brusselites, S. 'Crerer, was unable to attend, and his office was filled for the evening by Dr. Harold Haag. Community singing was entered into heartily by everyone. 'All regretted .:the unfortunate accident which amused the 'absence of the Sec - re any, Miss Jessie Menzies. i t 1 people We Talk About 33 Et to I M. T. Corless. Clinton, tea; a visi'or p sin t wn last Thurs(hy,, g George A. Best was a visitor with, his family over the week end, o Mrs P Amaut is waiting her (i ugh , ter, bars Jolt-+ Lynn, a Walkervll1,+ r Frank Stretton combined business e and pleasure at Listowel on Saturday. Mrs. George Walker, London, is a visitor with her cousin, 'iMrs. A. R. Currie. Peep Behind the Curtain of Time - Under this heading The Toronto Tele- gram is publishing sketches of "the old boys" and illustrating 'them by photogravures of the man and the boy. Last week an old Brusselite, in the iperson of T. W. F. Norton, with pore traits of today and when 6 years of age, was the subject, here is the brief story told: -Although he has had to go through life with the handicap of three names in addition to his surname -Thomas William Francis -T, W, Norton, superintendent for Toronto of the Canada Life Assurance '00,, has made good and become a well-known figure in Toronto's business life. tie was born in the village of Brussels, Ontario, and was educated at Listowel High School, Siratfortl'Collegiate, Uni- versity of Toronto and Queen's Uni- versity, °Kingston, He commenced his career as a public school teacher near Listowel, but left after Iwo years to' become the local manager for the Mutual Life Company, of New York. Ever since, he has been in the life Insurance .game and for the past 21 years in Toronto, with the exception of a short period he spent in Brlttsh Colutniela as superintendent for, the Canada Life Assurance Company, For Inane years now he has,. been 5uperin-' tendent for Ontario of the Canada Life, He is s Thirty -Second begree Mascot and a member of the Toronto Lodge of Perfection, Scottish Rite, ,1s well as being a member of University Lodge, A. R & A. M. He is a member of the National Club, at the On a f r t olu Cb o It , t Board t of Trade, the - Empire Club, the Canadian Club and the Thornhill Golf and Country Club. Outside of life in- surance his only hobby is bowling, lie is a member of Victoria Lawn Bowling Club Mrs. Frank Woods wes visiting rel- atives and friends in ,Atwood and 1••n.t! i I v, H. L. Jrdckson was off dw'ty for a few days the past week with a touch of lagrlppe, George Ferguson, Seaforth, attend- AI the funeral of this grandmother, the late Mrs, James Ferguson. Nurse Linden -Smith, Kitchener,is in town assisting with Nurse Fulton in raring for W, A. Lowry. L)r Sutrnws, Seefoith, was in town on'rdalurdry holding`ta consultation on the condition of Walter Lowly, Mrs. S. C. Wilson, Goderich, was hers last week, attending the timers: of her aunt, the late Mrs Tames Fergu-c•u. D. A Lowry, 'Toronto, and Wile, Lowry, London: were visitors in Bros sell last week. They were both fernier ren'dents The many friends of Rev. Dr. lege Crae, London, a former Brusselite, are very sorry„ to hear of his serious illness and hope for better 'news. • Dave Lamont, who has been here to r some weeks, left this week for Toronto to spend a few days and will then coo- time on to la home at Melita, Mon. Friends are glad to bear that Jas. S. Armstrong is showing some 'mprove- went, and his many frit rids lope teat he may continue until convalescent. Mns. E. Mattelle and son, Clinton, were here last week visiting realtives. and old friends. The former may be better known ae Miss Annie'Rozell of maiden days in Brussels locality. NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY Following Ise list of new Books that has been added to the Public Library: Curwood -rhe Gentleman of Courage Snaith -Pollyanna of the Orange 'Blossoms Saunders -Jimmy o J time Coast Y Sedgewick -tattle French Girl MlkGutcheon -East of the Setting Sun Buchan -The 3 Hostages Judge Rivard -Chez-Nous Porter -Mary Marie Burnett -The Shuttle Webster' -Just Paddy Webster -When Paddy went to College te 'Cody -The Trail of the Gol- den Horn - Porter , -The White Flag Porter -OI Money, Money Barrie -Peter Pan Boreham -Wisps of Wildfire, Pohting -The Great White Way -Lt Can be Done Clfton -Camp Fire Boys at Log Cabin Clifton -Camp . Fire Boys at Muskrat Swamp Billie Sunday -The Man and His Mes- sage Montgomery -Anne of Green Gables Wright -The Winning of Bar•• bare Worth Oppenheim --The Wrath to Come Richmond -Red of Redfields Stead -Smoking'Flax Caine -The Woman of Knock- aloe Dell -The Unknown Quantity Norris -Rose of the Woraa Coral --The Love of Long Ago Faber -So Big Auction Sale AUCTION SAt,TO OB'FARM STOCK ANDIM- PrEMRNTe,-Janisa Taylor, Atict1Onosr. trap' received inatruat'ens front the llnderalgne:1 to sell by Prib1fe Auatifnf at North ee of Lot 20, Con. 0 of Morrts, Tnesilny, Peb 17tH, 1026, at 1 p, in the following property :-1 brood mare 12 years olds brawn mare, 1' gelding 0 yens old, 1driving mare go, dotlb'6and e gleanp- wandIn foal, 1 general 'purpose 110'5 rising 8 (broke) 1 cow 4 years old duo Apt -It 811. I now 0 yowls old due April 17, 1 clew 0 s ears old au p - posed to calf, I steer 2 years old. l steers' Aetna 2yeora old, 211elfera rising 2 years old, 1 heifer 1 year old, 2 pelves, 1 thoroughbred hog, 10 all onus, 10 pigs Il weeke old, 11 York sows dap to April, 1 sow due Feb 20, 1 now due Aldi tat, 70 pulletsend yearling hone, 2 thoroughbred rock mestere, 2 gown hod 1 gander, 2 White lithin dunks and 1.drake, letilt5dog nada uea, 1 Deering Binder 6feet oat, t Massey-Uorrin mower 5 Net out. 1 ha rake.1 dr111, 1 wagon and box ;•1 set ob at,'tgha, 1 flat hay reek,1 stook rack, 1 aet :Diamond harrows, 1 aouIIlor, 1 International plow Mewl, 1 turnip pottier, fwheoTarrow, 1 hutting box, 1 boy fork', rope, 1 set breeehlnl teOn, (ladles], 75 bnsbeleoeednota (Silemald atar'dnrd), qunut- or of cern atnl amid s i Prtlerose arnitm se ' P, p orator !new), 1 ehnrn and ether t TO des too ,,rt radar to mention. Ali sums of Ttl dt111a1e or ender socio over t(eg pmmve 10 ,tombs oreditgiven t a it%pe a nu,e and erodiante] erne,. hoed per ennui!) on orodit..nrn• aunts, f,nnd oWnurll for xsrnrity. JAti, TAYLOR, RDdBIBLL BRADSHA w, Auatloneur, Proprietor, Fox's Drug. Store The Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Every ,Day is Somebody's Birthday We have 4t nice line of Birth- day Cards and Booklets to choose from. Therm- eters hermometers ., No home is clothe tote without a re- liable T 11 e r- mnmeter, We parry a good stock and, our half -minute Tbernuane t e r at fel 25 is very special, Forceful Laxatives Are No Longer Necessary' ' yon are accustomed 10 using forceful laxatives 05 cathartics, you can break away from this habit and bring back •; the bowel action to a normal condition, �t,or neariyrso, by the use of - Wampole s\ 't MAGNOLAX1. 1 In app,ordnde aha taste Maepo0e to p5e ,nt and palatable. It Iso .Mata sib -cotton *1 Mlnsrot ,, If on with 1111 of Magness-embodytna rho , 1 iivirtu*' of both. 11 softens sod Iubr otos the t controls of the bowels, causing natur,1 *vacua • .a E lien wlihout discomfort or griping. n 1 14 young children. ewnponoo gMvoegnnInlohsmwihy toootnny tsw,hd 'Joky' 'L8•oz. Size, 50e. 20 -oz. She, 51.00 k For that Bad Cold we have Quinine Capsules Aspirin Tahlets Bramo-Quinine laxative Cold Breakers and the old reliable Blood- float Cough Cure t For that Acid Trouble in your stom- ach have you ever tried our `Dyspepeia Remedy Walleye been selling t his Remedy for a number of yrs, past with very fine results. HAVE Y017 SORE THROAT Pennine Sorg Throat Gargle_ Will cure you, 25e the bottle, Any Croup in Your Home Penslar Croup Remedy is the BEST. 26o per bottle. Tooth Paste For a 25c Tube Penslar FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER Hope J.-ucinda Other books, which are ordered, will arrive in another week. Many Went to Wingham,--Brussels wus well represented at the`Temper- ance meeting at 1W1 ingham on Tuesday of this week. Middlesex County Orangeman plan es big celebration in London on Satur- tttdny, July 11th. The County of Waterloo will erect a Heid stone tower in commemoration of the first pioneer settler in that, district. BORN ROLOTON.-In Tnrnberry, on Fob 2nd, to Dir. and DMO., Robert Rolston of Wroxeter, a eon. MARRIED Fomes -Donna -At the Ma e, Wroreter, on Feb. 4th, 1925, by th.11 v A. D. Armstrong, Mies Glary Dodds to lily. O. Felker, ot.How• foe, Farm -For Sale 60 acres, adjoining the Corporation of tho Village of Brussels, with comfortable bnfld- i op nod good orchard. Reasonable terms for quick sale. For particulars apply to. A. H. MAODONALD, Brunets For Sale 7 -roomed frame house and stable, tttnale,t on 1 acre of good garden land, with fruit trees, apples and pears, also small fruits, currants and berries. Located on part Lot 2, Con. 17, Grey. Township. Price $1200. cash. Will be sold immediately as owner hoe purchased a farm and must get away.. (}. H. HO 1D, Welton. Specials -THIS WEEK Regular $ 1.00 Fleece Shirts $, ' 1.50 Heavy grey ribbed Shirts and Drawers '.79c $ 2.50 Black Overalls $ 1.89 $ 2.75 Boys Bloomers $ 1,89 $1.50 Natural Wool and Cotton Mixed Shirts :79c $ 4.50 Brushed ,Wool Sweaters $ , 2,49' $ 1,75 Ribbed Shirts & Drawers '8 .9 c. 2.00 $ Work Shirts $ 1.39 $10.00 Boys Overcoats to clear at $ 5.98 1$25.00 Men's Overcoats ' $16.75 $20.00 Overcoats $14.50 ;$15.00vercoats 4 $ 9.98 tar These are some 'Real Money Saving Values. , Reduced To .69c • W. D. Hamel MEN'S WEAR .0nes... d