HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-2-4, Page 8The 044,0240 Store Popular Soaps Radio Soap 3 Oakes 25e Jtlntee1 Soap Ahigh grade Snap per- fumed with t h a nnstly Jonteel oder, New price is now only 80c a cake. Rexall Glycerine Soap 2 large cakes for 26c. Palm Olive Soap 3 cakes 25e French Balm 35c bots. Guaranteed -- A Style and Size to Suit You ALLKLENZO PRODUCTS Klenzo Tooth Brushes 85o to OOc each Othet Tooth Blushes 20c, 25e and tip Klenzo Tooth Paste 35c Tubes Whitens the Teeth 'Melo ds are gaining irf favor all the time be. caaee of theta' efl'ec- Overteae In soothing and healing irritated throats. 26e boxes Magna- laic 66.1 & $1 00 bots, Bexall Orderlies 25 1 c and 50c Motets Bot Also the large Tube containing twice Water Fur chapped the amount -50e"1'ubrs and hands Bottles face. Will Kienzo Antiseptic j 4150 smooth the 35c bots. .Agood mouth wash and akin, up F. R. SMITH The ,'S S Store Druggist and Stationer coal liebas Items BREAD has advanced to ire a loaf in town. SUNBEAM Trio tonight (Wednesday at 'l own Hall SKATING is on the program on the river below the bridge. MEMBERS of the I 0 0. F. have started practising Carpet Be.'ls Other fraternal Societies had better look our. JOHN WRIGHT, who takes a live inter- est in roses and glad,„ Is preparing for next season's display. If you are inter. ested see his advt. in this issue THuasDAY INsTEaD OF WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK. -The Pubic Library will be open Tbursday evening of this week instead of Wednesday as usual. This o ly applies to this week and the public will kied'y take notice. THURSDAY evening of last week Mrs, I, Parker's Class of Young ladies was royally entertained at the Parsonage by Miss Mary Clarke. who is also a mem ber of this or anizttion. A varied and interesting program was enjoyed, fol- lowed by a well prepared lunch. CARD or THANKS.—We wish to say bow grateful we are to alt who were so kind and helpful during the brief illness and demise of our mother,—Mrs. Wm. Robinson. They will be treasured as bright places in dark experiences. gratefully, THE ROBINSON FAMILY. Stanley TUESDAY of this week,Rut- ledge, a former Brusselite, underwear an operation far appendicitis at Owen Sound hospital. He is seriously ill, we are sorry to hear. List August he had an operation but did not gain following it as was hoped. Better word will be welcome to relatives and friends, Snowmobile Visits Brussels,— The snowmobile; built by the Ford Co., at London, paid Brussels a visit on Tues- day evening and gave a demonstration around town. The car left London last week sand came up to Seaforth, then on to Clinton, Goderich and up the lake shore road to Owen Sound. The back Wheels have the caterpillar effect and in place of the front wheels are the sleds. At a Ripe 015 Age. — Tuesday of this week an old and well' known resi- dent of Brussels and locality, in the person of Mrs". James Ferguson, passed away to her reward. She had been• ,making her home with her daughter, i Mrs. G. A. Best, Brussels, for some time. Mrs. Ferguson was in her 89th year and had been a hearty woman and enjoyed good health. Other re- fetenmade will be ade next week. • Up to press time funeral arrangements had not been made. New rates for m they or ders went into effect in the Canadian postal service this mouth. The new rates, which apply to Canada and a certain specified list of other countries are slightly in ad- vance of the old in the case of the lower priced orders, but there is no material change. The rates are as follows : On orders up to 85, 5 cents. and 2 cents war tax additional. Over $5 and up to Sao, 7 cents, and 2 cents war tax additional, Over $lo and up to $30, 12 cents, any 2 ceuts War lex additional, Over $30 and ho to;$5o, 15 cents, Rode cents war tax additional, Over $50 and up to $6o, 20 cents, and 4 nente war tax ad ditional, Over $6o and up to $ton, as cents, and 4 cents war tax additional, Following are the countries to Which the rAtes apply : Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Britten Guiana; British Houdura, Cayman Islands, Dom• Mica, Gros/Ida.;emoted, Montserrat, Nevis, Newfoundland, St, Vinoebt, Tobago, Trinidad, Turks Christopher St, mitts), St, Lucia Islands, and the Virgin' Islands. • JANUARY rg25 ptsoed wi hoot a ;haw. ANNUAL met bug of Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co, nix- Wednesday at Gorrie. More Winter?—Monday was Candle- ) mas Day and the bear saw his shadow. Does it mean 6 more weeks of winter? Sunbeam Trio Tonight—Sunbeam Trio Wednesday evening of this week, in the Town Hall, •under auspices of ' the Women's institute. Their Ishi- i gram is novel and attractive, • Home Baking and Valentine Tea— Saturday afternoon of next week the Young People's League of the Metho- dist church will hold a Sale of Home- anade Baking at Miss Hingsston's Mil- linery store. .A Valentine Tea will be, served, to cost 14 cents. See the advt. IDa, P25KE5, of Wingbam, has reonmod hlo weekly vfaita to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, Swerxz Pekin dretro and 2 ducks. Phone6416 PRANK LrTTLY. FOR Same -a grade Durham sows, freshen eat lyin Maroh. Phone8514 A. MOKas, Ethel.. WANTED -Some one to do finally washing regularly. Apply Phone 70 580 wn,Lbuy a Grade Jersey Cow, doe to freshen In about 2 Weeks. Cao return if not satisfactory G A DAADMAN PoosesoN wanted to do general hone° work. Apply at Ten Pose. Fos RAL0,—One Short Horn Bull, nine months old. Apply to Jona R. Lemarsa, R. R. 1. Walton, Ont, Ton KBnIRE Hog for service Terme 51 00 50•tt R. WILBP-E, Grey. CoLLTE PUPS for sale .Phone 500 Aram Nichol, Rh Con. Morrie, Annual Meeting—Mekville Church (held its annual meeting on: Tuesday af- ternoon when the various reports of Church Organizations were presented along' with those of the Church Treas- urer. There was a good attendance of members. Stuck in Snowbank. — Saturday night's evening train was stuck in a snow blank near Fergus for sometime and did not arrive In Brussels until af- ter midnight, A snowplow dame up from Palmerston about 10 o'clock to open up the road. Sale of Cattle.—Auction s ale of young cattle and cows will be held Sat- urday afternbon of this week, at the 'Central Sale stables, Brussels, at 1.30 o'clock. Bills and advt. give particul- ars. M. Lowe is the Proprietor and D. M, Scott, the Auctioneer. C. N. R. Appointments,- -,G, A. Baker, of Palmerton, has been appoint- ed Superintendent of Tracks on the C. N. R. there, ,taking the place of R. Davey, who Is retiring on pension. The appointment was effective Monday. Thomas Sampson, of Londesboro, is appointed Superintednent of Track on the Newton, Kincardine and Durbilnl sub -division in Mr, Baker's place. Is Keeping Well.—A letter from our old friend B. Gerry, Fort William, now in Ills 92nd year, says he is keeping fairly well, but lonesome since Mrs. Gerry was laid away. Thurso Is now the ,Nome manager and getting along nicely. A maid does the work as Thurso is engaged most of the time in looking after "The Infant Welfare" duties, of her position, Buried Here Wednesday.'— The funeral of the late Mrs. John Cardiff was held from 5t. John's Church, B-tus seas, on Wednesday afternoon upon the arrival of afternoon train. Rev. Mr. Lewin, Rector, conducted the ser- vices. Pallbearers were;—IMefssrs, Nelson end Fred, sons of deceased; li. Bartliff, sun -in-law; Elston Cardiff, Will Cardiff and Jas, Rryens. Interment was made in Brussels Cemetery, Many old friends' attended seryioe at 'the ahuneh, SUM and Nut Ooa,11 Just arrived, G. R. Weller Brusselso Skating Party,—The Young People's Society of Melville Church held a sic- cessful skating party at the rink. on Tuesday evening. Will Celebrate in Brussels, — The Orange Celebrationof t'he 12th of July will be celebrated in 'Brussels this year. C'onrinfttees are already at work, preparing plans for the coming event, Egg Grading.—Mr, Morrison; of the Government Department, ,Was 4n tows last week interviewing some of tae merchants in regards to the govern- ment regulations es to egg grading and the selling of „ame, The Post understands that most of the mer- chants are about ready to stop buying eggs and allow Produce Merchant to handle same, but no definite action has been taken yet. The ,merchants de- clare that this w111 'be the only satis- factory way If the government regula- tions are to be enforced.' Plowmmen's Entertainment.—There was a big crowd and a fine time at the. Plowmen's Entertainment in the Town Hail, Brussels, last Friday evening. President R. L. McDonald, was in he chair. Following a varied program'of musical and literary numbers Jahn King, M, P., North Huron, was called upon for an address. He dealt with the question of Senate reform and threw some hot shot at this august body that they perhaps would not regard as entirely complimentary. Mr. King thinks Senate improvement will come when partyyolitics is eliminated. An old time dance followed the Con- cert. Tasty lunch was served. A neat sum was passed into the treasury of the Plowmen's Association for future service. Will. Erect Modern Business Block— The Fort Frances Times of Jan. 29th, makes the following !announcement, which refers to a former citizen, and al brother of Reeve Baeker: — Fort Frances is to have another substantial modern fire proof brick business block added to the splendid buildings on Scott St, G. G. Baeker well known druggist will erect a fully modern block on the corner of Scott and Mow- at directly across Portage Ave., from the Masonic Block. C. W. Chivers, architect of the City of Winnipeg has bad the preparation of the plans, and has designed a block that will be not spay a credit to Mr. Baeker but also to the town. The building wild be of solid brick construction, and of fire £proof design throughout. It will oc- cupy 25 feet on Scott with a depth of 62 feet on Portage. The structure will be two stories In height witlh a commo- dious full sized basement. The front will be ornamental in Hie and stone in lintels and openings. The building will have an up-to-date hot water system of heating, and fully modern plumbing. The second door will be fitted up as an apartment. In the design of this nothing bas, been omitted in the finish. Oak trim t'hrou'ghout and oak floors. An electric fireplace will be anattract- ive feature of he living rooms. The John East to., Ltd., have secured the contract having bid against four Win- nipeg firms on the cost. The con- tract calls for the building to be ready for occupancy by July 1. The first Boor will be occupied by Mr. Baeker for his growing drug business, and will be fitted in keeping with the splendid building he will occupy. The erection of thisubstantial sub to !sal blockon this corner will add much to the architectural aspect of the street and town, tt t3 1 People We Talk About 1 tt Barrister Sinclair has been among the la grippe victims, Councillor George Muldoon has been having a bout with the "flue." Rev. Mr. Tate, the well known Blue - vale Presbyterian Minister, was In tows; on Monday, Fred, McCriscken has gone 0 Lind. say for his annual visit with relatives and friends. W. A. Greater was taking a few ,holidays this week owing to a touch of la grippe. Archie Ballantyne was a visitor with his cousin Kenneth Roberton at Clin- ton last week. W. H. Maunders has not been en- joying his customary good health but we trust he will soon regain his usual vigor. Mrs. M, Yolleck has gone to New York city to visit her brother, M. Mat wes, and may spend a month there. Mrs. E. Scanllebury and child ren, George and Gertrude, Stratford, were recent visitors with the formei's parents, Geo. and Mrs, Hanley, Queen street, Brussels. S. B. Stothers, Co. Aga Representa- tive, was in town last Thursday and Frida,v attending t'he special meet- ings in connection with the Short Course. .. Reeve A. C. Baeker is combining business and pleasure at Toronto this week. Co Treasurer Lane and Co. Engineer: Patterson are his companions in the Queen 'City, Walter Lowry is confined to . his bed, suffering from rheumatism. He had been ill with the "flue" 'previous to this attack. His old friends hope for •a speedy recovery. Dalt. and MrS. McDonald, Galt, spent the week end with the former's mother, MrS. Robt, Kerr, Mr, Mc- Donald 111d keen at London attending. the meeting of the Shriners and came up here for a short visit. HIS old Mends were slid io tee hIsn, 5 BANKING FIFTY YEARS The Business 'of Agriculture ' FARMING is more than an oc'Cupt- tiolta it is a highly cOnnitereialized • lousiness which requires careful planning and thoughtful e;cectllion, Bountiful production is necessary but mods effort is wasted unless the business of disposing at the year's output Is' pro- perly managed. In erns -ducting the Dual' Hess of the farm the Standard Bank can play 'a prominent ,and useful part, Con- sult the manager and learn how true co- operation between banking and agricult- tire 'builds a more prosperous community. THE - STANDARD BANK OF CAINTADA. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager A farmer Brusselite was here last week in the pea'son of Wm, X. Wright, who. left here 39 years, ago for the Auction Selo. West. He is a brother of.Mrs.(De.) Graham then of town now in Tor-. • Auction Sale onto. Mr. Wright has travelled over considerable territory and is now en- gaged in ranching in horses and cattle in the Weyburn locality. While he missed many familiar faces of the long ago he was quite pleased to find same of the boys of the old' brigade, among them Messrs. Sinclair, Strachan, -Scott, Gerry, S'tretton, etc, He was surprised to meet a former friend of the West in the person of Rev. J. P. McLeod, pastor of Melville Church, Brussels, with wham},Jse was able to review the past. Mr. Wright says he will hope to be able to flake a look -in on Brussels more frequently for auld acquaintance. sake. He visited Dr, and Mrs. Graham in the Queen City and found them quite smart, BRUSSELS COUNCIL Council met Monday evening with Reeve Baeker in the chair and Coun- cillors Hewitt, Bowman and Armstrong. present. Councillor Muldoon was ab- sent through illness. Minutes of last meeting was ,read and confirmed on motion of Council- lors Hewitt and Bowman. The following accounts were order- ed to -be paid on motion of Counciliors, Hewitt and Bowman. Bensons -Wilcox Co, electric sup - piles $69.76 Municipal World, supplies 26.93 A. J. Somers, snowplowing 2.25 Morrish Clothing Co, (M. Nichol) 19.90 Ed. Henderson filling pitch -holes and snowplowing . , , 4.40 Ro:bt. Farrow, filling pitels-holes 1.25 G. R. Weller, account 34.25 Thos. Kellington,-.rep, sidewalk, 1,50 G. McNichol, repairing bell rope .50 C. R. Davidson, snowplowing moving fire engine .... 6.20 There were three applications for the position of Assessor:—Messrs, A. McGuire and Elmer Ewan, Brussels, and G. Krauter, Ethel. Mr. Davidson was present to dis- cuss with the Council, his account for tile and ditching, Which had been laid over forone ' s n time. Council settled account by paying $20.00. There were letters from Wm. Stret- ton and Arthur Sykes, re Flax Mill. The Clerk will write to Mr. Stretton and the Reeve will interview Mr. Sykes at Toronto. Mr. George A. Manners spoke on behalf of the Orangemen,, asking for ;the privileges of the Park and the streets for the 12th of July celebra- tion t S h sear. motion i Y on Gf. Coun- cillors Bowman and Hewitt, the Conn- ell ganted the request of Mr, Manners The Tax Roll was returned to the Collector for one month on motion of •Councillor Armstrong and Hewigtt. !Root. Thueil asked Council about the account of Mrs. Thuell, which was rendered sometime ago. The matter will be discussed by a full Council. Council adjourned until Friday even- ing, 6th inst., to deal with the question -of Assessor and other ;natters, on motion of Councillors Hewitt and Bowman. Pitrrn of Cliff. Johnston, 4th Con. , Howick, has been leaked by Albert McDowell,, New bridge, for 2 years. Stephen Brown, formerly of Con. 9, Howick, died at Ooebetton, on Jan, , 24, in his 87th year, H, S. Holmes, the veteran station agent of the C. N R. at Acton, has been in the employ of the ,company for fifty-four years. He has just re- ceived a life pass for himself and wife over all lines of the railway, also a note of appreciation of his •long set, vice from- the president, Sir Henry Thornton, Mr. Holmes is a native of Goderich, heir* the eldest eon of the late "Dan" Holmes, f0r.years con- ductor out the Buffalo and Goderich Railway, That "railroading" rune in the family is shown by the fact that two sons of Mr, Holmes are railway employees in Toronto, while his broth- er is yard engine driver at Winnipeg. ,BORN FnSFEtAN.—At Batterala, Ontario, en January a0tk,1025, to Dr, Norman and Mrs, Free. mnnee Milo Gortruda Deadman, Hens• 0510.'5 -Inghter--Evolve Mary. Ss'nso o -In Gray toWnnhto, on January 26th • 1025, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Spoken, a daughter --Laura Jenna- - - AUCTION SALE TannnsAY FEB Sbh.-Farm Stook, Mole. menta As, Lot 25, Con, 14, Gray Townehnlp Rale ill -p. m, Geo. H. Hart, Prop, James Tnvlor, Ana. IliosoAy Fan. 0.•-m ,! Faritanic, Implements, &c., Lot iii, Con 14, Grey' Townahlp lisle at 1 r. In. Wm. Ziegler, Prop. D, M. Scott, Atte. W coos RADA r, Pena nA av 1) mit,-Farm stook, Int lomeeb ,household furniture, &c, North at Lot 20, 8th Line, Glorris,Twp , (Gee, McCall rm). Sale dnreserved, et hp, m, sharp, T, B0011, Prop, 113, M. 800tl, Atto. Of Farm $tock, Implements, Grain, Hay, etc, D. M. Scott, Auctioneer, -has been instructed -to sell 'at Lot 1S, Coin, 14,Grey Township, on Friday, Feb, 6th, at t p.m. sharp the following propertys.1 Olyde horse rising 5 yrs; 1 Brown Percheron mare, rising 4 yrs; (both good single or double); 1 gray Percheron colt rising 2 years; 1 Dur- ham cow, rising 6, due May 1; 1 Jer- sey cow rising 5 due April 15; 1 Dur- ham cosy rising 5, due. March. 10; 1 Red sow due April 45. 1 dry cow; 1, two-year old heifer, due June •1i 3 steers, rising .2 years; 1 steer, rising one year; 1 York Sow, due March 20; About 75 one-year old Ronk hens; 1 Massey Harris Binder, 6 ft, cut nearly new; 1 Massey Harris Mower, nearly new; 4 Massey Harris side delivery rake and tedder combined nearly new; 1 McCormick Hay loader, nearly. new; 1 John Detre, one furrow riding plow; 1 Cookshutt, 03 -disc drill; 1 Fluery walking plow; 1 dump rake; 1, 46 -inch plate Disc; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 1 set of 4 -section Diamond Harrows; a scufiler; 1 Clover Leaf manure s,preed- er; f 'cylinder hand corn cutter; t flat rack with car; 1 hay fork, car, rope, pulleys and Slings; 1 double walking plow; 1 top buggy; 1 buggy gear; 1 cutter; 1 Bain wagon; 1 set bob sleighs; 1 stock rack; 1 Clinton fanning still with sieves; t- set harass mounted double breeching harness; 1 set piow harness; 1, 2000 1b. truck scales; 1 Melotte Cream Separator; 1 Daisy churn and butter bowl; 1 D. Aloore cook stove; 20 grain bags; 2 set double trees; 2 neckyokes; 1 turnip pulper; t ' good cutter pole and whifletree; about 20 tons of hay; about 400 bus. Oats, fit for seed; about 50 'bus. of Buck- wheat; forks, chains and other articles ton numerous 1o' mentions. All to be sold without reserve as Proprietor. has I rented his farm. Terms—All sums of 810 and under cash; -over that. amount 9 months credit allowed on approved joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent given off for cash. Land owners for security. Grain and hay to be cash. D.M. Scott, Auctioneer; Wm. J. Ziegler Proprietor.- AUCTION SALE An unrserved Auction Sale of Farm Stock and implements, etc. Holman Sc Vandrlck, have received instructions from Thos, Inglis, Lot32-33, Con. 14, Township of Grey, to sell by Public Auction on Wednesday, Feb, 18111 1925 at 12 o'clock sharp, the following; — Horses—I' gray horse 5 years old; 1 gray mare 6 years old; 1 matched span bay mares rising 4 and 6 years;l black mare 4 years old; 1 black mare 3 year s old; 1 driving mare. 'Cattle-20 choice Holstein dairy cows, supposed in calf; 3 heifers 3 years' old, supposed in calf;. 1 heifer 3 years old with heifer calf et foot; 1 choice Durham Bull Pigs— York sow, with litter at fool; i York Sow due time of sale; 1 choice Tamworth sow due in Mareh;.5 young York saws due In Mttrch; 28 shoats weight about 500 lobs. Poultry- About 150 hens; 2 ducks and 1 drake, implements—t Frost & Wood binder, 7 ft. cut; 2 Frost & Wood mowers 5 ft. cut; 1 Frost & Woot1 Hey loader; 1 Keystone side rake; 1 Deering duanp rake; 1 Disc harrow; 1 John Deere Manure Spreader; 2 Planet Jr., horse corn scuftlers; 1 walking scuftler; t land roller; 1 set .harrows; 1 riding o'low; 2 walking plows; 1 gang,plosv; 1, 12 -hose seed drill; f stiff tooth cult!- vkator; 1 spring tooth cultivator with seed box; i Massey Harris hay tedder; 3 wagons, one nearly new; 1. bight wagon; 1 new gladder 25 feet; 1 road cant; 2 steel top haggles; 1 cutter; d set sleighs, 1 with box;; 2 hay racks; 2 wagon .boxes; 1 gravel box; 1 set scales 2000 lbs.; 1 Chatham mill with bagger; 1 set stings and ropes; Sarnia fence stretcher; 1 wheel barrow; f 'grind stone; 1 sugar kettle; about 100 cedar posts; 1 set Stewadt Machine Clippers; 1 set hand clippers; quantity wood;; grain bags.. Harness -3 sets double harness; 2 sets single harness; 1 set horse blanket's, Hay and Grain— Quantity of hay; about 300 bus, fiats; about foo bus. Seed Barley. House- hold Effects -4 Simplex Separator, 700 lbs.; 6tnilq cans; milk pails; churn• butter bowl; washing machine and wringer; sideboard; chlairs; 2 bedsteads spring and mattress; 1 table; 1 kitchen range; 1 cook stove; hanging lamp; forks, chains, shovels, hoes and a host of other .things too numerous to men - "tion. Terms—A41'susns of $10.00 and under cash; over that amount nine months credit will be Riven on furnish- ing approved joint notes + or a discount of 5% per annum off on credit a- mounts. Land owners for security. Thos. lnsglis, Proprietor' R, R. No. 1, Monkton; Holman and l Fulton, Clerks; W, Jfolhian and F, Vaadriek, AuctionSOL - ox9s Drug• Store Ther .J ► ; - Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Every Day is Somebody's Birthday 1'Vo have a'oipFe line of Htrl7i• day Oards and 13ooktete Go choose froth. Thermom- eters No home io g. u" tfe safe without a re- liable T if a r- It rnometar,' We �I carry a gond ;( stock and our l half minute ' Thermnmet e at $t 25 is very special • seri Forceful Laxatives Are No Longer Necessary Il you are accustomed lensing forceful lusotives os colhsrttes, you con'brcak away from this impiand ack the bewel action to a nprtnolt bring condithion;, 0 or nearly so, by theuse of Wampole's\ MAGNOLAr in apPMraole and taste Magnolas la pleasant and polatoble• It 1,0 Stable combination of Mineral Oa with Milk of Magnesia -embodying the virtue. of 10th, It softens and lubricates the contents of the bowels, 004,501 mutual ovavao. 11 lion without discomfort or griping, 11 Wompole'a Montle, anises ninthly with milk, 11 .and may be given In the way to 1,50,1 and very a young children ,,,. 8foz, Site 50. 20 -oz, Size, 51.00 For that Pat Cold - we )levo Quinine Capsules Aspirin Tshidta' Bromo-Quinine laxative Cold , Breakers and the old reliable Blood' Boot Cough Cure Fur that Acid Trouble in your stom- ach have you ever tried our "Dyspepsia t Remedy i We have been selling t his I Remedy got a I number of yrs, past with very 1 fine results. HAVE YOtl SHE THROAT ? Penalar Sore Throat Gargle will cure you, 25e the bottle, Any Croup in Your Home ? Penslar Croup Remedy is the MIST, 25c per bottle, Tooth Piste For a 25c Tube Penslar .. F -AX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispenlers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER AUCTION SALE OP FAR0T STOOK, MIME.At arise, Fromm an, &o -D M. Scott, Ano. noncar, has received inatruotlono from the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at North i of hot 20, Con. 8 of Morrie (Geo. Mo.. Cell Farm.) Wedne,.dsy February filth, 1026, of 1'p• m, sharp :-1 bay horse riotng 7 years old 1060 weight, 1 boy horse 10 years phi 1000 weight: 1 aged driving snare (quiet.) 1 cow 0 yearn old duo at time of ante. 1 red cow 0 years old due at time of sale, 1 cow 6 years old dna Moy 8rd, 1 cow 10 sears old with e110 at foot, 'cow 4 years oil salved 2 months, 1 better rIo- ing 2 years doe March 20th• 1 steer rising 2 veers old, 2 Letters rising 2 years old, 8 spring calved. 1 bull coll..' belt 2 months old, I sow to litter February 20th, 1 sow to litter May 0th, 8 chunk! 10 weeks old, 12 tons of hny. 175 young chirkeos mostly Barred Rocks, 1 Maw •ees-Harris binder seven foot with truck, 1 Massey -Herrin cultivator thirteen 10011,1 Mate ay-Harrle Mae, 1 Massey -Harris plower six toot cut,1 Wisner 10 bone drill, l bay rake, 1 wagon 2jb inch tire,1 set of 4 Diomond hart rows, 1 rubber tired buggy.. 1 set sleighs, 1 Fleury walking plow, l miller, 1 flat rack, 1 stook reek, 1 hay fork, ear, rope and pulleys, 1 sling Cork, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set heavy Brach. ing harness (new,) 1 set single driving harness, I Maple Lear cross out saw (new) 54 ft., 2 iron bedsteads with florin ga and mattresses, l dress• er and washstand, 1 conch, l Bet living roan fur- nnture, 1 kitchenenbinet, t sewing machine, 1 large exteealon table, 0 kitchen °hofrs, 1 rook. Mg 1 rnngFe nearly new, 1 oil stove (Stan. Aird make) with oven, 4yds, kitchen linoleum, 1Magnet dream Separator (nearly new.) 1 rlmrn and butter bowl,. 2 galvanized wash tubs, whiflf'etree•l,.ncok yoke, retire, abovels, hoes, °Maine, pails and numerous other 5051,,• Ina A15 soma of 10 dollar,''or Under cash, 8 months credit given on approved joint note. A discount of 0% per antrum on credit amounts. D. 61. SCOTT,:T. E SO Anotioneer. Proprietor. p/sv Curr. -In Goderlah, en Jennery 28th, 1826, James Cutt, in his 08th year. FBnouanis.-Il Brussels on February 8rd, 1025 Elizabeth Stilleben, widow of the late James Ferguson, in her 8011 year. GaTEvr.-In Morris township, on February and, 1025 Ellen Henderson, widow of Lite lata Jelin Grieve, in her 74th yank.. rPE„Oo -I0 M1nnetipons, Minn , on January 2511. 1016 ,lames Spence, formerly of Eth- el Out., aged 50 'genre, 8 months and 6 days. TAYLO11.-In Blyth, out Monday, Feb. 2, 1026. Uhriatlua Bain, aged 01 years, rollot of the late Rev. J. B. Taylor, Auction Sale of 25 Head of Cattle ttl Younga e andColds i At the Central Sale Stables BRUSSELS Saturday, February7th 11130 o'clock ; —7 Steers and4 ei er H f a -1 Fresh Cow with Calf at foot, —8 Cows duo in February, —8 Cows due in March, —8 Cows due in April. TERMS -0 mouths creditallowed on approved joist notes or a discount of 4. per cent given off for cash. MILTON LOWE, M D. M. SCOW, Luc. c Proprietor. Pr rtetor. n Tenders Wanted The Municipal Connell of the Townol,jp of Greg are asking for tenders for the eonetruot•. Ion of tho Banna-Collin drain. Tenders will be received up to and Including2ebranry 711. Pions and specifications may be' seen nt the 01erk'o ofllee: Certified ohegeo for 20% to ac- company tender. No tender necessarily no - canted. J. H. FEAR, Ethel P. 0. Clerk Groy Township, SHOES Having decided to go into the Shoe Businees I have put in a nice line of up-to-date Footwear for Ladies, Men and Boys, Also a nice -line of Rubbers and Gol- oshes of all sizes for everyone and would ask the pub - tic to call and inspect them. Whey will be sold at mod- erate prices. Men's Furnishings As advertised before my stock of Men's Fur'ilellinge will be sold Al OUST ,in order to snake room and will discontinue same. Will )uenj,ion a few lines that will save you money :—Men's Heavy • Sweater Coats, also Ladies' and Ohildt'en's • Ladies' Neck Scuttle ; Men's Pajtmas, Work Shirt%, Overalls, Smocks, Heavy Pante and Underwear foe Men and Boys ; Beautiful Neckwear and Men's Fine Shirts. Foregoing goods will save you money for Christman Shopping, —Also a Great Saving in Girls' Coats which must be sold rele s of price; gar s Reg. Now Reg. Now 1 slap 10 Fut. Collar Coat $12 50 $0 60 1 MED 10 01011, 0 at $ 9 a 00 $6 60 l sf • 10 ()loth Coat 10.00 7 OU : l sign 12 Cloth Coat 12 00 860 1 size 12 Olnth Coat 11 76 8 00 1 elite 8 Cloth Coat 960 6 00 1 size 12 Cloth Coat 12 00 8 00. R o r •.. r C ER GusoN y` A'0 t