The Brussels Post, 1925-1-28, Page 7fficient Farming
A story recently filtered in of an
eviction sale when n grain drill which
led been in use for thirty yearn sold'
for $41, A neighbor of the famiUY.
'holding the sale bought the drill. He
had used it mid knew that it was well,
worth the money.
That machine had'level' been allow-
ed to stand aroundin the .fleld'or in
the barnyard. It had always, been
kept under cover,
At the same sale, which was bald by
the widow of the late Cheeks Stein, a
twenty -four-year-old corn binder sold
for $99; a two -bottom gang plow
which had seen fifteen years of ser-
ervice brought $45;--a nineteen -year-old
farm wagon brought $80; a sixteens'
year-old fanning mill sold for $20; a
twenty -five-year-old side delivery hay!
rake sod for $50; a twenty-seven-
year-old hay loader sold for $37, and
the old family car which had been in.
use for nine years brought $100. 1
It is significant that some of this
machinery brought more at public'
auctidn and after many years of use,
than it cost. Stein in the beginning..
Most of the machinery was purchased!
by neighbors who knew what they
were buying. They knew that Stein
always took the best kind of care of
all his equipment, and the principal
'care he gave his farm machinery was
shelter and plenty of oil
In these days of high-priced build-
ing material it might not be advisable
to rush headlong into the construction
of an e.aborate impmement shed, al-
though it might very well prove a pro-
fitable investment 'if there ` is very
much machinery to be housed. But
there are a great many places'wbere
▪ farm machinery can be sheltered if
Just a little thought and consideration.
is given to the problem.
Very few barns are so designed that
there is absolutely no waste space.
Much of this waste space might be
utilized for machinery storage.. A lit-
tle work in preparing the machinery
for storage may bo necessary, but
much can be done along this line.
Aisles and alleyways in barns and
granaries are often used for storing
a grain drill or a `mowing machine.
Perhaps grrly one stored in
a space which might well accommodate
three to four if they were properly'
stored. It isn't much of a job to re-
move the tongue from a mower or a
grain drill and then move them up
'closely together. The space taken up
by thetongue of a mower will very
easily accommodate a grain drill and
a hay rake. The bolts boldine the
tongues in place can be replaced in
their respective places, the nuts turn-
ed on loosely and a tag, Iabelling from
which maehine the tongue has been
talon, slipped over a bolt -head, The
tongues may then be placed against
the well or stored up among the raft.
ors, completely out of the way.
Wagons which are that going to be
used during; the winter months can bo
just as really stored "by dissembling
The boxes can be swung up overhead
in the barn and the removal of n bolt
or two will take the running gears all
apart, It's just a nice rbiny day job
to take a wagon apart, grease the
skeins and put the parts away, and it
will be well worth the:. time,' for many
wager's which would be stored away
in a dry place if taken apart are left
out in the weather all winter long
simply because there isn't space for
them under a roof.
It is much easier to keep bolts and
nuts drawn up tight if the implements
are taken apart occasionally, for in
this way one will encounter the loose
bolts, whereas, if the machines ere
never given an inspection, bolts will
drop out completely and become lost
and scorer or later Make their lack
known by a serious smash-up.
T reea,l a visit I made to a farms?
at one time. This man had no rea
implement shed, but be took nearly all
of his machinery apart every winter
and gave it a thorough overhauling
and a coat of paint. He found it much
easier to paint the various parts than.
to paint the machine intact, and he
was using old machinery which his.
father had used years before.
He took all of bis wagons apart once
a year and soaked the felloes and hubs
in hot linseed oid for several hours.
He painted the tongues and double.
trees with hot oil and stored. them
among the rafters in his shop. His
equipment was like new. The wagon
boxes were given an annual scrubbing
and a coat of varnish, and one old
wagon that he had used for nineteen
years still bore the name of the wagon
and the dealer from whom he. had pur-
chased it. The wagon would have
brought considerably more than he
gave for it nineteen years before. It
was worth more, and just a little care
and shelter had made that possible.
And the shelter had been nothing more
than a utilization' of waste space in
several of the farm buildings. e
Let us use more of this space on
which we are paying interest and rent.
We pay for the space whether we use
it or not, and that space can be made
to return good dividends in longer life
and more efficiency in our farm equip-
ment. Few of us ever get out of a
farm implement all of the value that
the manufacturer builds into it. Wo
can easily get fifty per cent. more
with just about two per cent. extra
effort. _ That's certainly worth while.
The Sunday boo' Le on
The Vine and the Branches, J
--lie that abideth in me,
eth ]Forth much fruit, —Jo
AND WS Mullen, 1•'6,
INTRODUQTION -- Jesus, continuing•
.his great discourse in the Upper
Room, now explains what is meant by
his eternal presence with his people, th
Ile employs e parable, or rather the
allegory of a vine and its branches,
and says that his true followers will
be to him what the breeches or ten-
drils of the vine are to the main stock,
He will live in his faithful disciple',
and they will live in him. AU their
power, , their capacity for service,
their success will flow to them from
him. As we might say, using modern
language, the Church stands in
orpomie relation to the living Lerd.
oho 15; 1-27. Golden Text
and I in him, the same bring-
souls that lose contact with Christ are
no better than the rubbish of a vine-
yard, with which people can do nos
thing but burn it,
V, 7, Abiding in Christ meane :�at-
ting Christ's teaching have its proper
place in our life. When we do go, it
makes prayer tor great things pes-
sible. Only an obedient, consistent
disciple can truly pray for the great-
est things, but such a diecip:e wt,lcal-
ways be sure of an answer, Thus pre-
vailing prayer is the first' fruit of
result of abiding in Christ.
Vs. 8, 9. Tho next result will be the
consciousness of the Saviour's love,
The Father in heaven ieglorified when
the followers of Jesus give evidence of
faithful service, and .the love whih
flows firm him to Christ will also
In Matthew 28;18-21 the last com- descend in blessing on the faithful
nrission of Jesus to his disciples is disciples of Christ. One object of dis-
given in the words: "All power is ciples will be to maintain an unclouded
� given unto me, in heaven and in earth. sense of the love of Christ in the
Miss Christabel Pankhurst, of London, internationally known orator and Go ye, therefore, and teach- all na- heart.
Bible lecturer, Is now in New York, which to her first stop In an American tions ... teaching them to observe V 10. The disciple will always have
all the things whatsover I have conn this unclouded sense of the Saviour's
1 and Canadian tour. mended you, and, lo, I am with you kindness if he observes his command-
alway even until to end of the merits, that is, if he is earnest, loving,
put everything in a safe place, Some. world." We may take the present rinse esh, patient, kind.
- J
A farmer. who is rated as more than
ordinarily intelligent and progressive
came into my office to talk over get-
ting a loan.•He was buying an adjoin-
s ing farm and needed a few thousand
dollars. As he was in a hurry .for
the money, my first question was as
to his abstract' of title.
He scratched his head in despair.
"It's somewhere about home, but
where?" was his ejaculation. "Blamed
if I know. P11 ask Mary."
i . From the delay,, he and Mary must
have bees an a par about knowledge
of their possessions, for it was not to
• be found and a new one had to be
made in a hurry. A valuable docu-
ment costing perhaps' $50 had been
mislaid hopelessly.
There are people who come in with
rat -chewed, rain -beaten, pocket -soiled,
tattered legal documents, and unblush-
ingly- spread them out for people,
whose time is valuable, to decipher.
One client took from a dirty pocket a
tobacco -stained document and without
apology thrust it into the hands of the
The abstracter was an elderly man
:with failing eyesight and it was al-
most impossible to erase enough of the termine the value of blood. Many a order to produce better results. And Mediterranean area, be Algeria and
4 /24 belt �
Cold weather is not a handicap to
egg production as it stimulates the ap-
petite and a hen, to lay heavily, must
be a heavy feeder. Endurance is nec-
essary to stand up under the heavy
feeding and make a good record for
the year. The average hen of the
heavy breeds goes broody four times
per year and some may go broody nine.
times. A hen loses twenty days, or
about a Anzen- eggs, every time she
goes broody.
The four -finger spread means that
the ovary of the hen is functioning.
The two -finger spread indicates the
bird, is not laying, but may produce
later. Solna crow -headed birds will
Fertility at $100 a Barrel.
n oear ymon so spa year
a bacterial preparation was put on the
market by a Toronto firm` Extravas
gent claims were made regarding the
benefits to be derived from .the use of
this preparations as a crop improver
when applied to the soil. Requests
rom farmers, agricultural represen-
tatives and newspaper publishers were
received asking for an opinion regard -
ng the claims made. In order to com-
ply with these requests it was neces-
sary for the Bacteriology Dept. of the
0.. A. College to make a bacteriological
and chemical analysis of a sample of
the preparation. This was done, with
the following findings: Chemical tests
showed no ammonia, no nitrite and
ro nitrate present.Bacterial cultures
on various solid media showed various
decomposition bacteria and moulds to
be numerous; nitrifying bacteria,
none; nitrogen fixing bacteria, none.
Chemical tests of cultures made in the
necessary specific liquid culture media
sowed ammonification as a' result of
he action of the decomposition bac-
eria but no nitrite nor nitrate forma-
tion nor any nitrogen fixation even
after six weeks' cultivation. In ad -
body may have to settle up your estate allegory of the Vine and the Branches tis, 11, 12. Another result will be
and you want to make it as easy as as unfolding .to us what is involved the joy of the disciples. Christ has
In that commission.
in ssible for that caseour widow Get together children
in In the Old Testament the figure of encouragement ag m nt in order that hioken these words of s fo and
g yourthe vine is often used to picture the
surance policies, contracts, notes, special relation of Israel to God. Israel
mortgages, accounts, bonds, abstracts, is a vine -shoot which God has brought
deeds and all other valuable papers from Egypt, and planted in the Holy
and make them safe. You will never Land for bis own gracious purposes,
regret it, and you may be thankful Psalm 80;8-19. Israel is Codaexperi-
ment in producing the fruits of
righteostsness on earth, Isaiah 5:1-7;
Jer. 2:21, etc. But now, as we see by
the present lesson, the old Israel has
given piece to the new Israel. The
Constitutional vigor is the natural Church of Jesus is the true Israel, the
gtrue vine ef God: God has transferred
inheritance of all fowls, unless they to Christians the task of filling the
havb been enfeebled by injudicious earth with the fruits of righteousness. Vs, 13-17. For what love can com-
breeditlg. Constitutional vigor may I. THE VITAL RELATION BETWEEN JESUS
be maintained by selecting the strong -AND HIS CRUItCR, 1-6. . pare with Christ's in giving his life
est,ehealthiestnand hardiest birds for for men? He has done everything for
V. 1. Jesus, not in himself alone, but his disciples, and so shown them to be
breeders in spring, and by killing off in union with his followers, is "the his "friends." Therefore, he depends
the weak and sickly in the fall. Fresh true vine" of God. The word "true" utterly on their understanding and
blood, frequently introduced, keeps up means that the old Israel possessed their' sympathy. He has not treated
stamina, health and vigor, and enables only the semblance or shadow of the them as "servants." who must be told
the birds to resist sickness and sud- real fruitfulness implied in the .con- everything that they are to do. Ile
den changes of weather Hauch better ception "vine of God." Jesus and his expects them as friends, trusted eonfi-;
than fowls injudiciously bred. followers, who are the true subjects dents, to know their Master's will, and.
The factor of heredity must be roe- of the loving favor of God, represent to make themselves responsible for its
the real faithfulness which God seeks execution on earth. Let them rem-
ognized, and only by intelligent breed- on earth. God is the keeper of the ember, finally. that their strength is
ing along systematic lines can quality vine. H2 is watching over the success not in their choice of him, but in his
be maintained.. The standard of util- of his great new experiment in right- choice of them. He has chosen them
ity is demanded, and to this supreme eousness. to produce results which, but for their
test must all classes of stock be V. 2. If a branch or tendril of the fidelity. could never come into ]wine.
brought. Nothing else will do or en- vine is absolutely fruitless, there is This should be a solemn thought in
dure. No matter how choice the breed- nothing for it but to cut it entirely off. all future days.
in it will be of little worth unless So. Judas, for example, had' to be, THE VINE.
g' dealt with. But even fruit -bearing
backed by utility. This alone can de branches need constant pruning in The. vine grows well throughout th
all the rest of your life for the few
minutes' work.—H. B.
--- 0 -
Fowls Must Be Rugged.
lowers may possess the same delight
in the Father's will as he does. To
experience the joy of a task we must
work at it, and so it will be in Christ's
service. Jesus does not wish his dis-
ciples to face the tasks of life with
something less than love, joy, and
peace in their hearts. He wishes them
to be endowed to the fullest extent
with the best that God can give. Well,'.
they must keep his own supreme ex-
ample of love before them. This alone
will keep them toned -up and efficient
for that which life shall ask of them.
tobacco to make it readable. Even a flock of hens condemned by the breed so loyal disciples of Jesus must ex- Morocco, in Span and Italy and
younger man could hardly have peered er would pay a good profit if given a pect discipline, purification, the loss Greece, in Egypt and Syria. Like the
th h th ' ts
d to t the right h some thingsolive tree, it is .able
g chance. Utility covers the breeder as of, in order to gain otherto live through
1 meaning, and more excellent things. the long six months' drought of the
PROTECT AGAINST FIR'';. t V. 3. This has already happened in summer. It is one of the three or four
� the case of the disciple. "You are al- staple food plants of the Mediterran-
Just why a utile more acre is not A Demand for Small Cheese. tready cleansed or purified," the Mas- can world. They are mentioned in
given to deeds, mortgages, contracts, There is a very large and unsatis-ter says. "through the word which I Psalm 104:15; they are corn (that is,
bhard for me to notes d returned
out aT eevery,•. fled demand for a cheesy of good qua's -'reg s, e by hisoken to solemn teachingou." In rregard- wheatand barley, theydroripen int the
ie figure; its weighing from five to ten pounds. ing the cross and the spiritual nature seeing), and wine and oil (from the
• least every farmer, ought to do is to This has been abundantly demon-, of the kingdom, has smitten to earth oeive tree). The fruit of the vine is
encase each and every valuable docu- stated at the Finch Dairy Station, all their saop•Idly hopes and expecta—used in two ways, as raisins and es
meet separately in a stout manila operated for the past thirteen years tions. Pride and self-seeking have wine. But to -day the vine is not culti-
envelope and write on the outside by the Dairy Branch of the Dontnion lead to go, but only that a nets holy vated in Palestine as it was in Biblical
1 what it contains 0£ course this is Dept of Agriculture. Largelife may 'spring up in their hearts times for only Jews and Christians
roug e n e
well as the breed.
lay at a profit, while others lack con-
stitutional vigor. • The skull of a good
layer is flat en top when the bird
viewed from the front. Hens wit's
masculine heads should be culled out.
Good layers are flat -backed, with h
deep, fiat ribs and they are close' t
feathered. The erose feathered birds t
are apt to be late moulters. A hen may'
moult a primary feather for each
Drooay pextoa• up to aeptemaer ntss d
you can count the new feathers and
determine the times the hen has been'
Crow -headed birds may be caused s
by close breeding, over -crowding, or
poor feeding. They throw slow feat's- 'p
ening chicks, which means low winter
production. That means low annual
production. Over -refined birds lose ••
weight rapidly, they often lay levet- a
dm to the laboratory, test which
anything but favorable to the pre-
paration, plot tests were conducted at
• the Vineland Experiment Station on,
ome crop .plats. The report from
these tests at Vineland shows that
Tots receiving no treatment did as:
well as those that were treated.
Farmers are advised to leave all
wonder working preparations" for
oil treatment alone and to keep their
Loney' in their pockets. until values
re demonstrated by the Agricultural
A 1 ` to Ontario
PP,Y Agricultural i
Tho Bacteriology Dept, of the On -
alio Agricultural College offers ° full
arvice to the farmers of Onterle dui=
ng 1925. .
During 1924 the Bacteriology' Dept.
ant out to farmer applicants legeine
eed inoculations to the atnouut of
458. Lactic culture starters to ;the
mount of 189 were sent out to
Several hundred morbid specimens
poultry, animals, plants and mis-.
ellaneone samples such as milk,
Leese, butter, bee combs, preserves,
oils, silage, etc., were received by: tho
apartment and reported on. Eighty-
ve samples of farm well water were
xamined of which .seventy were eon
mined for pollution.
When ridding medicine to the drink-
g.water for hells, do trot use 'natal
ossols unless they are agate or por-
elain timed, Earthenware water
fishes are' cheep end envoys prefer -
no p
pit does enable other members of the Finch every enr and ]d t for disciples to do is to hold all the the
gr1cu erre.
munition against fire or theft, but; of cheese of this size were made rt' V. 4, Consequently, the one thing make wine and they are a minority in
land- 'Mohammed's followers are
family to recognize ata glance that purchasers,. mostly the consumers time to Christ. Just as a branch bre- required to bo total abstainers. In Old
this is no paper to be burned a house. ken Dr. J. A. com- ken from the vine quickly withers, so Testament days, Palestine was a great
cleaning•time. i Ruddick, all life and happiness dry up in a wine -producing country. Joseph and
i meriting on this phase of the work of soul that Ioses contact with the Mas- Israel are compared to flourishing
• Better still is a tin box that rats; the ,Finch Station, .points out that ter. Surrender to Jesus, fidelity, un- vines, Gen. 49:22; Psalm 80.8. When
and mice` can not invades Any kind, with a little pushing and advertising; Selfishness, are the conditions of spir-a prophet had a vision of happiness
o£ tin box with lid will do, but it is there is almost no limit to the extent. itual succees• and peace of the better days, he saw
I well to have some air -holes in the lid: of business that can be done with r Vs. 5, G. A ;disciple who halls to every man sitting under his own vine
to prevent mustiness in damp weather. I cheese of this class. It requires more Christ produces great results in ser- and under his own fig tree, Miceli 4:4;
I Such boxes are made. especially for vies, because Jesus is the source of Zech. 8:10. On the other hand, men
Pe Y labor' to make the smaller than the "all power." We must think of our knew grape vines that produced sour
I legal papers.
1 regular size of cheese, but this to some work as his work, and not forget hila grapes. When Israel was unfaithful
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. extent is offset by the fact that the in the plans we make for self.' Other- to Jehovah, she was compared to the.
The best plan of all f to put your: email cheese requires no bandaging, if, wise, failure and everlasting loss. wild grape, Isaiah 5:2; Jer. 2:21.
papers in your' own safety deposit � a cold curing room is available. The --- -- --- ---
I box at the bank, along with your Finch Station found no difficulty in The Finch Dairy Station. little over two million pounds. By'
bonds and securities. Even if you obtaining from three to five cents a! 1919, almost five and a half million
1 have no bonds, it pays to put your' Pound more than the current prices' The Finch Dairy Station, owned by
nosy, nuc mature too ear1Y. All early h
maturing Barred Rock pullet at the a
college plant began laying when a lit- c
tle over three months old. The first
sixty eggs she produced were without
market value and weighed about an
ounce each,
A..good producing ;hen will have a
waxy skin on the face and the eye will t
show femininity and character. An s
age of from five to six and a hall r
months is -about right for laying. The
active busy hens stave the laying tem-' s
immanent. The hens should hold the s
pigment, showing that they are re- 6,
ceiving plenty of feed and do trot have a
to draw on their reserves to produce e
the eggs,—IC,
Peel, air-dry and paint the lower c
ends of wood fence -posts with two el
coats of hot creosote and get from s
three to six years Mete life from them. D
Dipping in the creosote ie better, but:der
will cost more, a
Artificial light in the hen house is
not a ,crow idea, Early hi the nine-
teenth century Spanish'farneers tried in
lantern -light to inerea:i' egg produc- v
Mon, an American writer found by c
digging Into Ian old Spanish. book ort d
poultry keeping.; able.
pounds had been received, and lasts
legal documents in a safe box at the1•for a cheese of the Cheddar type, Dr.. the Dominion Dept. of Agriculture` : year, 1924, no less than 11,318,616
bank.' Your. will, and every farmer; Ruddick believes that there Is an op.. and operated under the direction of pounds of milk were handled. During!
should make a will, should also be in r poreenity for owners of many sees, the Dairy Commissioner, bus been lis-! the 'thirteen years of operation the
this box. When you Want to transact I tories to very considerably increaseposed of and will no longer be oiler •output of the station was 1,519,828
business you know exactly where toi their revenue by going into the mak-' Med as a government factory. pounds of cheese, 252,382 pounds of
go for your papers. ing of this class of cheese- I station, acquired in 1912, it is believed, butter, 1,343,882 pounds of cream, and
If fire consumes your.dwelling, and has fulfilled its mission of demon', 3,525,805 pounds of whale milk. The
few country houses are ever saved if The dirty egg 15 more or less an! strating the advantages of a well -!total amot of moue paid to the
they catch fire, you will not have to' outcast, with no hope of improving its conducted factory, equipped to take patrons duringthis time was $1, -
worry r
about your documents. If some' status. No matter how fresh and at -1 advantage of the best 'market for 087,240.98.
eniergeney makes it necessary to bon' tractive it may be in other respects, it' cheese, butter, milk and cream. Dun
row money on real estate you can lay is in bac' repute with the local buyer,
your hands on your abstract at once.; and the stigma holds' fast all along
Don't put. it off. Begin • to ' the line,
Physiciene any that:.of sal the meate,
poultry meat is the rarest healthfu .
Ilut in cider that the meat may e
more tender, no fowl should be cooked
and Mewed upon the table the mune
day it is kilted, It will require at
least 24 hours for the muse:es to relax,
The old country way of running out
in the barnyard to kill a chielcer for'
dinner, simply because the minister
made his appearance all of a sudden
might •be well enough for the minister,
but not very appetizing for the old
folks with poor teeth and an expert
lcnoweedge of what quality 15 in a
There is a marked difference be-
tween white and dark meat, The for-
mer has much less fat, and a sorres-
ponding:y large quantity of protein,
T dark neat has a much larger pro-
portion of meat bases, but as these
bases are often considered of little
value, it is to be 'seen that the white
meat is to be preferred to the dark.
While still young, but full-grown,
the chicken is best suited for food.
As . it grows old the flesh loses its
flavor and increases in toughness,
The reason why fat birds are better
than unfatted is that gobulee of fat
are. distributed throughout the mus-
cles, displacing to a considerable de-
gree the moisture' found therein. The
bulk' is not only therefore increased,
but also when the flesh is cooked the
fat does not evaporate to the same
extent as water, but, melting, softens
the tissues; making it more digestible
and finer, in flavor.
Wellegrown birds with good-sized
masses of moderately tat flesh are
more economical than either young or
over -fattened ones. At ordinary re-
tail prices full-grown fowl is the only
poultry which compares in real econ-
omy with the cheaper cuts of beef and
pork. But young chicken, medium-
sized turkey, goose, duck and guinea
fowl are often as economical as the
more expensive grades of other meats.
Some full-grown birds can, by proper
cooking, be made to equal the meat
of young fowls.
One way of testing the age of
dressed poultry is to take the end of
the breast -bone farthest from the head
between the thumb and finger and at-
tempt to bend it to one side. If it
bends easily, the bird Is very young
(the same applies to a green goose).
If the bird is a year or so old, the
bone well be brittle; and if the bird
is old, the bone will be hard to bend,
and is apt to break.
The feet of freshly -killed poultry
fell moist, soft and limber, and if the
head is allowed to remain on the ear-
cass the eyes wile look full and bright.
As the fowl stales the eyes shrink
and the feet become hard and dry. If
the feet show a bright, smooth sur-
face, it indicates young age; but when
the feet are shriveled it shows the
fowl is old. If the body turns green-
ish and dark, decomposition is under
The feet and bill of a young goose
are yellow, but if the bird is old its
feet and bill will be reddish in color
and bristly. If the feet of a dressed
goose are not pliable, it indicates the
bird has been dead a 'Long time.
The flexibility of the windpipe in
ducks and geese denotes youth. When
the bird is young the windpipe may
easily be squeezed and moved; in old
birds it is rigid and fixed.
Turkeys under a year old have
black feet. From then on, up to three
years of age, the feet become pink,
and after that they gradually turn
gray and duid_
In squab pigeons the flesh looks
whitish, as seen through the skin, but
in older birds it becomes more and
more purpler Older birds, too, have
red feet.
"Just a Nail."
Did you ever see an old bent, rusty
nail lying in the road? Of course you
have. And have yen ever stopped to
think what trouble it might cause if
rt is left there? When the road be-
times muddy a vehicle mightt run over
t and turn the point lip; the mend will
hold it in this position, perhaps a
Ione may step on it and get it into
his foot, lose months of work or pos-
ibly get lock-jaw and die. Or a child
may be walking barefooted and tread
upon it, and the injury may provd
atal. A doctor may be called upon
o come quickly to attend to some very
irk person, perhaps a member of
Pour own family, and be delayed by the
ail getting into his tire, or you may
et it into your own tire and have
an hour or so of unpleasant work.
A little trouble removing it may
save you or your friends a lot of
trouble later on.
Wheat is about equal to corn for
feeding swine. Oats, if ground and
elle sifted out, is one of the best
rain teects for little pigs,
Alfalfa hay, fed hs a rack, is spleen
id for wintering breed sows, The
ast cutting is preferred.
Too much bedding in the hog house
causes the hogs to swoat'badly. There
hound be just enough to keep hogs
frons piling use •
Always figure on Navin lte a read
g g y
for the highest market of the year,
then sell when ready. After a hog is
finished, gains in weight aro.slow and,
ing its years of operation many ex -i A Serious PoultryDisease. se.
perimeuts rind investigations relating] A contagious disease known as e
to the manufacture of butter and+ European Fowl Pest has been found
cheese were carried out. Hew pro-, attacking poultry in the states of New
cesses and appliances were demon-' York New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and t
steeled and the dairying industry oft Connecticut. In order to keep the
the district in which it was situated diseosa out of Canada an order has °
bus been greatly improved. been issued by authority of the Ani- •
'Whether one lives in a plain frame reach a conclusion quickly and act In announcing the transfer of this mal Contagious Diseases Act to ro- n
house or a snore pretentious dwelling, under the impulse, and their' hones plant to private ownership, Me. J. A. p g
i 'nihil the impartation into Canada of
he can have a very attractive home by usually show the result by effective Ruddick, the Dairy and Cold Storage live chickens turkeys' n
planting the grounds with either flow- decorative planting, Most of us, on Commissioner, stated that the station' ' Y and geese brom
these states unless. accompanied by a
ors, shrubs or trees, or a eombsnation the other hand, anust think the matter frame the beginning to the end has cast{ certificate from an officer of the Un
of these. Nor does one need a large over before taking action. It is at the country not a single cent and its ited States Bureau of Animal Indus -
property to get good effects so long this season one has time to reflect end final disposal leaves is balance to the tryst* the effect that the birds covered
as he ltas a bit of ground a few rods to plan for the planting, whether it be ',rood. The accounting during all these' by such certificates aro free from this
in extent and sutrlight four or more grant in the fields, vegetable seeds Jul years has charged the institution with- or Similarcontagious diseases of p 1 n
I in the day No ons questions the warden or ornamentals for home all expenditure, including the
been exposed m -
the advantages of a well planted.hnme embellishment. in a broad sense muse paid for the .two old factories, the, lection, Tho prohibition proh b then ryas brought g
p. , • g r price try and have not been _ to
and few are satisfied with a bate tin- mental planting to as important as th compensation toanother '
p g p e P factory in •
attractive property, but the planting others. Not only does it add value' the neighborhood that tvas closed, and
season goes by year by year mid no- to the property far hi excess of the every item of expense on both capital
thing is done to make improvement. cost, but it tends 'to the enjoyment of and inaintcuanco account either for
¢t on the 5th of Jenuary.
• a_
The men in a certain township had, d
a picnic in the dead of winter, and got 1
en the
in net arrives and arm's a fuller itfe, en wee does not enjoy• ordinary operatioir or fer experiment- a lot of fun out of it. The spot they
neighbors have fine shows of -flowers, beauty for itsc:f'ii.or emend in emo-In1 work. selected was down on the creek, end
admired alike by themselves and those tion to the commendntian of admiring; The factory began in 1912 with the the lee was- a foot thick. Before they s
mating of cheese principally, with a had their stereo) all told, they hada
entail amount of butter. The'foilowiisg stored away ice enough to last all
year a beginning was made in the s rneher. They chose a very, good
selling of s:n:am and n little later elm I'm their picnic; but picnics are
who stop to take a 'peep, it is as use- friends? This is the scneou.for the
less to regret ono's oversight as if a study of the horticu:turnl reports and
selling Crop had been omitted in the bulletins for 11 knowledge of plants,
plenthig. The planting has to be done, shrubs' end trees, nod of the nursery -
in spring or fall to get resuas desired, men's ant/Logue to find but when and milk also was sold, The r'eeai is ef in order most any time of the year,
Some persons, it must be admitted, how the best things may be.°beained,' milk the first year amounted to eif we sot out about it; Y a ,