The Brussels Post, 1925-1-28, Page 1VOL., 53 NO. 32
42,00 per annum in advance
The West ,End Grocery
tQWhen corning to town with a List of Groceries
CWe guarantee absolute satisfaction as regards
Quality and Price.
CWe will sell you Canned Vegetables, Salmon,
Matcbes' and many other lines at less than
present Wholesale Price.
€If you have never 'dealt with us just try us out
—j'ou will save money.
Our Motto . "Prompt Satisfied Service and
€Highest Price paid for Eggs always. -
Phone 2225 ETHEL
New Advertisements
Dunce -Walton D. F. 0.
Fertil lder-Thos. Pierce,
Anotion Sale -T.13, Soott.
Popular Soaps -F. R. Smith.
warms for Snle-0-, ht. MoK+y.
Cow for Sale -G, A. Deadman,
West End Grocer W. T. Spence.
Ethel Chopping 41111-0. E aan4-rn.
Quarterly Dor-Ethel Meth, Uhuroh.
Concert and Ds,cs-Huron Plowmen.
Annual Meeting -Ethel Cheese Factory,
Sunbeam Concert -Brussels women Instituto
Mistritt jjetas
R. H, McKinnon has installed a .radio
at his home,
Miss Kaine, Fort Francis, is a visitor
with Mrs. Arthur Shaw, of this locality.
The Literary Soclety will hold ha
next regular meeting in the Foresters'
Hall, Friday evening, Jan. 30th, at
8 o'clock. Special feature of the ev-
ening will be a Debate on the subject
"Resolved that under existing condi-
tions it would be to the boat interests
of the community to abolish the pres-
entsystem ofRoad Work." Affirma-
tive will be taker! by R. Grain and
Robb. Cruikshanke and the negative
by Wm. Henderson and A, McEwen.
Orchestra, pianoanil vocal music will
complete the program. Everybody
welcome. -
The open literary and commence -
anent exercises of the Wingham High
School were held in the town hall on
Friday evening. The large auditorium
wets crowded to catpecety. Wl. F.
Vanstone, chairman of the High School
Board, occupied the chair. Col. Gil-
lespie, of London, eves present and
presented 'to the . Wiingh+am Cadet
Corps the general 'efficiency shield for
Western Ontario. An interesting fea-
ture of the program was an oratorical
contests the •contestanes Bort whhdh
were H. Ackert, H. Pocock, S. Mc-
Kenzie, C. 'Messer and R. Thomas. The
.firsft prize was a cup donated by J.
King. M, P., and a gold medal, second,
Chopping .i
D. E. Sanders has received
instructions to open and op-
erate theEth ell
Mill and asks for a good
share of patronage.
Will all who have accounts with
W. E Sanders kindly settle at
the mill with I M, Henry; •
Eggs 55`
Keep your hens laying
by. feeding Ground
Bone. Get it at
Baeker Bros.
natives and friends in"the vicinity. It
, it 7 years since be was •here.
Councillor Will McKay, and Will
McKay, Earl Grey, Seek., were visiting
last week in Atwood.
" Angus McKay,Stilton,' Sask.,who
was visiting his cousins, George and
'Mrs. Well V. McKay, Mo acrieff has re-
turned home to •the West,
Many of Mrs, Wm. Robinson's old
neighbors and friends were very sorry
to hear of her sudden ,aem1se. Our
sincere sy'meatty is extended: to the
bereaved ones: Deceased was an es-
teemed.resident of this •community be-
fore removing to Brusscis. ,
The surrounding community greet-
ed the Ellipse . with tightly buttoned
coats and lanterns, so as to be able to
,see your way about and when the
critical moment came to view the
spectacle. Use the iglus to protect
the eyesight. It will. not .be forgotten
by old or young in the community.
Saturday, January 24th, Monstieff
School house !held a cheerful bunch of
smiling ratepayers, who upon a vote
being taken decided to build a new
new school this Summer. The Build-
ing Committee appointed was Robt.
Livingston and Wm. Machan In con-
junction with the Trustees, Jos. Mc-
Kay, Geo. Robertson and Andrew
Machan, who will push the work a-
head with energy and speed. The next
should be a Community Hall.' Start
up a town boys. .
silver medal presented by C. P. Smith;
third, book of poems, Ipresenjed by
Miss Pinch. The prize winners an-
nounced by the judges were: 'Messrs.
Ackert, Messer and M'cKenzle, res-
pectively. More than 50 books were
distributed to winners of events in the
-'annu'al field day and five cash prizes
to students standing highest in their
respective dorms, A splendid program
of vocal and instrumental music by the
students was rendered. Under the
prtncnpalship of C. L.'Brrackesbury, M.
A., Wingham's high school is . making
a record of which the citizens are
Jno. Munro returned from Toronto
last week.
A large supply of ice is being har-
vested at present.
There 't'as a good attendance at the
first:masquerade Carnival of :the season,
heed Thursday evening,
seri and Mrs. Martin were la Loa -
don this week, owing to the serious
Illness of ,the latter's sister, Mrs. L.
A social evening was enjoyed by
members and friends of the Anglican
Church ip the Orange Hall Wednes-
day evening.
Did we hear wedding bells ?
Mies Mae Livingetoue ie visiting in
Mies Lenore Patterson spent last
week in Toronto.
Miss Watson. St. Marys, is visting
with her sister, Mrs. August McFar-
John Robinson, who was severely
Burt by hie bull, is able to be out
A baby boy arrived at Kenneth and
Mrs. McLean's on Saturday, 17th.
There will be Preparatory Services
in the church here on Thursday atl 80
p, in. After this the annual meeting
will be held.
The Euchre and dance held in
Pratt's hall was e. decided success.
Prizes went to Mrs, George Robert-
son and Will. Smith.
(Lorne and Mrs. Barton and child-
ren, Donegal, were visiting their uncles
and aunts, Jno. Howard and Will Mc-
Kay, 14th Con., also friends on the
'Look out for the pesters announc-
ing the Clearing' Auction Sale at the
farm, of Thos. Inglis, a well known
resident of this locality. Date is
Wednesday, February t8.
Will McKay, Earl Grey, Sask., has
been visiting last week at his brother
George's, Moncrieff and' with other re-
The Friendly Church
Which is
Next Sunday Is Quarterly Day
Services in the Ethel Church at
10,46 a, m. and 7 p. m.
Special Features of Evening
(n) "The Hely Oity" n000rnptinled by 18'
(b) Speoial mnnlo by Choir
le)olein t
S o Old Fnahloned
g Hymns.
(5) Sermon what da we mann b the
Dorms Heaven and Boll1"' y
(o) Atter Bonedtotlon 100 slides on -
"New fiaLando Conde aLnd to Lova"
These will be the mot slides ror a month.
De nob fail to gee thbm.
On Friday evening the Fordwieh
Community Club ,presented the play,
"Shamrock and Rose," rho a full house.
The play is a ramnntis drama of Irish
'life during the rebellion off'98 and was
.presented in a way that was a credit to
every actor who took part, Miss Hilda
Ashton and Gerald Gray, who played
!Ilene and Barney in the comedy act,
kept the audienge convulsed with
laughter, as also did J.. Winter as Shaun
-Carey, the spy, while those who play-
ed the drama and tragedy held the
audience spellbound. It is, however,
almost unfair to 'mention any one
character more than another, as every
part was played so well. The Ford-
tiwach Community Association• should
feel proud to know ,th
at they have a
'community of young people who are
so talented and are willing to use their
'talents for the good of the community.
The proceeds, we understand, were
donated to tele rink •fund.
Several farmers have secured a sup-
ply of ice for next Summer's use.
'Miss Margaret McDonald, Moles-
worth, spent the week end with A.
and Mrs. Whitfield, 44th Con,
This week Reeve thleCutcheon and
Deputy Reeve McDonald are doing
duty at the County seat as County
Councillors. The 2 Macs make quite
a team.
We are sorry to hear that Mre.
Thos. Willi amson, a former resident,
but now of Victoria, B. 0 , is not en-
joying good health, having been con-
fined to bed for the past month.
Old friends here wish her speedy im-
For a wonder, there was no storm
on Sunday last, and Roe's Church was
crowded. The serial story "Ie His
Steps or What would Jesus do" was
concluded. Service will be cancelled
on Sunday in favor of Ootnmunion at
°Ethel Methodist Church at 1046.
Board meeting will be held at 230 on
Monday in the basement of the
The weather was too cold to give
the proposed lecture on "New Settlers
from Old Lands" on Tneeday after-
noon, and will be given on Friday aft.
ernoon of this week, 30th Jannary, at
.245 in Rot's Church. This subject is
well to the front in all daily papers,
and the pictures are educational in
value. There will be 100, and they are
mostly colored. If you haven't seen
some of the Eastern cities as well as
the West, be sure to be on hand.
A very pretty wedding was per-
formed in the Parsonage on Wednes-
day last at 3 o'clock when Clara
Evelyn 'hal in was married to
Charles .Moideu Blinco. The bride
was attired ih white and carried a
lovely boquet of carnations. She
is the daugbter of William'Jacklin.
and Louisa Savage. A celebration on
a large scale was given at the home of
the bride, and John Pearson acted es
and Tankage
To arrive about March x
Special i Price
off car
As I will be unable to
call on everyone I weelt
to notify ebo public that
1 am selling Tankage,
00%, off car at
$2.85 -er cwt.
Now is your time to put
in your
Sewing p g and Sum -
nee impplpp,
Send orders to
Phone 5810
Will be bald in ills
U. f, Q. Nall - Walton
Wednesday Ev'g, 'Fa 4th
Hogg -Johnston Orehestra
to supply Muste.
Admission re,
Ladies Free,
Toaetmastet, The happy couple will
leave for the West sometime during
the month of February', and they will
start housekeeping in the province
The lecture on "New Settlers from
Old Lauds" will be given in the T7uion
Methodist Church on Monday evening
at eight o'clock, It was not given on
Wednesday last as announced be-
cause the gas tank was left at Roe's
Church Sunday morning. The or-
cheetra will meet afterwards and
there will be no League on Wednes-
day. There will be no service in the
afternoon because it is Quarterly Day
on Sunday, February 10 t.
A very suoeessliii carnival was held
in the open-air rink. Prize winners
were as follows Best dressed lady,
Miss Rintoul; best lady skater, Miss
Rintoul; best dressed man, Armand
Kernick; best skater, ,many R. M. Mc-
Kay; comic dressed man, Joe. Hefirou;
comic dressed. girl, Miss Johns; .best
dressed girl, Gertrude Tunny; best
child comic, 'Cleta Watson, ,Marjorie
Bainton; comic dress for boys, F. El-
The annual 'meeting of the Blyth
Telephone 'Company in Memorial Hall
was one of the best attended in their
history and at the same time one of
the stormiest. The subscribers, � c 1
subs hers after
hearing financial the n al report; which
showed the finances to be in splendid
shape, took up the matter of having
service on Sunday, which caused pan-
demonium. A great deal of discussion
took plaice and some harsh remarks
were !passed. After thef debate, it
was decided to have a ballot on Sun-
day service.
Ice liaryest is good this year.
Additional Ethel news on page 5 of
this issue.
S. B. Evans spent a ferw. days with
friends here.
W. E. Sanders, is undergoing treat-
ment at the hospital at London.
A pretty wedding took place at the
,Parsonage on Wednesday of last week.
iRev. Mr. Telford preached in the
Presbyterian Church on) Sunday af-
J. P.' McKay, Brantford, was here for
a week with old friends. He came to
attend the funeral of Ike late Mrs.
Angus Lamont, an old neighbor.
Annual meeting of Ethel Cheese
Factory patrons will be held in the Dun-
bar Hall Saturday of this week at 1.30
p.m, C. W. Bell is the proprietor..
The chopping mill is running once
snore and satisfaction now -assured.
Sounds good to. hear the m:11 again.
Young People's League will enjoy
a -social evening at the home of Roy
and Mrs. Hall, Thursday evening of
this week.
IDr. MaoMaster is up .and around a-
gain after :a severe attack of the 'Flue'.
His wife, who is a graduate nurse, at-
tended to the office during his illness.
Sunday evening Rev. Mr. White dis-
coursed eloquently on the subject "It
yet rematneth what we shall bet" Miss
Myrtle McKee rendered the solo
"My Task" during the service.
. The usual Sunday storm was held
over until Monday. Perfect weather
.brought an unusually large congrega-
tion to the Methodist Church where
a series,of senmons is being given. The
subject was "Life after Death." This
'will be continued on Sunday evening
next at 7 o'clock. Many problems will
be discussed. "What do we mean by
the terms Heaven and Hell?" A
speci'all feature of the service will be
the rendition of "The Holy CRY" ac-
companied by twelve slides which will
form a beautiful setting. After ,the
bettedlictione 100 colored views on
"New Settlers from Old Lands" will
be shb'wn. As +these will be rite last
fora month, it is hoped that none will
fail to see them, They have come
from Toronto specialty for the occas-
ion and are most expensive. Sunday
morning, the Sacrament Of tire Lord's
Supper .will be administered. The
service will ,commence at. 10.45.
56th Wedding Anniversary, — The
following refers to n very highly es-
teemed couple of Ethel, who celebrat-
ad their 56th Wedding Anniversary
Wednesday of last week, ,Although
Mr, McKay ts iu bis
80th- year and ells,
Mclfdy 78 years old they were won-
derfully well and active until lately
when the grippe had them in its toils.
Mr. McKay was seriously 414 for a little
while. We are pleased to state they
are once more feelhtg better, and able
to be around as usual. To this union
ware barn 3 sons and 5 daughters,
They are: -Rory, of Grey township;,
George, Vancouver; Angus, Strasburg,
IS(ask.; Mrs. Alex.
lex. McKay,'Atw
ood; M
,Jno. Howard, Monnrleff; Mei. Rohe
Hale, 'Grar nn4 Mrs. D. H Co tin,
Duval, Sask.; and Mrs. ries. IT. MgSl;eit,
Vancouver, B. C. They laver also sev-
eral grand -children and great grand-
children. Many nice gifts and hearty
congratulations were extended to
them, and hearty Wishes expressed for
them to live to see their diamond wed-
Old Time Dance
Will be held
in the
Friday Ev'g, Jaa. 30th
Under the auspices of Huron 00.
Plowman's Association
Program opens at 8 30.
An address ie expected by
Mr. J. W. King, M. P.
ladies are asked to bring Sandwiches
Admission 250
Proceeds will go towards Prize
Money for next Fall's Plow-
ing Match
ding. The metrienonial knot was tted
at the Presbyterian Manse, Brussels, by
the late Rev. John Ferguson, the gnoit
looking bride's maiden name being
Margaret McLeod.,
SCHOOL FAIR -At "2.39 p. in. on
:flatus do.), Fob 7th, a meeting will be
held in the Walton Schoolhouse to
di cuss the question of a School Fair.
Teaehere of the various .local "School
Sections, Trustees and all others in-
terested are atiket to attend and lend
a helping hand,
Mrs, D. McDonald and sons are
here front the West for a holiday visit
at the hone of the fortuer's mother,
Mrs Julia Menzies,
V'i'e are sorry to state that Bias Jes-
sie Menzies, who is a school teacher in
Toronto. le home taking enforced holi-
days. Lt company with some friends
she went to high Park toboggan
slides one evening when she was run
into. and in summing up the injuries
found the principal damage was a
broken collar bone. After receiving
prompt medical attention she was able
to corse to the home of her mother in
this locality where she is making fav-
orable progress and will soon be able
to resume her profession in the city.
Read the Auction Sale list of T. E.
Scott, who has had the farm of Geo.
McCall rented but is giving up farm-
ing in this community. D. M, Scott,
Brussels, will wield the Auctioneer's
Blood poisoning has been gtving
trouble td the right hand of Fancis
Duncan. A pig bit his little finger a
week ago. Hope he will soon be o.k.
Reeve Shortreedis attending Huron
County Council at Goderich this week.
The meetings of this body are among
the 'pleasing features of municipal life•
MRS Wm ' Pros DECEASED .-Last
Friday tine spirit of Lizzie Fair'service,
beloved wife of Wm.' Pipe, 6th line,
took ire flight. She had been ill for
the 9 weeks previous, from ulceration
of the stomach, that bade defiance to
all that could be done to prolong life.
Deceased was born in Hullett town.
ship, being a daughter of the late
Thus, and Mrs. Fairservice. 18 years
ago she was united in matt lege to her
now bereft partner, who has left to..
his case 3 suns, Lloyd, Mervyn and
John. 6 brothers and 5 sisters also
survive Mrs. Pipe. Funeral took
place from her late home last Tuesday
afternoon. burial being made in Bruit -
eels cemetery, Rev. Mr. McLeod took
Charge of a service appropriate to the
occasion.. Deceased was a true wife,
a faithful mother and a fine neighbor,
whose decease is greatly regretted
and deep sympathy evoked to those
who are called upon to mourn,
Following an illness extending over
a considerable period, the death oc-
curred at his home, in Palmerston,
on Saturday, of one of Palmerston's
pioneer citizens, lir the person of
Samuel T. Renton, in his 63rd year.
Mr. Renton had been a resident of
Palmerston for many .years having been
born on the Manton homestead on the
outskirts of the town, Mr. Renton
was a well known oheesemaker having
followed this trade in Goldstone, Laurel
Belmnre and other places in this dis-
trict. He was also a partner for sev-
eral years in the Treleaven and Ren-
ton 'Creamery, Palmerston. n. in 1894
he was unite
in marriage to Esther
Harmeston, of Belmore, In religion he
was a staunch Methodist and was a
member of the t'almerston Methodist
church. He was for 50 years a ntcm-
bar of the L 0. 0. P. Besides his sur -
rowing wife he is survived by his two
daughters, Beulah, at home and Mrs.
Harold Jennings, ofc
rneYSKCn Oki
three e brdthe
rs Joseph, 1
J p of Palmerston;
James of Arthur; and William of De-
rrell; and one sister, Mrs. W. Ritchie,
Toronto. The funeral Which was 'large-
ly attended was held from the family
residenee on Monday, proceeding 10
Pahnersten Cemetery, for interment.
Rev. James Semple, pastor of Metho-
dist church, condwcted the servicg :ft
KERR, Proprietor
Concert Trio
Wedliesday, Feb, 4th
Under auspices Women's Institute
Graduates of tho
Ontario School for the Blind
Miss Gladys Slay
Soprano Sololet and Reader
Miss Greta Laramie, A. T. 0. 2,1.
• Violinist
Mies Kathryn Sells, A, T, 0. M.
Pianist and Accompanist
Admission 25c Reserved Seats 35c,
the house after which Gordon Lodge
I. 0. 0. F. of Palmerston took charge.
Stratford mourns the death of her
oldest citizen, Bridget Downey, widow
of Thomas Carlin, who passed peace
fully away at the family residence, 99
St. Vincent street north, following a
brief illness. Born in King's County,
Ireland, on September 1, 1830, the
bate Mrs. 'Carlin was in her 95th year.
At the tender age of three years the
lute Mrs. Carlin, with her parents,
Denis and Mrs. Downey, two brothers,
an Iwo w aunts,em'barke f
d or Canada.
Ocean travel nthese early days was
not what it is these modern times and
the trip proved too much for the
mother of the young family, who took
i11 and died at sea. The father and
motherless 'children, with their aunts,
on arrival in this country, went to
Hamilton and after residing there for
a shoat time removed' to Goderich,
where for a number of years the father
acted as police magistrate. Later the
family 'moved to St. Columban and in
this village j•he late Mrs. Carlin was
married. Upwards of 40 years ago the
d'ece'ased woman with her husband
and family moved to Stratford where
she had since been a beloved and es-
teemed citizen. Despite her advanced
age she took a keen interest in the
topics of the day. Her mind was clear
and her memory excellent even to the
eve of her death and she often tunes
enjoyed discussing current events witb
members of her family and friends. A
faithful member of St. Joseph's Roman
Catholic Church, the late Mrs. Carlin,
in her younger days was active in
church work. Her husband predeceas-
ed her by 18 years and she leaves to
mourn their loss, two sons,
Joseph, of
the Beacon -Herald staff,Stratford;
Thomas, Montana; two daughters, Miss
Margaret Carlin and Mrs. D. P. Har-
rigan at home; one grandson and two
grand -daughters. a
Agricultural Short Course
At the Short Course this week, the
girls are busy making their Spring
millinery under the direction of Mrs.
Hawkey. Next week Miss Campbell
will be here to commence her course
in Sewing, which will continue
throughout February.
The boys are taking work in Poultry
and Livestock Breeding. On Tuesday
afternoon Me. Francis gave a demon-
stration in culling hens and killing
chickens. Commencing uext Monday
Mr. Newsome will lecture for two
weeks on Farm mechanics, including
rope -splicing, care of tools, plumbing,
For Thursday afternoon and Friday
the regular boys classes will be called
off so the boys may attend the Special
Courses in Swine Marketing which
the Livestock Branch of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture is putting on in
the Town Hall, This course is to in-
clude lectures on Breeding, Rearing,
Feeding, Marketing, Judging and
Grading bacon Hogs with some prac-
tice in Grading and Judging,
Last Friday the girls class was in-
vited along with the gide from Went-
worth and .Peet, to visit the Macdott•
aid Hall at Guelph. Most of the Class
under the direction of Miss Iiopkins,
book advantage of the opportunity
and spent a most enjoyable day at
Guelph, They were entertained by
the Senitrstutlents at the Hall who
allowed thew around the Coll lee and
the Hall, and gave thein several dem-
onstrations of the work done at the
Hall and entertained thein to tea be-
fore they„leftfor Brussels.
The following was the program giv-
en at the Literary Society on Wednes-
day in connection with the Short
course r --Debate ; "Resolved that the
modern girI has wrecked more ideals
thein she hoe built tip." Affirnative--
Ruth Sinclair and Torn Streamed.
Negative-Jeseie Miller and
Lew Itirk
by. The negative wan the debate.
Andre s-
s 7ha Ecliptic" Il)ae" hfr. Snell.
The following addresses here given
by member's of the Society i'The
Short Course"-ellieliard Penciller ;
"Where Sugar conies from" -Inez
McNichol ; "Cheeefulness"-••"V'eree,
McCall ' Joernal was rend by Gordon
McGavin ; Address --Mr, Sinclair ;
National. Anthem,
1, C, Blackstone
Expert Piano and Organ
Tuner and Repairer
Will be here next week.
Orders left with
& Slack
will receive ' mm
prompt attention,
Some explanation should be
given why Theatre is not rutt-
ing. On Jan, 14th we received
our first account for hydro cur-
rent and on the 22nd the Com,
mission came to us and with-
out asking any reason, stated If
bill was not paid in full, would
diszontinue service on Saturday
24th, which was done.
Stories are circulated that:—
we refused to pay our 'hydro bin
also that we were not to do
so ---both of these are false.
aleter reading has not been
correct as we are charged with
83 k.w. whichwe hace yet to
it looks to us very much like
a piece of spite work,
& M R
East Huron Agricultural Society
The annual meeting of, East Huron
Agricultural Society was held in the
Town Hall, Brussels, Wednesday
afternoon, January 21st, vice -Pres-
ident P. A, McArthur in the chair.
Minutes of last annual meeting read
and approved un motion of Walter
Yulil and W. R. Broadfoot. Sec
retaty-Tteasuter presented the Fin-
ancial statement for the past year.
It showed rt copra to be $2,179.00 and
expenditure 81,883,35, leaving a bal-
ance of $200.25. The report was adopt-
ed utt motion of Thos. Miller and R.
J. Hoover. 'Secretary reported list of
new members for 1925 as 79 at this
Ou motion of J. Burgess and Walt-
er Rose fL was decided to enter the
Standing Field Crop Competition this
year, the clop to be oats. Moved
by W.11, Broadfoot, seconded by Geo.
R. Muldoon, that we apply for expert
Judges for Fall Fair as follows
Heavy and light houses, cattle, sheep,
swine, ponittay and 'fancy work,
Secretary was instructed to send
$2,00 fee for membership in Ontario
Faits' Association. Followingofficers
were elected for 1925: -Hon, Pres-
ident, Alex, Stewart ; President,
James Burgess ; let Vice -Pres., P. A.
McArthur ; 2nd Vice -Pres,, Thos.
Miller. Diteotors-G. R. Muldoon,
Walter Ynall, A, O. Baeker, R. J.
Hoover, W, H. Maunders, W. R.
Broadfoot, J. J. McOutciieon, Robt.
Nichol, 0. Hemingway, Walter Rose,
Jno, Bowman, Wilbur Turnbull,
Lady Directors -Mrs. Geo. Muldoon,
Mrs, W. W, Harris, Mrs. P, A. Mo -
Arthur, Airs. A, 0. Baeker and ars,
(Dr,) Hamilton. Auditors, Alex.
Strachan and N, F. Geary.
The attendance at the meeting was
not nearly as large as the importance
of the organization should warrant
and whose object ie to help the com-
munity into better conditions, '
Brussels School Board
The Statutory meeting of Brussels
School Board for 1025 was held in the
of loe of Jas. Fox on January 21st.
Ill the absence of Chairman, D. 0,
Ross, Mr. Fox presided,
Mittutes of last meeting read and
Seceetary-l'reasurer presented the
Financial statement 1924, showing re-
ceR,etipts for for Public School tB4,-
Continuation- School to
be $6,888,23 end expenditure
584•88 and expenditure 4,80841. Re-
port wt
o adopeedt
ed on
motion or J
Cunningham and R. Downing.
D. U, ]tees was -ctchdairman
on motion or Meserereele, Foxed anOur..
niugheun. Ou motion of Messrs,
Ontirtinghatn and Downing, Miss Tay-.
for was re-elected member of the
Board for 8 yetis, other
members being Miss F, Buchanan for
2 years
and Rev. v. 14Ir. McLeod
foe o a
Io bertr
He idet'aonn
w e appointed
Ttualet ()dicer for the current year.
ry Following accounts were passed :•
lexciee stamps, 51.76 ' P, Anent
bambini, $245; Anent Bros, lumber,
$7 01; A. Lamont fixing blackboards,
$6,08 ; J. b'nx su, ,1 t
of Library LoJuno30pplies, 1925$38, $20150,Ran
Board then adjoucxted,