HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-1-21, Page 8Wa*d valo.l oyer e g7 LW - Confectionery Horehound Candy After Dinner Minta Honey and Horehound Drops Menthol Cough Drops Eucalyptus and Menthol Pastilles fruit Hovered Hard Doled Candles Cherry Bark De Vilhiss Cough Syrup Atomizer Will Relieve Your Cough We believe Cherry Bark Cough Syrup to be eine of the safest and most effective of Omlgh Rem.ediae,a Pleasant to the taste and with nothing upsetting. it will be found to bea valuable remedy to have on hand in the treatment of Coughs and Colds, Cherry Bark Onugb Syrup 86e and 80e bots. Sprays Nose and '1'lnroet, Sprays any liquid -oil or watery. It has two bottles -.•.one for cleansing sol- ution 44n11 one for oil, gas fly Cleaned DeVilbies 1A tom - Mere Atom- izere $2.213 Rexall LMeloid's Cold Clear the Tablets Throat 25C Household Laxative Throat Paraformic Bromo Ease Throat Quinine IOc i25c' Tablets 25C 30C Pkgs. 25c Remedies Puretest Castor Oil 25c bo Le Listerine 35e and OOc bots. Hydrogen Peroxide 25c bots, Puretest Epsom Salts in tin containers, 16c & 26e Camphorated 011 25c bots. Kasagra 25c and OOe bots. Good Tonics Rexall Tasteless Prep. Cod Liveri 0a1 with Hypophosphites $1.00 bets. Scott's Emulsion 65c and $1.80 bete. Wampole's Cod Liver Oil $1.00 bots. Peptona ' $1.25 bots. F. R, The00) !�°�' Q i Stoll e a. rila=-,- iTH Druggist and Stationer gyral %l e� .t1rcs vr!e are sorry to hear that Jalnes rstrong is on the sick list. His William Heist of the C. N. R. at At- wood. has been "n the sick list. ANNUAL meetiug of East Huron Agricultural Society Wednesday after- noon of this week, THE Ameut draft teams, sleighs aid lumbering on:fit were shipped to the Northerly inmber woods to be utif zed for the next month or so, Wm. Paw - son is, in charge ARE you a good guesser ? By the advt. in this issue of THE POST the Mail and Empire, Toron o, offers good rewards for getting your thinking cap 00. A. C. DAreas is the new President of Brussels Horticultural Society. He takes a well informed interest in Horti- culture and should prove a good leader. Good backing is a source of support that brings results. AUCTION Sale of cattle, a couple of cutters, &a, at the Central Sale Stables, Brussels, Saturday afternoon of this week. M. Lose is the Proprietor and D. M. Scott, Auctioneer, Advt, of sale may be read in another column. SATURDAY afternoon of this week the Ladies' Guild of St. Johns Church, Brussels, will hold a Sale of Homemade Baking and Candy at the store of Miss Mary Ross. Tea will be served from 3 to 7 o'clock. See the advt in another column and dont forget the date. Pitch-holes.-Th1e is an old time Winter as far as numerous and un- desirable pitch -holes are concerned on some of the roads. an same case- It has been called by people who had to drive a menace to public travel. 'Con- siderable work hast yeen done to im- prove conditions 'but it Is no easy task in a season like this meth its frequent storms from all quarters of the Dem - pass. Public Library Board. -Brussels Pub- lic Library Board has re -organized for 1925, Rev. C. F. Clarke continues as Chairman and the Secretary's (duties will be In charge of Miss Florence Buchanan while G. H. Saris will the Treasurer. Rev. Mr. Mcteodi was Secretary -Treasurer but asked to be relieved of the duties. Le was decided to order a supply of new books for the Library, Mrs. A. J. Lowry to the obliging and attentive Librarian and Alex. Straahan ds a new member of the Board. Horticultural Society. -The Annual meeting of Brussels Horticultural Soc- iety was 'held in the Library on Tues- day evening, Jan. 13th, with the t'resi. dent, G. A. Headman in the chair. Meeting was opened with an address by the President, who gave a review of the year's work., Minutes of last meet- ing were read and approved. Report Of Treasurer showed a balance of $20.72. Receipts for year being $212.47 and expenditure $191.75. Fol- low&ng officers were elected for 1925: President ---A, C. Dames; let Vice Pres., -,Mrs, A. J. Lowry 2nd Vice ,Pres., --'A, H. MacDonald Sec. -Treasurer -Mrs. W. W, Harris New Directors -- Messrs. Wilmott and Bowman and Mr, Deadman. Auditors --'A. Strachan and G. Semis Delegates to Horticultural 'Conven tion, Messrs. Dames and Fox. Premium Committee -Mrs, MdOali, Mrs. Lowry and Mrs. Warwidk; Messrs. Dames, Fox Deadman; Ross end Bowman. Reeve Seeker and M.essns. Fox and Damen were appointed e committee to look after public flower bads (planting etc.) Mr, Neilsen of the Experimental Station, Vineland, was present and gave av4rY intereetinA end instructive talk on Tates, dealing Ipartieularly with the nut ttees of Ontario. brother, Dr. Armstrong, Toronto, took a run up to Brusseie to see him. It is to be hoped "Sunny Jim" well soon be Chimney Fire.-- .A fire scare was given the Fire Brigade and the towns- folk generally Wedeesday night of last week when the alarm of fire was sounded. Danger %•pot was a burning chimney in the Queen's Hotel block, It was not necessary to use the Fire Engine fortunately although it was on the way to duty when recalled. Handling fire apparatus on wheels, with a surplus of snow in the Winter season, is quite a handicap to ell con- cerned. Let us hope the necessity for use may be long postponed. POSITION wanted to do general house work. Apply et Tau POST. MRs. HrOTeR McQoARRIE, rot 12, Con, -4, Grey Townehip, wishes to rent her Macre farm for hay or poeture. For further part, touters apply to phone 29, Brussels. No. 1 HAY for sale at Mrs, Hector MaQoar- rie's barn, Lot 12, Con. 4 Grey. Phone bor. 89 Brussels, or see Reuben McInnis, Phone 8817. Fon SALE. -One Short Horn Bull, nine months old. Apply to JoRNR. LEeutao, R. R. 1, Wotton, Ont. Emmeline Hog for service. Terms 81.00. 801E R. Warmer, Grey. acetate alms f or sale. Phone 688 ALEX. Nichol, 6th Con. Morrie, Good young Short Horn. Bull for sale. Satire Enation guaranteed, MAYOR TURNBULr. & SONS, Phone 2814 Brussels R. R. 2 1 DOR1rAM cow, calve In about 2 weeks, and 1 Holstein farrow eow. Apply to Phone 2012, Bee BOLLNnBEOk, Bluevnle• R.R. No, 2. Foa SALR.-Three bnadhes of -Pigs, 28 little plgr ready to wens • alai boar for solo by the quarter. 15.1 SjOLENNAc, Phone IOD N'ee Lot Mean, 2, Morrie. Cow for gals.n Due to (lithe Bret of Feb. Plicae 8618 CECIL BAT ERA N. lithe!. REO1sTeasD Short. Horn Cow, dao to freshen ehortty. R.O. CANT eyL, Phone 4519 Grey Twp. Yoeuo cow for rale, due to freshen January let. Phone 208. J. A. Anl4emnnao Houle. DR. y MitePARSER, of a Qua m, has resumed bis weekly visits to the Qaeen'a Hotel, Brw cele, Huron Old Boys at Home. -The 25th annual M -Home of the Huron Old Boys' Assomation was held )n Che Sovereign Hall, Toronto, Friday even- ing with attendante the largest in its history, every ,municipality in the ban- ner old county having a large repre- sentation, made up of the clergymen, doctor, barrister, .college professor, wholesale merchant, newspaper man, school teacher, and almost every other occupation. The younger members damned to the music of a high-class orchestra, whilst the Sider members played progressive euchre and bridge, for which valuable prizes were awards ed. The proceeds are to be donated hi grants to the four Huron Hospitals viz: Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and WCngham. Ralph S. Sheppard is the President of the Association, E. Floody is the Secretary. Good Roads Meeting. -•Notice has been received of the 'annual meeting of thet On ario Good Roads A55ociatfon to be Meld February 25, 26 and 27 at the Department of Highways Building,. Toronto, The extensloit of the high- way improvement policy of the Provin- ce during the past few years to In- clude nclude all of the roads, in the organized coun2ieS hasincreased' the interest in this question, and the program this year will deal. with 'township and county roads and the relation of the urban municipality to the Ontario road System. Well considered resolutions on live ,questions pertaining to the highway laws are invited and 'there will be ample, time, for discussion. Every council has been asked to ap- point delegates to the meeting. ii Sft t itG 11 it sy it Ile le It It .11 ft it St 4 ° °4 LO e`,jO t@. l' Thi c t ICE average @pw In pounds agreed that annually the or>ay _ prod{iction (sf milk per Canada is about' 4,000 but authorities arc higher the prodtlrtion per II tt et .0 0 Jt P • t 11. n. 11 It v ANK[NG. FIFTY YEARS cow the greater the profit, You can ma- Ieriaily increase the prodeetivelless of your herd by breeding better live stook and the local branch of the Standard Bank of Canada Is at your service in supplying loans for ;Elle purchase of stock. which wilt give a greater cash return for the feed and labor expended: TE3F STANDARD BANK BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Samis, Manager George Robb and Thos. MclCrae were `here this week attending the funeral of Mrs. Angus Lamont, Mrs. Robt. Ross and son, Norman, Klncardine, 'were visitors at the home Of David Ross, sr., rthts week. Paid Official Visit. -'Mr. Hoag,' Con- tinuation Selma Inspector, paid his official visit to Brussels 'Continuation School last week. Division Court. -Judge Lewis con- ducted Division Court here on Tuesday afternoon.' Some 4 ,cases were before him and decisions will be given later. Barristers Vanstone, Wingham, and W. AI. Sinclair, were present at the Court. Died at Good Old Age. -Last Sun- day, George Crooks, one of the pioneer settlers of this locality and esteemed by all who knew hem, passed to his reward in his 90th year. He died at the home of his eldest son, Albert, 4th line, Morris township. His demise wls not an unexpected event as his life's span `was well run and the machinery Just stopped, He was Ontarlo born and dame to Morris township in his young manhood, living on the 3rd line, which property ,he afterward sold to James Ireland, who is still a residers'. Mr, Crooks bought on the 8th Cone of Grey township and after years spent on the property sold it and moved to Brussels, About 68 years ago de- ceased was united In marriage to Harriet Armstrong, who passed away 7 years ago. There was a; large family born to the home as follows Albert, Morris township; Harry, Paris; Geo. and Ivan, Calgary; Mrs. Wm. Turnbull, Morris; Mrs. Albert Gerry, Indian Head Mrs. S. Y. Taylor, Ca'igery; MTs. A. McKenzie, Roblyn, Quebec; and Mrs. R. W. Matheson, Edmonton. William died when 25 years of age. Mr, Crooks was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church, took anactive interest in the welfare of the corn- meal, and enjoyed the respect of all who knew hum. He was a man of honor and uprightness and his life and character exerted a healthful influence in the long period he lived in this coanmunity. The funeral was Wednes- day afternoon, interment being made in the family plot, Brussels cemetery. Rev. Mr, McLeod, deceased's pastor, conducted Me service. Very few of those who located here at the time Mr. Crooks came are left to recount Me story of what were called "the good old days." Agricultural Short Course This week and neat week Mrs, G. Hawkey, Hamilton, is instructing the girls in Millinery work. The boyo' classes are still dealing with Gas Engines under the direction of Mr. Sinclair, Toronto. Monday of this week, Mr. Francis, of the O A. C., commenced a 2 weeks' Coheres on Poultry. Both the boys and girls will share in this interesting eubject. Last Friday Mise Chapman, Toron- to, Assistant Director of Wornens' Institutes, was here, inspected the classes and gave interesting addresses. Departments of Agriculture will conduct a Swine Marketing Course, Thursday and Friday next week, 29th and 30th, of which fuller particulars may be, read elsewhere. This Course is being carried on practically in every County in the province and the berm - fits should be of real value to the farnang community. LITERARY SOCIETY :-The following was the progtemgiven'by the Liter- ary Society last Friday morning :- Debate: "Resnlved that 11 would be of advantage to the enuniry at large to put a tax en baehelnre," The affirma- tive was taken by Mies Jat"dine and Chester Rintoul, the negative by Hazel Stewart and Jack Yutll, The judges gave decision in fever of the negative. Reading by Nora Mc- Dowell ; Address by Mr. Neilson Piano duet by Verna McCall and Elva Olives` Reading of the Journal by Inez McNichol ; (luattette by Elva. Oliver, Ruth Sinclair, Verna and Bd., tin McCall. • Address by Mr. Gal. bt"aith ; Readieg by Verna McOall National Anthem. BLYTH Blyth Fire Brigade held a eugeese. ful dance in Memorial Hall, ou Fri- day evening It was an old-time dance, and, by the attendance," that is the kind of dancing that the people want, as there were about 160 monies in fact, the floor watt too crowded, but all seemed to enjoy themselves. The tunninetion: took place Mon- day to fill the two vacancies in the Connell, with the mutt fila) the fol. lowing Emir ratepayers were tannin. Rteri. : P. Gardinser: 4V, McElroy, George White andS. Leslie, with the prospects that the two former will withdraw, leaving the two latter by acolalnatlon. ooBlyth Agricultural Society held its annual meeting on Friday afternoon in the Orange Hall, with a fair at- tendance. President, 7. E. Ellis, was in the chair. The secretary -treasurer gave his financial statement, which was et oouraging and showed a cash balance from the year's business. The date for the Fair was set for 1Vedneeday and Thursday, September 24 and 24. The election of officers re- sulted as follows: Honorary presi- dent, William Gray ; preeideut, J. 311. Ellis : vice-presidents Robert Wight - man and F, D Stalker ; secretary - treasurer, J. H. R. Elliot; -women dir- ectors, Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs, J. Cum- ming, Mre, W. M. Scott, Mrs. J. Smith, Mies Pollock, Mae J. J. Pol. lard, Mts. George Pottle, Mrs John Ellis and Mrs. R. Richmond ; direct- ors, W. Oraig, David Laidlaw, J. Par- rot, D. McCallum, Walter McGill, James Brigham, Colin Fingland, John Scott, Alonzo Smith, James Cum- ming, R. R. Fear, William Ross, 0. McClelland, H. Weymoutb. John Sower, David Laidlaw. LISTOWEL James Y. Nirol, son of Rev: and Mrs, J. M. Nicol, Listowel, evko for the past 2 years has been sporting editor of the Woodstock Sentinel -Review, :hes ac- cepted a position on the stiff of the Sudbury Star. -Prior to leaving Wood- stock he was presented with a smok- ing set, by the staff of the Sentinel - Review. Mr. Nicoi spent the week- end with his parents in ton and left on Tue'sd'ay to assume this new duties. BORN GABBLE -At Waldemar, on Jan. 101h. 1925, to Mr. and '.urs Wilfred Gamble, o daughter, Mrs Gamble was formerly Miss 'Vera Johnston of Gerrie. DIED Anima. -In Howfok townehlp, on Jan. filch, 1925, Margaret Dolg, wife of Alex. Adams, aced 81 years. Onooxs-Inblorrlo township, at the home of his son, Albert, on :Winery 185h, 1925, George Crooks in bis 90th year, HEARD -At Dundalk. on January 11, 1926, Richard B Heard, father of 11 B. Reard. manager of the Bank of Commerce, Furd• wish. IN MEMORIAM Paooree-InFendest. Memory of our dear site ter, Elizabeth Prneter, who missed away four yea re ago, Sanitary 20th 1921. - Silent her voles and vacant her chnlr, Swett are the memories that linger there, We mlee her and mourn her in ollence unseen And live in the memory of joys that have been. Mooren, semen n AND BROTHERS, AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JAN. shim -Cattle, also 2 cut. ter,,, at Centrel Salo uttbles, Brussels, et 1.80 o'clock, Milton Lowe, Prop, ; D. M, Scott, Ana. WEDNESDAY, FEBRoAnY 11Tn.-Farm stook, implements, household furniture, an, North j%Lot 20. 8th Line, Morrie Twp, (Gen. McCall. farm) Sale unreserved, at 1 p. =share. T, E. Scott, Prop, ; D. Al. !Mott, Ano, Tenders Wanted. The Municipal Council of the Township of Grey are asking for tenders for the oonetruat. ion of the Benne-Collie drain. Tenders will be received up to and including Febranry 7th. Plana mud speahficutione may be seen et the Clerk's onioe. Certified cheque for 25% to ac- company tender. No tender neeesearlly am 'opted. J. H. FEAR, Ethel P. 0. Clerk Grey Township, Hog for Service The undersigned will keep for aervioe•at Lot 10, Con 9, Grey Township. a thorn' bred York. shire Hog. service 01:05 with. privilege of re. hutting if necessary. ARTIi17R WARD, Proprietor, Assessor Wanted App)lcatlone will be received np to Monday novo, February 2nd next, for' the position of Aseeenor of the Village of Brussels, for the. year 1026 ; salary, ;0000. A. H. MAOI ONALD, Cleric. NOTICE, TO CREJ3ITORS.-In the matter of theootato of' Marion Lamont, late of tho Township of Croy, in tho County of Huron Widow, d000aaad. Notice le hereby given pertinent to "The Re• vlsed Statutes of Ontario," Chapter 120, that all aredltors end others having claims against the estate of the said Marlon Lemont, who died au or 'bout the Fourteenth day of hum - arse A. D.1026, are required, oil or before the geese tit day of Febrantry 1926,to send by post premed er deliver to David atnont or Peter McKay, the eeeoutor, of the butt will and testa- ment of the said (hemmed, their Christian and sernainea, addresses and descrfptlons, the full parlicnlare of their elatnre, the etntetuent of their amounts end the nature of theseeerllier, (If any) held by them. And further Enke notice that atter sash last mentioned dale the mild executors will pro. Deed to distribute the emote of the deo0a.00 among the perStee entitled thereto, having regard only to theelnime of whieb they shall than lave nntiae, arld that Lite mild eeeoutors Will not be liable far Cha pall nvpors rig try, mot thereof to any person or ;lunette of whose' eliding notice Nunn not hoed been resolved by thorn et the time of snob Mat Mutton, Dated the 20th day of denuaryy, A, D. 1025. W. M, SINOLAIR, Bolloitor for the said Exoaulore, Haw Many Objets iii. This Picture Start With the Letter "P" The above picture contains a number of objects beginning wide the letter "P". Just take a good look at the picture-t1etwe are all sorts of tillage that begin with the letter "P" -"puppy", "pumpkin", "paddle", "purse", etc. ?Nothing is hidden; you don't have to turn the picture upside down. Melte a list of ILII the„objects In the -picture the names of which begin with the letter "P". Have the. whelp family join in -see who can find the most. Don't miss any, T'llty cash prizes will he awarded for" the fifty best lists of uaerie - submitted. The. answer having the largest and nearest correct list of visible objects shown M the picture starting with, the letter "P" tt'Ul be awarded first prize; second best, second prize, ole. Young and Old Join in the Fun . The Mall and 2.ntplie announces to-tluyr another puzzle game in Which all can partici- pate -from the tiniest chi lid to grandfather and grandmother. ND object is so small but that the poorest eyesight can race it. It is a test of shill. Your ability to fl=td "P" words del Ore Mines the prize yon win. Hight after supper this evening, ganger all the members of your family together; give each of tlteur a pencil and sheet of paper --and ser who clan find the meat "P -Words". Youwill be surprised t0 find how large a list of word? you :can .get with 'a few minutes' study. 51t down NOW and try It -Then, send in, your list and try for the big prizes. bsej've These Rules 1, Any man, woman or child tvlto lives In Onnndn, and Is not a resident of Toronto, and who le not in. the employ of The Mali and Empire, or a member of an emplole's family, may submit an answer. 2. All nnawrrr meet be resiled by Febreary ;th, 1025, • and addressed to C. A. Montgomery, k Puzzle Manager, Mull and Empire, 8. A11 lists of mines eh,und be written on rote side of the paper only, and numbered consecutively 1, 2, 8, etc. Write your full, name and address In the up - par right Mind corner. 1f von desire to Write Lazy - thing else, nee a separate 01,eet, 4. Only x001i words as appear 1u the Iingllah Dic- tionary will, be coaled. Do not 000. ohsolrte words. Whoretit., plural is need, the (lingular cannot be counted, and vice vertta. 5. {lords of the sump evening can be used only ones, sten though need to desbrinte different obJeete or a,tk,,'o, or purls of objerts or articles. An object orarticle ran be ntmetlonly once. - 8. Du not use hyphenated or rnineour tl words, ate any worth formed b' the eolnbtnmtlen 0f two or more complete words, tt'ltuero cneb word 1n Itself 18 an object. 7, The answer bating the largest and nettreet cor- rect 11,t of names of visible *Worts met articles [Mown In the picture that begin with the letter 'P" wan he awarded First Prize. etc. Neatn0ss, style 0r handwriting have no bearing upon deciding tate whi- ners. 8, Any number of people may co-operate hi answer- ing the eurele, but only one prize will be awarded to nay one household; nor will prizes be awarded to more than ono of any group where two or more have beenworking tegetlter. 0. In the event of. ,t tie for any prize offered, 111d full amount of such prize will ba awarded. to each tied In rtielpm1. 10. Subscriptions (boot new and renewal), pryable In advance at $5,00 ager year by mail In tannin. er 50.00 per year dcllrered by carrier boy In 1I n,l)t',, will bo neceptad. Ilowever, in unulifying for the 01,000 Bonus Iten',tr,ls, at (east one new subocrlptiot nnrst bo emit In 11. A hew euberriber Je nny07,0 tvb0 hat not 1'0en receiving The Mall and Empire slime January Iota. 12. A11 answers will receive the mono coneah rali,n regardiees of whether or notn.eubserlotton to The - AMU 'mil Empire Is sent In. 18. All new subscriptions trill 130 earerull>)• vera• fled by the Puzzle Mnna.ror. 1'-'ndkintes meriting old Subscriptions ns new will pia Lively forfeit the credit of such subscriptions mi gnantI lir for the :Nebulae Dents ROwal•de, 14. Three prominent Toronto -citizens, hiving no connection with The Tenn and Umpire, will be se• leeted to ,act as Judges to deride the winners, ,,,rd participants by seeable In their Bets agree to tweet the decision of the Judges no f(unl Iuntl conehtsire, I5. The• judges will meet on 'p'ebruary. 1811,, sad announeoment of the Prize -Win noes end correot Brit of words will be publlalred ba The All11l atu1. Thoplro as quickly thereafter as pnesible, DXTRA LARGE PICTURE 1')'/LLII SENT aurae 05 RE renew. T1E PRIZES Winning Answers will receive : the Shy • cash prizee according to Um table below Prize If No Prize If One Prize if Two Subscriptions Snbeerlptl0n Subscription:, lira sent, - le mut- ata neut. st Prize... $35 , 2nd Prize...I 35 3rd Prize.... 35 4th Prize.... 25 Sth Prize. - - . 20 Stir 'Prize..... 15 Rh Prize.... 10 8th Prize. , .. 8 9th Prize 1 6 10th Prize, ..1 5 11th Prize. 4 I2th Prize . 3 13th to 20th Prizes inclusive 2 21st to 50th Prizes inclusive 1.50 250 150 100 75 59. 30/ 500 300 200 150 100 60' 50 40. 30 10 20 7,50 15 in the event of a tic for any prize offered, the fun amount of snob prize will be paid to each tied participant. YOU CAN WIN e $1,00 There Are Three $1,000 Prizes Toa "P -Word" PlOtnre Puzzle Game Is a campaign to in- crease the popularity 0f The. ain11 and Empire. It costs mateIng to tape part and you do not have to send 10 a single enb- 0aritelon to win a prize. If your 110. of ••P -Words" is award- ed FIRST, SECOND OR TIIh10D Pze by the jodeve you Wilt win 020: but 11 you would like to get more than ;a6 wo matte' the. following SOOslal 0ffer whoruby you can win bigger mud, sprizes by. sending ONE or, TTwosnbeirlptlons. to Tlie Atail Hari Empire. HEIRA% 110W:- if your unewor to the ""E-WorO" Picture Puzzle wens arIRCT, SECOND 01i TI11RI) Prize, and you have sent In one yearly subsorietlon to' The Melt and ,Empire at 55.05 by mall In Oanade, or 50,00 delivered by carrier boy In Hamilton, you will receive $600. Instead of (15; fourth prlee. 11601 WO prize, 5130, an0 se forth. (Oso eceen0 oalumn of llguree In pries. Ilst.) Or, If your ,tnetvor wine FIRST, - SECOND er 7`111160) PrIte, and you :have tient In two yearly eribscrlpttow to The M AU unci Empire (one trete and ane renewal or two new sub- soripthete), You w111 reeelve 91,080 10 place of 9211; fourth: prize, 1550411 fifth prize, 5800, and ee forth, . (See third enlnmn of floret; 5' prize Mit.) lf0w In that ter is liberal offer? Dut, 1.0011I. Mere mer three 11,000 prizes. Therefero, 1f you steed FIRST, SECOND or TII1:ttn, and hate Sent 10 two yearly aubpe,'Ntlnn,, lit 65,00 a year each by mall or 90.00 .dullvered by tattler bey In 11anf11. ton (one /IOW ori 0110 reSrwCI or tn'n 1,010 you will twin 01,000. 7t taken lett two yearly subeeriptions at 98,00 a year oath (ole now and ono remand or two new) to rluellt;v for the big 91,000 0,5,nrds. Absolutely, that le the mnxhnum, ion can di, 5(1111 with 111310 effort. '1.'rnr Men eubscelpttnn stn, cont. IVs can else take suheerlptiens 10 start at tiny future dale. Just mark en your order ttlnS.t you emit the Raper to shut and We will not cont. monec delivery until you say, Subscription Rates --Payable in advance. THE MAIL and EMPIRE r ny.vhere inCanada by Mail $5.00 Per Year. Delivered by Carrier Boy in Hamilton or Lo ,don, $6 Per Year Rural Route This offer applies to Rural Route patrons, as Well as subscribers living In cities and towns. If you are already 'e tvin•r'rhe Mall and n t 1 tidy 1 ce a 1 ilmPire, your sub. eription Subscriber3i - will be extended from Its present expiration. Send lin a yearlyr3ibticriptien at $5,00 anti qualify for the big prizes. O. A. Xentgomere, TORONTO 1'6'1°tzl°manager' THEMAIL EMPIRE CANADAD AHy Thet. fjo.lowing is a partial list of Prize Winners in our recent contest: -ears. Angus 'Campbell, Forest, Ont„ $1,000; Mrs, Joe Doyle, Marmara; Ont., $1,000; Mrs. Thos. Patilifnore, Aehena, Onl., $1,000; Mrs, (Rev.) 'Theo, A. Iseler, Williamsburg, Ont., $500; Mrs, Bntma Moore, Chesley, Ont, $500; CPrende L. Merrirek, Alliston, Ont,, $300; Miss Grace. Webb, Granton, Ont, $250; firs. Herb, Bumskead, Meaford Ont., 5150; Mrs. Wm. Yates, StOlIa, Ont,, $100; C. 1-1. Cascadelh, 011 0tty, Ont., $50; David Watson, Cayuga Ont. $60; Miss Dais M. Rupert, Kingsville, Ont„ $50; Mrs, A. E. Sins Sarnia, Ont., $30; Miss M. Mco1112wee Gludshil Ott, 20; Mrs, Francis Graves,Dresden Ont. , dl , $ , r r $i S; Miss D. MacDonald, Sarnia, 0111„ $t$; Mrs, R. 5. Morpby, Walkerville, Ont., $15; G. H. Berkeley • St, Catharines, Ont., PS; B. G, Coutts, St, Catharines, Ont., $15. We .have actually given mway a total of over Seven Thousand dollars in prizes. ql .04' N 1