HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-1-21, Page 3With
Winter, Camps and Hikes,
Perfect .Digestion Will Come it
the Blood is Made ]Rich
and Red,
A good Scout friend of aura. V41111am Tbere la i o tonle for the stomach
0. Wesel by name, is an ardent Game- tart Is nota tonic for every esenthar
es—spring, ellnlmor, fall and winter, part a the floes vert oh stontactl
" depenae, as does every ocher organ,
He says that camping is a seasonable on the blood for its energy.
activity during tiering, summer and ; There can be no perfect digestion
fall, but that it le""peasoned" for wile upless you have, dole red blood, This
ter, tie tiles to explain that winter 1s scientifically tris. The way,thea,
camping is soaooned. yvith new thrills to tone up the atgnaaoh is to melee
and new sports which axe imPesotble the blood.
at otber times of the year, But let u$ Most stomach remedial try to di-
let him tell his own story of winter gest your food for you. How much
camps and hikes, All right, Bill, you better it 1$ to tone up the stomach 00
have the floor; Me Jessie do its ownwork, es nature
Clothing. Intended, There Is no pleasure in
"Thames, Mr, Editor, I like your Dating predigested food. Tone up
crowd and would like to take 'them your stomach, then your appetite and
digestion will soon be normal.
ail on g winter camping trip with mo, If your digestion to weak, and your
As I can't do that I'll try to •telt your blood thin, you need Dr. Williams'
fellows some of the leg points I have I pink Pills to restore the strength to
learned myself. your blood; In addition use, Dare la
"Warm clothing 1$ of prime import, the selection of your diet and your
time. When the pbyslcal"'comtorta are stomach trouble will soon pass awAY.
provided for, everybody is hapeY. Cold Mrs. Oharles La Rose, Fruitland, Ont„
feet are uncomfortable and unneces suffered severely, wand tells what Dx.
earn. A pair or two of woollen hose••+? ,tlliams' Pink Pills did for her, She
are a good insurance. Old-timers will says: -"I we a terrible sufferer front.
tell you teat/extras of most everything stomach trouble. The doctor called It.
are satisfactory for .winter camping, rlreryoue Indigestion.' Everything I ate
In making up the check list, write ex -distressed 'me, and I became so weak
tra before stockings, underwear, mite= and rundown I could hardly wails. I
tens, shirt, and sweater or coat. Be- ,had a pain around my heart most of
tween two layers of clothing there is ,,tine .time, and h slept very poorly. I
a film of air which operates on the was afraid I, would not get well, ae
thermos bottle Maas • ! the doctor's mediates was not helping
"Scoutmasters should talk over the me. In this serious condition Dr. Wil-
matter of dress with their boys in ad- Hams' Pink Pills were recommended
vance and follow this up with personal; and I decided to fry them, and' I can
inspection before starting on a trip. truthfully say that they made me feel
Hiking. e like a new person. I will always glee
"A great deal of interest In winter
medicine a. word of praise when
camping can he developed while on I get kchance for I think there is C
day hikes. On these aceasioas the nothing to be compared with It for
boys will have an Opportunity to visit dyspeptics, oranyone weak, nervous
desirable places where wood and ehel. or'rundotvn." '
ter. is available. Before taking_ the You can got these Pills from any
medicine dealer o
entire troop overnight Scoutmasters r by mail at 50 cents
Medi -
are advised to camp out with their a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi•
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.. !
Patrol Leaders in order that they may
3m familiar with some of the problems
of winter camping. Dawn]
The skies of dawn are grey before the
Trafalgar Square as it appeared during the great fog which hung like a
pall of gloom over London for several days recenty.
The 111l1dee
The wild geese need na eptnila
09 4mbart
To And the dlsteet NOM.
'Bravely the pock txtulie teeth
Through infinite elIY land over trookl•
fele sea
To the Paul beeen where they all:
would bo,
teed by infallible magic la the heart.
The violet has no calendar tp tell
The ritual of the year.
But when her Day is here
• I know she will 3o11111 the ancient
Donning the sacred. veil of amethyst,
lin the grayboulder is the ferny dell.
They never fail, the patterns far and
wide, • ''
The veery's measureless tune,
The accurate tide .and: moon,
The bee's geometry, the beaver's art.
Who would maintain bis little life
And fear to lean upon the Invisible
•--Abbie Farwell Brown in Youth's
"Weather conditions will affect the sun
programme, which must be, flexible, at Rises in glory—chasing mists away:
best—go expecting a storm! Allow Aad so life's shadows vanish one by
lust a little more time to get dressed, one
prove' meals, change clothes, etc., When plunk shines out in all its
then you would in summer. It doesn't brava array.
always snow be ready to change the The waking birds sing songs of cour-
activities to trail building, sawing Adage, cheer
chopping contests (providing you
have the owner'sRemission,is
von of
course) and winter tree study. When
it is cold enough for snow and lee
winter sports are unparalleled..
"Have an objective besides that of
getting the experience and some fun.
Possibly the putting through of some
of tate tests such as Second Class Fire
Building, Cooking, First Class Ad-
vanced First Aid for Frost Bite and
Freezing, Use of Alm, judging, etc.
Getting good winter views for the
troop album can be an objective, and
the study ofwhiter wild life as re-
vealed by tracks and other signs.
"A regular battle royal can be staged
with little organization and encourage-
ment. Snoeshoeleg, skiing, and skat-
ing allow for inditidual action as well
as competition. 4oboganning and sled-
ding are great spots for patrols,
"For the overnight camp, the Imp
tent and forester tent are splendid if
pitched about a central fire, A wind-
indbreak of brush and .canvas will be a
good protection- when constructed in
the form of a leanto,
"You may find a shack of some kind
in which to sleep. In winter it is
warmest to sleep on the ground. A.
cot allows too much ventilation from.
below, and unless you have good pad-
ding and place as many blankets be-
low as above, the Clieneee are that
you will find yourself cooling off In all
four directions. Not so on the ground.
That le 11 you prepare the right kind
of a bed. Usually leaves can be found
in a gully or depression where they
have blown together, After selecting
the sheltered place to sleep, such as
alongalde a fallen tree or a big rock,
look for two logs and place theraparal-
lel the width you wish your bed to be.
Put the leaves between these logs and.
lover them with your ground cloth.
The logs will, keep your bed from
Creeping and will keep oft winds. Tie
up the lower .end of the blankets with
a etring or iargg safety pins and tuck
that and into year pack far added pro-
tection. If you wear dry wool socks
to bed you will feel considerably
"It Is eustoiriary to throw a few
'Atoka of wood on the fire while In the
. process of teruing in, for added
warmth and light. Most important is
a flre ready be. start In the morning
when shoes are stiff and fingers get
cold, Timis tinder and wood should be
protected against sleet and snow with
a pieta of canvas or pouch. Don't,
forget matches and flashlights,
In the sweet freabness of a world
And hearts lift psalms of triumph over
When trouble's night gives place to
hope's glad morn!
"Grub terms tin important item to
consider, Hve the boys eat heartily'
• before leaning horns. Bacon, eggs
(just peel an ,dac,a in par, if frozen),
meat, beans, cheese and terns are'
good standby' Aisytlring hot like
tomato soup always welcome, Yea,
theta are otii items you will think
of and want t consider. An axe and
It saw are thwhiter campers' best
friends --don't rget theist.
It matters not how black the clotids
of sorrow,
For all of us the sun will shine to-
—Hilary Brown,
Machinery Stethoscope. '
An electrically operated stethoscope
has been perfected, with which abnor-
mal noises In macbinery can be de-
tected from distant paints.
With 1-eather Solea
8 Pairs
4 Pairs $2.50,
6 Pairs $3.00'
Men's, Women's and Boys'
Sizes 1 to 8 only.
AS. A PREMIUM with each order of
$2 or over a beautiful calender will
be mailed postpaid.
Standard Footwear
1294 8t. Clair Avenue Weat. Toronto
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario.
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
tars through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina
Crescent; Toronto.
Winter is a dangerous season for
the little ones. The days are so
changeable—one bright, the next cold
and stormy, that the mother is
afraid to take the children out for the
fresh air and exercise they need so
much. In consequence they are often
cooped up 1n overheated,` badly venti-
lated rooms and are soon seized with
colds or grippe. What is needed to
keep the little ones well la Baby's
Own Tablets. They will regulate the
stomach and bowels and drive out
colds, and by their nae the baby will
be able to get over the winter Treason
in perfect safety. The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Clean Pulp From Paper Currency.
The inerestigative work of the Far -
est Products Laboratories of the For-
estry Branch of the Department of the
Interior is becoming more extensive
each year. Recent results arrived at
• show that absolutely clean pulp can
be recovered from the condemned
A • recent visitor to this country re- that many stout people could reduce paper currency withdrawn from circu-
marked on the number of stout people if they only practiced self-control, but lation bytheDepartment of Finance.
hesaw here. This food for `thought, they do not put forth any effort to do Experiments at the laboratories have
as it raises the question of whether so. In fact they eat too much food also demonstrated that tirek111ed and
we as a people are guilty of over-
eating. I say "guilty" intentionally,
for over -eating in the sense that it
endangers health and leads to ineffi-
ciency. is really a crime. As far as
actual disease is concerned, there are
ea?twin diseases that lunve long been
known to be associated with stoutness
or overweight. The actual danger
comes from the deposition of fat
around and in the vital organs of the
body, which may cause interference
with the action of the heart, kidneys
and blood vessels. ' Diseases of these
organs axe a common association of
overweight, and it may be that over-
weight does prove an important factor
in their cause. or instance, diabetes
is a disease which is constantly asso-
ciated with overweight.
What is the cause of overweight?
It appears to be mainly due to the
taking of more food than the body
needs, and the consequent storing up
of the surplus in the form of fat.
Overweight may occur at any age, but
it is most likely to appear after the
age of thirty. As people grow older
they tend to take less and less exer-
cise, while at the same time the am-
ount of food eaten does not decrease
and sometimes actually increases. This
is especially true with regard to work-
' ers in the cities whose habits of life
!are as a rule more sedentary than
I those of the country. Less and less
Id the food they take is consumed by
!actual work and more is stored in the
form of fat Overweight may occur
in two or three ways, first, there may
be a hereditary tendency to this con-
dition as is often and son are both stout;' father where
second, it may
occur as the result of some disease,
oftentimes unrecognized, such as
, affections of certain glands; third,
through leading a sedentary life in
which overeating and underexercising
are two of its characteristics. The fact
that a person has hereditary tenden-
!cies to stoutness is no reason why the
condition should be allowed to con-
. time. It can be overcome by a system
of dieting and exercise. The fact is
The Province of Ontario
Savings Office
Deposit your savings regularly wiith the Province
of Ontario Savings Office,
All monies deposited by you are guaranteed by
the Government of the Province of Ontario and
can be withdrawn at any time.
Department at each Branch,
.Branches Toronto --Corner Bay abd Adelaide Streets; Corner
University and Dundee Streets; 549 Danforth Avenue.
Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound,
Pembroke, 8eaforth, 81, Catharines, St, 'Mary's.
Walkerton, Woodatcck.
altogether, and in addition, take foods superficially charred spruce and bal-
rich in fat, that only, aggravate the sem fir can be used successfully for
condition. If overweight is due to imp manufacture. Important work
disease, the trouble could easily be is also being accomplished in the treat
detected through physical examination
by a physician. In this case the pa- meat of woods to render them fire -re -
tient would most likely be put on a tardant.
— ,
strictdiet, eliminating asfar as o
aiblethe foodstuffs rich in fat -forming The family budget should include
material. an appropriation for training in char -
A fortunate feature of this import,- atter building.
ant problem of reducing overweight is
that the condition can be controlled. In the Bolshevist Navy there are
Even when "stoutness" is present for two dreadnoughts complete and cap -
some considerable time, as for aper- able Tof steaming and six effective sub-
lod of years, it can be reduced with
e sa roblem marines.
safety. Th 1 ti f th
is: simple and consists merely in re-
versing the order of life that has
brought ..bout the unnecessary in-
crease in weight. Some stout people,
who neglect to reduce their weight do
so from a mistaken idea. They think
that controlling their diet means re -j
during the amount taken to almost'
the point of starvation, or at least
keeping them perpetually hungry.
They argue that life is short and that
it is not worth while denying oneself
the simple daily pleasures, one of
which is included under the heading
of "a good appetite." The general
plan for weight reduction is to ar-
range the -menu in an attractive way
which will at once provide sufficient
food to satisfy hunger and at the
,same time contain a reduced number
of calories or heat units. Diets can be
arranged for each individual by his
physician, but in* the main, the plan
is to restrict starches and sugars and
fatty meats, and make the chief
source of diet fruits and leafy vege-
tables, large in bulk, which satisfy
hunger but at the same time contain
a diminished supply of fat -forming
material. Any physician will arrange
a diet, giving the food calories re-
quired and the kind of foodstuffs that
should be taken and should be left out
of the daily menu. Daily exercise
should also be indulged in, but the na-
ture of the exercise should be arrang-
ed after a physical examination is
made, to see if the llea0t and other
are in good condition.
To sum up, therefore, reduce the
amount taken of the fat -forming
foods, such as butter, cream, fatty por-
tions of cream, salad oil and nuts;
also the amount of starchy foods such
as bread and pastry, as well as candy
and sugars. Only eat three times a
day and never between meals. It candy
must be taken, eat it at the end of
a meal as dessert. The foods that are
not rich in fat consist in general of
the bulky vegetables, fruits, lean meat
and fish without fat.
Do not depend on drugs for weight
reduction. Most of the drugs used
aro harmful and poisonous„
Remit by Dominion Express honey
Order. 1f lost or stolen you get your
13Oney hack,
Butterfly a Delicacy.
The Ilugeng moth or butterfly le a
delleaoy which epicures among eor-
tain aborlginai peoples of Australia
will travel long distances to obtain.
The butterflies gather every year on
the slopes of the Bugong mountable, in
New South Walde, where .they are
caughtby being aUitocatod by the
smoke of wood fires lighted under the
For First AId—Mlpard's Liniment.
If you'd like a little better tea than you
are using, please try "Red Rosa"
TEA iS good ref
The same good tea for 30 years. Try rt!
Radio Reception ,Conditions.
While it is not yet possible to ape
eurately forecast -radio reception Done
dltlona, considerable progress has
been made toward establishing the re-
lationship between weather conditions
and radio, reception, according to en-
gineers of The Maroon' Wireless
Telegraph Company of Canada,
Generally speaking it has been
found that when the weather to 00-
08sonable or when there to a sudden
or decided change In the weather recep-
tion conditions will be bad, accenting
to these authorities.
Gold weather in summer, warm days
in winter or a change from cold and
crisp to moist and snowy weather will
Invariably bring about poor reception
conditions. Fading, both of the elow
and rapid variety, has been found to
be almost as, bad for radio reception as
static. Fading is almost Inevitable
when the weather chaagese it Is
Every effort 1s being made by radio
engineers in all parts of the world to
determine the relationship between
radio reception and the weather so
definitely that forcests as to radio re-
ception will be as accurate as those
now issued by the meteorloglcai bur
eau about the weather. When this
has been accomplished it will mark a
big forward stride in radio receiving,
For Every 11I—Mrnard'e'Liniment
It is an uncontrolled truth that no
man ever made an ill figure who un-
derstood his own talents, nor a good
one who mistook them.
have bought their :arena m ,'/4r,era
Canada from the. Canadian Pacific. A
remarkable Fact. Think! There is a
reason. The large area or our hold
Ingo affording choice of location and of
land to suit every farming need. Fair
price. fair contract. and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility of
soil, good climate and social condi•
tions make farm life there desirable
and attractive. Thousands more will
select their farmfrom our virgin lands,
from our improved farms, and with
some capital and determiliation to
work, can make a home and pay for
It. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie
Provinces of Canada," and leaflet,
"Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L.
Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific"
Railway, • Desk W.. Windsor Station,
Montreal, Que.
- AGETS ea
Men and Women—the Jiffy Knife
sharpener, new, efficient, 10 year
guarantee. Good commissions,
every house a prospect Write
05 Victoria St. Toronto
are the concentrated
strength of prime, fresh
beef. Use them to add
flavor and nutriment to
soups, sauces, gravy,
stews, hash, meat -pies.
Tine of 4 - 15.. and
10 10c.
• ��Yw"7`i.5y��"•7•r :4: �$•��,s'.1 `;iPi17t v�' +��:.
a "Icleol14PinkerP oygroand eeIl
`eethdy2haysf'ri::nto wYork(r' l •
Settings T'&ce Weekly to
Leavitt.; AT. Y. 1, ed. arta Sat:
Fla?.J nt, Twin -Screw,
OA Burn:na Steamers
Laadiog Paeseneerset Hamilton Dock
F+r Illustrated Booklets Writs
34 Whitehall Str rt - Now York City
or Any Local Tourist Agent
Classified Advertisements
". wanted. Reynolds, '17 Victoria
Street, Toronto,
We are interested in obtaining
particulars to the Wilson Publishing
Company, 73 West Adelaide Street.
Toronto, Ontario.
,Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe
by !!millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for.
Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis R'heurnatism
Accept, onl "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets;
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aimee 10 the trees mark l,sel,tlrod in Donnas) of Bayer Mauntnithrs of Monoscetle-
1 aetaeeter of Sslleylldeetd (Acnt,vl Salicylic Aetd, "A. s. A."). white It 1e %volt known
that Aspirin, mews Oe$r msnutaeturs, to assist the prone saltiest (mindless, Ws %tlbtets
et. Swot 06mpaar willbe stampedwith their general tree° mark, the Mayer Green."
VauWinckel, 1399 Lansdowne Ave,,
McCreary, Chatham, Ont.
The Nobel Prizsa, awarded for the
moat notable achievements in physics,
chemistry, medicine, literature, and
peace each year, are worth about $40,-
000 each.
Passengers by air who left Croydon,
England, in ane week of 1924 num-
bered 1,000; for the same week in 1919
the numberof passengers was 20.
00050 mous:a 03 Paan
Please write for our prise net on
Poultry, Buttes, and Eggs
We 006.11ANTi05 ,here for a week ahead.
16.63 9aMseoare gergek
Teleahase elela riar
Dangerous if unattended.
a Rub well with Minese's and take
no chances.
It reswres circulation, heals the
injured tissues.
Always keep it on the shelf.
Also Behind Ears and On
Limbs, Cuticura Deals.
-3 was affected with eczema
which broke out in a rash. I had
it on my face, beh'nd my `ears and
on my limbs. My skin was sore
and red and My clothing aggravated
it. It itched and burned sousing
me to scratch, and sometimes I
could not sleep at night. My face
was disfigured.
" I finally readan advertisement
for Cuticula Soap and Ointment
and sent for a free sample. I got
relief so purchased more, and after
using one box of Cutlet= Oint-
ment, with the Cuticura Soap, I
was healed." (Signed) Miss Arvilla
C. Crysler, 2639 Taylor St. N. E.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes.
SampleSbyxoatl6trel" s' ° tuaarRs5ia.11ona
mrfn UiatmrntDad60e. daom26c.
Try our new Shaving Stick.
Sick a Year. Got Great Ben-
efit from Lydia E. Pinkhain's
Vegetable Compound _
Bloomington, N. S.—"I took Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for
pains and backache, also for nervous-
ness, sick headaches and ales lessness.
1 was troubled in this way for over a
year, and a friend told me about the
Vegetable Compound and induced me to
take it. 3 must say I have received
great benefit from it and am able to do
my housework now. I recommend the
Vegetable Compound myself and am
willing for you to use this letter as a
testinlonal." —Mrs. WILLIAM Moitsn,
Bloomington, Annapolis County, N. S.
Do you know that in a recent canvass
among women users of the Vegetable
Compound over 220,000 replies were re-
ceived. To the ilueatlon, "Have you
received benefit by taking this medi
cine?' 98 per cent. replied `'Yes,"
This means that 98 out of every 1031
women are in better health because
theyhave given this medicine a fair
Mrs. Morse is simply another case of
a woman receiving "great benefit."
Women suffering from the troubles so
common' to their sex should listen to
what other women saywho have ex
rienced the same suti;ein•a and found
relief. Give this dependable medicine a
chance -and atonee. It is sold atall
drug stores,
1981.1E No, 3—'25.