HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-1-14, Page 8ars at
ayc W Pted
400K Over the foist
Horehound Coady
After Pinner Mints
Honey and
Horehound Drops
Menthol Cough Props
Eucalyptus and
Menthol Pastilles
Fruit Flavored
Hord Dolled Candles
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
WIsi Relieve
Your cough
We believe Cherry Bark Cough
Syr up to be cue of the safeet
and inner Htfective of (lough
1ternediee. Pleasant to the taste
and with nothing .upeetting..it
will be found to be a valuable
euredy tb have on heard in the
treatment of Cough's and Oolde,
Cherry Bark Omagh Syrup
36e and 60e bots,
He Vilbiss
fiprttys Mute and
Throat. Spraye
any liquid: --oil or
watery. It has
two bottles—one
for cleansing sots
talon and one for
DeVilbies Atnm-
izere $2.25
Rexall Meloid's
Cold Clear the
Tablets Throat
25c. 25c
Laxative.I Throat Paraformic
Bromo Ease Throat
Quinine zoo 125c Tablets
3oc I Pkgs.. 25c
Puretest Castor Oil
20-e bots.
Listerine S6c and 600 bots.
Hydrogen Peroxide
25e hots.
Purt test Epsom Salts
In tin containers, 16c & 25o
Camphorated Oil
25c bete.
Kasagra 25e and 60c bots.
Rexall Tasteless Prep.
Cod Liver Oil
with Hypophosphite
$100 Note,
Scott's Emulsion
66c twd $1.80 bets.
Wampole's Cod Liver Oil
$1 00 bots.
Peptona $1.25 bots.
Druggist and Stationer
eb •Itern
was received here of the death of Rob-
ina D. Connell. at S forth, on Tues -
DAYS show a perceptible stretchin
Locaa news always welcome at Tx
SNOW storms fol'ow one another lhi
season with tiresome regularity
Tan ice harvest has commenced a
the milldam for this season
LOCAL and District news may be
found on pages 4 and 5 as usual.
bona roofs of shops and homes sbow
a beavy weiQbt of snow upon them.
thoro'bred Airdale puppy to Ernest Ro
zell, Clinton, and slopped him Saturday
to his new owner.
Tux C. N. R. are using one of their
big locomotives on this line instead of
the double-headers often put on during
the period of storm and heavy track,
Timex is no law against the neileb-
bars thinking what they please about
the man who refuses to shovel tbe snow
off his sidewalk,—Shelburne Economist.
Ties Department. of Education has
quelled excitement of trustees in urban
centres by the stateme nt that the basis
of the grants will not now be changed.
Baysseas new Utilities Commissioners
met last week and organized, witb
Reeve Backer as Chairman and A H.
MacDonald, Secrerary. An advertize-
meat may be read in this issue asking
for Linemen.
MONDAY afternoon an accident hap-
pened to R. Drager, an employee of
Messrs Ameot Bros, & White, whereby
one of his bands was quite seriously in-
jured. We hope he will soma be o. k.
once more.
SATURDAY. 24th inst., an Auction
Sale of young cattle, cows aid a couple
of cutters will be held at the Central
Sale Stables, Brussels, at r 3o p m.
Milton Lowe. Brussels, is the proprietor
and D. M, Scott, Auctioneer.
A Toronto subscriber renewing for
THE POST says :—"Enclosed flsd cheque
for $2oo for soother year. I look for-
ward every week so mucb to getting it I
would not like to ever think I would be
without it." THE POST returns thanks
for the compliment.
WEDNRsnav a number of Brusselites
are attending the matrimonial celebra-
tion of Charles Draper, well known in
Brussels, and Miss 'Anna Ellis, 4th line,
Morris township. Mr, and Mrs, Drap-
er will make their home on the groom's
farm, 3rd line. Morris. Many good
wishes are extended for a prosperous
future. -
WOMEN'S INSTITU'fz.—Next meeting
of Brusselss Women's Institute will be
held Friday afternoon of this week, at e
o'clock, at the Library. Mrs. W. W.
Harris will have the, topic, "Woman's
part in Canada's progress". Por Roll
Call you will be asked to spell your
name and Current Events will be in
charge of Mrs. Robt, Thomson. A
good atteudance asked for.
Tux r5th wedding anniversary of
Geo. H. and Mrs. Semis, well known
Brusselites, was celebrated on the 5th
inst., when a company of friends em-
phasized the event as guests of the prin-
cipals, Elizabeth street. We join in the
congratulations ,of many and indulge in
the hope that 35 years hence the Golden
Wedding may constitute an important
item on. the program of Mr. and Mrs,
LAST Sunday the sad• news was
received at the home of D, C. and Mrs,
Ross of the demise of a brother -in law,
J. T. Durgin, of Canton, Maine, U, S,
Mrs. Ross left Monday to attend the
funeral. Over a year ago deceased met
' with a serious accident from which be
had never fully recovered, Mrs, Durg-
in was Miss Melissa Ames, 'sisterof Mrs.
Ross and she and a son, Willie, ,survive
and share in the sympathy Of a wide
g lav, aged ' 83 years aud 23 days. She
was the relict of the late James Cuthill,
x formerly of Grey township and Brussels.
Funeral will rake place from her late
s residence, Seaforth. Friday, Jan.
efeh, at 2 p m Interment
t will be made in Brussels Cemetery.
Funeral will be private. Further not.
ice next week,
FOR SAL?; One short Horn Ball, nine
months old. Apply to Joun R. LEM.MIR°,
R. B. I, Walton, Ont,
YonxsaIRE Hog for service Terms 51 00-
8041. R. WILDEa, Grey,
COLT.1E PUPS for eat' Phone 566.
AL= Nichol, Oth Con.Morris,
Good young Short Horn Bull for sale. Batts-
faction guaranteed.
t Phone 2814 Brnesele R.
1 DnRRAM Cow, calve 1n about 2 weeks, and 1
Holstein farrow cow. Apply to Phone 2012,.
BEN HOLLF.NDEOk, Blnevele, B. R. No, 2,
FOR SACC.—Three bunches of Pigs, 28 little
pigs ready to wean] also beef for sale by the
quarter. R J. MOLENNAv.
Phone 109 N'3 Lot 19, Con, 2, Morrie.
Cow for
8618' Dna CEcalve
IL first
TEMAN, Ethel.
REGISTERED Short Horn Cow, dna to freshen
shortly. B.C. CAMPRLL.
Phone 4818 Grey Twp.
Fon SALE.—Five•pfeoe walnut parlor suite,
upholstered in plush, one lounge and a parlor
lamp, Apply to J. J. Ge PiN,
Phone 18x Brussels.
T. Cow for sale, doe to freshen January
lat, Phone 808, J. A. ARMSTR ONO,
DR, BARRIR, of Wingham, has re0nmedi his.
weekly visits to the Qaedn'e Hotel, Brussels,
FINES.—Statistics issued by Magis-
trate Chas. Reid of Huron county police
court for the month of December show
35 cases dealt with, rr of which were
breeches of the 0 T. A the fines for
the month were $8g5.00 from 27 Con-
victions , 6 cases were adjourned ; 1
sent on for trial, and one dismissed.
Coe jail sentence was imposed for veg.
rancy, and two defendants released on
parole. This is a decrease in fines from
December 1923, when $1,781 was col-
lected, but only 25 tans dealt with,
MONDAY'S London Free Press speaks
as follows of Ross McKay, son of Rev.
A.M. McKay, of the West and grandson
of David Rosser, Brussels, who is play-
ing senior Hockey with London team
Ross McKay, the local hockey player,
who proved effective as a substitute
against Galt on Friday, will appear on I
the lineup to -night and will be carried
with the seniors for tbe remaiuder of
the season. McKay played intermediate
hockey here tor several years and judg-
ing from his first senior appearance, he
will be an asset to tbe team, George
Arthurs will be the other substitute.
DIED AT HAaRrsroN.•—Eliza Burgess,
widow of William Lucas, died at the
home of her daughter, Harristos, at the
advanced age of So years, which birth-
day she passed on Christmas Day, De-
ceased, who w89 born in Blanshard
'township, near St, Marys, was united
in marriage nearly half a century ago
to her late husband at Brussels, with
whom she removed to Carrick Town-
ship, where she resided until his death,
whereupon she removed to Mildmay,
where she resided until the death of
her daughter. She bad been enjoying
fair health until 7.'httrsday of last' week,
when it wee necessary to call a doctor
although it was not considered that bee
condition wee serious. Besides her
daughter, Mrs. ,lobo Clyne,' Harrlslon,
she leaves one son, Edwin, Wisconsin.
The funeral took place On Tuesday
morning to McIntosh Cemetery, Carrick
'rowoship. The service was conducted
by Rev. Mr. Todd, pastor of the Meth-
odist church, where she had been a life-
long member,
friday and Saturday Ev'gs
dein, 18 and 17
Ile -
Next Monday and Tuesday
"long live live the King"
Also Serial
Usual Prices.
CoxraARY to pessimistic predictions,
the Guelph Winter Fair now reports
n surplus, showing that the Royal City
is amply able still to make the institu.
Noe pay us well as in, the past —Guelph
MICHAEL NlctrOLs, Brussels, has been
added to the membership roll of the
Huron County Home. at Clinton. He
is a widower and while lie could
manage fairly well in providing for
himself in the Summer tbe task was not
so easy in the Wi.Iter. Heuce his
change of residence.'
An Excellent Test.—Hast week when
M. R. J. Guide, B.S.A.', M.S., was here
lecturing at the Short 'bourse, he test-
ed the bottle of milk That was being
used at the Domestic Science class and
found that the test for butter fat and
sediment, were the best he had ever
run across. The milk was ffom the
Guernsey herd of D. M.. Scott.
AT the recent Sunday School enter-
tainment held in the Methodist church,
Fordwicb, John A Bryans. the Super-
intendent, was very kindly remembered
by the members of the scbool, by being
presented with a beautiful signet ring.
Tbis,gift is biybly appreciated by Mr.
Bryans, He is a SOD of the late Edward
and Mrs Bryans, of this locality, and a
former Grey township old boy who has
made good.
Hume Old Boys Association of
Toronto, have arranged the 25th annual
At Home in the Sovereign Hall, Das,
ercourt Road, for Thursday evening of
this week. R S Sheppard is tbe Presi-
dent stud E Floods. Secretary. 'This
man zation has extended its member-
ship until its gatherings are a real re-
union. The net proceeds of this year's
At Home will be devo'ed to a fund for
the purpose of making grants to the
hospitals iu Goderich, Cliutou, Wing
ban and Seaforth, Huron County.
Rev. James Robertson Craigie, M. A.,
died Sunday at his resideuce, 306 Wind•
ermere avenue, Toronto. Deceased had
spent his cbildbood in Port Dover,
where his father watt in charge of the
Presbyterian church for 26 years. Rev
Mr. Craigie graduated from Knox Co'
lege in 1880, and later took a post -grad-
uate course at Edinburgh, Sco land.
He bad held sbarges in Boboaygeon
and Hanover, Ontario. and in rgo2
he moved to Torodto, where he lived re-
tired. Deceased is survived by bis wid-
ow, two sons, 1. W. Craigie, Toronto,
B. E. Craigie, Timmins, and a sister,
Mise A. M. Craigie, in Toronto. J. W,
Craigie was a former member of the
Standard' Bank staff, Brussels. It will
be remembered that the latter married
Miss Pearl, second daughter of D. A.
and Mr. Lowry, then of town, but now
of the Queen city. The bereaved will
share in the sympathy of old friends in
Brussels, •
Two things are very manifest these days.
I. That a number of drivers of sleighs
and cutters are still unaware of the fact
that the Highway Act is just as etnpha-
Ne in requiring that sleigh bells are'as
necessary when sleighs or cutters are
driven as lights are when motor vehicles
are using the highway. 2 That drivers
of snow vehicles regard tbe law with
contempt for a time, just as certain driv-
ers of motor cars do The law passed
over a year ago says, "Every person trav-
elling upon a highway with a sleigh or
sled drawn by a horse or other animal
shall have at least two bells attached
to the harness or the Sleigh in
such a manner as to give ample warp-
ing. Any person who violates this
provision shall incur, for a first offense
a penalty of not more than 55 00, for the
second offense a penalty of not less than
$5 0o and not more than $ro, aud for
any subsequent offense a penalty of not
less than *to and not more than $25.
Better put the bells on.
The death of Susan Maria Acheson,
widow of Rev. Walter S. Jamieson, oc-
curred rather suddenly at Toronto. Mrs,
Jamieson was the eldest daughter of the
tate John Acheson, Goderich, and of
Mrs, Acheson now of Toronto Her
husband, a Methodist clergyman, died
in rete, Three sons and five daughters
survive, one son being killed in the war.
J. 'r Acheson, Winnipeg ; Mrs. (Rev.)
F. W. Holinrake, of Hamilton Mrs R,
N'. Merritt, of Kitchener ; M;rs, Chas
Lane of Detroit, and the Misses Etiz-
abeth and Laura Acheson, of Toronto
are brothers and sisters of the deceased
woman. The remains were brought to
Goderich and were laid to rest ib Mait-
land cemetery. Rev. D. N McCamus,
of London, officiating. Those present.
for the funeral included J. T, Acheson
and Mr. Anderson, Winnipeg; lobo A.,
William snot Gordon Jamieson, the three
sons of the deceased, ,Wen. South of
Winnipeg, a sou•ia-law ; Rev, D. N,
MoCamus and Mrs, McCnmus, of Lon-
don. Rev, Mr. Jamieson was a- junior
Methodist pastor at Brussels before his
Li 1
Collection of
,. Money by Drafts
He use of drafts In modern bust nee$
practice IS occasionally ovet9o01ted, ,
their purpose misunderstood, and
their 'tattle not appreciated. This service
as raetised by the Standard Band Is one
of the oldest institutions Of the belittlingBANKING business and the logical outcome of a de-
sire on the part of both buyer alp seller
to expedite the settlement of accounts
periodically in the most convenient men-
ner to both parties. We shell be glad to
give informations on The value of col -
lection by draft es applied to your bust"
BRANCH—G. H. Samis, ManagerJt
p t+
MORRIS Township Council minutes
will he given in next week's issue of Tug
PosT along with other matters of inter-
est. .
Hoop hooses were attracted to the
Family Theatre last Saturday afternoon
and evening to wetness the mush d'aik-
ed of production "The Covered Wag-
on," Messrs. McKinnon & Murcaf are
to be congratulated on the programs
they are carrying out.
11 UReN Coun'v -Council . will convene,
at Goderich, Tuesday, z7•tlh inst., at 3
p.m. Furst duty will be to select the
Warden for 1925, as successor to War-
den Erwin, Bayfield; There are usually.
several aspirants but the • result of
some of the municipal electlons.-ratlier
changed 'the expected personnel this
fesser Kingston of the University Of
Western (Mario, London, bas issued a
warning not to look through a telescope
at the sun during the eclipse ou January
24, as there are many cases where eye
sight has been lost entirely by looking
at the sun through a telescope The
sight goes imiuedia'ely and there is ap
parently no cure. If you went to fee
the eclipse on the m ,ruing of January 24
next, use a piece of smoked glass—that's
all you'll need.
THE news of the sudden death of Wm
Taylor, Owen Sound, husband of .Miss
Clara Thompson, formerly of Brussels,
who is a sister to Mrs. Jas G. Jones,
Turnberry street, came as s great shock
He we found dead in his bed Mendey
morning, the end apparen'ly coming
without a' straggle He was iu 64 h
year. He was a past president of the
Ontario Associated -Boards of Trade and
Chambers of Commerce, An Owen
Sound note says of the same gentleman
—William Taylor, a prominent dt:zen of
Owen Sound for many years and a past
president of the Ontario Associated
Boards of Trade and Chambers of Com-
merce, died suddenly . here Monday
morning. He bad been in his usual
health prior to retiring Sunday night.
He was president of the firm of William
Taylor & Son, manufacturers of carbon-
ated beverages He had always been
active in Board of Trade work in Owen
Sound, He was a member of this year's
executive of the Ontario Associated
Boards of Trade. In fraternal circles
he was also prominent, being a past
noble grand of Owen Sound Lodge, No.
18o, I. 0 0. F , and a member of North
Star Lodge, A F. & A. M. He is sur-
vived by his widow and eight children,
He was in his 64'h year.
erstitious•persons—there are still some—
who tremble at the thought of "Friday
the 0,3tb," will have three bsztrds in the
year re25• There was one Friday the
13th in 1924, but is a clean page —as yet.
There was only one Friday the 23th in
1924, iS June, but in 1925 the 13th falls
on a Friday in the months of February,
March and October. Easter comes .a
full week earlier than in 1924 Good
Friday is set for April to, and Easter
Sunday, April 12 There are some oth-
er intereting angles to the 1925 calen-
dar. May 24, Queen Victoria's birth-
day, tbe very popular holiday, which
generally beralds summer's approach,
falls ou a Sunday, and will probably be
celebrated on the Monday after—a
bumper week -end holiday Dominion
Day, July r aud Armistice Day, Nov-
ember 12, both came on Wednesday in
1925 Of course, Him weekend holi-
days of late summer and fall will be un-
changed in 2925. Civic holidays
throughout the D. minion are generally -
celebrated on the first Monday in Aug.
est, which will be August 3 Labor
Day will be Monday, September 7, and
'rbauksgiriug Day, Monday, November
SUDDEN DEAT11.—A Loudon note of
Interest to people in Huron County is as
follows ;—:Au acute and unexpected
heart attack ,vlticb se,zsd him just as he
was about to take bis seat Sunday at the
dinner table at the residence of Schoal
'rrustce A. R Calrocross, 831 R oh -
mond Street, resu'ted in the sudden
death of Albert McGarvey, brother In-
law of Joseph Soaudrett, 835 Richmond
Street, Mr, McGarvey, who was born
in Quebec nearly sevenly•four yeersago,
was one of the earlier sed most prosper-
ous operators in the Petrolia oilfields.
Later he transferred his operations to
RUSSIA, end in the Nottllern Caucasus
he accumulated 5ti11 greater wealth.
For more than t veuty.li e years he liv-
ed in London, England, end Gresnoy,
Russia, and acted as Managing Director
of the Northern Caucasian 0 1 eempeny,
an important' corporation which he or.
gauized.wrth English capital- 'i'hott h
he had lived in London with Mrs,
Scatldrett, for the past three aud a
ball year., he continued actively to•dir
ect his affairs and handled a heavy cor-
respondence. His estate 10 Pow mainly
in I5;nglatid . Mr, MCGarveywas in.bls
usual apparent excellent health until hie
fatal seizure, He Was 0101; aware that
he wast'snfleriug from heart (llamaHis wife, who' Was a sister. of Mrs.
Scandret'. died iti London iu.Sepiemb:,
er, 1933, and tri buried iu 'ir oodlaud
Cemetery, where Mr, McGarvey was in
tarred on Tuesday.
Thursday evening of Jest week the
office bearers for 1925 In Western Star
Lodge, No, 149, IBrus's ls, were in
stalled by D. D. G, M. Try alit! sulfe,
of Wingham, In a nlanaer sof interest
to ithe local brethren andd' with credit
oto visiting officials. The officers -are
as follows;—J. P. G„ Harry Ghamplonl
N. G., Robert Bowmen; V. G., N. Chap-
man; R. ,S, M. Black; F. S., A. McGuire;
Treas., S. Wilton; Chap„ W. J. Mc-
'Cracken; Warden, S. Wilton; Con-
ductor, W. A. 'Greyer; R. S. N. G., R.
Henderson; L. S, N, G., W. Kerr; R. 5,
V. G., C. Matheson; L, S.- V. 0., J.
Henderson; R. S. S., 0. Hemingway; L.
8. S., R. J. Hoover; I. G., Jas. Tinuell;
0. G., A. De)1•nisan. After the cere-
mony'a program of speeChsnaking fol-
lowed that was thoroughly enjoyed. A
tasty lunch was served. The D, D. 0.
M. was suppurated by Bros. Vanwyck,
Postliff, Heaney, Bell and Dodds, Wing
dam brethren, who may always count
on a hearty welcome from Western
Star. Brussels Lodge holds its meet-
ings each Thursday evening and in the
coming year a program ofractive work
is figured on.
Short Course.—'Phe Short Course Is
,always adding to the roll -and there are
now 17 boys and.,32 girls. J. N. Neil-
son, B,S.A., M.S., of Vineland Experi-
mental Station, 15 taking "Fruit Grow-
ing",; -.C. A. Galbraith, •B. S. N. "Econ-
omia Botany" and F. G. Sincleir 15
*mating work on Gus Engines. Next
week Gas Engines rand Poultry will
take up the week. Mr. Frances, B.S.A.
M. S., of 0. A. C„ Guelph, will' lecture
to the classes in Poultry work. Besides
some work in these subjects, the Girls'
classes are taking cooking under the
direction of Miss Hopkins. It should
be understood -,that anyone interested
in any particular subject is invited .lo
the lectures on theft subject, The fol-
lowing was the program given by the
Short Course Literary Society, last
Friday mornings -Debate, "Resolved
That women's wages should be equal
to those of mien for similar positions."
The afftrmialtive was taken by Christie
Forrest and George Pierce; the nage
tive by Laura Johnston and Gordon
McGavin, Debate was won by the
negative. Piano solo, Elva Ramsay;
solo, Marjory Campbell; reading, Jean-
ette McNeil); Journal, Inez McNichol;
Plano duet, Verna and Edna McCall;
Commendty singing; Notional Anthem.
A former old •btme Brusselite, in the
person of H. Mooney, writes The Post
as follows in remitting subscription:
—Dear Editor.—We are all keeping
well at preselft. Lisle is shill at home
with us and' has of course grown to be
a big fellow' aline we left Brussels la
the Spring of 1906, when we went
West. Moved to Belnldgi in 1913. and
have not been leeick'to old Brussels
since heading Westward. Expect, how-
ever, we may take a trip there soon
if our health is spared a while longer:
1 know many 'changes have taken
plaice and dots of the did timers have
departed Has life or moved to some
other todaIdy. Of course the younger
folk have grown .out of oar acquaint-
ianice and possibly we would not know
very many. We like et here very well
as 50 Is a healthy and pretty place to
live in and always plenty of employ-
ment, but nevertheless I always think
of 'the old flown, my boyhood and
school drays and numerous conlpaniuns
some of whom 1' have seen an the West.
I occasionally take ra trip, out there to
look after our homestead, Which we
still keep rented to a gaud tenant—air'
Ontario farmer. Tthlls has been a told
December, .coldese to 8 years', although
we have little snow ycet. fled a late
Fall and nice weather, Read a letter
hn your paper recently from Slam. Hal
Why, Brandon, .Man., whom I knew. as
a dray worloing in Brussels flax fields
itvllfll 'Min. Airways enjoy reedhig let -
t erS
ettees hem fonnaer Brusselites. Our
folk joins With Inc•;en sending good
wishes to old friends rand acquentances
in and arOWn6t Brussels and wishing
you all t1 Happy ,and Prosperous year,
Fire originating in an overheated
stove did several hunched dollars'
darnnge in the piltothing shop of
Frank. L. Duggan, Stratford, about
noon Monday. ' 'The blaze wits ex-
tinguished entirely by chetnicals.
The firemen confined it to the httclt
Shop. Smoke drove out several fano.
Mee who were lresid ing in the top of
the building.,
Seaforth, onlensary 1811,. 1920.
nobble D. Connell, relict of rho late. .Tomes.
Cut2htl8 t da(foysrmerly ofthrenody) thre s) aged Myr/us..
FttAltot0—In Legal/ tshlpp, ori Deo 01st
1024, John Fennels, Sr In hie 81nd year,
HArtsle—In murhborry ToWhsbip, on Jan
10th, 1026, Win, Hatkle, aged 85 yearn hhd
If days,
Flax's Drug Store
.E%Gr' Store
Stock Foods
Dr. Hess'
Stock Food
Poultry Panacea
Pailaceu 85e, 86c and $1.76
Stock Food 75e, 8;1,60 and
";pails 52 60,
All fresh stook,
Royal Purple
Poultry .Food ,
Our stock is eouiplete in tail.
sizes, Also Ili tap Dupe,
Cough inure, Gall Cure; &c,
All fresh stock. ,,
Are you troubled with Chilblains 2 If so tt y 0014
Chilblain Remedy -
Ynu will fled it * Specific for this painful, and trou-\
blesoule' complaint..
25c per bottle
System Builder
after tt bad cold we cannot too
highly recommend
..- Penslar
Cod Liver Extract q
with Malt Extract and Hypo -
phosphites. -
$1 00 per bottle
Hot Water
Our perabnal gnarturteit goes
with every bottle tve welt and
yntlr money bank or a new bot -
tie if not up to the gfaeaetee.
"Careful Prescription D)speniters”
BAt,TLTFF—ln Clinton Hospital. on .Tan, 2th,
1025, to Mr. and Mrs. Hurry BarIllg, a son.
SelRAYEn-At Newry, on Jen. 1, 1025, to Mr,
and hire Harry Seehnver, a eon.
SIMPSON—At Memorial Hospital, Listowel,
onJau., 2, 1925, to air. and Mrs. Arthur
Simpson, 812, Con„ Elan. a son.
MOIinNNON—In Brussels on January 8th, 1025,
to Mr. and Mrs W. 0,.Mglttnnon, a son,
WILSON—At 280 Cottingham St., Toronto,
on Jan, 0th, 1925, to Mr. and Mre. Garry 7.
Wilson of Morrie Township, a eon,
CoLOL000n—elaRTfl—In Clintob, at the
home of the bride's mother, on Jam let,
1905, by Rev,.T.. E Hogg, Mlee Annie Mc-
William, elder daughter of 01r8, James
Martin, to George Cololnugh, eon of st.r.•
and Mrs. Joseph Cololough. Gedorleh
GonnQN—HUNTan.—Ia Patmeratoo,m en Jen,
nae let, 1026, by Rev. W. E, James, Mr.
Lythe Gordon, merchant, Cranbrook, to
Miss Ida Hunter. of the same place'
FRIDAY, JAN, 162n.—Farm Rtoek, a row im•
plemonts and 4 or 6 acres swamp. N;& Lots
66 and 00, Con 1, Grev TNp., Boundary miles
Wee% of Listowel. Pala at 1,80 p. in. Sam.
ue151oGeorge,. Prop. ; D M: Swett, Auo'
SATURDAY, JAN. 24Th,—Cattl9, also 2 cute
tees, at Central Salo Stables, Braneels, at: 1.110
o'clock. Muton 'Lowe, Prop. ; D. M, Boott,
Pall Wheat 01 631 05 - 91 00
Barley..,,--,,.._....... - 85 RS
Buckwheat. 85 83'
Butter . 02 82
Hoge-_ 1000 10
Wood Wanted
For-Oranbrook School
LTandem will be received fa 25 cords !,r 10
inch body wood beech and map',., to iw ndiv-
ered before March 1st. Lowest er any tend, r
not neeeesartly accepted. Tenders received
by undersigned up to January. 24111 next, 8•or •
farther particulars apply to
Phone 657 DAN, HUETHER,
• e Brussels,a R 8.
Applications Wanted
Applications -will be received by the Public
Utiities Commiaeton of Brussels up, to Wed-
nesday, January 21st next, from persons quali-
fied to read Electric Night meters, repair wir-
fog and perform other duties la connection
with the Hydro Electric el)•stem Of Bru=seln,
All particulars ritgni ding Amita, 00. will ha
fonud at the Office of the Reeve.
See. of Cotnimasioa•
f Dissension in a town makes the grass grow in the streets.
Unit. makes the tradegrow.in th
y the stores.
Other things being equal, a cityis usually as big as the faith y t faith of its
If the believe in.
y it enough to sink all differences and pull to.
gather you can bet dollars to doughnuts that town i
g son the up grade,
'When all the merchants unite for the good of their burg it is a
safe gamble that home trade will unite itself to them.
It is better to have the long green in the tills than the
grass green in the streets.
Unitymakes ea the long green grow,
The town that does not pull together will beulled to.
pieces. p