The Brussels Post, 1925-1-14, Page 4'ousel l r 7 1 t WI (.)'VF41 A'if .JAN 4 9a4 1 WOMEN on the lieu of " Kid Mee 00y, tits pugilist, . charged with eta:i- elaugll'ker wino thelpe(t ecquit'him proves •llat public 'and private opinion is stilt a very fickle commodity. QHURCIL Linton between 3 bedtes of Methodists In Great Britain Is at• trusting no small attention and Pe pears to be one of the probable cer.. tainties, to the belief of optimistic prophesying. MISS AGNES MacP11AIL, M. P., has a difficult task In' her public addresses, Probably cue reason may be too much publicity. People appear to expect her to say things waft a "sting" in them and if she omits It they wish to shake her because site did. House will soon meet anal she will have her dear e. ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S philosophy, plucking a thistle and planting a flower in Its stead appears to continue to hold good and while there are many regrettable things in the world this old planet has a lot of fine folk upon it who are both - leaning and lifting 'the right way. iF you are a vocalist dont neglect to frequently put one of the "Old Favorites" on your program. Many an audience would much prefer that this should be done than the major share o1 your renditions he made up of trade - las, or a mixture of Italian or Russion, Simplicity of form, elearn'ess of en- unciation and being at home with your audience are three pointers that weigh well. The encore fiend is not dead yet. AN 'optimistic chap sees the day, not very far off either, when a good share of farm work and other vocations of similar type well be profitably at- tended to by the radio. The knowledge of broadcasting is only In its infancy but is rapidly developing into a sturdy youth who will soon solve many a problem of Nature that will cause the world "to sit up and take notice" as the button is pushed or the key turned ,that will unlock new forces and elements. SOME timse we feel like pitying the home life of many a foreigner and the necessity of many a •change before the young people are to have new ideas and ideals. Our anxiety is not always well placed las we find out when we get glimpses of situations. As an example of modern methods we read of 30 girl .students graduating fram a School of baking in Peking, China, and they were appointed to of. ficial positions where deer skill would be of most value. Some times "the heathen nearer'home" and their future should give us more concern. QUITE a flurry has been raised over what Is termed "the Chicago steal of water." Lake Michigan being the body referred to. The question has now got into the tourts end we doubt not some of the interested parties may find the aqua Pura .a strife too hot for their comfort. Chicago has been told quite plainly that they cant use in excess of 250,000 cubic feet per min- ute as on the lowering of The supply in the lake learns up ominous and far reaching conditions that will very l.irgely interfere with the rights of others. DID you ever keep a diary? If no: and you purpose entering on such a project you will be t ea 1000 if you stick to the task. Thei•introductery is often novel and hopes buoyant as the record of the passing days are imdited but the pleasure often becomes too much of a task and writer throws his book to one side. It wag not an easy job, and that appears to be what many folk are on the alert for. .Last week a notable instance of Diary enthusiasm was recorded, at Landon when John. McArthur, a school teacher, of 40 years experience, died. He had con- sistently kept a diary 1posted for 50 years. He emphasised world events and happenings in his own life and ne doubt derived a great deal of pleasure out of his life job. THE trouble a few years ago in the school teaching business was the scarcity and frequent inability to se- cure a "gad wielder" eveni where good pay was offered. Now tine reverse is the. ease, as the thousands tof qualified teachers are out of a job. 2 renins in Queen Mary School Belleville re• quired leachers and there were no less than 2f 4 applicants.. Of course num- bers of these were not out of a job but Were after prom'otiong but at the Stratford Normal Seibold !at present 215 e�mbryotic school teachers are in atdendenee and will hope to be pre- sented with certificates next'Summer, The profession will require better se. St CAROF COaI' !!ORA' PUFFa PASTRY FLOUR Made from selected White Winter svliaat COMING Nut }Goal on Hand FL.OU Jr H. FEAR ETHEL gdIation if it retains .its old 'tame popu- larity. WITH a good many people as they advance in, years dhe tendency is to drop out of their old time activity to public affairs and pass the duties over to the young folk. ft's .all right to get the latter Into training and have their vim and optimism .but there is nothing wrong In urging met} of praotica( experience to ''conitenue to manifest municipal stetgsmans'hio and numerous instances are on record of the wisdom of following such a plan and 'happily blending youth and mid. rile life in devising the !best plans ane methods for carrying on affairs. In some situations very little sober thought is given in advance of Nomi- nation Day .and frequently a whole "raft" 01 names are proposed who have no purpose or desire .to have the honors, so coiled, passed out to thein. Municipal politics is becoming more and snore a question of real.seriousness and it behooves the wise taxpayers to get their thinking caps on and by plan, 'advice and w'illiegness to lend a hard prove: that they are ready to tackle the job. Lls'to+wel set a noteworthy ex- ample this year where several of the nominees for the Mayoralty and Reeveship were among what might be termed " boys of the old brigade". Mayor Hay won in a triangular con- test. HAPPY CHRISTMAS FOR CHILDREN AT CO. SHELTER The Goderich Signa! gives the fol- lowing interesting account of the Christmas Tree Entertainment arranged for the children of the 'County Sheiter: Thanks to the Christian spirt and kindly thoughtfulness tfuiness of manv friends and ,organizations, the children of the Huron County Cbildren's Shelter had a bountiful Christmas tree and a right happy good time on Tuesday evening of last week, and with their songs and recitations the yours¢ folk did their best to entertain their visitors who braved the icy walking to visit the Shelter. The matron. Mrs. Wi'su•1 and her staff had made all needed pre- parations for receiving "Santa Claus," and for over 2 'hours both visitors and children revelled in the kindly fellow. ship. Menesetung Canoe Club, re- presented'by H. T. Edwards, unlead- ed their generous bounty, and then a staff representing the C. P. R. em- ployees, under the guidance of Agent Thos. Cannon and Superhltendent. Shipman, did their part with what they called a "new stunt." This consisted of each child being called to the front by name and presented by an appointed spokesman with gifts which were both practical and suitable for the season, the little "speeches" accompanying each being acknowledged with hildish heartiness. Truly, the C. P. R. staff have shown a praisewortthy and gen- erous interest in the children for sev• ern]] years, and The "railroad man's highball" with which they were greet- ed, as well as the happy chorus with which they joined "Santa" Shipman in "Swinging in the Old Grapevine," were much appreciated by the "men of the road." 1t would require too much space to print the long list of gifts from many other friends throughout the County, but the donors deserve at least to have their names given, and here they are: From town—bliss A, McLean, Mae, W. L. McLean, Mrs. James, Mrs. W. L. Horton. Miss Rob- inson, Mrs. C. A. Reid, Mrs. Carrie, Mrs. G. W. Black, Mrs. foster, F. lin Price, Porter's Bookstore, Mrs. Lessiie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruston, Mrs. Wor- sell, Mrs. Evans, sr., and Ir.. Mrs. Had- den, J. Spahr, the L. 0. B. A. and the "Jolly Juniors." From the County — Crediton W. I.; Francis Sharp, Varna; Beigrave Ladies' Aid; Mrs. J. F. anth- em, Fordwich;- Herman C. Doer, Au- burn; Hurondale W. 1.; Mrs. James Hurkstep, Biyth; Methodist Junior Boys' Class, Blythe Bluevale W. 1.; C',n- stan'ce Sunday scleoel and Wrnxeter, Presbyterian Sunday Scheel. The fol- lowing cash contributions are gratefully ackndwled'ged: C. M. Robertson, 51; Rev. J. E. Holmes, $1; J. H, A•iWilian, 55; Ernest Pritchard, 52; Edna Webb, $1; Wm. Brydhone, Clinton, $5; Mrs. A. G. Gamble, 510; A. Whitesldes, 51; Miss B. Yallad, Exeter, 51; A. Baeker, Brussels, 55; J. C. Petty, Rennie $1; Geo, Wraith, Wingiham, 51; Miss J. H. Huffman, 51; Miss Annie Moore, Hensall, $2; T. Ausebrook, 51; Mrs. D. Millar, 52; Mrs. 11.'C, Gidley, Blyth; $2; Geo. William's, 51; Colborne Town- ship, $20; J. S. Bedford, 52; Mrs, N. F. Wihyard, $2; John B, Mustard, 51; Mrs, R. G. Reynolds, $4; Tile Comrades Bible Claes, Exeter, 55; Dr. L. M. Ma. bee, 521 Mr. Thos. Sampson, Landes - bore, $5; Londeshoro Methodist Sun- day School, $10.35; John Elliott, 51; W. 5, Elliott, $2; R. B, Biggins, Clin- ton, $2; Mrs. Philip Hint, $1; Brus- sels W. 1. $5; Willing Wiorkers Bible Class, Blytb Methodist Sunday School, 513,50; W. T. Pellow, $2; town of Clinton, 515; Mrs. B Events, $1; Rev.. pp McTavish, ''Crediton, , 6; Jobe!eLindalater, 51; Dr. J. A. Graham, 55; Geo, Jamas 51; C. Abelhart, $10; Jas. C. Carrie 51; John Beattie eaf S,rth- 52; W. J. J'arrott $5; 1. Stang -5t; Mocha Temple, London, 525. WHEAT and. PEAS WANTED Highest Prises paid T. G. Hemphill, Phones 50, 11 2.9 and 62 Wroxeter CHATSWQRTH PROPHET DECLARES JUNE,.. AUGUST FROSTS PROBABLE J. H. Bowes, .the Weather Expert, Ib. sues His Annual Prediction. J. B. Bowes, the 'Chatsworth weather prophet, Whose prognostications have attracted ,considerable interest through. out Ontario in ygars past, hes again is- sued his predictions for this year. Mr. "Bowes bases 'his predictions on purely scientific principles and claims his theory is absolutely correct. Fol- lowing is the complete statement it- sued by him: January—First week alas .finish of snow and windstorms of last two week's of December, 1924: Balance of month decidedly mild. February—First 10 days mild; then colder with snow. Last two weeks quite mild. March—+First 'week )strojn'g' winds with 'heavy rains, snow and frost. Second week colder than average. Lar - ter portion of mo'n'th very •nsi'Id. April—First to days very mild, then very strong and persistent 'winds with heavy rain and snowfalls; very old for about ,two weeks, Last few days very mild. May—First two weeks very stiong winds, Meavy rains and possibly snow. This storm will last until the 12th. Latter portion of month very mild and dry. June—Very warm and dry. Strong winds, rain and probably frost about the 20th. July—First and last two weeks very warm and dry. Strong winds and heavy rains about the tOth. August—First half of month warmer than average and very dry, About the 45th unsettled. Rain and very likely Eggs5 Keep your hens lfying by feeding Ground Bone. Get, it at Backer Bros. trast around the 25th. September—First 10 dt.ye 4014 guild, Rain and frost about the 13th. Last of month very mild rand dry. October--eFirst few days mild. :..A- bout She 7th strong wields, rain and frost, }Balance of Moth very mild and dry. Noven1bee—Firet nine days very mild and airy. Very strong winds, heavy rales and snowfalls about the 10th; very cold. ;Latter poetlOn very mild. December—First to days very mild, then strong winds, heavy ' rains and snow and quite cold. Last of month very mild., January, 1926—First third of month quite mild, then decidedly cold. Strong persistent ''wind's, heavy s'noow$ails for balance of month. February, 1926—Very mild, The strongest winds fop the year 1925 (all over tie' globe) will occur on approximately the following dates: January, first week; February so; March 5 and 12; April 15 to 25; very severe and strong, May 1, 10 days; June 20; July 10; August 25; Septem- ber 13; October 7; November 9; Dec- ember 11. ONTARIO BUSINESS MEN WILL VISIT QUEBEC Arrangements have been made sold' plans are now maturing, whereby a Mtge delegation of 0utntio's prornin era inanufeeturer'a, professional and leeriness Wel!, aceornpanied by Hie Honor Lisuteuatll•Governor• Cock- s -butt, Hon G. Howell] Ferguson and members of the Ontario Cabinet, will pay a vi,iit to Quebec as the guests of the Lieutenant envoi nor and Pr ender, representtug Ilin Prnvinee of Quebec The object cti the visit is to teethes ,earl relationship and better business cnnditinos 1,'tvern the provinces. The Canadian Nntt,ual railways are co-op- rating to the extent that. they will optante 11 special,.leeping car train set ,, - tn Inc'e Twmnluon \Vein .df Y, Ito nary 2801. as '7 p m RIIiviug in Que bee iu dine fol break rust nu Jannnry 20 This train will consist of standard sleeping and:eompartment cars and reservations may pow betnade through tiny agent of the Cotnpany in Canada. Marne 00011011 Milutseof tui meeting i n the Cownehip }fall, Morrie, on Dec. 16, 1924, ,nernbor's all being present— minutes of Istel sneelllag rend nnd. ap- proved. It was derided to pay part of Alex. Roe's doctor bill in vase of small pox. James Kerr was paid the balance of the Oorrtraet on the Rim tout Drain, there being an extra. $200 00 on the tile, .lino lowing (se• Bouts were paid ;— Alex. floe, part Dr. bill ,.. $ 11 00. 0. Gall, gravelling, work arid poste at Stone School bridge „ . 22 85 James McGee. work at bridge 15 50 John Hopper inspecting ,........ 10 00 gravel ,.,,. • 360 James Kerr, balance on Hinton] Drain..... .. .. „ 860 00 Robert Young, gravel. ..... .,... 1 50 Weil. McMillan, compensation Cocketlirte Drain..... , 25 00 H, Kirkby, file and hauling Smith Drain ....,,. 12 60 on Sellers Dr. 13a1. tile.,.... . .... . .... ........... 250 00 Alex. Russel, fitting 8 00 Wm. Gray, gravel 1 05 Mary A. Kelly, refa,d Joheeon Drain ......... . e.,..., 7 03 Municipal World supplies . 8 85 Greenway & °legflortl Sel- let's, Drain .,,.....,.. 1000 00 Leslie Betimes gravelling 11 50 1 00 Win. Douglas, gravel .... 8 45 R. H. Shortreed, Reeve.,100 00 Financial Statement, 2 00 1. A. Brown. L E'. Cardiff, J. McGill, W. J. Bend. ersnn, 'Oonneillors, each 76 00 Cardiff & Stevenson extra on Cricket line Drain .....: 75 00 tVingham Advance, adver- tizing .... 826 Blyth Standard advertizing. • 34 25 G. Wilson, on Wilson Dr30 Q0 L, E, Cardiff, inspecting drains J. McGill, inspecting drains. 18 511 John Roger account ell sine1505 00 A. MaeEwarl, salary 210 00 postage.. ..... 20 00 James Nichol on Mustard Dr. 30 10 Township of McKillop Walt- on De,...... ,.,......, 287 85 Cardiff and Stevenson, Mc- Arthur Dr. ... .. 512 10 on Ooekerline Dr.OB 50 H. Kirkby, on Smith Dr, 873 76 A. Shaw Financial Statement 10 00 Win. Michael:ditch ..... •,5 00 0. Elliot. tile .... 2 80 W. H. Kerr printing -Oen Wm, Abram & Robert Wal- lace Sanitary inspectors each .... ... 15 00 H. Kis kb_y, oompec ss tion for 0 land McArtbuir Drain Morris 7.'p ..., .... ... 25 00 McKillonTp.25 00 (lareteking Tp Hall..... •..... 15 00 SVm. Sellers Catch Basin & piling tile Seller's Drain 12 00, Statutory streeting Monday, Jan,12. A. MACEwAN, Clerk. Calgary and Banff to Unite in Carnival Top left, Banff Springs Hotel In winter garb; below, a dog sled team. St'oneyindlane attend -the Carnivalin full force and regalia, and figure skating, enowphoeing and ice yachting aro but a few of the many seasonal attractlone to the famous mountain resort. Banif. Immediately one conjures up visions of the Bow River, the Valley, sunny skies, warm days summer dresses, ponies, exeursiona into the snow capped mountains, swimming in the pools, hiking boots, breelts and bathing suits. There are a thousand pleasant memories of Banff in summer time. Comparatively few however, have any idea of this mountain resort in Winter. The thought at this season gives us a chilly feeling perhaps. Yet, after all having leisure, what better place could he found in wllieh to spend a long or short vacation after snow has fallen. Cold? Certainly no more so than down on the plains where what winds there are sweep uninterrupted. Sheltered by the rocky slopes on practically all sides, high and with a drier atmosphere, the frost there gives an invigorating touch that stimulates life and activity where elsewhere the country sleeps through the winter. As Quebec is to the East, so, perhaps; even to agreater degree, is Banff to the West. The hotne of inter Sports. Instead of going to sleep, the little town of Banff comes to life with the doming of snow. One event and community effort fellows the other, and a long' list of sporting =Holder{ culminates in February with a huge seven day carnival in which all citizens and hundreds of enthusiasts ftonl all arts of the World take p »ext. It will only be the case of a very flew years until tourists arrange their trips to take in the Carnival at Banff as they now visit New Orleans in March for the Mardi Gras, or Pasadena for the Rose Tournament. Apart from the glorious scenery, it is a perfect Winter playground. Preparations' are even now under way,for the next Winter Carnival. This to be held from February 7th to 14th inclusive, is planned to be the greatest yet. Calgary enthusiasts have decided to cancel their own carnival arrangements and to unite with the Banff citizens to make it a success, A very comprehensive program of sports has already been drawn up covering events in curling, skating, snow -shoeing, ski running and jumping, ski-joring, tobagganning, trap -shooting, sleigh- ing, and swimming in the hot sulphur pools. For none of these sports could the setting or the conveniences be. excelled. For the adventurous visitor Lake Minnewanka offers ice -yachting, Dog -sled races are a never failing soured of interest. These races are often run down the main street, and, as in other sports, it is often a ease of the best dog being beaten as a great deal of comedy is played. It often happens that an over anxious or jealous contestant grabs an opponent in any'convenient place and in the orating mixup any old hound can waddle home an easy winner. liut its all nin the game; and the ago at Ba i the: out -door game—Withdancing, cards or concertffin which each one playa a part in the evening. 4 recent survey of prospeetive ax• pension Mete the mines of North- ern Ontario shows that many en 1. lions of dollars will lee spent on. milia and mill supplies in 1926. Ac- cording to' this survey, n1111 expen. ditures totalling 57,360,000 are con- tennplated,. Hunters patron g territories in the Algoma district of the Cane- dian Pacific Railway had a very successful season in 1924, accord- ing to a report recently issued. Moose numbering 173, deer number- ing 2,188 and approximately 7,050 partridge were secured and the number of hunters ran into several thousand. The figures quoted in. elude those for Kipawa, Tomb - kerning, Meetawa, Sturgeon Falls, Pakesley, Sault Ste, Marie, Chap• leau, „Sudbury, Schreiber and Nipi- gon, all exceptionally good game areas. More Christmas trees were ship- ped from Nova Scotia for the 1924 festive season than ever before, ac- cording to figures Nat compiled. Twenty-two car -loads from terri- tory bordering the Dominion Atlan- tic Railway alone were shipped to. outside points and approximately 160 car -loads ]eft the province gen- erally. A splendid season of winter. sports is expected at Quebec this year, as more and more people are becoming interested in these heal- thy recreations in Canada and the United States. In connectionwith the activities of the Chateau Fron- tenac, the Canadian Pacific's great hotel in the Ancient Capital, a num- ber of new features will add to the attractions Quebec has to offer. These include inter -club, inter -col- legiate and international competi- tions in all winter sports, to be held under the auspices of the recently formed Frontenac Winter Sports Club, which will award the success- ful participants with trophies of variouskinds and attractive gold, silver and bronze medals. Trustee's (Aeries Trim, idlivertoin, has In his te555581on 41 omen heirloom in the urm 0f a well preserved leather honed almanac, 1' x 2S issued by the City of London, l 1 Ia rd III theyear 18/38. O. S. Gr evh, Slllvattel, received d word from hie eon, J. U, Grouch, a lot. ter dated St, Petersburg, Florida, Dee. 31st, 1024, Preen which Is taken follow. Ing ; ,'Arrived here this morning and will write you more fully later.it ruined through Georgia rind a little here thin rooming, int the sun Is shin, ing now and the ternpel'ature la 74 or a nice Suwtuee warmth with no over- eoets,, Oranges and grape fettle ere banging on the trees and tcnrlets ere flocking in from all parte. Count Meeting of Huron Council County The Council of the corporation of the Coan- ty of Huron will meet ht the 000, 011 Ohe,uber, Godertob, at 8 o'oloek in the afternoon' of Tuo,day, the 2701 d;y of January, 1825, All aceoente;monist the County must be In the hands of the Clerk not inter than Monday pre• ceding the meeting of Council, QEO. W. HOLMAN, (Jaunty Clerk. Godertoh, Jan. 10th, 1826 East Huron Agricultural Society ANNUAL MssafNo —The Annual meeting of Bast Huron Agricultural Society will be held In the Town Ball, Brussels on Wednesday, January 21st, 1025, at 1,50 v'rloek p. m, Business of the meeting—Rrmeiving the Annual Statement and Andltnrs' Report, ap. pointtrig Officers for they year 1026 &o, M. BLACK,. 0.C, ROSS, Secretary. President. Walton Horticultural Society The Annual Meeting of. Walton Berttoultur. al Society will be held at the beme of R. H. Jennery 101i, at 8 'Ferguson, won hen l port willr be present- ed. olaoers elected for ensuing year end other boat;uses transacted. 51188 SIAUDE FERGUSON, President. W. G. NEAL, Seoretnry, Huron Plowmans' Association The Annual Meeting of Huron County Plow. mann' Association, will be held in the Town HMIBrussels, on Friday, Jan, 16th. when the Auditor's Report will be presented and the off p rsnelected for the ensuing year, Every - ALLAN ADAMS, H. L. 140DONAr.D, President. Vloc-Praxedent. L. B. CARDIFF, Seo -Treas Farm for Sale 100 acre farm for sale or to rent, being NX Lot 20, 8th line, Townsbip of Morrie. Drilled well and Windmill and well built on. For particulate apply to G.F. ==CALL. bond esboro. Farm for Sale ContaSna l00 sores, being S' Lot 28, Con, 8, 51orr1 to vnxhl cod bei} x x t ls ca bi a tvdriving rin ale p S. lar; barked with commit mailing ; ring shed, drilled well mid n never failing spring at back, About Gn antes ander . aprto hint encu a done and wood land. Fall plowing Fillor urthay and possessionpp5.0 thin Fall. For turtherpnrtf50, MA aDpOy to A. B, SIACUONALp, Brussels. By Tender Sealed Tenders will be reoeived by the nn• deroigned Trustee up to 12 o'clock noon on January 20th, 1925, tor. the purchase of the Real Estate, stook asd Plant of the estate of 51. MoVettle, of Brussel), Ontario. The property constant of Brick and Cement Garage on Turnberry Street, koown as Routh half of lot 15: fully equipped as an Automobile Geroge and Repair Shop with ample storage room : Two•atorey brick residence on Wil- liam Street, Two building lots on Quaenabury Street, the Plant, Machinery and stook of the Garage. Tenders will be received separately for each meet as atated.below. Highest or any tend- er not necessarily accepted. (A1 Stock of Ford, Chevrolet, Over- land and McLaughlin parts, and Automobile Accessories : listed at 870 00 (6) pomp and tank Gni And sod(alr compressor, Acetylene carbon fur- nace and. three tanks, forgo end anvil, 214 H. P. One engine, desk, cabinet, cupboards and Adding Machine 905 00 RI One Overland ear, (D) One Chevrolet Car, (EI Brick and Cement building on. Turnberry Street; 8.3, lot 15, sub - feet to Mortgage thereon (F) William Streetrick No. 224, subject do Mortgage thereon (CO rytStrteet,niNoa 62? nnd 6288eeinber• A'marked cheque for reasonable sum most accompany each tender, If tender not aoeant- ed, cheque will be returned. Successful tend• seer most complete purchase within fifteen days afternotice received or deposit will be forfeited Tenderer; to state time desired, if any, andwhet security they offer, Parchnoore of the Real Rotate shell Hoorah title ettheir own expense and the vendor will not Cornish any evidences of title other then those In his possession. Other usual condi- Mons of sole • The stook and Plant may be examined on application to B Ewan, at the Garnge In Brute ails. For further partlenlers, apply to :— F. W. RAYMOND, Trustee, 10 Greene Swift Building London, Ontario, • Eligible Property for Sale 11 Is the South Eastpnrtot1h Lot80, Con. 5, Morris Township, and contains 10 nares. On 1116a comfortable house, amble, good well, yonng orchard, &c, and its location, mil -do- ing Brussels mtikes it a convenient spot For further ;articulare as to price, terms, &a., ap- ply to the Breen tors of the estateof the inns Annie TornbnlL WM. KNOX, Brussels?. 0. THOS TURNBULL, Ethel, Dunford Property for Sale Bones and lot of about 94 anre, alt00154 0n the corner of Tunnberrl• and Thomas streets in the Villtgo of Brussels, known ns Winne ford home. On rho rn operty is a very sub- stantial brick hong„ ; oleo), isolated, dtael root, cement caller doors, new furnaee,ointkos closets, bath room ,' cistern, drilled wdU fruit trees, it nice raspberry plantation, lovely or. natnantnl and evergreen trees, and p beautiful lawn. WM be sold, for bolt of what 1t woal 1 cost to build It towind up the ealate of- the late E. C. Danford. I ninedInte possession. For further partlanlara apply to G. B. DUN• NOBD,Detrmt, or JAS. MaFADZEAN, (nest door), Bort Brusaals P. 0 Representative -Wanted Rar,ttseNTATtva WAN'rca for Brnasela end Huron County to represent "The 01c1 Reliable Foothill Noraeries." Btg sales ere to be made in selling Nursery stock during the recon- struction period.. A aplendld opportunity for a Itve suleaman,. Highest connnlealone paid, handsome, free equipment, large lire of fruit and ormmnentel stock to offer, Samna & W'akaTNOTON, Toronto, Ont. ,�a•6++d+. i•o &i -ie,+ 4+•+0+++>i••Fbfi o•F!4•gi•4+�4•�•bd•r+ '1-x!•0.1.4+0.1• d 4 0 The Seaforth Creamery Cream Wante: 1 1 Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. , We solicit your patronage knowingthat we can give you thorough satisfaction, b We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to. weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For furtherparticulars see. Md our Agent, M R. T. C. CALL, Phone 235o, Brussels, or write to The Seafortih Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. 4 its 11+•4•M•i'P•+ +•4,$4p * +04,4i'It