HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-1-14, Page 1VOL, 53 NO. 30 o.00 j'er l&9t MOM 7c advance. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, ,74NU4RY 4, 1925 Drafts and Money ' 7rders Drafts, domestic and foreign motley orders, in aniy amounts, require only a re* moments to prepare and are a safe and convenient form of remitting money. With many branches through. out Canada and correspondents in all parts sof the worid,The Bank of Nova Scotia has the best of facili; es for handling your remittances. .vi131E Bank of Nova Scotia ESTABLISHED 1882 F. 1VI. WI-LMOT 1'ntd-up capital $ l000n.ote Manager Brussels Reserve - - 10,000,000 TetalAseeta - 210,000,000 240 New Advertisements Auction mile-eiilti n Lowe Hog for servlet•-li Whose Paps for sale --Alex. Nichol May ho wand; -0\ 15. Smith lig s .•¢torn, -At Walton, RArtnMtrto gen-Pavony Theatre. Eon, Le.- obi 55, Learning. Trustee's Sale -F. W. Raymond vv of PI axe and Feed -3 Leitoh Wood wanted-•Cratihreok School. Monty t'onneil-(3eo. W. Holman Anplkatlnns. wannxl--A. B, Macdonald The Frseadty Church -Ethel afetb. Church .0 i t rtct' Ems. s. CR4NBROOK The School Trustees are asking for wood ten,lers. J. M. Knight made a business trip to Toronto this week. hiss testael''orrhter has returned to Lundin after speeding the Christmas v+truti.,n Isere. • Miss "'rummy" Gordon has return- ed to her haute hr lV,tlbaceburg. Nits G•lydon will be mulch trussed as she was alwaya wiitiug to help ie ehurrh t i' social circles and as a teach- er is the 4ttutiay Reboot. Quiet Wedding --On January 1st a . quiet wedding took piece at Palmer- s,ca when Lytle Gordon, Cran•brook, and hiss Ida, daughter of the late John and Mrs. Hunter of the same place were unite;] hi marriage by Rev. We E. James, at the parsonage. After the welding breakfast the :happy couple left on the noon train' for Owen Sound and tither points., They will make their home in Cranbrook where Mr. Ousdtn has a general store and both are well 'nd favorably known, bride heitie Princi;pai of Ctunlbrook School. They commence married life with the hearty congratulations of to wide circle of relzeives' and friends. LISTOWEL. The Usual furniture manufacturers will he r'xhiliitors et the big fute- itut e chow to be held in Kitots ester front January 12 to 24. Hugh Ila lido hits aced his ars e to Archie McTavish, Peteehor' who will tike poeseesion next April. Is e. Halliday will still continue as agent for several ears, The boys of the organized classes of the (Hineent ehurrhes ill town have f<ntned themselves into a blanch of the Cute -tie Bert' 1Vork Board. The (Meets al's 1— Chairman,' R. O'I,tlhowtu to • vicn•ch>sireetts, R T. li lt]; ; 8s-ct' wary-tteastu•et., Fred O. A �'�do�'t � s e r Sale rr 1 CATTLE TIlll— Contral Sale Stables BRUSSELS � tJSSLLS �� Saturday, January Dl 14th i [i At 1.50. o'clock S yeau'•ola Ateera and heifers. 17 Durham Cows Clue to calve In Jnnuru'y, February and March I Jersey Cow 2 1 arrow Cows 1 Pot tland Dotter 1 ,Ttttupe'r Cut tee, TKR 0 nhontim credit allowed ohs n t .roc, ri •,int 1,0110 Or 4 per cent off f1 l fur tmwh. PAliton Lowe, D, 14. SOM, Atte. Proprietor, Meek.; executive committee, L. Pfef- fer, H. Karges, E. el. McDonald, B. Couch,' A. Nickel, P., V. Smith, B. Jackson, A. L. Fleming and E. Ed- wards. 'Gall; Lecturer, Arthur MaCalll int Catn mitteeman, James Campbell; 20d, John Rion; 3rd, J. Loge; 4tlz, A. Macau; Slit, George Jackson, Lodge meets Friday or. or before a full moon. 'A cordial inavilaidon extended to visiting brethren. By Reference to the wives Sn thie Wale yon will be reminded of rho Concert and Box Social to be held Fri- day evening of this week in the A. 0, 17. W. Hallo Good time is waiting you, WROXETER Robt. rand Mrs. Black were week end visitors with their son, George in Wingtham. Mrs. C. A. Pieesance, Toroeto, is spending two weeks with, her parents N and Mrs. White.. • There was a good attendtance at the monthly horse fair held 'here Friday. A number of 'horses changed hands. Tire deatl of ran old and esteemed resident of T=berry took place on Saturday, when Wm, Harris passed a- way, after being in declining health for some time. Deceased who was 83 years' of age, was the eldest son of the late George Harris, and was a very successful farmer. He Is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. A. Mc- Midhael of this place, and six Sons, .George H., Hugh and' John in West, Robert and Norman at home, and Jas, of Howiok. Also one brother, R. B. Harris, Toronto. Interment took place In the Wroxeter Cemetery Tuesday afternoons JAMESTOWN The people of this locality were sorry to learn of the •nations tenets of James Cutt, Goderioh, a •former well known resident of this locality. We Elope to heal of .eerie impr'owement. MONCRIEFF. Arnold IdoKay went to Flint on Tuesday, Andy Machan had the radio install- ed recently. Mrs. Ftaeer, who has been feeling not too well, le improving. Herb. Toll, teacher front the . West, visited in thie community. Mise Edna Pratt gave quite a nice dance in the hall Friday night. 1t was enjoyed by all. It looks aa though we might have a new school before long. Truetee2 have been away looking at plans; Mise Winnifred Melville, by falling down the steps last week, hurt leer side quite badly. Wish her recovery. The older residents here claim this to he the most severe Winter since 1872. It has beets hard on the ears and noses as well as the coal bins. (intended for east week.) Miss Elvie McKay, 'Ha'nullton, )las been spending a couple of weeks 01 'home of her uncle, Joseph McKay. •Dun•can McIntyre and his' brother Thomas, of Okotoks, Alberta, were guests at -the 'home of Thos. and Mrs, Inglis. 'Former is a brother -Ms -law of the eostess, Herbert.Totl, Lipton, Sask., has been •renewing old acq(uatnittaneee. He is well known around these parts, having taught school a number of years ago. BELGRAVE The Women's Institute will meet at the home of ells.' John Coultes, Bel - 'peeve, Tuesday, Jan. ltith, at 2 o'clock Ill the afternoon, There will be a re- pott of the London Convention by Mrs. D. Geddes. Roll Call -New Year Resolutions.' Mrs. Thomas Procter, a highly re-. spected resident of Belgrave, passed away stO 1581' home here on Saturday evening, eftet h short Meese Funer- al Tuesday afternoon to Wingbam cemetery. BLYTH Wr. Cook lits gone to Detroit. `A car of turnips' was shipped! to Florida. Miss Addle Taman,London, is vise - leg her parents, Fall Fair Directors wail meet Friday afternoon of this week. 1Vrn. Johnston liras gone on a beer Hess drip to Jacksonville, Florida. The McLean Mission Band held its animal' meeting and elected officers. It has quite -a record. Miss Worsell, Goderidh, is Principal of Blyth Continuation Schaal and Mr. Nensen of the Public School. Mrs. John Mlills, Blyth, became the bride'o -1 C, Harvey, Exeter, the cere- mony !being performed by Rev. G C. Kaile, at Dorchester Parsonage, 0111- bilating minister is a,sett•lat-law of tee bride. Mr. Mid Mrs. 'Harvey will make their home en Exeter. WALTON Mrs. Josoph R. (Hamilton and sons, Mark anti Robinenn, spent the past three weeks visiting at Cameron, Ont. Fur interfering with his majesty's mail, Noble MnOalluu was fined 8500 and costs by Magistrate Reid, Goiter. itch, on Saturday or two years in jail. The fine was paid. The paras], con- taining boots and skates, was left befitting on antral midi box and the assured, who was driving past with his family, senb one of the members back for It. Provincial. Oonstable Whitesides was called to investigate and found Use artioles in the home of the accused. This le the that offense in onnectlotl with rural mailboxes to come tip at this court,. The last regular meeting of Walton L. O. L., No, 252, the following officers were elected for th,e year 1925;----W. M., Richbrd Hcy; D. M., William Woods Ceenlain,.-1. R. llaseitton; Recording - Secretary, Chutes Oase; Fin. -Sec., Rae Crawford; Treasurer, Duncan John - Senn Dir. of OgattigUisst°V{ly ,1L., ly1c- The Friendly Church Whton is THE CHYROH Or •0000 OHE8R ETHEL METHODIST CHURCH niewHERE was intense interest I last Sunday evening in the new serine which has just be- gun an "What and Where is God in our Modern,Problems ? On Sunday evening next, at '7 o'clock, the subject will be "Does man have a Soul, and what is his place in the universe ?" After the Benediction. the 2nd series on' The Life and Work of David Livingstone" will be shown by means of 15 views. We left him amongst lions last week ; we shall see how he was delivered from tcannibals. The God of Daniel still lives. • reminders meek in evidence. The dineng tables were in Mrs. Bremner's best style and those who surrounded .them were well served by the ,taugh- ters and girl friends. Gifts of silver rand other valuxbies were given as re- minders of the glad event. An im- promptu program was given and 1 royal time enjoyed by everybody, who departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Brem- ner golden and diamond honors. ETHEL Grey Township Council held its in- awgural meetinghere last Monday. Now that ttdr. Bisbee is back, League will be as usual on Thursday at eight o'clock. Annual meeting of 'Ethel Cheese Factory will be held in the Du'nhar Hall the last Saturday of January. James McLelland has taken a holi- day trip to British Columibira tend -Seattle Washington. territory, lo visit with his sons. At the election of Police Trustees Chas. Hansuld, Rabt. Bremner and John McNeil were chosen. Latter was a former monitor. Miss Stephenson, of the 14th Con.. Grey, held the lucky ticket for the quilt which was put np at the Wom- en's Institute Bazaar, The Branch of the Bank of Com- merce, operated here !nom Attwood, has closed the Ethel office this week, and, Ethel will be minus, .tee local facilities. Mrs. Bisbee is out of danger but is still very ill. The Priucipnl and Miss McKee arrived on Saturday and school commenced on Monday morn- ing. Regular meeting of " the Wom- en's Institute will be held on Thursday afternoon of this week itt InstituteeRoom. at 2.30 A good at- tendance is asked for. Dr. McMaster is kept more than busy, these days, Cecil Bateman is confined to.the house with a cold ; so ie Mrs. King. The minister has not been able to stand the recent drives in the severe cold and is tail up. We are very sorry,to -state that J. T. Durgin, who is a brother -yin -law. of Mrs. McGuire and John and Joseph Ames, Ethel, passed away Past Sunday at Canton, Maine, leaving his wife, who was Miss Melissa Armes, formerly a well known resident of this locality, and one son to mourn the loss of a kind husband tend loving father. Severe weather and atm use seem to make no difference on Sunday even- ings. There ivas a large gathering on Sunday last, and at rimes the interest was vett' intense. The pastor tried to deal wills several popu'ar questions on the stthject of God in the modern world ? The series will be continued, Sunday next and the enquiry will be made as to whether man has a soul, and if so,' what is his place its this big world. Can an infinite God care for such a little speck ? Is Socialises the beat religion there is P Doea man come from monkey. ? After tale bane. diction, the life of Divid'Livingstone will be continued by means of 15 s1 ]ties. The 'annual meeting of tee Mission Band was held in the 1Preebyterlan, Church. After the opening hymn; Lord's -Prayer was repeated in eleven and .l!8lza'beti Fear read' the Scripture lesson. Miss Mica Cochrane favored with an appreciated instrumental, "Star of the Sea." Officers were appointed as follows:—Hon. ,President, Mrs, E. S. Dunbar; President, Elizabeth Fear; 1st Vice Pres., Agnes Cochrane; 2nd Vice Pres,, Edna Hamiiton; Secretary, Evelyn Stephenson; Treasurer, Orville Elliott; na Asst. Sec.-Treas., EdEveiigh organ- ist, Nellie Campbell; Asst. Organist, Jean Sanders; Journalist, Agnes Coch- rane; Monitors, Hugshes. Arnlsbrong and Jack. Sanders. DelleMolnmes offered Dreyer. total amount of money •re- teel for 1924 etas 61,70. There vet] $ was sent for Missions $56,10, 25th Anniversary—On tee 3rd of January the 'hospitable moire of Wet. arid Mrs. Bremner, well known resi- dents of Grey Township, was the scene of n happy gathering when 50 guests aas'sembled to celebrate the 25th an- mlversary of Mr. and Mrs. Br0nsner's I marriage; 1JItnitngg room docor'atimi's Were white And diasait w tt C bot GREY James Fulton, tOth Con., . has been on doe sick list thus week, ;Harold Beacom, Btlyt'h, was a visitor with fhe Bremner and' Pearson family.' Miss Margaret 'Nolan, 15th• 'Con:, who was 'home for her vacation from her schaol Pine River, resumed her dates in due course.' Auction Sale or Farm Stock at Samuel McGeorge's, Not les Boundary, Lots 65-8, Friday aftet•nnon of this week, at 1.30 p. rn , D. M. Scott, Anc- tioneer.. • The Auction Sale of Hum Stock at the farm of H. Tyermanl Lot. 1, 'Con.. 13, Friday afternoon of this week, as an'nounoed last week in The Post has been yecalled and disposition made privately. ' John Schnook's Auction Sale of farm stock, etc., was -held as per an- nounceenent, with D. M. Scott as Aucthon'eer and resulted en the disposal of the list .at satisfactory •prices. Sale totalled about $600. Fine Filly Sold,—Ons day Past week Dan. Huether sold to J, H. Galbraith a 3„year-+ofd rout, fitly. Price is said to tie around $200, which: is a record. She was raised by Mr. Huether, and 'sired by ex-Odunci1lor Taylor's horse, MRS, ANRtt9 LADMONT PASSED AWAY.—Wednesday morning of this week Mrs. Angus Lamont, all old and highly esteemed resident of the 7th Con., passed on to her reward, of ter a long illness. Funeral arrangements cannot be stated until word is received from relatives in the West, Arrangements have been made with :the Trustees of the School Board at Union" to have weekly backs an Wed- nesday afternoons to the c1O'ldren en the Bible. It is hoped that the pa.reetS .will help nut this work. Lantern elides and blackboard talks will be jgd'vett 'weekly. The attendance at Union was poor on Sunday. Slides on "itn His Steps" will be shown on Wednesday the 21st inst., after orchestra tprantice, Since n'dthing was done on •the 14th sins ., !there is anobher chance to pick up hack work. Pt is suggested "than some of the members who have -been kept back should join -the Ethel Orchestra which meets in the Vodden Block on Monday evening at 8 otolocke The Same remark app:iles to Roe's. !Roe's is making up for lost time. Being kept out of .dhurdltl for three Sundays on account of bad roads has ftaught its own iesson, We sheuid not like to be deprived or our Church and. there was a record .attend'an'ce on Sun- day last, The story "In His Steps" will be continued on Sunday, and It :voted be a good thing to read the book beforehand, The Orchestra will meet soon. The minister is 11 present fadti up; he is not very strong mai the severe cold has poven' too much for hint MORRRiS Joseph Thueil, Blyilhy formerly of the 6111 Litre, has taken a trip to Monde. Joe Pelee, 9hamtavon, Sn@It., is visiting friends itt this locality, He was is former resident of the Ottt 11110. attd no stranger to tnuny. George Jordan, eldest •son of Duke and Mrs. Jordan, Stir line, who itves to Edmonton, where 'he has made els home for a number of years, was a welcome visitor to the old home circle and with Other friends in the vicinity. At the beim, of lee, sot :N' dinner WOOS, 7th line, last tintuttiay, his mother, bits. Alex, " Aid:nil, who makes her home there, heti the mite fortune to fall down stairs. No bosses Were broken bdt a severe shaking up Concert AND Box Social IN Ttt! A. O. U. W. HALL Walton Friday lv'g, Jan. 16 Best Talent will give a fine bill of .fare Lunch will be served tlrose who may not secure boxes. Evening will conclude" with An Old Time Dance Under the auspices of the A. 0. U. W. Lodge Remember the date and place was received of course. Mrs. McCall has attained to 88 years of age and hos been fairly hearty. Her many old friends hope she will soon be quite herself once more despite the accident. SCHOOL REPORT —Following is the report of 8, S No. 4, Motels, for the soonthe of Nevembee and December —V Class —Jack Kelly, Jim Smith. Sr. IV -Toru Miller, Ross Cardiff, George Smith. Jr. IV—Margaret Harman, Mildred Nichol, Leota Car- diff. Sr. III—Lloyd Pipe. Joe. Smith. Jr, III—Gladys White, Glenn Smith, (equal), Gordon. Harman Mervyn Pipe. Sr. II.—Margaret Russell, Kate Russell, Dave !Biller, Elbert White; Harriett Smith. Jr, 1L—Jack Pipe, Howard Smith, Gordon. Nichol, Mac Scott. Sc. Pr,—Lesvie Russell, very gond. Jr. Pr.—Glenn Nichol, good. The above nee aait'anged in ord- er of merit. ISLAY CRAWFORD, Teacher. The Dark family Re -union 10 Brothers and Sisters Assemble on Christmas Day, Whose Combined Years Total 671 On Ohristmas Day, at the home of William Dark, Alexander street, Brus- sels, a most unique gathering was held sand possibly beyond (Duplication in several features. it was a family Re- union, the first time in 35 years in wtieb the members were able to meet together for such an. occasion. It was 2 time long to be remembered, often dreamed of and deliglhtfud do its real- ization. As the large family surround- ed the festive board and enjoyed true hospitality on the day of all days many a story was told and incident recited in the passing years from the days of childhood to the present. The possibility of ;holding the re- union centred round the fact that 4 members from the Great West lied been able to come to. 'Brussels, viz., Mrs. Chas. Fox; Mrs. le. Gordon and George :and James Dark, and with the 5 representatives living In Brussels locality, who are Mrs. Wim. Gordon, Miss Rebecca Dark, William, John and Robert Dark, it was nota difficult task to persuade Ben. Dark, of Galt, to re- spond so as to complete the long covet- ed desire of the unbroken, circle. It was a happy consummation, beyond any human probabllity of fit ever being accomplished again in the bounds of tams. The names quoted are the 10 child- ren born 10 the home, of George Dark and Ann Furman, who were married in Fullarton Township, Peotih County, in 1847, and with 3 of the family these sturdy pioneers moved to the bush farm, Lot 9, Con. 11, Grey township, ;About 3 y •miles from Brussels, and where they continued to live, enjoy- ing the results of their early pnivatiOns and combined industry, until they were (reckoned to the Massy Mansions. Mr. Dark answered fee cell July 18, 1891, aged 7t years, and his partner follow- ed July 18, 1897, aiged also 71 years, Both were Devons'here folk coating, frpm England in young manhood and womanhood, and leaving behind them an evergreen memory. The other 7 c'hiidren were born on. dh'e old home- stead. A remarkable and noteworthy fact is that although the eldest 'dhtld is 76 years old . and the youngest 57 and the number counting up .to 10, they have been spared through the 111ght of 'title to this period without one of the flock missing. ]'heir notal ages give 671 years. All are enjoying compare,tivety good health and were able to take a trip to Wiaugheim and have a photogrnpltic group oaken. As a, fam- ily they leave: conduet•ed•h'heniselvns honorably ea as to earn and enjoy the friendship and kindly regard .of hut, dreds of old friends, :who take much pleasure itt extending .cangraitulat•iant asset good wishes on the .his.toric data they ;nave heed illustrating." 1f the members of the family were "not so backward in corning forward" litany an leteresting :chapter might be added to this .sketch, drawn from the Old ;tome records and Abe happy can- 'tcinhauttlranea of the 10 links in this living .. CAR O>" Pure ManitoOha Flour Also Car of Ontario Bran and Shorts Expected at Ethel Sta- tion next week. Kindly get our prices be- fore buying elsewhere. J. Phone LEITCH 22II ETHEL W. KERR, Proprietor BRUSSELS FARMERS' CLUB Annual meeting of Whet Is Come nlonly ailed "Brussels Partners' Club" was held last Friday 'afternoon, place of meeting being the IMMIIy Titeetu'e, A good attendance being present. ,Prestdent Stanley Wheeler occul led the Miele, Auditors' report was presented by Robt. Scott and Miter discussion was adopted. Old Board was ,re-eledt,eet as fol". lowon— Presldeot,, Stanley Wheeler Vice Pres., John M1cArter. Directors—Thos. Willson, Elston Cardiff, Milton Lowe, Wes. Stephenson, William Tenet], James Perrle, James Bryans, L. fitetenger, Jno, Mone*, Geo. Hendersonand W1n. Moses. D. M. McTavish was reappointed Secretary -Treasurer of kite organize- ;fon. The plan folloawed in the past ha; beenchanged and the intention is to organize under a Joint Stock Company. A canvass is being made with this ob- ject at !tire t7reeent. The relatives are still Stere from the West enjoying tate fellowship and social good times of mew dormer friends and .acquaintances. As a tfemily they are specially grateful. that .the reunion was possible under such favorable auspices. There are 21 grand'dhlldren and 20 great eramenteldren in connection with the Dark families, 'Phe following family history table shows. that race suiciide was not to be ,feared) in those long ago days when good big famishes were fashionable— Family Register Born Years old Rebecca Sept. 25 5848 76 Mary aDes. 31 1849 75 George Nov. 20 1851 -73- Willliam April 19 1854 70 John Sept. _ 20 t856 68 James July 8 1858 66 Rodnert April 18 1860 64 Fannie June 14 1862 62 Clara May 20 1864 60 Benj. Oct. 19 1367 57 Total years .......671 BRUSSE . 'COUNCIL inaugural meeting a the Brussels Municipal Council was 'held • on Mon- dayAfter evening do the Council Chamball the members had taken er, the oath of office, 'Reeve Banker called rhe Connell to order and all the members were present: -Councillors R. Bow- man, G. Muldoon, J. Hewitt and W. Anmstrong. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirined on motion of Council- lors Armstrong and Hewitt. Following accounts were present- ed— So lights @ $25 per year - 0220 per month) 5 mos,.$1100.00 16 lights @ $40 per year Town Hall, 4 mos @ $2,50. 10.00 C.O.F. (Agi,School) ii•month 2.50 $1112.30 A, Somers, livery here `Nlloltel 6.00 J. Long, conveying M. Nichol to Ciimiton r : 5.00' Wen, Pawsan, repairing bell rope,.. ..,. 1.00 E. Henderson, snowiplowin'g -13.50 The Post, printing ballots etc 22.00 Wm, McQuarrie, drying hose 2.00 G. MdDelwell, disinfecting . 2.00 G. McDowelh, expenses col- lecting taxes 6.75 R. Dark, caretaking W. Mar- 'tin's grave 1.00 R. Da ark, • caretaking Miss Kelly's grave 1.00 'C. N. Express 00, (]hydro) , 4,52 D.R.O.'s & Poll Clark's16.00 J. Stevenson, wood 20.90 Ohildren's Aid Society 10.00 On motion of Councillors Bowman and Muldoon, the above accounts ware passed and ordered to be 'paid, except the two referring to M. Nichol, which were 'held over, to have collection. made from family. By-law, No. 1, 1925, appointing Municipal Officers was read three times and passed, and the •following were named in Bylaw: A. H. MacDonald, Clerk, at salary of 5150.00 per year. A. H. MacDonald, Treasuuer at salary of $85.00 Der year. Gordon McDowell, Utility man, at salary of $75,00 per month. M. Bleck and, N. F. Gerry, Auditors, at salary of 510.00 eacet. nubile Library Board, 1 year, Rev. C. F. Clarke; 2 years, G. H. Sanas; 3 years, Alex. Strachan,. Alex. Stew:ate will be it member of the -Board of Health. Dr. T. T. MacRae, M. H. 0„ at a salary of $100.00. On motion of Councillors Arm- strong and Bowman, applttcatione will be received for Assessor at $65.00 per year Applications will be •received.up to noon, Feb.. Int, Councillors R. Bowman and George Muldoon ware nailed as 'the Street Qomtntittee, and Councillors J. Hewitt and W. Armstrong, wmili took after tite finances. On motion of Councillors Arm troth y g land Hewitt, the Reeve wand Treasurer were authorized to arrange a line Of credit of 520,000 with Standard Bank. After a lengthy discussion on the mattee of back taxes, the .Tax Roll was Left with 'Collector for another month on ntrrtion of Councillors Bowman and Ilewitt. ()outwit bdJvarnod. Church Chimes At last Sabbath morning's service in Melville church, the well known pastor, Rev. J. P. McLeod, B. A., made the announcement that he purposed tender- ing hie resignation of the charge, the same to come tato effect at Easter. A•t the Soda! eventing held 7,n the ,Methodist ohaawrc'lt last Monday, which was in charge of Miss Buchanan, assist- ed by Miss May Clarke, a, happy eine was .spent with games, lunch, etc. There wes s good attendance. Misses Lizzie Bryans ,and Ina Cun- ningham entertained their Sunday School classes last Saturday afternoon An the Methodist church school room. Games, weiners, buns, etc., were on the program and a big 'time was'en- joyed, 1$ People We Talk About ;1 James Fox made a busfiness trip to Toronto last week. Airs. W. F. Stewart Is elating her daughlter, Mrs. N. F. Gerry. Mrs. McKinnon, of ,Paisley; .is visit- ing ,with Isar song Mr, W. C. Met Kinnon. Congratulations are extended to W. C. and Mrs, McKinnon on the artival of ason and herr. Will, Long, of the Bank of Nova Scotia, North Bay, is here on a holiday. at the parental barna. Jno. D. Ronald, a former :well known resident, is spending a few weeks with relatives in Brussels. W. R. Stretton, brother to W. F. Stretton, Brussels, is renewing old friendships in Brussels nand •locality. N trlatc. 5 former testdent of this 10c - May, is renewing old friendships. Mrs. Chas. Davis, 4th line, Morris, is a daughter. -,Mrs. S. Walker has returned after a visit with Toronto relatives since Christmas, Mr. Walker was down over the week end. Rev and Mrs. Kennedy rad sons, Markdale, are here on a visit at the home of J. and Mrs. Ballantyne, the pareuts of Mrs, Kennedy. Wm. and Mts. Jarman and son, Grant, of Climax, Sask., are visiting Jas. and Mrs, Henderson. Mr. Jarman is n brother of Mrs, Henderson, Mrs, J. L Kerr and Miss Mary, who have been visiting Toronto relatives and friends for the past month, arrived in Brussels Monday night and will now make their home in town. Will. Harris is making a visit with his mother, Mrs. W. W. Harris, Queen street. He putts in a good shire of his time in New Ontario, so called. It appears'00 agree with •'hiim ail right. Seger Lowty, who has been resititng at Palmarolle. Quebec, arrived home last week on an enforced holiday have ing trouble with his teeth. He is an elder son of Edward and Mrs. Lowry, Brussels, Alex. F. Stesviart, brother to Peter Stewart, Brussels, is here on a holi- day from Malidstone, Saskatchewan: It is 13 years since he 'was. Ihere before and 44 years Since ere first went to the, West. He is a welooane vi'sttor and (oaks well. James O'Leary, Winnipeg, formerly Of Brussels, in forwarding his sub- scription to The Pont sent his New Year Greetings to all old friends in. Beussels an'd He is proprietor of Ohne tropedial ttiatel Wiinnlpog and of- ten . renews old ecquainVances with people from Hurion. County. * George H. Irwin, Toronto, formerly of Brussels, secnred the title of Canadi- an checker match champion in resumed play against W. S Edgar, of Peterboro, at the West end Y, M.0. A. Irwin's score was 5 wins to 5, with 7 games drawn. Brussels sports congratulate our old town boy in keeping in the King row. Mrs..Audrew Tennant, lames street, wbo has not enjoyed robust health for some years, is'uot as well even as list el, we are sorry to say. As she is in her 83rd year she is notable to fight o0 gyms) ailments 25its days o f yore. ore. lennautis'receiving every intent tion that will give"her relief; Mr. Ten - neat has attained as many years as his with anti has been wonderfully smart. Ihaugueal meeting of the Oouneit took place at Exeter, with Reeve W. D. Saunders in tiro chair anti all coun- cillors present. After taking the oath of office, the reeve called upon Rev, A. A. Tewnper to open 'the meeting with prayer, after which Mr. Teemp- er oongratnlated the reeve and Gout. Milers on their re-election and welt en teed Oouneilloe t Hawkins. 13e also spoke of the impoett tuth of pebiie service.