The Brussels Post, 1925-1-7, Page 7Efficient armi 'FOR 110ME AND CORRY Th "5U U ay School Farm Your Own Diamonds -13y Emily J Guost, . JANUARY 11 h h• f the id to the eeede of men the PRO vo bo t some f'4 dibt,ate to Y l 4, i# n HABITS OF MIND theunto least of these 1 f L market.Den thing my bre th en, y have done it unto me. Matt 25:g h 1 high Priced who wouldext anger is e i n arativel p as the progeny of the sows bred naw pressure of cat P Y g . . In pienntng the number of sown to the number of sows that will be bred_ rY dy 0. hungering—forlongs is the first problem for anyone is u thing of aside to have long fltigpa 1 a r e , 40. 'tails. Those. len nails indicatq that breed, or in other words, the pig year this fa or next years Yet r farmers are now looking ahead a ear i mark and Ireland re Alio feeling the p gbabiy no one Gould be fo:and studoingr Bodin or the'�rri ht another c Y h h h condition of da s fo g g one belongs to a .class which deme not secure mollis leas been intended to secu' or these Faithful ones the bliss and ANALxsis. have to wozlc and rho longer the Haile life in its entirety for that of anyone ie a greater fetor in making a saris.. III, Tian ugsrlian's THUONIy, 81-88. n . merit of Gods eternal ,eepresence.n the znoxp a person of leisure one ie. will he on the market next fall. It zs,, feeds, else, Potts of it, a bit hors and thez'e, factory ..e 'ironanent than any .other ill's NAI 9E$AttgTlaN oy tion a ]oy therefore, of great importance in rho( 'lois situation is of immense inter , + exco orha s health: ' atom the u10IITraus AND ,N E uNisiois Eous, Vs, 55.86, And why are those on One man is said to have his atolls decision,the, i t t ce to Canadian farm• yes, certainly. But there would aiWays Pt p P yg-g0. the right hand reeognieed as the elect?? over a foot long. Ile keeps them en- , of a wise thethat of est -and poc u - be the reservations the conditions or threefold point of view of happiness, NTROngG7'aoN— esus entering the !the Jesus says, "I was hungry cased in wooden shields and is unable situation as it axises at the moment of l era and Ppekers� After carefully re ' e would suteess and, service; it is important. Uo, it tts es 'ah'cleanses� a and our ave me food thirst and you to feed himself or even lie down O"X- bieeding should not he allowed too viewing the whole situation Canadian Possessions. about which each w y G Y M sill , the y gave Y r In saY,.Oh, I want to keep that. T Woa'.d We can all sumiaton from among our temple, and is taken to task by the gave me dxtnk, naked and you clothed cept in certain positions, for fear of large a place in the factors considered, packers feel that next year is goingn inthe acquaintances .a mental vision of a authorities, sand re aired to explain me," eta, Loving deeds dgne to Jesns.hrealcin these marks M' aristocrat . f 11 what h to b taken into t b a "ho = year." That hi they be- not give that up for anytha g q g Y fill hole hi' :em' ' th " p ill be th test before the judgment -1 is, what axe the condi- ,leve if producers will P }, the 1 t m in u came or square peg striving to adapt oma so, a in a aeries of discussxana 011e. tions likely to be next fall, and present! quality and furnish to the packing g that he himself to a round bale, neither of exp sins the true relation between the Messiah's s angor, sae is thirst, and this is a bigbut are we not foals i 'one should only be considered, houses thou' normal quota o£ hogs, to be made, he would find t t Jewish state and the kin dom of fled, shelter him from the elements, take , , fond tit Y d t' 11 favorable balance was on the lido of them very happy, very successful, or. the nature of the life to came, and charge of him in sickness, visit him too? We do not adhere to pram - Undoubtedly the extent that they indicate the a his own environment.. d r e s If farm xs as a t P Po to e t d P d' fingernails, future. b fit bl io f m t be resu't of their endeavors. Undoubtedly the biggest single fac. -tor in the price of bog products on the world's markets is production in the United States. The hog population in the United States on January 1, 1921, is given as 56,097,000, in 1023 grain and big hog pro u- o , tinade and is matin his character by indent- ton. g i as 68,427,000,n in 1924 as 65 601- year a sudden jump in grain prices g e it is done city at the approaching judgment, wonderingly "Lord, when did, we see! we could with some little effort get and r Y the o ort 000. The pigsurveyof June 1924, with consequent prospective reduction pP enitties in his dairy life Sefond; when we contem- when as Messiah he will come in the thea hµngry, etc• It was never their; onto the smoother road of modern which he seep is or rejects, plate the result with satisfaction, for or of the Father (Matt, 24).Fin- 1•rivilege on earth to see Jesus with progress? indicated that there would be a° de-, in :breeding operations in the United P as we like doing' it we enter 'into it a. y the eye of flesh Nle high. east of production in I The thoughts each thinks, with g , ally, in a series of parables, he ro , �, 40.Then Jesus will explain The ceive thatnliieb be a$ c nstant --p cess Ireland and Denmark,. their resulting desires and consequent with :nest of heart as well as energy minds his disciples of the solemn issuesa pro like the one o 'n out of the of hand and head and the efficiency of that judgment, and bids them be Messiah identifies himself with sin- of change and progress? To -day' is not which comes from this ensures, self- ready, because the Son of man comes ning and suffering humanity. The like yesterday, and to -morrow will still respect and the respect of our fellows• in an hour when they think not" hungry, the thirsty, the 'naked, the ere different. This again leads to success both in the (Matt. 25), To this chapter belongs sick, the condemned on earth are his the Parable of the Sheep and the representatives, On earth Jesus lovedr Fundamentals are always rho same. position occupied among men and in a Goats, which forms our lesson for, them, and gave himself for them, and'The whole universe is run on funda- monetary way, for though money is to -day. I now they are to be understood as' mentals. They make the past' worth not the first nor only point to be con- It is probable that Jesus often spoke standing in Jesus'stead, as the proper' while. But can we afford to sit help- sidered in the Choice of a career, yet of love to the poor and the needy as objects of Christian love and kindness. less with our fingernail's of the past the material returns are not to be de- the characteristic mark of the genuine The M-esaiah makes their cause his After all, w a as p o e 6 Y other person's Power to v far" So round peg trying to . a squats o, , s , . lesion or .au ority, He wi e d � d ll im rove the d and throne. Did .any one a I Oue is led to say with Shakespeare, when a comp e e summing , Y PPaase the: "What fools these mortals be:" Slut, 7 M h h shake h' tl ' e pro a e. a i properly managed hog pro uc ton wz this would rendering t0nap1OUOUS service he supreme importance nce of lou o Go in neon? These are his friends, his ceivednotions regarding ngernai , h they h old The reason for is found and packets pull together ey s o and man (Matt. 22). Then, M a greet loved ones, and hie own. A very simple but are we not also in ruts? Do we in his own personality. The reasons for the importance of outburst of holy anger, be condemns test, but how searching! not often farm in the way we wero be able to make another considerableIndivid l co conditions are lax el the wisely chosen work Are obvious, the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, -who' Vs. 37-89. Naturally these men, who, taught as the Chills -re grow nails us step in establishing our Canadian lea- Individual n g Y have come out of Query nation and British market. result of individual character. Char- first, we like doing it, and as we have stood in the way of God's holy they were taught? Do we not often, con on the t t partlyin ted, artily made spend a large proportion of our wale, purpose for the nation (Matt, 23), hardly one of whom ever saw Jesus' Last yearwith much discontrr•t and loss adhere ispersono ce n am c o m wet s e saw ver low prices for of err is phas hours at work, this is a big con- and from this passes on to proclaim face to faro, will be astonished beyond: " ' • d tin th' To a great extent each hR d o wh Gh a 't th treasure at this greeting and will ens; to ruts of thougnts and snetho3s when th crease of about 3,000,000. The United States; States has an immense consuming countries population but, of course, like every; that have to import a considerable action, growing g other country, endeavors to export her proportion of their feeds, and a slack- other as steadily and surely as do the surplus, which in 1923 amounted to' ening of breeding in Western Canada. root, the blade, the' ear of the corn, P >nst as steadilyand surelyproduce his 1,794,000,000 ]hs. of pork products. Packers strongly_believe that this j . The comparatively high price of situation is one which should induce environment. Thus that of his own grains this year caused the American hog producers, in Canada to breed creating, because it is his own, suits farmer to put his hogs on the market their full number of sows and that an • him better on the whole than that of during the last few weeks in unpre-! increaee in production is perhaps a airy other's making, :however dazzling cedented numbers, the receipts on the! safer policy than it was last year it may appear at first ,glance. Chicago market for Monday, Dec. 15, t when everybody was feeding cheap, Yet the truth remains that no one being about 122,000 hogs. The first' grains. Probably sows kept as breed-: is satisfied -with his environment. two weeks of December saw the big- ars never were better property. 1 Largely, this is due to the fact that, gest deliveries of hogs in the history It is not likely that the prices of being spiritual as well as physical, of the United States. Too big a per- grains will decline to what they were man is capable of . infinite growth. tentage of these hogs are light and in 1023, but one can normally look for What was satisfying last year is not unfinished, which means the farmerl a recession in price in 1925 because lt, enough for this year. is liquidating his ho s. The effect is; is likely that the grain and corn crops He is vaguely, uncomfortably eonssteadily enlarging circle of congenial the Messiah's friends. Jesus will ac from his kingdom, and appoints to g friends and acquaintances. The out- knowledge such before the angels, and everlasting punishment with Satan to decrease the total pounds of pork' of the world will return to normal scions of inadequacy in friends, come of this is almost sure to be the make them to sit down in his kingdom and his associates? They are those produced. During the first nine For these reasons packers believe the! money, 'health, education, or n hisdeepening and broadening of the of salvation. In the present parable who have not loved men, who have' not These months of this year 372,000 more hogs Canadian farmer is well advisedtolife work. because he does not mea. powers and personality 9f the whole the same thought provides a picture beilel bathssetfriends on the left hand of the were marketed in the United States,Cmaintain his production of g I man so that he is able to render the of the universal judgment. A14 ria- Tad c because rho did not show love but about 114,000,000 less pounds of with this,.improvement in quality is Chafing at the monotony, limits -time wid be gathered before the' k , Y pork was reduced than in the same vital tions, or poverty of his lot, he has greatest service of which he is cap - in of the Messiah, and blessedness to Christ. Expecting to find a place P P never opened his eyes wide enough to able to the community. or doom will be measured out accord- in the kingdom, they are overwhelmed P y g . Clearly then, your Koh-i-noor, the ing as men have or have not given to find themselves cast out, and to is q Her I was fed' with rice and various take a clear survey of the wealthhear the Judge delicious mysteries. It turned out that; awaiting discovery in himself and his big one among your diamonds, is the themselves to loving deeds after the g say that he was hun- ts discovery of the work for which Na- example of Jesus. gry, and they.never gave him food. 'I had arrived on Japanese day, From surroundings. Yet so. They did not see that Jesus earlymorning,this little girls hadf Some years.ago a number Of people tore has best fitted you. But how to L THE MESSIAH'S THRONE OF aUDG- was one with suffering humanity, and lived as nearly as she could like the left England for South Africa. They proceed? What to watch for, and WENT, 31.33.( so they threw away the chance of little girls of Japan. She had eaten came out to where they could get land; when, and where? There are four V. 31. The Son of man is the everlasting life. They meant perhaps main lines of observation: temper- heavenly one, who, according to Dan- to help the needy, but they forgot. Or something approaching the kind of 3n plenty and at a low price. They anent, tastes, talents, and health. tel 7: 13f. is to come before God, and they thought that the sufferings of BY FLORENCE BREWER BOECK food they eat; she had learned a� expected to make a success of farm- to receive an everlasting kingdom others were no concern of theirs. Or phrase or two of their language; she ing.' But But the land was poor,' antes- Make a sober, impartial study of which shallnotpass away. Jesus will the were limply taken n all th own. His friends are the friends and I and watch the world go by into a apised,nor neglected, for, as the old disciple. Men asked, Whom will the glorious future? May it not be well pioneer farmer said, "Poverty may be Messiah recognize as his own, as his loves of mankind, This was n thought for each of us to ask "Am I Lundin�i no disgrace—but it's mighty an, loved ones and friends, in the day' which had never crossed the minds of upon the past,or am I buried. in it? when he sets up his kingdom?"And men until Jesus spoke. handy."Jesus answers: "Those who have Baru--! Vs. 41-46. Then comes the dark side Am I -Killing or willful regarding the Thirdly, the right work draws ed humanity, . who have given them- of the picture, Who are the enemies tasks the modern world puts to me?" about the worker persons of similar serves to deeds of love and mercy." j of the Messiah, those whom with see- about and interests, and he finds a Love to humanity is the mark of row he rejects from his presence and a. r 1. TRAINING OUR CHILDREN J "I don't care what you are training had invited her little friends to lunch your children to do, but what do you and played the games ofthe children think is the most Important thing to of Japan; and when she went to bed teach them to be—?" I listened to a delightful story in That question, from a woman whose which cherry blossoms and kites were pensive, stony. yourself, being careful neither to over- so come El his "glory," y P Y a e g*:ory, that is, no time with themselves In any case, Year by year they repeated the' estimate nor underestimate. Write longer in humiliation and suffering, they did not do the thing which Jesus came way. Year by year they were down the results. Put them away for as on earth, but in the radiant light loves, disappointed. They grew dishearten- three or six months, then take them arks eternal of the dimajesty, ine favor with iHe every much asHow olemn is e did it nos t to one of the d d' u tiled die usted w out and go over them critically. Do y 3th the the of children are brought up and estab- mingled. And she told me that when- country. It was no good, Some died, You till agree with your self-esti- en elf-eshave ound his throe d as his assess- least of t eee did it not to Me." Lhren of ittle wonder you lisped in the world, dropped into the ever I game to her house on Saturday others moved away, the rest struggled mate?Where are youstrong? WhatV. 32. Then "ail the nations" will this midst of a group of mothers whose 3 should find she was some other little .on in poverty. are the weak points? How could the be gathered before him. This means, ity, parable Ie gracticali Christianity, hon Their children had no luxuries and strong ones be cut and polished, made not his disciples only, and not the anything else in the literature of hu - scant opportunity, but with the merry more valuable? How could the weak Jews only,but the Gentiles from every manicy. heart of childhood, they saw chances ones be strengthened? Do this peri- land. Almust at last receive their, UNCONSCIOUS VIRTUE. to play; they invented games and odicaily: judgment from the Messiah.On earth The reward of a good dead is to found their- own playthings on the' Is your temperament quick or slow? theyhbut beforeave all then 's tahrone us have done it Kind hearts perform farm. !Irritable or patient? Controlled ora ways,divisiontruer MessiahnnseIfiah deeds lie s matter of coursethe, One day a traveller with the sympa-1 oral lsive?s D m wo k t t eh est g n- pl- cehpAlr lllrtwill be di ded into two ll take birds sung. Jesus said of unconsciously class thetic heart and seeing'eye passed, classes. who did their alms in sight of men that way and perceived the children.! of you intense concentrated spurts or V. 33. The division between "sheep" snit with unworthy and self-righteous He came near and found them play- that requiring calm, steady rou and "goats," meaning respectively the motives, that the Publicans should Mg with stones. He took a second tine? Are you an individualist or a eleot and the reprobate, would be fa- enter the kingdom before them. The Meg - look, went into the house and asked co-operationist, miller to Jesus'hearers. What is new proof that anyone belongs to. the kin where the . children found the stones.' Tastes reveal themselves at play, in here is the principle on which the dom, Is found in the doing, under the `O the farm' he was told. `ht separation is made. intuitive urge the favorite books and magazines, in ger of great-hearted coin - boys and girls are in the process of girl altogether. She expects that by being brought up, threw a recent ami- the end of the year she will have lived able tea-party into dispute—and con -I around the world.. . sternation. It was soon clear that not a mother' The Evil of Permitting Live had any plan reasoned out in the light' of the modern world and of what a Stock to Tramp Over the man or woman needs to be to live I Manure Pile. usefully and happily in it. There was Manure from diseased animals, much talk of strength of will, of II dally those suffering from tuber- love of truth, of power of concentia-Iculoais or contagious abortion, is usu- tion, of loyalty and bravery; but of, , ally heavily infested with the bacteria all the things that were said it was, responsible for either of these two the idea of the youngest mother of ii ,• II. THE FINAL SEPARATION OF THE them all which interested me most Imuch-dreaded cattle diseases. Many crop was plentiful on this land, and the .choice of companions, and in the passion, the same sort of deeds that pay „ school records. RIGHTEOUS AND THE UNRIGHTEOUS, Jesus went about .doing when on earth. This young mother said: elf 1 knew cattle owners a very little attention it was about the only kind that was. 34-46. He was ever helping to the manure re a possible source of e- , In play,is it livelyP g, healing, comfort - _how the thing which I should like "Might he have some?' games full of V. 34. At the solemn hour of judg- ins and uplifting both souls and bodies infection or spread. Cattle are fro- „action.and companionship, of more than anything else to give my(quetrtly permitted to trample and Oh, yes, all he liked, if he liked," and doin thin P P' making merit the friends of the Messiah, hrs of men, and for ever Boeing with the children is the power to get into real ,ria mon„re from the IRthet contemptuously. •I g gs, which agpeal, or the true servants and associates, will keen insight of loving eyes capabil- Selecting a number, he took them to quieter amusements, one or two com- stand on hie right hand. They will be ities, and possibilities that others fail- 1 addressed as the 'blessed' of Jesus' d t Enid I the story bmf touch with all sorts and kinds of pee-, stables which they occupy, picking up ple in all parts of the earth;'to feel' and eating pieces of soiled hay or themselves neither better nor worse straw, and carrying back into the than any other;' to realize how much! stables on their feet and legs germ alike all people are, and still to value laden filth, which may eventually find and enjoy all their superficial differ -j its way into the cow's stomach or into anew.” the milk pail. In the light of modern I believe it was because this moth a skilled' worker to be cut, to another pthe ardons, walks, talks, and explore- Father, because they have God's own righteous are amazethat the multi- monsore us, to be polished. Finallyhe'sailed for by stream and in' field or wood- Europe again, carrying with him gems land? What tendencies are revealed wahich they hall: and tinherit ghas been pre- ' formed trifling straightwayservices o forgottteen from the world's richest diamond at play? Is the individual a leader, a pared for them "from the foundation should merit any glorious reward. mines.follower, or a co-operator, good at of the world." This means that ever- Unconscious goodness is the highest Because they did not know, could team -work? On what occasions and thing that hes happened from the be- form of goodness. no see, a armors o Kimberley under what circumstances does heI h i'f i D• wasyoungthat she felt accurately, hygiene, progressive cattlemen t the f f S bode said s ow zu oat ver? o the favorite books: y are now Tannin their stable; yard the soil was too stony to yield them a the great need of the' world to -day.. P g living. Plodding blindly along in the and pagers deal with facts, biography; large arrangements such percentage of those sent there Year by year men are bean brought, science, the practical side of life, or afresh on the road to a self-respecting g n i a way as to prevent, in so far as dispiriting ruts of poverty, farming do poetry,romance adventure, life. andclossr ri morepowerover g more other possible, the cattle coming in contact with their bodies and not with their imainate writing make the stronger the Where the tastes and talents are wielding minds, they saw only stones, impedi- lives of each other; what happens to, with the manure. moots 1 appeal? not very outstanding, such an investi- one happens to all, and so the im And all the time their children were, portance of t e r digplaying with diamonds! also a i d' t' t t as none the less worth doing. Health is the setting for your dia- monds. Guard it if vigorous. 'Build it up If weak by an intelligent study how to do away with war and estab- has been the objSct of'widespmead ex- dormant abilities of hand and brain. science, languages and literature, stent If the setting is not what it The kind of intimates chosen from gation may mean the expenditure of h i understan 'n each i All About Seed Potatoes. among acquaintances is worth study eonsiderable time and patience, but it other, of their being able to get into, Should seed potatoes be planted Everybody has hidden treasure in s an indication oftastes. cal communication realer. It u� What tastes and talents are reveal is partly because of this that people This is a subject that has been die- have. Your diamonds are your un- ed in the school records? Was the everywhere are struggling to find out cussed for many years and one which discovered, undeveloped, more or less student strongest in mathematics, of the body and Its needs and menage - r , growsg whole or be cut in halves or quarters? his life, awaiting the seeing eye. You Bah peace. The world has become so perimental study. Perhaps you are farming these as commercial or artistic subjects should be, much of the beauty and closely' knit that war is intolerably Much of the experimental data ap- blindly and unskilfully as dia the throughout his course? Did he ex- effectiveness, even the safety of some destructive. And yet,the very fact pears to be inconclusive because differ- South African farmers theirs. . Press himself with more ease and abil- of your gems, may be i+nperilled that the world is close-knit snakes wars more likely, unless the spirit of carried out their experiments differ- think how many and of what sort lines of activity? ent experimenters have planted and Possibly you never even stopped to ity in the practical or imaginative' When you have =isle a survey of men toward each other can be Chang- entl these life ofyours were.What interests you 'nest at the Fall your diamonds,lish big and little, cut ed. The old attitude toward the bar- y jewels1Fairs? them, polish then, inve<t them in such Such flutters as spacing the sets, Do it now. Study ,yourself. Help Where do you spend most time,: a way as to , barian and the foreigner must give condition of the soil and the quantity the boys and girls as they go through to what exhibits do you feel like re - get satisfactory returns i in real life 'values, way to a new sense of maty in a of moisture during the growing season school to study themselves, body and turning oftenest? Do your own thinking. Tf you don't world in which no people is any longer affect the results. 1'foreign" to another I ler' example, where the soil con- That mothers are coming to realize tains abundance of plant food and the need of children to know and feel there is an abundance of moisture at home in all the world is evident In throughout the growing season large- ars with the mind; and those who find week the prisoner is required to do the books and toys and songs that site seed appears to yield the largest themselves happiest in the world of nothing, allowed to go where he will, Are being made for children nowadays, ryuantity of marketable tubers, Things—the doers, workers with.tho look at what he pleases of all the Each year there are more and more But if the season is dry and the hand, I varied occupations and manufactures stories of the children of other lands, soil poor medium -site seed appears to and fairy tolesand games and songs lnoduta a better etter talc. of other land.. I have ever, heard a sort of little Sprouted oats can be made by soak - interim -time] prayer for children,' ing the oats its a pail of warns water which' runs like this:to which has been added about ten "Father, bless all the little children' drops of formalin to prevent mold, who are now going to hod, and help Then the oats are spread out on trays all the little children who are now to a depth of one inch.. The trays playing in the sunshine while we sleep,' should be placed in a room where the to have a happy day."I tcmperalture will not go below sixty And not long ago I came unexpect- degrees. 'rhe oats should be sprinkled wily to the house of a fettled for din.; each day and may be stirred for the nor and was greeted at the door by first two days while there is no danger her little daughter in a gay kimono,, Of breaking meta. At the end of a who maid something which she told week they will usually be hi good con - nu. , a,.rot "Hew elle you do?" "in a! dition to feed to the liens at the rate lana ; ;:c T had never heard, For din- of a square inch per hen per day. mind, intelligently. Ata certain prison farm whose aim! some one else is going to do it for you. Roughly, people fall into two slabs- I is Lees to punish than m ' help,this F h The one who does the thinking is more es: those who work most happily in sort of observation is one of the guides than likely to gather in rho rewards. the world of Idea -the thinkers, work- to wise direction. During the' first Farm your own diamonds! Direct Sunlight a Factor in Animal Growth: From the first class some the proof the establishment, and perform any Plant .physiologists have long known fersti onal men and women Preachers,' wort he chooses voluntarily. Unknown . th t sunlight pla ed a most important nt teachers, writers, lawyers, physiciens, to him, however, a close record is be- part in the development of all green inventors, organizers, statesmen, fin- ing kept of the activities which attract plants. Animal physiologists have re- anciers, industrial leaders and all him most, "those to which he returns cantly adopted the same view with those whose occupation demands as a oftenest, and about which he displays regard to the growth of animals. Nu- tinst requisite the patience, aloofness, a desire for knowledge. The one which tritional studies in which sunlight and and devotion to hard, silent work nee- arouses his strongest and most re. no sunlight were the main considera- essary to thinking the way to Blear current interest is then selected as tions in the feeding experiments, have convincing conclusions which are the that in which he Is to receive special demonstrated that sunlight is a very preliminaries to action, I training, the ultimate purpose being Important factor in growth and nor- The second and larger dlass gives! to turn out a citizen who can perform mal development of young animal's the producers and conservers of ma-' some kind of work well enough to gain i Sunlight is free if we are prepared terial wealth, raw and manufactured, for him his awn respect and that ofto receive it outdoors, but to have food, clothing; shelter, roads, convey- his fellow -moo as an efficient Work- abundant sunlight in the 'buildings ancon, machinery, publication, those roan. This equipment, With a new suit where live stock are housed is ecene- whose occupations arise from the of clothes and a few dollars in his times costly. Nevertheless it is well adaptation of the natural resources pocket, has starteda gratifyingly worth while, All nye stock buildings f should be planned in such a manner that sunlight may enter and reach, during some part of the day, every square foot of floor space possible. Wide buildings with dark stables have passed; narrow structures with large windows have taken their place. • Supremacy of Marquis Wheat. Since Marquis wheat was first intro- duced, a good many growers and. breeders have been malting selections from it with a view to producing, if possible, an improved strain, From results obtained se far it seems quite clear that differences of greater or lesser importance actually exist. Be- fore• it will be possible to recommend one strain of Marquis over another, several years testing will be neces- sary, however. While certain new varieties bid fair to replace Marquis in the West, yet until these varieties have been tested further, the supremacy of Marquis as a general variety for most parts of Western Canada will remain un- challenged. At thepresent time, it is estimated that approximately motel PP Y 90 per cent of all the ' spring wheat grown in Western Canada consists of the above variety, while in the United States, :statisticians claim that ap- proximatoly 70 per cent, of the spring wheat growing areas of that country Is devoted to the production of this variety. Rooks. Books aro keys to wisdom's treasure; Books are gates to lands of pleasure; Books are pathsthat upward lead; Books are Mende. Come, let no read, ilmilie Pouleson. Overhaul the Tractor Now. Does your tractor need overhauling? Don't put it oil. I know it may be hard to dig up the money and maybe you can get through another season. That is what we thought last year. The result was we paid out as much for needed repairs as it would have cost us to give it a thorough going over early in the spring, and we ex- perienced some very aggravating de- lays in the busiest season in addition. Some of our greatest troubles would have been avoided had we attempted the clearing up job lit time. We learn- ed our lesson all right, and this spring before 'working time our tractor will get a good cleaning up inside and out, and all parts . not in good condition will be replaced with new. One sea- son's experience in postponing a need- ed general overhauling is enough, The 'tractor will not stand neglect and let you get by with it. Perhaps the old valves have become burned and pitted oausing the motor to run badly and loose power. It does not cost much to grind them and see that they are properly seated, or even to replace them with new ones: Such treatment makes the old motor be- have like new. It may be the piston rings are worn, resulting in poor com- pression and allowing some of the un- burned fuel to escape into the crank case and dilute the oil. Next thing may be a burned -out bearing or even a scored cylinder. You may find an insignificant oil hole stuck up with dried up oil or grease. 35 is a simple thing but has, been known to cause expensive repairs and more expensive delays when not looked after in time. Th tractor has come to the farin to stay. We would not like to farm with- out one, but you can not coax it, or force it, or kid it into working when things go wrong. It Is as strict about its inside workings as the Bank of England. There is no use trying to put anything over on it. That is one of the few things that can't be done. Music a Very Ancient Amusement. There are still to be found people who talk of mask as though it wore some new-fangled thing scarcely worth inclusion among the serious interests of life. The troth is, of course, that musio has been a living concern of every people of the world for thous• ands of years past. The instruments of music familiar to ourselves are un- known among some of the more an- cient peoples, and the know nothing of their instruments. The Chinese, the Persians, the Turks, even the Anierl- oae Indians, and the South Sea Island - era, have their own instruments of music and their own ways et making music, and have had them since tar away times of centuries ago. Mueio is one 0f the' oldest possessions of the world. To think of .it se a modern amusement is to be very far indeed from the mark. \r"1-- lI lt t ( � 1 ifi-4110C1 eL .III l�I IA�G Improving ft Too Long WIQes-+".Bobbed hair continues, to improve the neck. Hwbby--"YGu're„ improving, It eco longi"