HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-1-7, Page 31, " alephones in Canada. '1'3o use of the telephone in the everyday life of ilio new world lies e , mantled a tnatet doveopmont un• Requires ill Mother's Constant dr0aod,0r in the old, and: in thio re gate Canoes omelet, a very clone; Care and Vlrfttchfulnees.. limed place to the United States, the two Weiltries not being approached by In their earl); teens it la quite com- any nation of the globo, Ot lake yearn mon for girls PO outgrow thea the numbor of telephones ie Canada strength, and mothers shined careful - bas been ihtlreasing at It faster rate ly watch the health 0f -their deughtors than the population, so that the De, at this time, for it is when strength le Aalnf0n is to -clay served in a very ode• sapped by too rapid growth that quate manner with telephonic eon, anaemia . develops. The first aigne munleation, may be noticed by peevishness, Ian' In 1003 there were x,009,203 tele- 0U0r and beadaches. The face grows acmes in Canada, er 1,,05 per 100 ei pale, breatllosaneas and palpitation population. In the Province 00 Brttieh fcllowt with low spirits. Columbia there were 15.57 per 100 et ..t the first symptom of anaemia population; ontarlo, 14,53; Sankat- mothers should act at onto, Negl'ect- chewan, 12.02; ',Alberta, 10.58; Mani- ed anaemia often leads to decline, but toba, 10.30; Quebec, 7,89; New Bruns- wick, 7.11; Nova Seethe 7,051 and is enriched there need be no cause for Prince Edward Island, 0.08, The total anxiety, The finest blood enricher number oo telephones in the Dominion ever discovered is Die Williams' Pink hoe -shote than trebled since 1021, Pills. The pure, rod blood created by It is significant in surveying we these pills will quickly Jianisli all foregoing figures to Rad the Western signs of anaemia. They, will build up or agrleuktual provinces very much to your girl's Health and ensure liar a the fore in telephone possession, This robust Girlhood, Give your 'daughter A course of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ;shouldgo so no t way towards dissipa now, Make her strong Bite thousands Ung any remelting conception of of girls and women throughout Cana• Western Canada as a raw land still da who have. been roscued from the In the pioneering stage where farm- clutches of anaemia by Dr. Wilil'ams' fug settlement means hardship and Pink Pills. privation; M a matter of foot the in- You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Piils staimgenet nt of rural telephones1ls quite through any dealer in medicine, or by general throughout the fanning, d19- mail at 508 a box from the Dr. Wit- tricts and follows closely in the wake slams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. of settlement, In no other newly developed 'countryi r v ', le the telephone found to be in such! 0,e, ' .i�_e—/ general usage as Canada, judging by; the statistics of foreign telephones ad #C I � drawn itp by the chief statistician of "^'� iOA,dV al p the American Telephone and Tele-' •�"�► r f\ r I Y graph Company. As against the 10 2 / � ■, E_. L - telephones per 100 of population tree -1 11GM It 1) 1 lted to Canada in the year under re- �� d view, Australia had only 4.4. The, e.0(� _,,.--^'^�" nearest approach to Canada's' figures! ` hi ♦V in Europe was in Denmark, where lij `V 4\e, / Cl"�/ there were 8,2 phones per 100 of pope- latlon, Great Britain had duly 2.1; As Busy as the See. Prance 1.3;"You e • his Germany, 3.3• Neth Y s 1 business is Y Nether- �humming?" lands, 2p5; Norway, 5.7; Sweden, 0.5; ; Sure—he's a bee -keeper, you know." and Switzerland, 4.2. SimilarIy, in the life of Canadian{ Secrets are like money—good for cilias no European capital er metrop- olis conies anything like approaching those of Canada in. this regard. Last` year the city of Calgary le Alberta' laid claim to leading the entire worldt M aIle per capita ownership of tele phones. ,According to the statistical GROGAN already referred to,; of the cities of Variation—Grogan, O'Grogen. all countries, Toronto in this respect Racial Origin—Irish. Is surpassed by only 6 United States Source --A given name. THE GROWING GIRL What's (ham. Card? ""l0very man bite a card on which his 310018,: Ma addreoe, :and the fact tint ' be will Ole are written in indelible lust• i'11e.dlete,of llie doath and the disepee !from wince he wily -die are also writ- ! tan on this Bard, but tbe,witting ,tit IMO pencil and erosabio," r Tbl» statement was reeently fnade at a meeting by Dr. Charlee,Mayo, the distingulsiied surgeon, Of Course be Kielce in parable but the statemenla ' are none the less true. Continuing thin !dear We might may that every man ebouid look at his card about once a year. This lo0king at the card once a year to called "PkYeical examination on your birth- day." Such an examination, 1r it is properlymade, ehoilid size up the person's Condition In every rospoet, Wiles he bas Rnlshed, the plfysiclan will probably say something like this: "You are not like the deacon's 0118• boss shay, due to go to pieces all at once in every part. I find your heart scores 100, but your Irldueys Score, only 70. In 50 far as I eau judge, you may die in 1933 of a kidney trouble, unless you change those of Your habits wbic haffect that " These indications of conditions which may be cheesed by methods of living are written in pencil on your card. +• Let us suppose you are sensible and wish to got the moat out of life. You erase "1933" and write "1943," Ten Years will mean much to ydu, and you make up your mind to have them. I3wT 1 You ask your doctor to tell you how you can make good on that 1943 entry, how you can make your 70 per cent. efficient kidneys last an additional ten years, You learn that you must change your habits, go to bed at a regular hour, get more sleep, change your food habits, protect yourself against infections, take better care of yourself when you have a cold. You decide that the game le worth the candle. When you have taken theright steps you again take your eraser. You erase the word "kidney trouble." Then you go on for one year, happy in the prospect of a gain of ten years. Another birthday comes around. You go to the card box. You take your Surnames and Their Origin points and Montreal by 18 points. In These family names aro the Angli• certain Western Canadian cities the per capita ownership of lelephonoa ex- Weed forms of an Irish clan name of seeds the two loading Dominion cities considerable antiquity, and the clan bearing it traced its ancestry back to i!'argal, the 150th monarch of Ireland, through Conor, his second eldest son. The Irish form of the family name is "O'Gruagain," or more anciently "1Ta Gruagain," and It signifies "the descendants (or clan) of Gruagain," "Gruagain" was a given name among the ancient and medieval Gaels, in both the Irish and the Highlanders of Beetled. It is a compound of two Gaelic words, and means "the hairy one." But among the setters of the Scot tilt Highlands, who came originally from Ireland, principally in the period from the third to the sixth centuries, it either never was developed into a Bound to Got Full, family name, or if it did, it has since died out, for it 1s not to be found in "And there's no water whatever on Scotland .except in a few scattering the moon?" instances owing to Irishmen haying None whatever." settled in that country in comparative - "Than with only hootch to drink, of course, it gets full," Wood in Our Games, In more than thirty varieties, about $5,000,000 feet of wood go every year to provide us with skis and' billiard cues, anOwshoes and tennis racquets, candle pins' and pews and arrows, and many other things, Wood, says Na- ture Magazine, does its bit to keep ne healthy, amused, and lovers of sport And the out of doors. Some Neve Ones, "Gems" from answers to language paper')/ in a recent school ' examina- tion: "Seaux esprit"—Men of wit and hue mors or magazine editors, "Esprit de corps" — Dead men's drink. "Faux pas"-80d0-silp. "In extremis"—stone broke. "lldagnuar opus"—Ilard labor. "Obiter dictum"—Oh, bitter saying! "Prima donna"--Firat subscription.. 'Vie eomica".—Comical appalance, ' ly modern times. It Is not numbered in the authoritative lists of Highland clan and sept names. The clan systems of both Ireland and Scotland, once the backbone of the political and social structure of those countries, have, of course, exist- ed for a great many generations only as family connections. As political and social structures they have sue - climbed to the English legal and social order and the complexities of modern industrial life and material civiliza- tion. LOFTUS Variations—Lofting, Lofts, Loftison. Racial Origin—English. Source—A given name, also a locality There are two distinct sources from which the family names in this group have come, In reality there are two groups of names, but it is better to con- sider them as nue, owing to the fact that their similarity of sound and spelling has often led to the substitu- tion of one for anotherat various times in the past, One source has already been re- ferred to in a previous article. It Is that of the locality. "Loft house" is the clearest spelling of it, the meaning being, of course, "tall` house" or "high building," though the spelling wbieh was more frequently found in the ear- ly middle ages, anti from which the name' Loftus has developed, was "loft- hus." There is a locality of this name in Yorkshire. The other source of the family name is the given name of "Leoftbegn," one not unpopular among the Anglo-Sax- ons in the pre -Norman days, and one which survived the Norman . invasion to a sufficient extent to give rise to family names in several localities. It is a given name derived from the words of "love" and "theyne"(follower or soldier), but the actual meaning of the name was "beloved soldier." No Friends, No Talk. Mrs. )3.—"There goes Mrs, Janke -- eve never heard any unpleasant talk about tier at all." Mrs. "W.—"No—they say elle hasn't a single friend." With the object of improving tha stand of timber on Dominion forest reserves in Western Canada, and ro- duciltg bho anneal ;nee filen insects, re, and disettee, attention is beteg constantly directed to the cutting of overmaturo and dead timber. This system supplies the ,diners and set• tiers with the needed timber and at the same time cloana up the forest Oso room for naw growth tqi A FAIR PAIR AND TWO BRACE Just before the lire was built for the rabbit stew, u0t a thousand out Quebec, You go after these --tile rabhits—on skis or onowshooil. piles CANADA'S'BARREN LANDS" Although • nearly .one'elxth. of the ares, 5f • the Dominion in included un- der the name of the "Darren Lands," there ]sue been very littlo authontic Information available' about their na• tura and possible resources. Must of theexploration throughout there re• ,gions was carried on 10 the earlier days—frons 1770 to 1834—in the way Of various overload Journeys in con - notion with Arctic expeditions by sea, searching Sroa Northwest paseage t0 the Orient. These lands then lay far from the outp0ste of settlement and, with, the primitive forme of transper• taWJon uvaliable at that !fate, esti- mations, al theirpossible valno and re- sources were bound to be based upon restricted standards. Prom the close of that period of exploration to the present day, over a span of nearly a century, with its great strides in settlement and In the development of transportation and economic machinery in general, little has been done to rem:ashler Lite pce- hibilities-of these regions in the light of present-day conditions. In order to obtain first hand information about the country, and at the sante time lay down a skeleton system of survey for all possible future development pur- poses, control traverse and explore: tion surveys were extended during the past season through a aeries of water- ways lying to the north and eget of the easterly part of Great Slave lake. This work was carried on by G. H. Bianchet, D.L.S., of the staff of the Topographical Survey of Canada; De- partment of the Interior. nterior. The waterways followed ;onslst of a series of large skies draining to Great Slave lake which lie In a great pia - teat region of uniform elevation and generally subdued topography. This represents the drainage peak of the. country in which some of the waters dewing into the great rivers of the north take their rise—Mackenzie river of the western Arctic, Coppermine river of the middle Arctic, j3aclte river of ilio eastern Arotie, and Thelon sive!! flowing to liudson Jany, j The coast 71x10 lncludedbetween the mouths of these rivers exceeds 1;500 I miles. it may readily he uppreeiuted that as the Noll water* of all these rivers mow), approach the lake seises the route by thane watore le important in giving Recess. to a vent area of In- I land country and an extetisivestretch or coast line, In this .counoctlou It , might be noted that a practicable water routs woo discovered in the course of the aurae$' connecting with Copper - mine river. It was observed that the country be. came lase rough toward the north and east and teat the aoeumuletion of soil lwas greater with a corrupt/400g im-i provernent in the amount and variety of the vegetation, The name "Barren Lands", as applied to the greater por- tion of this country lo a misnomer. 11 I !a true that trees do not grow beyond a certain line, and to the north and east of this line areas of barrenne es exist where soil, is either lacking or too coarse for ordinary plant life, but! in the greater portion of the country a variety or shrubs and mosses cover the hills and grasses flourish in the swampy valleys. The animal of outstanding l0tereet, native to the country, le the Barren Lands caribou. Vast herds range these I areas, leaving the open lands for the woodlands for a short perfpd in the depth of winter, The country traver- sed forme the outer fringe of the form- er range of the musk-ox and from.. the fact that only one was seen during the season it may be assumed that either the herds have been reduced in num- bers or they have retired to the more inaccssible portions of their range. An interesting discovery was that a sum- mer breeding ground of the ivory bill Joon which winters in Norway and Ice- land was found in the upper waters of Coppermine and Back rivers where hundreds were observed, card and again read it. In other words, you take another examination. As a result, you may erase the old en- tries and make new ones. You may further modify some of your ways of living,' or, having found those of the past year satisfactory, you plan to con- tinue them. -13. G. 1�TlIa/+r. jrt Gnal— Might Well Appear Rattled. Friend (who has dropped in)— "What's the matter, Tim? You seem to be ratted:" Jim—"Do IT Well, we've just had a big shake-up in this office, you see." His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A. O. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is -restoring the hearing of hundreds of people In New, York city. Mr. Leonard invented this; drum to relieve himself et deafness S and head noises, and it does this so ! successfully that no one could toll he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by 1 perforated or wholly doiitroyed natural 'drums. A request for Information to A. O. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth avenue, New York city, will be given. a prompt reply. advt WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT EBY'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother' bus used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she would not be without them. They are the ideal home remedy for the baby; be• Mg guaranteed to be, absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are a gentle but thorough Taxa five and have been proved of the greatest aid in oases of constipation, indigestion, colic, colds and simple fevers. Concerning them Mrs, Ernest Gagne, Beausejour, Que„ writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and colic and have found them so successful that r would no; be without them. I would strongly re- commend every mother to keep a box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, The Doctor Says it With Boots A strange fact about the medical men of England is that they don't care to be called by their professional titles. Except on official occasions, an English medical man had rather you called hint "mister" than "doctor." • A Harley Street specialist of great renown was golfing one morning when an acquaintance shouted to him cheerily across the links; "Good morn - ng, doctor! "Good morning, wholesale dealer in.: boots and shoes!" 8, t Beaver In Captivity. The beaver is not difficult `td , raise in captivity. Antelopes Are Dainty. Antelopes will not eat clover hay which has the least mold about it. Sue. Thompeon says if her house burned that the radio is the last thing she'd try to save. When the baby cried the other night, Harvey, her husband, got up to feed hint. He put the milk on the stoye to heat and tuned in on the radio while it was heating. When Sue woke up in the morning the milk had all boiled away and Harvey was sleeping in the big chair with the ear phones on his head.—E. 0. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. School children of to -day are har- dier than those of a few years ago; thanks to the care of school doctors meet pupils now leave school with sound teeth and good vision, For First Aid—Minard's Liniment. i A pian who in the struggles of life has no home to retire to, in fact or in memory, 18 ,Without life's best re- wards and life's best defences. ---J. G. Holland. ""ideal nter Playground" Only ZDaysfrom l4awYork Frequent December Sailings January Twice Weekly VIA Palatial, relit Scree, Oil -Burning Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" LAadisg Pesseagere at Hienilton Daek Por Mantra f*rf Booklets Write FUJRNESS BERMUDA LiNE 34 Whitehall ]Street • Mew York City ort Any Local toarta( Agent Hoban eetabllebe/ ell reale. Please write for our price fist on Poultry, Butter, and Eggs we GUARANTEE teem roe A tree% Alma/. P. POULIN & CO., LIMITED 15.39 Boomtown Market. Teleohe5. Mals 7,37 elONTOEAL. ODBBEO illi' .PCP f° d;z '.%7a, Q i i ,,P � ° � ��.�' �` �di . �4�r,J ���rr�a»sura WINTER CRUISES 1925 IRtnitnum Fare 2450.80 Including shore epxcursions and 2*'ote1 at Egypt, Clean, Comfortable and Cornodleua vessel, espocially built for the Medlter:anaan Trade. Shore Excursloaa at Ports -of -call. Stop -overs permitted. •Cogcerts lot eros, daucea, card. parties, games of All sorts in addition to the social pleasures of ocean travel, 4a. surpassed French cuisine and that class service throng hout. Orchestra Moving Pio. twee; Wireless News Daily. For further Interren'ion and descriptive literature apply:— Any authorized Steamship Agent, or JAMES W. ELWLL &CO.,INC Gen. Agents 17 State street, New York City. What Makes Men Quarrel? A well-known pathologist has re- cently made an interesting discovery. He iia0 found that bad temper has' the curious effect of increasing the amount of sugar In the blood by from 10 per cent. to 80 per cent, fn the course of a few nutm! es . That !s why an angry man wants to fight the object of his rage. He be- times hot-blooded because the aeries - Rion of carbonaceous material intoxi- cates his muscular system. The strange thing le that this rapid change is due to a tiny gland about the size of a pin. When it functions normally a person remains calm and even-tempered. If the essence exudes too lavishly, hatred, passion, and quar- rels ensue. Pinch the skin of a freshly plucked Lemon, and a deliciously fragrant spray wile spurt out. That juice, which is known as lemon oil, is ex- tracted commerclaily in Sicily by pressing the emptied rind with a sponge in wooden bowl. A workman can press approximately one and a half pounds of the oil a day. It is canned and shipped abroad for use in making perfumes. The refuse rind ie used either for cattle fodder or for fertilizer. The reports received by the Dept, of Marine and Fisheries are to the ef- fect that heavy runs of sockeye salmon; reached the spawning grounds of Lak-' ?,".Selest, ,,,.Y,,,,,.s. The apple tree is the longest lived'. of American fruit trees. In many parts of the east it is not unusual to find trees healthy and bearing fruit at the age of 100 years. Classified Advertisements MONEY TO LOAN. F AR/VI LOANS MADE. E. AGE NTS6 wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria Street, Toronto. We are interested in obtaining OLD and RARE BOOKS ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Sane particulars to the Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ontario, Lumbermen ! Take a bottle of Minard's with you to the woods. A splendid remedy for bruises, sprains, frost bites, colds, eta else lake and Babine lake on the'-- -- Skeena River watershed. The hatch-! eries located at these two points were' filled to capacity with over 17,500,000' eggs and large numbers of salmon' were left to spawn in the natural way. The collections at both places were, well above the average since the batch- eries were established. For Every Ili—Mlnard's Liniment. There is a walking -stick farm in Surrey devoted exclusively to the growth of sapling ash and cherry for manufacture into sticks and um- brelles. MORE THAN 55,000 FARMERS have bought ..' farms in Western Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A remarkable Fact, Think! There la a reason, The large area of our hold• legs affording choice of location and of land to suit every farming need. Fair price, fair contract, end fair dealing combined with abundant fertility of soil, good cifmate and social condi• tions make farm life there desirable and attractive. Thousands more will select their farm from our virgin lands, from our improved farms, and with ! 50010 capital and determination to j work. can make a home and pay for it. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie Provinces of Canada," and leaflet, "Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L. Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Desk W., Windsor Station, Montreal, Que. Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians i4 years for Colds Headache .. Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis : Rheumatism Accept dnl "Sayer" package lam% which contains proven directions. Ilan "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100--PruggIsts. Aaplrin is t1,, trado' mirk treeglatered Iii 0ahada)"'et nares 82annfaetur'h' of Maneae@tto- aaldeeter of SaltcyllcacW (Acetyl Salicylic Acld, A. 5. A. "), %die 1t is wen lmowu tbat Aapltl,, meals naycr manufacture, to assist the puhtta agstbat tmltattazs, the Tablets. of Bayer Comlatail s11* bo atampod kith the* ventral tracts mark, the Dnyor Choaa,'" Mrs., L. MacMillan Tells How Cuticura Healed Eruptions " I was troubled many months with an itching burning, painful feeling practically all over my face. A num.. ber of pimples broke out on my forehead which caused me to scratch and aisocaused eruptions. The -pim- ples spread down the sides of my face and mused diafig. urement. " I tried several remedies without any benefit. I began using Cut!. tura Soap and Ointment and in about two months I was completely healed." (Signed) Mrs. L. MacMil- lan, Box 521, Keaora, Ontario, Cuticuta Soap, Ointment end Talcum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and akin health. The Soap tocleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder. aempte Each Free by sue. Add es Cmsalat} Prelpe0 ho�sy 28, O*la'tmont 2t nabe,s•'T law,sds , islet- Try our new Shaving Stick. MRS. B HART SICK FOR YEARS Wants Women to Know Holt, She Was Made Well by Lydira ll;, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound . Cornwal 1, Ontario.—"I am now gi your medicine a fair trial and it sur is doing me good an I am going to keep on taking 0. I used to feel so tired in the morning that I didn't want to get up but that feeling is up, ing me now. I, also sleep better and feet more like working. For seven or eight years 'I have had 'eadachee.tiredfeet- ings painsinmyback and across my body. tread letters •n the newspapers saying what good Lydia • E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound had done others. My husband says I quit too soon, but I am not going to stop taking the Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkham's blood Medicine un- til I am better and haven't an ache or to great Isn't that erourrmediciness. I They most bo good when those who take there speak so highly of them. 1 am retook,mending diem to my friends and I oil) gladlyq'anspprrer lettere from women ask. . mg about them' Butte H. IIAnik, Box 1081, Cornwall, Ontario.' We, Bart wants to help other wont and is wilting to answer letters frt1 sick women asking about the Vegetab Compound. t9 ISSUE No, 1--'20. t,4,PceYidenre SS, Finds SS,Frov*Qac•<c SS, Nolo From: am York 7.'s; Ponta Delgada 12 bra, Madeira 10 bre. AlgC1Cra. 24 bre, Palermo 12 lira. 1(89lea 12 hrs. Piraeus -Athens 24 bre. f'onstantinopie.24 bra, Boyrouth,..,,. 14 bra, Jaffa-Jarusalem39bra, aagypt 3days O1eaaiva 8 bre. Monaco ...... ,15 hrs. Marseilles..,,,.,,. Length of the Crnlsa An. 10 un. 17 se, If/ an, 23 au. 25 an. 29 an, 29 an. 31 ee, 3 Fob. 4/5 Fob. 0/8 Feb. 11 Feb, 14 Feb. 1 s5 days Feb. 17 Fel,, 24 Feb, 10 Mpr, 2 Mar. 4 Mar. 8 - Mar. 8 Mar, 14 Mar. 13 Mar. 14/13 gar; 14/18 Mar. 21 Mer. 23 - Mur. 24 39 days Mur, 21 Mar, 28 Mar. 30 Apr. 3 Apr, it Apr, 6 Apr, ,p 4pr, 11 Apr, 14 Apr, 13/19 Apr. 17/19. Apr. 22 Apr. 24— Apr, 25 33 days Apr, 28 May 5 ?tray 7 MAY 11 May 13 May 14 May 17 May 19 May 23 May 23/24 Me' 25/27' May 31 33 days IRtnitnum Fare 2450.80 Including shore epxcursions and 2*'ote1 at Egypt, Clean, Comfortable and Cornodleua vessel, espocially built for the Medlter:anaan Trade. Shore Excursloaa at Ports -of -call. Stop -overs permitted. •Cogcerts lot eros, daucea, card. parties, games of All sorts in addition to the social pleasures of ocean travel, 4a. surpassed French cuisine and that class service throng hout. Orchestra Moving Pio. twee; Wireless News Daily. For further Interren'ion and descriptive literature apply:— Any authorized Steamship Agent, or JAMES W. ELWLL &CO.,INC Gen. Agents 17 State street, New York City. What Makes Men Quarrel? A well-known pathologist has re- cently made an interesting discovery. He iia0 found that bad temper has' the curious effect of increasing the amount of sugar In the blood by from 10 per cent. to 80 per cent, fn the course of a few nutm! es . That !s why an angry man wants to fight the object of his rage. He be- times hot-blooded because the aeries - Rion of carbonaceous material intoxi- cates his muscular system. The strange thing le that this rapid change is due to a tiny gland about the size of a pin. When it functions normally a person remains calm and even-tempered. If the essence exudes too lavishly, hatred, passion, and quar- rels ensue. Pinch the skin of a freshly plucked Lemon, and a deliciously fragrant spray wile spurt out. That juice, which is known as lemon oil, is ex- tracted commerclaily in Sicily by pressing the emptied rind with a sponge in wooden bowl. A workman can press approximately one and a half pounds of the oil a day. It is canned and shipped abroad for use in making perfumes. The refuse rind ie used either for cattle fodder or for fertilizer. The reports received by the Dept, of Marine and Fisheries are to the ef- fect that heavy runs of sockeye salmon; reached the spawning grounds of Lak-' ?,".Selest, ,,,.Y,,,,,.s. The apple tree is the longest lived'. of American fruit trees. In many parts of the east it is not unusual to find trees healthy and bearing fruit at the age of 100 years. Classified Advertisements MONEY TO LOAN. F AR/VI LOANS MADE. E. AGE NTS6 wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria Street, Toronto. We are interested in obtaining OLD and RARE BOOKS ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Sane particulars to the Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ontario, Lumbermen ! Take a bottle of Minard's with you to the woods. A splendid remedy for bruises, sprains, frost bites, colds, eta else lake and Babine lake on the'-- -- Skeena River watershed. The hatch-! eries located at these two points were' filled to capacity with over 17,500,000' eggs and large numbers of salmon' were left to spawn in the natural way. The collections at both places were, well above the average since the batch- eries were established. For Every Ili—Mlnard's Liniment. There is a walking -stick farm in Surrey devoted exclusively to the growth of sapling ash and cherry for manufacture into sticks and um- brelles. MORE THAN 55,000 FARMERS have bought ..' farms in Western Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A remarkable Fact, Think! There la a reason, The large area of our hold• legs affording choice of location and of land to suit every farming need. Fair price, fair contract, end fair dealing combined with abundant fertility of soil, good cifmate and social condi• tions make farm life there desirable and attractive. Thousands more will select their farm from our virgin lands, from our improved farms, and with ! 50010 capital and determination to j work. can make a home and pay for it. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie Provinces of Canada," and leaflet, "Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L. Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Desk W., Windsor Station, Montreal, Que. Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians i4 years for Colds Headache .. Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis : Rheumatism Accept dnl "Sayer" package lam% which contains proven directions. Ilan "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100--PruggIsts. Aaplrin is t1,, trado' mirk treeglatered Iii 0ahada)"'et nares 82annfaetur'h' of Maneae@tto- aaldeeter of SaltcyllcacW (Acetyl Salicylic Acld, A. 5. A. "), %die 1t is wen lmowu tbat Aapltl,, meals naycr manufacture, to assist the puhtta agstbat tmltattazs, the Tablets. of Bayer Comlatail s11* bo atampod kith the* ventral tracts mark, the Dnyor Choaa,'" Mrs., L. MacMillan Tells How Cuticura Healed Eruptions " I was troubled many months with an itching burning, painful feeling practically all over my face. A num.. ber of pimples broke out on my forehead which caused me to scratch and aisocaused eruptions. The -pim- ples spread down the sides of my face and mused diafig. urement. " I tried several remedies without any benefit. I began using Cut!. tura Soap and Ointment and in about two months I was completely healed." (Signed) Mrs. L. MacMil- lan, Box 521, Keaora, Ontario, Cuticuta Soap, Ointment end Talcum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and akin health. The Soap tocleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder. aempte Each Free by sue. Add es Cmsalat} Prelpe0 ho�sy 28, O*la'tmont 2t nabe,s•'T law,sds , islet- Try our new Shaving Stick. MRS. B HART SICK FOR YEARS Wants Women to Know Holt, She Was Made Well by Lydira ll;, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound . Cornwal 1, Ontario.—"I am now gi your medicine a fair trial and it sur is doing me good an I am going to keep on taking 0. I used to feel so tired in the morning that I didn't want to get up but that feeling is up, ing me now. I, also sleep better and feet more like working. For seven or eight years 'I have had 'eadachee.tiredfeet- ings painsinmyback and across my body. tread letters •n the newspapers saying what good Lydia • E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound had done others. My husband says I quit too soon, but I am not going to stop taking the Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkham's blood Medicine un- til I am better and haven't an ache or to great Isn't that erourrmediciness. I They most bo good when those who take there speak so highly of them. 1 am retook,mending diem to my friends and I oil) gladlyq'anspprrer lettere from women ask. . mg about them' Butte H. IIAnik, Box 1081, Cornwall, Ontario.' We, Bart wants to help other wont and is wilting to answer letters frt1 sick women asking about the Vegetab Compound. t9 ISSUE No, 1--'20.