HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-31, Page 12T,iiID B1117885148 808'1', HitUtiIMMO, 01,4114.1U i'llULtki0l�yC, Dm; I:Ylitt tN4 FLASHBACK Each Sunday evening on 080 television, Flashback dips into the past, bringing the famous be - tore the cameras to reminisce. They're quizzed by (from left) Allan ]Mailings, Maggie Morris, Elwy Yost and moderator Bill ik r, along with a special tuest panelist a e CARLING WINS COMMONWEALTH BEER COMPETITION Canada's leading industrialist, L. P. Taylor, 0, M.G., Chairman of the Board of The Carling Brewer- ies Limited, accepted awards won by the company's products at the recent Brewing, Bottling and Allied Trades' Jbrinbition, is London, Competing against 144 beers produced by breweries in 23 U,omonwealth countries, Darling Ale won a silver medal and dip- loma of excellence and, in addit- ion, was awarded The Brewers Guardian Challenge Cup for the Best Bottled Beer entered in all classes In the British Common- wealth Bottled Beer competition. In accepting the awards, Mr. Taylor noted that The Carling Breweries Limited was founded in London, Canada in 1840 by Thomas Carling, a Yorkshire farm- er who emigrated in early 1500's. From a small brewery that - was started to fill the needs of the local people, the company has grown and developed and become international in scope, with Black $ ST Used Car BUYS 1964 Meteor 2 'Door Hardtop 8 cyl. auto. radio 1963 Pontiac 2 Door 6 cyl. auto 1962 Comet Sedan 1960 Meteor Rideau 500 1959 Volkswagen 1959 Pontiac Sedan Several Other Models To Choose From See The New MERCURY METEOR and COMET In Stock For Immediate Delivery BRIDGE MOTORS Phone 249 Brussels, Ont. Label Beer being produced in 10 breweries in 5 nations and disc tributed in some 50 countries. Although all leading breweries in Canada entered their products in the competition, Carling Was the only brewery to win a major award. First held in 1879, The Brewers lxhibition is held with a view to showing the progress and im- provement that has been made in the art of brewing and pack- aginof-bee-r. OL' the three major brewing exhibitions in the world. It is the only one at which beers are entered in competition ands are judged on the merits of the educt only. The judges of the competition are all from English breweries and are specially selected tox,, their know.teage and ability LQ test beer; all products are enter- ed ntered without distinguishing mart or label. 't, \ , ', .cr \\ :i] ‘..:.a ..531 4\ • t ;1 Get the old-time flavour of the drink=er - down beer is (CARLING) inci c.tOtc0.) TRUE BEER STEIN BEER Ir THURSDAY, DRO, 31st, 1924 .1 - THE BRUSSELS 1'OST, BRUSSELS, ONT./LIMO FOR SALE 3 Hitch Snow Blowers D -Case Tractor 2 • 30 .M.H. Tractors 444. M. H. Tractor 1 M.H. No. 3 Baler 1 • 3 Furrow international Plow Used 66 and 68 New Holland Baler 2 Used Spreaders All Makes of Tractors Serviced Come In And See Our Complete New Line Of MASSEY FERGUSON IMPLEMENTS L e J • 5 R FARM EQUIPMENT YOUR MASSEY - FERGUSON DEALER PHONE y BRUSSELS, ONT. T HE BRUSSELS POST .:etabllshed 172, Snr',.ng the learning Con:mmm s . .`ublisbod at BIIPSSJLS, ONTARIO. every '.nursdg; 1LCY W. KENNEDY, Pubilehor Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Otrrce Department, Ottawa •e'tmber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Aaeoclatlor, Ontario Wepaly Newspapers Association Cana,aan r ommunity Newspapers Representative:, D. A . ltlf'A1�1 1M Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 36 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ONT. R. S. HE-FHLitJNGTON, Q. C, 0RUSSEL& euesday and Saturday BRUSSELS PHONE 120 Ail flay — Mee open Every Day and WI (SHAM J. L. LONGSTAFF — OPTOMOTRI$T — .EAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE — Tuesoays, Thursdays, Frldeye, and Saturday a.m. 1"huraday evenings by appointment only. Phone Seaforth 791 Clinton Office — Clinton Medici; Centro, Rattenbury Street Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to 5:80 p.m. Phone 482.7010 WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY. SERviuE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Wieek Day Yew Guarantee fr., Over 35 Veers rt CEMETERY LaTTERINO 158, Wingham JOHN MALICK "News Of Home THE BRUSSELS POST For Those Away From Rome" THE ordt.E1gb i HP7L it Cen es's Capital, Elgin Boulevard at Lawler Ave. 1. OaMW boar - Free TV and Radio Alr-CeseililopLounges PIE edPARKING FOREREGISTERED GUESTS FAMILY PLAN Imo Kearse Slagle $7.50- $9,25 Doubles 510-512:30 CEnhal 5-3333 FIRST MORTGAGES Farms Residential Commercial PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company ESTABLISHED 1889 Contact our Representative: SELWYN BAKER Phone 79; Res. 263 J . Brussels WINNERS OF FINAL LEGION TURKEY BINGO Ordinary Games Mrs. Albright, Wingham Allan MoKercher Mrs. Frank Shaw Mrs. Frank Shaw. Mrs. Henry, Wingham Mrs. Henry, Wingham Ken Sholdice Leonard Machan Vera Hastings Bonnie Pennington Archie Willis Mrs. Albright, Wingham Bill Austin Allan MoKercher Mrs. Albright, Wingham Cash Specials Mrs. Austin Jack Davidson Betty Bronson Door Prize Ken Sholdice The winner of the Ladies Aux- iliary Christmas Tree and $25.00 was Mr. James Rogg. • I LETTER TO THE EDITOR To The Editor — Dear Sir: May I through you and your paper express to those who live in the area that is served by you, the sincere thanks of the real - dents of Huronview. To those who visit regularly the door is always open for yon to see yot]r relatives; to those groups who bring in a part of the other community tnat we may keep in touch with the outelde world; to those who come to visit friends, we say thank you. Our thanks to the Women's Institute who throughout the year put on the monthly birth - dap parties, and to the Ladles of the R.C.A,F. station for their regular visits. To all the families who sent 1 flowers to help brighten the Home we say thank you as they were much appreciated. To the Sergeants Mess and the Ladies Auxiliary of the R.C.A.F. station, Clinton, for their gift; the Seaforth Lions for their annual visit, and all the church organ- izations and groups that visited the Home or sent gifts at Christ - mac, may we say thanks. Our residents were certainly not forgotten and the wish they send to each one is that 1965 may be good to you. On behalf of Huronvjew Residents Harvey 0. Johnston Superintendent "...and best of all CITIES has a -great Budget Plan!" home comfort Now! Free burner and furnace conditioning, a mid- season check, and 24-hour emergency service—for the low cost of Cities Service Premium Oil alone! Best of all, Cities Service Budget Plan enables you to pay for your oil in low installments spread over ten to twelve months, makes it easier for you to manage your income during the winter months. L� Cities Service customers are also entitled to a low- cost Replacement Parts Insurance .Contract. For further particulars, phone... R. L. CUNNINGHAIVI Phone 446J13 ETHEL, ONT.