HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-31, Page 8ti Thej'a�A,�i store Students Returning to School will find that you can purch. ase your supplies 'to advanit- age at 'o'ur Store. Large well bound Note Books Black and Red Covers at from 45c to 60'a each. Loose Leaf Standard Note Books, 25c each. Refills 40c Smooth or Rough Paper Scribblers, 5 and 1 occeach Waterman's Fountain Pen Ink, 15e, and nd 2 5c, bottle. :arter's Blue Black. Ink 1 Oc . bottle. Lead Pencils, Rubber, Erasers ' Rulers, ,Everssharp Pencils, Pen Holders; Pen Points &c. &C. Dictionaries, Public School Books High School Books How About One of the New Books to, read during' the long Winter evenings, There are some good ones this season. The Call of the Canyon by Zane Grey After the Verdict The Little French Ctrl, by R, !-l'ich'ens So Big by Edna Ferber The Old Ladies by Hugh Walpole East of the Setting Sun by George Barr McCutcheon The Coming Am omin of os by W. J; Locke Jimmy Gold Coast, by lin author of Beautiful Joe Heirs Apparent by Philip Gilts The Amateur Gentleman by Jeffrey Farnol These are all priced at. $2.00. each. , We also have a splendid list of Reprints at 85c each. F. R. SMITH The 11 5 ;,•:,tor` e, Druggist and fitationer oras.41ebbs {tem HAPPY New Year to all, IT was, a cold snap aliright. Wao will be next Co. Warden t Gs= ready for the eclipse of Old Sol on January24th STATUTORY Council meetings will be Monday Jarusry 22'13. at ti a. tn. SNOW plowse did good work in op ening up the roads North and South of town. Scaoots will rt -open next Monday. There are very few changes of teacbers in thisl•,eality et the Chris'mastide, Ties Flax mill at Bruseeis wilt likely finish the handling of 1924 crop this week. A good run of work was sup- plied and we hope r9a5 will see it bigger and better. ' AGRICULTURAL Short Course resumes its courses of Lectures and training next Monday. An increased number of pupils is expected. it's a fine op• portunity to gather practical inform- ation. PEOPLE who tbiuk they have their finger on tbe public pulse predict that trade is improving and business will pice up. Of course it won't all come in a minute but there's nothing like look- ing bopefuily and industrially for the good times coming. ANNUAL meeting of East Huron Agri- cultural Society will be held h3 the Town Hall, Brussels, Wednesday, Jana. ary seat, at 1.3 , p, m Reports will be , presented, Officers elected and other necessary business transacted. See the bills and advt. for further particulars. ON'rAaro Government has announced that the 3925 automobile licenses will not be Issued wail Feb t. 1925, Oa or be- fore that date the agents of the department appointed for each County will be supplied with permits and plates. The term of all 1924 licenses bas been extended to that date. TILITASDAY of this week will be New Year's Day and is a Statutory holiday. Business places will be closed. Post office will be open for an hour after arrival 'of roon mail from the East. Rural Matt Cerriefs will enjoy a holiday too, by consent of the Post -Master General. A FRIEND Ix NEED IS A FRIEND IN- nEED.—E. and Mrs. Jackliq wish to thank neighbors during the recent storm for the mail and doing the chores and Mrs. Taokliu desires to thank all who brought little Christmas eats and cheer to Mr. Jacklio, as he has not been out of the house since November, We hope God will bless them with health and strength to help some other aged people. Wishing all a happy New Year. SANTA CLAUS' VISIT A SUCCESS.—A large gathering ing of children and adults greeted Santa Claus nu his arrival at the Variety Store and Palace Bakery on Wedne sd a or last week. YMuch amuse- ment was afforded all by the requests made by the children and the fair prom- ises made by Santa. After shaking !lands with a goodly number be distrib• uted a treat of oranges, .leaving shortly afterwards to continue calls qt other points. AN early fi,e wag ou the program Monday morning wben folk were routed out, paint of dagger being the wood- shed at Mrs, iarditee's home, corner Al. bent and William streets. Thanks to a quiet morning, plenty of snow and ready bands the fire was confined to the Shed although the borne and also Mrs. Jno, Lott's house were in close premiere ity. Cease is supposed to have origin- ated front ashes, The heavy snowfall on the streets wutd o not have conduced to easily handling of fire appliances if their demand had been mote urgent. Fire engine and hose reel Were taken from the Hall. t HOLIDAY travel exceeded the record of several vearte and that under millet adverse weathercoad tions. A CAR of hogs was shipped from Brus. sets last Mouthy Rather rough weath- er for both the shippers and theporcines Local, end D strict news always reel. come at THE POST, We want it and at as eerie a da'e as possible Thank y :u for past favt r4 Do it some more. BRnseees rublic Scheel report may be found ou rage 4 excepting Miss Yeandle's at -pertinent, wh ch had not Mone to bard waren that side of Tag POST was printed, Decem- ber STRAYED Ra redm olored] female about od �Raas wbitestrip on breast. Tnformatlon aa to her whereabouts will be thankfully received and proses stlon will follow anybody detaining her. Phone 21, Brnseela, JNo, ROTLRnoE REOrsTeRED Short Horn Cow, due to freshen shortly. -R,C. CAarreLL, Phone 4818 Grey Twp, POR SALE —Five -piece walnut parlor Malta, upholstered in plush,one lounge and a parlor lamp. Apply to J. J. GILPre, Phone lsz Brussels. YOUNG cow for Bele, due to freshen Jannary 1st. Phone 808. J, A. AattaTRONo Morris, FOIA rebrd"redpy, nrocooketaverybbten and fifteen dollar melee. Cockerels marked al- mo,tas good as the real exhibition birds. Will be sold et half their value, but must be taken at once . W e, J. GRANT, Phone. -56 H.R. No. 8, Brue,e],, weekly visiteato th !Queen a has Brussels, CONGRATULATIONS are extended to. Howard and Mrs Bolger over the arriv al of a fine daughter. Her name is Lois Elizbeth- STORMY weather and bad rands plus the holiday slowed dowo . business in town but after New Year's celebration we hope it will become brisker. THE week were! claid med ed by tbe les advertised owner last Saturday. They were found in Melville church shed and were little the worse of risks run. CALLED IN HER YOUTH,—We are sor- ry to record the demise of Donalda, daughter of Archie and Mrs • 'Fhotnp;on, 'ruruberry street. Brussels, which sad event took place Friday morning of last week, December 26t1s. Deceased was born In Brussels and was only 59 years of age. On leaving the public school' she took a position ou the staff of THE POST, where She continued until she decided to :.train for a nurse, and she and Miss Edith Willis of town, applied and were accepted at a Rochester, N Y., hospital, going to the city last February The girls enjoyed their work, but later it was apparent it was too strenuous for tbe subject of this notice, who suffered from a heart weak- ness, A holiday was granted her and she came home, improving sufficiently to allow her to return to her much loved. work, it was s0012 evident abe was not going to be able to continue and she was brought home a month or so ago, Despite all that could he done she failed to respond and the end memo as stated. Doaalda is survived by 4 brothers and 4 sisters, all of whom got home before she said 'Farewell " The funeral, took place Sunday afternoon from the parent- al home to Brussels cemetery, Rev, J P. McLeod, deceased's parer, eooducitng an appropriate service. The bereaved share in the deep sympathy of the com- munity in the going away of daughter and seem. Beautiful flowers testified to the appreciation of deceased, wbo was Well and favorably known to the people of Brusae ls and community, Pallbear- ers were 3 brothers of deceased, ex _Al., Dm Jand Arcbie Thom son, Wilfred Willis,ino, McQuaig and Archie Stew- art, Keep your hens laying' by feeding Ground Bone. Get it at Ba, ker Bros. A Well known resident of tibia Jo; lcalfty cited at his, home, brussels, Tues. 'ttaly night, in :the person of George Kirkby. Funeral errangemeute were not knowll tb The Post when we want to press. NORMAN Fete D D. G. M , W Ingham, wHl be here 10 install the .officers of Western Star Lodge; Brussels. Thurs- day evening of next week. Degree team will 'accompany him, Agood at- tend ince of the local 3 -Soaked brethren hoped for, CARP OF !'HANKS.—We wish 10 tender our thanks to neighbors and friends ft -r kind'ydeeds and sympathetic words in.. connection with the illness and sub- s gneut demise of • daughter and sister_ They were highly appreciated by us we can assure you Gratefuliv Yours, A AND MRS THOMPSON AND FAMILY Ohurah Chimes Preparatory Service win be held in Melville Church Friday afternoon of this week at a.3o o'etock. Communion next Sabbath morning, Stormy weather and badly broken roads 'astShnday reduced tbe congrega- tions usually assembling in Brussels op the Sabba'b 'rue ministers were on hand and somewhat di pleted cboirs,. 1925 Sunday School International Les- sons start man Sabbath with "Tbe 'Crimpled Entry of our Lord iuto Jerusalem", as the introductor . Help - fu' hin's to ibe study of the lessons may be found each week In Tea POST. The tweed offices of 1130 D, ocese of Huron are making an urgent request to the various parishes is the diocese that all 6'131 payments of the budget col• leciions be made as soon as possible By a seecial motion at the meeting of the executive committee held in tbe earlier part of the month the budget books will be allowed to be kept open until primary 6 They are usually Mos - ed on the last day of December. At the League meeting in the Meth odist church last Monday evening a very interesting Travel Talk was given by Miss Carrie McCracken, who was home from Toronto for her vacation, The sketch included England and Scot- land, France, Belgium and Switzerland and was 'most entertaining and in- structive. This was a trip •enjoyed by Ontario School teachers. Miss Mc- Cracken was thanked for her appreclet- ed address. tt People We Talk About I tt _ tt Waldo Miller,of Wingham, was in down on Tuesday, Miss Mona Hamilton, (Brussels, was visiting Atwood relatives. Harry and Mrs. Kirby and daughter, London, are visiting Joseph and Mrs, Querin. A. A. and Miss Liamont spent'Christ- mas at the home of their brother at St. Marys. George F. ilicDall offers his fine farm, 8th line, for sale. Seethe advt. in this belle. Wal. Mitchell, who, has beenfilling a,position in Owen Sound, is here for the holidays. Richard McFadden, Toronto, was a visitor with his uncle and aunt, D. and Mrs. Walker. D. M. and Mrs, McTavish and child- ren spent the Christmastide refith Tor- onto relatives. The Misses Ross, Toronto, are holi- day oliday visitors with the home folk, D. C. and Mrs. Ross. W. H. and Mrs. Merklinger, Hanover, were here for The •holiday, with N. F. and Mrs. Gerry. Arthur Battenburg, of the Standard Bank, ate his share of Christmas tur- key at Clifford. Ben. nad Mrs. Walker and Miss Betty New Hamburg, Ghrietmassed with the Walker's in time. Douglas Walker took a run home from Buffalo, N. Y., for Christmas. He likes his new post. ei William and _leek Harkness, Detroit, spent their vacation with Fred, and Mrs Wilkin. Brusselr. Won, and Mrs. 'Gillespie spent the Ciristmas holiday at thh fiormer's par. ental home, Seaforth. Mrs. H. McQuarrie and Mrs. Pringle rare visiting with W. P. and Mrs. Strethon, Queen street. James Oliver, Windsor, and Frank Oliver, Detroit, are here for a holiday visit at the parental home. "Tim" Lowry, Toronto, and E H, and Mrs Matbews, Forest, On., were 13oli• day visitors with Mrs. A. J. Lowry. Miss Winnifred Harkness, Tecswater, spent the week end with her cousins, Misses Myrtle and Lizzie Harkness, Brussels. Miss Rebecca Holmes, • town, and Joseph Meknes, MAKiltop, who accomp• anied the remains of the late Mrs. Trav- is to Flushing, Micb , arrived back last Monday. I. C. and Mrs, Richards, Hamilton, formerly of Brussels, are away He Cali- fornia on a trip to visit ate the home of their sun. Tres POST Is glad to report noticeable improvement in the condition of Whi field, Brussels, and we hope steady proem as may be maintained. Mrs (Rev.) Hind and family. Guelph, are here for the holiday, Rev. Mr• Hind has accepted Scall to Lethbridge Baptist Churcb and has gone to his new post of duty. Lorne and Mrs. Ecktnler and their children, Billy and Mary Helen, Flint, Mien„ are here fora holiday visit with D and Mrs, Ewan and other relatives and Old friends 'Miss Elsie SpOrling got tome for the 'Ghristmas•tide this Meer), She lis a nurse in a Cleveland 'hospital and has a very busy round of duties in this large Institution, • Jt tt SI I! SI it It it a it 31 1 it• * it "'t q ., tiv Our opiportunitlos aro. ' Often. Found In Your • Problem's Problem's UR 10c41 Manger is ready to diS. Musa y ur financial requirements and render any 'sefvice co]nJlat'ilble with 'good business. Qur opportunities financial Only be 1.1 It n c. Il. Jt it it it It 9E !t j it It It ,I• it BANKING FIFTY YGint. to° render service can Teor oted liy your failure to approach us, The Standard Bank rnaintaint a staff in • your locality which is organized tdes- peciaily ,del with financial problems of your particular commercial community; call and see the Manager oi,Tihe Standard • Bank THE STANDARD BANKIt . Oi ' C1.h,NA.aA BRUSSELS BRANCH^C. H. Samis; Manger FAMILY fl EATRE A BIG SPECIAL January 1st and 2nd "Jack of Clubs" Admission 25c and 15c January 3rd and 5th WESLEY BARRY IN George Washington Jr., reeilWealso 2 reels of Serial COMING — ONE DAY ONLY Saturday, Jan. 10th Covered Waggon Admission SO'c Matinee Saturday Afternoon AdnlGssion — 35c 'and 25c Chas, Murcar hung up his stock- ing at Paisleyf. George and Mrs. Colvin were holi- day visitors with Stratford relatives:. Archer Gre'lvar spent the Christmas- tide with his sister Mrs. Scbhnbein at Listowel. Allan Ramsay, of t;hesley, has been nenewing old acquaintances at James- town and Brussels, Mrs. George Rogers and Miss Nina Rogers, Mount Forest, were visitiug rel. atives and old Ertendg in town during tbe past week, We seem to still count them as Brusselites. Mrs, Z miner. Toronto, s has been visiting at the home of A: C. and Mrs. Dames, Albert street. The host is a brother to the visitor, who was a former resident of this locality, J. L. Kerr went t0 Toronto Tor the holiday to spend the time with wife and daughter at 'the home_of Mrs. Kerr's father, George Brown, Laws St. Dr. R. G. and Mrs. Scott, Bobcat' geon, Ont., were . Christmas visitors with the James and Mrs. Bowman fam- ily, Brussels. Mrs. Scott is a dau- ghter. G. . V . Edwards .and son Mrs, L. W andM , Churchill and daughter, Miss Norene, London, are making a holiday visit with George and Mrs, Edwards, Mill street. Sam, and Mrs. Bell and children, Teeswater, have been holidaying at the home of Allan and Mrs, Lamont. Mrs.' Bell Is a daughter. Sam. Is well known in town from his residence here years ago. Mrs: Joseph Whitfield and family have taken possession of.tbeit newly acquired home, located on corner of Church and John streets. They moved from Brus- sels South, baeiog soldtheir property there Roddick R5tc'hie, Zelandia, Sask., is. holidaying with relatives in Brussels end Grey Township. He Is a nephew of Wire. James Ballantyne, town. ilia patents were former residents of this Wei ley. Bari Anted, who now makes his home in Philadelphia, took time to pay. a flying visit to the parental home In Brussels. He is liking Ids nelw post of duty and it is evidently .agreeing well with him. Dr. Harold Amstrong, Toronto, had his Christmas dinner under the parent- al roof along with, other visiting mem- bers of the family. He is a son of Wm, and Mrs. Armstrong, Princess" skeet, Brussels. Among those who enjoyed .the boll- -daye at the !tome of David Ross Sr. Eliz- abeth street, were Robe%t Ross, Kincar- dine ; Miss Gladys Ross, 'Toronto ; Miss Edith Ross, Sault Ste. Marie ; and Ross McKay, London. The Thompson boys got home iii reeponde to, the urgent call owing t9 the serious illness, and subsequent demise of their sister, Miss Doneida, and were. recognized by her, although very low at the time. FoiJowing his usual cusionl far years 5. R. Grant, Winnipeg, a- former old resident of Brussels, hat gone to Los Angeles, California, for the Wilder, The daughters are remaining at the home In Winnipeg .this year, Misses Eva and Laura'Bryans enjoyed e holltlay frotn Toronto to the hone of their mother and sister bare. The form- er had the sdvantege on the length of tire stay in Brussels, ae Miss Laura's duties'cafled bot balk to the city for the week Mud. Perkier and Mrs. .Fos+ter, Kincardine,were visiting relatives and old frineds 11 town during the past week Mrs. Foster is a sister to (Hiss Mary Ma - Naughton and'Mrs. ira Parker, Princess street, and formerly dived in •Brussels and is kindly remembered, Miss Edith Willis, who is its ttmainfng as nurse at a Rochester, N. Y., hospital came home for Christmas. • As her companion, Miss Donald's Thompson, Brussels, who accompanied Miss 'Willis nearly a year ago to also train, pass- ed away Friday and was buried on Sun- day afternoon Miss Edith remained over for the funeral, The work appears to be agreeing well wit'h Miss Willis but she .had many regrets returning without her chum of other' days.. BORN yi:IGLs.—At Godertch on Deo 18th, 1924, to Druggist and lire. TA B. Wigle, a son,. ' Boren, Ili o Brussels, on riday, Deo 18th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs, H, P. Bolger, a -daugh- ter, (Lois Elizabeth )- , DIED TeonPeoN•—In Brussels, on December 28th, 1924,Donalda, 8rd daughter of Arch. and Mrs, Thomason. aged 19yearsand 2 days. IRMAY.-At Silton, Cask., on December 22nd, 1924, Hugh W, McKay, formerly of Grey township. Huron 0o„ aged 75 years. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Chester Armstrong, who departed this life Deo. 28th 1918. Never shall he be forgotten, Neither shall his memory fade, Precious thoughts shall ever wander To the spat where he is laid. MRM, (MESTER ARMATRONO. AUCTION SALE .. FRIDAY, AN GARY 9th,—Farm Stook, Impla- ments, /to, Lot 10, Con, 14, Grey Townehip, Bale unreserved at 185 p, m. sharp. D. hi, BocTT, JOn5 J. SoiINOOIr, Auo. Prop. Notice to McKilicp Ratepayers A piebleolte on the question of the abolition of Statute Labor in the Township of SteKiliop will be submitted to the ratepayers at the same time as the Eieatien of Connoillora end will be votedon, on a separate ballot. 1110. MoNAY, Towaehfp. Clerk, Farm for Sale 100 acre farm for entre or tp rent, being 1134 Lot 28. 8th line, Township of Morris, Drilled well and Windmill and well built on. For • arttealars apply to G. F. MCA LL, Lnedesboro, East Huron Agricultural Society ANNNOALM,CTINa —The Anneal meeting of East Huron ,Agrioultnral Soolaly will be held in the Town Hall, Brnaeels on Wednesday, January 214, 1928, at 1.00 o'clock p. m. Busineee of the 'meeting —Reaching the Annual Statement end Andtars' Be•,ort, ap- pointing Officers for the year 1925, &i•, M. BLACK, D. C. ROSS, Secretary, President, New Uree1ns T0 all our old custo'ii ers, to our valued new Ones -and to those whose patronage we strive to deserve, we heartily wish unmeasured' happiness and prosperity throughout the coming year. , With grateful appreciation for all the favors re- ceived by us from you and for that priceless, though intangible asset, your goodwill, which we prize be- yond measure, we seek to merit y ur continued con, ficience and aim to serve you helpfully.in the future. For the New Year We are well supplied with a good stock of office equip- ment including: Day Books Ledgers Journals Jndexs Merno Books Invoice File 'Blotting (Paper Wire Baskets Inks Mucilage, Mwc age, Sealimg Wax Hand Cfl Binding Cases Pedfor Paper Clips 'Rubber Stamp Raters , Statement Pads Pin Tickets Ink glands Rubber Bands Shipping Tags Pens Pencils Epasers • Rulers Envelopes by the Box''Duplicate Order Books &c. )&c. &c, Caps us Pe n Rack ators )Paper Fasteners Diarys For 1925 We are offering a very neatly 'gotten up Diary for the coming year— well bound—vest pocket size. Contains much , useful Information —Dark Covers. Price 25c. FOX'S DRUG STORE .,Careful Prescription blspensers" DOWN TOWN. C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER Palace Sakery BRUSSELS Wishes its, numerous Patrons. A attune Eta Pen ti ants Diem dear We thank you for your generous and appreciated 'patronage of the past year and ask a continuance of the same for 1925. Yours Truly,'• W E, WILLIS Eg , ,U IdI ‘000. �E. t` r �,c 74, °vart,a v t .�� fttor a f:c1N"-g ti° 4 l a Crud of to (Mandtolpo We take pleasure this week in expres- sing our best thanks to the public generally for the fine business they have given us during the past month and for which we are duly grateful, A Happy New Year, marked with the progress you desire, is our wish to one and all. • A Great Big January Sale is on our Program.. Watch for it and share in it. Jno. Leitch Successor to Robert'Barr ETHEL c►