HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-24, Page 8Winter Term from Jan. 5th Q CENTRAL P BUSI NESS 1 COLLEGE STRATFORD,' ONT, Commercial life offers greater upper• 1 tunitios than does any other call ng. ,S Central graduates secure good pest bona. We receive more nails for train- ed help than we have students gradn• rte. Write the college at ouoeand got its free catalogue, it rosy interest you. 0c5 D. A,M'LAOHLAN, PRIN. VISitiO TF 401 Christimas shopping will not be complete without a visit to our New Toy%Department which we have opened up at the rear of the store for the Holiday season, Parents are invited to bring theirchildren and see the Toys, Dolls, etc,, that delight the little ones. tl Perfumes with bpx 250 k;versharp Pencils 431,00 Leather School Companions with Pencils, Pens, &c„ 250. Ivory Combs For bobbed hair BSo TOYS 1924 Brownie Gift Box 000 Alger Books 25e each Christ -nes Boxes of Stationery 25o and up Ivory Manicure Pieces SSo and up The Fine Display of.Ivdry, Tortoise Shell, Amber, Leather Novelties, Fancy Goode, China, Books, Stationery, Perfumes, Baskets, Pictures, Etc., offer many helpful suggest- ions for Christmas 'buyini; Christmas Cards, Holly Boxes, White and Colored Tis- sue Paper, Holly Wrapping Paper, Tags, Seals and Ribbozene for doing up the Christmas Parcels. Christmas Decorations, Tinsel, Bells, Garlands, Wreaths, &c. F. R. SMITH TheCites Store Druggist and Stationer rural V try Q BRUSSELS Continuation School report A may be read on page 4 of this issue. SKATING rink is not in operation so WATCH out for Santa Claus. WHAT about the skating rink in Brus- sels this Winter? NoaasAL Schools closed last Friday and will resume Tuesday, January 6th. rY ARE your bens laying ? At the price offered these days there should be no loafing. POSTOffiCE hours on Christmas day one hour after arrival of noon mail from the Esf t, ANDERSON Beets. are hauling the timb er for the propeeed enlargement of their barn accommodation ou farrn adjoin- ing the corporation. Work will be done next Spring. LAST Saturday was a wild day for storm and bluster and gave a black eye to the expected big day's busiuess. Trains made regular trips, yet hough late owing to the heavy track. THE Acton Free Press of last week refers to a Brussels young lady as fol- lows :—Miss 011a Armstrong, who for the past six and a half years has been a member of the teaching staff of Acton Public School, has resigned her position. Miss Armstrongbas been a very efficient teacher, F. S. MCPuen, bas received notice that be is being transferred from the Kincardine -Palmerston run to Court - right. Mr. McPhail has been a Mail Clerk on this run for 13 years, less the time he spent overseas. Mr, and Mrs. McPhail expect to leave on the xstb of January. ATTENTION of all Presbyterians is ask- ed this week to the rules and reg- ulations governing the taking of the vote in connection with Melville church congregation, They may be read on page r of this issue. P. A. McArthur is in charge as Poll Clerk, Only church members are entitled to exercise the franchise. Ova subscribers can do much to help us and increase the circulation of Tux POST in two ways, First by a word of commendation, if you think we deserve it, and secondly by supplying a larger quota of newsy notes from your corn 'munity. This will be much appreciated by the publisher who heartily returns thanks for favors in the past along the lines indicated, MRS, • JENNIE TUFTS DECEASED, -The following letter from Victoria, B, C., written on December Isth, will be of special interest : —DEAR EDITOR.—I am writing to inform you of the death of my aunt, Mrs. Jennie Sinclair Tufts, who has long been a subscriber to your paper and was an old time resident of Brussels. She passed away at the Roy- al .Ju.bilee Hospital, Victoria, B, C., aft- er an illness of some months but which was not thought to be setiotts until the last two weeks. Mrs. Tufts had made her home with her neice, Mrs, V., S, Terry, in Victoria. B. C., for about tweets years. She identified herself with St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church and was a greatly esteemed and valued Sunday School teacher until poor health forced her to give it up, The late Mts. Tufts was predeceased by her sister, Mrs, Wm, Tufts, of Vancouver, S. C. just two Weeks ago, Mrs. Wm, Tufts having with het late busbaed al- so lived in Brussels many years ago, Mrs. Tufts is survived by two brothers and two sisters, M. H. Sinclair, Los Angeles, Cal. ; Mrs. T. Andrew, Marys., vole, Cal. i Mrs, Stewart, Berkley; Cal,.. and W, M, Sinclair, Brussuts,. Tho fdueral serviette were held Thursday, December 18th, from the borne of her neice at two o'clock and at . two•thirty from. St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Interment in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B. 0, Mrs, Tufts was in the 7rst year of her life and was a native of St. Mary's, Ont, far this Winter. It is missed, partic- ularly by young folk .and children. ABotrr Sr, 50o taxes remained unpaid on December 15th, oo Brussels roc this year and will have 5 per cent added as per Sy Law of Council. GoOD Durham Cow, due to calve last of January, for Bale. Phone 128 Gro.. BONE, 4th Lioe Morrie. 6 pros, 6 weeks old for sale, GILBERT MOOALLUN, Walton. BPEOTAOLE6 found. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this too - al. Tne PoeT, HARDWOOD rails, cat into stove -wood, about 18 inches long. Phone 2026 Tate, Bum. Pots BALE.—Twenty dark, snappy, barred rock cockerels, every bird bred by ten and fifteen dollar males. Cockerels marked al- most as gond as the real exhibition birds, Will be sold at half their value. but moat be taken at once. Wm. J. GRANT, Phone250 R. It No. 8, Brnsaels, DR, PARItsa, of Wiagbalo, has resumed his weekly visits to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, Titans was quality as well as quant- ity in the Little Stars Mission Barna pro- gram Thursdayeveningof last week,no lss than 40 nmbers iall, but thin- terest did not lag, many of the selections being of a very brief character, During the past year the fine sum of $rso.00 has been raised for Missionary purposes, proving the strong hold the Band bas on the congregation. MONDAY evening the annual Christ- mas entertainment was given by the Methodist Sabbath School, a good share of the program being contributed by the juniors. Rev. Mr. Clarke was Chairman and the gifts on the tree were forwarded to Hamilton needy folk this year, Santa Claus was generous in his distribution of oranges, candy and nuts and was voted a jolly old gentleman. Weather was nor very propitious, but there was a good attendance never- theless. MATRIMONIAL,—The Acton Free Press gives the following interesting partic- ulars :—"A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist Parsonage on Saturday afternoon, the loth, at 3 o'clock, when Miss 011a Blanche, daughter of las, and Mrs. Armstrong, Brussels, was united in marriage to George Rae Somerville, son of Fyfe and Mrs. Somerville, Acton, Rev. josepbus Culp performed tbe ceremony. The bride was prettily attired in a navy suit and black picture hat, and was unattended. Following the ceremony the happy couple left on a short honeymoon to points East." The many friends of the bride in and about Brussels join heartily in the congrat. ulations. EVERYBODY SAID IT WAS GaRA'r — The annual entertainment of Brussels School took place in the Town Hall last Friday evening when a program was presented that would bed fficultto excel Rev, Mr. Lewin, Hon. President of the School Literary Society, fried the post of Chairman efficiently. I'he main feat- ure of the evening was the Cantata en- titled "Santa Cisus to the Rescue," which afforded many a laugh and gave opportunity of good acting among the various characters represented. Izzie Schwadron rendered piano ntnnbers and Miss Doreen Lewin contributed a Violin solo. The 'illogic Bell" dance was a novelty in which 12 took part. Fiume cial proceeds totalled about $Bo 00, Brussels School has no small gnotO of literary and musical talent which will compare favorablywith the best. The teachers and others Interested in the preparation of the Friday evenlog pro. gram and the pupils alto were eotnpli rnbitted ou their saeceee. Christmas Qrewar's Choice stock of Finest CANDIES, FRUit1ITS, Qs,1F+ECTIONIaRY. NUTS, &o„ &c. Chocolates that cannot be out- done -all fresh and new. Christmas Cigars in Huxes We Specialize e in Pipes See our 'Variety and get our prices. Will be glad to supply your Holiday requirements. THE side pane of glass at the entrance to Mrs. Banantyne's grocery was broken in some unknown manner last Saturday night. Perhaps the ley sidewalk and a sliding pedestrian may be an explanation, THE Combination Sale of Short Horn Cattle, last Friday afternoon, at the Central Sale Stables, Brussels, with Auctioneer Amos wielding the hammer, was held as announced and most of the animals were disposed of, Prices did not reage high when the character of the breeding of the stock was taken into the count MuNlctreL Nomination in Town Hall next Monday evening opening at. 7 30 o'clock. Returning Officer MacDoold will receive Nominations for Reeve, Councillors, Utilities Commission and Public School Trustees. The Commis- sioners, of which there will be 2, the Reeve being an ex -officio member, will deal with the question of Hydro light' and power in Brussels, Attend the Nomination and hear the speeches. BEAUTIFUL CALENDAR From—Sub- scribers to the Family Herald and Weekly Seer of Montreal bave been ad- vised that they will receive free of charge a beautiful calendar for 19s5 with a most attractive picture to colors, entitled,"The Salo of Old Dobbin," When one considers that the subscrrip- tion price of this big 72 page family and farm journal is only $a.00 per year, one is amazed by the value received, bat 'with a beautiful picture thrown in, the value is indeed superlative. SHORT Couxox LITERARY—The pro- gnam given Wednesday afternoon of last week at the Agricultural Short Course Literary Society ,was a meri- torious one and was as folio esi—t Piano solo, RuthI Sinclair; Debate, "Re- solved that steam is moire useful .to manldnd than electricity," Affirmative —Shia Ram;ey and Jack Bowman and Negative—Marjorie Yuill and George Kirkby. The affirmative won; solo, Edna MciCalll mouth organ selection, Richlard Procter; Wrests, Mrs. Lowe; Address, Mr. Lee; reading, Verna Mc- Call; reading of the Journal .by Editor Inez McNichol; recitation, Mr. Snell; Community song; National Anthem. Mee. Them DECEASED —Early Mon- day morning the spirit of Maria Holmes, widow of the late Thos. B. Travis, took its flight. She passed away at the home of her sisters, the Misses Holmes, John street, Brussels, where she had been an invalid for some time, Her demise was not an nniooked for eventas e she had been seriously ill a good share of the past year and bad put up a brave fight for life and bad received every attention that sisterly affection and the best care could supply supply. She was in her ' 67th year. Burial will be made at Flush- ing, Michigan, the remains leaving Brus- sels on the morning train Wednesday of this week. An appropriate funeral ser- vice was held at the home of the Misses Holmes, by Rev. Mr. Lewin, Tuesday evening. The subjectof this notice enjoyed the esteem of an who knew her and she died as she lived in confident trust in the Oue Mighty to save. Ber- eaved are accorded the sympathy of the community in their sorrow. Deceased was born in Hibbert township, Perth County, and was married to Mr. Travis 39 years ago. He predeceased her by to years. A daughter is also deceased. Surviving sisters are Mrs. D. Ewan and the Misses. Holmes, all of town 6 broth- ers 10 the family are all deceased' and 3 BANKING FIFTY YEARS Let Us Protect Your Good -will. tikAAFTIEN dealing with purchasers of unoerta'in financial rating at-hatate or abroad the Standard Bank can. be of signal service in apptoaohjng the new or untried otiatower' for collection. The Bank is a. position to protect your .interoete without compromising the good- will of the customer. Enlist tba services of the Standard Bank to safeguard your property by conducting diplomatic nego- tiatlone with cuetomers whose standing le unknown, STANDARD BANK O,F C A.NA :CA.. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. 11. Semis, Manager Eggs 55° Keep your hens laying by feeding Ground Bone. Get it at Baeker Bros. Fitters out of the original 6 Deceased bad never regained her vigor after a serious operatton MERRY -00 -ROUND will be on the pro- gram at the Family Theatre, Christ. mss Day and Friday. Op Saturday and Monday 'next "The Governor's Lady" will be presented. See the advt. and take in the shows. Mrs. Chas. Sheriff, sister to Mrs. H. L Jackson, Brussels, has located at Santa Monica, California, where she will spend the Winter. She has spent some time there on a former occasion. Mrs. Alli- son, Winnipeg, au old ftiend, is Mrs Sheriff's companion. Thomas Hays, an old and esteemed resident of Seaforth, celebrated bis 87th birthday on Wednesday of last week. He received congratulations from all. parts of the Dominion, Mr, Hays was Warden of Huron County 4; years ago and has been farming for 63 years in the vicinity of Seaforth. He is still hale and hearty and as active as many young- er'men, The above named gentleman is well known in this locality and old friends join in the expression of good wishes on this anniversary occasion, KNOWN TO BRUSaELITEs.—Following from London will be of interest to Brus- selites. The funeral of Michael Vita, a well-known musician of this city, was held from the .family residence, 122 Queen's avenue, to St, Petere's cathedral. Mr. Vita, who was 42 years of age. was born in Italy and had resided in this city for 30 years. He gained renown as a harpist in the Tony Vita orchestra, in which he formerly played. He is sur- vived by his mother, Mrs Joseph Vita, one sister Mary at home, and tivo broth- er., Anthy and Frank of this city. FINE CLUB BAG PRESENTED,—One Of the features -planned on the program Monday evening at the Methodist Sab- bath School entertainment was the sur- prise presentation of an up.to-date Club Bev to W. H. Karr, the Superintend- ent, nd- ent accompaniedanied by the kindliest t a d- dyess referring to his long term of office, &c, &e. Said Supsrinlendent, not being s mind reader and rather"under the weather" had secured the pastor, Rev. C, F Clarke as Chairman, and re- malned at home that evening—unwit. tiugiy m xing up the presentation part of it. After be had retired little Miss Frieda Pollard and McCurdy Lowry, accompanied' by Mrs, A J. Lowry and Mrs I. Parker. made a Santa Clans visit to tbe James street domicile and carried out the original plan. barring the reading of the sugar coated message, which was deposited in the club bag Of coarse the Superintendent was grateful—bow could he he any hing else with such kindness manifested—hut re- gretful, when too late, that: he had not been on baud at the church to receive the nue gift and publicly express bis thanks. We were not to blame thi'g time but will try to do better for the days to come, as delays are often dangerous. P(dl ce l� Co[ kery Our Christmas stock has arrived and we are pre- pared to look after your wants at reasonable prices. 011anges 30c to 70c per doz., Bananas 50c per doz. Grapes 30c to 40c per lb. Santa Claus Stockings 40. Si 15c Candies 200 and vlp ?Mixed Nuts 25'c a ib. We also shave a full line of Neilson's Faincy Boxes of Chocolates, 25c to $2.50 SPECIAL ON WEDNESDAY Celery and Head Lettuce Don't forget to, the on hand to see Santa Clads at our Store December 24th, at 2.30 p. m. W. E. WILLIS Wm. Clouse Is home from Detroit for a visit of a couple of weeks, He has enjoyed .his stay in the dity and is (looking good. Mrs. Clouse and Lawson Ilave continued in 'Blair nosy home In Brussels. Very welcome visitors are here from the West In the personal of James Dairk, Neepawa, and George Dark, Car- man, Man. They are accompanied by their sisters, Mrs. Chas. Fox, Riding Mountain, and Mrs. Robert Gordon, Melfort. A family reunion is planned at the home of their brother, William, Brussels, for Ohrlstmas and this is one reason why they are here. They were former residents of this locality, but, It is yebrs since some of them were here. DIED TRA91e.—In Brussels, on December 22ed, 1024, Mario Holmes, widow of the lata Thos. B. Travis, in her 87th year. IN MEMORIAM DENteAN.—in loving memory of our dear' Arthur, who departed this' Ole Dec. 20th, • 1918. Father 1 we know that thou dost guide, Yet do we mourn. • When friends are taken from our side To arose the bourne. ?Amnia, MOTHER, SIBTERs. For Sale Woman's far coat, astrachan, threw quarter length, satin. lining. This is a good coat and was never mach worn. Cost 582.50, Price $25. GOLD. Watch, Dauber-Bampden movement. Special gold caro, plain, engraved with initials M. J. K., in Plash Dose, world suit either lady or gentleman, Cost 588., Price, 20. This watch le almost as good as when new, never worn much. Ona bucksaw, nearly new. Prloe $1 00, MSS .1t. Er.LY John. Bt... Bull for Service A pure brad Durham Bull will be kept for eervioe at Lot 80, Con. 8, Morris township, Terms, $1.50 to be paid at lime of eervioe, with privilege of returning if necessary. 20.4 BAi1OLD ODNNINGHAM. Chrislm GreeVin orS By the time this Paper reaches you Christmas will fibt be very far away and we desk* to take ad. vantage of this s opportunity to express our best wishes fora Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. For the New Year We are well supplied' with a good stock of Office equip- ment including; Day 1Books Ledgers Journals lniiexs Memo Books invoice Fide !Bloating Paper Wire Baskets Inks Mucilage Sealing Wax Hand Clips Pen Racks Binding Cases Pedforaiors Paper 'Fasteners Paper Clips !Rubber Stamp 'Daters Statement Pads "'Pin Tickets ,Ink Stands ;Rubber Bands Shipping Tags Pens Pencils Erasers , Rulers. Envelopes by the Box Duplicate Order Books &c. 1 &c. &c. Diarys For 1925 We are offering a very neatly gotten up Diary for the corning year — well bound—vest pocket size. Contains much 'useful information —Dark Covers, Price 25c. FOX'S DRUGSTORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER Q It al, ' 4C)i, it VA wish tp thank our Patrons for their patronage during the past year, and.. extend' to them our heartiest wishes for a Merry • Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year. —We also solicit a continuance of their pat ' ronage during 1925. = Seaforth_ yC reamer:. _. o. TCMcCALL, C. A. BARBER, ,1 , .Local Re res ntativ a. Proprietor. . .J Si L III iICilt .. 'lCh 'il ETHEL Is too busy waiting on customers to write an extended advertisement. We take time to wish the Community 'the Compliments of the Season— �ti� Pxry Tiles tams att a Wappg and 1ruO4iel anI rat War Our January Sale will be a sweeper. Keep your eyes on our advertising space, Get in the circle. J. LEITCH -