HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-24, Page 5USINE$$ CARDS
ad'Fa'Xd"rtWcrs°7ka r f(9'Nr'ffed'e.1P'l,>r',ioft
Per references uausuitany person whose salOa
1 have umuletadat, Phone 73xorSS
it you orlon results. get„
Licensed Auetloaear for Phren County, to
bandit: your sales. A years experio000 111 the.
West. Uull phone 0317
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
flo11ege, Day and night calls. Ottloo oppoelte
Flour Min, Dthel,
Oraduato lle�ppartment of Ophthalmology, Mo.
Oorutjok 6ledlmtt College, Chicago, lrl, Three
months poet graduate eourae during gnat 1010,
Byes solentl8oully examined,
4atoot Modern Methods used.
1.m -Cross Eyes straightened through proper-
ly $tend L ttUtIos.
Satisfaction Auaurod,
011iue hours : 10 to 11 a, nt, • 1,90 to 0 p. m,
-Saturday evening, 7.9U to 0 o'clock,
Phone Stix
for al. &MONT
Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins,
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Howiok Mutual /Ira Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm anti Tornado Insurance
Phone 45 Jinx 1 Timber*. Street, Brussels
M. 6.. D.
ht. 0. H., Village of Wassail
Phystalaa, Surgeon, Aoeouohe•.0
Oman at restdenoe, opposite ?defy the church
�Vltltaut street.
eV. iVll4'Me.si,171fi
y Car. Tanga and Alexander Rs, Toronto
Noted �'
h ,ua
C Ittbtrna fOlt
a a t and
spperlor employment service. Motu
Students from other Sexiness Colleges
e - have been In nttenua,tee here during
tbo p0at lissive rnonth9. Eater any
limo, n rite'Cor catalogna.
t7ai ai K Isizaesseeofere. Sei1SeeigetesSib tat
{esest'a ^ad sei.ziaeN i¢2y searta'7r»A S V
Cf! arHa
ei p p yewhich is net enmities
for Businesso4 pro which la oast t.anad a- .4
oteato.t eatIonstan We assist tt radu-
(... ales to training
and that'b esu n nt to
Haat with rti which tud.nla them g. .�
rQ1 Sc -
cent with Ilwuolt. G t our
aro reg.
4 istnred- each ti�aalt. • Get our free est-
aloeuo mid learn wumething about our
different departments
For Milling
We are prepared to pity the
highest possible pticoo for all
klids of Grain.
feed of all kinds on hand;.
T. G. Hemphill,
Phones 50, 21 25 and 62 Wroxeter
• Thursday, Jnn, 8th, 1925
Thursday, Feb. 5th, 1925
Thursday, Mar. St/a, 1925
Thursday, April 2nd, 1925
Leading Local and Outside Buyers win
ho Present,
By Order of Council.
Small Turkish towels of the cheep
grade make good dish towels and
ietee n0 -lint.
Lemo Juke n J e , i
nd whiting makes a
good paste whit which to clean ivory
0tatudlea. L saskri
flattery Charging
For Muter Storage
Having installed an up -to.
date Hydro Charger we will
be able to attend to Gat.
tet fee of say tteeeriptio8,
A,m,talso agent for the Bats*
Iola, the new,heceiving Set,
No whets, no storage bat,
tory, Reception 8000 miles.
Oome In .and see it. IG le a ,
Give the family a Radio for
Earl Cunningham
Total Veb3S err>ss
COAL arriving.
DAYS will begin to lengthen.
GREEN wood coming to town.
MERRY Christmas to MI our readers.
Motel Ube' Horse Fair, Thursday Jan-
uary 8th,
Sonoma closed last Friday for the
Christmas vacation.
THE,,Qross Word Puzzle will catch you
if you don't watch out.
• LOCAL and District news items always
welcome in THE Poor.
A PEW automobile's continue to rue
but the majority travel on runners.
12, W. FERGUSON has added a stock of
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &c. to his busi-
THURSDAY of this week will be Christ-
mas and a Public oi'y,
H ids.
lacus will be closed,
P s .
1f you have anything to sell try an ed.
v rusernent in THE Posy. It generally
works well, as can be often vouched for.
GATT Thursday Earl and Mrs.
Cuauingham attended the funeral of
Mrs. Nott, the former's grandmother,
of Clinton.
THE Pobi Editor is grateful for the
goodly number who have been squaring
up and renewing during the past week.
We are looking ons for you.
Tug preseut of THE POST for a year to
an absent friend is a cheerful reminder
of 52 weeks of the old time handclasp
and good wishes. 'try it.
ANNUAL Rural School meetings will
be held Wednesday of next, week.- THE
POST has printed anbounbements ot
these gatheringsW
o¢ hand,at small cost.
m Aaf10
n Monday
evening in Brussels Town o a
should be a good rally of the electors to
,!tear the nominees for the various offices,
> LAST week Dougaid McDonald, Turn.
betty sueet, South, fell on the slippery
walk and sometime after discoyeredlhe
b'ad broken a bone in his right 'shoulder.
We hope Ga will
soon be as well
ooA too acrefarrn, Lot 27, Con 16,. Grey
Township, will be offered for sale Satur-
day afternoon of this week, at the Am
erieao Hotel, Brussels, at 2 p. m., by D.
M. Scott, Auctioneer. See the advt, in
this issue.
Tae Holiday rush.
Christmas greetings.
,New Resolutions for 1925,
Many happy borne circle reunions.
nGood cheer passed round to "others,"
ooGratitude for the Best ,Gift to the
, 139t4 PosT's best Wishes to you and
' No SCARCITY OP rIcACHgRs.—There's
a surplus of public school teachers this
year. ft is estimated there are x,000
teachers without schools. A teacher
recently applied for a vacancy o¢ the
staff of Galt Pathic school anti Was in -
tanned there were no fewer than 128
applicants, In Colpoy's section in Alhe.
marl Town ship, about 3 miles North of
Wiarton, there were oo fewer than 90
PAISLEY CAT GOES F1511010 —The Pais.
ley Advocate says :—About a year ago
we mentioned the fishing exploits of a
cat owued by Mrs. G. 13. Irwin, when it
brought into the hone its catches of cat
fish from the mill raceway. . The low
water season seems to be the time this
feline ntnrrod chooses for its expeditions.
During the past 'mouth the Toess`rater
river became at, tithes oaly a babbling
brook, and that's what the cat went to
for big hauls. At times • Tom" has
gone so far as to supplyltis mistress with
Bogs legs, catching quite a number of
frogs. and carrying them home. But
on' Weduesday last he "pulled a new
obe" when lie came stalking proudly
home, Tike a hunter bold, and preso¢ted
his mistress with what was thought to
be a 1tzerd bet when taken to the High
School, proved to be a species of sala-
mander, which he had also caught in
tate race.
ON, MAN,—DEAR 8fl1TOa.—YOU will
find enclosed the sum of $z,00. Would
you kindly apply the same on my sub.
scriptlon to the old Pose, Although it
is a good many years since 1 wait a boy
in and around my native village. I stilt
have emeriti spot in ray heart for dear
old Brussels and THE BSUssELS POST,
I can find a¢ odd name here and there
to the items that is of interest to me.
The few short hours I spent in Brus•
sats, one year ago, 1 met a few of the
old boys of long ago, abd I trust that
some time iu the *tear Immo that'I will
have the privilege ot renewing old
friendships in the old town, perhaps
uext year. Wishing to be remembered
to any of the old boys, and wishing you
and your good Indy the Compliments
of the Seasou, with Good Luck to Tux
Pose. Yours truly,
sago Vtetoria ave.
Braudon, Manitoba,
Mr, Hallitiay's parents were among the
very lot settlers in Brussels, Owning a
good share of the West aide of Turn.
berry street,
nwrsurts fast
Wishes its readers
many Joys
at this glad season,
GUARD against the grippe,
HAND THE Pose the names of your
vi tors,
AUTOMOBILES have had a long season
this year.
BRUSSELS Horticultural Society should
Dot be lost sight of In the rush.
SvnnAY Dec. i4 was the shortest day
of the year, so the almanae says.
GREAT quantities of poultry have been
handled this season by Robert 'Thom,
son of East Huron Produce Emporium
SEND nix Lose for I923 to the absent
ea members of your family. They wil
remember your kindness every week in.
the year. $2 pays the bill to any Can.
adieu address.
SEVERAL cars of line turnips were
shipped from Brussels C. N. R. station
during past weeks, by jas, Armstrong,
Blyth. The destination of this marine.
lade consponeu r ores Rochester, -N. Y.
THE Little
Mi Mission Band
tainme t '
¢ In Melville
c r
hu ctrSLI • t
room, Thursday evening of last week,
was a flue success, Youngsters general-
ly do well. Santa Claus was a good per-
former. Mrs. Jno. E. Smith, Superin-
tendent, presided with usual grace.
L. 0. L. No. 774, Brussels, held the
annual election ot officers with the
lowing results :—W. M.,' Wm. Alder-
son ; D. M., Harvey McCutcheon ;
Chaplain, Wm. McCutcheon; Fin, -Sec
Wm, Bernard ; Treas., G. C. Manners;
Rec, Sec,, Harry McCutcheon ; Dir, of
Ceremonies, Duke Jordan, rst Lectur-
er, Elston Cardiff; and Lecturer, Rich-
ard Jacklin ; tat Committee man, Earl
Bernard ; end Committee man, W. H.
McCutcheon ; 3rd Committee man, Geo:
Colvin ; 4th Committee man. Richard
Jacklin ; 5th Committeeman, Wm,
Clark. Tyler, Earl Bernard. Rey. Mr.
Lewin, .Brussels, was voted to the chair,
and installed the offt:ers.
RONALD.—A Stratford correspondent to
the London Free Press speaks os follows
of a former well•knowu resident of Brus•
cels, who visits its town periodically,: —
The man who built the first steam fire
engine in Canada, a machine which
came into common use in every province
in the Dominion, is John 'Downie Ron- Gotierioh
L who now, at the age of q3, makes S9EoesIex•• RHYN 1,ne' IifolasElt D1E0,
his home with his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) -Tile death took place Thursday of
W. T. Cluff, of this city, Mr. Ronald, Nfaria Carolina Reynolds, mother of
besides being one of the oldest resideuts Sheriff 1t. G. lteyno'ds, of town. De -
of Western Ontario, has a record of ceased, who WWEES in her 80th year, was
achievement in the business world whicha lifelong resident of Goderich. Dur.
is equalled by few of the survivors at iug that time site took an active in
the pioneer industrial regime of the terest in ail" the social 110111,14488 of the
province, He is remarkable in at least 'town both in the church and town
one other respect, for while be celebrnt life: About 12 years ago tate deceased
ed his 93rd birthday anniversary on Oct lost her eyesight,' but in spite of this
ober 21, he makes.tbe claim that he has serious handicap she still evidenced
never been sick a moment in his long .interest in the Iuwn, It was during
and arduous career. Mr. Ronald was the war 411,11 she showed, her wonder
the junior partuer of. the Hyslop & fol spirit by knitting„ socks for the
Ronald works at Chatham, established soldiers, her record for numbers be.
in 580. The firm manufactured every log equalled ity few with their full
form of laud and marine engines, be- fttcuhieta. A few weeks ago Mrs. Rey -
sides steamboats, passenger and freight »tilde fell clown claim and broke, her
and tugs. 'these were couserueted fu arm. 0 leg to het advanced age the'
the firm's own shipyards, There were shock pr .ve'1 too much. firs. Rey -
machine, blacksmith', boiler, found,y ttulds wits tite daughter of the late
and pattern shops of all varieties used
in the
d The company
used the first
steam fire engines suse
n i
e d in
Canada- Later the Brussels Steam Fire
Engine and Fire Appliance Works was
established at Brussels, and the com-
mies, went into the business of installing
waterworks plants as well as building
steam, chemical' and hand fire engines,
Shortly aft,* the business was sold and
moved to London, the works at Brus-
sels was destroyed by fire. Mr. Ronald,
since the death ot tris wife, has made his
home with his daughters, Mrs, W. M.
Sinclair, Brussels, anti Mrs, Cluff, of
ibis city. H. R. Cluff, barrister of
London, is a grandson. For the Ron.'
aid fire engine, the .originator was the
recipient of two medals at Philadelphia
iu 2976, Another medal was won at the
World's Fair in Chicago in t893, and a
old medal sed 1 at the
a Western
Fair, London.
Mr, Ronald,
enjoyshis Pipsand is a rare converse.
tionalist. Several former employees of
the Ronald firm still reside in London.
A Beautiful Calendar
The calendar to be given by the
Family Herald and Weekly Star of
Montreal to subsrcibets whose sub-
scriptions are received in time, is a
most bean tirut work of art. The fig -
tires of the calendar are easy to read
and the picture entitled '"TheSale of
Old Dobbin" is a masterpiece in colors,
suitable f,ir framing. The subject of
i. en f ,
palming till tf human interest
that 7811 will never the of looking at
it. In addition to the calendar and
picture, the Family Herald offers to
earl) subscriber an opportunity to win
as much as live thnusam/ doihtrs'in an
easy and iutt'rLetting contest, Acat-
alogn.+ of valuable articles which see
given 1144 reward' far new stibscrip
Lions can also be obtained flee from
the publishers of the Family Herald.
The Faintly ffer.tld as an interesting
jaurnit' carries eve: ything before it.
fro Losir
COrdSii aled
makes every Beecham's Pill
worth at least a Dollar in
the Time it has. Saved you.
The Constipation Habit costs more than time, for it
sets you back in many ways. It lowers vitality, cuts
down your ability, wastes even the food you eat.
Beecham's Pills make your bowels free and regular.
They are famous also as an aid to di . estion and a
stimulant to the liver. Beecham's Pills, by helping
the entire digestive tract, benefit the whole system.
Sold Everywhere in Canticle
Egg, Stove and Nut
G. R. Weller
Sheriff Gibbons, of 'Huron County,
and is F
utvive byone d Ron, Sheriff
Reynolds. Mrs. fforace
town, ie a sister. The funeral took
place from St. George's Ohurcb on
Friday, to Maitland Oernete y.
Annual meeting of Molesworth In-
Telephone borc C
o. was held
Saturday afternoon, mil inst. Dir-
eotots or last year were re-elected—
Thoe. 'McDonald, Thee, Elliot and
George Brown ; Secy., Hugh Spence ;
Tamer., Nelson Mitchell.
Mrs. Thos. Cumming has returned
from Mitchell, where she had heen at-
tendingher daughter, Mra.
oolquhuu. • Ws are glad red to hear the
latter is improving after her recent
illness of toteilitis.
Thos. Wilson was laid up with the
Irwin pa.
Mrs. Louie Gibson, 2nd Onn, is int-
proeed in health. •
go the farm of Robt. Holt, 9th Cort.,
a Holstein calf wee born that weighed
126 pounds.
Masonic service announced to be
preached in the Methodist church was
deferred owing to the stormy weath-
At the Annual tneeting of L. 0, L.
No. 042, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year,:- Wor-
shipful Master—Veruon Denny; Dep-
uty Master—Wm, Hawksbe ; Chap-
lain—Rev. Mr. Barnard ; Rec. Sec-
retary--Lrarld .Patterson ; Fin. Sec-
retary—Clarence Bryans; Tieasurer—
J. A. Bryan» ; -Director of Cereman-
ies—Acura 'Denny ; Lecturers—Alvin
Denny, Eldon Gruhatn Committee-.
man—Geo. Williams, Geo, Mosure,
Jas. Waltom, Eared Denny, Wen.
Oorl eft.
GONti TO Ii8R NEWARD.--Another
of the old residents of Blyth was laid
to rest, in the person of Mrs- H. Mo-
Quarrie. She came to Blyth about 70
yens ago, when there was practically
nothing here but bush, with her per.
Mite, MRs and Mrs. McGowan, who
settled. iu Emit VVawanosh. Sheaft-
etwatde Harried H. McQuarrie and
moved into Blyth, Where he conduct-
ed a blankatnith shop for a greatrnany
years, 4 3401)8 and a daughter survive,
John, Robert, Archin and,James, Who
are all in the Weet, and Mts. A. M.
Babb, Teeewrlter, Deceased had lived
with the latter for the past
few months. The remains were
brourrbt stere for burial, the funeral
88rviee8 being held in St. Andrew's
Church, of which 811e was one of the
charter members. The pastor, Rev.
George'.l'elford, preached at the serv-
ice in the church, nod Rev, t3, B.
Hawklnn took the service at the grave,
Mrs. 2)Quarrie had reached lire ad.
voiced age of 85 year8 and kept her
faeultiee until the end.
FATAL Ac(1411NT.--•Thti`itigtxeet into
the death of Henry Placket, who Wes
struck by a train nn the 0. P, R.
totek8 on Saturday afternoon, Deo, 18
tit, took place Tuesday afternoon be
fore Coroner %V, J. Milne and County
Crown Attorney Seeger, in Memrnial
Hall, following being on the jury : P.
Gardiner (tnmeI out), 3tune8 Cunttn!„
13. Lockltiu't, .l, 13 Watson, A, Smith,
R. Somers, F, G, Kershaw and G.
Johnston, After hearing the evidence
Having decided to ,ala into the Shoe Businees I have
put in a nice line of up-to-date Footwear for Ladies,
Men and Boys. Also,a nice line of Rubbers and Gol-
oshes of all sizes for everyone and would ask the pub,
tic to call and inspect them, They will be sold at mod,
crate prices,
Men's Furnishings
advee rtised
stock tics .¢ dAT COSTin cierokrom anf d Will 60100Will
rrralttiari a few !lues that will save You money :••-:Nfen'e Heavy
Sweater goats, elan Ladies' and Children's • Ladies' Neck Scarfs ;
ndUotwar fo adB y • Beautiful Neckwear and Alen's
Fine 8hiets, Foregoing goods will save you money for 0hrietntae
—Also a Great Saving in Girls' goats which must be sold regardleee
of Mtge
Reg. NowReg. Now
1 size 10 Fut Collar Coat 812 60 B9 50 1 size 10 Cloth Coat $9 00 $8 50
1 six' 10 Cloth Coat 10 00 7 0U 1 size 12 Cloth Coat 12 00 8 50
1 size 12 wail Coat 11 75 8 00 1 size 8 Cloth Coat 9 00 fi 00
1 size 12 (,loth Coat 12 00 8 00
given by the train crew and others,
they brought in the foilowiug verdict :
"We find that Henry Pfaetzer met
hie death aocidentallyob Decent bet 13,
while performing his duties as a track
roan, witaout attaching any blame to
the company's employees. His death,
was caused by a fracture of the skull,
caused by being struck by a freight
train. . Further, we would meow -
mend that doting etoroty weather
each -track malt sboutd hitve a helper,
with a view to greater safety."
Notice of the appointment of Rev.
F, H. Paull, Atwood Anglican Church,
Lo Bayfield church has been issued by
the Synod offices of the Diocese of
Rulon, It is understood that Rev:
1111r. Paull will take charge at Bayfield
in January,
W. A. Amos, Pahaerston, formerly
of Attvond, was by aerlautation re-
elected President of the United Partn-
ere of Ontario at their elections held
taut week at Toronto. There 'were four
other nominations W. 0. Good. M.
P., who said he was not in to position
to accept office ; Harold Currie, who
withdrew, 13 C. Drury, who was not
present and R. 11. Halbert who also
withdrew, President Amos fills the
bill .inood style.
g Y
The first.
to sting of the
season was held in the music hall
Tuesday evening of last week, a
splendid program of old-time songs,
choruses, readings and reminiscences
being given. A trio of ladies its old-
time costume was especially applaud.
ed by
large audience.
were given by Mrs. Burns, teacher of
S. 8, No. 2, Elms., and "Reminiscences
of Pioneer Life in Elnan, Township,"
were given by GeorgLochead,
township Clerk, An orchestra from
10th and 12th Cons. East, gave excel-
lent music, . and fife soles by
Hugh McOout•t were much enjoyed.
Rey. Mr. Paull, President of the soci-
ety, acted as chairman,
sir e'�stp-Nrv^P
Cranked farmers' Club
expect a car of No, 1 Coarse
Cattle Salt at Ethel Station
this week, Phone order to
Gordon Knight
Phone 5515 Secretary
Perth County
Stratford Orange Societies enter.
tained a bunch of kiddies and their
parents to a Christmas gathering.
Arthur Benneweis, Logan town-
ship, died in Stratford hospital, aged
81 yeata. 7 months ago he was oper-
ated on for appendicitis and this orae
followed by typhoid, fever which re.
stilted fatally,
,r, .
,t. Highest market prices
Bee me or Phone No. 2x, Brun-
e, eels, ands will call and get
4. your Hides.
1 M. Yollick
i?.d,•t..i-a•a.•t....;•....p,3•4,+1•.h'F•8-i•.b.. •Nvf
Do Your or �
mss Shopping Now
With Christmas on the way you should DECIDE NOW
on your Gift List for this year. Come in now while our
stocks are complete. We will hold any selection until Xlnas.
Beautifully Cut BlueWhite
Set in 14k green and white Gold Mountings. Your choice
of many styles .•......$35.00, 850.00, $76.00, 91100,00, $126.00
Here's Big Value
Men's Pocket Watches its Gold Filled Oases, 17
and 15 Jewels—Waltham, Regina, Elgin. See
our complete line at Special Prices,
Boxes. Priced front,
Waldemar Chains
Waldemar Knives •
Cut Glass
Gifts You are Proud
to Make
Let us show you our stock of Pearl
Strands all put tip in beautiful Gift
$1,60 up to $25,00 each
Cuff tins . Bar Pins
Tie Pius Vanity Cases
Silverware Panay China
Autostrop and Gillette Safety Razors
Bay Now.
Selecting the Christmas Kodak is it yery
shnple matter' at our 8t0r0. Otte stock le
t t wtfk
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens
and Pencils. See the new Cardinal
Pen—Gold tilled band and clip, at .....914.00
255 year point, It's a dandy,
Join our Christmas Shopping Club'
Elr ®r T