HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-24, Page 4sods pint WEDNESDAY, DESS.2M1 1904:.., rPo allow flow tall It ht t, Mae ano•ot` in the Newspaper hutloeas we have out to state thetins Farm r'e Son Puhtiab lug CnmpAPi:loot mettle tiao,000 last year, even with :the hest hacking in the world—»the Canadian termer. <, A bump like that would have out ne ,"glean out Pf business," beyond arty gueatiop. WitpNagnAv or len week Rt. Elan. W, L. MoKeazio King, Prime Minister of the ,Dominion of (aanada, celebrated his 5oth birthday amidst many cougratula- tions, leo wee also the recipient of a tine gold watch at the bands of ardent Liberal admirers. 'Tire Premier was born in Kitchener. Waterloo ,.,, and is deservedly popular. Otte lack is the fact that he still plows a tone furrow as far es matrimony is coucerned but be could pot be charged with being in a burry if he'dld bis plowing in double harness now. "Coen in Egypt yet" was supposed to indicate a surplus beyocd satisfying immediate wants. An official statement avers that at Goderich harbor and ele- vators there is now stored 4,500.000 bushels of wheat awaiting transportation Eastward by the Canadian railways. This large quantity of wheat is much larger than is usually ;housed at Huron Co.'s capital and the quotation gives a sort of a "comfy"- feeling, even if we have not the faintest idea of what 4a million bushels mean. The Great West is surely the bread basket of the world and is a comer ellright. Woertist if the Dominion Senators are Shivering in their boots as they consider the cosy seats they have enjoyed for many a year and think that Premier King's promised amendment to the Statute may give some other fellows s chance to occupy the seats of the Mighty? So many pledges of Senate amendment have been like the morning dew we are not doing mush shouting about what's coming but feel certain that the present system needs a genuine shaking up to remove the idea that it is a bill of useless expense and a brake on the wheels of progress. The eyes of the world are upon Premler King and we hope be will he well backed up if the proposed legislation is in the best inter eats of the public weal. "Away she goes." IINLESs the wbolesale alien traffic fro Canada to the United States, is bets controlled the law should be wiped o the Statute book as "what's the good o a law that people so persistently violate i' Our Yankee Cousins, in spite of the in fractions, s are defending ng the law early and often and don't appear to be bother- ed much with cold feet either. If you can't make people do right by Act of Parliament or Congress these two Nations have a bug house job on their bands. It is also an interterence with the personal liberty of these .determined fellows to become residents of the U. S„ and such legislation should not be. Doesn't that kind of "argument" sound silly, yet Tars Post- has heard of its use in large consignments during the past year. m et- ff f WWW arrrtittos }�f Q Xmas. Washer Sale ! , i'.r{�,r��'{y�xppt��Lee'ttbk'� to fi14i� ourrg rp+�YY —We thank you elated business and hope for its Continuance. for your appre• ( rurgr it. >>>i lila Hardware 1VIerehant, Brussels WWWWPRWMPRKI NO BETTER GIFT er and Victoria, Seattle, Portland,, San Franeieco and Loa Angeles. Any agent of the Oanadian Nation- al Railways will be pleased to furnish full information regarding these tours: A business education pays dividends every working day of every. year. What about your daughter's future A smsl'i present.now of less than One Hundred Dollars will guarantee her an annual income of from Fifteen Hundred to Three Thousand Dollars through all her future years, when you are not here to protect her. This business education may be had In six months at the Wingham Business College, or Canada Business College, Toronto, or may be taken at home through the Spotton Correspondence Schools. If you are interested in insuring your daughter's future write to -day. A position for every worthy graduate. Winter term begins Monday, January 5, Brussels Continuation School The following is report of Brussels Continuation School for the Pall term, based on results of weekly examina- tions :— FORM 11I Partial Matriculation, First Year I Ritchie 87 8 51 Sparlirg 68 F Htraehen 838 E Ounniughant L Rose 817 67.4guSeller/schen) 3 PerPenman,' 77 7 I est D Clarke 73 3 J Oliver 59 Partial Matrirulatiou Second Year K McVettie 80I 111 Fetgueon 65 E Hemingway 7I 3 B MacDonald 65.6 S Ballantyne 68.1 J Smith 55.6 Normal Entrance T MoCerllew 66 8 E Thtell 48.1 J. McKee 568 a1 Cooke 481 V ,1lcCtttcheon 54 C Jecklin 427 L Patterson 52 7 R McAllister 41 6 These taking different subjects from any above classee F Eckmier 62 G Stewart 51 - E Pollard 59 L Olouee 49 2 0 Lard tit 62 Tins is the children's time of the year when youth is on the throne and holds sway. We know of oldsters who got more genuine good out of the observance of the Christmastide than the juniors and tbat was no small quantity. Some folks "pooh-pooh" the mystic Santa Claus and the evergreen tree but the old gentleman's name and Fame can never be blotted out as the days of child- hood are lived or recalled. The merry jingle of the bells is most musical as we turn our ear in retrospect and the un- loading of the well filled, bulgieg stock- ing was real fun to more than juveniles, There are no joy bells ringing in heathen lands on Christmas Day and people enjoying the Gospel light should not forget to place the crown where It be longs as they hail the happy day with its golden en memories of Bethlehem and the Great Gift on the green hill outside the city Wall .•—.rt-. Armen the Nomination next Monday iu your Municipality, Don't be afraid. to quizz the candidates nor don't be lax in according deserved praise. Filling a chairt a the Council Board i sFt 0 en a thankless job ob and sometimes results in more kicks than coppers but there are also a lot of fine things about it along the line of acquaintance with Municipal Law and testing yourself out as to pros noting the Public Good. If you get to. the County Cottncil your circle of friends s wonderfully broadened, as is your ibterest in County history and the clsirts of that body, Tbis promotion is One of the teatures of encouengemeet'to the rural or urban representative as he per- forms his duty in the home sphere, Economy with efficiency should be the watchword as taxes are climbing too fast in Morn muhtoipalities, FORM II I MacDonald 76 2 L Champion 53 5 8Hemingway701 W Galbraith 53 H Gernise 745 G Martin 62 H Knight . 74 4 J Stewart 48 S :WHAM 71.3 I Thom peon 47 9 ,5I MnVettie 71.1 P Beefier 47.1 K McNabb 687 11 Set etton 436 C Brown 637 H Douglas 42 J Smith 57 8 J McCracken 89 6 R Pollard 55 8 51 Walker 38 8 J Messer 54 3 Not taking languages H McKee 67.2 5 Davidson 46 4 C Ames 88.1 FORM I $1,000 Reward The Famous 1900 Cataract Washer Cheapest of all Major Oscillating Washers The oldest Washer in the Dominion of Canada, wade by the largest Watcher manufacturers in the Belt ish Empire. Price 5150.00 .FREE! PREMIUMS lUMS With all Oaterao4 \Vaelrers sold during the Ohristmae season we are giving FREE without any extra charges, a set of splendid • galvanized square tubs, or a ease of soap euntatining 48 packages of Sunlight and Lux. You have your choice ofthe a preen" turns. Supply of Tubs and Soap is limited so snake sore you do not delay ordering your washer and save looney. Beatty Bros, Limited, the niartufacturei'e or the famous 1900 Dataset electric washer, are making this special rnnceselon for the 0hristrrrae sea. ao ri only. You'd be wise to eoqulre to -day and arrange far 4 demonstration, Here Here are -the Premiums This is the big box of Soap which contaiva 48 packages of good quality of soap—Sunlight and Lux.'Ma is enough soap to last the average fam- ily six woflths. 48 Packages Free with every Cataract Washer sold dur- ing Xmas Season. Here is what the FREE tubs look like. They are well made, Ste, attractive in appearance. Two of these tube are FREE/ with, each waeber. Choose your Premium and 'phone or call at the store Ideal Christmas Gifts Oalaraot Metairie wash- ere zneke ideal Xmtte gifts. One of tileae washers, will bring utors genuine pleasure and cctnfortinto ti home that, almost any thing ciao. This ie a gift that will pay for itself in Jauntily bilis, doctor bills, eta, which it saves. Ask for free deuionetra tion to -day. lheabove picture is that of (George J. Husak, one of a crew of twenty- eight men on the freighter, Clifton, which disappeared on Lake Huron, September 21, 1921. At the time of the disaster, George's father, Joseph F. Husak, 1137 17th street, Milwaukee, 4Viaconsiu, offer. ed a reward of $1,000 for information rte to the wb.resbnuts of his son. Tuesday, De:ernber• 9, the father had '0. dream, in which his son appeared to him, telling him that he is alive, but not able to communicate with him,' and if ha will'not abandon his search be will find him alive. The father is renewing the reward offer in 'hope that he may be able to get some trace of his son. It was repotted soon after the dis- aster that eyraft bearing five mem bets of the Clifton's crew bad been picked up near the Canadian shore, and the name of George Husak was given aa one of those tescned, but this has nev- er been confli wed. George is 21 years old, live feet, ten inches tall, weight 170 pounds, dark brown hair, blue eyes, has three gold crown teeth and two upper front teeth porcelaiu crowned. cv Bowman 801 D MacDonald 622 SCHOOL DAYS D Lewin 79.1 N Lott 60.2 51 McNair 758 J Yolleek 563 L Campbell 72 2 S Clarke 55 8 R McMurray 70,1 D Ennis 54 V Jordan. 69 7 A Logan 54 U Hemingway 67.1 51 Logan 48 0 J Smith 66 al Thompson 85 2 M Ritchie 632 D Warwick 278 W MacMillan 624 A Christmas Gift for the Family. Cheapest, heat and motet appreci- ated Christmas gift would be a year's anbaciption to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. It costs only Two Dollars and the whole family would enjoy it. The beautiful art calendar for 1025 with a large picture in colors which goes with the Family Herald this ear, would y Frei to brighten the home: We also heat I cleat that each subscriber' la to receive a free entry to a popular contest in which tent thousand dollars cash will be awarded That is stately extra- ordinary value for the money, California and Pacific Coast Tours During the Winter the 'Nellie (lomat States and British Columbia offer a haven of refuge from nue rig- Prolta climate, particularly Sunny California. California has become famous sea Winter tourist region be- cause of its excellent climatic cattdi- tioita, its varied and mttgnifeent scenery, the possibilitiee it affords for all kinds of outdoor, sports and re- creations, its splendid motormeds; sea bathing, etc,. The Oanndtan National Railsveys of. Per a wide choice of routes embracing rail and ase trips. Travel one way through Canadian Rookies via Jerome National Park and Mount Robson, the School children and teachers will at- tend school for 197 days during 1925,• or two days less than during the year, drawing to a close. Such le the information received by School Inspector J. $. Smith, in a bulletin frond the provincial depart. merit of Education The regulations affect high, con- tinuation, public and separate schools, Easter holidays next 3ear will be. gin on ,April 10 and 0nnclnde no the 19111 1 midsummer boltdage on June30 and close on Ang, 31 ; Christutae and New Year's holidays ; the first four days of January, 1925, and Deo, 23, 1925, to Jan. 8, 1926 The Hort-school days will in. elude also all Saturdays, local muni. cipal hoiidaye, dominion and provinci- al, public last or thanksgiving days. Amongst this list are Victoria Day, May 26, (May 24 coming, on Sunday) Kin ' s birthday, Y, Juuo 8 L,abnr" Day, Sept, 7, Armistice Day, Nov. 9 The children will be required to at• tend school fol' 20 days in each of January, February, May, June and November; 16 days in April and in December, 21 days in September ; and 22 days in March and October, The bulletin concludes as follows "No other days can be deducted from the proper divisor except the days on. which teachers institute is held and the days on which school is closed under the provisions of the public health set." Brussels Council Town Council web Monday averting of last week, as per Statute, and pass• ed a number of accounts, looking to- ward the preparation of the Annual Financial Statement, tlyLaw was read dealing with tb.e coming Monica. pal Elections, appointing Deputy Re- turning Officers aid fixing polling placer, in ease of au etectioit. GRCSN weed coming to town, T111.1. TIM Poli the latest news, �ortb Pantie coast route to Vaucoo* toes oaleudars are in the public eye. Wilton & GWespie alias Amy Howson, Clinton, will sen the d i e 1Vjuter in California, A 12 Ib. wildwA oose g sshot by P. McBride, Carioca, on E. Fisher's farm. Dr, W. F. Brown,' St. Marys, was chosen President of Perth 0o. Mediae! Association; 2 Stratford boys, Rev. Peter Bart and Rev. Vincent Kennedy, were or- dained to the priesthood, in Toronto last Saturday. Mortgage Sale of a Valuable Farm in the Township of Grey In tno County of Huron Pursuant u uant to the Power of Sale con- tained in a certain Mortgage bearing date the 23rd day of March A. D. 1918, Which will be produced at the time of Sale, thexe will be offered for sate by Public Auction at the American Hotel, In the Village of Brussels, on: Saturday, the 27th day of December, A. D,, 1924, at the hour of two o'clock P. M., by D. M. Scott, Esq., Auctioneer. All and singular that certain parcel and tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, being• eonvposed of Lot Number Twenty-seven an the Sixteenth Concession of the aforesaid Township of Grey, containing by ad- measurement oriel hundred acres of land be the same more or less, Upon the pro partY there ere ]s erected a tree - story frame house with frame kitchen and woodshed. There is a drilled and also a stoned well on the p?emises, There are about eighty-five acres under cnitivatten, and about Eve acres of scrub timber, hard and soft wood. This property is conveniently sit- uated about a mile from the village of Moner4eff and two miles from Mc- Naught Station on the Canadian Paci- fic Railroad, with church and school ht the immediate neighborhood'. The title is indisputable. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. TERMS OF SALE—Tett percent of the purbhase'money 1* be paid at the time of Sale and the balance within thirty .da s thereafter,. withoutllnteeest, hen N 9session will be given, Suit- able arrangements may be made how- ever to allow a portion or the pur- chase money to remain on mortgage at a reasonable rate of Interest. Further Information, particulars and conditions of sale May be had oh ap- plication 10 the undersigned. D. M. Scott WilIIam M. Sinclair Auctioneer, Vendor's aSoli;ciitor Brussete, Ont. Brussels, Ont. Dated this 15th day of December A, D. 1924. USE PAPER Afteru yo have washed a mirror you can put on a good palitsh by going over Bae surfaice with crumpled news- paper or tissue paper. APPLE KEEPS MOISTURE Keep an apple 4n your cake box to keep your cake'moist. See, of oourse, 'thrall the apple is a iperfect one and tc'hange when it shows signs of decay, Eligible Property for Sale 21 is the South East part of IT% Lob B0, Con. 5, Morris Township, and contains 10 acres. On it is a comfortable house, }debit', good well, yonng orciterd,,t,s, and its location, adjoin- ing Rrnesels, makesIt a convenient spot. Per further partloul are as to price, terms, ,ec., im- ply to the Bxeoutors of the estate of tie. late Annie Turnbull. W /f, SNOB, Rrusseia P. O. -. THOS. TU1tNBULL, Ethel, Ouaford Property for Safe Hoose and lot of about H acro, tttnotedon the corner of Turnberry and Thomas streets in the Village of Brueaels, known as the Dan,. ford hoine, On the property la it very 5111)' atantlal brick house ; nicely isolated, steel root, cement cellar floors, new furnace, clothes closets. bath room, cistern, drilled well, fruit trees, a nlue raspberry plantain, lovely or. namestal and evergreen trent, and a beautiful lawn, Will be sold for half of what Itwoutl coat to build it to wind op the etOnte of 110 late B. (). Danford. Immediate possession. For further partfeelare apply to 1., H, pUN- FORA. Detrott, or JAS. ala0"AD215AN, (next door), Box t Brussels 8, 0 Farm for Sale Contains 100 mire%, being Sia Lot 20, Con, 0,' Morris township.. hi, Goodbrick ook house with trhlar;nkher with marmot keeling; driving rn at 1 shed,drilled well and a never failing spring at 50 ees under noe patturo andwaod lad, aim plowing will be done and possession given this Pail. - • For fertilely particulars imply to A. $JMACDONALT), Bruenels, NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In 'the matter of the estate of' 1.awronne Wheeler, tato of the Township of Croy, In the County t of Hur Y on Fa weer' do- ceased. Notate le hereby given puritan/It to''The'Be- a h erbdl erg tttd Ontario," berg hev,nlgaoloimn121), agni�ngt the estate of rho said Lawtmme wheeler, who died on or about the Seventeenth day of Nov- ember, 1924. are rrqu(red on or before the thirdriavof,innmar 1529, oarndbypost ro• poli or deliver t0 Thomas Mlllsr nr wOt�arn 1 wort, the ex lief de a of the h stunt and teatn- moot et the relief addresses gait- tlhrlsttnn and partieoarso theiraandde,the stateine lull thrtion:me of their claims, Ilse etetemaet of thea?? held to and tiro nature of the 0aeuritlea, (iAnal �arotr,,hoby Enko nodes that after molt halt mentioned elate the esid exenotore will pro. (teed to distribute the Casale of the deceased Among tie parties entitled thereto, having regard only to theelnima of wldch ,toy shnrl than have rtotlee, and u,at rite said extoutore ,vitteatre llabla far the anld 5500,5 or nay. port thereof to env par0un or persona of wlese. claims nti ea 0hn11 not hove been received by themed the limo 0ledhir dletrlliatlon, Datasd the 111h'da3 0f Deoemter, A D,1924. W. bl, SINOLAi1i - , Solikitor for the said Bxeoaters, Brussels USE CELERY TIPS Tlbe tender tips of celery are de- li ' i lcrous nc ah{ l.en sarvegetb d vegetable salads, , REMOVE GREASE Ehler or chloroform will remove grease from delicate fabrics. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, -»In the matter of the estato of Botone Mary uekmtor, late of the. -Town- ship of Grey, in the County of Huron, married woman, Deceased Notice le hereby given pursuant to "The Re vleed Statutes of Ontario," Chapter 129, that all Creditors and othera having define against the estate of the said Selena Diary ttek- i nler, who died on or about the sixth day of December, A. D .1024, are required on or before the third day of 'limitary, A D. 1925, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Christian Eek. mler, of she Township of Grey, in the County of Heron, one of the Executors of the lust will and testament of the said deceased, their Christian and Surnames; addresses and dos• or•iptlons,' the full particulars of their. Maims, the statement of their accounts and the natnre of their securities (irony) hold by them. • Andfurther take notice that after such last mentioned date the aald executors will pro- ceed to distribute the agitate .of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regtird only to the dales ofwhich they shall. then have notion and that the amid executors will not be liable for the sold assets, or any part thereof to any person -orereone-. of whose claim notice atoll not hove been received by them at thea of such distribution, Dated the 11th day of December, A. 1).,' 1024. W. M. S7NOLAIli, Boticlter for the Batcutera. PREVENTS TARNISH dfu yro apply a Wit coating of 'colorless lacquer sudh as you can get at any paint shop to your brass Candlesticks and ornaments they will not tarnish and will need relight at- tention frown you on cleaning day. NOTICE TO CREDITORS,—In the mattep of the estate of Williartt Miller, late o£tho Township of Mar. rig, In tho County of Huron, Farmer, doaeasotl. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to The Be. Weed Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, that all creditors and Where have+ g claims against tin 0rtabonttlbesaiSt'candsnd4 y�lo1 tOotobar. A. D.1924, are required on or before iheTwenty- eovonthdny or December, 31),IO24, to send by Poet prepaid or deliver to Alex, A, htecdonnid, of the Village of Brussels, County of Hnrotr, the Administrator ofhe estate of the said deceased. their Christianand surnames, addresses and dosarlutlo,tq, the tall pat -Gaolers or their claims and the nature of theneoprittee (1t any) held by theta. And further take notice that after such lest mentioned date said Admtnletrator will pro- ceed to dtstrrhnte the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard oily to the olaltan of which he shell then have notice nod. said Adtnlpistrator Will not be liable tar the avid assets or any pert thereof to soy person or persona Of whose (trim notice shell not have bean received at , the time of swift dtstribatton. Dated this 8th day of December, A. D. 1924, Boll ettorwfor thelAdmiu lat"rntor, )+A•FO+'s V•446.1.414440+0+1)4410.4.414 eaataa.i11003•40+0•v0tela+0+•' O9•ii•Oi'0 The Seaforth Creamery E; A . ram Wante r. IMEMANtizemEraperaMial 111116111116161111111111Mallandlellpfd Send your Cream to the Creamer thoroughly established and that givesy g d SatisfactoryResults. you Prompt Service and tS. We SOi1Clt Your patronage a e knowing g that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using` the scale test to weighp pies. and..' payyou the highest :Cream SEM - pies g hest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank' of Nova Scotia. For furtherp lart' cuiars see our Phone Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, home z31o, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. y gg SEAFORTH, ONT, 4140.14-144 ae+l4►6tlsstili3O+.4.044-1.044+04/*slli*+.+0+t-+