HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-24, Page 3I.r manly little soul,,caught the larger vi- aged, perhaps half o more of its' paper, soaked it with gasoline, and edea. For the first time be has seised nitrogen is lost before it is applied to had' touched a match to it. But the fierce blaze vanished as if by magic, the truth that there is something big- the land. This waste can be prevented when the swing of the red tube had ger and more important than the indi- by storing the manure in a dry plata' scattered the chemical on it. Not even v#dual-that is, the welfare of the and mixing with it .something that their elders? ' h ld be say d as the meet a ready y Simi arly the fact that farmers and getting all about you, while you I sort of canned chicken makes delicious side. Round steak is used for this, +' sale. drovers are now acquainted with the; shivered and cried at the door for a salad and is also usable in sandwiches and the method of handling is the A handy arrangement for saving grades of hogs has permitted of the couple of hours? Mother never does and chicken pies. Salt and pepper are same as for meat rolls. feathers is a tall bushel hamper from buying and selling at many country I such a thing! No, but that is what you ;added to the meat and the jars are to poor little Fluffy. You took him filled with boiling water or stock made She Did a Good Job. There re almost as man was to can Flank steaks be11 d with pork as there are methods of cooking dressing on the inside or smothered What a wonderfullycomplete job it. The loin and rib chops are fried, in the following fashion: Sprinkle the nature when she invented andbrown onbothsides an cannedbottom ofa well-greasedbakingpan manufactured milk, So far as our the pan gravy and grease poured over. with onion and parsley and on it place knowledge goes, it appears to be the Quart -size cans and jars are cooked the flank steaks. Brush over the meat only product she made solei as a sixty minutes under , fifteen pounds'. with a ]dale egg alightly beaten with breed,a an sex ofs as we short of reproducingboilingwater, the chopped onion and parsley t finished weight of both the select ba- asIn s wonder -work she seems to one spareribs servedup stockfrom meator bones, n essi and better to eat, Cut the ribs in in a hot oven uncovered and bake reultrt of her creation when blending � , so, what was left of this morning's break- gravy over the meat, which takes caught.n few words of the converse- dipped in scalding water for a mo- through contact with buyer and ship- fast served up to -morrow, after it had about ten minutes in the pressure tion. Site looked mildly disapproving, mot, and wrapped in a sack until per and through the medium of meet-, grown quite sour and nasty? How dis- cooker or a half hour at boiling. Pack and as soon as Bobby was off ;or the steam penetrates the feathers, ings and demonstrations, bave come gusting! Yes, of course, but did you into the Dans at once and cook the school she remonstrated with her which should then come off without to realize more and more what is re- wash out the cat and dog's dish and same length . of time as for fried niece.' difficulty: t quired in the select bacon hog both, give them fresh food this 'morning? chicken. "When 1 was young, Alice, children The goose to be picked is hung up from the standpoint of type and fin-' And did you put fresh war in their DELICIOUS PORK RECIPES. were never allowed to bring home by the legs aj a convenient height, ish, Tbia knowledge on the part of drinking cup? How would you enjoy Plain boiled chicken is put into the in the cans the same length of t#me tales about school and the teacher." which leaves both hands free. The trade has permitted of steps being it, on a very cold day, to be sent out; jars uncooked but is not at aa plain as for steaks, "You mean, don't you, that they coarse feathers are dropped on the taken to simplify the gi:ading methods to play in the yard, then to have' when opened and served up hot with Beef birds are made like veal birds were never allowed to repeat them to floor, The dqwn and fine feathers at stock yards and packing plants. mother lock the door and go upstairs,t dumplings and cream gravy. This with dressing rolled and tied up in T 11 warrant the chrL s ou e t y d 1 for siren discussed the days events among themselves and not always to the teacher's credit, either," "Oh, well, of course children will—" which the bottom has been removed points on a graded basic with generals did steak. Place meat on a board and' double duty to themselves and the liv- "To bo sure they will," laughed and placed upside down on the floor snttsiachon to producer and buyer,' from a warm cushion and put him out by cooking the feet and perhaps the pound flour well into it with the edge' ingthins theycontrol, to learn how Bobby's mother. "As longas the aro near thepicker. A cleancotton grain The grading system has proved•itself g y in the yard. Then you forgot all; tips of the wings. Tbia will form ti of a saucer. Sear on both sides and to feed them right. Even from: a creatures of intelligence they are go- bag is hung inside the'hamper, and a practical method of trading in hogs about him, while he wailed pitifully to jelly on the meat and can be' used as just cover with water and allow to selfish, dollar -and -cents standpoint a big to think about what happens in fastened open at the top with three and it has the further advantage of get in. Never forget that animals an aspic jelly or for- gravy or. broth. simmer for half an hour. 'study of feeding will pay, for it will school, and as long as they think, they or four clothespins. greatly improving the quality of the' who live with people grow like people,1 This requires ninety minutes cooking Finely chopped onion may be spread result in more profitable animals and are going to talk to somebody about The feathers to be saved are •drop hogs of this country. Hag grading; and dislike discomfort as much as you under pressure or three boors in boil- on the meat at the beginning of thea healthier family with fewer doctor the things they are thinking of. Re- ped into this, and the bag is then hung statistics, it is claimed in the report,! do. You are to them what mother and ing water. shnmering process and tomato juice bills to pay. fusing to listen to a child's comments out in the wind and sun trail its con- show the percentage of select bacon dad are to you, They depend on you With corn husking well under way and pulp may be used instead of Apparently, it would be better to 'and questions does not stop his think- tents are thoroughly dried and aired. hope to be 14.91 per cent. in 1923. But, for care. Do not be a piker and fail the first pork butchering takes place, water. This is processed the same break a leg in the search for facts on ing, it only leaves him to draw his aa --- do these statistics, it is further stated, i them, for huskers require plenty of meat, length of time aa for steaks. feeding essentials, than to break one own faulty conclusions." Preserving Poultry Manure. do not tell the whole story In 90 far as e a os y y an sea may rolled through ignorance of them. Efficient �arm�n TIE VALUE OF WINDBREAKS IN OUTDOOR WJN'TiiiBiNQ. The inportanco of a good wind- break canna be over estimated where colonies of bees are wintered' put of doors, einco, for protection %rem the Prevailing winces, it is as essential as packing, Although well -packed, colonies which are subjected to o heavy wind blowing on them for a few hours will have their temperature reduced con- slderably; in fact, well -packed colon - les which are exposed to the Bald winds may die while those'having less packing, but better protection from the winds will survive. When we think of our own houses in wind.ewept areas and of the difficulty of keeping the temperature up in the best construct ed ones, we will appreciate the net- essity of providing adequate protec- tion from cold Winds for our colonies. Windbreaks may be natural or arti- ficial, and the artificial ones may be either temporary or permanent. Na- tural windbreaks aro considered to be the better, For good natural protec- tion the apiary, may be located in the lee of a grove of trees, young timber, an evergreen hedge or on a side hill slanting from north to eolith,..aline; the top of which a hedge or fence is located, Artificial windbreaks may be terns, porary fences or hurdles, such es are used by the railroads, in which the boards are placed horizontally with intervening spaces of 1% to 2 inches.; They may be permanent fences in, which the boards are placed vevtioaliy, with the above mentioned spacing be- tweeze thein, The object of the open -I Ings between the boards is to, allow, some of the wind to. pass •througb, thus preventing a tendency to rise and' roll over the fence top into the apiary Tho height of these fences should he, approximately eight feet and if peas! sible, placed on all four sides of the' apiary. Buildings, as a rule, should not bo relied on to break the wind, for they may only divert it and pos- sibly Denke matters worse. Apart from its advantages in winter, a good wind- break facilitates examinations in the, summer, when without it, strong` ;winds would retard the work: erli It is a relatively simple matter to dress a goose. The bird should be hung up, hit on the "head with a short club to stun it and immediately stuck f TRAINING OUR CHILDREN ti CANNING VAT TIM YEAR ROUND , 13Y JOSEi?I INE'WYLIE. Are You ltincl 1A I'ua!ay2 usually begine with the first steadily' under fifteen pounds' pressure or t cold weather, wh6n the porkers aro hours in bolting water, Thq loin ma Active cruelt tiR an animal ie a t it is not necessary to wait also bei roasted •and canned, Y ,tilled, Iiu very dreadful thing It is not only till this time for the meat canning Cook the feet and hocks front o. dreadful,but cowardly. Wo do notdrops from t supply, Fried chicken out of the can porker till the meat p believe that any of the Wye and girls is quite as good as the freshly proper- bones. There ebould bo just enough who read. this column would be guilty ed, and it Is certainly desirable to water to cover at the beginning, When of 'deliberate cruelty to their pets, but extend the season of Oita famous farm eoglsed remove the bones and add one unintentional cruelty is just as hard dish, tablespoonful of mixed' spices and a to bear.. I Fryers are at their beat for canning half cupful of vinegar and sinneer for Do you like having your hair pull-' when weighing from three to four half an hour, Pack hot into cane and od?' No? Well, your kitten does not, pounds, although they may be canned cook forty minutes under ten pounds either, Neither does he like having much younger, according to family preasure or eighty minutes at boiling his tall pulled, as the tail is a very" tastes and traditions, This is a delicious meat dish sliced sensitive part of his body. • Chicken for canning la prepared in and served cold. When canned in tin Would you like, when you are curled much the same way es for immediate cane this meat tomos out in nice. jell - up sound asleep in bed, having some- serving, except that the stick end of led cylinder all ready for slicing, c one dump you roughly on the floor, the drumstick is cut off to facilitate Otherwise it can be heated and re - because he wanted the bed? Certainly packing in the jar. The breast bone molded. nal Then do not do it to the cat or is cut in two Crosswise if large, Roll PaaaaavniG 1riaEF. dog. If you must have the chair .or in flour and brown well on both aides, The pressure cooker and the other cushion on which they are sleeping, A. tablespoonful of butter added to eanndng paraphernalia won't have a waken them gently, and place theta on the fryinge will give the meat a de- chance to get rusty or even need dust - the floor, lettable golden brown'color, Season ing off, for there's fresh beef in the Do you mind the day you had a with salt and pepper and pack hot 'house by December or, at the ,siert, bilious headache from eating too much into the jars, pouring over any excess February. There's no end to the list candy? TT.ow would you have liked fat. Litters and necks are not canned, of good things to be canned here, roast daddy to have pulled you otT the sofa, Quart jara or No. 3 tin cans are beef in brown gravy, steak, meat rolls, tossed you in the air, instated on pu•1-.cooked ninety minutes at fifteen beef birds, Swiss steak, beef stow, ing you about, and making you play'? pounds'. steam pressure or three hours croquettes and Irish stew. Why, he,wouldn't do such a things In the boiling water bath, In the Tho -club and porterhouse steaks can No, but you do it to poor Muff some- case of the latter the water should be be canned with the bones left in, but times, Cats have their off days when at a bubbling boil all the time, it is best to remove the large sirloin they do not want to play. Perhaps Chicken fricassee may be made bones. Sear steaks and without wait - their little tummies feel sick and up- from the cockerels or year-old hens. ing for them to cook season and pack set, and they want to just be quiet Cut the chicken up as for frying, or into cans and pour. on the hot pan an es. ping agents and drovers through the drag them about. They hate it ay, or in flour, season and cover with continued grading of hogs at all mar- h would The butchering soon on the faro .oughly sterilized for sixty minutes wo It. to told of a cow In 011ie wbich was on n test, with all hype of estsb- no lisping a new world's record. As the he test was near the end she slipped and brake her'log. In order to complete the test, she was put in a sling, and tante through with but a few pounds short of establishing a record. ]:bat was apparently just a coinel- dence, the brealdng of. the leg, list , where the cow was put on her feet again after the leg healed, the other leg broke, She was butchered and ea z' revealed that her hones were honeycombed. They lacked the lime to give them strength and stamina, Hex owners had fed her to force every pound of milk and. fat produc- tion possible. But they forgot to In - elude in the ration enough mineral matter to replace the lime that the production of milk took out. The lime in her body was thus drawn upon with serious results, This' le just an indication of the importance of diet, Every day investss gators are finding the relation of feeds and feeding to' the normal and abnormal donditions of life. Just the other day,; the papers indioated that tuberculosis was due to the lack of certain vitatnines in the food, The lack of iodine is known to cause goitre. Insufficient mineral matter is proven to cause scurvy and other diseases. Lack of certain elements in food is said to cause cancer. Time will un- doubtedly indicate that practically all of the abnormal conditions of life have their foundations in wbat we eat, breathe or drink. So, apparently, to the farmer's wife, who has the health and happiness of her family at heart, the study of diet is most important, And to the farmer, who has any kind of live stock to feed, the study of feeds and feeding is a vital matter in the success ho has with his stock. Even the man who grows "just crops," the study of plant feeding is a very important subject. So it seems that all who live should make this a subject of consideration and study. And all who have living The round is also used for Swiss things under their domain have a T ERQQC LEG Sir Gilbert Parker Anglo -Canadian author, who suffered severe injuries viten knocked down by an automobile at Aiken, South Caro, Ilia, Progress in Hog Grading. During the past fiscal year, it is stated by the Hon. Mr. Iliotherwell, Minister of Agriculture, in his report of the work of Itis Dept., hog grading in practice has been so well establish- ed that packers' boyars and live stock commercial men of the various stock yards have become definitely acquaint- ed with the official hog grades, Ship - d sleep. Do not make them play or the meat may be cut from the bon as mut as you woo water m rho bottom of the pressure As Bobby and Mother reached the in the back of the mouth just as a kering centres have learned the Bow would you like to wait and cooker or in a kettle, This is cooked conclusion of a confidential talk, ,Aunt chicken is killed. I weights and types of home designated wait when you were thirsty, or have 1until the flour and liquid have made a Ellen caro into the dining room and When through bleeding, the bird itdi t is o the various grad Farmers armere a1 Cook fifty-five minutes under fifteen pounds' steam pressure or two hours in the water bath. Round steak, cut in inch -thick slices, is used for making the meat rolls. One cut will make four pieces for rolling. Finely minced onion and a slice of bacon is placed on each and the whole rolled up and tied firmly with a string. Brown in hot fat on all sides and pack into cans with the pan fryings. Cook analyzing the figures Pertainingto manure fora considerable length of the marketing of commercial hogs. nhog breeding land, How to hold it with a minimum as typified e type of the thick - loss in fertilizing value is important., smooth hogs. to a marked degree. Quite "Just the sante," the older woman It often is necessary to hold poultry p y May we suggest that the study of protested, "I think it is ;wrong to en- p p feeding will make a very profitable courage a child to find fault with his time before it can be iced to the The infusion of bate b di PP iu 4111 h 'd d with and interesting winter's occupation. teachers." h t 1A d th "So do I, and I am sure I have Jumping at Conclusions.never been . when I see that eo of doing that. is nz The quantity of manure witch can# proachingathe oselectsbacon standard y ! This is a true story that shows how P p be collected and saved varies with the and in come u feed. The wiseacres have fallen Inc Pressure or two and a hall }tours in water, and then spread some more of dangerous itis to jump at conclusions. sling Bobby I do try to help him solve age d the bird 11 q encs thereof produce a o it artificially. I ppe p s ey on op. A member of a St. Louis church came It, whether it concerns school or other Se with the ration fed. Available data much hotter carcass. The average I the d k h Oa d b with Add boiled to her pastor with the following prob- things," seem to indicate that it is safe to esti , have gone so far into the a dl i sauerkraut aro tantalizing to smell just barely covering the meat. Place Ion: This noon he told me that Miss mate a hen's night droppings at from• ooth hogs indicate Larson had been unfair. I auspented thirtyto fort Quads a year. that farmers are paying close atten- y p ti to the ing to do a little shopping, and she put She was golag down town one morn - so delicately all the elements of this sections, two or three ribs to a sec- thirty minutes. The stock may be one of those cases in which a child On the basis of a hundred -hen flock on a correct market weights does not perceive all that lies back of this means an annualpoultryyield oft outstanding panacea for making' ea or roll them to fit the MB.Add thickened now or when the cans are a ten dollar bill in her bag. She bur strong and revitalizing the human seasoning and fill the jars with boil used. Small new potatoes cooked and rigid off as soon.as breakfast was over a punishment or reprimand, so I en- nearly two tons of fresh manure,, A Fire Extinguisher May •Save body, that her strength and skill could ing water. 'Process eighty minutes added to the thickened gravy and' in order to get an early street car and couraged Bobby to tell me the whole which is by no means an inconsider- Your Home. not compound another equally autres Arnder pressure or three hours at boil- poured over the steak will make this to do her shopping before the stores story. Ido not think he felt that he able quantity. The method of preset -1 "Now, where are you going to put • tions and health -restoring product. ing temperature. an excellent ons dish meal. Carrots were crowded. On the way to town wasbeinencouraged in fault finding, vatipn should be aimed at preventing it?" asked the fire extinguisher agent. Fortunately, we find the leading }Jams and shoulders' maybe roasted and turnips may also be used, she noticed that her bag lay open at "It wasas had suspected. While a large loss of nitrogen, converting He bad driven 20 miles over our coon- races of men depending more and or boiled and then sliced and canned, Beef stew may be made from the one side of her lap near the other oc- 1 could see the reasons for Miss Lar- the product into a more nearly, corn -try more upon this oldest of foods. But or the meat may be first cut into siz- Iower part of the round, the shank or cupaut of her seat. She took it up and son's action, Bobby in his inexperience Tete fertilizer, and so improving its roads, car packed with the usefula anxiously looked into it. Her ten -dol - could not possibly be expected to. If B ' p g cylinders, at the beginning of iia day; 'the maximum of its usefulness is still ble pieces before cooking. This is bet the less choice but very nutritious cuts P mechanical condition that it can be but he had left one, or two, or three a long way off;.and it will require ter when the meat is roasted than as the brisket, neck, plate or navel. lar bill was gone! Glancing furtively he noticed the incident at all, he could applied with a manure spreader. more and more of education and pro -1 when boiled; as so much more of the This is packed in the jars cold in round, she saw a bill in the eprou not have done otherwise than mis-in almost every farmhouse at whish p (meat cite is lost in .the water. Tlnls chunks or cubes, seasoning added and p As has often been ponied out, hon motion to attain the fullest benefit of jg eclat -of the woman beside her. rt judge his teacher. T talkedwith himmanure one-sided nitrogenous ter he had stoPPsdbad evidentlyeen .,._... . hastily; longtime about it and at last. his Wizen Furthermore, as usually man- On my lawn ho had crumpled' some ' is canned in the pan gravy or stock. a bay leaf placed across the top and nature's seeming excess when she put milk into the mouths of men. Keeping Fresh Meat in Winter. I am wondering if some of the read - group. He went bank to school saris- will hold the nitrogen and some dry L°e young grass, was scorched, I was ,ers of your paper would be interested convinced. in my method of keeping fresh meat fled with his beloved Mies Larson .will to act as an absorbent. I"Why," said I, answering his ques- in winter. This method can beused again and with something added to his The Maine Experiment Station has „ ideals. If he and the other children recommended acid phosphate and tion, in the kitchen, I where It'swal-d I only when there is snow. This is howl discuss the incident of the morning kainit as materials which will prevent' most the only place Where a fire would I' do it: amongthemselves Bobbywill, I am the loss of nitrogen and also helpto be likely to itart, now that we• have First, I see that the meat is frozen sure, resent Miss Larsos aide of the balance the fertilizer so that iis the electric lights. Why not hang it hard. Then, in the bottom of a barrel, near the stove?" I lay a thick layer of clean snow and question and stoutly defend her. So more .nearly complete, I "By no meansl" he told me. "You For example, it ispointed" out that a want a stout hook to hang it from, mixture of thirty pounds of hen ma - I am well pleased that Bobby brought his little grievance to me, and if Miss and you want rt close to the door lead- the staves of the barrel and to fill this Larson could how the whole story, nure, ten pounds of sawdust,' sixteen I am sure she would agree' with me." pounds of acid phosphate, and eight ing into the kitchen. The best place space with well -packed snow. Another Aunt Ellen was only half convinced pounds of kainit would carry about is right on the door -frame. You see, layer of the snow is then added and but hesitated to say so.1.26 per cont, nitrogen, 4.5, per cent.' if its near the stove, and fat boils on this gess the second layer of meat. "Well," she remarked at last, "I phosphoric acid, and 2 per cent pot- over and catches fire, or a coal falls This process is continued till the meat don't think you have a very easy task ash, wh#ch, used at the rate of two ions out and sets the floor afire, you have is all' down, or the barrel is nearly full, ahead of you if you are going to try per acre. would eurnia % 60 pounds of to chance burning yourself before you when a good thick layer of snow'is can reach it. That's where, half the to ,help Robert solve every problem nitrogen, 186 pounds, of phosphoric mistakes in placing an extinguisher troubles him all through school," acid, and SO pounds of potash. I "Oh, as for that," replied the young �__ ,,-_� nre made. Folks don't atop to think mother, "1 never for a moment imag- ined that being Bobby's mother was going to bo an easy task, but I am on it a layer of the meat. Care is taken to keep the meat away from where fires may start, and how they'll Feeding Hardy Perennials. - I get to the„tube without risk," One year my sister planted several •--•------se— put on 'top. A, neavy cover :shoultl then be pieced over the• barrel to keep dogs and cats' from getting at the con- tents. The meat can be taken out as needed, but in doing so make certain each -time the meat is removed that finding it one that is truly worth plumps of peonies. They grew • two Silver FDX Inspection, the top is again covered with a thick while." years and relearned nicely, but after; In his report ee the worst of the layer of snow, Place the barrel soros There is usually enough of this to the jars filled with boiling water. Cook cover the meat if water has been three hours in boiling water bath or added during the roasting, but it will ninety minutes under fifteen pounds' keep without being covered if thee- pressure. v THE USE OF LEISURE It is said that one of -the seven great objectives in education is the training in a worthy use of leisure. This is becoming an objective of greater importance as the trend of the age is toward greater leisure, Modern machinery is enabling one to do his tasks quicker than in the days of crude methods. Thus, the working day is shorter for the working man, suggest what one should do with his time this winter, but we write this suggestion regarding the use of leis- ure as a reminder that it .can be wasted, it can he worse than wasted, or it can be made useful, helpful. and interesting. Your use of it will de- termine what you get out of it Dust Bath in Winter. Leaves make light scratching ma- terial better than straw, and it is surprising how large a quantity of dry leaves can be stored in a couple of barrels ora large bele Some farmers save dry earth for their hens' winter dust bath. This is grid even for the farmer, we believe. work that does not take much time But regardless of whether it is or ,aha it is certain that bons need a not, there is a period of farm 'leisure chance to dust sin summ ,idly as which we are now approaching.It is wash in timevnter as a mors di. tThake the time when outdoor fanninactivi- was a when farmers didn't talo ties must usually be confined to the much onestin the winter dust hath, and winter when the dust boxeres she turned the hill over to her minis - doing of chores and other necessary empty for quite a while, and was filled ter until she could find the stranger. daily duties. It is the time wile% con- again with loose dirt found in a shed 'There is one person at least who will tractive activity can be greatly re- during a warm spell, the way in which never again jump thoughileesly at a placed, by thought. The use of this those liens tumbled over ono anotherconclusion. that they refused to bloom at all. I Department for the past fiscal year, where in a shady nook where the con - Stale bread, free from mold, has a manure with plenty of bonemeatl add- of Agrl ultu st t d that during. the st ver ox inspection season w icft be - It was crumpled and protruded far enough to let its denomination be seen. It was a ten -dollar bill and could be no other than the one missing from the open bag, Banat should sbe do? The woman studied her neighbor. She was of the laboring class, neat but poor. Her face showed the lines of a hard, joyless life. It would nor be right to expose the poor creature, even though she had stooped to dis- honesty. But she meet have the bill back. She needed it, and besides it was not right to be a silent party to a wrong. At last she decided upon what seemed the only possible course, She would slip the bill out of the apron pocket and say nothing. That she did. Alter a morning in flee shops she returned home, took off her hat and started to lay it on the bed. There on the white counterpane, looming large and green, was a ten -dollar b!ll! The very one she had thought was lost! She remembered now that she had left it there. She hacl stolen a hill from the poor woman beside Iter: Sick at heart, the lady advertised In every paper, but no one replied. Then suggested a good mulching of rotted the Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Minister tents will be kept cold --R 8. J 8 feeding value equal to wheat for hens. c re, a e a d d th f i' b d 1F d 'i f i h As a compliment, the Lord Mayor •i As an investment, the hen leads. Tho fact that the stock is always in demand, the shares nre accessible to those whose means are limited, and the dividends aro declared with regu- larity, make her a leading and favor- ite stack in the markets of the wend, d To clean harness, first soak thor- oughly in a washtub three-fourths full of warm water containing a handful of sal soda. Serub each piece with a brush, one end of the piece placed over the tub to that the dirty water will run into the tub. While harness is still wet, apply harness oil With a rag or sponge. e , an e o Cage eearne ar an lustrous and the plants set buds by gall about the middle of Spetentber the dozens. It was a case of starve- and ended the middle of January, tion. Ali hardy perennials that spend about 10,000 foxes were inspected, years in the same spot need frequent tattooed in the ears for identification feeding to'do their best. Some will and drily registered in the office of bloom on, but they will be enough the Canadian National Live Stack Re- finer if fed, to make it worth while.' cords. That brought the number of Poultry manure 10 ideal as a top-, registered foxes up to the end., of dressing for the' hardy border, but, March last, beyond the 20,000 mark. .mora organic matter is needed, Mulch-! The inspection of foxes and their ing with rotted manure and straw, registration in this manner is claimed from around an old strawstack serves by the Minister to be doing moil to and is not objectionable. Most perm. s`tabilizo the industry as it is a guide "liras hide the mulch soon in the' to Beginner's who are assured when spring. Bonerneal may bollixed with they purchase a dulyregistered fox the totted mulch or it may be sprints- that they are getting n animal of at led about the plants end worked into least fair quality and bred to type for the surface soil. --Agnes lilies. I a number of gonerationi. of London is always an Admiral of the Port of London, i Australian apples sold at the Brit- ish Empire Exhibition totalled up to n weight of over 1,500 tons., `e .--- h Speaking at n grocery trade lun- cheort, Lord Levcrht9lme visualized a time when grocers 'would be asked for "8 quart of electricity" and would be able to "supply the right kind to drive a mangle or do the cooldng." t Britain's smallest houee is at Con- way Quay, North Wales; it bas a ' frontage of 6 fe, 18 10 ft. 2 in, high, and measures 8 ft, 4 in,.rotU front 0 to back time is what should receive conaideia- •wanting to roll lit the dirt at once; ou, It should be ntado valuable to opened our eyes to their needs in this 1 Farmer Goodman on his place• s individually and to our work. respect. They were simply wild to get Sets his neighbors a fast pace, Leisure has helped to accomplish into dirt and make it fly. Some say He gathers something every day many things. More than one great that hens will not use this dust bath That helps to male the old farm pay. man has made it help him get an in winter after it is provided, but ex- Itis chickens, cows, and pigs and all ducation, many prominent auditors 'perience taught differently. Bring in the cash from fall to fail. ave written their best beaks during It is said that coal or wood h His crops are many, not just one, the time fro from other activities, placed in a dust box will cause seals They surely keep him on the rung Leisure leas Itolued menu y and tarns, it has also iakannma jute leg. this is a mistake, but no doubt When Ming the silo, .I needed some. t he dregs of *pair and tits mire of the dirt is better than ashes for a dust belt dressing badly, but none was to lIN) because they did not know haw bath' be had. Some laundry soap,however, produces p was handy at the home, anti that so: O use sit, Exercise. roduces warmth, provides 'd3 'rinse le the most, precious element Pleasure and promotes health. Thera- ed to hold the belt nicely till the run' to our lives, for it is what we do with fors, it is well to lot hens hunt in a was fin#shod, llernemtier this.- TI, B, our tiro that determines what we get deep litter of straw far all their grain. r' t of our lives. I3ena love to scratch. They do it What Bath it profit to mon to pray intuitively, for the heathen if he is gtearreling It would bo Inappropriate for us to with bis neighbor over a im:Cehy cow?