HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-24, Page 2None Will Satisf7 like pure, delicious GREEN TEA 84,73 :The finest green tea produced in ' the world. -- Ask for u trial packtage. FREE SAMPLE of GREEN TEA UPON REQUEST. "SALAOJIee' TORONTO THE FEET AND ANIKLES. (mouth and perhaps a touch of rouge The appearance of the feet and , on her pale cheeks. If she has a little' angles is of great importance, now cap, she needs no hair, that short skirts and low shoes ant TThe funniest sort of witch's black Able some of the stalks certainly The tramp's hand mechanically "Aye, a e, it's a sair war]' oily way e, and according to their lights and so generally worn. While it la impose' cat Is• made by making the head and arsought the. brim of his battered hat yye talc' fitly said Rail Irvine 'shaking. sib's for every one to have a small body this same way, then pinching np traditions lust, although tie frilghful'.with a grace which to Miss Barbara's his head with feeling mournfulness: voice, •A baea voice is always at a dice substitute tete speech of George V. for foot, certainly every one can have a the two corners of the head for ears, severity of the punishments inflicted experienced eye instantly betrayed."Did ye hear that my brlther Tam s neat or dainty -looking foot. The last gathering them a .little and fastening would often seem to the more merciful, that too common type, the "man who, wife was dead?" advautage work demandedofd it tile.he a eud. It that 'of James m 1., alltthoough it mustube place to economize is on shoes. It, is with a few tight stitches. Do not sew mind of the Oc l -dent out of a11' pro- i had seen better days:" He was there 'But• what' for needs ye fret aboottt was also found, de added, that melt the authorizedremembered Version was an now es better to wear one fairly high-priced on legs and arms; they can be outlined portion to the,offenses committed, . fore more than ever a man to be that. asked. Geordie B;eerie, resen h d b t fully Ho was angry t that.the subject are always more fatigue than women to make the language of WYclif and and eblldrn by an equal effort of the Tyndale better understood, voice, and Hien with bass voices suffer A Telegraphic Triumph, the most fatigue. pooially geed. Peel lour lenge onions and two Garrote. The onion ehould be ehoppe4 flue, an<l the carrots 'Coed. Put them into an enameled ware eteucepai ween teree tabieepoonfuis of butter and Balite them until the onions ere well browned. Ilse a quar- ter teaspoonful of sugar anti half a teaspoonful f salt. Md a quart of water and bell for two Imre, adding more water as it boils away. This coup should be serves with a slice of breed la each plate. The Sheik's Justice, The sheik of an Arab tribe, says Mr, Paul Harriette in a recent issue of Asia, exorclsas iznllmited Dower; of hint it may be sale es it was of Nebuc- badnezzar, "Whom he wattld he slew and whom bo would he kept alive." The only check upon hie actions is publle opinion and the liltelthood el its expressing itself in the form of assas- ainetiou if he becomes too unpopular. The office is hereditary and in the ea• tural course of events passes to the eldest son; but occasionally, if the heir 1s obviously a man et no force, one of the other children assumes it instead,- "The ablest ruler Is the man wanted and the one eventually se- cured. No one caree mueb to what family he belongs,": By S. R, CRQCKETT, CkiAt'TUR Y,••-•(tmitt'd.) Dian Geordie presumed a little epee It was to Miss Barbara that the being file only person at whose jests tramp appealed. miss Barbara had ever boon ltnown to "Whish indeed? Bread and cheese' laugh tend h'e .derived mueb ¢onsola- Y tion ft'om the distinction, oven build will set ye better, my lad, Keturah, ing a little upon it to confidential con- e pennyworth of bread and cheese for verse with Ins cronies. a gaup thiel in the outer parlor. "I tell yo what, Geordie, ye will. What—dxink ye will have oleo? , You scan' at the back, o' that coonter some can pay for it? Well, if you can, and day yet," Rttb Irvine, the journeyman that honestly, it colleens but 111 with smith, mute „y, ,'ocularly, `"The auie.. your onpnttmg. Yet, after ail, eve runt Babby is fell fond o' ye, that's keep a house of public entertainment, plain to everybody. Did ye no see and we eannot be choosers any more whet a laughshe took to tassel' when thebeggars. But keepthe peace, NURSES rhe rpronl, Hpi It -1or IpouniSis, is ontnn0on wJ0- Onions. Ansi Allies Honsikil' N:w V9ei *IIs, ellen a thrro ,t.r,' Poem ,$ Ttpin}np to pp,,t sown, hpvtny thr rOASIO8 oQp0Onpn, nult. detlrpul p1 sows; nyrlol. 7hU .Nsep::pf hal rectitis !ho MOM. hour schen. Tho pupIlt receive unitore, '1 Ile school, n rnpnihly snowcaps seJ irovelllat 0xpen,ve to sag from NO Toro, For Nellie lnrprMellon Rpple to Ito eupere'tong,nL fy The Bible Up'to"Date", NOVei Tranelatione of the Scripture* Dr. Molfatt'a translation' or the Old Teatttntent into modorn bleglieb. is a continuation of hie iranalatioe of the 1 las New Testament wield t teen out for some yeArs, and is but one of Bev,. a � And of you cannot rise to get it, flzitli trausiAtions In g I well bring tt to you, and have a look dee,. This Is the way. Dr. Mafftatt tells at your physiognomy as well, •which the famous story at Salome:— Herod tido lilts ti bashfulliridol+r Herod was anxious to.kill John the And at; tae spoke h° rose from Itis Baptist, but he was afraid of the peer scat and made his way between ileo tile, because they held John to be a chains to the corner where sat Chris- prophet. however, ou elerod'e birth- (To Kennedy day, the daughter of Herodias danced (To be continued.) "Rxcused! Nonsense! Drink it mast. azul elmilat and equally amietent Into the language 01 t a r 1In pnblia to the dcligbt of Herod; Bass Voice Requires the whereupon he promised whiz an oath to give her whatever she wanted. And than gg ye died the skean- a drive wi Moe Energy. she, at the instigation of her mother, my lad, or out you go from the Red your naive that ye s' i11ed the jug a' An eminent physician prasanting said; "Give me John the Baptist's b oor e a •Ono so versa, said rGeordie, much of unruly house or noisy brawling go.,flattered; "rho lilts nicht tae happen- of the amount of work performed by oath and itis guests he Were It to forth from this house so long as I ed to any body, even yoursel', Rab, orators awl singers, sate he found be given ;ter; lie sent and had John am its mistress. 1 speak for Keturah{thgh you haena' my personal ad- froyi his expailments that a bass beheaded In the prison, his head was slice'" 1 vantages.. A weel,mgde unmarried vette, in order to produce the same im- firelight on a dish and given to the She added the last clause as an man has his privileges—as is wee'- pression upon the Bare of an audience gill, and she took it to her mother. fterthought.• kenned. In n hall requires the performance'at We have conte to associate old -las. Lo ithakont an no e4elis watt nmind tippemty dcon your leeks? It was before the Academy of Medicine in head this moinont on a d1s11" `lho Y , g y fat. compe.omtstn, yon. Paris the results of an iMedicgation king was sorry, but for the sake of his doors! Thor sh 11 be no complaint « „ about eighteen times more work than atoned language with the Bible, and to is required of a baritone or tenor many people it seems ince sacrilege to pair of shoes throughout a season, on the body with white, if liked, or than two cheap pairs, f left out altogether, Outline the fes - Of course you will not be able te•tures and whiskers In white, with a wear well -fitting shoes comfortably if touch of green or yellow for the eyes. Flogging,, cutting off the hands and de- ' Buspeatad, to he watt e , o o go capitation are frequent. But Mr. Har- out of the way a her sister. For to sheuld be changed, for he liked no- rison tells of one act of justice, severe such Miss Keturah was often both thing better than to be joked about in its way, it is true, but such as to over -kind and unwisely liberal. ,Miss Barbara Heartshorn and his the feet hurt. Ido not mean that Make quite a long tail, wrapped Iike win approval in the Western world no "' u d notfear that 1 ' of the Red Lion. shoes should be tight, but neither the:doll limbs, and sew' on tightly. leas than in the Orient l shall teousi nets behave myself in your 1' Rab, Irvine shook his head still more should they be too loose; one produces A rabbit is made from a white Ibu Jilawi, Governor of Hasa, holds house." lugubriously, corns as much as the other. Given stocking by adding long ears to the his court in Hofu&, the capital. He , "See that ye Joy thenP' was Mise It's no that, he said, "it's no that the right sort of footgear, it is quite body made like the cat, with a tail of rules with a rod of iron, and the rich' Barbara's uncompromising retort; as,{ oval She was a besom, and Tam's possible to keepthe feet healthywith-ganel a bar well rid o' her. But what gars me should' of ecocun outs separately ears and powerful may expect no favors at havin filled the press she allot d'ownj greet is joist that everybody is gettire out ever having to go to a chiropodist. doubled and turned and sewed and rust bledand impartialkeolutely lacer -j and went to see what herwith a sister]e a change but mei" The' Leat, as well as the body, should 'snap be bathed daily; not just given a care- They are less trouble made from white One day there appeared before him 'Keturah was. doing. CHAPTER VI. less washing, but scrubbed with mild flannel. Outline the features in black. ss complainant a poor and ignorant I Presently in the outer parlor of the LILIAS ARMOUR'S TWO HUSBANDS. soap and a flesh brush, Then they He and the cat may have a ribbon tied villager whose cow some boys on a Red Lion, as the casual room was called by a very latitudinarian tour- The tramp sat in the corner most "Madam" said the tramp tour chances of one clay becoming landlord should be dried well and gone over Found their necks, with perhaps a with a corn file. Every callus should bell. be rubbed down, the corns softened PATCHING UP THE MIRROR. b soaking and either filed down, or hunting expedition bad shot: and killed. they of langyage, gathered a large remote from observation. He did not A careful description of the party and, for. Whinnyliggate, a most rep- wish to be recognized --though, indeed,. made it possible to gather the entire resentative company. f there was no one in the company who number before the governor. The vil- I At the corner of the deal table there, had known him when he was clessical if very bad, the top callus skin should We have a mirror from which the lager did not know the name of the sat, by immemorial right, Geordie' master in the Academy of Cairn Ed- be cutoff with cuticle scissors. It is •silver has come off in several places. ring -leader, but on being asked if he'Breerie the packman, a man fully as, ward. Noe was it likely that any quite possible to do this without touch- Could you tell me what n could do to could identify him at once pointed biro broad as he was long, with a face one of his ancient cronies would recog- hi he the moothed and jollifled with good liv-�nize in the ragged tramp' the smartly ing any of the living tissue. Very it?—Mrs• C. H. out. To s horror learned s stubborn corns should be bound up' Clean the bare portion of the glass that the lad was Ibu Jilawi's own son. exposure t d crocus a summer suneand with a slice of lemon over them—next by rubbing it gently with fine cotton, "Did you do this. the father asked winter gale. His huge pack stood in day the hard skin will easily game off. taking care to remove any trace ofsternly, , the corner, done up in black American Tender feet should be soaked in dust and grease. If this cleaning be "Yes, I did It," acknowledged the .cloth, flaccid and inert, with a comical hot salt water, the proportion being a not done very carefully, defects will bey. !lurch forward of its upper part, out cupful of sea -salt to a quart of hot appear around the lace ze aired.' The boy had a very fine mare, a re- of which he had extracted a number attired young college man who had fluttered the hearts of many an ortho- dox civic dovecoat by a careless wave of his hand, as he took the hill road to the Black Dorval with his green botanical case over his shoulder. "A worthy young man—a diligent water. This rests the feet, and hard-, With the point of a penknife, cut upon' cent gift from his lather, and at the of press pieces to show Miss Keturah, young man; learned and hopeful, sure ens them. If the skin of the foot is the back of another looking glass father's command she was brought in.. when Miss Barbara should happen to to risel" declared the parents, peeping very dry, there is nothing better than around a portion of the silvering of "Would you," asked Thu Jilawi with, Which bad' not yet e out of the occurre—an opportunity throate'yuoverhe therst shop�r blinds immedi- sweet till or vaseline to use as a daily the required form, •but a little larger.' to utmost courtesy, "be willing to re•{ Geordie Breerie, it was repartee "A handsome young maul Did you massage. In fact, corns and Galli rub- Upon it place a small drop of mer -1 gard this mare as an adequate oro- among his professional brethren, see how he waved his hand to me?" bed daily with sweet -oil, vaseline, or, curs; a drop the size of a pin -head Sensation for the loss of your cow? 1 could . frighten the fiercest dog in said the eldest daughter at the nar- cold cream, will eventually disappear. will be sufficient for a surface equal 'Certainly,' replied the villager. Scotland, and that by a very simple rower windows of the floor above. One woman has 'been successful in to the size of the naiL The mercury, Is worth many times the' value o1 plan. As he walked along the pack- "No; it was to mel said•the•young- redueing enlarged joints (bunions) by spreads immediately, penetrates the my cow, but I hope you will excuse me' man presented a very curious appear- er, but secretly, thinking of certain applying turpentine, night and morn- amalgam to where it was cut off with from -eking her. If I had had the ance. First and nearest the ground glances exchanged at the last Choral lug; in fact, she declares that the tux-- the knife, and the required piece may least idea who the offender was, I there werettao rhshort s of anda corn thic stack.lc gUnion. And now the worthy youngman, pontine "almost shrinks the bone." be now lifted and removed to the place should never have entered atom Next came an equally short but much the handsomeeye-dancer, the cllector We repeat the remedy for split skinto be repaired. This is the most diffi-plaint?+ }thicker body, as nearly square, in- of botanical specimens, the lover of (between the toes) t When the skin cult part of the operation. Then press "Ne'doubt that is true," replied Ibu : deed, as might be. ("A big sack o' Lilies Armour, belle of six parishes, splits between the toes, apply chalk, lightly the renewed portion with cot Jilawi with a smile, "but neyertheless cauf (chaff) on the top o' twa -wee sat unknown and unknowable on a the kind used for writing upon black- ton it hardens almost immediately, you will not be excused from taking sacks o cauf,"was the description of. wooden bench in the outer parlor of unqualifiedly,and. If you will then driven by the weight and height o1 none paying heed to him. consider the matter settled I shall be his pack almost into the middle of his Upon this jocund company, enter a sincerely indebted to you.",body, came Geordie's head, crowned by well -attired, well-groomed figure, So, having received. the apology, the its broad blue bonnet. While above leather -breeched, riding -whipped, bia- villager lad off the mare. The child's all, blaek and square,.' towered the tantly assertive, floridly prosperous. pack, the whole combination being , "And ye are welcome; come awa heart• was almost broken, but it was enough to drive the most unsuspicious ben, size" cried Miss Barbara through not until . some time later that Ibu farm dog into hysterics of rage and the wicket gate, whence she spied Jilawi bought the mare back for him, noisy denunciation. upon her guests, and from whence she and then at a thousand riyals, or Nevertheless, George Breerie was rebuked the evildoer and bade the Maria Theresa dollars, a sum sufficient never harmed. He had a way of bend- worthy Pharisee come up to the high - to make the villager independently ing himself double, from the thigh and er seats in the Red Lion synagogue. wealthy. for the rest of hie life, looking through between his legs at But Walter Mac Walter was jovial his barking enemy, which was more from the market, and willing to sband Health Notes. effective than a field piece loaded to well with the company as a free boards Pro cure a stick of the chailc, and the glass presents the soma tip- a mars The boy will apologize to Geordie by a local humolu t) Then the Red Llee dunking by himself scraps off the outer layer and throw pearance. you this awa y, Scrape the remammg chalk • to a fine powder anddust this powder A. CHARMING "TCINIC" STYLE, between toes. The chalk has a drying effect which is very healing and gives quick relief. If free of the common ailments of the feet, and a moderate amount can 4963 be spent for shoes, every woman can boast of neat and attractive -looking feet Size does not matter so much; the large woman must have large feet' or she will look top heavy. If they seem too big, however, she should carefully avoid fancy styles of foot- wear, and buy nothing but the plain- est and best. STOCKING TOYS. AP a general thing, most old stock-, ings are thrown away when they are too worn-out to darn any more. But we will continue to make toys' from our that will more than delight, the babies and small children. Two business men, having to spend the muzzle. handed, open-hearted landed pro- a few hours in a small town, decided For so soon as that vast purple prietor. face and bristling red hair appeared "Thank you Miss Barbara; present - to dine at the village school. upside down between Geordie's legs, ly, presently 1" he answered, taking One of them turned to the pretty and the whale apparition began to tip- off his hat politely to the divinity waitress and asked: "How's the proach backwards "like a pas -tan," within the veil, "when.I have spoken chicken?the bravest and most reckless collie to these excellent fellows here, I will "Oh, I'm all right," she bluabed. tucked tall inward like a steel spring, accept your kind invitation!" "Haar are you?" and stood no longer upon the order of He opened out his coat and sat his going. • down beside Geordie Breerie, calling Date Palms In Desert. On this and other counts Geordie jovially for glasses round as he did so. Though the date palm ie commonly was an important person in the outer All complied with his invitation ex - thought or as a desert plant, its roots parlor of the Red Lion, and was, be- cepa the tramp in the dark corner, marshy soil of the oasis in which tf the tab's with h:s• Pint At the first entrance of the prosper stoup to call the attention of the aus- ous man of means the tramp had grows. He—"Do you believe lova comes more than once?" She—"If you treat him right, he does." Mlnard's L?nlmel}t-Hears Cute. Percy's Puzzle. The teacher had been lecturing .his class on the wisdom often displayed by anim - :•:i1 birds. He compared it with that of human beings, to the let- ter's disadvantage. Having finished his discourse, he invited hie .pupils to ask questions bearing on lira subject. Percy held up his hand. "Well, Percy," said the teacher "what is it you want to know?" "I want to know, sir," replied Percy. "what makes chickens know how big Our egg -cups are?'t Nevertheless, when a new transla• tion was made by scholars about forty Years ago this archaic language was adhered to, although many changes were made in deference to modern scholarship, and certain passages which scholars believed to be inter- polations were actually omitted. This Revised Version was the great- est literary event of modern limes. One newepeper actually,sent the whole of the New Testament by tele- graph from . Nev York to Chicago hi order to be the first to issue It there. No part of the Ohl Testament has been translated efo often or so various- ly as the Book of Psalms. If readers will compare the Prayer Book version with the Authorized Version they will find them very different, tgcau c the Prayer Book Version Is much older. Another famous tranelaticn is the metrical version so long used in Scot- land, of which the following is a speer men:--- The Lord's my Shepherd; I'll not want He make me down to lie In pastures green; He leadoth me The quiet waters by. This passage of the 23rd Psalm is rendered in the Authorized Version, "Tlte Lord is my shepberd, I shall not want; inc maketh me to lie down in green pastures; haieadoth me beside the still waters," As long nga as 1G90 a certain Dean of Peterborough, named Simon Patrick, thought 10 im• 'trove on this. Like Dr. Moffatt, ho desired to make things n little plainer, ' and thi, is how he did It:— For, as a good shepherd leads his Sheep In the violent heat to shady planes. whore they lie down end teed (not in parched, butlin fresh and green pastures, and In.the evening leads them (not to Mundy and trou- bled waters, but) to pure and quiet streams; so. bath he made already a fair and pleutllnl provetion for me. , One might bavc thought that tomb a terrible example would be a ware, 101: to all other (respecters into the field of Biblical translation, but about , a hundred years later a certain Dr. Harwood translated the New Testa - mem lyes his idea at modern English. This is how he renders tete wellknown opening of the ldagnldeat:-d My sou' with revet•eaee adores my Creator, and alt my faculties with. transport join in Celebrating the gelid- ness of God, who hath 1u so signal a manner condescended to regard my poor and humble Flatten. inc refers to the Prodigal's father as "a man of opt; it means" and "a gentleman of eminent family." He sage that the daughter of Herodias was "a young lady who deuced with inimitable grace and elegance," that Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration said: "Sir, what a desirable place of residence is this!" He refers to the little daughter of Jalrus as 'this young daily" and he makes Paul ask Tltnotlty to bring bis "portmanteau" with him when next he comes his way. Hut, although the many recent et - tempts of sebolars to render the Bible, or parts of it, into modern L`'nglish have their use in making. any obscure passages plain, the trauslatton made fit the reign of James T. still stands as the greatest translation or any book into another language. Corn, • Ur.T uuna to the world before the discovery or America corn is grown In nearly every country In the world and has even replaced wheat and rice as ataff of 11fe in some places. Of the world's four billion bushels of corn 1100511 erselleeee 00 yeas., Please write./or our price iist on Poultry, Butter, and Eggs tee anlRAA^rat them toe a ween oheee, P. POULIN & CO., LIMITED 11.10 aonleoourr Markel. Tolohhooe Mem Pet MONTREAL - 055550 An Oxo a clay !Seeps iUnessar at b Do not use silk y split tooones; the ! readily, and the plain lisle are apt to;must be constantly kept wet in the sides, the only man who claret to who eat moodily drinking by himsef hammer on r� ylkNi .l"�y •._ tc ' ,r Imo` I:yw( stretch. The ribbed ones are best, and. 1 „` ows be sure they have no holes in the legs,' for that is the part to use, int Le4t y ed-t?pvi For a funny old "mammy doll" pro- ceed as follows: Cut off the foot and sew the leg straight acrose the top,' so as to form a bag. Then decide how big you want your doll, for the longer' the leg the bigger she will be. iI Stuff with cotton or old rags --more 4003. This is an excellent model stockings cot up small will do—till for a combination of two materials. the head is round and large enough. Brown satin and figured crepe are Then tie a string tightly around the here illustrated. The dress may be neck to hold it in place and form the finished without the "Tunic" as shown head. Stuff the rest of the body and in the small view, The long sleeve sew up the bottom. portions may be omitted. For arms and legs, take a piece of This Pattern is. But in 3 Sizes: 15, stocking • the desired length, roll up 18 and 20 years, To make the design and wrap tightly with black thread, as illustrated in the largo view, for sewing at the bottom. Tie a string an 18 -year size will require See yards a little way up to form the hand. i of satin, and 2 yards of crepe 40 The legs are made the same way, inches wide. If made without the but turn up about an inch et right long sleeve portions ie; yard less o£ angles to the leg to form a foot and the satin will be required. The width catch with a few stitches, then sew at the foot is •G0 inches, the arms and lega on the doll. - ( Pattern mailed to any address on Outline the features with white receipt of 20e in silver, by the Wilson thread, making large goggle eyes and, Publishing Co., 78 West Adelaide Ste a big mouth with stitches taken across' Toronto. tere divinity behind the veil. shaded his brow with his hand, only For Sore Feet—Mlnord'a Liniment. Upon his frequent visits to the Red stealthily peering at him when his back was turned. Walter Mac Walter looked gaily round. "Are your glasses all charged?" he cried. "All at my expense, remember. I will give you a toast --`the health of the Misses Barbara and Keturah Iieartshornl' Stop though, there is a man in the corner not standing up I" "Hoots!" said Geordie Breerie, with contempt, "dinna bide for him. It's on:,f a pair feckless gaun body that's been sittin' there tipplin' by tinsel' the hale foronichti" "One roan is as good to me as an- 1 other," cried Mac Walter, whose strong sult was au affectation of reel publican equality; "beggar or laird,± he shall never leave this house with- out drinking this toast. Hey, roan,' come to the bar and get your glass 1 like . a man. All's free when Walter; Mac Walter pays." "I would rather be excused," said 1 the Classical Master, quietly. TAYLOR.- FORBES it for teeth. Dress mammy in any scraps you may have, but be sure to make her an apron' and a head hand- kerchief with stick-up ears. A dear little girl doll be made the same Way from a white stocking, and dressed indainty clothes, with the features done in colors ---blue oyes, red ISSUE No, l i- '24 Send 15e in silver for our up -to- date Fall and Winter 1024-1926 Book of Fashions. T'TtENCII ONION SOUP. VJlnt;oe is rho season for thick 'This monument In the Kicking horst+ T'u n, 11ut,,;;1 t medic. marks the soups, and this ono which, with a liberal chunk el breed, makes a whole place where the last. spike was driven le the building; vl the t:anasllan moat for the 1lrett n poasaut is ;MP Pacific: Ttallway, Tree GUARANTEED Pruners ler' every purpose its the orchard, cutting, limbs tip to 1i inches. dandles-- 4,6,8,10and 12feet, 1101 animal) Peaier ham the quality Durdaecripitvecircular neat _ to ons adtirena on request TAYLOR-FORBES COMPANY, LIMITED GUELPH, ONT. life" United . States produces throe• tom'ths, Southern Europe, South America, Southern Asia, and South Africa. in the order named, contribute meet of the ranli.inder. Italy, the Bal- kan countries, Hungary, Spain, and Portugal comprise tlio-rogton of corn p a culture 1n Duropo•. ci 0Oe ...a-.".+mr+~... Mushrooms That Can De Drieti, ]edible mushreorifs found hi the fall on stumps, logs, and buried wood, may be dried and stored for future use without destroying food value,