HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-12-24, Page 1VOL, 53 NO. �7 12.00 Per 41:10110 in advance
W. II. Ii7RRR, Protrieior
Steady Growth
Sound Policies
-- are synonymous terms when
applied to The Bank of Nova
Scotia. For over 92 years this
Bank has been serving the Can.
adian public; and its present
standing, showing Capital of
$10,000,000, Reserve Fund of
$19,500,000 and Total Assets
of $210,000,000, bears witness to
the soundness of its policies.
The experience of 92 years is
at your service at any branch of
k of N U v i Scotia
Paid-up Capital S 10,000.000
Reserve - - •19,500,000 Manager - Brussels
Total Assets 250,000,000 .
New Advertisements
Coni—J. H. Fear.
For Sale—Miss Kelly.
Greetings—John Leitch.
Wood for Sale—T. Burk«
Cow for Sale—Geo, Bone.
Pigs for Sale—G. McCallum.
Spectacles Found—The Post.
Greetings--.Seaiortit 'Creamery.
- Take' Notice—Melville Creech.
'Christmas Greetings—Jas. Fox.
Announcement—W. J. Procter.
Merry-go-Round—Family Theatre,
Season's Greetings—G. R. Weller.
Winter Term --Central Bus. College.
New Year's Services—Ethel Church.
BI ovate
The etorm.has not spent its fury as
yet and it looks as if we might be
stormed in for Clirietmiss.
Christmas Tree in the Methodist
Church on Christmas night. A good
program is being prepared and a jolly
time promised all who attend,
A. Social evening for the Sunday
School of Knox Church was held in
the basement of the Church, Tuesday
evening. Lunch wee served and all
had a good time.
We understand very great improve-
ments are being eantem iateti. in re-
gard to the road from %Viugham to
Wroxeter, wtil Eli has now become a
County road. The Turnberry B line,
part of the road, is in great need of
such improvements. ,
Ilays it will not go. When the time
comes to put the x on the envelope, it
is to be hoped these kind, charitable
acts will not be forgotten
On Dec litb the regular meeting, of
the L. C L., No. 766 was held The
following Oilcans for the ensuing year
were elected.—W. M„ Thos, Ellie ; D.
M„ Ohae. Bosman ' Chap., Robb.
Shaw ; ReoeSeo., Melville Dennis ;
Fin.•Seo., Clending Yoe ; Treas., Geo,
Thornton ; 1st Lecturer, Anson Thorn-
ton, 2nd Lecturer,Con, Goll ; D. of O..
Wm, McGee, 1st Committee man,
Robt. Forrest ; 2nd Committee man,
R. Mathers ; 3rd Committee man,
John Casemore ; 4th Committee man,
Howard Stewart; 6th Committee man,
Ed. Johnston, Officers were installed
by Past County Master, Thos. ` Stew-
- School Report—following Is the re-
port of Bluevale Public School for the
Fall term. Percentages are given. 60%
is satisfactory; 75% is honors. No,
of pupils 31: --Senior Fourth— hazel
Mundell 78; George Hetherington 69;
Nellie McKinney 67. Junior Fourth—
Dorothy Aitken 78; Alan Garniss 72;
Elsie Thornton 71; Lols Prast 65; Noble
Greenaway 58. Senior Third—Alberta
Shiell 87; Adair Prast 81; May Nichol-
son 74; Leslie Greenaway 67. Junior
Third— Norman Barnard 73; Wilson
Thornton 70; Kenneth Aitchison 67;
Eleanor Prase 63;,!Eari Hamilton 62
Hugh Mundell 62. Junior Second —
Lela Leggatt 77; .Doris Aitchison 76;
Daisy Nicholson 75; Carman Hethering-
ton, 70; Dorothy Greenaway 51. First
—'Robbie Master 87; Alma Bosman 63;
Ross Abraham (absent). Primer —
Mabel Bosman and Olive Shiell (equal) ;
Jacek Nicholson; Russel Barnard—Alice
Aitken, Teacher.
Mrs, A. Coombs held her first recep-
tion in the village last Thursday. The
ladies turned out in full force and
spent a most enjoyable afternoon.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ooombs to
our midst.
Some of the visitors who have al-
ready arrived home to spend the holi-
days are Mies Bernice Shaw, King Mc-
Donald, Toronto ; James and Mre.
Scott, West Lorne ; Miss L. Messer,
London ; and Rev. J. Hutton, who
has spent the Summer on a mission
field iu Northern Ontario.
A number from our burg attended
the Christmas Trees at Jamestown
and Browutown and report first-class
programa both nights. Some of the
young men had to abandon their oars
and leave them until the next day. It
Is nice to have a good natured clergy-
man to help out when the tin Lizzie
Special Announcement
To the public in general :
I ani now selling First-
class Bread for 9c per loaf,
Phone orders given" prompt
and careful attention.
W. J. Procter
40 Brussels
Presbyterians Take Notice !
The following arrangements in connection with the vote as
to whether or not Melville Church will enter the United Church of
Canada, were made at the congregational meeting, Monday afternoon,
December 22, 1924.
(1) The days and hours when the poll will be open:
Monday, Dec. 22156, after tate completion of business and until 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 23rd, from ?.3o p.m to 8.30 p.m.,
Wednesday, Dec. 24th, from 2,301 p.m1. to 3.30 p.mand from 7.30 p.
m. to 8.30p.m.
Saturday, Dee. 27th, from 2.30 p.m, to 3.30 p.m. and from 7.30 p.m.
to 8.30. p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 3tst, from 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 pats.
Saturday, January 3rd, from 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. and from 7,30 p.m.
to 8.30 p.m.
Tuesday, January 6th, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
The Poll will close at 2 13,M., January 6th and The ballots will
be counted,
(2) The 'place of the Poll—The thole room of Melville Church.
Those entitled to
Only members of
Melville Church on the
Communion Roll, July
190, 1024. .Adhet.eats -
Noe no vote.
(3) The form of the ballot:
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Are yon in favor of Chia Onngfegation
entering the Union of the Presbyterian
Ohm ch in Oaunda The Methodist
C h u e c h and the Congregational
Churches ?
The Minister r0-.
questa every member to
mon-cies his oe her feats-
P. A. MoARTHU1t,
Poll Clerk,
N, l3. --'.Che Voter should mark an X op-
posite the answer he or she wishes to
give to the question submitted,
The Christmas entertainment of S.
S. No. 10, Morris, trained by the teach-
er, Mise Margaret Brown, was held in
Victoria Hall here, on Dec. 18th, and
was a splendid success. Hall was nice-
ly decorated, an evergreen arch in
place of the usual tree being very
pretty. There was a large auttience
and J. King, M. P., was chairman of
an exeelientprogramme, consisting of
Dialogues, Recitations, vocal and in-
strumental music, &s. The Darkey
Orchestra gave excellent music and
were brought back again and again.
After the program Santa Claus distri-
buted many gifts. If you want to
bear or see anything good come to
Jamestown. Teacher and those tak-
ing part in the eutettaiument are to
be congratulated,
Mrs. John Rea was laid up with
pleurisy but has quite recovered, we
are glad to state.
Mrs. A. R. Small, Stratford, was bere
on a vie't on account of her mother's
Illness from pleurisy.
.Miss Marjory Reid and Miss Olive
Bolger, Stratford Normal, are home
for the Christmas holidays.
Mre. Cunningham attended the fun-
eral of her mother, Mrs. George Nott,
at Clinton, Thursday of last week.
13y a fall down stairs Enoch Clark
broke the small bone in one of his
lege. We hope he will soon be o. k.
A dance Is on the program in the A.
O. II. W. Hall for Wednesday night
of next week. Paul Batt's Orchestra,
Stratford, will supply the music.
Robert Young, Loudesboro' who re-
cently busied his wife, has given up
housekeeping and come to live with his
daughter, Mrs, J. Campbell, near
We are interested in B municipal
elections, as Walton bas to do with
Grey, Morris and MoKillop townships,
Nominations ill a made next Mon-
day. By the talk one might prophesy
aeclamatious, but you never can tell.
The St. Marys Journal said last,
week ; Ous of the most conscientious,'
obliging and painstaking' men who
have ever represented South Perth in
the Provincial Legislature is the pres-
ent member, Mc0auebtnd Irvine.
Entertainment of Union S. S. No, 12
and No. 2, Grey, Friday afternoon 18th
fest, was held in the farmer school.
Program consisted of musical and lit-
erary numbers with a .Christmas Tree
and lunch Santa Claus was on hand
and a good time was enjoyed.
D10ATa OF hin6. ldx0, PlotrT.—The
Heath took place at her home 00 Ont-
a;reel, Clinton, on Monday night,
16th lust, of Mrs George Nett, who
nail been ailing for several months.
Deceased lady, whose maiden name
was Polly Fisher, was born in Col
barite township and went as a bride
to Tuoket•emith, where she lived with
her husband until about 20 years ago,'
,when they left the farm and moved
into Clinton to reside. Ide. Nott died
in 1910. Mrs, Nott was in her 81st
year but elle was active and smart up
to a few months ago, doing her own
work and managing her own affairs,
She was a true mother and was repaid
by the loyalty and affection of hes
children, who were devoted to her,
One daughter came home about 0
weeke ago from Macklin,. Sask, to be
with her and those who were near
enough were with her as much ae
possible, her only son scarcely leaving
her bedside for several days before
Car of Nut Coal to hand
and a. car of Stove Coal
J. J H. Fear
Phone 2214 ETHEL
The Friendly Church
Which is the Church of Good Cheer
Special New Years Popular Ser-
vice on Sunday next- 2.80 at
Union and 7 o'clock at Ethel
Methodist Church.
Doors open 0 BO nt Ethel. Our bent Beate
ere'oone lay 0 41.
Subject of sermon :
"I did so much for thee,
What hnet thou done for me. 5"
Let this sentence ohailenge you —Find
one soul for the ()burgh between Naw
Years and Easter. You mny change the
entire outlook of o human life by a wine-
17 chosen word at the right time.
The Pastor wishes all the com-
munity a Happy' Christmas and
a Prosperous New Year.
bhe end came. Her family consists of
one son : G. W. Nott, Huron Road,
Tuokerawith ; hire. Cunningham,
Walton ; Mrs. Lewis Crich, Huron
Road ;Mrs: Townsend, Macklin; Sask, ;
Mre. N. P. Crich, Vancouver, B. O. ;
Mrs. J. E. Johnston," Teuton, Man.
She had 17 grandchildren and 20 great-
grandchildren. Mrs, Nott was a
Methodist, being a member of Turner's
church while in Tuckersrnith and of
Ontario street church, Clinton. The
funeral took place Thursday after-
noon from Ontario street church. In-
terment was made iu Clinton cem-
A St. Marys' note refers to a gentle-
man well known iq this community :
—Maeausland Irvine, M. P. P., while
attempting to ascend the Queen Street
West hill, St. Marys, during the ice
storm, failed to make the grade, his
car began to slip back after reaching
the Registry office corner and after
sliding some distance one wheel
struck the curb, broke off and the car
continued on its way down the hill
withoubdoing further damage.
School holidays are hese,
Mies Jessie Menzies is home from
Toronto for the Christmas vacation.
The young folk attending the Agri-
cultural Short Course at Brussels
think it is fine.
.Rev. Mr. Perrin, Hamilton, is ex-
pected to 'preach here next Sunday
Friends of W. E. Binning are urging
him to enter the Mayoralty contest.
J. C. Hay .has already announced him-
self as a candidate for the office.
Should Mr. Binning run against Mr.
Hay it, isdoubtful if any other Ontario
town will have two men over the three-
score years and ten vigorous enough
physically and mentally to undertake
Bothmen are
- public service.
pioneer citizens and have been pro-
minent figures 111 the life of the town
for over' half a century. That Mr.
Binning si seriously considering' enter-
ing the contest is shown by the fact
that he hors resigned his office under
the Council. For the Reeveship, Reeve.
A. Ringler and Councillor Harry Mal-
oney have announced themselves as
candidates. Two of this year's Coun-
cil have announced that they will not
be candidates .again, J. C. McDonald
and A. G, Alexander. Several possible
candidates are mentioned, but nothing
definite can rbe-learned regarding their
Intentions, but it looks as if next
year's Council will contain many new
feces. ' There are over 1.300 possible
Votes in Listowel for municipal pur-
Jno. Munro is spending a few week3
In Toronto.
Ernest and Mrs. Dobbs, have gohe to
Arthur, to spend several weeks.
Skating rink was opened Saturday
evening with a good attendance.
Following Village Council was elect-
ed by. acclamation: --A. J. Sanderson;
Alex. Wright, E. Dobbs and G. David-
Win, Cornwall, )r., Page'sCrosstng
called on friends in the village
Thos. Gibson has 'purchased W. H.
Sanderson's bush farm in Howlck and
will have the timber taken out this
WiTeachers A. Morrison, St. Gather-
inns; Misses B. Howe, Leamington and
E. Hupfer, Sudbury, are home for the
Christmas vacation,
ation, C
A Ottrisefns Tree and social1 evening
was held in the Methodist School room
Thursday Scholars of the Presbyterian
Sunday School also enjoyed a similar
evening on Tuesday;
A Miscellaneous Shower for Allan
and Mrs. McKercher, nee Rhoda Henn -
Ing, was held on Tuesday evening at
,the home of the former's parents, Alex.`
and Mrs. McKercher, Howick,
Mrs, John Gibson, celebrated her
95th birthday on Sunday, Hearty
congratulatlons'are extended by a wide
circle of old friends with many good
wishes for days to come. Very few
attain to so royal an age,
Th4 Dsctnllbar relettee of the WO-
Pope's institute,
Tuesday, had
commencing at 3 o'clock sharp. A
paper on "Holiday Customs" will be
given by Mrs P S, McEwen There
will be Christmas music, and the Roll
Call "Holiday Ballads." Members are
requested to Cleave their presents for
the Tree with Mrs, Pope by Saturday
Dec, 27t11, An enjoyable afternoon is
anticipated and a full attendance is
asked far..
The death of Wm, Ferguson, an
old resident of Howiek Township,
book place last week in Belmore, fol-
lowing a long Illness, in bis 84th year.
He is survived by a widow,
Mrs. F. Sturdy was the hostess al
the December meeting of the Women's
Institute, over which Mrs. D. Geddes
presided. Roll Call was answered by
many splendid recipes :for home-made
candy. Programme took the form of
a Spelling Match, captained by Misses
Maude Bell and Nora VanCamp, Miss
Nora's side wlnning the victory. A
Ple Social was arranged for to be held
on fdb, 13th. Committee was instruct-
ed to send flowers to the Shut-ins of
the Community. Luneh was served by
the hostess and a pleasant hour spent.
Municipal affairs are very quiet.
Some say there will be acclamation on
the 29th.
The Pastor wts'hes the entire com-
munity a Happy Christmas and a
prosperous New Year.
Logan Township Council threatens
law on Grey municipality unless a
claim for monies due is squared off.
Township Nomination uext Monday
at Ethel at the noon hour. There
will likely be a good attendance.
The Union Church is having its
Xmas Tree and entertainment on the
23rd, and this will be reported next
Grey Township 100 acre farm will
be offered for sale, by Public Auction,
at the American otel, Brussels, Satur-
day afternoon of this week. See the
legal advt. in this issue.
The Minister, who has purchased
Teasedale 13lhitfield's horse and outfit,
desire to thank the members of the
'Orchestra at Union Methodist church
for their splendid Xmas present of a
quantity of oats which will last him
until Spring,
The slides on "How we got our
Bible" were ,posbponed at Roe's church
last Sunday morning on account of
the 'heavy :roads. They will be shown
on Sunday next. At Union Methodist
Church, there will be a special New
Year's service at which the Pastor will
recite with .guitar accompaniment.
Union School gave a Christmas Tree
and +entertainment on Tuesday last.
The school was flied to capacity by an
appreciative audience. Miss -Irene
Kreuter merited the success she won
on account of the unique program
presented .by the children under her
charge. At the close, boxes were
auctioned off and hot coffee served.
The proceeds went towards the pur-
chase of a new piano -organ for the
school, and the Trustees were well
pleased with tihe results.
No. 6 School, under the control of
Miss Rhea McLelland, gave an unusual
Christmas entertainment on Monday
evening last to an overcrowded audi-
ence, despite the stone which was rag-
ing outside. Principal feature of the
evening was the play entitled "Xmas
with the Stebbins„ Superlatives of
praise should be given for the splendid
acting on the part
tho youngsters.
There igreat talent 1s, int at No, 6 and the
teacher knows how to bring it out. Mr.
White was the chairman of ,the even-
Municipal Nomination in the Town-
ship Hall here next Monday, from 12
Next Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Perrin, Ham-
ilton, will occupy the Presbyterian
pulpit at Et'hei.
There was uo preaching service in
the Presbyterian church last Sunday on
account of the storm on Saturday. The
minister did not .come.
We welcome Home the boys and
girls for the Christmastide and hope
those who came and those who have
gone will have a good time,
Next Monday evening "Marley's
Ghost," illustrated, will be presented
in the Methodist church at 8 o'clock,
by Rev. Harold White. All will be
—Following is the report of Whet
Public Scheel, for the present tern.
Names marked with an asterisk (")
folioed one or more examinations,
Fifth Clens.—Oloyue Michel, 65 ;
Norman Davidson, 63 ; Glen Snkmioi',
620; Beryl Gill, 626 Sertici Fourth,.
—Goldwyn Thompson, 68 75" ;' Uam-
eron Kress, 08 7.; Harold Vodden,
65 ; Dorothy Fear, 08* ; Roxy Row-
land, 62. Junior Fourth.—Evelyn
Hayden, 77'; L run Vodden, 69'";
Dnris Gill, 05.11' ; Wesley McNeil, 65 5" ;
Blanche Rowland, 6S; Jack Sanders,
61. Senior Third.—Jean Sanders 65.7;
Muriel Michel, 652; Albert Krauter,
Jr. III,—Oa iu Krauter,
Florence Hayden,
70 ,• lvdmnnd Hu78 phet y, 60, Sr. IL
GordonSleightholn,81 ; Jim McNeil,
77 ; Kenneth Kreuter '70 ; Tom Sand-
ers, 60 ; Velma Hamilton, 67. Jr. II,
—dare Michel, 78 ; Stuart Moinnee,
77 ; LeeAllari 1Vardlit e. 70 ; Orrna
idol, 61. Jr, I-1 6ith Kreuter, 81
Stoat Henry, 78 • Charlie Plaskett,
68; Lorne Deejardlne, 67 ; Alex, itile-
Neil, 00; Nelson Sleightlaolm, 61;
Primer. '--lb repent --Bryan Antes,
Kathleen Bell, Good—Gordan Plank
est, Fair—Marjorie Brown.
Braxton MOKEE, Asa't,
Christmas Day and friday
Go -
Admission 3$c and 25c.
Saturday and Monday Ev'gs
Deo. 27 and 29
Public School gave a'splendid Con-
cert on Friday last. Mr. Risby, the
Principal, and Miss McKee, are to be
congratulated. It must' have taken
great patience and hard work to get up
an entertainment like that. The con -
census of opinion was "That's the best.
The Woman's Institute have rented
the building known as the Butcher shop
in the Vodden block for an institute
room, where they will holdtheir
meetings and social itimes. They have
their piano there and should enjoy
good times. Public Library will also
be moved to the same building in the
course of a week.
The Bazaar, which was held Wednes-
day afternoon' of last week by the Wo-
man's institute, was a grand success.
Weather was favorable and the crowd
large. There was a. splendid display
of fancy work, candy, baking, etc., and
all sold well. The dainty lunch tables
were, well patronized. Mrs. Wilbee
kept the music going lively during the
afternoon. The Woman's institute wish
to thank all those who helped to Crake
the Bazaar a success either by dona-
tions or othealwise.
We are pleased to hear that S. S.
Cole, formerly a well known resident,
Who was so seriously, injueed
months ago, got home to Stratford last
week. He is able to get about on
crutches and had only been out of
Fort William Hospital 2 weeks. The
wound is not healed up yet. He is
having an X-aay examination at Strat-
ford hospital. Mr. Cole appreciated
the kindly attention of the L. 0. L.
and 1. 0. 0. F. at Fort William. Old
friends here hope he will soon be able
to get about as of yore.
In spite of the inclemency of the
weather, the Methodist church was
filled all but for two seats in front, last
Sunday. The large congregation en-
joyed the singing of old fashioned
Xmas carols into which they entered
most heartily. Some numbers could
not be given on account of the bad
roads having hindered some of the
members of the mixed quartette, but
this is reserved for Sundayevening
next. There is to be a special New
Year's service. The Pastor will recite
' L'En•voi" with guitar ,accompanianaent,
and the subject of the sermon will he
tete old Scotch phrase "Forget It".
Of course you will attend the Mun-
icipal Nomination in the Township
Hall next Monday.
Miss LillianMcArter, who is teaching.
near Orillia, is home for the holiday
'looking as if her post of duty agreed.
well with her.
Mail ]route No, 4, served from Brus-
sels, is now In charge of Norman
Shiels, Courter Denman, who is the
contractor for Noe, 4 and 5, looks after
both when he can make the trips by
motor, and is now attending to No. 5,
Mrs. James el, Martin, Clinton,
announces the engagement of her
daughter, Annie Nl., to George Ool-
°lough, son of Joseph ant Mrs. 001-
elough, tioderich 1owi chip, the
inarriege.to take place early in the
New Year, The Mattfn family were
former residents of this township,
Mrs. Martin being a daughter of the
late John Mason, 4th line.
Once again the Christmas season
has rolled around and School Section
No. 5, Morris, has again excelled itself
In song, music and story, Miss Wheat-
ley, their teacher, had taken great
pains in training the children and they
all did credit to themselves and their
teacher. R. Procter, Secretary of the
School Section, acted as' Chadrman In
fine style, and called on the :following
numbers: --Speech by the Chairman;
solo by Francis Jackson; recitation,
Roth Noble; music by
chsstra• recitation Le
Highland Fling by Francis Jackson,
Geo. Michie and Erniline Nicholson;
speech by F. Marten; recitation, Hy.
Jackson; music by John Bell; recitation
"Ohristmas Advice', Garner Nicholson;
music by JackSon Orchestra; Dialogue,
Farlti for sale" ;music,' John Bali; reci-
tation, Geo. Michie• Pantssntine "Holy
Night" assisted by Miss Nellie Ander.
son; speech. by James Michie; reeitatian.
by-Emiline'Nicholson; music by Jack-
son Orchestra; chorus, "Santa Claus is
Corning,' Santa Claus arrived late in
the afternoon and distributed gifts front
a nicely decorated tree, very much to
Ohl amusement 01 the tthikkeh. The
ladies present provided a treat O1'home
made candy« National Anthem brought
the ipleasant afternoon to a close.
tt People We Talk Abouts
Miss• 'Pearl ]faster, Toronto, Is here
for the vacation,
Thos. ,Armstrong is home from Tor.
onto for the holiday,
Give Taea Posr a list your visitors
and their addresses.
G, C. and Mrs, Mannersof X11 llldry
with relatives in Detroit.
Brussels wilco] teachers are holiday.
ingaArcher t tlieirGrewor respectiisveboas froherpes,m
at Woodstock for the vacation, College
Stanley Hall is home from Varsity for
a short visit with relatives and friends,
Miss Carrie McCracken, wbo is tench -
Mg iu the Queen City, is home for the
holiday week.
Miss May Skelton is home from school
at Wiarton for her Christmas turkey
and plum pudding.
Rev. 0. F. Clarke and family are
spendingativesChristmas with London rel-
C M. Chowan, S.ation Agent at C.
N R Kincardine, recently of Brussels,
is having his holidays.
Miss Bertha F. Moore, nurse, Belle-
ville, is a visitor with her sister, Mrs.
(Rev.) McLeod, Melville Manse.
4're are achy to stale thatJas. Rolls,
WAlium street, is not enjoying very
robust health but we hope he will soon
Miss Mildred Maunders is enjoying a
holiday under the home roof tree, corn-
er Albert and William streets, She has
been in Tot cuto.
We are sorry to report the serious
illness of Miss Dondlda Thomson. Her
many friends hope a turn for the better
will soon come.
A v,ettor from the Nortblane is herd
this week in, the person of George
Buchanan, wbo is ou the teaching staff
of the Haleybury High School.
G. M. Chambers, a well known res-
ident of Blyth, lent the Misses Hunter a
friendly hand in the Variety Store dur-
ng the Cbristmas rush, He is an old
Dr. Fred. and Mrs. Gilpin, Chicago,
are Christmas visitors web J. J. and
Mrs. Gilpin, the former's parents,
Church street. They arrived last Mon-
1. T. and Mrs. Mason, Merlib, are
holiday visitors with A. and Mrs. Mc-
Guire, William street. Mrs, Mason isa
daughter well remembered as Miss Win -
me of maiden days,
Nelson Hoist has taken a position
with George Greensides, baker, At-
wood, and commenced work. He suc-
ceeded Garfield Jamieson, wbo has
secured a similar position in St. Cath -
Oh Chimes
Make the Sunday School a, real force
in your community.
Next Sabbath wilt be the closing Sun-
day of 1924. It would be a Erne time to
get started for tees.
"Behold I bring you Good Tidings of
Great Joy" was the Angels' message on
Christmas„moro long ago. It's a glad
story still.
Brtisselites subscribed the important
suis of $85 ooto the Bible Society funds
this year, The collectors and the sub-
scribers are to be congiatulated.on their
,veil sustaivad record.
Rev. Mr. Robtnsou, Leamington, has
accepted an invitation from Winghatn
Methodist church to become their past-
or for the incoming pastorate, subject to
the Stationing Committee. - Rev. Mr.
Cra • the resent pastor,has been in-
vited to Devine street chuch Sarnia.
Rev, Mr. McCsmmus, London, has
been supplying Kincardine Methodist
pulpit. the pastor, Rev. Mr. Barker,
has not been taking Ms work since the
demise of Mrs, Barker, a month ago,
He will resume after the New Year,
Rev. Mr. Clarke took as his topic last
Sabbath morning in the Methodist
ohm ch,"The Nativity" and in the even -
tog •'Achsali's Dovey", Joshua 35-19.
The large cboir rendered Christmas
music at both services and did it well,
stngtng ;'The Hallelujah Chorus" after
the evening sermon. ' Pastor's themes
were most appropriate and presented.
with good effect.
Sabbath morning last Rev. Mr. Mc-
Leod preached, from "The Mission of
Christ" and in the evening
the topic was "Carrying the Christ-
mas spirit throughout the year." Ser-
mons were practical and delivered with
earnestness. Choir gave a program of
very Bee Christmas music,
In Melville church next Sunday morn-
ing Rev. J. P. McLeod's subject will be
"T'he Doctrines of the Basis of Union
and The.'Confession Of Faith; a cont-
parlson and a contrast" At' the even-
ing service the pastor will deal wink'
"Presbyterian and United Churili
polity. Mr. McLeod respectfully re -
guests all members and adherents to
attend these services.."
Mini,Tatler. J camas —A jubilee sat -
vire to celebrate the completion by Reit.
1.) Rogers of fifty years to the ministry,
will be heidin First Methodist Church;
St. Thomas, on January II, Mr. Rog-
ers has had a successful ministry; was
President of London Conference in 4o6,
and is in the enjoyment of good health
still, Brusselsva s a -
i e o[ his is earl
charges, when a probationer,beinutrees
iu 1879. Atterward be was statloed
Bluevale, Atwood, Fordwich, Loudes-
bore' and Sesforth its this locality and
kept well iu touch With his former
parishioneers in the passing years,
Many of the friends of former days on
these respective fields of labor will re-
member with gratitude the splendid
work done by Rev, Mr. Rogers and '
will join heartily to the good wishes
accorded as he enjoys this Jubilee,
TUE fast 4 year old mare, esu Grant-
on, l,as been purchased by 0. Trench,
Teeswater„ price said to be >bra,oeoi